
    the holy bible

    Explore " the holy bible" with insightful episodes like "IF I'M LYING, I'M DYING!", "...And That's a Wrap!", "BUT HE LOOKS SO GOOD THOUGH! SAMUEL ANNOINTS DAVID AS KING", "DO OTHER GODS EXIST?" and "BOW DOWN?! 3 HEBREW BOYS RETELL" from podcasts like ""Ghetto Bible Tales", "Ghetto Bible Tales", "Ghetto Bible Tales", "Ghetto Bible Tales" and "Ghetto Bible Tales"" and more!

    Episodes (100)



    Welcome back! Season 2 of Ghetto Bible Tales kicks off with the story of a lesser-known prophet by the name of Micaiah. Micaiah was a student of the prophet Elijah and was the second to predict the fall of the corrupt King Ahab. Watch as I retell this gem of a story from the book of Kings. #Prophet #ghettobibletales #elijah #christian #biblestudy

    WATCH ON YOUTUBE - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sr4BnnuAt-w

    ...And That's a Wrap!

    ...And That's a Wrap!

    We have officially made it through the first season of the Ghetto Bible Tales podcast! I can't believe it! Yall, its been a rough but enjoyable ride thus far! This series has truly SAVED my life! It doesn't matter if it gets one listen, two listens or two million listens I am so grateful for it all! All the glory goes to God! I plan to keep making this series bigger and better! More stories, more videos, more everything!  Ghetto Bible Tales will be returning August 7th! Until then you can re-watch season one in its entirety over at youtube as well as watch the original GBT episodes (recorded circa 2015 - 2018) on Youtube! All Links below to keep up with me! Thanks for your support!

    Facebook: http://Facebook.com/GhettoBibleTales
    Instagram: http://Instagram.com/ghettobibletales
    TikTok: http://TikTok.com/@ghettobibletales
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    Sign up for the official Ghetto Bible Tales Mailing List - https://mailchi.mp/25b6216b9253/ghettobibletales
    Visit http://GhettoBibleTales.Com for more!



    We're getting closer to the finale! Thanks to everyone that has been on the journey so far! Today we're discussing how man looks at the outward appearance but God looks at the HEART. Today's story focuses on the anointing of David as King of Israel. After Saul continually disobeyed God, The Lord was DONE! Listen as I retell this story!
    You can also WATCH on Youtube HERE Trust me its funnier in video format! LOL!



     In today's episode we meet the 3 stooges of the bible aka Miriam, Aaron & Moses. We find that Miriam is upset and wants to dethrone Moses as the spiritual leader and authority over Israel. Aaron is basically her little sidekick in this ordeal. Watch/Listen as I retell Numbers 12.

    This podcast also streams in visual form on YouTube! If you're interested in watching me and seeing my antics watch the video HERE!



    Everybody knows the story of David & Goliath. Let me tell yall about a little guy with a big mouth and big faith, from the little town of Bethlehem who took off the armor of man and put on the whole armor of God to take down a giant!

    If you're a visual learner you can watch the podcast on Youtube! Click HERE for the video of me and my shenanigans LOL

    Remember to sign up for the mailing list for updates on Ghetto Bible Tales and more! Click HERE to sign up!

    Visit GhettoBibleTales.Com!

    Wed 4/6/22 Why the Bible is True

    Wed 4/6/22 Why the Bible is True

    Wednesday evening podcast

    Why the bible is True


    First, if any person tells you The Bible isn't true, and their reason is “it's written by men '' probably haven't read it, because anyone who reads this book will be hard pressed to make the argument that it was written by men. 

    Yes men physically wrote it, but through God speaking to them.  It could not be any other way. The scripture goes against everything that is what man desires. 

    The want for revenge, the want for lust, the want for gluttony, and so on.  So many of the things we WANT to do and we desire to do that come natural to us without teaching or example from others that God tells us is wrong and sinful and should be avoided at all costs. 

    28 But I tell you that anyone who looks at a woman lustfully has already committed adultery with her in his heart. 

    Matthew 5:28… No man in his right mind would willingly write this.  As any man with a pulse knows.

    In fact could KILL US! As we see with the seven deadly sins. 

    No, if the bible was in fact written by man and only man and not through the voice of the almighty God the Bible would read much different than what we have today. 

    Not, love your enemies, but hate them and crush them? 


    Take only one spouse, and do not lust for another, in lieu of taking on multiple partners and feel free to go after the neighbor's spouse if you desire?.... 

    You may chuckle at that last one, but there has been a recent rise and acceptance in American culture to be “polyamorous” or in a polyamorous relationship. 

    It is not hard to see into our own culture and the cultures of ancient civilizations to see that if man wanted to write a series of books to influence the world for all eternity he would of probably chose something far different than what we read today. 

    And thats just culture… 

    The prophecies alone are so mind boggling and strange that one, it makes almost no sense as to why they are there unless you understand why God put them there and two they actually came true… 

    There are over 2000 prophecies that have been fulfilled in the bible, no other religion on earth has propecies that have been fulfilled, in the muslim relgion there is only one in theory, and it was Muhammed claiming to return to Mecah… but that is a far cry from claiming you will die and then raise from the dead in three days like Jesus did. 

    There was no way to prove Muhammad ever returned to Mecah… he just died. Poisoned by one of his wives. There are over 500 eye witness testimonies of Jesus’s resurrection. 

    Prophecies ranging from Jerusalem and its people to Babylon.. Prophecies spoken into existence and fulfilled in many cases over 500 years later.  Long after Ezekiel or Jeremiah passed on. AND TO THE TEE, not just kind of or a little but exactly as God spoke it to be. 

    The example of Babylon is a fantastic one. 

    Considered one of the greatest ancient cities ever built. 

    The walls were fourteen to fifteen miles long

    It was one hundred and ninety six square miles of architecture, hanging gardens, palaces and temples. 

    Babylon invented an alphabet, worked out problems of arithmetic, and invented implements for measuring time. 

    It was the most advanced nation ever in its time 

    And yet God made a great proclamation against Babylon in Isaiah 13

    Read from the bible.

    There are more than 100 specific prophecies concerning babylon's fate. 

    For instance in Jeremiah 51:58, 62 God said the broad walls of Babylon shall be utterly broken,  and it shall be desolate forever. 

    The walls of Babylon were massive, 187 feet thick at its base with towers 300 feet in the air.  For reference the Great wall of china is much smaller and not nearly as strong and yet it still stand today. 

    The walls of Babylon were completely destroyed. 

    God said that Babylon shall not be inhabited… Today? Its an utter wasteland. Nothing but heaps and huge mounds.  Occupied by scorpions, jackals, and snakes. 

    The only thing left to show for the great city of Babylon is the ruins, composed of heaps of rubbish and impregnated with Niter.  

    The lands of Babylon were once so fertile that Herodotus refused to write about them lest people thought he was insane, now they are completely infertile because God doomed that area to perpetual desolation. As it was written. 

    It is now a barren desert, ruins are the only indication that it was once inhabited. 

    Babylon was situated in the most fertile part of the Euphrates valley, and yet twenty five hundred years later Babylon to this day remains an uninhabited waste land. 

    God said the city would not be built again, and it hasn't.  

    **Read the last paragraph from the book. 

    Beyond prophecies being fulfilled there are many other reasons to believe the bible to be true.  I challenge anyone to read the book of Matthew and not fall to their knees in repentance to Christ afterward.  It is really that compelling. 

    There is absolutely no denying Christ is our savior and lord after reading his story. 

    There are other books too, many pastors would point you toward Psalms if you never read anything else. I

    Not to mention there are over 65000 cross references in the bible, somewhat like “Hyperlinks” in a website.  There is nothing else like it in the world, it's not even close. 

    What makes it more amazing is that the bible was written by several different people in the course of thousands of years. And yet had 65000 cross references, all linking you to every chapter, and verse in astonishingly cohesive manner. 

    And it is no wonder that the chapters in the bible are like an onion with thousands of layers to be peeled back, no one can read the same verse and not understand something new that they did not know before.  And yet the Bible is so easy to understand and absorb. 

    It is the easiest most complex piece of literature for a reader to understand. 

    It has deep rooted psychological meaning that transcends beyond the surface of what a story is teaching us biblically. In other words one can interpret the story of Kane and Abel from a godly and religious perspective, but there is also a serious scientific psychological truth there as well that not even an atheists therapist could deny… 

    This book is seriously deep.  Its incomprehensible to try to understand how this book was put together and lasted untouched, unmanipulated for so long. 

    Math, science, these books are constantly updated and revised for students.  And yet… the Bible has never changed. 

    Over Five billion copies sold, over 1500 different languages.  It is the most influential and the most stolen book… 

    In the words of Jordan Peterson.  The bible isn't just true, it's beyond truth. 


    Romans 1 Bible Study with Erv Puckett- Sad News

    Romans 1 Bible Study with Erv Puckett- Sad News

    #Romans #biblestudy #bible #Cancer #Cancersucks


    Erv and I are doing bible study together on Romans. Here are some of the things you will learn.  

    1. The real reason Christ saves us

    2. What is an apostle?

    3. The giant change of mind in Paul's life about the Lord Jesus Christ

    4 Being a bondservant of our Creator

    5. Hope for gentiles  

    6. What is grace, and why do we need it?


    Sad news: Erv's cancer has spread. The pancreatic cancer is in remission but has moved to the liver and limp glands. He has just started a long series of chemotherapy, but Erv is in good spirits and hopeful. The chemo helped with his pancreatic cancer, and the Docs say this will help too. But you can help. First, with prayer for help and healing. Second, he has to pay $300 per treatment for 26 treatments, and his insurance will not cover it, and he is on a limited income. Can you go to the gofundme and donate? Will you share this post and recommend people donate and pray? https://gofund.me/b5f6f9ab

    Erv came to Christ over a year ago, and this is his testimony. https://youtu.be/LkqL4FZLP8E

    To listen to the video of this cast go here: https://youtu.be/HB-BjdkvZXo

    Can God us your life? How David became King

    Can God us your life? How David became King

    As we contemplate the new year have you wondered, "Can God use my life? I am just a nobody in my job and family and doing nothing important". Every person was made by God to serve Him. Our focus is to minister to Him. He wants us to be somebody to Him.

    Let's take the time to read Psalm 139 for worship.

    Next: We will examine the story of David becoming king from God's perspective in 1 Samuel 16 whole chapter.  

    What does "David was a man after God's own heart" actually mean. And how did David become king? Why did God make David king while Saul was still king?  

    How can we be people after God's own heart?

    What steps did David take for God to pick him as king? Can you take the same steps.  

    Do you study the bible from a youframe perspective or Godframe approach to live pleasing to God?

    Join us for reframing your new year.

    Our youtube version


    What is success in God's eyes?

    What is success in God's eyes?

    #Jesus #JesusChrist #GoDislove #Yeshua #whatissuccess #biblicalsuccess 

    But is this the Frame that God approves? Adam and Eve had one law or rule which God gave them that was a negative rule. Although God created them to do His will on earth, they chose to sin. What is sin? Choosing our will over God's will. We think we know best. We believe we are a "good person." And the list goes on. Choosing our "frame" over His frame?  

    Is there a Godly Frame? Or rather a biblical framework to see life through? Yes.  

    Hint. We are not in the frame! God and His word sit firmly in the BiblicalFRAME.  

    Our list starts here. Theme-based study.

    1. Creator. His world, His rules Gen Chapt 1-3

    2. "Minister to Me..." Exodus 28:1

    3. Judah/Jews "One who praises God." Gen 29:35

    4. "Serve Me." The highest purpose of man Exodus 4:22-24

    5. Walk in a manner worthy of the calling Eph 4:1

    6. Our purpose 2Cor 5:1-11

    7. "Take up your cross daily..." Matthew 16:24-26

    8. So we are not deceived, God gave us the Bible and the HS. 1john2:26

    When we decided to set our lives and hearts at His feet as a servant then we will take His Word to us and get serious that we are not the center of our lives but the Lord Jesus Christ is the center and we serve Him.  

    Taking up our cross is placing our will on the cross and going after Him. How can we do that? By submitting to the Holy Spirit as He teaches us away from ungodliness. How do we know what is ungodly? Through His word.  

    Join us for this special thanksgiving Podcast. We are grateful to you all. Please share, subscribe and comment. It helps us grow.  


    Scriptures for study


    Erv Puckett Ephesians 1:15 to end. Who we are in Christ, Bible study

    Erv Puckett Ephesians 1:15 to end. Who we are in Christ, Bible study

    #Bible #Jesus #JesusChrist #InChrist #inYeshua 

    Did you know faith is a gift of God? So is our salvation. 

    We learn prayers from Paul. 

    We are to have the eyes of our hearts opened. We need a spirit of revelation and wisdom. 

    This sets us apart for Him.

     It gives us a heavenly way to view our walk with Christ.

     Join us for this podcast and video.

    Erv's Cancer may be back. Please pray for him

    Erv's Cancer may be back. Please pray for him

    #Bible #Biblestudy #Jesus #JesusChrist #biblestudycompany #Ephesians #cancer 

    Erv's cancer may be back. We are both scared but decide to worship during the news. Our Creator made us with a choice. To choose our will or His will. His will is we totally trust Him with our lives. We do so with worship in the midst of bad news. Worship with us. Grab your psalm and pray with us through this news. 


    Erv Puckett Bible Study Ephesians 1: 8-12

    Erv Puckett Bible Study Ephesians 1: 8-12

    #Bible #Biblestudy #Jesus #JesusChrist #biblestudycompany #Ephesians #Ephesiansbiblestudy

    1. Redemption and what it means. The forgiveness of our trespasses (sins) against God's laws. The good news (Gospel) is that we cannot earn or work our way to a relationship with God. We need a rescue (redemption). Christ did it all.  

    2. It is through Christ's blood. Christ dying for our sin is how we know God came to earth. He was able to fix Adam's sin, forgive our sin 6,000 years later, and forgive the whole world's sin. Each person has an opportunity to access this forgiveness. All we need is to ask Christ to save us with a sincere heart, as Erv and Ric did.  

    3. Did you know we have access to knowing God's will? We do! Christ, it says of Christ,

    "7 In Him, we have redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of our trespasses, according to the riches of His grace 8, which He lavished on us. In all wisdom and insight 9, He made known to us the mystery of His will, according to His kind intention which He purposed in Him"  

    We need to carry these verses about "who" we are in Christ. We are a new creature, and the old has passed away, as Paul says. But why are we knew? What does that mean? It means we are now in Christ, and He gives us the power (grace through His Holy Spirit) to do His will.    

    But what if we don't want to? Tell Him. Be honest. Have a relationship with the God of the Universe Who died for you and us.   Join us for worship and study of God's word. Grab your psalms and join us to give God glory in our study. He deserves it! 


    Erv Puckett Bible Study Ephesians 1:5-9 We are in Christ!

    Erv Puckett Bible Study Ephesians 1:5-9 We are in Christ!

    We worship using Psalms  

    1. We talk about what it means to be predestined. And we discuss that we are adopted into the family of God.

    2. We discuss God's kind intention of His will, which is what we are after as we study the Bible, and what that means for our lives.

    3. We talk about the praise and glory of His grace and how that matters. Grace is always moving us away from ungodliness which is toward God's will in our life.  

    4. We talk about "in Christ", "in the beloved" and what that means for us. We are no longer a part of the world. Yet we live in it. But He lives in us!  

    5. We get into specifics about redemption, what it means for the Gospel, and our daily lives. Do we understand salvation correctly?

    6. He lavished His love, grace, and forgiveness on us and we are still in amazement! We just need to believe in Him. Put our full weight of trust in Him and have the assurance of the things hoped for.  


    Join us to see how we can live praiseworthy to God. BTW you can use this bible study with a group if you like.

    035 Bonus Episode (Book of Mormon): 1 Nephi Chapter 11 - The Tree of Life part 2

    035 Bonus Episode (Book of Mormon): 1 Nephi Chapter 11 - The Tree of Life part 2

    035 Bonus Episode (Book of Mormon): 1 Nephi Chapter 11 - The Tree of Life part 2

    The next episode that will be released is Episode 12! It´s coming on the 2021-10-10. We are coming up on the 1 year anniversary of the podcast in November and getting really close to 4000 downloads. Thank you all! We release one episode per month but since I don´t want you to have to wait a whole month for an episode so I decided to add in shorter bonus episodes in between. Once a week to be more exact! This weeks episode I will do another chapter from the Book of Mormon, which is an LDS scripture. We see it as another testament of Jesus Christ, to be used alongside with the Holy Bible. So I will read the whole book, chapter by chapter, and look for the spiritual elements that can be found it it and draw references to my own life. This is part 2 when Nephi (the son of Lehi) asks about the meaning of Lehis story of The Tree of Life. In Chapter 8 I talked about Lehis original vision. 

    Until next week: Be the Light. Share the Light. Spread the Light. Shine!

    I was born into the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, or LDS for short. All my life I felt awkward and out of place, not because of my religion, but because of my spiritual gifts. It was hard to combine the idea of what first seemed like two separate worlds. So my whole life I have tried. I have learnt more about my gifts, and stayed faithful to my faith. But then I heard people left the church because it seems impossible to combine the two. So I am here, to try and mend the rift. To show that it is possible to be both LDS and to have, and use, our spiritual gifts. I am not alone on this journey, but my sister, who just is waking up to her spiritual gifts is by my side and she will also share her story.

    Jesus Christ, our older brother, was a healer. He asked us to love one another. So let´s follow in his footsteps. Please join me on this journey, let´s make a community of strong spiritual LDS, or whatever religion you belong to, and all work together to make this world a better place.

    If you like what I do, then you can find me here:

    If you have words of support or stories that you anonymously want me to share please write me at ldsandmedium@gmail.com. I will try and answer all your emails BUT I am very busy with my life and I hope you can have some patience with me.

    If you would like access to the Podcast before it is released, all the bonuses and extra trainings and the meditation prayers as an mp3 you can support me on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/ldsandmedium or send a Donation through Paypal. It will also be available as an archive that you can subscribe to on https://payhip.com/LDSandMedium

    DISCLAIMER: This Podcast is not official LDS doctrine, nor is it in any way financially supported by the LDS church. All the content is either our own personal thoughts and reflections or stories from our lives or the lives of others. Any quotes included will come from the Bible, The Book of Mormon or other scriptures, Church publications, hymns, General Conference or spiritual sites. 

    Learn about the LDS faith: https://www.churchofjesuschrist.org/
    To order a free Book of Mormon: https://www.churchofjesuschrist.org/comeuntochrist/uk/forms/order-book-of-mormon

    Support the show

    Erv Puckett and Ric Joyner Bible Study: Ephesians 1:1-4

    Erv Puckett and Ric Joyner Bible Study: Ephesians 1:1-4

    #Bible #Biblestudy #Disciple #Apostle #willofGod #ephesians  


    Erv is approaching his 1st anniversary after becoming born again. His life has dramatically changed.  

    The second week we had a Bible Study he said something similar to this: "Ric and Pete, I am stuck at home with my pancreatic cancer. I do not know if I will live long. But how can God use me? How can I share the Gospel with people". Pete and I shared that we should just ask God for the opportunity. Erv, within two or three weeks, was sharing the Gospel of Christ in a youth prison where he still serves! He was asked to run a nursing  Bible study AND has found a home church. Your prayers have helped to put him in remission! God's glory! His testimony has been seen thousands of times on youtube and Facebook! He is sharing what God has done for him! You can too!  

    Ric and Erv started a bible study that we have been doing all year. We decided to record them so people could enjoy the back and forth and use good bible study principles. Ric gets to see the changes in Erv. His wife says to him when he gets grumpy (and you would too if you were sick with cancer), "Hey, are you reading your bible and talking to Ric?" He picks up the phone! This is mentoring and we are mentoring each other! Grab a mentor.  

    This week we start a study in Ephesians.  

    We learn about these topics.  

    1. What is the will of God? How do we find it? Did you know God wants you to please Him with your life? But how?

    2. What is the difference between an Apostle and Disciple?

    3. We talk about what Grace is and what it is not, and why we need to respond to God

    4. When Paul talks about Peace, what does he mean? Too often, we just read over verses and don't pause to ask the HS for help in understanding. Peace with God is a giant concept that needs to be understood. Paul sets the stage for understanding all of Ephesians with this simple line. Think: We have Peace with God! The war is over! We have eternal life and much, much more, as Paul will explain!  

    5. What does "in Christ" mean?

    Join us for these Bible Studies. Ask questions. Let's be a community of bible studiers, so we learn to live a life pleasing to God.  

    His world, His rules, His Power in us!  

    Erv's testimony is here: https://youtu.be/LkqL4FZLP8E

    Thanks, everyone please watch, listen and share.


    Intro to new series: Should Christians Keep the Law?

    Intro to new series: Should Christians Keep the Law?

    #hebrewroots #yeshua #Messianicjudaism #keepthelaw #lawkeeping

    A. Our introduction to the series and updates about Biblestudycompany.com 

    B. Dr. Daniel Goepfrich from Theology for Everyone will discuss the covenants and how the church should look at the New Testament covenants. His viewpoint is helpful to know why churches say, "The law was nailed to the cross." He debunks and clarifies for us. 

    C. Dr. Baruch Korman of Loveisrael.org gives excellent balance and answers tough questions

    D. The final podcast will be Mary, and I am recapping our way forward and gives us tools from a proper biblical study process. 

    So why do this series? Some in this Mosaic law-keeping movement are referred to as the: Hebrew Roots Movement (HRM). However, law-keeping is also in some legalistic churches as well, usually called performance-based to get God to "move" on their behalf. 

    The Torah was part of a covenant with Israel after God miraculously created a nation from Egypt to keep His promise to Abraham. The Sinai covenant is detailed for the life the Israelites were to live in the promised land. The "promised land" can be a symbol of the Bible we have today. As Christian, we can submit our hearts and will to the Word of God to live praiseworthy to God in our daily lives. Why? Because we have the entire Bible at our disposal from Genesis to Revelation. When we were in Messianic Judaism, we heard of law-keeping groups and even horror stories of cult-like behavior. 

    The extraordinary things about people caught up in this movement have several things in common: 

    1. A love for God, and they wish to please Him and thus do not want to miss anything He has and least of all, disobey Him. Obeying the Mosaic law can set people up to a type of bondage based on someone's (a leader's) interpretation of the Bible. Keeping the Mosaic law will depend on the group and leader's interpretation of what to do. 

    2. A misunderstanding of proper biblical study methods by taking the Bible in the Old Testament and applying it to obey today rather than the principles Scripture is trying to teach us. Suitable Bible study methods can help us sort this out. 

    3. Nearly everywhere in the Bible, even in the New Testament, the word "law" is interpreted as "Mosaic law," thus, a bias is created TO OBEY THE MOSAIC Law when none exists. Christ referred to the "Law and the Prophets." However, the Samaritans were only focused on the Torah as mentioned in John 4. 

    4. A disdain for current Christian churches and practices, which they assume are anti-Law. We will sort through this as well. ​ 

    5. A misunderstanding of the Grace of God as a license to sin. When in reality, Titus 2:11-12 shows us that the Holy Spirit will "teach" us away from ungodliness. How do we know what is ungodly? Through the Whole Counsel of God (Bible). The New Testament, written by Christ's direct representatives, the Apostles, gives us an interpretation of the Old Testament! If you are in the Grace of God, you are turning FROM sin...not TO sin. 

    6. Today, or in this particular time, after the Cross of our Lord, we are under His blood and have forgiveness of our sin. We can now give Him a gift. We can offer, at the feet of His Throne, our will and our life. He is our Creator and Savior. 

    7. Are you in a group like this? No worries. Remember, always follow the Holy Spirit's leading. Put all the teaching you hear up against the Word of God. He will lead you. Psalm 23.

    Feel free to ask God questions. He will help you. And contact us. We will be happy to help you sort this out. We will explore these areas of concern that have caused many to become ensnared. None of what we write or say should offend anyone. If we do, please remember that we were caught up in some of these groups as well. But because we wanted to study Scripture to live a praiseworthy life to God, He led us to correct Biblical study principles. 

    Join us for this podcast. Please share!

    Powerpoint presentation



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