

    Explore "skippy" with insightful episodes like "Georgia Dog of the Year and Former ASPCA Chief Hammers Charity", "Geheimnis - von Kurt Tucholsky", "S2E35|專訪數字系雙人組合脆樂團:「長大的重點就是找到自己不能被改變的地方,然後努力保護它!」", "【Crispy脆樂團】大家都不會注意到的小細節?互唱對方的段落,聽起來竟然一模一樣??feat. Crispy脆樂團" and "Trick or Treat Reversed" from podcasts like ""The Agribusiness Update", "Ohrenweide", "萬秀孫代客洗衣", "《信義存愛組》" and "Dropped Culture"" and more!

    Episodes (57)


    【用一件舊衣,找回你的初心】聽萬秀孫瑞夫x音樂平台 MyMusic 帶你透過一件舊衣物,深入各領域職人不為人知的感動故事➤ 溫馨小提醒:強力推薦大家去 YouTube 搜尋 Skippy 2020 在華山大草原的求婚影片,感動到瘋掉,搭配這集更好聽 இдஇ 「脆樂團」是由 Skippy 和丁丁兩人組成的另類雙主唱民謠組合!兩人因為台大詞曲創作社組團而相識,從學生時代就開始征戰許多校園比賽,培養出絕佳好默契! 由於兩人是機械研究所畢業,演出時時常可以看到他們自製的樂器,在音樂創作裡也常出現數字相關的題材與歌詞,但其實看似理性數理腦的他們卻擁有感性又柔軟的心。 2018 年發行《你快樂,嗎》入圍金曲獎最佳演唱組合,四年後帶來的他們的第四張全創作專輯《愛是我們必經的辛苦》,讓我們跟著萬秀孫一起聽聽他們關於創作的初心,以及同時身為戀人跟工作夥伴的相處之道! ▚ Crispy 脆樂團《愛是我們必經的辛苦》專場演唱會 ▞ 時間:𝟮𝟬𝟮𝟯/𝟭/𝟴(日)𝟭𝟳:𝟬𝟬 地點:Zepp New Taipei 售票連結:https://forgoodmusic.kktix.cc/events/crispywillbethere - 歡迎贊助我們一杯咖啡讓我們持續創作⇝ https://mymu.tw/60InC 完整訪問⭐萬秀孫代客洗衣 https://mymu.tw/linktrWSWY 聽友獨享⭐聽歌抽黑熊部落音樂祭門票 https://mymu.tw/4cNmG 免費領取⭐台北最美 MicMind 錄音室 9 折優惠碼【mymusicvip】 合作信箱⭐MyMusic@kurotimes.com.tw 或私訊 IG【mymusic_tw】 - 脆樂團推薦歌單►https://mymu.tw/FnoRB 政大金旋獎群星點點名►https://mymu.tw/5GONl 《好多好多唱談祭》歌單►https://mymu.tw/5U1RC - #MyMusic #萬秀孫 #張瑞夫 #脆樂團 #Skippy #丁不拉丁 #丁丁 #愛是我們必經的辛苦 #相愛就是說了100次對不起 #好多音樂 #100分 #盧翊軒 #田修銓 #陳建騏 #魏如萱 #許含光 #吳獻 #恐龍的皮 #揹上悲傷北上 #CherngDesign #Crispy #編織星空的人 #黑暗的盡頭 #NeckAndNeck #EasyLife #Skeletons #舊家 #自圓其說 #Parcels #IknowhowIfeel 企製/圓仔邦尼、張偲琪

    【Crispy脆樂團】大家都不會注意到的小細節?互唱對方的段落,聽起來竟然一模一樣??feat. Crispy脆樂團

    【Crispy脆樂團】大家都不會注意到的小細節?互唱對方的段落,聽起來竟然一模一樣??feat. Crispy脆樂團
    ✨S4E18精華✨ 🐰Crispy:「我們知道機會得來不易,但不知道那麼容易被拿走。」在這之中到底是出了什麼事❓❗️ 🐰用兩種食物形容對不起和沒關係,對不起就像臭豆腐,沒關係就像⋯⋯??? 🐰專輯名稱《愛是我們必經的辛苦》,Cosine對這個專輯的名字有著不能理解的疑問,究竟為什麼愛會是辛苦,而Crispy又是怎麼回答的呢…? 🐰在兩人的愛情長跑中,丁丁和Skippy覺得最痛苦或最快樂的時候是?? 🐰Skippy對丁丁說過最浪漫的告白情話是⋯⋯?🤩 這週的嘉賓曾在2018年入圍第29屆金曲獎「最佳演唱組合」 沒錯就是他們!大家熟悉的Crispy脆樂團 來啦🔅🔅🔅 Skippy:「從2019年的專輯《有多少光就有多少黑》那時候開始,好像我的生命追上了我的創作。」 《追追追》的旋律乍聽之下很快樂,但細看歌詞後會隱隱約約發現其中的壓力與焦慮❗️ Crispy在訪談裡提到,表演時,台上表演者和台下粉絲們的眼神交流所產生的強烈連結,讓他們覺得做音樂這件事很快樂,同時也是無上的光榮,於是把這樣的想法反映在《愛是我們必經的辛苦》最後一段 「 I will be there」、「 You will be there 」 (小細節就留給各位去探索啦~) Skippy在做Crispy的歌時,因為知道這些音樂往往能帶領聽眾度過艱難的時刻,所以會在歌曲中保有些希望,也希望可以幫助到更多人 ; 而在製作恐龍的皮的歌時,則有一種回到初心的感覺。 訪談最後的默契大考驗,更是本集的看點,可愛的互動保證讓大家甜到不行😋 (✨關於《愛是我們必經的辛苦》,Crispy脆樂團這麼說:『我還是我,你還是你,不管靈魂是什麼形狀,我們花很大心力想成為怎麼樣的人,但真正要成為的就是自己。』🦖) —————💭Crispy脆樂團《愛是我們必經的辛苦》專場演唱會 💭————— 時間|2023.01.08(日) 17:00 演出|Crispy脆樂團 地點|Zepp New Taipei 購票時間|即日起已開賣❗️ 購票窗口|KKTIX、全台全家便利商店FamiPort 票價資訊|預售票 $1200 現場票 $1500 購票連結|https://forgoodmusic.kktix.cc/events/crispywillbethere ✨成團12年來,最大型的演唱會✨ - 哪裡可以收聽信義存愛組? 可以在以下平台聽到: Spotify、Apple Podcast、Sound on、KKbox #信義存愛組 #存在音樂 #Podcast #實習 #音樂產業 #實習生 #crispy #脆樂團 #雙人樂團 #樂團 #丁丁 #skippy #愛是我們必經的辛苦 #追追追 #相愛就是說了100次對不起 #黑暗的盡頭 #裝幀 #轉圈圈 #若無其事 #streetvoice #街聲 #MV #專輯 #編曲 #作詞 #作曲 #創作 #歌詞 #宣傳 存在音樂源生於對藝術的真摯熱情。我們深深相信,藝術之於人類,是如同靈魂一般的存在。而我們致力於創造美好的共生環境,讓所有熱愛藝術的生命能夠深耕茁壯。 音樂教室|樂器販售|演藝經紀|場地租借|行銷企劃|活動承辦

    EP 53. 對不起聰明卻又努力是我必經的使命 feat. Crispy脆樂團

    EP 53. 對不起聰明卻又努力是我必經的使命 feat. Crispy脆樂團
    溫馨又好笑的好朋友 Crispy脆樂團來了! 其實在發光發亮的背後他們也經歷了許多故事,讓他們走到了這張新專輯。 和以往不同,這次更加地強壯也更加地成熟。 新 MV 也相當好看,絕對不能錯過包子的 MV 解讀系列! 此外這也是本集第一次來賓現場演唱! 不要錯過!也快去買他們 1/8 在 Zepp 專場的票喔!!!

    Episode 2- The great ketchup debate

    Episode 2- The great ketchup debate

    Follow along for the "exciting" conclusion of the Bessie story, as well as an all out debate about whether or not ketchup is an acceptable condiment after childhood. As always please like and follow the podcast and follow us on social media and hit us up through email.

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    Peanut Butter: Uses beyond eating it by the spoonful

    Peanut Butter: Uses beyond eating it by the spoonful

    (S7 E6) Just admit it – there is nothing that a scoop of peanut butter straight from the jar to your mouth can’t solve! Kate and Rick know this, as they have tested this theory numerous times. Whether it’s slathered on a piece of bread or dropped into an Asian curry, there is no contesting the power of the butter from the nut. They have their favorite ways to use peanut butter along with a fascinating list of fun facts about peanuts. Also, how do peanuts grow? What is your preferred brand? Are you the all-natural type, or do you prefer the kind with sugar? How about the dehydrated "healthy" version? Rick and Kate discuss them all. Also coming your way is a chat about a tasty crab broth, and a review of the new KFC Beyond Chicken nuggets.








    You Won’t Believe What I Ate Last Night is the ongoing conversation by Kate DeVore and Rick Fiori about their endeavor to be and stay healthy in a really tasty world with kindness and compassion towards themselves and others. Perfect if you are interested in: food, eating, diet, weight loss, weight management, health, fitness, compassion, kindness, meditation, mindfulness, humor, comedy, friendship, weight gain, foodie, podcasts, healthy eating.

    View Matt: Season Finale!

    View Matt: Season Finale!

    Season 1: Episode 39. The season finale! 
    Hijinks ensue when Sonny responds to a personal ad on Matt's behalf. This time the danger is aimed straight at Matt's widower heart. Lee, Jon and Ashwin have plenty to say about this one, and we'd love you to join us and share in the discussion!

    Want to chat with us about Skipp It and Skippy the Bush Kangaroo? We'd love to hear from you!

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    The Long Night

    The Long Night

    When Mark is suspected of a hit and run, a pair of suspicious cops come to investigate. Only Skippy knows the truth about what happened. Well, Skippy and your hosts, Jon, Ashwin and Lee, who are here to tell you all about it!

    Want to chat with us about Skipp It and Skippy the Bush Kangaroo? We'd love to hear from you!

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    Be Our Guest

    Be Our Guest

    Another intruder threatens our heroes, this time taking the form of Clancy's anxiety-ridden mother! So it's terrible timing when Clancy is thrown from her horse and gets lost in the park. Will the tribe of Aborigines she encounters be able to get her back to the station in time to prevent her mum from melting down and taking the park with her? Jon, Ashwin and Lee are here to let you know! 

    Want to chat with us about Skipp It and Skippy the Bush Kangaroo? We'd love to hear from you!

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    Man From Space

    Man From Space

    In this bizarrely repositioned 'pilot episode', Skippy finds an in injured pilot (see what they did there), hanging over a cliff by the cord of his parachute. When Sonny slips and goes over the cliff, it's up to his friend / reincarnated mother Skippy to save him. Sound tense? No worries, mates! Let Ashwin, Jon and Lee tell you all about it!

    Want to chat with us about Skipp It and Skippy the Bush Kangaroo? We'd love to hear from you!

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    The Bushrangers

    The Bushrangers

    Working alone one night, Jerry is attacked and the ranger station is cleaned out. The next day, a gang dressed like Ned Kelly stalk through the park. A groovy 60's band is the Hammonds' only hope for reclaiming what was stolen. All this and an insane group punch up in the mud. Ashwin, Jon and Lee dance you through another episode you have to experience to believe!

    Want to chat with us about Skipp It and Skippy the Bush Kangaroo? We'd love to hear from you!

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    Aunt Evelyn

    Aunt Evelyn

    Prepare for your worst nightmare: Aunt Evelyn visits Waratah National Park! Her sole mission in life is to stick Sonny in boarding school, and she'll do numerous insanely dangerous things to prove it. Rest assured, Lee, Ashwin and Jon are here to ward off this "Evil(yn)" spirit. See what I did there? Well, Matt Hammond did it first. Just listen and see...

    Want to chat with us about Skipp It and Skippy the Bush Kangaroo? We'd love to hear from you!

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    The Empty Chair

    The Empty Chair

    Explosions, corporate greed, a death sentence for the Waratah National Park and the return of a delightful 'millionaire vagabond'. Jon, Ashwin and Lee return to share with you how it all ties together!

    Want to chat with us about Skipp It and Skippy the Bush Kangaroo? We'd love to hear from you!

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    Ten Little Visitors

    Ten Little Visitors

    Ten kids from the "International Children's Federation" get flown to Waratah National Park and it's up to Sonny and Skippy look after them. It's hard enough when they learn none speak English, but when dingoes strike, a tough mission becomes deadly. In an unusually emotional episode, you'll be glad your own guides, Lee, Jon and Aswhin, are here to walk you through it!

    Want to chat with us about Skipp It and Skippy the Bush Kangaroo? We'd love to hear from you!

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    Date In Dalmar

    Date In Dalmar

    In one of the most legitimately tense episodes yet, Sonny and Matt are taken hostage by a shotgun-wielding bank-robbing madman, desperate  to get to Dalmar. Buckle in as Jon, Lee and Ashwin fill you in on all that happens!

    Want to chat with us about Skipp It and Skippy the Bush Kangaroo? We'd love to hear from you!

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    Mayday - Part Two

    Mayday - Part Two

    Following last week's helicopter crash a pair of hard boiled detectives arrive to put the hard word on Jerry and they won't leave until they uncover the truth about how things went down. Ashwin, Jon and Lee take you through the looking glass and into this fast-talking world of 'bush noir'.

    Want to chat with us about Skipp It and Skippy the Bush Kangaroo? We'd love to hear from you!

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    Mayday - Part One

    Mayday - Part One

    How far would you go to "get some tail"? (and we don't mean the kangaroo kind). We doubt many would go to the lengths of Jerry, whose efforts cause him to bully Mark, risk his job, crash the rescue helicopter and end up hospitalised. Daayaamn, Jerry! Join Ashwin, Jon and Lee, who spin some perspective on this dramatic episode!

    Want to chat with us about Skipp It and Skippy the Bush Kangaroo? We'd love to hear from you!

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