

    Explore "stockhausen" with insightful episodes like "Wurde bei Schöffengrund ein Wolf gesichtet?", "Battiato, un anno senza la sua libertà di pensiero", "Sphärische Klänge", "Classical Classroom, Episode 211: Music for (Sacred) Space with Michael Whalen" and "201. 德国电子音乐,为什么能做到世界先驱?" from podcasts like ""Gude, Mittelhessen!", "ANSA Daily", "phil to explore", "Classical Classroom" and "梁文道·八分"" and more!

    Episodes (13)

    Wurde bei Schöffengrund ein Wolf gesichtet?

    Wurde bei Schöffengrund ein Wolf gesichtet?
    Streik in Mittelhessen, ein Wolf wird gesichtet und die Space-X-Rakete explodiert beim Start. Das und mehr hören Sie heute im Podcast. Ein Angebot der VRM. Alle Hintergründe zu den Nachrichten des Tages finden Sie hier: https://www.mittelhessen.de/lokales/lahn-dill-kreis/wetzlar/bahnstreik-und-blitzermarathon-am-freitag-in-mittelhessen-2482152 https://www.mittelhessen.de/lokales/lahn-dill-kreis/schoeffengrund/schoeffengrund-reagiert-auf-foto-von-wolf-sichtung-2482210 https://www.mittelhessen.de/lokales/lahn-dill-kreis/leun/lahn-dill-kreis-kauft-gebaeude-des-npd-szenetreff-teutonicus-2482251 https://www.mittelhessen.de/panorama/aus-aller-welt/musk-rakete-starship-wenige-minuten-nach-start-explodiert-2483474 https://www.mittelhessen.de/lokales/lahn-dill-kreis/dillenburg/spatenstich-fuer-groesstes-schelde-staubecken-2482256

    Sphärische Klänge

    Sphärische Klänge
    Abhörwanzen, Lichtschranken und Elektromusik - seht ihr einen Zusammenhang? Unser Gast Konstantin Schmidt klärt auf: Was elektronische Musik eigentlich bedeutet, was es mit dem Instrument "Theremin" auf sich hat und wieso der 18-jährige Geiger gern mit Synthesizern komponiert. All das und noch viel mehr erfahrt ihr in der heutigen Folge "phil to explore"!

    Classical Classroom, Episode 211: Music for (Sacred) Space with Michael Whalen

    Classical Classroom, Episode 211: Music for (Sacred) Space with Michael Whalen

    Have you ever wondered what the atmosphere of a space sounds like? Well look no further! In this episode, Emmy Award winning film and TV composer Michael Whalen teaches all about the history of ambient music. He talks about its classical music roots, how circuits and tape collages and German composers had a part in its evolution, and how Brian Eno changed everything. He also talks about his own new album of music for sacred spaces.


    201. 德国电子音乐,为什么能做到世界先驱?

    201. 德国电子音乐,为什么能做到世界先驱?
    收听提示 1、Kraftwerk乐队如何影响了当代流行音乐? 2、德国青年的集体反叛是怎么回事? 3、什么是"你们不问,我们不说"? 4、德国电子音乐先驱是如何兴起的? 本集相关 Kraftwerk发电站乐队 发电厂乐团于2008年在乌克兰基辅的演出 德国传奇先锋电子乐队Kraftwerk(发电站)的创始成员一Florian Schneider于2020年5月6日去世,享年73岁。Kraftwerk(德语发音:[ˈkʁaftvɛɐk],中文意为"发电厂",中国大陆多译作"发电站")是德国的电子音乐团体,在电子音乐开疆拓土的历史中扮演十分关键的角色。乐团在1970年的创始团员为Florian Schneider与Ralf Hütter,他们在杜塞尔多夫建立乐队。广为众人熟悉的四人组合的其他两人 Wolfgang Flür 与 Karl Bartos 则是稍晚加入。 Kraftwerk所引进的技巧以及发展出来的装备,已成为现代音乐的必备常识。他们对二十世纪下半叶电子音乐的影响力是顶级的。 披头士乐队 1964年的披头士乐队 披头士乐队(英语:The Beatles)是1960年在利物浦组建的一支英国摇滚乐队,在华语地区亦称为"甲壳虫乐队"、"披头四乐队"等。乐队成员为约翰·列侬、保罗·麦卡特尼、乔治·哈里森和林戈·斯塔尔。他们被广泛承认为史上最伟大、最有影响力的摇滚乐队。根植于噪音爵士乐和50年代摇滚,披头士探索了各种音乐类型,从流行谣曲到迷幻摇滚,经常创新地运用经典元素。1960年代早期,他们的极度流行产生了披头士狂热(Beatlemania)现象。随着日后创作的成熟,他们被视为当时反文化运动理想的化身。 图灵测试 图灵测试(英语:Turing test,又译图灵试验)是图灵于1950年提出的一个关于判断机器是否能够思考的著名思想实验,测试某机器是否能表现出与人等价或无法区分的智能。测试的谈话仅限于使用唯一的文本管道,例如计算机键盘和屏幕,这样的结果不依赖于计算机把单词转换为音频的能力。 卡尔海因茨·施托克豪森 卡尔海因茨·施托克豪森(德语:Karlheinz Stockhausen,1928年8月22日-2007年12月5日),德国作曲家,音乐理论家,音乐教育家。 本集歌曲 Stockhausen《Gesang der Jünglinge》 Kraftwerk《The Model》 本集推荐 李如一 | 20世纪十大唱片里程碑:作为乐器的录音室 《八分》每周三、周五晚8点更新 欢迎留言和我们互动

    003 - John Chalmers

    003 - John Chalmers
    Our guest today is Dr. John Chalmers, author of Divisions of the Tetrachord. He shares his experiences and interactions with Harry Partch, Erv Wilson, Ivor Darreg, and other folks working with microtonal and xenharmonic music. We had a good chat about various tuning systems such as tritriadic scales and the merits of 12, 19, 31, 41, and 53 equal.John also mentions Kathleen Schlesinger, Elsie Hamilton and ancient Greek scales. If anybody can find the missing musical scores of Elsie Hamilton, let us or John know!

    At 56:26 John talks about ‘The Sound of Feeling’, so here is a recording you can listen to:

    Published writings on microtonal music by John Chalmers:

    John Chalmers's favorite Links:

    WE NOW HAVE A SCHEDULE! New episodes will come out on the 12th day of every month. And most months we’ll treat you to more than one episode.

    Intro: Prelude 2 for 19-Tone Guitar by Ivor Darreg (from Detwelvulate!)
    Outro: Portrait of John Chalmers by Warren Burt (from Harmonic Color Fields)


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    Cathy Milliken, Musician

    Cathy Milliken, Musician
    Cathy Milliken has been an artist many young Australian musicians have looked up to when they have travelled abroad to continue their studies in Europe. A renowned oboist, composer and music educator, Cathy has held key positions with two of the world’s leading music ensembles, Ensemble Modern and the Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra. Breandáin caught up with Cathy in Berlin, where she talked about her illustrious musical career, working alongside many of the world’s leading musicians, composing and creating participatory compositional projects around the world. And about how it all started back in the Queensland Youth Orchestra.

    EW21 Emotionen schaffen mehr Wert

    EW21 Emotionen schaffen mehr Wert
    Im heutigen Experteninterview ist Stephan Stockhausen zu Gast und er erzählt warum Emotionen Wert schaffen und wie du dein Unternehmertum auf der Basis deiner Werte aufbaust. Du erfährst: wie du dein Unternehmen von Innen her aufbaust Warum Emotionen Wert schaffen Wie du Wunschklientel anziehst Wie durch Spezialisierung Positionierung geschaffen wird und was Wickie damit zu tun hat Mehr Information zur  und Stephan Stockhausen

    12 septiembre. Soberbio Lavandera, sobre Stockhausen

    12 septiembre. Soberbio Lavandera, sobre Stockhausen
    Horacio Lavandera Monográfico sobre Stockhausen Nuevamente brilló el piano en los conciertos del Festival de Alicante, en esta ocasión gracias a un programa monográfico que el jovencísimo pianista bonaerense Horacio Lavandera dedicó a la música de Karlheinz Stockhausen. El programa fue creciendo en intensidad a través de algunas de las obras más emblemáticas (sus "Klavierstucker IX, XI" y "24 Naturliche Dauern") que el "loco genial" nacido cerca de Colonia escribiera para el teclado, como si se tratara de un repaso a algunos de los hitos de su trayectoria. Con aparente sencillez y desenvoltura, Lavandera fue interpretando las obras de mayor duración y profundidad, entre las que intercaló una serie de melodías más ligeras pertenecientes a la obra infantil "Musik in Bauch" (música en el vientre), cada una de las cuales describe uno de los caracteres humanos del zodíaco. Música pura, profunda, interpretada dejando que cada tono individual se desvanezca. Así, se llegó a la última obra, el "Klavierstuck XVI", donde Stockhausen combinó de forma muy lograda el piano tradicional con sintetizadores y samplers. Escuchemos al joven Lavandera, uno de los especialistas en la obra de Stockhausen, interpretando una de las obras más melódicas del compositor, 'Aries' de "Tierkreis".


    yippee! another mix... this is roughly what got played at the last Phantom Brain Exchange. keep coming. trk 6 from "my very first barn owl ep" - Barn Owl flamingo - Todd Rundgren fusion - Michal Urbaniak from Negemergenz LP - Institut Fuer Feinmotorik the last seed - Sightings echoes - Hrvatski have fi get yu tonight - Buju Banton younganam nong-ak - Samul-Nori from "mikrophonie I" - Karlheinz Stockhausen rabbit magicians creation fable - Lazy Magnet really strange and weird things - Sein Sah Thin

    After Hours do Core ao Cubo # 1 - Cubed Core's After Hours #1 - 03.06.2006.mp3

    After Hours do Core ao Cubo # 1 - Cubed Core's After Hours #1 - 03.06.2006.mp3
    Following the episode # 21 of the program from June 03rd, on an improvised way, It was broadcasted the first After Hours for the Cubed Core show. What is it exactly? Keeping the experimental and unpredictable moods from Core³, the After-Hours is some sort of "lounge/ chill-out" version of the previous program: relaxing sounds, trailers and soundtracks from movies (thrillers, B movies, horror and sci-fi), vintage electronica (and also nowadays' sounds which pay tribute to the classic ones), concrete and electroacoustic music, space pop and 70s psychedelic new-age, lots of bizarre and curious things. No talking, no presenter's interventions, just an original sequence of sounds for listening at any time when searching some escape from the dismissable and accelerated reality! this is the only eddition til' this moment which, cause of being really long, was split in two (each one some 2:30 hours long) - to make download and listening easier. AlienAqtor posts here one more alternative for outtasight non-commercial music (completely out of what you usually listen on radio stations - even the internet ones). I hope you enjoy it like i did (lots of fun selecting and list'ning to the tunes)! Big Uppas³ from the @l13n! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Seguindo-se à edição nº 21 do programa do dia 03.06, improvisadamente foi ao ar a 1º edição do After Hours do Core³. O que seria isso? Mantendo o ar experimental e imprevisível do próprio Core³, o After-Hours é uma espécie de versão "lounge/ chill-out" do programa anterior: sons relaxantes, trilhas sonoras e trailers de filmes (thrillers, B movies, horror e sci-fi), vintage electronica (e também sons recentes que "prestam tributo" aos clássicos), música concreta e eletro-acústica, space pop e new-age setentista, bizarrices e curiosidades diversas. Nao há locução, intervenções do apresentador, somente uma sequência original de sons para ouvir no fim da noite de sábado (pros que não "caíram na noitada"), ou a qualquer hora em que se busque uma certa "fuga" da realidade descartável e acelerada! Esta é a única edição até o momento que, por ser um tanto longa, foi dividida em 2 partes (com cerca de 2:30 hs cada) - para facilitar downloads e audição. AlienAqtor deixa aqui mais essa alternativa em música fora dos padrões (e completamente fora do que se ouve normalmente em rádios - mesmo pela internet). Espero que vocês se divirtam (eu me diverti selecionando e ouvindo com certeza)! Abraços³ do @l13n!

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