
    stronger marriage

    Explore "stronger marriage" with insightful episodes like "Ep. 162 - Four Day Work Week with Joe Sanok", "Secrets of a Stronger Marriage: David and Meg Robbins", "Ep. 146 - The Business of Marriage", "Ep.144 - Intentional Steps To Realize Your Marriage and Business Dreams" and "Ep. 143 - Communication Keys In Business and Marriage with Steve Reiter" from podcasts like ""Power Up Your Marriage and Business", "FamilyLife Today®", "Power Up Your Marriage and Business", "Power Up Your Marriage and Business" and "Power Up Your Marriage and Business"" and more!

    Episodes (32)

    Ep. 162 - Four Day Work Week with Joe Sanok

    Ep. 162 - Four Day Work Week with Joe Sanok

    Work 4 days a week? What entrepreneur doesn’t want that? Ok, so maybe I can adjust my schedule to do this but wouldn’t my business suffer? These are great questions that this week’s guest Joe Sanok is going to answer.

    As a counselor and therapist, he effectively grew and sold his practice incorporating the 4 day work week principle. Now he helps other private practice therapists do the same through his coaching programs and top rated podcast, Practice of the Practice. And you can too. 

    For more insights into how the average entrepreneur can work just 4 days a week, tune in to this week’s episode. I know I have my notepad and pen ready.

    Get the book Thursday is the New Friday




    • We’re taught to work hard, grind (hustle), and sacrifice our personal desires to get ahead and make money, you have a little different perspective don’t you?

    • How did we get to this point? What is the history of the seven day week and 40 hour work week?

    • In the book, you argue that we have been moving toward a four-day week for a while, why? In the book, you discuss ‘Internal Inclinations’, take us through those. 

    • The neuroscience and case studies in the book point to slowing down unlocking hidden creativity and productivity, why is this and what are some examples?

    • You outline Sprint Types™ in the book, will you walk us through how those work?

    • In your book, you talk about the research that slowing down actually increases productivity and creativity. How can the entrepreneur do that? That’s not how they are wired.

    • How can you eliminate non-productive tasks to free up our time for it’s highest and best use?

    Key Takeaways:

    • Parkinsons Law- It’s easy to add to your checklist but hard to eliminate one

    • If you reduce the amount of time to work, you’ll focus on the most important things first

    • Our ego over values work and under values priorities outside of it

    • Value your weekend

    • How can you remove one things that causes stress?

    • To move toward the 4 day work week, run a test, set new KPI’s, edit and improve https://joesanok.com/how-employers-can-experiment-with-the-4-day-workweek/ 

    Joe Sanok is the author of Thursday is the New Friday: How to work fewer hours, make more money, and spend time doing what you want. It examines how the four-day workweek boosts creativity and productivity. Joe has been featured on Forbes, GOOD Magazine, and The Smart Passive Income Podcast. He is the host of the popular The Practice of the Practice Podcast, which is recognized as one of the Top 50 Podcasts worldwide with over 100,000 downloads each month. Bestselling authors, experts, scholars, and business leaders and innovators are featured and interviewed in the 550 plus podcasts he has done over the last six years.

    Want to live a better balanced life and win in marriage AND business at the same time? Purchase our book Tandem: The married entrepreneurs’ guide for greater work-life balance. https://www.thetandembook.com/

    Need to create more time to dedicate to your marriage? Download this free guide. https://marriedentrepreneur.co/boundaries

    Need some insight into how to balance it all? Schedule a free discovery call. https://marriedentrepreneur.co/lets-talk

    Secrets of a Stronger Marriage: David and Meg Robbins

    Secrets of a Stronger Marriage: David and Meg Robbins

    A stronger marriage: What's it take? FamilyLife President David Robbins and his wife Meg relate marriage tools that work for their relationship—toward a more weatherproof forever.

    Show Notes and Resources

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    Ep. 146 - The Business of Marriage

    Ep. 146 - The Business of Marriage

    If you’re wondering what it takes to build a successful marriage it’s very business like. Take communication for example. In a business, good communication is a key to great marketing but also to foster better teamwork. In other words, the key elements that make a business successful can also be used in marriage.

    Take vision, planning, rewarding success, delegation of tasks, vacation days, and logistics. Imagine if you implemented all of this into your marriage? You will be happier, efficient, and having fun. 

    This week’s episode we discuss all the business like elements we institute into our marriage that gives us balance, keeps us connected, helps us grow, and keeps things fun.

    Ep.144 - Intentional Steps To Realize Your Marriage and Business Dreams

    Ep.144 - Intentional Steps To Realize Your Marriage and Business Dreams

    Intentional is a keyword that will help you create greater work-life balance and realize your dreams in marriage and business. Most couples we talk to have the mentality that if you just work hard enough your life will fall into place. There’s some truth to that but if you don’t have a clear direction of what you’re trying to accomplish how will you know when you’ve reached your destination?

    Even for our own lives, we’ve found that the more specific we make our goals, the more likely we achieve them. 

     For example, if part of the vision in your marriage is to be able to take off whenever you want to wherever you want, how does your business need to be structured in order to accomplish that? In short, you’ll have to have key people in place so that the business can run itself and still grow. 

    That may seem like a long way off from now but if you start taking intentional steps toward that goal, you’ll start to realize greater freedom in the present. Take a listen to how we walked through a series of steps to help one our clients start growing their business for greater freedom.

    Ep. 143 - Communication Keys In Business and Marriage with Steve Reiter

    Ep. 143 - Communication Keys In Business and Marriage with Steve Reiter

    We all know communication is key when it comes to marriage. It’s also the foundation for great marketing. So we decided to bring in an expert in communication. Hall of Fame radio producer Steve Reiter. He knows great communication and communicators. 

    Steve has produced some national and internationally syndicated radio shows. One of which edged out the “King of Radio” Howard Stern, to be inducted into the National Radio Hall of Fame. 

    Tune in to this episode as Steve shares the fundamentals of great communication but also the gripping story of how he lost his wife Elizabeth. When it’s all said and done, succeeding in business is grand but making relationships a priority is more important.

    Ep. 142 - Anniversary Special: What We’ve Learned About Marriage and Doing Business Together

    Ep. 142 - Anniversary Special: What We’ve Learned About Marriage and Doing Business Together

    We just celebrated 17 years of marriage and we thought we’d record an episode during our getaway while the thoughts are fresh in our mind. What have we learned about marriage and doing business together? 

    Being married brings along it’s own set of rewards and challenges but working together can make very interesting. What we’ve learned through counseling and working at our relationship is as long as you have the right tools, you can do anything together. And there aren’t any challenges you can’t work through together. 

    Can you avoid conflict? No. But understanding that having to work through different points of view is a good thing. In this episode we summarize some of the do’s and dont’s in a relationship based on our experience.

    Want to live a better balanced life and win in marriage AND business at the same time? Purchase our book Tandem: The married entrepreneurs’ guide for greater work-life balance. https://www.thetandembook.com/

    Ep. 141 - Prioritize Your Marriage and Your Business Will Prosper

    Ep. 141 - Prioritize Your Marriage and Your Business Will Prosper

    “Show me the money!” If you remember that phrase then you’re probably as old as I am. HaHa! That’s a quote from the movie, Jerry Maguire. The movie was about a fledgling sports agent played by Tom Cruise, who was trying to land a big name football star to kick start his career. Money and fame was the end goal for the athlete. Simply money was the end game for Cruise’s character.  

    This week’s guest, David Meltzer, was the CEO for the Leigh Steinberg Sports Marketing Agency the movie was based on. And like Tom Cruise’s character, David was all about the money. Until he lost it all.

    Fortunately, before he went bankrupt, he re-committed his life to prioritize family and relationships over money. Thank God he did because it was the support of his wife, family and closest friends that allowed him to re-make himself and career to become even better than he was the first time around.

    Except this time, he’s redefined success and has a motto, “make a lot of money, help a lot of people, and have fun.” As he shares in this interview, you can prioritize relationships and still make a S_it load of money. 

    So before you go on with life prioritizing your business, take a listen to this ultra successful entrepreneur tell it like it is. You won’t regret it.

    A Stronger Marriage: How to Have One: Bob Lepine

    A Stronger Marriage: How to Have One: Bob Lepine

    Fed up with your spouse? Author Bob Lepine helps you trade blame, dissatisfaction, and disappointment for a stronger, richer, and more rewarding marriage.
    Show Notes and Resources

    Grab Bob's book, Build a Stronger Marriage: The Path to Oneness, from New Growth Press' Ask a Christian Counselor Series.
    And with any donation this week, receive recent FamilyLife Today guest Rachel Faulkner-Brown's 30-day devotional, His Name: Our Hope in Grief.
    Find resources from this podcast at shop.familylife.com.
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    Ep. 135 - Finding True Happiness In Business with Dr. Ellen Wong

    Ep. 135 - Finding True Happiness In Business with Dr. Ellen Wong

    Are you the high achiever, organized, hard working, and calm under pressure type of entrepreneur? Do you suffer from negative self-talk, perfectionism, struggle to relax, fear of failure/success, and have difficulty saying “no?” If you look like the pillar of strength from the outside but deal with some internal struggles (who doesn’t?), then you may not be truly happy.

    Join us for a great conversation with Dr. Ellen Wong. She’s a naturopathic doctor who is also the Chief Happiness Officer for many entrepreneurs and executives. She’s going to show us how to be truly happy regardless of what’s going on in our life and business.

    Ep. 133 - Surf, Business, Marriage, and Ministry with Bear & Cindy Woznick

    Ep. 133 - Surf, Business, Marriage, and Ministry with Bear & Cindy Woznick

    If you’ve never tried tandem surfing before, it’s not as easy as it looks. It takes a lot of skill, determination, coordination and teamwork. It’s two people moving as one on a surfboard. And if you don’t, you could fall and get hurt. Kinda like a marriage.

    Meet this week’s guest, Bear and Cindy Woznick. Tandem surf champion, author, entrepreneur, speaker, and TV host. They provide some great insight into working well as a team inside and out of the business. But more importantly, how to be honoring as husband and wife.

    Listen in as you’ll hear some great life, marriage and business lessons from the surfboard.

    Ep. 131 - A Family That Entertains Together Stays Together

    Ep. 131 - A Family That Entertains Together Stays Together

    Imagine working with your spouse and living in an RV the majority of the time. Now add four kids and a dog. That’s a recipe for…(fill in the blank) Meet this week’s guest, David and Teesha Laflin. They are a magician family that travels the country doing corporate, church and school events around the world. Yes, David does saw his wife in half.

    They share their story of how they got started doing magic for a purpose and getting the kids involved with the family business. Lots of great insight of doing life in an RV without killing each other. But more importantly how to have fun while doing business and finding creative ways to get the kids involved in something they enjoy doing.

    Ep. 129 - Could Your Marriage Survive This?

    Ep. 129 - Could Your Marriage Survive This?

    Unfortunately, we’ve seen many marriages end in divorce because one or both spouses couldn’t deal with some type of long term health issues, infertility, or miscarriage to name a few. You would think the spouse on the sideline would have great empathy for their partner who is going through any one of these traumatic experiences.

    Just one issue like a miscarriage has ended many marriages. But this week’s guest Kevin and Steph Mason have dealt with an electrocution (really serious kind), twice being told they couldn’t have children, suffered a miscarriage, had brain surgery, and being diagnosed with cancer? 

    Really??? How could one couple deal with all of this? Not only did they survive all of that but they have three beautiful children to boot (can you say miracle?). You know how they say, “don’t sweat the small stuff”? Well, this couple can say it and mean it. 

    Join us for this fun and thought provoking episode. And get their book, “You Met Her Where?”

    Ep. 128 - Rise and Go: Leadership Lessons When You’re Down and Out

    Ep. 128 - Rise and Go: Leadership Lessons When You’re Down and Out

    What the heck would you do if you went all in on a new business venture March 1, 2020 only to see the world shutdown two weeks later? If you read the date you’ll understand what I mean. That’s what happened to this week's returning guest, Cory Carslon. He was already an executive coach but part of his income and benefits came from a part time gig that he acquired right after he got fired from his corporate position as president of sales. While most of his income was coming from his coaching practice, the additional security from his part time position was…well…secure.

    But his coaching practice was doing so well that he finally decided to quit that job and go all in with his business. Then the whole world shuts down and he instantly loses 35% of his income with the unknown of “what’s next?”

    During this dark season of unknowns, Cory journaled. And from this journaling came this book that has already helped his coaching clients deal with adversity. We all have had them and will probably have more so I encourage you to listen to this episode and pick up some nuggets.

    Ep. 127 - Why Time Management Doesn’t Work To Create Greater Work-Life Balance

    Ep. 127 - Why Time Management Doesn’t Work To Create Greater Work-Life Balance

    When it comes to the topic of work-life balance, the issue of time management tends to come up. “If I was just better with my time I could get everything done.” We were recently asked in an interview for some tips on time management. While we address this issue on a regular basis, it’s in an indirect way. 

    So we want to address this issue directly in this episode. At the end of the day, it’s not about time management but about priority management. Not everything on your to do list needs to or should get done. That’s the problem with work-life balance, we try to do everything and our priorities get pushed to the wayside. Like our relationships. 

    Maybe you need to reevaluate where you should prioritize your time and do that. And if the lower priority items don’t get done, it’s ok. So click the play button and find out if you need to re-think time management. 

    Ep. 120 - Boundaries: One Key to Achieving Greater Work-Life Balance

    Ep. 120 - Boundaries: One Key to Achieving Greater Work-Life Balance

    We hit week five of our book tour and we’ve heard you loud and clear. Boundaries, or lack thereof, is the number one issue that is keeping the married entrepreneur from achieving greater work-life balance. As we’ve toured the country with our dog Pippa, all of the concepts of the book have resonated with the audience. So that has reinforced to us that we have hit the right message. 

    But the lack of boundaries is the number one issue we’ve heard that is causing the lack of work-life balance. As entrepreneurs’ we tend to say “yes” to everything non-family related. So our calendar gets full with everything and the family gets the sloppy seconds or thirds. While we’re still on the road, we recorded this episode to tackle this issue in full. 

    If this resonates, then take a listen to this episode as we discuss this issue. Better yet, get your copy of our new book, Tandem: The married entrepreneurs’ guide for greater work-life balance. Click the link to learn more. You can also download the first chapter for free. https://www.thetandembook.com/

    Ep. 117 - Build Your Business While Being Happy and Strong

    Ep. 117 - Build Your Business While Being Happy and Strong

    It’s so easy to complain about your life and blame people and circumstances for your situation. But a wise man once told me, “no matter how bad your life is, someone else has it worse.” It’s no use complaining about things outside of your control. If you want a better life, a more fulfilled life, then take control of the things you can control. Don’t worry about the other stuff.

    Meet this week’s guest, Jaime Villalovos. She is a successful entrepreneur and author of a best selling book, “Happy and Strong: Create your dream life while enjoying the journey.” 

    She shares about her humble beginnings in a dysfunctional situation to becoming a millionaire by the age of 30. This interview is less about how to achieve a fortune and more about overcoming and enjoying life as you succeed. Tune into this week’s episode and get the book!

    Click here to get the book

    Instagram: jaime.villalovos 

    Ep. 115 - The Mergers and Acquisition of Marriage and Business

    Ep. 115 - The Mergers and Acquisition of Marriage and Business

    It’s one thing to be married and another to work together in business. And for a man, it can be tough on the ego to lay down a successful corporate career to join your wife in her business and not be the “boss.” Meet Phil Cheng and Elizabeth Yang. Two power houses in their own right who recently completed a successful merger of business and marriage. 

    Elizabeth built a very successful law firm specializing in Intellectual Property as well as Family Law with several offices around Southern California. Phil is bringing his human resource and operational management gifts into the practice to help take it to the next level.

    In this interview, we cover a lot of ground around successfully working together as husband and wife, laying down your ego, and maintaining work-life balance. Take a listen.

    Ep. 114 - Want To Win In Business and Marriage?

    Ep. 114 - Want To Win In Business and Marriage?

    If you want to win in business and marriage one of the things that will accelerate your success is to get help. As marriage and business coaches this may sound self-serving but we have our own coaches as well. In fact the top executives, entrepreneurs and athletes have coaches. But if you’re like me, it’s hard to ask for help for fear of admitting defeat.

    I’ve learned the hard way over the years that asking for help isn’t admitting defeat but it definitely helps you find solutions faster than doing it yourself. We don’t know what we don’t know so why not hire or find a mentor that can help us in our journey to be better spouses, parents and business owners? It can only help.

    Join us in this conversation as we talk about our own experiences getting help and how it’s helped our marriage and business.

    Ep. 112 - Marriage is Not a Competition

    Ep. 112 - Marriage is Not a Competition

    Do you treat your arguments like a competition? You need to be right and your spouse has to be wrong? Think about this. If you feel the intimacy may be eroding in your marriage, it may be due to the years of beating each other in one argument or another. Treating your spouse like a competitor as opposed to the team member they are supposed to be. 

    It’s time to get back on the same page as husband and wife. Time to treat each other as the valuable team member they are. You can accomplish so much more in life and business when you’re in full support of each other as opposed to competing against them.

    Ep. 107 - Mindhacks For Higher Performance and Work-Life Balance

    Ep. 107 - Mindhacks For Higher Performance and Work-Life Balance
    As an entrepreneur, you want to perform at the highest level to be able to grow a killer business. As a married entrepreneur, you also want to be able to balance work and home because your spouse wants it and your kids demand it. With all the competing issues, how do you do all that?

    Some of the things that get in the way of you having more time away from the business is to let go of that control and allow others to do the work that you shouldn’t be doing. To resist the urge to respond to those “emergency” calls and texts during dinner or while you’re at the beach with family. 

    You may even realize that those are things you need to change but how?? Well, it’s all in your head and how you’ve been conditioned over the 30+ years of living. It is a mindset but you’re going to hear about this in a way that is going to blow your mind. This week’s guest, Dr. Eugene K. Choi will talk about the science behind the things we do that is sabotaging our work-life balance, relationships and the health of your business. 

    He’s a Pharm D. turned mind hacking business coach and has written articles that have generated millions of views for outlets such as Entrepreneur and Lifehack. So turn on the volume for this one.


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