

    Explore " slavetrade" with insightful episodes like "Ep. 59 - Banana Bread & the Mormon Slave Trade" and "William" from podcasts like ""The Mormon Medium" and "Salvation and Stuff"" and more!

    Episodes (2)

    Ep. 59 - Banana Bread & the Mormon Slave Trade

    Ep. 59 - Banana Bread & the Mormon Slave Trade

    In this episode of the 'Mormon to Medium' podcast, hosts Nanette and Brad delve into a lesser-known chapter of Mormon history: the Mormon child slave trade. They recount disturbing incidents from the nineteenth century of Mormons purchasing and/or kidnapping Native American children, often as a result of violent conflicts between the Mormons and the Natives. The hosts critically discuss the cultural and racial implications, questioning the ethical pretext that the children were being 'saved' and 'brought to God'. The hosts discuss the integrated spiritualism of indigenous tribes and critique the inherent racism within early Mormon doctrine. 

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    William Episode 27: 

    Hello, thank you for joining us today! It takes a near act of God for someone to stand back and view themselves, and their culture with a wide angle lens - To rise above their own time and view things from an eternal or heavenly perspective. Everyone can and usually does critique history  quite well when they look back on time… But it’s something special and rare for one to do it in real time and space with grace and with truth. It is nearly impossible for people to internally realize the their own personal short comings, or their blind spots, and then to recognize it externally, in their own time and culture, without having adopted it, or more often, become complacent to it. Above this, it is even more difficult to not only see the changes that need to be made but then do the hard work in implementing them - to actually change the cultural and political norm of one’s day. To try this and fail, and get up and fail again, time and time again…..To get back up and try over and over…. until your life is spent….with no promise of success. This is what we’ll look at in today’s narrative.

    I was going to say that this is “a” story…. but really, due to its immense scope, its nature, and its extreme rarity, this is “the” story of a man’s life given to change a worldwide and institutional practice, so openly accepted and ingrained in cultures times-past, that to identify it and capture it, would be like trying to separate the air surrounding you from the air inside your lungs…. Slavery was normal. It was in the air that all people breathed. Although practiced by all people in all of history, the very small framed William Wilburforce determined to change that. By the grace of God, William would spearhead the movement that would change the world forever.

    Eric Metaxas wrote, that “[William] Wilberforce overturned not just European civilization’s view of slavery but its view of almost everything in the human sphere; and that is why it’s nearly impossible to do justice to the enormity of his accomplishment: it was nothing less than a fundamental and important shift in human conscience.” Intro XV

    Let’s look into William’s life and times and ask God to give us clarity, and vision for what He may have for us in our life and times today.……Episode 27, William, starts now.

    William Wilberforce was born on August 24th, 1759. He was an abnormally small and fragile boy — in fact he would never grow taller than 5’ 3”. From his childhood, William would suffer from a weak and sickly constitution accompanied with poor eyesight. So, with the recent death of his eldest sister and his father, the young and ill-looking eight-year-old, William, felt even smaller. On top of this all, William’s mother was becoming very sick. With her nearing the verge of death, his relatively comfortable world that he had known was crashing down around him.

    As a result of losing his father, sister, and now, possibly his mother, little William was forced to move from his small town of Hull close to the large city of London with his Aunt Hannah and Uncle William. Not only was he moving to a completely new environment, with a new school, and new caretakers, but his Aunt as Uncle were Methodists.

    The new break off sect of the Church of England started by John Wesley nearly three decades before was largely viewed with contempt. At the time, Methodists were considered to be religious radicals - fanatics who took the gospel of Jesus seriously and passionately in a time where Bibles were only opened on Sunday mornings and where Christian teachings stayed safely within church walls. Both Anglicans and non-religious people frowned upon Methodists and their zeal of God. Later, William wrote about this time in his life saying, “It’s impossible for you to have any idea of the hatred in which the Methodists were then held. I cannot better explain it to you than by than saying that it is more like the account given in Ivanhoe of the persecutions against the Jews, than anything else I know.” (Metaxas, p. 12).

    At the time, the prospect for the small and fatherless boy seemed overwhelming. Yet, this was the plan of God for William, without which he would never be the same - nor would the world.


    William’s Aunt and Uncle had a profound influence upon the young boy — and it was precisely because they were not, what William’s mother had hoped, just nominal Anglicans. Besides being extremely wealthy, and befriending many notable people in both the church and state, it was from them that William truly saw the Christian faith put into everyday practice. His Aunt and Uncle were also friends with some of the most dominate Christian figures of the century, namely, John Newton and George Whitefield.

    Whitefield had traveled to America several times and was on his 13th and last trip to America when William came to live with his Aunt and Uncle. Whitefield, had an impact on William, although indirectly, as it’s doubtful the two ever met. But young William did meet John Newton, the slave trader-turned-pastor and author of “Amazing Grace”. Throughout the years, the two became very close. William regarded Newton as his spiritual father. By the age of fourteen, William wrote a paper against the slave trade. No doubt, much of his knowledge of it came from Newton’s influence.

    Concerned that William was being overly affected by her Methodist relatives, William’s mother and grandfather moved him back to Hull. William had only spent two years with his Aunt and Uncle but he had grown to cherish them dearly. He wrote them shortly after leaving London saying, “I can never forget you as long as I live.” (Metaxas 12). Soon after William reluctantly returned to Hull, to his delight, the headmaster of his school, Joseph Milner, had become a passionate Methodist as well. And so, despite being in Hull, mostly surrounded by people who were nothing like his Aunt and Uncle, William still found encouragement in these formative years while his young faith and biblical worldview were developing.

    Just 3 months after the rebels in the United States declared their independence from Britain, the seventeen year old William entered St. John’s College in Cambridge in 1776.


    Typical of young men his age, college for William began with much socializing, singing, card playing and late night drinking. In these years, William was blossoming into a charismatic man. Because he could sing quite well and charm people with his speech, he was always looked on with favor and gladly received by all people. William had the unique ability to captivate those around him with the rare and welcomed capability to be both moral and entertaining. With the recent death of his grandfather, William was left with a large inheritance which not only allowed William to throw extravagant parties, but would be crucial in his future in politics, where money played a big part in being elected.

    William’s induction into Parliament came earlier than he probably intended. In college, William became close friends with William Pitt. Pitt, a statesmen himself, was the son of the famed Prime Minister, William Pitt the Elder. Throughout college, the two young Williams became very close and maintained a devoted friendship that would last for years to come. It was with Pitt’s encouragement that William decided to try his hand in politics — getting the idea to represent the city of Hull in the House of Commons. Having just turned 21, and throwing a birthday party sparing no expense, William found himself elected as a member of Parliament, having received more votes than his two challengers combined. And within only a few years, his dear friend advanced in his own career as a politician. The twenty four-year-old, William Pitt, would become the youngest Prime Minister in English history, being appointed by the King on December 18, 1783.

    But in the midst of all the limelight and success, William began to question his existence, namely his faith and purpose in life. As he mused on the simple faith he once had as a child, he could not help but notice the dreadful gap between himself and God’s holiness. He read the Bible often leading him to confess in his diary, “I believe all the great truths of the Christian religion, but I am not acting as though I did.” (Metaxas, p. 53). Wanting to have a real faith like his Aunt and Uncle, William found himself in a predicament as Methodists and their ilk were still not welcomed in Parliament or high society, both of which William was deeply entwined.

    It’s no wonder then that William spent much of his time reading, praying, and writing in his diary, about the looming decision awaiting him. William knew that he wanted to pursue and follow God above all else. This was the “Great Change” that William would refer to years later. Having reached out to his close fiends and mentors for advice, William laid out the problem that he wanted to be a faithful Christian but that it was probably incompatible with a life of a politician. His dear friend Pitt acknowledged William’s desire to live as a Christian unfettered by social or political constraints but encouraged him to stay in Parliament. Heartened, William was still not convinced and decided to converse with his old friend John Newton, who was now sixty years old. Newton, like Pitt, advised William that a life of politics and religion can indeed coexist. Soon after, speaking of William, Newton wrote a friend, “I hope the Lord will make him a blessing both as a Christian and a statesman. How seldom do these characteristics coincide!! But they are not incompatible.” (Metaxas p. 61).

    With that, William had decided to remain in parliament — resolved to let his faith in God dictate not only his character but more importantly the policies he would soon put forward. It was a balance act. With diligence, William now had to let his biblical theology or those “great Christian truths” permeate his  personal and political life, without losing his influence and charismatic ability to persuade.  


    The twenty-six-tear-old, was now back in the House of Commons and set before himself two “great objects” that he would sacrifice the remainder of his life to. The second of the “great objects” was the reformation of manners. Being in the very heart of London, William had a front row seat to society’s many ailments that not only affected the poor, but the rich, and everyone in between. Being one the largest cities of the time, disease, overcrowding and crime were rampant. The death penalty was unjust and carried out by public hangings and even public burnings at times. Grotesque violence was commonplace. Animal cruelty like dogfights and bull-baiting were also displayed in the public square for people’s amusement. Alcoholism and addiction were also destroying families namely among the poor. Many infants were often abandoned and died from neglect as more and more parents left reality for the temporary comfort of alcohol and opium. Poverty also led many to obtain finances through the the sex trade. At the time, twenty-five percent of unmarried women in London were prostitutes. The average age of those girls was sixteen and there were even brothels that provided the services of fourteen year-old adolescents.

    This dark culture in which William lived stood in stark contrast to many of the core truths of Christianity like self control, sobriety, sexual purity, and compassion. All of these Christian characteristics and callings were based upon the foundational doctrine of seeing the “Imago Dei” the (image of God) in oneself and in others. As a result, its no wonder that most people didn’t see anything wrong or immoral with the slave trade. It was just another custom of the culture. Thus, William’s second “great object” to change or reform the practices of society, naturally led to his first “great object” — the suppression of the slave trade.

    While Willian was laying the groundwork towards both of these goals, it wasn’t until he was twenty-eight years old that he famously penned in his diary, “God almighty has set before me two great objects: the suppression of the slave trade and the reformation of manners.” (Metaxas p. 85). Soon after, William determinedly wrote, ”So enormous, so dreadful, so irremediable did the [slave] trade's wickedness appear that my own mind was completely made up for abolition. Let the consequences be what they would: I from this time determined that I would never rest until I had effected it’s abolition.” 


    The task in front William did not just seem overwhelming, it was. For years to come, more than he could have ever thought, William would have to work with all types of people in every possible way to see any amount of success. Thankfully, there were others who shared his same sentiments and like him, were willing to risk their livelihood. From artist’s, poets, theologians, and preachers to Quakers, sailors, and escaped slaves, all participated in various ways.

    In 1783, four years before William penned his two ‘great objects’ the Quakers had already set up the ‘Committee on the Slave Trade’ which attracted the attention of Granville Sharp and Thomas Clarkson — two giants in the cause to end slavery. Under their leadership, the Quakers committee soon became the more influential 'Society for the Abolition of the Slave Trade’. At this same time, (1787) William helped to found the ‘Society for the Reformation of Manners’.

    But just as the movement was gaining recognition, and William was laying the groundwork to bring a bill to the House of Commons, he became very sick with fevers and exhaustion. In February of 1788 William became so ill with diarrhea and chronic stomach pain that doctors believed he was nearing death. After aiding him, the physicians concluded that William was suffering from an “absolute decay of all [his] digestive tracts.” Fearing the worst, they began to prescribe Opium. To their surprise, the opiate which William would remain on for the remainder of his life, worked better than expected. While he slowly regained his strength, William would be afflicted with stomach infections for the rest of his life and dependent upon the drug which didn’t help his worsening eyesight.

    Despite this setback, about a year and a half after this, on May 12, 1789, William was back in the House of Commons. Mustering all of his oratory skills, William delivered his first major speech, putting forward twelve propositions for abolition of the slave trade. His discourse would last for three-and-a-half hours through which he graphically explained the horrific conditions of the  transatlantic route. Although William made the case that his propositions would be economically beneficial to the country, he did not hide that the primary purpose for abolition should be due to principle — the principles of conscience and of justice, and ultimately “the laws of religion and of God.”

    While the oration was noted as being one of William’s greatest by many notable people, the members of Parliament remained unconvinced. The debate ended with a decision to hear more evidence. In effect, nothing politically or lawfully changed and so William and all those working with him suffered their first of many legislative defeats. And although William’s speech heartened many, as it vocalized a growing movement toward civility, it also raised the ire of others.

    William had become the most public target of many who opposed abolition. Scottish biographer and lawyer, James Boswell, turned on William by publishing a blistering rhyme attacking not only his Christian faith but small stature writing, “Go Wilberforce with narrow skull, Go home and preach away at Hull. Go, Wilberforce, be gone, for shame, Thou dwarf with big resounding name,” (Metaxas p. 156). The Prince of Wales also singled out William as did the King of England’s third son, the Duke of Clarence. William’s life was directly threatened by some slave-ship captains. Besides this, fanciful rumors were spread around that William was a cruel and violent husband — a man who would often beat his wife. Regardless that William wasn’t even courting a woman at the time, let alone married, the constant attacks upon him and his cause were always hurtful. For many across the globe, their income was directly or indirectly dependent upon the well being of the slave trade. Thus, William’s leadership for its abolition was unwanted and resisted tooth and nail.

    Regardless, year after year, William was resolute in putting forth bills to chip away at the institution from every possible angle. And for various reasons, (whether it was because the French Revolution was unfolding to the south or the American rebels fighting for independence across the Atlantic) England found itself intertwined among dangerous revolutions discovering reasons or excuses to hinder any progress for abolition. Meanwhile, that the barbaric and evil slave trade ran as usual, was not lost to William. It vexed him greatly. But although precious time was passing into the darkness of history, William’s purpose and resolve was only growing brighter. After ten years the tide was beginning to change.


    A welcomed reprieve and a great personal encouragement to William after many years of legislative losses, was meeting his future wife, Barbara Ann Spooner. In April of 1797, the two met at a dinner party in the city of Bath. Only after eight days of getting to know each other, they were engaged and would be married within a month’s time. On May 30, of the same year, the thirty-seven-year-old William married his twenty-year-old bride Barbara Ann. Although she nearly died from typhoid early in their marriage, Barbara recovered and would continue raising a family with her husband. And within ten short years of marriage, William found himself closer than ever to his beautiful wife, who shared his same heart for Christian reform, while fathering two girls and four young boys. With Barbara’s influence and help, William would not only continue to fight for abolition, but many other social changes as well. In 1804, William helped found the British and Foreign Bible Society as well and the Church Missionary Society. In a very real sense, the more missionaries bringing Christian principles to new people groups could only bolster the movement for abolition.

    As William had become painfully aware, he’d need all the help he could get. But oddly, that help to advance abolition came through the early death of his best friend and Prime Minister, William Pitt. In January of 1806, the forty-six-year-old Pitt died from ulcers and chronic stomach problems. He past away unmarried and without any children. William Grenville, Pitt’s cousin, and long time friend of Wilburforce was then elected as the new Prime Minister of the United Kingdom. Grenville, who had long believed the slave trade was an evil and cruel institution, sensed the public sentiment was leaning in favor of abolition and decided to become personally involved in the battle to help advance it.

    By now though, after nearly two decades of losses, the forty-seven-year-old William, was not as optimistic. But although the small framed man was even smaller and weaker than he had been as a youth, his spirit and mind were not. And even though William had endured many political defeats, he was still heartened by the Prime Minister’s willingness to engage in the progress for abolition. On January 2, 1807 Grenville personally read the bill before the House of Lords. A month later on February 5, the second reading of the bill was given. This ignited a long debate in Parliament that would last throughout the night. Again, Grenville, the new Prime Minister, gave a speech championing William’s twenty year effort to abolish the slave trade. And as Wilburforce had done years before, Grenville likewise appealed to his fellow member’s morality — presenting the case that the bill for abolition should pass because it was both the ethical and virtuous choice for any nation, let alone a Christian one.

    After many orations were presented throughout the night, in a stunning ending, the votes were finally cast and tallied at 5:00 in the morning. The bill for abolition had past by 46 counts! Undoubtedly, William and all those with him were surprised and thrilled. But William’s excitement was tempered as the bill would still need to pass one last time in the House of Commons. The date was set three weeks away for February 23.

    William knew that for the bill to succeed in it’s final reading and vote, God would have to “turn the hearts of men” — namely, the West Indian planters who constantly resisted the bill. But by William’s political insight, he astonishingly counted on having their favor. By an act of God’s grace, William believed that abolition had now become popular, even to some of those who prospered from it. The twenty years of effort and sacrifice from William and all those working with him had changed the public’s sentiment and it seemed now that the writing was on the wall.

    At last, the day arrived for the bill’s 3rd and final reading. After commencing, member after member arose to give their speech. As one finished, more eagerly stood to address the Parliament. As the hours past, the momentum seemed to be swelling, not only in favor of abolition but in favor of its champion, William Wilburforce. Sir Samuel Romilly, the solicitor-general  and an admirer of William stirred the crowd to tears by eloquently contrasting Wilburforce as England’s peacemaker to Napoleon as France’s warlord. Humbled by this show of approval and praise, William began to shed tears of joy. Upon seeing this, the house was filled with great applause and sincere cheers! It was in this atmosphere that the 299 votes were then cast. After a short count, the House would vote 283 in favor of the bill to only 16 against.

    The battle to end the slave trade was officially won on February 23, 1807.


    Although the slave trade had legally ended in England, nearly 20 years after William resolved to end it, slavery itself had not. While terminating the trade would serve as a moral light for other countries to emulate, the question that William would continue to fight for was whether England could go even further and abolish slavery all together. By now, William was not young, nor was he healthy, but he was mature and determined to continue the battle to reform England’s manners — which included many social reforms but could not be made more evident than to legally abolish slavery.

    And so, William went from one monumental battle straight into the next. In 1813, William convinced Parliament to permit Christian missionaries to India. Soon after this, he and his friends began an antislavery public opinion campaign never seen before in English history. “In 1814 they had gathered one million signatures, one-tenth of the population, on 800 petitions, which they delivered to the House of Commons.” (Christianity Today). In 1822, he helped form the anti-Slavery Society which officially launched his campaign for the emancipation of slaves the year after.

    But only 2 years after this, in 1825 the sixty-six-year-old retired from the House of Commons. His health was suffering more than normal and once again, his life was in danger from pro-slavery radicals. Although William’s workload was reduced now working from home, he remained involved for emancipation as much as he possibly could. The movement to abolish slavery within Parliament was in other capable hands and there was much to do behind the scenes. So, like the many years before, William would work tirelessly for the years to come. Knowing that his time was drawing near, the seventy-two-year-old made another anti-slavery speech at a public meeting in April 1833. It would be his last.

    Surely the old man thought that hoping to abolish slavery entirely was too large of an ambition — a youthful promise made in relative and emotional haste that was probably more foolhardy than courageous. But even if emancipation was not to be seen in his lifetime, William took comfort, especially in his last days, that he fought for it for nearly half a century. On July 19, William likened himself to an old clock that was winding down. He was 73 years old and as his health continued to decline, William found himself surrounded by loved ones who all knew what was soon to come.

    But then, something unexpected came on a Friday night, July 26 — and it was great news! A report came that the government had just conceded, granting freedom to all slaves in the British Empire. At last, the Slavery Abolition Act had officially passed. William could hardly believe it! All at once, his life’s aim was granted, his prayers answered, his struggle was over and on the following day, William reveled in it!

    “Who can dream what went through the old man’s mind that day? To know that the battle for emancipation was really and truly over, and won—to know that every slave in the vast reaches of the British Empire would soon have his legal freedom and could never again suffer under such a system. Such a Saturday of joy as Wilberforce lived that day can only come after a thousand Saturdays of battle. But it had come. It was a dream come true.” (Metaxas p. 275). A dream, that would indeed console his dying body for a few more days. For in the early hours of Monday morning, July 29, 1833, William Wilburforce, exhaled for the last time.  

    Days later, the York Herald newspaper eulogized Wilberforce writing that towards him:

    "...there is probably associated more love and veneration than ever fell to the lot of any civilised individual throughout the civilised globe ...  His warfare is accomplished, his cause is finished; he kept the Faith. Those who regard him merely as a philanthropist, in the worldly sense of that abused term, know but little of his character”. (https://www.mylearning.org/stories/william-wilberforce/168)



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