

    Explore "shortcast" with insightful episodes like "Berlins Kampf gegen den Müll", "Lea Streisand - Meine erste Reise (2)", "פרק 3 | שורטקאסט - משמעות המילה באג", "Trailer: Wie alles vor 2 Jahren mit wepodit begann?" and "A Special Message From Founder Alex VanHouten" from podcasts like ""Erklär's mir - Der Shortcast der Berliner Morgenpost", "Wir. Der Mutmach-Podcast von FUNKE", "TestIL Podcast", "wepodit Podcast - das Podcast Business verstehen" and "Better Daily Podcast"" and more!

    Episodes (96)

    Lea Streisand - Meine erste Reise (2)

    Lea Streisand - Meine erste Reise (2)
    Doors, Beatles, Marihuana satt, aber Rainald Grebes Reisetipp mißachtet: "Nimm dir Essen mit, wir fahr´n nach Brandenburg!“ Die Berliner Schriftstellerin Lea Streisand über einen Sommer als Neo-Hippie am Gudelacksee, von der Gegenwart überfordert, aber mit dem schönsten Gitarristen Pankows im Gepäck. Meine erste Reise - das ist das Sommerspezial des Mutmachpodcasts von Funke. Kurz, aber täglich berichten Prominente vom ersten Mal ganz allein unterwegs, von Liebe, Drama, Affären, Verhaftungen, und chronisch leeren Portemonnaies. Mit dabei: Micky Beisenherz, Dunja Hayali, Justizminister Marco Buschmann, SPD-Chefin Saskia Esken, BDI-Chef Siegfried Rußwurm, Verlegerin Julia Becker, ARD-Grande Thomas Baumann, Klimaaktivistin Louisa Neubauer, Quatschmacher Jörg Kalkofe, MdB Marie-Agnes Strack-Zimmermann, Moderator Jörg Thadeusz, Autorin. Anja Goerz, Influencerin Lou Dellert, Zukunftsforscher Tristan Horx, Schriftstellerin Anne Rabe, Comedian Tony Bauer, Schriftsteller Ingo Schulze, Twitter-Gigantin Marie von den Behnken, Liedermacher Rolf Zuckowski, Menschenrechtlerin Düzen Tekkal, Schriftstellerin Verena Hagedorn, Dr. Matthias Marquardt, Fotografin Anne Hufnagl, Staatsrechtler Professor Alexander Thiele, Scherzkeks Peter Wittkamp, Psychologin Anne Otto und viele mehr. Folge 599.

    פרק 3 | שורטקאסט - משמעות המילה באג

    פרק 3 | שורטקאסט - משמעות המילה באג

    ,השורטקאסט ידבר על המשמעות של המילה באג, איך קורה שהמילה שמתארת חרק מתייחסת לתקלת תוכנה

    ,נעבור במסע היסטורי של הדמות מהעבר של הצי האמריקאי שהמציאה את הכינוי עוד במאה הקודמת

    Presentation3 2023-07-09 at 10.55.49 AM.jpg

    .נדבר על החשיבות של ניהול באגים על ידי הבודקים ועל התרומה של מעקב ובדיקה של תקלות לאחר שנפתרו לשיפור איכותה של המערכת הנבדקת

    לעוד מידע, מוזמנים להכנס למגזין "עולם הבדיקות" גליון מס 26 ולקרוא על הנושא

    TestILPodcast@gmail.com :אם גם אתם מעוניינים להשתתף בפודקסטים, אנא צרו עימנו קשר במייל

    קישור לערוץ הפודקסט שלנו

    קישור לרשימת כל הפודקסטים שלנו


    A Special Message From Founder Alex VanHouten

    A Special Message From Founder Alex VanHouten
    Season 4 Of Better Daily Will Be The Best Season Yet!

    Upgrade to Premium with code "UPGRADE30" to save up to 40% off all-access to the Better Daily app and community!

    Here's How
    1. Click This Link ( https://betterdaily.disciplemedia.com/paywall )
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    4. Type Promo Code "UPGRADE30" all caps
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    7. Follow Your Emailed Instructions To Begin Getting The Most Out Of Your New Membership!

    *Checkout must be completed through web browser. While Apple and Google mobile apps do not currently honor 30% off coupon codes - once completed, your premium upgrade will give access in BOTH browser and mobile app!

    About Better Daily

    FREE: Get Better by association - surrounding yourself with other folks who are aiming up, achieving #my1percent, and want the same for you! Anyone can get Better, but no one can do it for you!

    PREMIUM: Unlock the full potential of your Better Daily subscription by getting your personal heath coaching questions answered, gaining access to premium resources like master's-level seminars, meal planning tools, workouts and more - AND support the continued growth of the Better Daily platform and community! Where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.

    Find out more at https://betterdaily.live

    Full Transcript:
    What's up Better Daily listeners - Alex VanHouten here, I hope you are doing super well.
    Here at The Betterment Co. we believe that anyone can be better, but that no one can do you BETTER for YOU.
    And while your personal 1% Better is possible, it's challenging to be consistent and overcome obstacles on your journey to improve in mind, body, and spirit.
    Since publishing my first episode on the Defining Dad Podcast and getting fired from my job of 8 years because of it, I've worked hard over the past several years to bring you resources and coaching that are accessible, actionable, and authentic -- I have always sought to cut through the garbage of the health and fitness industry by making scientific truths simple, life-transforming practices evident, and helping those who deeply desire to grow to do so despite the obstacles.
    Some of you have been with me since the beginning --investing as a coaching client, supporting my content via patreon or app membership, or participating in workshops and challenges while the Betterment Brand grew wider and deeper. In a capitalist society, every dollar spent is a vote to keep something around. And in the age of information, every like, listen, comment, share, and recommendation are the same.
    I am grateful for your support and hope you see that your investment has made a difference - not only in Better for you, but better for tens of thousands of my social media and podcast followers, hundreds of my clients and Better Daily community members, and more personally - my faithful wife, my rambunctious boys, and myself.
    In that spirit I am excited to tell you today to tell you about some major changes that will help us support and encourage on your journey toward Better.
    Change #1 - This podcast will become a weekly publication in 2023. That means instead of the 5 episode/week shortcast we will publish one episode per week going forward - those episodes will be mostly in the format of interviews with other experts! If you're going to miss our previous format, never fear! We've got you covered, which brings me to change #2.
    Change #2 - Daily Coaching content will still be available to all who want it. Our first 300 episodes of Better Daily will stay public which means that if you go back to episode 1 of Better Daily with any of your favorite podcasting platforms on a monday and you listen to the next episode on Tuesday and so on, you will have over a year of support -Mindset Monday, Nutrition Tip Tuesday, Wild Winsdays, Word Thursday, and Flex Friday - in your back pocket! How cool is that? "But wait a minute, Alex. What if I want to stay connected to daily coaching advice, have my personal questions answered by an expert, and stay up to date on the latest in Better Mind, Body, and Spirit practices?" GREAT QUESTION! That brings me to change #3!
    Change #3 - As of 2023, Better Daily Premium members will have exclusive and live access to all of my Daily Coaching Messages AND the opporunity to have their personal questions answered by an expert with 17 years of experience! You can save 30% on your subscription when you pay monthly or over 40% when you pay annually by using the discount code "UPGRADE30" at the browser paywall checkout. Note that Apple and Google apps do not honor the discount code so you WILL have to checkout via your web browser. Instructions and links are in the notes below if you have any trouble. That's "UPGRADE30" to save up to 40% off your Better Daily Premium subscription when you updgrade today!
    So as a recap, the Better Daily podcast will continue as a 1x/week publication featuring interviews with top leaders in all of the different areas of BETTER. The old daily shortcasts - all 300 episodes will still be available here for you to revisit as you need to best support your journey! And finally, new daily coaching messages are still available to Premium Members via the Better Daily Premium Subscription!
    2023 can be an amazing year for Better in your life. I hope you find this podcast a continually enriching and challenging resource and that you consider joining our amazing app community in Better Daily!
    This has been Alex VanHouten on The Better Daily Podcast.
    Remember, it's just 1%
    You got this!

    294 - FRIEND

    294 - FRIEND
    Word Thursday

    Coach Alex shares meditations on the word "FRIEND"

    AI Generated Podcast Caption (What is the hebrew etymology of the word friend and why is friendship important in self-improvement?):

    In Hebrew, the word for "friend" is "רֵעַ" (re'a). This word can be translated as "friend," "companion," or "neighbor."The word "רֵעַ" (re'a) comes from the root "רָעַע" (ra'a), which means "to associate with," "to be a friend to," or "to be a neighbor to." This root is used in a number of Hebrew words and phrases that relate to friendship, such as "רֵעֵה" (re'eh), which means "friendship," and "תַּרְעִיתָה" (tar'itah), which means "companionship."

    In Hebrew, the concept of friendship is highly valued, and friendships are often considered to be close, enduring relationships that are based on mutual respect, trust, and support. The word "רֵעַ" (re'a) is used to refer to a wide range of relationships, including close friends, colleagues, and neighbors.

    First, friendships can provide a sense of connection and support that can be important for emotional well-being. Having close, supportive friendships can help to reduce feelings of isolation and loneliness, and can provide a sense of belonging and community.

    Second, friendships can provide a source of encouragement and motivation. Having friends who are supportive of your self improvement efforts can provide the encouragement and motivation you need to continue working towards your goals.

    Third, friendships can provide a source of guidance and advice. Friends who have experienced similar challenges or who have expertise in a particular area can provide valuable guidance and advice that can help you to make progress in your self improvement efforts.

    Fourth, friendships can provide a source of accountability. Having friends who are aware of your self improvement goals can help to hold you accountable for making progress and staying on track.

    Overall, friendships can be an important source of support and resources that can help to facilitate self improvement efforts.

    Join Better Daily FREE:

    Catch the Video Version PREMIUM:

    Music in Intro and Outro used with permission:
    "Doves" by We Are All Astronauts


    291 - Change Your Story

    291 - Change Your Story
    THIS EPISODE was cut off
    Catch the whole episode here - https://betterdaily.disciplemedia.com/posts/7408

    Mindset Monday


    Join Better Daily FREE:

    Catch the Video Version PREMIUM:

    Music in Intro and Outro used with permission:
    "Doves" by We Are All Astronauts


    Self-esteem, or the way we perceive and value ourselves, is an important aspect of psychological well-being. Seeing oneself in a positive light can contribute to higher self-esteem, which in turn can lead to a number of benefits, such as increased confidence, better mental health, and more positive relationships with others.Having a positive self-image can also be important for motivation and goal attainment. When we see ourselves as capable and worthy, we are more likely to take on challenges and pursue our goals with determination and persistence. On the other hand, if we have low self-esteem and see ourselves in a negative light, we may be less likely to take risks or try new things, which can limit our opportunities for growth and achievement.Overall, seeing oneself in a positive light can be an important part of leading a healthy and fulfilling life. It can help us feel more confident and capable, and it can inspire us to pursue our goals and live up to our potential.

    289 - RESILIENT

    289 - RESILIENT
    Word Thursday

    Some meditations on the word "Resilient"

    The word "resilient" comes from the Latin word "resilire," which means "to rebound." It was first used in English in the 16th century to describe the ability of a substance to bounce back after being stretched or compressed. In the 19th century, the word began to be used more broadly to describe the ability of a person or thing to recover quickly from adversity or hardship. The word "resilience" is derived from the same root and refers to the ability to bounce back or recover from difficult situations.

    Catch the video version (Premium)

    Join Better Daily for FREE:

    Music in Intro and Outro used with permission:
    "Doves" by We Are All Astronauts


    285 - Secrets Of Muscle Growth

    285 - Secrets Of Muscle Growth
    Flex Friday

    Showing up to your workout is half the battle.
    Knowing what you're doing -- well, that's tricky!

    Coach Alex teaches the difference between isolation and compound movements and their uses for training the body well.

    Catch the "Growing Muscle" Seminar HERE:

    Start Your FREE Better Daily Membership:

    Music in Intro and Outro used with permission:
    "Doves" by We Are All Astronauts


    276 - Don't Wait For The Worst

    276 - Don't Wait For The Worst
    Mindset Monday

    Entering the growth phase of the Faithful40 Challenge, Coach Alex has some pro advice for you. Unless you want pain and suffering to increase in your life - "Don't wait for the Worst".

    More Mindset Monday:

    Get 1% - Every Day!

    Music in Intro and Outro used with permission:
    "Doves" by We Are All Astronauts



    Word Thursday

    Join Coach Alex for meditations on the past 9 Faithful40Challenges as our community gears up to go into our the 10th official challenge!

    More Winsdays:

    Get 1% - Every Day!

    Learn more about Grow Ruck:

    Music in Intro and Outro used with permission:
    "Doves" by We Are All Astronauts


    Season 2 Finale - Best Of Wild Winsday!

    Season 2 Finale - Best Of Mindset Monday!