
    smart living principles

    Explore " smart living principles" with insightful episodes like "EP042 - 3 Simple Steps For Walking With Godly Perspective", "EP041 - 3 Simple Truths For Stronger Life Perspective", "EP040 - Seeing Your Life As God Sees It", "EP039 - A God Perspective, Not Just A Good Perspective" and "EP038 - Connecting With The WIEB Principle" from podcasts like ""The Principles For Smart Living Show", "The Principles For Smart Living Show", "The Principles For Smart Living Show", "The Principles For Smart Living Show" and "The Principles For Smart Living Show"" and more!

    Episodes (30)

    EP042 - 3 Simple Steps For Walking With Godly Perspective

    EP042 - 3 Simple Steps For Walking With Godly Perspective

    In the previous episode, we talked about the three (3) simple truths you must connect with if you truly want a life well lived; in today’s episode, we want to take this discussion a bit further and talk about those 3 simple steps for walking with Godly perspective in your everyday life.

    Here are three simple things that you need to pay attention to in your life, to walk in Godly perspective:

    • Step 1. Constantly Remind Yourself Of What He Says About You

    • Step 2. Be Willing To Let Go Of Your Old Life Perspective, And Adopt God New Outlook For You

    • Step 3. Come Into Agreement With God About Who He Has Made You To Be And Where He Wants To Take Your Life

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    EP041 - 3 Simple Truths For Stronger Life Perspective

    EP041 - 3 Simple Truths For Stronger Life Perspective

    in today’s episode, let’s talk about three (3) simple truths you must connect with, if you truly want a life well lived. 

    The First Simple Truth says that "God sees you not as you are, but as you are destined to become. God is always looking at the completed version of your life in Jesus Christ, not your incompleteness that you struggle with from day to day." 

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    EP040 - Seeing Your Life As God Sees It

    EP040 - Seeing Your Life As God Sees It

    Isn't it amazing that the way we see ourselves can often be totally different from God's perspective of us? What's more amazing is that our perspective and our outlook on life, is what shapes the types of experiences we have while we're alive. And because of this fact, it is difficult to live beyond what we see and believe about ourselves and our lives.

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    EP039 - A God Perspective, Not Just A Good Perspective

    EP039 - A God Perspective, Not Just A Good Perspective

    In today’s episode, we’ll talk about how to connect with a God perspective of your life; you see, just having a good perspective is not enough, especially in this constantly shifting world, you need an outlook and viewpoint that won’t fail you.

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    EP038 - Connecting With The WIEB Principle

    EP038 - Connecting With The WIEB Principle

    There is one powerful weapon that you must have in your arsenal to effectively take out the “FTL” terrorist. It is a high-powered assault rifle that will constantly and accurately take him down any time he dares attempt anything. 

    The weapon of choice is called… Deliberate Action. “Nothing Will Happen Until You Take Intentional Action In The Pursuit Of Your Dreams”

    Your best ideas, plans, and strategies will take up valuable space in your life and even begin to clutter your mind if you do not act on them…

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    EP037 - Avoiding The FTL Syndrome

    EP037 - Avoiding The FTL Syndrome

    In today’s episode, we’ll talk about the number one reason why many people get stuck on their journey, and then get frustrated with being stuck when the real power for progress lies in doing one simple thing; avoiding the “FTL” syndrome

    There was a movie that I watched some time ago with this same title “Failure To Launch”. It was about a 35-year-old guy who had an interesting and seemingly successful job brokering boats. He drove a nice car, had a passion for sailing, and a life that seemed great. The only downside was that he still lived at home with his parents – and they want him to leave.

    It seemed that no matter what his parents did, he just did not want to really grow up and move on to exploring and finding his own path in life. He somehow preferred the safety of hiding behind his parents, and would not leave the nest.

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    EP036 - Winning Against Dark Agent “F”

    EP036 - Winning Against Dark Agent “F”

    In today’s episode, we’ll talk about the one thing you must beat; the one challenger you must overcome if you really want to live a truly uniquely great life.


    He was sly and cunning – a secretive enemy whose quiet power was like deadly poison to those he chose to destroy. His ability was so amazing, that he could invade and conquer almost any man of any age, race, ethnicity, and walk of life.

    From doctors to politicians; chaplains to barroom brawlers; presidents to street bums; they all fell victim to his stranglehold at some point - and sadly, many never broke free.

    His name is Dark Agent “F”

    Maybe you don’t recognize him yet, but keep reading, you will in a few moments.

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    EP035 - Send Your Critics A ‘Thank-You’ Card?

    EP035 -  Send Your Critics A ‘Thank-You’ Card?

    In today’s episode, let’s talk about why you should send a “thank you” card to your critics as we discuss the 6th key for unlocking your unique greatness and living a truly great life. 


     “You should send a thank-you card to your critics!”

    I know after hearing that statement above you probably thought to yourself, "Conrad is nuts!" But go ahead, read it again. 

    Now I know the question in your mind probably is, "why should I even care to do anything nice for people who have tried to block and stop me at every turn, discouraged me with every attempt, and humiliated me intentionally?"

    Keep listening and I will show you the powerful answer to that same question that you should apply to your life a little further down; but first, let me give you another story from my life.

    Some years ago, I worked in a hotel chain as a bartender after graduating from high school. After working there for a few years, I decided that there wasn't much happening, because I wanted more for my life than bartending could offer.

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    EP034 - Please Stop This - It Is Unpleasant

    EP034 -  Please Stop This - It Is Unpleasant

    In this episode, we’ll talk about your unique greatness under construction and the fifth key to unlocking this unique power in your life which is working through your own process of greatness development. 


    Painful thought after thought flashed through his mind like uneasy monkeys jumping from tree to tree as he sat alone, abandoned, and forgotten in a foreign land simply because he had dared to dream.

    “What have I done to deserve this kind of life?” the young man sobbed as he sat with his back against the cold gray walls facing the brown iron bars in a place that would probably become his permanent home.

    “First, my brothers committed the highest act of treason against the family by selling me off as a slave to foreigners, and just as I am finally becoming respected again as a decent human being, I end up in prison because of a vicious lie?”

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    EP033 - Your Game - Your Rules

    EP033 -  Your Game - Your Rules

    In today’s episode, let’s talk about how you should approach managing your perfect environment for your unique greatness to shine and bless others, by talking about your game - your rules.

    This brings us full circle back to you.

    What about you?

    What is your great thing?

    Is it writing; engaging people in meaningful conversations; making new friends; closing business deals; making people feel great around you; bring hope and optimism to bad situations; making people laugh; sharing God’s Word with others?

    What is it?

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    EO032 - The Smart Fish - Dumb Flashlight Theory

    EO032 - The Smart Fish - Dumb Flashlight Theory

    Have you ever been to an aquarium before? 

    Have you ever seen what fish look like as they swim around and around in the tanks effortlessly? 

    Doesn’t it almost seem as if they don’t have a care in the world? 

    Do you think if you jumped into that tank of water, you could beat those fishes swimming around? 

    Of course not!


    Aaah, now you are asking the right questions – and herein lie the true power for unlocking your unique greatness…keep listening, I guarantee you’ll get it!

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    EP031 - The Birthplace Of Greatness & Destiny

    EP031 - The Birthplace Of Greatness & Destiny

    Every great invention that revolutionized the world began with the seed of an idea.

    Every great political, social, business, or church leader’s career was birthed from the seed of potential that someone saw in them, and worked to help them mature

    Every human being that enters this earth realm is born from a seed…


    ...and if you can ever tap into your seeds of greatness, you will become unstoppable on your road to a fulfilled life. 

    Now I’m going to do something a little different here - I’m going, to sum up, this entire session in the next few words, so follow along carefully.


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    EP030 - The Power Of Great Connections

    EP030 - The Power Of Great Connections

    If you talked to any successful individual today, one of the things you'd find out is that they have really good connections. 

    Whether it's their network of friends, business associates, family members etc…they all realize that being able to identify and surround oneself with good people, plays a big part in their continual success.

    Why? Simply because oftentimes, real discovery and exposure to great opportunities that can propel you forward at a rapid pace, will come through people you are connected with.

    One of the things I have learned is that there is great value in having good relationships with people, simply because of what you can share with each other. 

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    EP029 = Rediscovering Your REAL Worth

    EP029 = Rediscovering Your REAL Worth

    What if you were worth 20-million dollars?

    What would be different about you, your lifestyle, your relationships, etc? 

    How would you expect to be treated? 

    How would you act? 

    How would you look and carry yourself in public? 

    Would you want the best of everything in your life? The best foods, clothes, jewelry, cars, people, etc!

    So let me ask you this simple question…

    What would be the difference between you right now (the person listening to this podcast) and the other you (the one worth 20-million dollars)? 

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    EP028 - $3,000,000 In A Cardboard Tube (Recognizing Greatness)

    EP028 - $3,000,000 In A Cardboard Tube (Recognizing Greatness)

    What would you have done if someone came into your home, and showed you something that was worth 3, 4, 5 million dollars; something that you walked passed every day? What would change?

    How would you treat that same seemingly insignificant object differently? Would you put it in a safe at your house or a strong deposit box at your local bank? What would you do next?

    Do you realize that there are things already in your life that have even more value than that old painting described in the preceding story?

    And this brings us to our first simple key for unlocking your unique greatness called…

    Key #1 - “Re-discovering Your Real Worth”

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    EP027 - Becoming The Authority On Your Unique Greatness

    EP027 - Becoming The Authority On Your Unique Greatness

    1. You are so unique, that you cannot be compared to anyone else on this planet earth.

    2, In your total unique state, you have no equal and no match – you are unparalleled. 

    You, the “HE = Human Element” – is so unique in the earth that when God made the world in Genesis 1:26, He realized that creation was not completed until there was a being capable of ruling all He had created; so He made a creature just as unique as He was and is.

    Then to make it even more interesting, instead of just speaking mankind into existence like He did everything else, he knelt down and personally shaped man from the ground. If that wasn’t wonderful enough, God then released a part of Himself into man to give him life. (Genesis 2:7)


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    EP022 - Be Careful Who You Allow To Define You

    EP022 - Be Careful Who You Allow To Define You

    Like the farmer in the story, if you think back over your life you too would quickly realize that somehow, people are always trying to tell you how to define the events in your own life.

    But why is this so?

    I have found that we all have an innate desire within us to add meaning to things in life so that we can make sense of them. 

    When we can’t define, categorize and classify our experiences, they don’t make sense–and when they don’t make sense, we seem to have a difficult time being clear on what to do, think, or how to proceed.

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    EP021 - 5 Steps For Growing Big Dreams From Small Seeds

    EP021 - 5 Steps For Growing Big Dreams From Small Seeds

    Uncommon Dreamers are everyday ordinary people who simply had a dream and pursued their dream until it became a reality. Uncommon Dreamers have literally changed the world, and today, they are still changing and shaping the way we live, what we eat, and how we connect with others on this planet.

    But, most of us only see the end product of that dream – we see it in its magnificence but never realize that it all started from somewhere small – and that we too have the same ability to start small with our dreams, and build something so uncommonly great, that we remembered long after we’re gone.

    Thomas Edison was a dreamer; Martin Luther King Jr. was a dreamer; Mother Teresa was a dreamer, and dare I say that within you beats the heart of a dreamer too!

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    EP020 - My Origin Story (Where It Began & Why I Do What I Do)

    EP020 - My Origin Story (Where It Began & Why I Do What I Do)

    I’m sitting on the right side in the second row of the twin-engine Beechcraft Baron, when I’m suddenly jolted awake by what felt like heavy turbulence.

    I open my eyes, everyone is sitting up with anxious looks on their face, and I quickly realized why.

    One of our two engines was sputtering and fighting to stay alive; we were heavily leaning to one side as the pilot tried to keep the plane balanced, when boom, the engine died.

    My family had just taken off about 15 minutes ago, on this beautiful Saturday afternoon, after spending two weeks vacationing with friends, and now it seemed we were about to die.

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    EP019 - 4 Easy Steps For Building Self Confidence

    EP019 - 4 Easy Steps For Building Self Confidence

    If you stop for a few minutes in your day you will almost be able to pick out of the crowd two different types of people. 

    1. those who have an internal self-confidence issue which causes them to act and react in a scary, unsure way about themselves; and 
    2. those who believe in themselves and move with surety, calmness, and a magnetic presence.

    If you were paying attention for any length of time, you have probably noticed that these self-confident people ordinarily seem to be victorious in all the areas of their lives.

    Does this happen because they are smarter than most? Or does it happen because they have access to more money than everyone else? Maybe they are the ones that Lady Fortune has smiled on the most?

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