

    Explore "私刑正義" with insightful episodes like "【電影】蜂刑者", "EP138(完)【時事、聽眾回覆】面對校園暴力威脅該怎麼辦?給家長們的實用建議!|該如何辨別周遭的風險係數??打不贏就跑!!—讀書會《恐懼,是保護你的天賦》", "EP232 | 涼山特勤隊是如何訓練的?這次讓特勤隊教官來告訴你(ft. 羅比)", "保母虐死女嬰大逆轉!刺青師驗出毒「自爆吸K」成致命原因 鳳梨道歉|0804" and "第四季 #16 鏡文學 「 臥斧 」-《我從前認識的某個人》: 「數場私刑正義下的悲歌——你曾期許自己成為什麼樣的大人? 又是什麼時候決定自成為現在的人?」-《閱讀探戈:書富比鑑賞會》" from podcasts like ""早安!呆丸趴開始", "Life~生活誌", "東諧西讀", "小編沒收工-Today is my day" and "閱讀探戈 : 書富比鑑賞會"" and more!

    Episodes (11)


    參考書目:《誰讓青春沒有明天》,作者:戴志揚 《恐懼,是保護你的天賦》,作者: 蓋文.德.貝克,譯者:梁永安 這集我們會談到: 1.韓劇《非法正義》觀點討論,私刑正義有其合理性嗎? 2.針對非行少年或是虞犯少年,能給予何種「有用的」懲罰? 3.為何禁「蘿蔔刀」?其背後的主要原因為何? 4.針對新北市國中生割頸案,家長能夠做什麼事? 5.非行少年在轉學途中該有中介機構,實際面的難處為何? 6.班導師在處理非行少年的難處為何,顧此失彼該如何選擇? 7.高中端教官退場後,對於管教孩子出現何種影響? 8.中肯建議:(1)慎選學區、(2)就讀私校、(3)報考各校藝才班 9.如何識別身邊周遭的風險係數?有哪四個元素? 10.「JACA」四元素分別為何?風險係數高時該如何? 【背景介紹】 《非法正義》為Disney+於2023年11月8日起上線公開的原創韓國劇集,改編自韓國漫畫家金圭森創作的同名網絡漫畫,此劇講述白天是維護法律的模範警校大學生金智勇,晚上變身為「治安維持者」直接審判逃避法網的罪犯,和因各自不同目的接近他的人之間互相碰撞並展開激烈的對抗….。 請贊助我一杯咖啡,感謝您的贊助,讓我們能走得更遠、更久💕 →https://pay.soundon.fm/podcasts/f7e7e438-ba35-4962-85bb-8747fdea113b 【主持人】Joe、Anna、Fana ※追蹤、訂閱《Life~生活誌》 IG:lifejournal_podcast 業務合作:redstong@msn.com 各大平台節目連結:https://linktr.ee/life_podcast

    EP232 | 涼山特勤隊是如何訓練的?這次讓特勤隊教官來告訴你(ft. 羅比)

    EP232 | 涼山特勤隊是如何訓練的?這次讓特勤隊教官來告訴你(ft. 羅比)
    歡迎收聽東諧西讀,這集我們來簡單聊聊國軍最神祕部隊之一的高空特種勤務中隊,也就是涼山特勤隊。 這次我們重磅邀請到軍旅生涯二十多年,在高空特種勤務中隊服役的羅比來跟我們聊聊。如果你對於選擇加入最特殊最磨練體能心智的特種部隊的人,腦袋裡究竟在想些什麼,這一集你千萬不能錯過! 天擎訓練顧問社,是由龍哥和羅比一起創辦的,如果你對於戰術訓練有興趣,包括小部隊戰鬥、地面導向、偵察搜索、限制空間作戰,歡迎搜尋「天擎訓練顧問社」的臉書和ig,加入天擎的訓練,了解天擎真正在做的事情和意義。 如果喜歡我們的節目,歡迎贊助我們,可以去買更多的書回來讀。 https://pay.soundon.fm/podcasts/1fe68117-6b21-4fb9-966e-a176b0265ebe

    保母虐死女嬰大逆轉!刺青師驗出毒「自爆吸K」成致命原因 鳳梨道歉|0804

    保母虐死女嬰大逆轉!刺青師驗出毒「自爆吸K」成致命原因  鳳梨道歉|0804
    高雄刺青師彫博2021年指控年僅11個月大的女兒遭蔡姓保母虐死,如今,經過2年多的偵查,檢方將保母和丈夫處分不起訴,而且還意外查出,彫博體內有毒品反應,不排除女嬰是吸入二手毒煙,因此將生父依涉嫌過失致死、使未成年施用毒品等罪偵辦….. 🤩來Discord找小編們玩耍👉🏻https://reurl.cc/MR82QK ❣️小編推薦時間❣️ 🎉超過21件充滿生命力與故事的裝置藝術作品 🤩今年最不能錯過的一場地景藝術盛會! 📆2023桃園地景藝術節 8/4-8/20 ❤️為你帶來一連串的驚喜與感動 👉https://www.taoyuanlandart.com.tw/ 主持人:ETtoday晚班記者Ashley、鉄雄、鄒鄒 📣 來IG和鉄雄Ashley聊天 https://bit.ly/30xCKCt 🌝 請小編喝豆漿 https://bit.ly/2ZxkQz5 🤝 乾爹乾媽邀約合作請洽 podcast@ettoday.net

    第四季 #16 鏡文學 「 臥斧 」-《我從前認識的某個人》: 「數場私刑正義下的悲歌——你曾期許自己成為什麼樣的大人? 又是什麼時候決定自成為現在的人?」-《閱讀探戈:書富比鑑賞會》

    第四季 #16  鏡文學 「 臥斧 」-《我從前認識的某個人》: 「數場私刑正義下的悲歌——你曾期許自己成為什麼樣的大人? 又是什麼時候決定自成為現在的人?」-《閱讀探戈:書富比鑑賞會》
    先說個抱歉,這集因為換了麥克風不太熟悉,沒有用防噴罩,所以有嚴重爆音…. 葉永鋕事件因為錄時覺得很難受,所以將案件過程的闡述剪掉。 《粉絲團完整文章》:https://reurl.cc/aVNKNZ 故事由當代的同學會劃開序幕,六位小村的孩童「恰好」皆來到大城生活,於繁華都市「命中注定」般相遇。他們是,出版社編輯「柳亦秋」、刑警「馬達翰」、旅行社導遊「湯日清」、計程車司機「雷損」、律師「白禾文」、精通股市工作神秘的「徐霏霏」。 這晚聚會,歡樂氛圍卻被一個拋出的綽號摧毀殆盡——「神經仔」。 當年小村的校園霸凌、惡霸、神經仔身亡、一樁惡霸失蹤懸案,與一起令彼此痛心的孩童「雷永涵」陳屍廁所事件,喚起各自塵封的記憶。將故事,回到當年。 「神經仔」像是個引線,燃燒了彼此童年,燃燒了小村與人們暗藏檯面下的滿目瘡痍與不堪,「神經仔」是引發劇烈爆炸的彈藥,這一炸如同核爆,灼熱焚燒與輻射。 書中,我們可以看到一座充滿誘惑的繁華大城市如何改變小村青年,也有人在這城市看見比小村更多的醜陋而對此鄙夷。 從小村的工業汙染、地方勢力的為富不仁與粉飾太平、老師性侵(誘姦)學生、同性戀小朋友遭受霸凌,以及如同「葉永鋕事件」的案件,書中並不過多批判,僅是完整的,痛心的,札實的道出社會黑暗樣貌。 扣除童年過往,當今故事時間軸僅僅「兩個禮拜」,兩個禮拜不長,足夠讓人感覺時間稍縱即逝,但這兩個禮拜卻給六位角色帶來驚濤駭浪無間地獄。僅兩個禮拜,改變、摧毀、終結了六個好友人生。 臥斧老師在書中展現驚人的「冷硬派」結合「寫實主義」,寫實詳盡的描繪出六位角色的童年、心境、小村樣貌、走入大城市的改變,像是看了六位角色的人生歷程,也像是照映了許多讀者憶起的童年。 《我從前認識的某個人》故事前段節奏不快,卻是吸引我閱讀的主因。我極其喜愛這扎實的塑造出六位角色,並道出六人從童年到出社會的轉變與關係,因此三百多頁的書籍到一百三十頁才進入第一起事件、兩百頁進入驚人的轉折,可當這一轉,在剩餘頁數下高潮不斷,節奏開始快得揪著心房閱讀。正因前段打好的基底架構,使閱讀到中段早已深入角色思維與心境,並在採用各角色正敘和倒敘穿插,加深、強化、鞏固了故事。


    除了抓姦、找人外,徵信社的業務包山包海,就連想擺脫恐怖情人、處理私密照外流都是他們的接洽的案件,但這些案件中,有些實在無法透過正當合法的管道來解決,私刑正義在這時究竟是對還是錯…? **|本集來賓:徵信社阿宅 謝智博|** 🕯️Vana Candles瑞典香氛 x 我在案發現場 專屬優惠 🎉12/31前官網 https://www.vanaliving.com 下單輸入【ETTODAY】 立享全站88折最低優惠 🎄XMAS加碼活動:  🎁1. 買一送一! 買任一暖燈送瑞典蠟燭 🎁2. 瑞典聖誕香氛慶! 各種禮物禮包優惠中 (優惠碼也適用折上折)  🎁3. 瑞典蠟燭加購690起 🎁4. 會員募集中 官網加會員領取100元購物金 訂單滿千現折抵 備註: 訂單單筆滿$1500國內免運 📢 加入LINE社群來聊天 https://bit.ly/3pYILCc ★ 邀約合作 podcast@ettoday.net ★ 案發ig追起來 https://bit.ly/2GCrgE6 ★ 請豐德喝杯咖啡 https://bit.ly/2SK5P9G ★ YT影音版 https://bit.ly/3pHj2Nn ★ 五星評論+訂閱 https://apple.co/3uAwUtz

    72-為什麼偵查不公開?警察不提供資料可以嗎?祕書 主講

    72-為什麼偵查不公開?警察不提供資料可以嗎?祕書 主講
    偵查不公開與陪偵 一、涉及法條? 二、偵查不公開原則? 三、辯護人與偵查不公開? 四、 陪偵與偵查不公開? 駿騰法律事務所 江曉俊律師 關心您 服務電話: (03)461-0171 line id: 0978628231 按此網址加line好友喔~ https://line.me/ti/p/vcH_eNyr8Z 微信: lawlaw110110 服務連結: https://linktr.ee/law110

    第三季 #24 原創娛樂-《血腥十字架》: 「在這個國家裡,貧窮就是一種罪。一再反轉,活體取心的私刑正義。」-《閱讀探戈:書富比鑑賞會》

    第三季 #24 原創娛樂-《血腥十字架》: 「在這個國家裡,貧窮就是一種罪。一再反轉,活體取心的私刑正義。」-《閱讀探戈:書富比鑑賞會》
    《粉絲團完整文章》 https://reurl.cc/ERQ5mA 【串流平台觀看 / #犯罪#推理#懸疑 四星推薦/異國電影 】 大力推薦的六個理由 : 1.駭客、賄賂、吃案、誘姦裡頭都有,電影呈現貧窮國家的警界與宗教機構多麼無能、骯髒與腐敗。(就像最近新聞報導的柬埔寨事件。) 2.這是少見的「孟加拉語」懸疑推理電影,不同於其他印度電影風格,也能看見西孟加拉邦市容。 3.主角是犯罪心理專家,但是兇手更加高竿,雙方以精神醫學對壘屬實精彩。 4.以「聖經」典故作為犯罪題材 ,但印度教是印度國教,孟加拉人則是90%信奉伊斯蘭,而印度西孟加拉邦過去伊斯蘭與印度教衝突不斷。 5. 涵蓋私刑正義與道德議題,故事緊湊流暢,後段劇情反轉夠水準。 6.男主角有點像印度版的陳義信,演技在線,值得推薦。 《血腥十字架》有別許多以神探為主角的犯罪電影,本作以犯罪學家作為主軸,將劇情推動落於推測兇手精神層面上確實精彩,同時藉由警界腐敗與神職人員道貌岸然的不恥行為,帶給觀眾強烈衝擊,讓觀眾得知兇手並非絕對的惡,但手段又極度兇殘,導演將道德放置天秤,留給大家玩味。 此外,血腥畫面到位,幾次反轉足夠水準,整體故事架構緊密,邏輯上也站得住腳, 想不到電影還能加上天才駭客一角,確實增添不少趣味。 孟加拉電影拍攝宗教犯罪題材在台灣就較為少見,更何況是基督教為主題,而這部電影還是基督教人口只佔不到1%的西孟加拉邦出產呢? 是不是很有意思了。

    EP19 蝙蝠俠的正義換來了什麼酷酷的東西?

    EP19 蝙蝠俠的正義換來了什麼酷酷的東西?
    如果有一天,我們所生活的環境已變為充滿罪惡的高譚市,法律無法為我們伸正義,處處都是腐敗糜爛的氣息時,我們或許心中都曾期待真能有蝙蝠俠這樣的英雄出現,為我們打擊犯罪,換來和平。但到底什麼是正義?私刑正義是正義嗎?化身為恐懼是否就能解決犯罪的問題?本集節目中,熱愛蝙蝠俠的迷弟艾立克將與土匪一起討論關於正義、恐懼、暴力、法律、刑罰等議題,以及蝙蝠俠身邊那些酷酷的東西! 各類合作邀約:0886449podcast@gmail.com 小額贊助連結:https://pay.soundon.fm/podcasts/cfd8f0a7-6fa8-416e-814d-132cb5bf04b2

    2021.05.15 國際新聞導讀-以巴戰爭狀況更新與深度評析-巴林支持巴勒斯坦、以色列警察署長指控右翼極端國會議員Itamar Ben Guvir煽動猶太暴力份子

    2021.05.15 國際新聞導讀-以巴戰爭狀況更新與深度評析-巴林支持巴勒斯坦、以色列警察署長指控右翼極端國會議員Itamar Ben Guvir煽動猶太暴力份子
    2021.05.15 國際新聞導讀-以巴戰爭狀況更新與深度評析 Bahrain FM speaks to PA counterpart, condemns Israeli strikes in Gaza Bahrain's Foreign Minister Abdullatif bin Rashid Al Zayani speaks during a press conference with the US Secretary of State and Prime Minister Netanyahu after their trilateral meeting in Jerusalem, November 18, 2020. (Menahem Kahana/Pool/Flash90) Bahrain Foreign Affairs Minister Abdullatif bin Rashid Al Zayani held a phone call earlier today with Palestinian Authority Foreign Minister Riyadh Al-Maliki during which they discussed the ongoing violence in Israel, the West Bank and Gaza “and the Israeli attacks against the people and the rest of the occupied Palestinian territories in the city of Jerusalem,” according to a readout from Zayani’s office. “The Minister reiterated the Kingdom of Bahrain’s strong condemnation of the attacks launched by the Israeli forces on the Gaza Strip, expressing the condolences of the Kingdom to the leadership and people of Palestine for the martyrs who were killed as a result of the Israeli attacks, and wishing the wounded a speedy recovery,” the statement says. “The Foreign Minister expressed the Kingdom of Bahrain’s solidarity with the brotherly Palestinian people, stressing the position of the Kingdom of Bahrain strongly supportive of the Palestinian cause, believing in the right of the Palestinian people to establish their independent state, with East Jerusalem as its capital, on the basis of the principle of the two-state solution and the Arab Peace Initiative and in accordance with the relevant international legitimacy decisions.” Zayani conveyed Bahrain’s support for a Saudi initiative to to hold an executive committee meeting of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation on the ongoing violence. The readout from Bahrain, which normalized relations with Israel last year, does not include any mention of Hamas rocket fire. 巴林外交部長阿卜杜拉蒂夫·本·拉希德·阿爾·扎亞尼今天早些時候與巴勒斯坦權力機構外交大臣利雅得·馬利基通了電話,在會上,他們討論了以色列,西岸和加沙地帶持續發生的暴力事件,以及以色列對人民和其他人的襲擊扎亞尼辦公室的讀數說:“這是耶路撒冷市被佔領的巴勒斯坦領土的一部分。” “部長重申巴林王國強烈譴責以色列軍隊對加沙地帶發動的襲擊,向以色列領導人和巴勒斯坦人民對因以色列襲擊而喪生的烈士表示哀悼,並祝愿傷者早日康復。” “外交部長表達了巴林王國對兄弟的巴勒斯坦人民的聲援,強調巴林王國的立場大力支持巴勒斯坦事業,認為巴勒斯坦人民有權建立以東耶路撒冷為獨立國家的獨立國家在兩國解決方案的原則和《阿拉伯和平倡議》的基礎上,並根據有關的國際合法性決定。 Zayani轉達了巴林對沙特阿拉伯倡議的支持,沙特阿拉伯倡議就持續的暴力事件舉行伊斯蘭合作組織執行委員會會議。 巴林的讀數使去年與以色列的關係正常化,但並未提及哈馬斯火箭彈襲擊的消息。 · · 47min ago WATCH: IDF says it struck 2 apartments of Hamas fighters used as weapons depots By EMANUEL FABIAN The Israel Defense Forces says it struck two apartments of members in the Hamas naval force. The homes, belonging to Muhammad Abu Shala and Fares Abu Shukran were used as weapons depots according to the military. Volume 90% · · 59min ago WATCH: Arab rioters torch Acre theater seen as symbol of coexistence in city Arab rioters have torched the Acre theater which locals describe as a symbol of Arab-Jewish coexistence in the city. “We have been in this theater for 36 years, and it is run by Arabs and Jews together,” says one of the theater’s managers Khaled Abu Ali in a quote carried by Ynet. “We have never differentiated between Arabs and Jews. We are all one family,” says Osnat Yosef, whose husband Moni is another manager at the theater. wife of theater director. “It’s incredibly painful to see this happen” says Moni Yosef. Riots have also broken out in Baqa al-Gharbiyye, Haifa, Umm al-Fahm and other towns in the north. · · 1hr ago Police say officers operating throughout East Jerusalem to quash riots Police say officers are operating throughout various Palestinian neighborhoods in East Jerusalem to quash riots taking place there. Cops were attacked with stones, Molotov cocktails and other objects and responded with riot dispersal measures. They also arrested one suspect in Baqa al Gharbiya and two in haifa on suspicion of rioting. Muslim cleric arrested by Shin Bet filmed earlier this week condemning violence on Jews Sheikh Kamal Khatib from Kafr Kanna, who was arrested earlier this evening in the town on suspicions he’s played a role instigating Arab violence targeting Jews, was filmed earlier this week condmening such violence. Commenting on a mob attack of a Jewish bystander in the town, he said, “If I had been there myself I would have rescued him, just as some of the villagers did. What happened is contrary to the values of Islam.” · · 2hr ago Shin Bet arrests six East Jerusalem residents suspected of assaulting Jews, uploading to TikTok The Shin Bet announces the arrests of six people on suspicion of attacking Jews in Jerusalem and later uploading video of the assaults to social media. · · 2hr ago IDF says it struck Hamas observation posts in southern Strip By EMANUEL FABIAN The Israeli army says it struck a number of Hamas observation posts in the southern Gaza Strip. The strikes were conducted by combat helicopters targeting ground and naval sites, the military says. · · 2hr ago Rocket sirens sound in Gaza border towns, western Negev Rocket sirens have gone off in towns along the Gaza border and in the western Negev. · · 2hr ago Netanyahu says Arab community leaders not doing enough to condemn violence Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu gives a press statement in Lod on May 14, 2021. (Screen capture/Prime Minister's Office) Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu was in Lod earlier this evening, receiving a situational assessment on police efforts to restore order in the city that has been torn apart by ethnically motivated violence. “Groups of Arab rioters are attacking Jews all over,” says Netanyahu in a video statement. “I am explicitly saying that this is not the entire Arab public and not even the majority of the Arab public, but it is a significant minority that is violently harming innocents, and this harms the fabric of life we ​​have built over the years between Jews and Arabs. It must stop,” he says. “The reaction of Arab community leaders to this day has been very weak,” he continues. “Everyone should condemn it, any form of violence, of Arabs against Jews and also of Jews against Arabs. I do so without hesitating for a moment.” “We can have no stone-throwing, no gunfire, no arson attacks of synagogues. We will act with all our might to prevent these crimes.” He says security forces will deal with such criminals as they do terrorists. Addressing Israeli security forces, Netanyahu says they “should not be afraid to do what they have to do to protect the lives of themselves and peaceful citizens of Israel. We will do whatever it takes to restore peace to the cities of Israel.” · · 2hr ago IDF says its struck Islamic Jihad anti-tank missile operative in south Gaza By EMANUEL FABIAN The Israel Defense Forces says its struck a Palestinian Islamic Jihad anti-tank missile operative in Rafah in the southern Gaza strip. The strike was conducted by an aircraft, the military says. · · 2hr ago Gaza health ministry says 126 Palestinians killed in conflict By EMANUEL FABIAN Palestinian doctors and medics walk inside the emergency room of the Shifa hospital in Gaza City, May 13, 2021. (AP/Khalil Hamra) The Hamas-run Gaza health ministry reports 126 killed since the start of the recent hostilities between Israel and the terror group, and some 950 wounded. Thirty-one of those killed were minors, the ministry adds. Israel says most of the casualties are members of terror groups or, in some cases, victims of errant rocket fire by Hamas that landed inside the Strip. · · 3hr ago In Eid message, Biden recognizes ‘situation in Holy Land weighing heavily on Muslims’ US President Joe Biden wishes Muslims in the US and around the world celebrating Eid Al-Fitr, which will be marked at a White House ceremony on Sunday. “We were heartened to see Eid celebrations around the world, but we know that this year, the situation in the Holy Land is weighing heavily on Muslims everywhere, including our Muslim communities here in the United States,” Biden says in a statement. “Palestinians—including in Gaza—and Israelis equally deserve to live in dignity, safety and security. No family should have to fear for their safety within their own home or place of worship. We think most about the children in these societies who face trauma from a conflict far beyond their control,” he adds. “My administration will continue to engage Palestinians, Israelis, and other regional partners to work towards a sustainable calm.” · · 3hr ago 3 projectiles from Syria fall in open area in Golan Heights; none injured Three projectiles from Syria have fallen in an open area in the Golan Heights in Israel’s north, according to Hebrew media reports. There are no reports of injuries. 警察專員說,Otzma Yehudit黨的黨魁Ben-Gvir是暴動煽動者 警察專員Kobi Shabtai認為Ben-Gvir負責鼓勵阿拉伯人和猶太人之間的暴力行為並發動起義。 通過耶路撒冷郵報STAFF 2021年5月14日12:38 Otzma Yehudit領導人Itamar Ben-Gvir (照片來源:YONATAN SINDEL / FLASH90) 廣告 Otzma Yehudit政黨黨魁 Itamar Ben-Gvir 星期五在城市的暴力浪潮和持續的騷亂之後,在加拉茨廣播電台抨擊以色列警察總署署長Kobi Shabtai。 本·格維爾在加拉茨電台說:“警察署長必須被解僱,他不能控制事件,他是不配和無能的人。” 他補充說,警察沒有保護居民,正在向猶太人開槍,警察無法回應情勢。 左派政黨Meretz黨的國會議員 MK Yair Golan要求在周五立即將Otzma Yehudit主席Itamar Ben-Gvir從外交事務和國防委員會撤職。戈蘭在信中提到,警察署長Kobi Shabtai表示Ben-Gvir鼓吹阿拉伯人和猶太人之間的暴力行為,並在大馬士革門和謝赫·賈拉(Sheikh Jarrah)的示威活動中引發猶太人暴動,現在在則在阿猶混居城市煽動暴力。警察署長星期四向總理內塔尼亞胡(Benjamin Netanyahu)提出警告,本·格維爾(Ben-Gvir)的舉動造成了“猶太人起義(暴動)”。 本-格維爾(Ben-Gvir)聲稱他遭到口頭攻擊,只因為他說沙巴泰(Shabtai)因“警察失職”而應提早辭職。 “在我說他應該被開除之後,署長怎麼可以說我煽動情勢呢?這不是偶然的。難道我是黑手黨?他是在試圖讓國會議員我閉嘴嗎?” 他在星期五回應。 但是,戈蘭在回應這一事件時寫道:“人們擔心本·格維爾(MK Ben Gvir)將利用他在外交事務和國防委員會中身份,職位所獲得的敏感資訊來點燃猶太人與猶太人之間的激情和暴力,導致進一步流血,就像他在Lod,Acre和耶路撒冷所做的那樣。” 他總結說:“對於國會議員來說,這麼一個被警察署長認定煽動起“猶太起義”的政客,卻能成為國家及其公民安全信任論壇(指國會)的正式成員,這是極不合理的。 Otzma Yehudit's Ben-Gvir is intifada instigator, police commissioner says Police Commissioner Kobi Shabtai held Ben-Gvir responsible for encouraging violence among Arabs and Jews and starting an intifada. By JERUSALEM POST STAFF MAY 14, 2021 12:38 Otzma Yehudit leader Itamar Ben-Gvir (photo credit: YONATAN SINDEL/FLASH90) The chairman of Otzma Yehudit Itamar Ben-Gvir called for the firing of Israel Police Commissioner Kobi Shabtai on the army radio Galatz on Friday morning, following the wave of violence and ongoing riots in the mixed cities. "The police commissioner must be fired, he does not control the events, he is unworthy and incompetent," Ben-Gvir said on Galatz. He added that the police are not protecting residents, are shooting at Jews, and the police are unable to respond. Meretz MK Yair Golan demanded that Otzma Yehudit chairman Itamar Ben-Gvir be ousted from the Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee immediately on Friday. Golan mentioned in his letter that Police Commissioner Kobi Shabtai held Ben-Gvir responsible for encouraging violence among Arabs and Jews and starting an intifada, with the demonstrations at the Damascus Gate and Sheikh Jarrah, and now stirring violence in mixed cities. Shabtai warned Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Thursday that Ben-Gvir's actions were causing a "Jewish intifada." Ben-Gvir claimed he was verbally attacked because he said Shabtai should resign early due to "police failures." "How is it that the commissioner decided that I was heating things ups, precisely after I said he should be fired? This is not accidental. What are we, a mafia? Is he trying to shut me up?" he responded on Friday. However in response to the incident, Golan wrote, "There are fears that MK Ben Gvir will use his status, position and sensitive information to which he was exposed in the Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee to quell and ignite the passions and violence between Jews and Arabs, and lead to further bloodshed, as he did in Lod, Acre and Jerusalem." "It is also extremely unreasonable for an MK that the commissioner claims to be starting a "Jewish intifada" to sit as a full member of a trust forum for the security of the state and its citizens," he concluded. 以色列目前的軍事行動的成本是多少? 為了回答這個問題,需要考慮經濟的許多不同方面。 由ZEV STUB 2021年5月14日14:12 2021年5月12日,在阿什杜德(Ashdod)上方看到一個鐵穹頂,攔截了從加沙地帶向以色列發射的火箭。 (照片來源:YONATAN SINDEL / FLASH90) 廣告 以色列在加沙針對哈馬斯的軍事行動給經濟造成了多少損失?為了回答這個問題,需要考慮經濟的許多不同方面。 首先,軍事方面。據不同的估計,成千上萬枚鐵質圓頂導彈已經向哈馬斯的火箭發射,每枚價格在5萬至8萬美元之間。軍隊決定召集7,000名預備役士兵也要付出巨大的代價,他們的薪水必須由國家保險協會支付,以及軍隊進行的數百次空軍打擊。這些數字正在不斷增加。 同時,根據製造商協會經濟部的分析,以色列私營部門每天的損失約為1.8億新謝克爾。 製造商協會估計,戰鬥的前三天的人力成本約為5.4億新謝克爾。這項評估是根據內政總司令部的指導方針,指的是對工商業活動造成的損害,根據該準則,5月11日至13日,南部和中部地區沒有進行任何全面的工作。 這項估計是基於一個工作日的費用,假設南部地區約35%的工作人員沒有工作,而中部地區約有10%的工作人員沒有工作。協會說,這一估算沒有考慮到直接損壞工廠,盈利能力受損或間接損害(如在國外客戶聲譽方面的損害,交易的取消,不遵守時間表等)造成的經濟損失。考慮到這些方面,商業部門的總成本將高得多。 製造商協會主席羅恩·托默(Ron Tomer)博士呼籲紐約州迅速安排失業人員的工資支付,以確保僱員和雇主的安心。 最後,戰鬥已破壞了成千上萬的房屋,車輛和私有財產,而且看不到盡頭。到目前為止,這種破壞造成的損失估計達數億謝克爾,尚無明確結局。 READ MORE 當前的軍事行動是在一年后冠狀病毒大流行迫使世界各國政府增加福利支出和增加債務創紀錄水平之後進行的。以色列的人均GDP在2020年下降了4.3%,這是因為政府支出增加了22.5%,而稅收卻下降了。儘管該國內部的經濟活動迅速反彈,失業率近幾個月來的下降速度比預期的要快,目前已達到8%,但經濟復甦脆弱,許多部門仍然極易受到衝擊。 儘管冠狀病毒的代價高昂,但以色列的主權信用等級仍然很高,儘管長時間的暴力可能會使這種情況處於危險之中。惠譽(Fitch)是一家評級機構,其評級有助於國際投資者評估財務決策。該機構週四表示,長期戰鬥可能會對以色列的評級前景構成威脅。 What is the cost of Israel's current military campaign? To answer that, a number of different aspects of the economy need to be considered. By ZEV STUB MAY 14, 2021 14:12 An Iron Dome is seen above Ashdod intercepting a rocket fired into Israel from the Gaza Strip, on May 12, 2021. (photo credit: YONATAN SINDEL/FLASH90) Advertisement How much is Israel's military campaign against Hamas in Gaza costing the economy? To answer that, a number of different aspects of the economy need to be considered. First, the military aspect. Thousands of iron dome missiles have been fired at incoming Hamas rockets, each costing between $50,000 and $80,000, according to different estimates. There are also significant costs to the army's decision to call up 7,000 reserve soldiers, whose salaries must be paid by the National Insurance Institute, as well as the hundreds of air force strikes carried out by the army. Those numbers are continually rising. Read More Related Articles · Israeli rapper Nissim Black breaks into the liquor business · Austria outlaws Lebanese terrorist group Hezbollah · Is Meditation Right For You? (Unlimited Mindfulness + Yoga Alo Moves) Recommended by Meanwhile, the cost to Israel's private sector is about NIS 180 million per day, according to an analysis by the Economics Division of the Manufacturers' Association. The Manufacturers' Association calculated that the manpower cost of the first three days of fighting was about NIS 540 million. This assessment referred to the damage to the activities of businesses and industrial plants in accordance with the guidelines of the Home Front Command, according to which on May 11-13, no full work took place in the southern and central districts. This estimate is based on the cost of a working day, assuming that about 35% of the employed in the southern region were absent from work, along with about 10% in the central region. This estimate does not take into account financial damages from direct damage to factories, damage to profitability or indirect damage such as damage to reputation with customers abroad, cancellation of transactions, non-compliance with schedules and other factors, the association said. When those aspects are factored in, the total cost to the business sector would be much higher. Manufacturers' Association president Dr. Ron Tomer called on the state to quickly arrange salary payments to employees who are absent from work in order to ensure peace of mind for employees and employers. Finally, thousands of homes, vehicles, and pieces of private property have already been damaged by the fighting, with no end in sight. The cost of that damage is estimated so far at hundreds of millions of shekels, with no clear end in sight. The current military campaign comes after a year where the coronavirus pandemic forced governments around the world to increase welfare spending and raise record levels of debt. Israel's GDP per capita decreased in 2020 by 4.3%, as government spending increased by 22.5% while tax revenues dropped. While economic activity inside the country has bounced back quickly and the unemployment rate has fallen faster than expected in recent months to a current 8%, the economic recovery is fragile, and many sectors are still extremely vulnerable to shocks. Israel's sovereign credit ratings have been strong, despite the costs of coronavirus, although prolonged violence could put that at risk. On Thursday, Fitch, one of the agencies whose ratings help international investors evaluate financial decisions, said Thursday that prolonged fighting could pose threats to Israel's rating outlook. 內塔尼亞胡說,以色列國防軍的加沙戰役將繼續作為聯合國安理會在周日舉行 埃及為調停停火所做的努力到目前為止還沒有失敗,因為雙方都拒絕了停止襲擊的要求。 由TOVAH LAZAROFF 2021年5月14日20:50 總理本傑明·內塔尼亞胡(Benjamin Netanyahu)在2021年5月10日於耶路撒冷彈藥山舉行的耶路撒冷日典禮上致辭 (照片來源:KOBI GIDEON / FLASH90) 廣告 以色列總理本雅明·內塔尼亞胡(Benjamin Netanyahu)週五早間表示,以色列對加沙的哈馬斯軍事行動“將持續到必要的時間,”以色列國防軍猛擊加沙,巴勒斯坦人整夜用火箭彈襲擊南部。 自周一越境暴力升級以來,已有10名平民和一名士兵喪生,其中包括一名老婦,她在上週五試圖去炸彈庇護所時頭部受傷而死亡。在亞實基倫,一夜之間的火箭彈襲擊中,一名57歲的男人和一個三歲的男孩在亞實基倫受傷。 閱讀更多相關文章 · 在哈馬斯無人駕駛飛機上看到伊朗的手對以色列構成威脅-分析 · 貝內特到內塔尼亞胡:在哈馬斯付出沉重代價之前不要停止 · 夏令營因冠狀病毒而取消?不適用於這些富裕的房主 (Mansion Global) 被推薦 據加沙衛生部稱,已有80多名巴勒斯坦人被殺。以色列駐倫敦大使Tzipi Hotovely告訴陸軍電台,死亡人數中有30%是由加沙火箭彈射擊不當造成的。 在可能的地面行動之前,國防部長本尼·甘茨(Benny Gantz)週四召集了9000名預備役士兵。 埃及和卡塔爾為調停停火所做的努力並未取得成果。 內塔尼亞胡澄清說,以色列“將對哈馬斯和其他恐怖組織施加沉重的代價。我們正在這樣做,我們將繼續以極大的力量這樣做。最後一句話尚未透露,只要有必要,這項行動將繼續下去。為了恢復以色列國的寧靜與安全。” 他的話使立即達成停火的希望安息了。 以色列國防軍官員還談到了針對哈馬斯的大規模運動,該運動自2007年以來就一直在使用加沙。被稱為“圍牆行動”的最新運動將是繼2014年,2012年以及2008年12月和2009年1月敵對行動之後的第四次敵對行動。 以色列國防軍星期四晚些時候發表報告說,從黎巴嫩向以色列北部海岸附近的地中海發射了三枚火箭彈。” 國際社會呼籲保持冷靜。聯合國秘書長安東尼奧·古特雷斯在推特上寫道:“我呼籲在加沙和以色列立即升級和停止敵對行動。已經有太多無辜平民喪生。這場衝突只會加劇整個地區的激進化和極端主義。” 聯合國安理會計劃在兩次閉門會議之後,於週日舉行一次關於​​暴力的公開會議。美國是擁有15個否決權的15個成員機構中的五個國家之一,最初曾反對召開這樣的會議。這也阻止了關於這種情況的聯合聲明的發表。 美國國務卿安東尼·布林肯週四表示,他希望等待幾天的聯合國安理會公開會議將使“外交發揮一定作用,並看看我們是否確實得到了真正的降級”,並補充說華盛頓“對並支持在聯合國進行的討論和公開討論。” 美國總統拜登談到了他對以色列的支持。他星期四對記者說,以色列人對襲擊事件沒有“重大反應”。他說:“問題是,他們如何達到使襲擊特別是不加選擇地向人口中心開火的火箭襲擊的大幅度減少的程度。” “這是一項正在進行中的工作。” 為了表示對猶太國家的聲援,奧地利總理塞巴斯蒂安·庫爾茨(Sebastian Kurtz)在其聯邦總理府上懸掛了以色列國旗。他在推特上發了一張建築物上方藍色和白色旗幟的照片,上面寫著:“對以色列的恐怖襲擊將受到最強烈的譴責!我們一起站在以色列一邊。” 內塔尼亞胡感謝庫爾茲的支持。捷克共和國也以同樣的方式升起了伊薩利國旗。 法國總統馬克龍(Emmanuel Macron)週五與內塔尼亞胡(Netanyahu)進行了交談。馬克龍在一份聲明中譴責哈馬斯的火箭彈襲擊,並表示以色列有權捍衛自己。他還對由哈馬斯管理的加沙平民的困境表示關注。 法國是聯合國安理會的會員國。外交大臣讓·伊夫·勒·德里安(Jean-Yves Le Drian)與以色列同行加比·阿什肯納齊(Gabi Ashkenazi)進行了交談,並告訴他法國“譴責”哈馬斯襲擊,但呼籲以色列國防軍做出“相稱”反應。 阿什肯納齊(Ashkenazi)與包括德國外交大臣希科·馬斯(Heiko Mass)在內的許多國際同行進行了交談。 他在推文中說:“強調#以色列將不允許#哈馬斯對其公民進行惡性攻擊。我們將繼續做必要的事情來捍衛我們的公民。哈馬斯已做出戰略決策,推動在對抗阿布·馬岑(Abu Mazen)和巴勒斯坦人。” 他補充說:“我感謝@HeikoMass [支持]以色列的立場,以及我們在不妥協的情況下捍衛自己的權利。 以色列從國際社會的許多領導人那裡收到了許多支持與聲援的信息。我感謝在這些困難日子裡支持我們的所有人。” IDF-哈馬斯暴力事件發生在以色列與以色列人之間的激烈衝突中。內塔尼亞胡談到了以色列如何在加沙暴力和公民動盪這兩個方面開展運動。 “第二戰線-以色列的城市。我重複我今天早些時候所說的話:我們為警察,邊境警察的士兵和其他安全部隊提供100%的支持,以恢復以色列城市的法律和秩序。我們我們將全力支持警察,包括與IDF和ISA一起使用。 內塔尼亞胡說:“我們已經賦予了在這裡發生緊急情況的權力。所有這些措施都是重要,合法和必要的,目的是製止以色列國的這種違法行為。” 他說:“我再次呼籲以色列公民不要將法律掌握在自己手中;凡這樣做的人將受到嚴懲。” Netanyahu says IDF's Gaza campaign to continue as UNSC to meet Sunday Egyptian efforts to mediate a cease-fire have not so far failed as both sides rebuff requests to stop attacks. By TOVAH LAZAROFF MAY 14, 2021 20:50 Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu speaks at a Jerusalem Day ceremony, Ammunition Hill, Jerusalem, May 10, 2021 (photo credit: KOBI GIDEON/FLASH90) Israel's military campaign against Hamas in Gaza "will continue as long as necessary," Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu stated early Friday morning as the IDF pummeled Gaza and Palestinians barraged the south with rockets throughout the night. Ten civilians and a soldier have been killed since the cross border violence intensified on Monday, including an elderly woman who died Friday of head injuries sustained as she attempted to reach a bomb shelter. In Ashkelon a 57-year old man and a three year old boy were injured in Ashkelon during the overnight rocket attacks. Over 80 Palestinians have been killed, according to the Ministry of Health in Gaza. Israel Ambassador to London Tzipi Hotovely told Army Radio that 30% of the deaths were caused by misfired Gaza rockets. In advance of a potential ground operation, Defense Minister Benny Gantz on Thursday called up 9,000 reserve soldiers. Egyptian and Qatari efforts to mediate a cease-fire have not born fruit. Netanyahu clarified that Israel "would exact a very heavy price from Hamas and the other terrorist organizations. We are doing so and we will continue to do so with great force. The last word has not been said and this operation will continue as long as necessary in order to restore the quiet and security to the State of Israel." His words put to rest any immediate hope of a ceasefire. IDF officials also spoke of an extensive campaign against Hamas, which has forcibly use Gaza since 2007. This newest campaign, dubbed Operation Guardians of the Wall, would be the fourth following hostilities in 2014, 2012 and during December 2008 and January 2009. Latest articles from Jpost Top Articles READ MORE IDF: Air and ground troops attacking inGaza Strip SKIP AD An IDF report late Thursday that three rockets were fired from Lebanon into the Mediterranean Sea off the coast of northern Israel," raised the specter of a possible two-front war. The international community has called for calm. UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres tweeted, "I appeal for an immediate de-escalation and cessation of hostilities in Gaza and Israel. Too many innocent civilians have already died. This conflict can only increase radicalization and extremism in the whole region.". The UN Security Council plans to hold an open meeting on the violence on Sunday, following two closed door meetings. The US, which is one of five nations on the 15-member body with veto power, had initially objected to such a meeting. It has also prevented the publication of a joint statement on the situation. US Secretary of State Antony Blinken said on Thursday he hoped waiting a few days for the open UNSC meeting would allow for “diplomacy to have some effect and to see if indeed we get a real de-escalation,” adding that Washington was “open to and supportive of a discussion, an open discussion, at the United Nations." US President Joe Biden spoke of his support for Israel. He told reporters on Thursday that "there has not been a significant overreaction" by the Israelis to the attacks. "The question is how they get to a point where there is a significant reduction in the attacks, particularly the rocket attacks that are indiscriminately fired into population centers," he said. "It's a work in progress right now." In a show of solidarity with the Jewish state, Austrian chancellor Sebastian Kurtz flew the Israeli flag on top of its federal chancellory. He tweeted a photo of the blue and white flag above the building, with the statement, "the terrorist attacks on Israel are to be condemned in the strongest! Together we stand by Israel's side." Netanyahu thanked Kurtz for his support. The Czech Republic similarly raised the Isaeli flag. French President Emmanuel Macron spoke with Netanyahu on Friday. In a statement, Macron condemned rocket attacks by Hamas and said Israel had the right to defend itself. He also expressed concern about the plight of the civilian population in Gaza, which is run by Hamas. France is a UNSC member. Its Foreign Minister Jean-Yves Le Drian spoke with his Israeli countepart Gabi Ashkenazi and told him that France "condemned" Hamas attacks but called for a "proportionate" IDF response. Ashkenazi has spoken with a number of his international counterparts, including German Foreign Minister Heiko Mass. He tweeted that he "emphasized that #Israel will not allow #Hamas' vicious attack on its citizens. We will continue to do what is necessary to defend our citizens. Hamas has made a strategic decision to push for a leadership role against Abu Mazen and the Palestinians." He added that, "I thanked @HeikoMass for [his] support of Israel's position [and]our right to defend ourselves without compromise. Israel received dozens of messages of support & solidarity from many leaders in the international community. I thank all those who stand by us during these difficult days." The IDF-Hamas violence comes amid intense clashes between Jews and Arabs across Israel. Netanyahu spoke of how Israel was conducting a campaign on two fronts, Gaza violence and civic unrest. "The second front – Israel's cities. I repeat what I said earlier today: We give 100% backing to the police, to the soldiers of the Border Police and to the other security forces in order to restore law and order to Israel's cities. We will not tolerate anarchy. We back the police in using all means with full powers, including in conjunction with the IDF and the ISA. "We have given powers for an emergency situation here. All of these measures are important, legitimate and necessary in order to halt this lawlessness in the State of Israel," Netanyahu said. "I again call on the citizens of Israel not to take the law into their own hands; whoever does so will be punished severely," he said. Reuters and Anna Ahronheim contributed to this report 伊朗稱哈馬斯瞄準了鐵穹基地,機場 哈馬斯的戰術與也門也支持伊朗的也門的後希特人(Houthis)類似。 由SETH J.FRANTZMAN 2021年5月14日15:59 2011年,阿什凱隆附近的鐵穹反導系統附近的DF士兵。 (照片來源:EDI ISRAEL / FLASH90) 廣告 伊朗正在電報哈馬斯如何計劃和實施對以色列的戰爭。自周一第一枚火箭彈向耶路撒冷發射以來,哈馬斯確定了這場衝突的步伐和節奏。這似乎是已經實施了多年的計劃,並且可能直接從伊朗獲得了建議。 哈馬斯的戰術與也門也支持伊朗的也門的後希特人(Houthis)類似。哈馬斯已經使用了胡希特(Houthis)使用的伊朗模型為基礎的新型無人機,並且像胡希特(Houthis)在沙特阿拉伯一樣,將目標對準了機場。這可能是新的伊朗代理戰爭學說。伊朗的新聞電視似乎也承認了這一點。伊朗長期以來一直向哈馬斯提供火箭,武器和現金方面的技術諮詢。 閱讀更多相關文章 · 烏里武里餐廳火炬的主人發誓:什麼都不會破壞我 · 以色列遭到抨擊:火箭預警實時更新 · 冥想適合您嗎? (無限正念+瑜伽Alo動作) 被推薦 伊朗政府電視台星期五在新聞電視台上說:“巴勒斯坦伊斯蘭抵抗運動哈馬斯說,它瞄準了以色列政權的鐵穹頂站和一個以色列空軍基地,以色列戰機使用該基地轟炸了被圍困的加沙地帶的平民目標。 ” 伊朗“瞄準”鐵彈頭電池的事實建立在聲稱它試圖通過在阿什凱隆以各種彈幕發射多達130枚火箭的方式壓倒以色列的防禦能力的事實基礎上。哈馬斯過去曾使用過遠程火箭,但通常似乎並沒有在戰術上大規模地使用它們來以超越消極的方式追擊目標。 這意味著在過去,哈馬斯會做類似威脅要襲擊耶路撒冷或特拉維夫,然後進行導彈襲擊的事情。但這將以有限和象徵性的方式做到這一點。這場衝突似乎有所不同。這似乎也有所不同,因為哈馬斯的火箭彈不是對IDF襲擊的反應,而是哈馬斯推動了衝突。 據巴勒斯坦媒體報導,哈馬斯軍事聯隊的卡扎姆·卡薩姆旅(Ezzedine al-Qassam Brigades)週四在一份聲明中說:“我們向哈澤里姆空軍基地發射了塞吉爾導彈的齊射,佔領戰機從該基地轟炸了加沙的平民。”然後按電視。 Press TV說:“該組織表示,它還用Shehab自殺式無人駕駛飛機襲擊了內蓋夫沙漠的Nahal Oz基布茲一家化工廠。” 這是一件大事,並且似乎是仿照侯賽斯(Houthis)如何使用無人機襲擊沙特阿拉伯基礎設施而設計的。伊朗還襲擊了沙特阿拉伯的阿布凱克(Abqaiq)。例如,3月,胡希(Houthis)襲擊了拉斯塔努拉(Ras Tanura)石油樞紐。這相當於哈馬斯。 Jpost的最新文章 熱門文章 閱讀更多 以色列國防軍:空中和地面部隊進攻加沙地帶 跳過廣告 哈馬斯還瞄準了以色列的機場。它星期四說,它的目標是埃拉特附近的拉蒙機場。它還在發射火箭之前提供了警告。哈馬斯說:“以上帝的名義,並根據卡薩姆旅的參謀長阿布·哈立德·穆罕默德·德伊夫,向該國以南約220公里(136英里)的拉蒙機場發射了一枚阿亞甚(Ayyash)導彈。加沙地帶-巴勒斯坦南部。該導彈重250公斤(550磅),射程超過250公里,並具有很高的破壞力。” 現在,伊朗警告哈馬斯有新的驚喜正在等待以色列。哈馬斯警告以色列不要進行地面入侵,說這將是一個陷阱。伊朗正在密切關注衝突,並表示這表明力量平衡已經向以色列轉移。 上週四和周五,伊朗官員,伊斯蘭革命衛隊和阿曼圖拉·哈梅內伊說,以色列正在衰落,而戰術上的打擊可能會擊敗以色列。現在看來,這一直是伊朗在談論的打擊。伊朗也對外國航空公司取消了飛往以色列的航班感到高興。哈馬斯領導人哈立德·麥沙爾感謝伊朗的支持。 Iran says Hamas is targeting Iron Dome sites, airports Hamas tactics are similar to the Houthis in Yemen who are also backed by Iran. By SETH J. FRANTZMAN MAY 14, 2021 15:59 DF SOLDIERS near The Iron Dome anti-missile system near Ashkelon, 2011. (photo credit: EDI ISRAEL/FLASH90) Iran is telegraphing how Hamas has planned and executed its war on Israel. Since the first rocket was fired on Jerusalem on Monday, Hamas has set the pace and tempo of this conflict. It appears to be a plan that has been in place for years and may have had advice directly from Iran. Hamas tactics are similar to the Houthis in Yemen who are also backed by Iran. Hamas has used new drones, based on an Iranian model that the Houthis use, and has targeted airports as the Houthis do in Saudi Arabia. This may be a new Iran proxy war doctrine. Iran’s Press TV appears to admit as much. Iran has long backed Hamas with technology advise for rockets, weapons and cash. On Friday Press TV, an Iran government channel, said that “the Palestinian Islamic Resistance movement Hamas says it has targeted the Israeli regime’s Iron Dome stations and an Israeli air base which is used by Israeli warplanes to bombard civilian targets in the besieged Gaza Strip.” The fact that Iran has “targeted” Iron Dome batteries builds on claims that it was trying to overwhelm Israel’s defense capabilities by firing up to 130 rockets in various barrages at Ashkelon. Hamas in the past has used rockets with long ranges but has not usually appeared to use them tactically in masses to go after targets in a manner that surpasses a desultory manner. What that means is that in the past Hamas would do things like threaten to strike Jerusalem or Tel Aviv and then execute a missile attack. But it would do this in a limited and symbolic manner. This conflict has appeared different. It also appears different because Hamas rocket fire is not in response to IDF strikes, it is Hamas driving the conflict. “We fired a volley of Sejjil missiles at the Hatzerim air base from which the occupation warplanes flew to bomb civilians in Gaza,” the Ezzedine al-Qassam Brigades, Hamas’ military wing, said in a statement on Thursday night, according to Palestinian media and Press TV. “The group said it also attacked a chemical factory in Nahal Oz kibbutz in the Negev desert with Shehab suicide drones,” Press TV says. This is a big deal and appears modelled on how the Houthis have used drones to strike Saudi Arabia infrastructure. Iran also attacked Saudi Arabia’s Abqaiq. In March the Houthis struck the Ras Tanura oil hub, for instance. This is the Hamas equivalent. Hamas also targeted Israel’s airports. It said on Thursday it was aiming at the Ramon airport near Eilat. It also provided warning before firing the rockets. Hamas said the following: “In the name of God and by order of Chief of Staff of al-Qassam Brigades, Abu Khaled Muhammad al-Deif, an Ayyash missile was fired towards Ramon Airport – located about 220 kilometers (136 miles) south of the Gaza Strip – in southern [occupied] Palestine. The missile weighs 250 kilograms (550 pounds), and has a range of more than 250 kilometers as well as a high destructive force.” Now Iran is warning that Hamas has new surprises awaiting Israel. Hamas is warning Israel against a ground invasion, saying it will be a trap. Iran is watching the conflict closely and says it shows the balance of power has shifted against Israel. Last Thursday and Friday Iranian officials, the IRGC and Ayatollah Khamenei said that Israel was in decline and that one tactical blow could defeat Israel. It now appears this has been the blow Iran was talking about. Iran is also pleased that foreign airlines have cancelled flights to Israel. Hamas leader Khaled Meshaal has thanked Iran for its support. 與約旦一起,黎巴嫩邊境暴力以色列面臨四線衝突 伊朗,真主黨和哈馬斯在5月8日的聖城日協調消息傳遞,聲稱以色列可能在一項大型戰術行動中被擊敗。 由SETH J.FRANTZMAN 2021年5月14日23:57 哈馬斯成員焚燒棺木,上面蓋著以色列國旗,是2013年第二次起義13週年的集會 (照片來源:ABED RAHIM KHATIB / FLASH90) 廣告 黎巴嫩示威者可能受到真主黨的敦促,於上週五試圖破壞以色列北部靠近米圖拉的邊界圍欄區域。以色列在羅德(Lod)經歷了數夜的暴力衝突後繼續實行宵禁,使這座城市看上去正遭受著內戰。 以色列國防軍在加沙襲擊了另一個哈馬斯反坦克大隊,這是近幾天來針對的這類單位中的六個。在約旦邊境,示威者支持巴勒斯坦人試圖突破邊境,到達以色列和西岸。以色列現在正面臨四線衝突,內部衝突,加沙,黎巴嫩,約旦,並可能在耶路撒冷和西岸發生更多的暴力事件。 一切始於4月的齋月開始,在提克托克(Tik Tok)拍攝了對猶太人的襲擊。然後,極右翼的集會在耶路撒冷,衝突和大馬士革門的警察關閉導致了進一步的緊張局勢。到5月初,緊張局勢加劇。總理本傑明·內塔尼亞胡(Benjamin Netanyahu)必須將其任期移交給組建政府,魯汶·里夫林(Reuven Rivlin)總統於5月4日將其任期交給了耶爾·拉皮德(Yair Lapid)。 四天后,以色列警察在阿克薩清真寺與巴勒斯坦人作戰。巴林,阿聯酋,約旦和其他國家對阿克薩衝突和以色列警察的行動遭到譴責表示關注。 伊朗,真主黨和哈馬斯在5月8日的聖城日協調消息傳遞,聲稱以色列可能在一項大型戰術行動中被擊敗。西岸的槍擊事件有所增加,一名以色列人因受傷而死亡。以色列加強了在西岸的部隊。 5月10日,星期一,在耶路撒冷國慶日期間發生在耶路撒冷的衝突,哈馬斯決定聲援謝赫·賈拉(Sheikh Jarrah)和阿克薩(Al-Aqsa)在耶路撒冷發射火箭。這是哈馬斯火箭戰爭的開始,它在72小時內發射了2,000枚火箭。 到星期五,在加沙邊界上發生了主要衝突。以色列進行了大規模空襲。以色列說,“整夜[5月13日至14日],來自12個中隊的大約160架IDF飛機襲擊了加沙地帶北部的150個地下目標。 Jpost的最新文章 熱門文章 READ MORE Three rockets fired from Lebanon towards Israel,no injuries 跳過廣告 與空軍的打擊平行,在邊界部署了地面部隊,砲兵和裝甲部隊,向加沙地帶的目標發射了數百枚砲彈和數十輛坦克砲彈。” 在羅德市,市長說猶太人面臨著大屠殺,猶太教堂遭到襲擊,邊防警察被召集並從西岸重新部署到該鎮。戰爭突然轉移到以色列的街頭。 從拉哈特(Rahat)到烏姆·法赫姆(Umm al-Fahm)的目標車輛遭到暴亂,猶太人襲擊了巴特亞姆(Bat Yam)的一名阿拉伯司機,從而發生了林奇斯(Lynchings),65號公路和其他主要道路被封鎖的情況。從海法到拿撒勒,納哈里亞,拉姆拉和賈法等其他城市也發生了衝突。暴民在街上漫遊。警察無法控制混亂。以色列媒體說,無政府狀態已經蔓延到以色列的許多城鎮。 然後在5月14日,齋月結束後,衝突轉移到約旦和黎巴嫩。5月13日,在黎巴嫩的一個巴勒斯坦團體向地面發射了幾枚火箭彈,但向以色列發出了警告。在約旦,示威者來到邊境試圖突破。 以色列與約旦的冷淡關係以及內塔尼亞胡與國王的可怕關係,很可能導致約旦使示威者受益。真主黨佔領了黎巴嫩的一半,並鼓勵示威者瞄準邊界地區。真主黨長期以來計劃襲擊以色列社區,並在戰爭時期圍困他們。伊朗密切注視並指出,該地區現已發展起來,反對以色列的平衡已經轉移。 在IRGC負責人侯賽因·薩拉米(Hossein Salami)預測以色列可能在一次行動中被打敗之後一周,看來他的多戰戰略已成真。航空公司取消了飛往以色列的航班。火箭正在下雨,大部分被鐵穹頂攔截,但是以色列的軍事戰略家,高級指揮官和內塔尼亞胡對大規模和不斷增加的火箭威脅沒有任何答案。 它說,哈馬斯被埋在沙丘中並且比過去的射程更長,它的目標是針對擁有火箭,城市和鐵穹頂的基礎設施。同時,它在邊境釋放了反坦克部隊來威脅以色列的車輛。 到5月13日,納夫塔利·本內特(Naftali Bennett)宣稱自己將在5月4日與拉皮德組建政府,他因此放棄了這一政策,並表示不可能改變政府。掌權十餘年的內塔尼亞胡(Netanyahu)看著抗議者襲擊邊界圍牆,燒毀邊界,以色列城市如火如荼,因為暴民襲擊了人民,必須從西岸召集邊界警察,在西岸和加沙發生衝突,並呼籲美國停止對以色列的軍事援助。 以色列的多陣線戰爭突然爆發,沒有應對之策,多年來無視諸如約旦王國之類的問題,又捲土重來,困擾著耶路撒冷。 With Jordan, Lebanon border violence Israel faces 4-front conflict Iran, Hezbollah and Hamas coordinated messaging on Quds Day on May 8, claiming Israel could be defeated in one large tactical operation. By SETH J. FRANTZMAN MAY 14, 2021 23:57 Hamas members burn a coffin draped in an Israeli flag, rally marking 13th anniversary of Second Intifada, 2013 (photo credit: ABED RAHIM KHATIB/FLASH90) Advertisement Lebanese protesters, likely urged on by Hezbollah, tried to breach an area of a border fence in northern Israel on Friday near Metulla. In Lod Israel continued a curfew after nights of violence that had the city looking like it is suffering a civil war. In Gaza the IDF struck another Hamas anti-tank squad, one of a half dozen such units targeted in recent days. On the Jordan border demonstrators supporting the Palestinians tried to break through the border to reach Israel and the West Bank. Israel is now facing a four-front conflict, the internal strife, Gaza, Lebanon, Jordan and possibly more violence in Jerusalem and the West Bank. Read More Related Articles · Iran’s hand seen in Hamas drone threat against Israel - analysis · Is Iron Dome effective against Hamas rockets as originally thought? · Start Your Mindfulness Journey with a Free 14-Day Trial (Unlimited Mindfulness + Yoga Alo Moves) Recommended by It all began in April as Ramadan began and attacks on Jews were filmed on Tik Tok. Then far-right rallies in Jerusalem and clashes and police closures of Damascus Gate led to further tensions. By early May the tensions grew more. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu had to hand back his mandate to form a government and President Reuven Rivlin handed the mandate to Yair Lapid on May 4. Four days later Israeli police battled with Palestinians in Al-Aqsa mosque. Bahrain, the UAE, Jordan and other states expressed concern about the Al-Aqsa clashes and Israeli police actions were condemned. Iran, Hezbollah and Hamas coordinated messaging on Quds Day on May 8, claiming Israel could be defeated in one large tactical operation. Shooting incidents in the West Bank had increased and one Israeli died of his wounds. Israel beefed up forces in the West Bank. On Monday, May 10 clashes in Jerusalem took place amid Jerusalem Day and Hamas decided to launch rockets at Jerusalem in solidarity with Sheikh Jarrah and Al-Aqsa. This was the beginning of the Hamas rocket war which saw 2,000 rockets fired in 72 hours. By Friday a major conflict was developing on the border of Gaza. Israel carried out massive airstrikes. Israel said that “throughout the night [May 13-14], approximately 160 IDF aircraft from 12 squadrons struck over 150 underground targets in the northern Gaza Strip. Latest articles from Jpost Top Articles READ MORE IDF: Air and ground troops attacking inGaza Strip SKIP AD Parallel to the Air Force strikes, ground forces, artillery and armored troops deployed along the border and fired hundreds of artillery shells and dozens of tank shells against targets in the Gaza Strip.” In Lod the mayor said Jews faced a pogrom, synagogues were attacked and the Border police were called up and redeployed to the town from the West Bank. Suddenly the war had moved to Israel’s streets. Lynchings took place, route 65 and other major roads were closed as rioters from Rahat to Umm al-Fahm targeted traffic, Jews attacked an Arab driver in Bat Yam. In other cities from Haifa to Nazareth, Nahariya, Ramla and Jaffa there were clashes. Mobs roamed the streets. Police were unable to control the chaos. Israel’s media said anarchy had come to many towns and cities in Israel. Then on May 14, as Ramadan had ended, the conflict shifted to Jordan and Lebanon. In Lebanon on May 13 a Palestinian group fired several rockets, apparently out to sea, but warning Israel. In Jordan demonstrators came to the border to try to break through. Israel’s chilly relations with Jordan and Netanyahu’s terrible relations with the King, likely led to Jordan enabling the demonstrators. Hezbollah runs half of Lebanon and encouraged the demonstrators to target the border area. Hezbollah has long planned to attack Israeli communities and sieze them in time of war. Iran watched closely and noted that the region has now pivoted and the balance has shifted against Israel. A week after the IRGC head Hossein Salami had predicted Israel could be beaten in one operation, it appeared his multi-front war strategy was coming true. Airlines cancelled flights to Israel. Rockets were raining down, most intercepted by Iron Dome, but Israel’s military strategists, high command and Netanyahu had no answer to the massive and increasing rocket threat. Buried in the sand dunes and with longer ranges than in the past, Hamas was purposely targeting infrastructure with rockets, cities and Iron Dome, it said. Meanwhile it unleashed anti-tank teams along the border to threaten Israeli vehicles. By May 13 Naftali Bennett, who had claimed he would form a government with Lapid on May 4, had thrown in the towel and said no change in government was possible. Netanyahu, in power for more than a decade, was watching the borders burn with protesters assaulting the border fences, Israeli cities in flames as mobs attacked people and border police had to be called from the West Bank, clashes in the West Bank and Gaza, and calls in the US to end military aid to Israel. Israel’s multi-front war had exploded in its face with no strategy to confront it and years of ignoring issues, such as Jordan’s Kingdom, coming back to haunt Jerusalem.

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