

    Explore "thinkdifferently" with insightful episodes like "Episode #160 James Peters on how to create a mental toolbox for success", "Strangers in my life through being a single parent Episode 3 - A Different Many Paths", "Episode 119 - Neuro Diversity, Robo Cops, and Big Tech", "Episode 63 Vicky Martin talks Motivation and Mindset to get through Lockdown & Flourish" and "Out Of The Box Thinking - Part 1" from podcasts like ""Next Level Guy", "A Different Many Paths - The Memoirs", "The Killing IT Podcast", "Beauty Marketing Simplified podcast" and "Killer Innovations with Phil McKinney"" and more!

    Episodes (7)

    Episode #160 James Peters on how to create a mental toolbox for success

    Episode #160 James Peters on how to create a mental toolbox for success

    Today's guest is James Peters Lifestyle! 

    Mentor And Mindset Coach James Peters Teaches That Even Through Adversity A New Future Is Always Available.

    Certified Jay Shetty Transformational Mindset Coach James Peters has experienced the hardships of loss and debilitating grief that follows. Despite all the challenges he's faced, he came out of it a new person and is teaching others how they can do the same.

    #jamespeters #lifestyle #mindset #mentality #transformation #lifechanging #changeyourlife #overcomehardships #overcomeloss #overcomegrief #futureself #transformyourmindset #findacoach #youcantdoitalone #forgiveyourself #youarenotyourthoughts #thinkdifferently #behappier #bemoreconfident #frequencybeatschemistry #noquickfixes #dotheinnerwork


    Here are some key points that I would advise you to concentrate on

        • Your current point does not need to be your end point. You can change your life at any time.
        • It is not a weakness to ask for help, it is a sign of strength to see something that is not working right for you, and finding an expert who can assist you fixing this. You don't need to know everything to change. You just need to start.
        • "We are not taught in school how to think". Don't beat yourself up for doing what you needed to survive with the knowledge you knew at the time. Yet, it is time to change now.
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      A post shared by Transformational Mindset Coach (@jamespeterslifestyle)


        • We are often shaped by the culture we grow up in, what our parents tell us, our culture experiences, our religious experiences. These shape us as kids, but as we age we start to create our own identity. You can decide who you want to be.
        • Your past does not need to dictate your future.
        • A mindset coach like James can help you address the thoughts, emotions and issues that are holding you back. You can work on yourself, but it can be difficult to avoid falling into bias, blame etc. A mindset coach can help you look at things and understand them with a clear heart and mind, that won't let you create a story to avoid dealing with things.
        • "The mind can be a trickster, always playing tricks on you." We can create a story on an event or situation, and tend to look at the negative side of things. When you can learn the skills to look from above your thoughts, rather than just reacting to them, you start to understand the message from them, and what true fixes you can do to resolve them.
        • Medication is a great short-term help, but rarely helps after a long time without further work on how you identity with the pain, problems etc.
        • "Frequency beats chemisty". A change in your internal frequency with meditation, breath work etc, can help you level up your frequency and help you heal and grow more than meds can do after their short term fix.
        • "Everyone wants the quick fix and in a lot of case no one wants to do the inner work" that really helps.
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      A post shared by Transformational Mindset Coach (@jamespeterslifestyle)


      • Silence can really help, no screens, no distractions, let silence fall and truly feel your body, listen to the thoughts pass, be comfortable with yourself and learn to love yourself.
      • Travel outside your normal environment can be a great way to help see things in a different light, by changing your environment, you can change how you view things. I certainly find going for a walk in nature really helps me think clearer, more positive and just helps me smile and recharge myself. Try it!
      • "Pain to purpose". You can learn how to use your pain to push you on, to chase a purpose in your life.
      •  Change will take time, don't expect miracles but you will notice gradual change. People will comment on it, and you are normally the last one to know. Work on yourself each day and you will be surprised at how amazing a change that will take place.
      • If you are feeling suicidal, please don't do anything drastic. Give it one more try. Reach out to a friend. Speak to someone. Email me. Suicide is never the answer.
      • Treat your 'I can't go on point' as the starting point to discovering the new you and starting the journey to your true self and happiness. You have found what hasn't worked, so take time to find what does for you.
      • Take some time out and make yourself the priority, work on yourself, fix your health, exercise, try new things, cull broken relationships, learn to be happy with yourself.
      • "Be committed to change". Try to do something every day.
      • "Start small. Micro-goals". Start small and build up. Don't expect miracles, but work on yourself and let the wins roll together into a rolling ball of success.

      • A gratitude journal to record small things you are grateful is a great tool, it shows you how much you have in your life to be appreciative for.
      • "You are the mountain, and your thoughts are the clouds" See them pass by. You don't always need to react, believe them or pay them attention. Look at them from above, are the thoughts true? Worthy of your time? Helpful? You know the real you, your thoughts are just parts of your brain suggesting things based on your bias, current mindset etc, they are not always true, helpful or worth your time. Listen to your true self. Separate yourself from feelings, emotions and thoughts.
      • "Usually anger comes from the past".
      • "Whatever we are afraid of, if we don't deal with it, it owns us".
      • "Forgiveness is one of the hardest things we can do". Forgive yourself. Stop beating yourself up, stop destroying yourself. You can't change things, you will be "on a hamster wheel to nowhere."
      • "Know thyself. That is the journey. The journey within". Stop looking outside yourself, you can learn to be happy, your are worthwhile and deserving of happiness, health and love, especially to yourself. "You have to go and find who you are".
      • Write out a list of things that you love about yourself. Repeat it everyday and learn to love yourself, learn the value you give to the world and others. It is not a chance to be egotistical, but you need to learn your own value.
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    A post shared by Transformational Mindset Coach (@jamespeterslifestyle)


    • Use the concept of 'Future Self'. You are always building the future self of you every day. Each of your actions today are creating the future self that you will be. Make your actions work for you, act right, to become the person you want to be, in three months, six months etc.
    • Stop expecting and start accepting. Nothing will fix you. No marriage, no kid etc. Nothing will make you whole. You just need to discover yourself and your purspose and work on loving yourself and doing good in the world, and you will feel complete in a way that no material goods or experiences will ever provide you with.
    • "Be authentic. Stop trying to fit in ... stop trying to fit into situations." Be yourself and your people will find you.
    • "A new future is always available ... who do you want to be."
    • "Your inputs shape your outputs". What you take in shapes you as a person. You can't expect a diet of soap TV shows, negative news, social media binges etc to give you a positive mindset. Go to the gym, journal, meditate etc. Give yourself the best, positive mindset inputs to help you be at your best and do the things you want in life.
    • "Everything is within you".
    • Look to help others, look to give back to others. Share a smile, a help or a positive interaction. Make the world around you better in someway each day.
    • Select a coach that you resonate. Interview your coaches. Do not select the first one. Be the interviewer rather than just someone that pays their bills. Find someone you are happy and confident with, and work with them.

    Episode 119 - Neuro Diversity, Robo Cops, and Big Tech

    Episode 119 - Neuro Diversity, Robo Cops, and Big Tech

    Topic 1: Neuro Diversity - a different approach to thinking about thinking.

    We're always looking for people who think differently. But we also put some serious limits on how different we are willing to accept. In this article, TechCrunch looks at the idea of inviting a wider variety of people into the world of cybersecurity hiring.


    Topic 2: Are robo cops actually doing anything to reduce crime?

    It doesn't look like it. Maybe Robots AREN’T the answer. Calls to 911 have gone down. But crime hasn't.

    Is there still some good to tease out of this story?


    Topic 3: Tech Giant Battles - Lots of updates this week!

    Case dropped against Facebook over Instagram and What’s App.

    Somewhat unrelated: “Non-Agression Pact” between Google and Microsoft means they’ll each help the government go after the other.

    Also somewhat unrelated: Amazon asks FTB Chair to sit this one out.




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    Episode 63 Vicky Martin talks Motivation and Mindset to get through Lockdown & Flourish

    Episode 63 Vicky Martin talks Motivation and Mindset to get through Lockdown & Flourish


    It's the start of the year, so what better way to bring it in than with gems of wisdom from our guest Vicky Martin. With her life experiences (shaken and stirred), she has nothing but lessons learned for herself and others, for a better perspective. With her passion for continuing inner growth, she's dedicated to helping others. She inspires us to look within to see the light in every situation that we are in and pursue our ultimate purpose.

    Nineteen years ago that was when Vicky Martin became a tattooist. In 2000, she learned how to tattoo and began to specialize in the art of Micro-pigmentation. With over 19 years in the industry, Vicky has been able to develop her expertise. In 2010 she became a trainer for a London company, and in 2012 she started her training school with her sister. 

    She's also passionate about giving breast cancer survivors the very best medical tattooing results to finish their long, challenging journey and leave them feeling whole again. Fueled by this passion and using her experience, blended with the global techniques she has learned, she created her own method for tattooing the areola. She now teaches her 3D Areola (VICKY MARTIN METHOD VMM®) all over the world.

    Her love of learning is not restricted to micro-pigmentation techniques… She has studied neuroscience. She's also a qualified Neuro-Linguistic Programming, NLP practitioner, hypnotist, and even done Stand Up Comedy!

    In this episode, Vicky shares snippets of wise thoughts gleaned from a life lived in introspection and a deep sense of finding beauty even amid darkest situations. Having been a recluse herself for a moment in time, she's come out of that shell long ago to attest that something beautiful happens in life if you train your mind to think differently. It is always a matter of perspective, creating a thought in your mind to help you believe in yourself a little bit more and see the world in a much better way. 

    As a beauty entrepreneur herself, she has those times when she almost quit. But now, in hindsight, she can only look back and say that things only got better and easier as time went on. She points out why we shouldn't be scared to make "mistakes" as there is gold in it; it helps us grow. What is worth having takes time, and it is not an overnight success. Remember, the only way to get past the fear is to get started.

    Affirmations are big in Vicky's life. It sets the tone for the day. It's as simple as just having to say to yourself, 'I am enough' or whatever something positive you want to say. You should believe Vicky when she says that the moment she started to think differently, that's when she found the opportunity.

    She has unstoppable energy inside her. See for yourself what a different way of thinking can do for you!


    "I think if you can start living your future, in a thought that you want to happen rather than a record of the past, it can really help you see things differently or feel differently, and it creates new neural plasticity in the mind that just helps you believe in yourself a little bit more."

    - Vicky Martin


    Topics Covered:

    01:10 - An intro to today's guest

    03:19 - A go-getter, competitive, beautiful soul Vicky Martin

    05:00 - Relating some highlights of her life

    09:05 - Stepping into subconscious dominance

    11:21 - Vicky's most straightforward trick to help yourself possess a positive outlook 

    14:37 - Think differently and notice beautiful things happening for you and others

    17:39 - It's about changing filters in your mind

    19:57 - Were there times in her career, she almost quit?

    24:04 - Breakthroughs that made her the better person she is today

    27:50 - Why you need to forgive and stop torturing yourself for something that can't be undone

    32:48 - Standing up for what she believes in

    36:31 - That innate courage inside of her

    38:10 - How to turn a bad situation into a blessing

    40:20 - It's all about perspectives

    45:21 - A recap of Vicky's gems of wisdom

    48:26 - Think and say good things all the time

    49:58 - Empowering someone through conversations and questions


    Key Takeaways:

    "I've been studying the mind; I've been studying how to get over something that I went through years ago; I realized that we can all help people on the outside to look good. But what I really wanted to tap into is the inside because all of our inside is where all our beauty truly comes from." - Vicky Martin

    "I started to realize that your life is what you think it is. And if you start thinking differently, you start noticing different things, that there's a lot of beauty in the world, there's a lot of opportunity in the world. I cut myself off from everything because I just had this belief. So, I started to realize that there's a better way of thinking." - Vicky Martin 

    "I actually think I enjoyed the attention; I got significance from being the person that moaned a lot. All of a sudden, I recognize that actually, I want it to be the person that could show the world that even in the darkest times if you look hard enough, find some little diamond, this has maybe given me the strength or this has given me then the power to help other people because I've walked that path." - Vicky Martin

    "I think it's about recognizing what you're thinking about and just setting goals, setting a plan, knowing where you want to go and knowing what you want your life to be like, because then your mind will start noticing opportunities." - Vicky Martin

    "There were definitely times I almost quit over the years but most definitely, the more you do it, the easier it gets." - Vicky Martin

    "I think one of the most important breakthroughs for me that have helped me become a better person is to know that I am enough. Because when you truly feel that you are enough, you don't really worry about someone having something better, their eyebrows being better, their training being better." - Vicky Martin

    "If somebody does something to you, I think it's about understanding why they're the way they are. And they're probably just like, they're hurting, or they're outing, it's making them feel better. And I think the best thing you can do is literally just send them love and just be like, 'I hope you're okay." - Vicky Martin

    "If you're bothered about something in life, and it's playing on your mind, you're like, why did I do that wrong? You have to ask yourself, can I change it? And if you can't change it, you literally have to stop torturing yourself. You've got to think there's a lesson in here because that's how we grow through our mistakes." - Vicky Martin

    "I think the biggest problem a lot of people make is they're frightened to make mistakes. But ultimately, that's the only way we grow, isn't it?" - Vicky Martin

    "If someone says it can't be done, then I'm like, I'm so gonna do it." - Vicky Martin

    "I think what's really good for your mind during COVID -- do anything, if you've got something that lights you up, that you're passionate about, and I'm lucky I've got a passion for it. Then it distracts everything else." - Vicky Martin



    All the information you need to become an incredible areola artist and have the confidence to change lives. Click here: http://bit.ly/37r3jdl


    Connect with Vicky Martin:

    Connect with April Meese:



    Out Of The Box Thinking - Part 1

    Out Of The Box Thinking - Part 1

    This week, we will cover a topic that is a bit of a spinoff from a show on buzzwords that I recently did. A listener of the show was confused about buzzwords and buzzphrases that are often used in the innovation space and sent me an email. We will discuss the buzzphrase “out of the box thinking,” analyze it, and discuss how you can think outside of the box to gain an edge in the world today.

    Out of the Box Thinking

    The term “out of the box thinking” is a metaphor that means to think from a new perspective. It originally came from some management consulting firms that were trying to solve problems in new ways. The term was attached to a concept known as the nine-dot problem. The idea is a 3 x 3 grid of dots formed in the shape of a square, equaling nine dots. The challenge is to draw a line through all nine dots without retracing over a previous line or lifting your pen. You need to use out of the box thinking to solve this problem. Initially, four lines in sort of a triangle shape were commonly used. Next, someone came up with drawing three-wide lines going around the box, touching all the dots. Then, someone solved the problem with one very fat line. If you’ve been a long-time listener of the show, you have heard me give the challenge of answering what half of thirteen is. If you answered 6.5, you’d get an A on your math test. On an innovation test, I’d give you a C-, because you solved it with one easy answer. You could write it out as 1 and 3 and split it vertically, creating two digits. You could also write it out as Roman Numeral thirteen and split it vertically, which gives you eleven and two. There are thousands of different ways to answer these types of questions. The key is to not stop at the most obvious answer or to say it does not have an answer. Part of thinking out of the box is to think differently and understand the problem from a different perspective.

    Thinking Styles and Types

    We each have our natural thinking styles. It’s important to know what your preferred style of thinking is, and if you are a mix of different styles. Let’s dig into what those thinking styles are:


    Synthesist – These people are creative and open to a wide range of ideas. The synthesist is an interesting type of person that is always exploring new things.

    Idealist – These people are always working towards a big goal. They set the bar high for themselves and others around them. Idealists are great at achieving things that nobody thought could be done.

    Pragmatists – These people take the logical approach to problem-solving. They tend to be focused on immediate results and driven by quarterly or annual achievements.

    Analysts – These people are interested in the facts and data points. They have a clear procedure for doing things. They love data and are big on metrics. They get satisfaction from achieving success by using defined processes.

    Realist – These people tackle problems head-on. They don’t feel challenged by everyday ambiguity. These are the people who get stuff done in an organization.

    Once you know your style, you need to figure out how you can think differently to achieve success.


    ‘Thinking differently’ is the key question to tackle once you know your thinking style. I’m now going to share seven ways you can think differently. The key is to utilize all seven of these approaches to be free of blind spots:


    Strategic Thinking – This helps prepare for uncertainty. It gives you a plan to prepare for the what-if situations. Strategic thinking puts you ahead of every situation that could occur.

    Inquisitive Thinking – Question everything. This causes people to think differently and look at problems differently. This can be applied to everything. Ask questions to gain knowledge.

    Big-Picture Thinking – This applies heavily to analysts. Think about the situation from another person’s lenses, whoever that may be. This gives you a different and valuable perspective.

    Focus Thinking – This shuts out the operations and takes away distractions. You need time to think away from the everyday busyness of society.


    How to Think Differently

    When challenged to do “out of the box thinking,” there are a few ways you can approach it. Firstly, you need to utilize risk-oriented thinking. As a leader, you need to dream bigger than most. Whether you are a leader of teams or ideas, you need to think big. We tend to mentally apply a risk model to these situations, which needs to be eliminated from the thought process. You need to take all the risk constraints out of the scenario, whether it is financial, technology-based, etc. Once this is done, you will be more comfortable taking the necessary risks to be successful. Next, you need to rely on shared thinking. Collaboration in the innovation space is critical. You need to get input from others because you are not always the smartest person in the room. Shared thinking can be hard but is necessary in some cases to accelerate your ability to “think outside the box.” Lastly, practice reflective thinking. We all love our ideas, as they are our “babies.” In some cases, we need to take a step back and take our emotions out of it. We need to distance ourselves from our ideas and look at other views as well. Set aside time to practice all of these thinking processes, and you will be able to successfully “think outside the box.”

    Think Differently - 201

    Think Differently - 201

    In this episode, Mike and Jody discuss how businesses may begin thinking differently due to the COVID19 Pandemic and taking a page out of Jeff Noel's book, Mike offers a 72 hour challenge.

    Questions Answered:

    • Why is it important to think differently about things I already know?
    • Will this pandemic change the way we do things?

    Key Takeaways:

    • It’s important to have some sort of qualification process.
    • Talk in 2 weeks when you have an update is soft. Hold your customers accountable and hold yourself accountable.
    • Prepare for unknown unknowns.
    • Don’t be so resistant to change.
    • Communication about changes needs to be clear.

    72 Hour Challenge:

    • Take 10 minutes prior to every call over the next 72 hours to Call Plan. Document who is in the room, objectives (yours and theirs) and desired next steps.
    • E-Mail us at hello@catalystsale.com to tell us your experience with the 72 hour challenge.

    Show Links:

    If Disney Ran Your Life - Jeff Noel

    Work With Catalyst Sale:

    • Listen to our free resource (this podcast) and then put the action items into practice. Share your work with us via Twitter or hello@catalystsale.com
    • Invest in a Catalyst Sale course - self directed. Find our courses here 
    • Hire us as a consultant/advisor within your team or organization 

    Thank You 

    Please send listener questions and feedback to hello@catalystsale.com or contact us directly on twitter, facebook or LinkedIn.

    This podcast is brought to you by Catalyst Sale - you can learn more about Catalyst Sale, and the products and services we provide via the following links.

    Growth Acceleration - Plateau Breakthrough

    Product Market Fit

    Think Differently - 201

    Think Differently - 201

    In this episode, Mike and Jody discuss how businesses may begin thinking differently due to the COVID19 Pandemic and taking a page out of Jeff Noel's book, Mike offers a 72 hour challenge.

    Questions Answered:

    • Why is it important to think differently about things I already know?
    • Will this pandemic change the way we do things?

    Key Takeaways:

    • It’s important to have some sort of qualification process.
    • Talk in 2 weeks when you have an update is soft. Hold your customers accountable and hold yourself accountable.
    • Prepare for unknown unknowns.
    • Don’t be so resistant to change.
    • Communication about changes needs to be clear.

    72 Hour Challenge:

    • Take 10 minutes prior to every call over the next 72 hours to Call Plan. Document who is in the room, objectives (yours and theirs) and desired next steps.
    • E-Mail us at hello@catalystsale.com to tell us your experience with the 72 hour challenge.

    Show Links:

    If Disney Ran Your Life - Jeff Noel

    Work With Catalyst Sale:

    • Listen to our free resource (this podcast) and then put the action items into practice. Share your work with us via Twitter or hello@catalystsale.com
    • Invest in a Catalyst Sale course - self directed. Find our courses here 
    • Hire us as a consultant/advisor within your team or organization 

    Thank You 

    Please send listener questions and feedback to hello@catalystsale.com or contact us directly on twitter, facebook or LinkedIn.

    This podcast is brought to you by Catalyst Sale - you can learn more about Catalyst Sale, and the products and services we provide via the following links.

    Growth Acceleration - Plateau Breakthrough

    Product Market Fit