

    Explore "tamar" with insightful episodes like "Ep 655 – 2 Samuel 13:34-39", "Ep 654 – 2 Samuel 13:20-33", "Ep 653 – 2 Samuel 13:1-19", "God's Triumph Out of Tamar's Tragedy (A Bonus Podcast)" and "Manchester, England, England" from podcasts like ""Devotionary", "Devotionary", "Devotionary", "Dewey Bertolini's podcast" and "Spiritual Rants"" and more!

    Episodes (87)

    Ep 655 – 2 Samuel 13:34-39

    Ep 655 – 2 Samuel 13:34-39

    There’s something in all of us that makes us want to get away with anything we do that might be deemed unacceptable or inappropriate. Not getting caught is a powerful temptation. And escaping punishment for any wrong we commit is even more alluring. It seems to be wired into our DNA as human beings. And it’s all because of the sin nature we inherited from Adam. In 2 Samuel 13:34-39, we have the continuing story of Absalom, the son of David who murdered his half-brother, Amnon, for raping their sister. David, the king, should have punished Amnon for his crime, but had done nothing. His inaction had led to Absalom seeking his own form of vigilante justice, plotting and carrying out Amnon’s death. And, once again, David did nothing. As a father, grieving over his son’s actions, he refused to carry out justice as the king. He let Absalom get away. But the ramifications for the sins of his sons and David’s inaction would come back to haunt him, when Absalom eventually came back to Jerusalem.  

    Ep 654 – 2 Samuel 13:20-33

    Ep 654 – 2 Samuel 13:20-33

    Committing sin comes naturally to all of us, because we have sin natures. But, the sad reality is that we also seem to be more than willing to tolerate sin, in our lives and in the lives of others. That’s exactly what we see in 2 Samuel 13:20-33. David, the king of Israel and the man after God’s own heart, had committed his own fair share of sins. And when sin started showing its ugly face within his own home, he showed a natural tendency to ignore it, rather than deal with it. This drama, with its soap-opera-like plot, reveals a growing list of sinful actions, committed by the children of David. One brother has raped his half-sister. Now, her blood-brother will seek revenge, plotting the death of their guilty sibling. And all because David refused to step in and do what he was obligated to do, as a father and a king. Rather than do his job, David decided to turn a blind eye. And his inaction would only make matters worse.

    Ep 653 – 2 Samuel 13:1-19

    Ep 653 – 2 Samuel 13:1-19

    Great leaders don’t always make great parents. And David is a prime example. He may have been a tremendous military leader, but as we’ll see in 2 Samuel 13:1-19, he wasn’t exactly adept at leading his sizeable clan of children birthed to him by his many wives. And many of the problems David would find himself facing as a parent were the direct byproduct of his own personal sins. There is an old adage that states, “What parents do in moderation, children do to excess.” And David family was going to prove that statement to be painfully true. Some of his kids were going to be chips off the old block, emulating some of David’s most egregious sins and bringing his moral failings right under his own roof. And one of the most telling proofs of David’s poor parenting skills will be his tendency to avoid rather than confront, to dismiss rather than discipline. David would turn a blind eye to the sins of his children and the results would be deadly.

    God's Triumph Out of Tamar's Tragedy (A Bonus Podcast)

    God's Triumph Out of Tamar's Tragedy (A Bonus Podcast)

    If you want to watch in wonder as God brings beauty out of someone’s ashes, you’ve come to the right PODCAST.

    Her name was Tamar. And oh what a story she has to tell.

    Another talk from my Hartland High School Camp this past summer.

    (1 Peter in HD will resume next week!)

    Please remember that depending upon your web browser and connection speed, it may take up to 60 seconds for this podcast to begin to play.

    God bless you richly as you listen.

    Manchester, England, England

    Manchester, England, England

    Spiritual Rants:  Manchester, England, England


    Spiritual Rants is a podcast to guide first-time Bible readers through 

    1) the most sensational portions of the Bible

    2)  the most important theological sections and

    3)  the most difficult passages in the Bible


    This week's podcast are based on the One Year Readings for Week 22 (May 28-June 3) 

    2 Sam. 13:1-22:20 (21)

    John 17:1-Acts 1:26 (2)

    Ps. 119:81-121:8  (122)

    Pr. 16:6-18  (19)


    See more at http://spiritualrants.libsyn.com/#ouQFiAh3HQXIyRDr.99

    Read more at spiritualrants.com


    Why did God wipe out whole peoples in the OT?

    Repercussions of David's affair with Bathsheba

    Tamar and Amnon

    Absalom's rebellion and his death

    David's second exile

    The real Lord's prayer

    Jesus' trials, crucifixion, and resurrection

    Jesus' appearance after the resurreciton

    Doubting Thomas

    Ps. 119, Proverbs 16








    Everybody Mad (Ep. 10)

    Everybody Mad (Ep. 10)
    Fresh off of streaming Coachella--sorry, that's Beychella now--live from their couches, Meikle and JWilliams take to the mics to discuss the two-hour performing machine that is Beyoncé, a pregnant, twerking Cardi B and Justin Bieber defending a young woman that was sexually molested at the festival. Also, this week, Azealia Banks claims she was "lowkey raped" on her Instagram story, Kendrick Lamar wins the Pulitzer Prize for DAMN. and more!

    Talks with LGBT Arts & Culture Music Festival creator Mr. Gregory Douglas. Ep. 60

    Talks with LGBT Arts & Culture Music Festival creator Mr. Gregory Douglas. Ep. 60

    In this 60th episode, we interview creator of the LGBT Arts & Culture Music Festival Mr. Gregory Douglas where he talks about what he has in store for his guest during the memorial day weekend in Punta Cuna, Dominican Republic. 


     This 4 night 5 day festival is scheduled Memorial Day Weekend May 25-29, 2018 at the fabulous Melia Caribe Resort in Punta Cana, Dominican Republic. The festival caters to professional Gay men and women, allies and supporters of the LGBT Community. 

    LGBT Travelers will enjoy an action packed weekend consisting of 3 nights of Theme Parties, Live Entertainment by National Recording Artists, Cultural Excursions, The All Star Comedy Night Concert, The LGBT Film Festival, Financial Workshop Seminar, Health & Wellness Workshops, The Vanguard Awards and more.

    The LGBT Arts & Culture Music Festival invites all Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgenders to celebrate life, love, friendships, freedom of expression, pride and unity.



    017 - Passive income through property with Tamar Mar

    017 - Passive income through property with Tamar Mar

    In a few years Tamar Mar built a property portfolio with a passive income that has enabled her to leave her job as a COO in a multi-million dollar business and become the 'CEO of her dreams' and of her own business, the Morata Group.  She's now sharing this knowledge through her podcast, Investing for Life.  Lisa Linfield caught up with Tamar to understand how she did this, and find out her lessons for those who'd like to create a passive income stream through property.

    61. Genesis 38 – Judah and Tamar

    61. Genesis 38 – Judah and Tamar

    Judah marries a Canaanite who gives him three sons. She dies, and Judah has twin sons by Tamar. One is the ancestor of the Messiah.

    Join Pastor Daryl as he journeys through the entire Bible.
    Next episdode
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    Join Pastor Daryl as he journeys through the entire Bible.
    Read or subscribe to his devotional at
    Visit the
    church website.

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    Double Portion Inheritance: Melchizedek & the Law of the Kinsman Redeemer Part 8 (03/04/2016)

    Double Portion Inheritance: Melchizedek & the Law of the Kinsman Redeemer Part 8 (03/04/2016)
    This is the final week on this teaching series entitled “Melchizedek & the Law of the Kinsman Redeemer.” In this final episode, Maria shares why our Messiah, Yahuwshuwa had to be 100% human and 100% Elohiym (divine) all at the same time. Yahuwshuwa was the spotless lamb without blemish, and he declared that ONLY the Father is perfect: Mattithyahuw (Matthew) 5:48 Be you therefore perfect, even as your Father which is in heaven is perfect. Marqos (Mark) 10:18 And Yahuwshuwa said unto him, Why do you call me good? There is none good but one, that is, Elohiym. Yahuwshuwa was declaring that mortal humanity is not good because he was going to die. But the part of him that is Elohiym is good and when he resurrected, he would then be back on the throne as Elohiym who is perfect and good. The Passover Ordinance says that the lamb has to be without blemish: Shemoth (Exodus) 12:5 Your lamb shall be without blemish, a male of the first year: you shall take it out from the sheep, or from the goats. The Hebrew word for “without blemish” in the above passage is “tamiym” which is #H8549 and it means perfect! 1st Keefa (Peter) 1:19 But with the precious blood of Messiah, as of a lamb without blemish and without spot. Yahuwshuwa also had to be 100% human in order to REPRESENT SINFUL MANKIND. This is why Paul wrote that Yahuwshuwa was the “Last Adam.” 1st Qorintiym (Corinthians) 15:45 And so it is written, The first man Adam was made a living soul; the last Adam was made a quickening spirit. The word for “mankind” in Hebrew is “adam.” Therefore, our Messiah was the last human high priest with a corruptible (mortal) nature. After he resurrected, he would then be the “first-born” among many sons: Romiym (Romans) 8:29 For whom he did foreknow, he also did predestinate to be conformed to the image of his Son, that he might be the firstborn among many brethren. Adam was the first human to be charged with leadership (a high priest type), but he failed. Our Messiah is the “Last Adam” (the last human high priest) who overcame. When he resurrected, he then became the “first-born” immortal high priest. And those of us who are his followers, are also “born-again” of incorruptible seed so that we too will be part of his eternal priesthood! 1st Keefa (Peter) 2:9 But you are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a peculiar people; that you should show forth the praises of him who has called you out of darkness into his marvellous light. Yahuwshuwa had to be BOTH, 100% human in order to REPRESENT YISRA’EL, THE FIRST-BORN SON, and HE ALSO HAD TO BE PERFECT AND SPOTLESS AND ONLY THE FATHER IS PERFECT! See the blog entitled: The Twin Goats on Yowm Kippur Fulfilled in Yahuwshuwa Messiah: http://doubleportioninheritance.blogspot.com/2011/05/twin-goats-on-yom-kippur-fulfilled-in_25.html Also see the following blogs below: The Father & the Son Seen in Judah, the Kinsman Redeemer: http://doubleportioninheritance.blogspot.com/2012/08/the-father-son-as-kinsmen-redeemer_3.html Who is Melchizedek? http://doubleportioninheritance.blogspot.com/2016/01/who-is-melchizedek.html http://hebrewnationonline.com/double-portion-inheritance-melchizedek-the-law-of-the-kinsman-redeemer-part-8-03042016/

    Double Portion Inheritance: Melchizedek & the Law of the Kinsman Redeemer Part 7 (02/26/2016)

    Double Portion Inheritance: Melchizedek & the Law of the Kinsman Redeemer Part 7 (02/26/2016)
    In this episode, Maria continues with the study that she has been doing for the past few weeks, as she expounds on the story of Tamar & Judah from Genesis 38. From this account, we can see a prophetic picture of the Heavenly Father (typified in Judah) who promised to send his son Shelah (typified in Messiah). Tamar is a picture of the “Ten Northern Tribes of the House of Ephrayim” who were divorced and widowed. In order for Tamar to be restored (like the lost sheep of Yisra’el), she must give birth to a male heir, a son of promise. Tamar’s kinsman redeemer was promised to her by an oath given by her father-in-law, Judah. But Judah himself fulfilled the oath when he himself became her kinsman redeemer, and the father of her twins. Tamar’s twins are a symbol of the “one new man” (Ephesians 2:15) or the “man-child” (Revelation 12:5). In other words, “both houses of Yisra’el” (Isaiah 8:14) will be “born-again” of the “seed of the woman” (Genesis 3:15) by the kinsman redeemer who is the “Lion of the Tribe of Judah!” (Revelation 5:5). See the blogs below: The Father & the Son Seen in Judah, the Kinsman Redeemer: http://doubleportioninheritance.blogspot.com/2012/08/the-father-son-as-kinsmen-redeemer_3.html Who is Melchizedek? http://doubleportioninheritance.blogspot.com/2016/01/who-is-melchizedek.html

    Double Portion Inheritance: Melchizedek & the Law of the Kinsman Redeemer Part 6 (02/19/2016)

    Double Portion Inheritance: Melchizedek & the Law of the Kinsman Redeemer Part 6 (02/19/2016)
    In this episode, Maria continues with the study that she has been doing for the past few weeks, as she expounds on the story of Tamar & Judah from Genesis 38. From this account, we can see a prophetic picture of the Heavenly Father (typified in Judah) who promised to send his son Shelah (typified in Messiah). Tamar is a picture of the “Ten Northern Tribes of the House of Ephrayim” who were divorced and widowed. In order for Tamar to be restored (like the lost sheep of Yisra’el), she must give birth to a male heir, a son of promise. Tamar’s kinsman redeemer was promised to her by an oath given by her father-in-law, Judah. But Judah himself fulfilled the oath when he himself became her kinsman redeemer, and the father of her twins. Tamar’s twins are a symbol of the “one new man” (Ephesians 2:15) or the “man-child” (Revelation 12:5). In other words, “both houses of Yisra’el” (Isaiah 8:14) will be “born-again” of the “seed of the woman” (Genesis 3:15) by the kinsman redeemer who is the “Lion of the Tribe of Judah!” (Revelation 5:5).  See the blogs below: The Father & the Son Seen in Judah, the Kinsman Redeemer: http://doubleportioninheritance.blogspot.com/2012/08/the-father-son-as-kinsmen-redeemer_3.html Who is Melchizedek? http://doubleportioninheritance.blogspot.com/2016/01/who-is-melchizedek.html

    Double Portion Inheritance: Melchizedek & the Law of the Kinsman Redeemer Part 4 (02/05/2016)

    Double Portion Inheritance: Melchizedek & the Law of the Kinsman Redeemer Part 4 (02/05/2016)
    For the past few weeks, Maria has been expounding on the story of Tamar & Judah from Genesis 38. From this account, we can see a prophetic picture of the Heavenly Father (typified in Judah) who promised to send his son Shelah (typified in Messiah). Tamar is a picture of the “Ten Northern Tribes of the House of Ephrayim” who were divorced and widowed. In order for Tamar to be restored (like the lost sheep of Yisra’el), she must give birth to a male heir, a son of promise. Tamar’s kinsman redeemer was promised to her by an oath given by her father-in-law, Judah. But Judah himself fulfilled the oath when he himself became her kinsman redeemer, and the father of her twins. Tamar’s twins are a symbol of the “one new man” (Ephesians 2:15) or the “man-child” (Revelation 12:5). In other words, “both houses of Yisra’el” (Isaiah 8:14) will be “born-again” of the “seed of the woman” (Genesis 3:15) by the kinsman redeemer who is the “Lion of the Tribe of Judah!” (Revelation 5:5). This week, Maria goes on a little bit of a “rabbit trail” to explain the prophetic significance of the number “4” and how it points to the Messiah, YaHuWaH and the House of YaHuWDaH (Judah). See the blogs below: The Father & the Son Seen in Judah, the Kinsman Redeemer: http://doubleportioninheritance.blogspot.com/2012/08/the-father-son-as-kinsmen-redeemer_3.html Who is Melchizedek? http://doubleportioninheritance.blogspot.com/2016/01/who-is-melchizedek.html

    Double Portion Inheritance: Melchizedek & the Law of the Kinsman Redeemer Part 3 (01/29/2016)

    Double Portion Inheritance: Melchizedek & the Law of the Kinsman Redeemer Part 3 (01/29/2016)
    In this episode, Maria expounds on the story of Tamar & Judah from Genesis 38. From this account, we can see a prophetic picture of the Heavenly Father (typified in Judah) who promised to send his son Shelah (typified in Messiah). Tamar is a picture of the “Ten Northern Tribes of the House of Ephraim” who were divorced and widowed. In order for Tamar to be restored (like the lost sheep of Yisra’el), she must give birth to a male heir, a son of promise. Tamar’s kinsman redeemer was promised to her by an oath given by her father-in-law, Judah. But Judah himself fulfilled the oath when he himself became her kinsman redeemer, and the father of her twins. Tamar’s twins are a symbol of the “one new man” (Ephesians 2:15) or the “man-child” (Revelation 12:5). In other words, “both houses of Yisra’el” (Isaiah 8:14) will be “born-again” of the “seed of the woman” (Genesis 3:15) by the kinsman redeemer who is the “Lion of the Tribe of Judah!” (Revelation 5:5). See the blogs below: The Father & the Son Seen in Judah, the Kinsman Redeemer: http://doubleportioninheritance.blogspot.com/2012/08/the-father-son-as-kinsmen-redeemer_3.html Who is Melchizedek? http://doubleportioninheritance.blogspot.com/2016/01/who-is-melchizedek.html

    Double Portion Inheritance: Melchizedek & the Law of the Kinsman Redeemer Part 2 (01/22/2016)

    Double Portion Inheritance: Melchizedek & the Law of the Kinsman Redeemer Part 2 (01/22/2016)
    We are told in Hebrews 7:14 that the Melchizedek Priesthood “sprang out of Judah.” We are also told in Hebrews 7:3 that Melchizedek has “no father, no mother, no descendant, neither beginning of days nor end of life.” This is because Melchizedek is eternal and he “abides as a priest continually.” Hebrews 7:3 tells us that Melchizedek was “made like” the “Son of Elohiym.” In other words, Melchizedek has no earthly father, and no earthly mother, because he always existed in eternity! Melchizedek “became like” the nation of Yisra’el as he came to portray the role of the “first-born son” (Yisra’el). Yirmeyahuw (Jeremiah) 31:9 tells us that YaHuWaH is a “father to Yisra’el, and Ephrayim is my first-born.” Even though Melchizedek has always existed in eternity, he revealed himself as the Father in the Tanakh (Old Testament) and he revealed himself as the Son in the Briyth Chadashah (New Testament). Psalm 110:4 says “YaHuWaH has sworn, and will not repent, You are a priest forever after the order of Melchizedek.” Has it ever occured to you that the Tribe of Judah pre-existed the fourth son of Jacob & Leah? If the New Jerusalem in eternity always existed and the twelve gates for the twelve tribes of Yisra’el always existed, this means that the Tribe of Yahuwdah (Judah) existed before the earthly Judah (son of Jacob) was even born! Why is this important to understand? Because if Hebrews 7:14 tells that Melchizedek sprang out of Judah, and Melchizedek is eternal, we must be able to see that Melchizedek is YaHuWaH himself who is BOTH “The Father & The Son!” Just as Melchizedek is BOTH “King & Priest,” it only stands to reason that he is also BOTH “Father & Son.” Zekaryahuw (Zechariah) 6:11-13 bears this out: 11 then take silver and gold, and make crowns, and set them upon the head of YaHuWshuwa (Joshua) the son of YaHuWtsadaq (Josedech), the high priest; 12 and speak unto him, saying, Thus speaks YHWH of hosts, saying, Behold the man whose name is The BRANCH; and he shall grow up out of his place, and he shall build the temple of YHWH. 13 even he shall build the temple of YHWH; and he shall bear the glory, and shall sit and rule upon his throne; and he shall be a priest upon his throne: and the counsel of peace shall be between them both. In verse 11, we see that the Father’s name is YaHuWtsadaq (Josedech), which means “YaHuWaH is righteous.” And the name of the Son is YaHuWshuwa (Joshua) which means “YaHuWaH is salvation.” Hebrews 7:2 states that the name Melchizedek literally means “King of Righteousness.” Are you beginning to see that YaHuWaH himself is the Father who is the “righteous high priest?” Yet, we see his son Yahuwshuwa receiving “crowns” (plural) upon his head, just as we see our Messiah in Revelation 19:12 receiving “many crowns.” And yet Melchizedek is described as none other than our Messiah, Yahuwshuwa in Hebrews 7:20-26. We can only conclude that Melchizedek is BOTH the Father & the Son, because he is the exact same being! Yisra’el became two separate nations after King Solomon died in 1st Kings 12. They became known as “The Ten Northern Tribes of the House of Ephraim” and also “The Two Southern Tribes of the House of Judah.” Because of this split, “both houses of Yisra’el” are spoken of in Isaiah 8:14, and this is why our Creator, YaHuWaH had to portray himself as BOTH “King & Priest” and also as BOTH “Father & Son!” See the blog entitled: The Father & the Son Seen in Judah, the Kinsman Redeemer: http://doubleportioninheritance.blogspot.com/2012/08/the-father-son-as-kinsmen-redeemer_3.html