

    Explore " sfo" with insightful episodes like "SFO-Sofie i skammekrogen", "061 Squad Five-O - What I Believe", "Episode 48: The Engineer Who Created A Bot To Get Airport Appointments", "Växtskyddspodden E39 – efter två års paus var äntligen Borgeby Fältdagar tillbaka! Och vilket fest det blev! Solen sken och folk strålade. Robert Racz fångade några av de besökare och utställare som deltog, i ett avsnitt vi kallar «Röster från Borgeby»" and "CXChronicles Podcast Episode 104 with Michael Loban, Chief Growth Officer at InfoTrust" from podcasts like ""Samtaler fra skammekrogen", "Your Music Saved Us", "The People Podcast", "Växtskyddspodden" and "CXChronicles Podcast"" and more!

    Episodes (15)

    SFO-Sofie i skammekrogen

    SFO-Sofie i skammekrogen

    Vi skal sparke opad!

    SFO-Sofie startede som en ventil, der satte ord på de arbejdsvilkår, der opstod for skolepædagoger i skolereformens malstrøm.

    Sofie og hendes kolleger stod pludseligt med nogle helt nye opgaver og roller, som de ikke var uddannet til, og skulle agere i alt dette. 

    Mange pædagoger forlod skoleområdet, enten fordi de fandt andre områder at arbejde i, nogle fik stress, og måtte forlade arbejdsmarkedet helt. Blandt årsagerne var, at mange ikke følte, at de kunne gøre deres arbejde godt nok.

    SFO Sofie strikkede sig en stor fed nej-hat, og uddelte flyvespark til ledere, forvaltninger og politikere, der kom med mange nye "spændende" tiltag. 
    For hendes mission var at passe på børnene, deres forældre og sine kolleger.

    Nye rammer, stram tidsstyring, ledelseslag der er meget langt fra de mennesker de sætter regler for, test og dokumentationskrav er en del af de ting, som SFO-Sofies spark er genstand for, og hun fortæller her om, hvordan hun oplever skam over ikke at slå til, og skulle udføre opgaver, der ikke er i børnenes interesse.
    Vi finder frem til, at noget af den skam hun bærer rundt på, viser at hun har et fintunet moralsk kompas.

    Hun pointerer vigtigheden af, at vi ikke må sætte professionelle i det pres, at de ved, hvad der er det rigtige at gøre fagligt, uden at de har mulighed for at følge det til dørs.

    SFO-Sofie ønsker sig ulydige ledere, der sorterer i oppefra kommende krav, så de sætter børnene først, dernæst personalet og så forældrene.

    Udover cirkelspark til alt det der presser personalet , uddeler SFO-Sofie varme kram til gode ledere, kolleger i skolefællesskaberne og så er der en kæmpe kærlighed til dem, SFO-Sofie arbejder for: Børnene og deres familier. 

    Så længe I har SFO-Sofie og hendes ligesindede, er der nogen der passer på jeres børn.

    Lyt til denne hyldest til pædagogerne.

    Vært, Ann-Helene Maack
    Tilrettelagt og produceret af Ann-Helene Maack
    Du finder Ann-Helene på https://annhelenemaack.dk/

    Tribute/ Musik: SoulProdMusic/ Creepy Note - Pixabay

    Vil du med i Skammekrogen?
    Send en mail til annhelene@dialogomskamogstress.dk

    061 Squad Five-O - What I Believe

    Episode 48: The Engineer Who Created A Bot To Get Airport Appointments

    Episode 48: The Engineer Who Created A Bot To Get Airport Appointments

    Oliver Song is the creative genius behind the amazing SFO Global Entry Bot.

    In Episode 48, Oliver talks about...

    - earning patents as a high schooler
    - why the state of New Jersey subpoenaed him as an MIT student
    - creating the SFO Global Entry Bot
    ...and much, much more!

    Check out Oliver on Twitter @olvr_s and read some of his musings at oliverlearnsthings.substack.com

    WEBSITE: www.PeoplePodcasting.com
    INSTAGRAM: www.instagram.com/peoplepodcasting

    Växtskyddspodden E39 – efter två års paus var äntligen Borgeby Fältdagar tillbaka! Och vilket fest det blev! Solen sken och folk strålade. Robert Racz fångade några av de besökare och utställare som deltog, i ett avsnitt vi kallar «Röster från Borgeby»

    Växtskyddspodden E39 – efter två års paus var äntligen Borgeby Fältdagar tillbaka!  Och vilket fest det blev!  Solen sken och folk strålade.  Robert Racz fångade några av de besökare och utställare som deltog, i ett avsnitt vi kallar «Röster från Borgeby»

    Växtskyddspodden E39 – efter två års paus var äntligen Borgeby Fältdagar tillbaka!  Och vilket fest det blev!  Solen sken och folk strålade.  Robert Racz fångade några av de besökare och utställare som deltog, i ett avsnitt vi kallar «Röster från Borgeby».  Mats Jönsson Swedish Agro, Albin Gunnarson SFO, Hans Alvemar SOYL, Paul Leteus HIR Skåne, Desirée Börjesdotter NBR och Miriam Suhren Trinamix pratade med Robert om vad som var nytt 2022, odlingsåret som gått, hur framtiden ser ut, hållbarhet, spannmålspriser m.m.  

    CXChronicles Podcast Episode 104 with Michael Loban, Chief Growth Officer at InfoTrust

    CXChronicles Podcast Episode 104 with Michael Loban, Chief Growth Officer at InfoTrust

    In Episode #104 of The CXChronicles Podcast we welcome Michael Loban, Chief Growth Officer at InfoTrust based out of Cincinnati, OH. 

    Michael is the Co-Founder and Chief Growth Officer of InfoTrust, a premier digital analytics consulting and technology company. They work with global brands to optimize the collection, management, and understanding of their digital marketing data. Michael and his team are passionately dedicated to helping companies make better decisions through data.

    Tune into this episode to listen and learn from Adrian/Michael as they talk through a number of different ways to leverage data within your business, customer base and your team.  Michael shares with the CXNation how InfoTrust has built their company and brand by focusing on The Four CX Pillars; Team, Tools, Process and Feedback. 

    Huge thanks to Michael for coming on The CXChronicles Podcast and sharing his story with us! 

    And be sure to check out the CXC website for other updates on new podcasts and CX content to improve your business through the power of customer experience!

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    Remember To Make Happiness A Habit!!

    CXChronicles Podcast Episode 94 with Brandon Rosipko, Director of CX Transformation at Alorica

    CXChronicles Podcast Episode 94 with Brandon Rosipko, Director of CX Transformation at Alorica

    In Episode #94 of The CXChronicles Podcast we welcomed Brandon Rosipko, Director of Customer Experience Transformation at Alorica. 

    Alorica provides a host of world class services, including logistics and fulfillment. Brandon and his team are proud to passionately serve clients across a plethora of industries including — automotive, financial services, healthcare, retail and tech companies, many in the Fortune 1000. 

    Alorica calls the OC home, headquartered in Irvine, CA, with more than 100,000 employees in 100 locations across the globe.

    Brandon chats with Adrian about The Four CX Pillars; Team, Tools, Process and Feedback and how he and the CX and Marketing team at Alorica work with their customers each and every day to grow and scale their business. 

    Feel free to reach out to CXC if you have questions about Alorica or the awesome things that Brandon's team is working on today!

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    Remember To Make Happiness A Habit!!

    #33: Er SFO´en en børnekennel eller demokratiets arnested?

    #33: Er SFO´en en børnekennel eller demokratiets arnested?
    Godt 90 % af alle danske børn tilmeldes SFO eller fritidshjem, når de starter i 0. klasse. Det lader altså til at være et populært og attraktivt tilbud for danske børnefamilier, men hvad får børn egentlig ud af komme i fritidstilbud? Det er temaet for dagens udsendelse, hvor vi har besøg af fritidspædagog Iben Skovgaard Tagensbo skoles fritidsinstitution (KKFO) og lektor Lisbeth Madsen fra Københavns Professionshøjskole. I episoden taler vi blandt andet om, hvad der kendetegner et godt fritidstilbud, hvad fritidstilbuddene kan og hvad der er fritidspædagogens kernefaglighed. Hvordan kan fritidsinstitutionerne fremme trivsel, dannelse og fællesskaber – og er det noget særligt, eller kan det foregå i alle slags fritidsaktiviteter eller derhjemme?

    The Duratus Mind - Andy Halliday Former Met SFO and Team GB coach

    The Duratus Mind - Andy Halliday Former Met SFO and Team GB coach

    Andy Halliday spent over 30 years working in the police and for the vast majority of that time was serving as a Specialist Firearms Officer (SFO) for the Metropolitan Police.  Experienced through thousands of criminal and Counter Terrorist operations as an SFO as well as an elite sport coach, he has a deep understanding of how individuals and teams function and learn. 

    Andy was involved in a number of high profile events. None more so than in 2005 being  a member of the team who entered Stockwell Tube station in London where a Brazilian national, Jean Charles de Menezes, was fatally wounded.  

    Andy and Gaz talk about taking opportunities, growth mindset, stress reframing, learning from mistakes and also the Jean Charles de Menezes events.  

    This is a fascinating conversation with a man who has experienced, reflected and learned from a lot!

    CXChronicles Podcast Episode 55 -- CXWeekly Update 10 Ways to Boost Customer Empathy Skills

    CXChronicles Podcast Episode 55 -- CXWeekly Update 10 Ways to Boost Customer Empathy Skills

    In this episode of the CXChronicles Podcast, Adrian talks about 10 ways you can boost the customer empathy skills within your customer facing teams. 

    Developing strong customer interaction skills and service recovery skills is going to be a huge part of growing your business or startup into the future. 

    Listen to this episode to get some ideas for how you can improve this area within your team today!

    Check us out at www.CXChronicles.com today! 

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    Remember To Make Happiness A Habit!!

    CXChronicles Podcast Episode 51 -- CXWeekly Update Key Positions on Your CX Team!

    CXChronicles Podcast Episode 51 -- CXWeekly Update Key Positions on Your CX Team!

    In this episode we talk about some of the key positions for you to have on your company's CX (customer experience) or customer service team. We know that every business is different but in this CXWeekly update we give you tips and ideas for what positions you should consider having inside of your company or startup CX team. These roles will help to ensure that you have the focus you need across your customer experience, customer service or customer success teams! 

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    Remember To Make Happiness A Habit!!

    CXChronicles Podcast Episode 50 -- CXWeekly Why Customer Surveys are Critical For Your Business!

    CXChronicles Podcast Episode 50 -- CXWeekly Why Customer Surveys are Critical For Your Business!

    In this episode of the CXChronicles Podcast Adrian chats with the CXNation about why it is critical to conduct regular customer satisfaction or CSAT surveys inside of your business. Customer feedback is key to understanding your customers wants, needs and trigger points. Also CSAT, NPS, eNPS scores all give you tons of valuable information for improving your business through the power of customer experience today! Listen to this updated CXWeekly update to get a bunch of free advice on why you need to start collecting this information ASAP to make more money!!!

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    CXChronicles Podcast Episode 49 -- CXWeekly Update Tips for Customer Retention!

    CXChronicles Podcast Episode 49 -- CXWeekly Update Tips for Customer Retention!

    In this episode of the CXChronicles Podcast we talk about 8 different ways that you can increase your company's focus on customer retention and churn mitigation. The more you can reduce churn -- the better your business becomes its as simple as that. Repeat customers are everything -- listen to this episode to learn how you can improve your business through the power of customer experience today! 

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    CXChronicles Podcast Episode 47 -- CXWeekly Update How to Create a CX Culture Within Your Company

    CXChronicles Podcast Episode 47 -- CXWeekly Update How to Create a CX Culture Within Your Company

    In this CXWeekly update we discuss some tips and ideas for how you can create a CX-minded culture within your business or team. Adrian provides ideas for getting the right group of people together within your business to assemble a CX Champions focus group to deploy and share learnings and findings about how to better serve your customers! 

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    CXChronicles Podcast Episode 46 -- CXWeekly Update Tips for Improving Your Employee Experience

    CXChronicles Podcast Episode 46 -- CXWeekly Update Tips for Improving Your Employee Experience

    In this episode Adrian speaks with the CXNation about tips for improving your company's employee experience in 2019. Successful employee experience goes hand in hand with world class customer experience and customer service success. Roughly 53% of companies polled said they invested in employee experience along with their customer experience during 2018 business activities. Listen to this episode to get some ideas for ways that you can think about collecting and using employee feedback to better lead, manage and grow your customer experience or customer service team this year! 

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    Remember To Make Happiness A Habit!!

    CXChronicles Podcast Episode 35 -- with Shep Hyken, New York Time's Best Selling Author

    CXChronicles Podcast Episode 35 -- with Shep Hyken, New York Time's Best Selling Author
    Today we chat with Shep Hyken -- a world renown speaker and author on the topic of customer experience, service and client management. Shep has traveled the world speaking with crowds about customers and helping companies get a better handle on their service efforts. Shep joins the CXNation today to tell his story and give us tips and advice for growing our business through the power of customer experience! Support the show

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