
    the time is now

    Explore " the time is now" with insightful episodes like "Episode 96 - An Interview with Dan Martell", "#181 ~ Frequency Writer: September 2023 Energy Update: The Time Is Now To Know The Power Of YOUR Dream, You Are The Projector", "NOW Time!", "Episode 95 - An Interview with Roland Frasier" and "Episode 94 - An Interview with Tommy Thornburgh" from podcasts like ""The Time Is Now", "Whole Soul Mastery", "Living Lucky Podcast with Jason and Jana Banana", "The Time Is Now" and "The Time Is Now"" and more!

    Episodes (10)

    Episode 96 - An Interview with Dan Martell

    Episode 96 - An Interview with Dan Martell

    Show Notes:

    0:00 - Introduction: Host Kent Clothier welcomes listeners and introduces Dan Martell, a figure of resilience and success in the entrepreneurial world.

    3:20 - Dan's Personal Journey: Martell shares his transformative journey from a troubled youth to becoming a successful entrepreneur, highlighting the pivotal moments and individuals who influenced his path.

    12:45 - Navigating Uncertainty: Dan discusses his approach to decision-making in uncertain situations and how embracing uncertainty has been a key factor in his success.

    18:30 - The Concept of the "Buyback Loop": Martell introduces his strategy for entrepreneurs to increase the value of their time, focusing on activities that fuel energy and progress.

    27:10 - Redefining Success: Dan redefines success as a journey of becoming the person you needed during your darkest days and sharing that journey to inspire others.

    34:00 - A Decade of Dedication: Martell emphasizes the importance of dedicating a decade to your dreams, sharing insights on how consistent effort over time can lead to remarkable achievements.

    41:50 - Future Ventures and Inspirations: Dan talks about his upcoming projects, including a dedicated YouTube channel for entrepreneurial content and a state-of-the-art studio.

    49:30 - Leveraging Social Media for Growth: The importance of choosing the right mentors and resources in the digital age, and how platforms like Instagram can be a tool for learning and connection.

    58:15 - Closing Remarks: Kent summarizes the key takeaways from the conversation and thanks Dan for his valuable insights.

    Special Offer Mentioned in the Episode:

    - Mention Kent Clothier's name to Dan Martell on Instagram to receive a complimentary 47-page SOP for executive assistants.

    #181 ~ Frequency Writer: September 2023 Energy Update: The Time Is Now To Know The Power Of YOUR Dream, You Are The Projector

    #181 ~ Frequency Writer: September 2023 Energy Update: The Time Is Now To Know The Power Of YOUR Dream, You Are The Projector

    To donate to Marie Mohler, click here: https://give.cornerstone.cc/wholesoulmasterydonate
    Part 1 of this 2-Part Video Series presents the Arcturian Collective's September 2023 Energy Update via channel Marie Mohler. In this transmission, the Guides spotlight that The Time Is Now To Know The Power Of YOUR Dream!  Key themes include Divine Dreaming, Conscious Breathing, Tapping into Your Power, Knowing Yourself as a Projector & Director of What You Are Creating, Ascension Heat, Ascension Shifts, Quantum Rebalancing, and much more!  Thank you for joining me and please share with others who would benefit from these insights and positive energies.

    Part 2 of this 2-Part Video Series takes a deeper dive into these powerful September 2023 Energies & Messages.  Themes and topics covered by Marie Mohler in this Marinades Message will include insights about Dreaming YOUR Divine Dream, Remembering Who You Really Are, Disciplining Your Ego Mind, Choosing Where You Place and Empower Your Vibration Attention and Intentions, Surfing the Quantum Multidimensional Stories, Revelations, and Movies in these times, and more!  Tune into the Marinades Messages on Saturday, September 9th!

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    NOW Time!

    NOW Time!

    What time is it? The time is always NOW. Get aware of the moment you are in. Turn down the distractions and turn up the gift of the present moment.  You are exactly where you are supposed to be.  Learn what must be learned. Do what must be done. Take action now and focus on the task at hand.

    Jana has a Freudian slip... who would have thought masturbation would come up in the middle of a mindfulness discussion.... multiple times.

    Engage you senses. How many senses can you combine together in the moment? Can you disengage the senses and focus on just one or two?

    Ground yourself in the present and you will have a firm foundation for the future. Worry and anxiety are false beliefs of a future that hasn't happened yet.  Focus on now and enjoy a powerful state of NOW to get better results in life.

    #LivingLucky #DoItScared #StartNow #GetPresent #Mindfulness #LetGoOfThePast  #DontWorry #TheTimeIsNow  #DialInYourSenses #GroundYourself #BetterResults #JasonShelfer #JanaBanana #JanaShelfer #CostaRica #Belize #Bahamas #Trinidad #Thailand

    Thanks for listening.   We go LIVE on Facebook every Weekday morning at 6:55 New York time to start our friends off with some smiles, fun, and a positive message before they go to work and we start working with clients or companies.  Now that many of them are back to commuting, Podcast is an easier medium and not a big ask.  We are happy to oblige.

    *** If you would like to add YOU DREAM to the Dream Camper before the next cross-country trip, you can do so HERE *** or at https://www.startlivinglucky.com/sendusyourdreams
    Keep Living Lucky.
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    Thanks for joining us.

    *** The Living Lucky Community is experiencing what it feels like to create a life of inspiration where dreams come true. Check it out HERE *** or at https://www.startlivinglucky.com/sendusyourdreams

    !!! SEND US A MESSAGE: Are you ready to unlock your path to a more inspired life where you're Living Lucky®? Email me directly and let's chart your course toward realizing your dreams and creating a life that fills you with daily inspiration.
    Email Jason Shelfer

    The 4 pillars of Living Lucky
    Believe in yourself
    Believe in the people around you
    Believe in your circumstances and
    Believe that God is working through you, for you, and always conspiring in your favor.

    *Previously Recorded

    Episode 95 - An Interview with Roland Frasier

    Episode 95 - An Interview with Roland Frasier

    Selling a Business


    A business might experience a wide range of events. Thus, the first reason to sell a business is to protect against the unknown.


    If you're holding on to your business for your kids, they don’t want it. According to research, just 2% of businesses effectively transition from one generation to the next because the children don't want it, aren't qualified for it, or don't know how.

    Private Equity Company


    The environment of acquisitions goes from the least appealing company, which has the most risk, is an owner-operated company.


    When you work in private equity, businesses across all industries with revenues above $10 million and profits over $2 million are usually acquired for 15.4 times profits. Simply increasing the company's profitability and sales will enable it to attract customers of a different class.


    They also frequently employ another tactic known as a roll-up. A roll-up means that we'll buy a ton of businesses, some of which may be competitors and others which may not. Seven different categories make up the acquisitions.

    Importance Of Having A Mentor Or a Coach


    People that attempt to accomplish this on their own will probably receive a reasonable offer. However, you can double the worth of the offer if you are familiar with the procedure. When you've never sold a company before, for instance, negotiating a deal with a private equity firm that has a staff that specializes in negotiations is like entering a gunfight with a knife.


    People need to think about the process they could go through to fully optimize the value of their company.


    Exiting without proper guidance, especially dealing with a tax liability, can cost you so much. For example, If you have a tax that costs 30 percent, and you exited with $100 million, you are going to pay a whopping $30 million.


    Many people are unaware that most companies, particularly private equity firms, just desire one thing from a company. However, there may be valuable assets in the company that are valuable on an ongoing basis or have independent value over the income from this particular object that the company has to sell.


    If you don't know what you're doing, get the expert. Don't let your ego get in the way of getting a full value.

    Now Is The Time To Make an Acquisition


    Because everything is on sale, now is the best time to consider acquiring. When people are uncertain, the multiples will be most advantageous to you. But don't feel predatory because you're supporting them in getting what they want.


    There are two ways to approach a company or a competitor: direct and indirect. But the best approach will be direct.


    To determine which company to acquire, remember that the market influences multiples in terms of what is popular. So you'll see that some items become popular and others fall out of favor.

    Psychology of Human Beings


    At the end of the day, a human being is a human being. There's always a human being behind the decisions. And the psychology of human beings is wild, whether it’s their ego or pride.


    You can follow Roland on his socials:

    Facebook | Instagram | Linkedin | Twitter


    Episode 94 - An Interview with Tommy Thornburgh

    Episode 94 - An Interview with Tommy Thornburgh

    Tommy’s Background


    Tommy is the president of Prime Corporate Services. They've been in business for 10 years and has helped over 100,000 entrepreneurs structure their business.


    They concentrate on entity structuring issues like asset protection, tax minimization from a structure perspective, business credit development, creating a separate credit profile for your business, tax preparation, tax filing, and general estate planning.

    Avoiding Probate


    People frequently claim a will in place, which is fantastic but expensive and time-consuming. And in most states, avoiding that probate is done by having a living trust.


    Do a Google search on how to avoid probate in the state where you live or own property, regardless of where you are. Whatever the scale, it all depends on how the state will intervene. If the documentation needs to be set up, it could usually result in fortunes and real estate.

    Benefits of Privacy


    Privacy protects yourself and your loved ones because you don’t want people to know where your home is.

    Numbers of Property in One LLC


    There is no one right answer, but you can try to weigh your risk tolerance. If you have 100 doors, you care a lot less about one door than if you have five doors. Find out what your assets and liabilities are. You can choose the appropriate number of doors per LLC once you understand what that looks like.

    Make Meaningful Moves


    To move fast and make decisions quickly and accurately, when on the call, help them understand where you are currently. Inform them of your new status if applicable. If you have a lot of different entities, let them know who each entity is owned by and what you use it for on a daily, monthly, or annual basis so they can advise you on what needs to be changed, eliminated, or completely restructured.

    Tax Strategy


    Investing in a tax strategy is a huge component of building more wealth. It is not a cost but a strategic and logical investment in protecting wealth. The single biggest wealth extraction event in your life over and over will be taxed. And getting ahead of this in a meaningful way is so powerful.


    Most people need to take advantage of all the available opportunities to strategically buy real estate, insurance policies, and other things to avoid paying taxes.


    The typical business owner squanders about $9,000 annually. As you produce more wealth, that number increases so quickly. Thus, you will succeed if you have a team to assist you or educate yourself about investments that will benefit you from a tax perspective.

    Follow Kent on Socials!

    Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/kentclothier

    Tik Tok: http://www.TokTok.com/@KentClothier


    Go to https://www.primecorporateservices.com/ to start creating a tax strategy to protect your wealth and future.

    You can also follow Tommy and Prime Corporate Services on their socials:

    Facebook | Instagram

    Episode 93 - An Interview with Trevor Mauch

    Episode 93 - An Interview with Trevor Mauch

    Entrepreneurs are Visionaries


    Trevor believes that often, entrepreneurs are the visionaries or quickstarts—once they go into operation mode, they get bored. He doesn’t want that to happen to his company, and thus, he ensures to innovate to make the business exciting for him again.


    Trevor shares a great story about his client scaling his business from zero to millions.

    Delegating Duties


    When you earn millions, Trevor explained that you need to have a delegating strategy on things you don’t want to be actively doing. He further explained that things get harder on this part where, without someone to delegate the task, and you do it hands-on, you get distracted and burn out.

    Entrepreneur Freedom Formula


    Trevor explained the entrepreneur freedom formula and how it is the core model of his company. The entrepreneur freedom formula centers around building a business of freedom and impact. He argued that being a lifestyle business is not bad for a period of time, and it’s all about what you have in the plan after it. That’s where the entrepreneur freedom formula kicks in.


    Hustling and grinding is not long-term business strategy. Trevor explained that people should always remember it because “gears grinding for a period of time whittle and break down.” He further elaborated that even if you start earning good money and you enjoy them, it’s still incomplete without the true purpose of why you are doing it in the first place.

    Vision Story


    Trevor shared his Vision Story and why it matters. His vision story highlighted the importance of having to look so far ahead. Looking 20 years ahead is excellent for him to answer questions like, “What is my role? Am I still in business? What am I doing at that point?”


    Trevor explains that entrepreneurs frequently run away from the businesses they grew. Either because they don’t like it, they hit the income ceiling, or they believe they are incapable of achieving something big. However, when you obtain consistent profit, you start running towards something new.


    The bigger your goals, the longer the runway that vision needs to be. You lose the runway when you start losing that motivation and energy to move forward. That’s where the entrepreneur freedom formula comes in. What do you need to delegate to buy back your time to get more energy?


    Figure out what gives you that purpose and build a consistently profitable business based on a good marketing strategy. Build that team, buy back your time, and start embedding the purpose of your business. Through it, you’ll lengthen the runway every three to five years.



    Trevor explained the benefits of joining a mastermind. You have access and the privilege to talk to someone who’s three-step ahead and behind you. You’ll have a bird’s eye view of where you are currently as an entrepreneur. Talk to people who bought their time back through the entrepreneur freedom formula and see how you can employ it in your business to move a step forward to success.


    Kent Clothier

    Instagram: http://www.Instagram.com/kentclothier

    Tik Tok: http://www.TikTok.com/@kentclothier

    Join The boardroom Mastermind: http://www.Theboardroommastermind.com

    Trevor Much

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/getcarrot/


    Website: https://www.trevormauch.com/


    Twitter: https://twitter.com/tmauch

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/thetrevormauch

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/trevor.mauch/

    Whispers From Eternity

    Whispers From Eternity

    Do you hear the whispers of eternity?


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    State of the Franchise The San Francisco 49ers

    State of the Franchise The San Francisco 49ers

    Jamal bleeds Red & Gold for his San Francisco 49ers, but current they have him living on life support with their "up & down" play over the last 4 plus years! Can the 49ers revive Jamal with better Front Office decisions, better Coaching, and better Game Play from the players? Inquiring Minds wanna know!

    If you love sports and casual talk with some funny ass dudes, you came to the right place! 2 G.A.M Talk (2 Grown Ass Men Talk)!

    E007 - The Time is Now with Kent Clothier

    E007 - The Time is Now with Kent Clothier

    If anyone is qualified to speak on the perils of good fortune, it’s Kent Clothier. He was running a multi-million dollar business in high school and a multi-billion dollar business after that. He would have been set for life, had he not fallen prey to the perils of that success.

    The fall from glory was brutal, and Kent was faced with challenges greater than he’d ever imagined he’d face. With a renewed commitment to himself and those he loves, Kent doubled down on life and business, rebuilding not just a financial fortune but his own vision of happiness.

    Just when he thought he’d fully recovered, a brush with tragedy taught him even more about what’s most important in life. Now he helps others find the same personal and professional clarity he’s found, having learned from his failures as well as his success.

     Watch this inspirational interview with Kent Clothier

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