
    student housing

    Explore "student housing" with insightful episodes like "TPP443: Houses vs flats", "TPP422: How to HMO", "TPP316: The "smart money" secret trend revealed", "ASK146: How do you find the right property in an area you don't know? PLUS: Where should I stash my deposit cash?" and "ASK 49: Are the government trying to force us out?" from podcasts like ""The Property Podcast", "The Property Podcast", "The Property Podcast", "The Property Podcast" and "The Property Podcast"" and more!

    Episodes (9)

    TPP443: Houses vs flats

    TPP443: Houses vs flats

    Houses or flats – which make the better investment? 

    Anyone who invests property generally has an opinion on the houses vs flats debate. It’s an age-old dispute that often divides investors, with some saying they would only invest in one or the other. 

    Whilst both camps have pretty solid arguments, what IS the answer? Which is the champion of investments? 

    That’s exactly what Rob & Rob are helping you decide in this episode. They’ll run you through the pros and the cons of both, and reveal what point of view could be costing you big time £££. 

    In the news  

    HMO’s have the potential to generate higher returns, but with a greater workload and risk, there’s still plenty that can go wrong. So, as always, it’s important that you nail the fundamentals and location. 

    This is Money has revealed a list of the ‘Ten best locations to invest in student housing’ with small towns taking the top of the list. With big claims that cities like Swansea offering a yield 9.56% 

    What do Rob & Rob think about this? 

    Hub Extra  

    If you’re an avid reader you’ve almost definitely used or at least heard of Audible. 

    Now, you may think we’re a bit late to the party with this suggestion but bear with us as it’s actually got some new features. 

    Firstly, if you’ve found yourself here listening to The Property Podcast, you’ll probably be interested to know that they’ve now added podcasts to Audible. 

    Not only will all your listening needs now in one place, but Audible has also introduced Audible Plus. The Plus membership gains you unlimited access to a huge catalogue of over 68,000 hours of content and 11,000+ titles! 

    So, save those tokens and get listening. 

    And here are the links you need for the extra resources Rob & Rob mentioned: their Turn £100,000 into £1 million YouTube video and the How to HMO podcast episode. 

    Let’s get social 

    We’d love to hear what you think of this week’s Property Podcast over on FacebookTwitter or Instagram. You might even have a topic you’d like us to cover in the future - if so, pop us a message on social and we’ll see what we can do. 

    Make sure you’ve liked and subscribed to our YouTube channel where we upload new content every week!  

    If that wasn’t enough, you can also join our friendly property community on the Property Hub forum

    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

    TPP422: How to HMO

    TPP422: How to HMO

    This week we’re taking a look at how to win with a HMO strategy

    Ususally when you choose a HMO strategy you need to invest pretty close to home as it can be quite a hands on strategy.  

    But that’s not a problem for today’s guest, Tim. 

    Tim invests in student HMO properties 300 miles away from his hometown. And, he does absolutely everything himself. 

    Here’s what to expect on this week’s property podcast episode

    HMO strategies are becoming more popular and we often get questions on the best way to execute them.  

    If you’re not familiar with what a HMO is, it stands for House in Multiple Occupancy. So basically where you rent the rooms out individually and have shared communal areas like the living room and kitchen.  

    The reason they’re so popular is that they’re on the high end of the cash spectrum and the yields can be very attractive. But they’re also on the high end of the effort spectrum.  

    So, today we’re talking to Tim who’s been investing in property since 2017 and his portfolio consists of five HMO’s with a total of 28 rooms.  

    All of his properties are in Bangor, North Wales and are 300 miles away from where Tim lives.  

    We wanted to find out how Tim became a landlord managing 28 rooms and why he chose the location he did.  

    If you’ve been thinking about choosing a HMO strategy then Tim’s success story could be some great advice for you.  


    In the news 

    This week's news story is from Landlord Zone and the headline reads ‘step away from ‘disastrous’ rent controls campaign, landlords urge Sadiq Khan’.  

    The current Mayor of London is wanting to continue with his plans for rent controls if he’s re-elected later on this year, and landlords aren’t happy about it.  

    However since the last time Sadiq Khan was campaigning for this, rent prices in London have gone down by 9.8% according to Zoopla whereas outside of London they’ve increased by an average of 2.6% over the last year. 

    So it doesn’t stand well right now for Saidq Khan’s campaign methods. 


    Hub Extra 

    This week’s Hub Extra resource comes from our Podcast Producer, Dan.  

    It’s a YouTube channel called TED-Ed and it’s an extension of TED Talks but in the form of short, five minute educational videos on all sorts of topics.  

    The videos may appear to be specifically for kids, but Rob & Rob have already bookmarked ones they’re going to be watching themselves. 


    Let’s get social 

    We’d love to hear what you think of this week’s Property Podcast over on FacebookTwitter or Instagram. You might even have a topic you’d like us to cover in the future - if so, pop us a message on social and we’ll see what we can do. 

    Make sure you’ve liked and subscribed to our YouTube channel where we upload new content every week!  

    If that wasn’t enough, you can also join our friendly property community on the Property Hub forum.

    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

    TPP316: The "smart money" secret trend revealed

    TPP316: The "smart money" secret trend revealed

    This week on The Property Podcast, Rob & Rob are giving away some top secrets.

    Just a couple of decades ago, city centres were considered no-go places to live, and those who were deemed “successful” were the ones who escaped to the suburbs. How times have changed!  

    Now, city centre living has never been so popular. To throw a few stats out there, the population of central Birmingham has grown by 163% since the millennium and Liverpool has grown by a whopping 181%.

    In today’s episode, The Robs are answering a number of questions around this topic:

    • What’s changing the sentiment of city living and are places like Manchester and Birmingham in danger of suffering loss of confidence like London is currently?

    • As an investor, is this a trend you should be trying to take advantage of?

    • Is this a short term trend? And is there a bubble that may burst?

    Tune into this week’s Property Podcast to find out the answers to this ‘secret trend’.

    In the news this week, research shows that generation rent are wanting to live in city and town centres. This shouldn’t come as a real shock considering it’s the same generation that has practically been priced out of buying. But what was surprising was that 91% of them said that’s exactly where they want to live - certainly good news for both the high street and if you’re a landlord of city and town centre properties.

    Good news! If you’re a Property Hub Magazine subscriber, the next issue will be landing on your doorstep in the next few weeks. The cover story is about the UK’s return to urban living. So, if you’re not a subscriber, head on over to our website and subscribe to receive the next issue.

    Our Hub Extra resource this week is an attempt to get you out of the city and into the countryside, allowing you to enjoy the beautiful nature, wherever you are.

    Go Jauntly is the perfect app if you’re wanting to get out of the house and be at one with nature but you either have no idea where to go or you fancy trying somewhere new. Simply log into the app, click on your location and the app will bring up walks near you. So all you've got to do is pack up the car, get your walking boots on and enjoy the sights.


    We’d love to hear what you think of this week’s Property Podcast over on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram. You might even have a topic you’d like us to cover in the future - if so, pop us a message on social and we’ll see what we can do.

    If that wasn’t enough, you can also join our friendly property community on the Property Hub forum.

    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

    ASK146: How do you find the right property in an area you don't know? PLUS: Where should I stash my deposit cash?

    ASK146: How do you find the right property in an area you don't know? PLUS: Where should I stash my deposit cash?

    It's time for another couple of questions in this week’s edition of ‘Ask Rob & Rob’, Maria & Sam ask Rob & Rob...How do you find the right property in an area you don't know? PLUS: Where should I stash my deposit cash?... ASK YOUR OWN QUESTION TO ROB & ROB!

    Don't be shy! All you need to do is leave a message with your name and whatever's on your mind.

    Just pick up the phone and call 013 808 00035 (normal UK call rates apply).

    Or if you prefer, click here to leave a recording via your computer instead.

    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

    ASK 49: Are the government trying to force us out?

    ASK 49: Are the government trying to force us out?

    This week, the brilliantly named Rob, asks a question regarding the build to rent scheme, and how this may impact upon the existing PRS. Asking is this a ploy by The Government to eradicate small time BTL Landlords. 

    Rob D begins by acknowledging that there will definitely be more institutional investment in BTL, and that it is probably healthy for the sector not to be controlled entirely by private BTL Landlords. But thinks there is room for both in the marketplace, due to the demand for different types of products. 

    Rob B agrees that whilst the balance my shift, it shouldn't do so radically. Rob B goes on to discuss how quality has improved for student accommodation, and how in the long term this could give us a glimpse into the future of the BTL market, and that it could be a good thing if this competition increases the quality of stock available to tenants. 


    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

    TPP170: How to make HMOs work for you

    TPP170: How to make HMOs work for you

    Many investors are drawn to HMOs by their seemingly high returns, but then deterred (us included) by the amount of work they seem to involve. And there’s no getting away from it: HMOs are more effort than your standard single let. Nevertheless, there are steps you can take to boost your chances of making HMOs […]

    The post TPP170: How to make HMOs work for you appeared first on The Property Hub.

    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

    140: The Riches Are in the Niches (Like Student Housing) with Bill Syrios

    140: The Riches Are in the Niches (Like Student Housing) with Bill Syrios
    Real estate investing is a BIG field, and there are hundreds of ways to build wealth. However, according to our guest today, the riches are in the niches! On today’s show we sit down with Bill Syrios, an investor from Oregon who specializes in the incredibly lucrative field of student housing (as well as numerous other niches!). You’ll learn how he transformed an early real estate setback into a business that owns hundreds of properties in multiple states! In This Episode We Cover: Times when the Syrios family has been on the BP Podcast! How Bill got started in investing What the interest rates were like in 1980 What kept him going despite market crashes and failures How to treat your real estate investing as a business The importance of becoming an expert in a niche market How he got started investing in student housing The pros and cons of student housing Tips for handling student turnover What you should know about finding a property manager for these properties What Loan Care Services is How to deal with difficult rental situations Important legal restrictions for campus properties The details on a 48-unit fraternity house renovation Bill’s current portfolio and the states he invests in The concept of giving over ownership And SO much more! Links from the Show BiggerPockets Meet BiggerPockets Forums BP Podcast 121: Creating the IDEAL Real Estate Investing Business with Andrew and Phillip Syrios Ultimate Beginner’s Guide to Real Estate Investing Airbnb BRRRR Strategy BP Podcast 113: Becoming a Millionaire Real Estate Investor Using The One Thing with Jay Papasan Books Mentioned in this Show The Everything Landlording Book: An All-in-one Guide To Property Management by Judy Tremore Good to Great by Jim Collins Built to Last by Jim Collins 7 Habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen R. Covey The 8th Habit by Stephen R. Covey First Things First by Stephen R. Covey The Millionaire Real Estate Investor by Gary Keller The ONE Thing by Gary Keller and Jay Papasan The Black Swan by Nassim Nicholas Taleb Outliers: The Story of Success by Malcom Gladwell The Tipping Point by Malcolm Gladwell What Got You Here Won’t Get You There by Marshall Goldsmith Triggers: Creating Behavior That Lasts by Marshall Goldsmith Profit by Investing in Student Housing by Michael Zaransky Smart Essentials For College Rentals by Dan Gooder Richard Tweetable Topics: “Even if you only own one property from day one, you treat it as a business.” (Tweet This!) “Every business, every niche has an obstacle.” (Tweet This!) “That’s where real estate investing starts—it starts with a great deal.” (Tweet This!) Connect with Bill Bill’s BiggerPockets Profile Bill’s son, Andrew’s BP Blog (He’s the writer!) Bill’s Company Website: StewardshipProperties.com Another Niche Website: StewardshipCapital Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices