
    soulstrength fit

    Explore " soulstrength fit" with insightful episodes like "A Lamp on a Stand - This Little Light of Mine : The Parables of Jesus, Week 7, Day 1", "The Parable of the Tenants - The Vineyard : The Parables of Jesus, Week 6, Day 5", "A Dutiful Servant : The Parables of Jesus, Week 6, Day 4", "The Unforgiving Servant - An Unforgiving Heart : The Parables of Jesus, Week 6, Day 3" and "The Thief in the Night : The Parables of Jesus, Week 6, Day 2" from podcasts like ""Devotionals on the Go", "Devotionals on the Go", "Devotionals on the Go", "Devotionals on the Go" and "Devotionals on the Go"" and more!

    Episodes (100)

    A Lamp on a Stand - This Little Light of Mine : The Parables of Jesus, Week 7, Day 1

    A Lamp on a Stand - This Little Light of Mine : The Parables of Jesus, Week 7, Day 1

    This Devotional pairs with workout 1 from week 7 in the SoulStrength Fit Parables of Jesus Workout Program found at soulstrengthfit.com.

    Today I encourage you to be open about your love for Jesus. Be open about your love for others. Let Jesus on the inside be seen on the outside. Your “good deeds” should be the light that God uses to draw others to Him. So, let your light shine. Be patient when others would be rude. Be kind when others would be harsh. Show love where others would show hate. Be calm when others would be filled with panic. Live by faith when others are living by fear. “Let your good deeds shine out for all to see, so that everyone will praise your heavenly Father.” As a lamp you want your light to shine.

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    The Parable of the Tenants - The Vineyard : The Parables of Jesus, Week 6, Day 5

    The Parable of the Tenants - The Vineyard : The Parables of Jesus, Week 6, Day 5

    This Devotional comes pairs with workout 3 from week 6 in the SoulStrength Fit Parables of Jesus Workout Program found at soulstrengthfit.com.

    Rejecting Jesus is not a choice without consequences. Those who reject Him will one day pay dearly for it.  That is why we need to do everything we can to help those around us to accept Jesus as a stone on which to build for eternity, and to keep them from stumbling and falling in that decision.  

    How might God be specifically calling you to help others accept Jesus?

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    A Dutiful Servant : The Parables of Jesus, Week 6, Day 4

    A Dutiful Servant : The Parables of Jesus, Week 6, Day 4

    This Devotional is day 4 from week 6 in the SoulStrength Fit Parables of Jesus Workout Program found at soulstrengthfit.com.

    It can be easy to assume that we willingly serve the Lord, expecting nothing in return.  But do we?  Really search your heart.  Can you find any hidden areas in which you expect God to somehow reward you?

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    The Unforgiving Servant - An Unforgiving Heart : The Parables of Jesus, Week 6, Day 3

    The Unforgiving Servant - An Unforgiving Heart : The Parables of Jesus, Week 6, Day 3

    This Devotional comes pairs with workout 2 from week 6 in the SoulStrength Fit Parables of Jesus Workout Program found at soulstrengthfit.com.

    If you were to rate yourself on a scale of 1-10, with 1 being the most critical and 10 being the least critical, how would you rate yourself as a person who tends to be critical of others, quick to judge, and slow to forgive?

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    The Thief in the Night : The Parables of Jesus, Week 6, Day 2

    The Thief in the Night : The Parables of Jesus, Week 6, Day 2

    This Devotional is day 2  from week 6 in the SoulStrength Fit Parables of Jesus Workout Program found at soulstrengthfit.com

    “You ought to live holy and godly lives,” Peter writes, “as you look forward to the day of God and speed its coming.”

    What do you think it means to live a “holy and godly life,” and how can you better prepare yourself for the Lord’s second coming?

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    The Shrewd Man of the World; How Jesus Wants You to Use Your Money: The Parables of Jesus, Week 6, Day 1

    The Shrewd Man of the World; How Jesus Wants You to Use Your Money: The Parables of Jesus, Week 6, Day 1

    This Devotional comes pairs with workout 1 from week 6 in the SoulStrength Fit Parables of Jesus Workout Program found at soulstrengthfit.com.

    Jesus takes matters of earthly wealth, possessions, and resources seriously.  How we handle our money is a tip off to how faithful we would be in other areas, and faithfulness in this and all areas of our lives are rewarded with spiritual treasures.

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    The Wise and Foolish Builders - Will Your House Stand?: The Parables of Jesus, Week 5, Day 5:

    The Wise and Foolish Builders - Will Your House Stand?: The Parables of Jesus, Week 5, Day 5:

    This Devotional comes pairs with workout 3 from week 5 in the SoulStrength Fit Parables of Jesus Workout Program found at soulstrengthfit.com.

    It is foolish to live as if this life was all that mattered, yet many people do.  We will all stand before the judgment seat of Christ.  “Just as people are destined to die once, and after that face judgment…” we will all one day be judged for things done, and things left undone. 

    How are you doing with building your house so it will stand on the day of judgment?

    And how are you doing with warning unbelievers about the final day?  How can you balance the message of warning for God’s judgment with the truth of God’s love and forgiveness?

    Be sure to check out SoulStrength Fit for more great faith and fitness content and programs.

    The Parable of Two Sons - Jesus Wants You to Get to Work: The Parables of Jesus, Week5 Day 3

    The Parable of Two Sons - Jesus Wants You to Get to Work: The Parables of Jesus, Week5 Day 3

    This Devotional Pairs with Week 5 Workout 2, from The Parables of Jesus Workout Series in SoulStrength Fit found at www.soulstrengthfit.com

    We can have the reputation of a good Christian.  We can do all the “right” things - go to church, tithe, help those less fortunate - and still be out of touch with the Father just as the religious leaders were.  They were active in all sorts of religious things, but their hearts were in the wrong place.  They were not working in God’s vineyard.  They were working in their own vineyards, doing what they felt best.  We can all fall into the trap of doing godly work, but not doing God’s work.  To do God’s work, we humbly accept the specific work that He has called us to do.  We must do this daily.  We must do this hourly.

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    Do Your Branches Have Fruit? - The Barren Fig Tree: The Parables of Jesus, Week 5, Day 2

    Do Your Branches Have Fruit? - The Barren Fig Tree: The Parables of Jesus, Week 5, Day 2

    This Devotional comes from the Parables of Jesus workout program at www.soulstrengthfit.com.

    Luke 16:1-9:
    The Bible is clear that salvation is by grace, but that a transformed life is evidence of genuine faith.  Jesus wants us to live our lives for God. He wants us to stay deeply rooted in His Word and remain in His presence in all we do.  He tends to our branches, and He expects a fruitful return of His investment because He has willingly paid dearly through the death on the cross. His death covered our sins, and now He wants to see each of us adding to the Kingdom of God with our hearts, our words, and in all that we do.

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    The Rich Fool: The Parables of Jesus, Week 5, Day 1

    The Rich Fool: The Parables of Jesus, Week 5, Day 1

    This Devotional pairs with Workout 1 from Week 5 in the Parables of Jesus Fitness program found @ https://www.soulstrengthfit.com

    The Rich Fool - pairs with Workout 1
    When things go well in your life, when you’ve worked hard, found success, and prospered in some way, do you congratulate yourself or stop and thank God?  Do you attribute your success to intelligence, your hard work, your education or training, but neglect to give thanks to the Lord?  Do you feel humble and dependent on God in times of prosperity as much as you do in times of distress?

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    The Pharisee and the Tax Collector - At Least I’m Better Than Them: The Parables of Jesus, Week 4, Day 5

    The Pharisee and the Tax Collector - At Least I’m Better Than Them: The Parables of Jesus, Week 4, Day 5

    This Devotional pairs with Workout 3 from Week 4 in the Parables of Jesus Fitness program found @ https://www.soulstrengthfit.com

    We are called to follow Jesus’ example, to be gentle and humble in heart.  But to understand and pursue humility, we must understand pride, and recognize how easy it is to fall into prideful thoughts and actions. Part of the problem with pride is that it is easy to see in OTHER people but hard to see in OURSELVES.  It blinds us and gives us a tunnel vision such that we see everything through the lense of “me.”  Max Lucado writes about pride, “The self-centered see everything through self. Their motto? ‘It’s all about me!’ The flight schedule, the traffic, the dress styles, the worship styles, the weather, the work—everything is filtered through the mini-ME in the eye.”  In what ways does pride affect your view of the world, of your circumstances, or of the people around you?

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    Introduction to the Sermon on the Mount - Jesus Wants To Use YOU : The Parables of Jesus, Week 4, Day 4

    Introduction to the Sermon on the Mount - Jesus Wants To Use YOU : The Parables of Jesus, Week 4, Day 4

    This Devotional is part of week 4 in the Parables of Jesus Fitness program found @ https://www.soulstrengthfit.com

    When Jesus says, “you are the salt of the earth…you are the light of the world,” He is effectively saying, “You’re my plan for bringing transformation.  You are my plan for spreading the gospel.  You are my hands and my feet.”  

    Imagine that you are a part of the crowd of people gathered to listen to Jesus on that hillside. He looks at you—not someone else, but you—and says, “You are my plan.” What thoughts immediately come to your mind?  How do you think He wants to use you?

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    The Wise and Foolish Virgins - Are You Prepared? : The Parables of Jesus, Week 4, Day 3

    The Wise and Foolish Virgins - Are You Prepared? : The Parables of Jesus, Week 4, Day 3

    This Devotional pairs with Workout 2 from Week 4 in the Parables of Jesus Fitness program found @ https://www.soulstrengthfit.com

    The foolish are the ones who don’t know the Lord.  When Jesus returns, many who have considered themselves to be children of God will be shown not to be.  The foolish young women were unable to borrow oil from the wise, and so it will be at the end of time.   No one will be justified because they attended church.  None will be justified because their mother, father, spouse or child had a relationship with Christ.  Salvation and justification must be obtained on our own, How can you help others prepare for the return of Christ? 

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    The Fulfilled Life - The Rich and the Kingdom of Heaven: The Parables of Jesus, Week 4, Day 2

    The Fulfilled Life - The Rich and the Kingdom of Heaven: The Parables of Jesus, Week 4, Day 2

    This Devotional is part of  Week 4 in the Parables of Jesus Fitness program found @ https://www.soulstrengthfit.com

    Unless you choose to live by God’s power and for God’s glory, you will never find true fulfillment in life.  How do you live a fulfilled life, the kind of life God intends you to live?

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    The Parable of the Workers in the Vineyard - Do You Believe You Deserve Better?: The Parables of Jesus, Week 4, Day 1

    The Parable of the Workers in the Vineyard - Do You Believe You Deserve Better?: The Parables of Jesus, Week 4, Day 1

    This Devotional pairs with Workout 1 from Week 4 in the Parables of Jesus Fitness program found @ https://www.soulstrengthfit.com

    Today’s parable will highlight a problem that is applicable to all of us when we assume that because we have served or walked with the Lord faithfully for years we deserve anything from Him.

    It’s easy to forget that God owes us nothing, and in fact, without His generous love and grace, we would have nothing - no hope, no future, no salvation.  It’s easy to focus on what others have - and what we don’t have - rather than on what God has generously given us. 

    Be sure to check out SoulStrength Fit for more great faith and fitness content and programs.

    The Wheat and the Weeds - Living with Weeds The Parables of Jesus, Week 3, Day 5

    The Wheat and the Weeds - Living with Weeds The Parables of Jesus, Week 3, Day 5

    This Devotional pairs with Workout 3 from Week 3 in the Parables of Jesus Fitness program found @ https://www.soulstrengthfit.com

    As followers of Jesus, we live in a world that doubts, criticizes, or is hostile toward Christ.  As Paul wrote in the book of Philippians, “our citizenship is in heaven,” not here on Earth.  We face not only the opposition or hostility of mere people such as ourselves, but as today’s reading highlights, we face satanic or demonic opposition as well.  What difficulties can this hostile environment cause for Christians?  What difficulties does it cause for you personally?

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    Do Not Worry The Parables of Jesus, Week 3, Day 4

    Do Not Worry The Parables of Jesus, Week 3, Day 4

    This Devotional is part of  Week 3 in the Parables of Jesus Fitness program found @ https://www.soulstrengthfit.com

    Although this may be a very familiar passage for you, listen to it with fresh eyes.  What is God saying to you in this passage today?

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    Parables of Persistent Prayer: The Parables of Jesus, Week 3, Day 3

    Parables of Persistent Prayer: The Parables of Jesus, Week 3, Day 3

    This Devotional pairs with Workout 2 from Week 3 in the Parables of Jesus Fitness program found @ https://www.soulstrengthfit.com

    In your life, you are always doing one or the other.  If you’re not praying, you’re giving up.  And if you’re giving up, it’s because you are not praying.  Rather than worrying, Jesus is telling us to pray.  Persistently.  Without giving up.  

    What are you worrying about most lately?  Pause right now and turn those worries into prayer.

    Be sure to check out SoulStrength Fit for more great faith and fitness content and programs.

    Living in Faith - How Strong is Your Faith? The Parables of Jesus, Week 3, Day 2

    Living in Faith - How Strong is Your Faith? The Parables of Jesus, Week 3, Day 2

    This Devotional is part of week 3 in the Parables of Jesus Fitness program found @ https://www.soulstrengthfit.com

    Today’s reading is not a parable, but rather a story of faith.

    In what ways have you seen God bless people who trust Him?

    In what ways have you seen God bless YOU as you trust Him?

    Be sure to check out SoulStrength Fit for more great faith and fitness content and programs.

    The Parable of the Talents - Don't Waste Your Gold : The Parables of Jesus, Week 3, Day 1

    The Parable of the Talents - Don't Waste Your Gold : The Parables of Jesus, Week 3, Day 1

    This Devotional pairs with Workout 1 from Week 3 in the Parables of Jesus Fitness program found @ https://www.soulstrengthfit.com

    Today’s reading states quite clearly that there will be a final day of reckoning, illustrated when the “master of those servants came and settled accounts with them.”

    Spend a few moments to come before God, asking HIm to make clear to you some of the resources and talents He has given you to further His kingdom.

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    check out SoulStrength Fit for more great faith and fitness content and programs.


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