
    steven bartlett

    Explore "steven bartlett" with insightful episodes like "The 51% Rule (and 3 More Strategies to Think Like a Millionaire)" and "Steven Bartlett - How to Pursue Yourself Ruthlessly and Make the Journey Back to Human" from podcasts like ""The Mel Robbins Podcast" and "Slo Mo: A Podcast with Mo Gawdat"" and more!

    Episodes (2)

    The 51% Rule (and 3 More Strategies to Think Like a Millionaire)

    The 51% Rule (and 3 More Strategies to Think Like a Millionaire)

    Do you want to learn the 4 essential strategies that will lead you to more success, happiness, and opportunity?

    And today you are going to learn the tools that you can use, from one of the world’s best thinkers and most successful people, to make better decisions.

    Steven Bartlett is an entrepreneur, speaker, investor, author, and host of Europe’s #1 podcast, The Diary Of A CEO. He has cracked the code on how to leverage your business online, rise above any obstacle, and excel in anything you set your mind to.

    There is a reason he sits on the boards of many global brands – because he has one of the greatest entrepreneurial success stories of all time. Steven was a broke university dropout at age 18 when he built an industry-leading social media marketing company. At 28, he co-founded Flight Story, a marketing and communications company and a software platform, which was valued at $600M. He then went on to launch the #1 ranked The Diary Of A CEO podcast.

    Today, he is sharing the 4 tactics he uses to make any decision for the best results. The tactics he shares are from his personal life as well as top-tier industry and thought leaders, entrepreneurs, entertainers, and athletes that he interviews on his wildly successful show.  


    In this episode, you’ll also learn:


    • How The 51% Rule will help you make better decisions.
    • The difference between Type 1 and Type 2 decisions. (And why it matters)
    • Why Steven says you are operating at 1% of your potential.
    • 20% of relationship issues come from this one thing.
    • How to determine what drives you. (And why it’s important to know)
    • What to do when you feel trapped in your job or relationship.
    • One of the most successful CEOs says THIS is how to launch any business.
    • The ONE question to always ask before you go to others for answers.
    • The #1 goal for entrepreneurs must always be this.



    For more resources, including links to Steven’s podcast, book, and social media platforms, click here for the podcast episode page.

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    Steven Bartlett - How to Pursue Yourself Ruthlessly and Make the Journey Back to Human

    Steven Bartlett - How to Pursue Yourself Ruthlessly and Make the Journey Back to Human

    Today's guest is ubiquitous. He is widely considered one of Europe’s most talented and accomplished young entrepreneurs and philosophical thinkers. He's also a dear friend.

    Steven Bartlett is the 29-year-old Founder of Social Chain. A university drop-out, he built one of the world’s most influential social media companies from his bedroom when he was just 21 years old, with a current market valuation of over $600M. His debut book, ironically titled Happy Sexy Millionaire, is a Sunday Times best seller. He recently joined BBC’s Dragon’s Den as the youngest ever Dragon in the show’s history.

    Steven interviewed me on his popular podcast, The Diary of a CEOlast September. The interview went viral and reached millions. He graciously invited me back on for a second chat, which you can listen to now. Beyond the great joy I feel talking to this man, I've only realized more and more just how absolutely brilliant he is. I'm honored to turn the tables and interview him on Slo Mo from his studio. I can honestly say it's my favorite Slo Mo episode yet. Watch this episode on YouTube to get the full experience: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IrgXSfcE2OU

    Listen as we discuss:

    • My appearance on The Diary of a CEO and the start of my friendship with Steven.
    • Steven's childhood story that shaped his driving forces (and insecurities).
    • The criteria for knowing when to be ruthless pursuing what you feel is right.
    • How Steven was as happy when he was living in poverty as he is now.
    • The excitement of documenting your suffering as if it will be made into a movie one day.
    • How Steven can be so open with his insecurities and challenging his ego.
    • The bizarre sense of emptiness when you get rich and start buying luxury items.
    • The reality of giving advice from a place of privilege.
    • What is money?
    • The dueling narratives in all of us.
    • Being unattached to your failures is the the key ingredient to success.
    • Why very few of the most successful people in the world are the best at any one thing.
    • Using social media while remaining genuine.
    • Is there anything bigger than this life? Maybe there doesn't need to be.
    • The casino of life, and how to play your chips according to your values and boundaries.
    • The value of commitment is in the sacrifice.
    • Finding a sustainable way to live and making the journey back to human.

    Instagram: @mo_gawdat
    Facebook: @mo.gawdat.official
    Twitter: @mgawdat
    LinkedIn: /in/mogawdat
    YouTube: @mogawdatofficial
    Website: mogawdat.com

    Connect with Steven Bartlett on Instagram @steven and Twitter

    YouTube: @mogawdatofficial
    Instagram: @mo_gawdat
    Facebook: @mo.gawdat.official
    LinkedIn: /in/mogawdat
    X: @mgawdat
    Website: mogawdat.com

    Don't forget to subscribe to Slo Mo for new episodes every Saturday. Only with your help can we reach One Billion Happy #onebillionhappy