

    Explore "thisamericanlife" with insightful episodes like "BURNING MAN WAKING NIGHTMARES: PART 2 - THE RECKONING", "Young Africa", "3' grezzi Ep. 601 Sperimentazione", "The Farewell (2019) Lulu Wang, Awkwafina (Special Guest Kristen Meinzer By the Book)" and "Black Diaspora: From Bermuda to Oceania" from podcasts like ""You're Welcome w/ Zoe Nightingale", "Race Beyond Borders", "3' Grezzi di Cristina Marras", "Book Vs Movie Podcast" and "Race Beyond Borders"" and more!

    Episodes (21)



    I AM BACK FROM MUDDDY MAN 2023 bigger, better, harder AND full of foreskin.  I am exhausted but I managed to finish editing the second part of my burn episodes from 2022. Basically these are the lost interviews I was never going to release because remembering the end of burning man was literally too tramatic to listen to, even the amazing parts which were many. So here it is in all it's sort of glory the good the bad the ugly. 

    *editors note for end of episode : I was invited to be a panelist to talk about Burning Mans Impact on Culture...something like this by a friend I respect and love dearly that works for BORG and I showed up in a full police latex ripped up terminator outfit on acid after spending days talking to the hidden people who build the infrastructure of burning man - who had told me things that crushed my soul - unreal rates of suicide, depression, addiction, and fear and I was full of a rage that couldn't be stopped. 

    What happened at that talk, to this day still fills me with a mixture of shame, regret and pride. So i've included some of the meltdown speech I gave last year that I literally haven't been able to listen to until this very week because i was so scared of what I had done or said because I got in a lot of trouble and made alot of people mad. Oops. I did it again. No really though i am sorry, I never meant to disrespect the organizers of the talk or the other panelists. I wish I had handled myself with more compassion and composure but the only way out is through and...SOMEONE NEEDED TO SAY IT. But sorry. Seriously.

    Decompression guide READ THIS WHOLE THING NOW IF YOUR BACK to cure your mind body and soul



    If you want to contribute to my patreon to help me cover the crazy cost of making this show feel free!

    BE MY PATRON: https://www.patreon.com/oralfixation

    If you're bored rate my podcast on apple I have no idea how to link it but it helps climb the apple ranks would be so grateful !


    Young Africa

    Young Africa
    "I find that listening to young people is like listening to the future,” Nigel says setting up our latest episode, which features the perspectives on the futures of race from young African people.
    Our guests, who are students of the groundbreaking African Leadership Academy, are among the millions of people below the age of 25 who make up 60 per cent of Africa's population and make it the world's youngest continent. They offer glimpses at how young Africans make sense of race now and how they could shape its future, amid complex personal and national histories. The episode also features analyses of intra-continental migration in Africa from Mariama Mohamed Cisse of the International Organisation for Migration.
    Journey with us across Africa.
    Hosted by: Nigel Richard
    Special thanks: Sebabatso Manoeli-Lesame, Laetitia Nolwazi Mbuli, Yasmeen Rubidge, Modupeola Oyebolu, Lindokuhle Nkosi and Daryl Hannah 

    3' grezzi Ep. 601 Sperimentazione

    3' grezzi Ep. 601 Sperimentazione
    Cosa significa essere sperimentali? E come cambia nel tempo la percezione di quello che viene visto come sperimentale? E come può l'uso di una lingua straniera essere percepito come sperimentale? Queste e altre domande mi sono posta quando ho preparato un workshop sulla sperimentazione.

    TRASCRIZIONE [Eng translation & link to All The Best Radio below]

    Quando 'All the Best Radio' che è un'emittente australiana, mi ha chiesto di presentare un workshop sulla sperimentazione nell'audio, la prima cosa che mi sono chiesta è: ma io mica sono sperimentale! E invece poi le persone di 'All the Best Radio' con cui collaboro da diverso tempo, mi ha detto no Cristina, tu sei una delle nostre podcaster più sperimentali, quindi mi hanno proprio costretto a riflettere su quello che viene percepito, su cosa sia la sperimentazione e di questo poi ho parlato.
    La prima cosa che mi è venuta in mente è che la sperimentazione dipende, perché quello che era sperimentale dieci anni fa, oggi non lo è più. Ricordo la prima volta che ho visto la serie televisiva della BBC Sherlock, era la prima volta che vedevo l'uso dei messaggi mandati sul cellulare fatti in un certo modo, cioè che Sherlock mandava un messaggio e si vedeva il testo sovrapposto all'immagine della persona, ed era la prima volta che lo vedevo e avevo pensato Wow, oh che bello! Che cosa diversa! Ecco, oggi lo fanno tutti, per cui non è più sperimentale.
    Anche certi modi di presentare - per parlare di audio - anche certi modi di presentare, sicuramente negli anni '90, quando Ira Glass di 'This American Life' ha cominciato a fare il suo monologo, primo atto, secondo atto, terzo atto era molto sperimentale, oggi non lo è più. E se non conoscete 'This American Life' o Ira Glass non importa. Solo per dirvi che un modo di presentare, un certo atteggiamento, quando lo fa per la prima volta una persona, quando ancora non l'ha fatto nessuno, sembra una cosa sperimentale, però poi dopo, più avanti, quando lo fanno tutti, non è più sperimentale.
    Quindi se si vuole essere sperimentali bisogna sempre continuare a cercare di fare cose nuove.
    Poi un'altra cosa che ho notato riflettendo su quella che viene percepita come sperimentazione in quello che faccio, è perché io spesso, le mie produzioni serie le faccio in inglese e spesso, a parte il fatto che ho un accento italiano quando parlo l'inglese, naturalmente, ma anche uso parole italiane, a volte tradotte e a volte no, e questo lo faccio più o meno inconsciamente, ma è anche non tanto inconscio ma perché, diciamo è un atto di protesta, un atto politico perché la stragrande maggioranza delle cose viene fatta in lingua inglese nei podcast, però il mondo non è di lingua inglese, è di seconda lingua inglese, ma non di prima lingua, ed è importante ricordare che esistono anche altre realtà che parlano diverse lingue e alle quali si dovrebbe dare la giusta importanza.
    Insomma, volevo condividere con voi questi pensieri sulla sperimentazione.


    When 'All the Best Radio' which is an Australian broadcast, asked me to present a workshop on experimentation in audio, the first thing I thought was: but I am not experimental! But instead, the people at 'All the Best Radio', with whom I've been working with for quite some time, said no Cristina, you are one of our most experimental podcaster, so they really forced me to think about what is perceived, what is experimentation, and this is what I talked about.
    The first thing that came to my mind is that experimentation depends, because what was experimental ten years ago, is no longer experimental today. I remember the first time I saw the BBC television series Sherlock, it was the first time I saw the use of texting on mobile done in a certain way, that is, Sherlock would send a message and you would see the text superimposed on the person's image, and it was the first time I saw it and I had thought Wow, oh that's nice! How different! Here, everyone is doing it today, so it is no longer experimental .
    Even certain ways of presenting, to talk about audio, even certain ways of presenting, certainly in the 1990s, when Ira Glass of 'This American Life' started doing his monologue, first act, second act, third act was very experimental, today it is not. And if you don't know 'This American Life ' or Ira Glass, it doesn't matter. Just to tell you that a way of presenting, a certain attitude, when a person does it for the first time, when no one has done it yet, it seems like an experimental thing, however later on, when everyone does it, it is no longer experimental.
    So if you want to be experimental you must always keep trying to do new things.
    Then another thing I noticed in reflecting on what is perceived as experimentation in what I do, is because I often, my serious productions I do in English and often, apart from the fact that I have an Italian accent when I speak English, obviously, but also I use Italian words, sometimes translated and sometimes not, and this I do more or less unconsciously, but it's also not so much unconsciously but because, let's say it's an act of protest, a political act because the vast majority of things are done in English in podcasts, however, the world is not English-speaking, it's second-language English, but not first-language, and it's important to remember that there are also other realities that speak different languages and to which one should give due importance.
    In short, I wanted to share with you these thoughts on experimentation.

    LINK All The Best Radio https://allthebestradio.com/

    The Farewell (2019) Lulu Wang, Awkwafina (Special Guest Kristen Meinzer By the Book)

    The Farewell (2019) Lulu Wang, Awkwafina (Special Guest Kristen Meinzer By the Book)
    Book Vs. Movie: The Farewell

    The Lulu Wang Story from NPR’s This American Life & the 2019 Film

    The Margos have a special guest for this episode devoted to an NPR story by writer/director Lulu Wang. Kristen Meinzer (co-host of the By the Book & Romance Road Test podcasts) is a return guest who wanted not only to talk about her new shows but also to share one of her recent favorite films, which is an adaptation of a true story contribution by Wang she shared with This American Life in 2016 (episode 585: In Defense of Ignorance.)

    In her audio essay called What You Don’t Know, Wang’s family deals with the news that her grandmother has terminal cancer by not telling her she is sick but rather all coming together in China under the guise of a lie. That they are there for a marriage. It’s a hilarious and heartwarming story about what true love means and cultural respect. We won’t give away the ending, but it will surely find a place in your heart!

    Rakuten Kobo sponsors this particular episode. They want to introduce our listeners to Canadian Chinese romance author Jackie Lau who has just her newest work, the sexy, funny, and unconventional The Unmatchmakers.

    From the author of DONUT FALL IN LOVE comes a perfect summer love story set in the forested paradise of Canadian cottage country that asks the question: Can love beat the odds when the odds are two mothers dead-set against it? (This book has Canada-core down! Tim Horton's coffee, butter tarts, kayaks….)

    You’d think my mother would be trying to set me up with architect Neil Choy, the unmarried son of her best friend. But you’d be wrong.

    My single mother has always been fiercely independent. Since I was a small child, she’s always told me not to believe in fairy tales and that I don’t need a man. So she’s failed to mention that Neil is a total hottie in glasses. When I see him on a multi-family cottage vacation for the first time in a decade, I’m in for quite a shock. (I nearly fall in the lake, but let’s keep that a secret.)

    He sure can grill a mean steak and mix a killer cocktail, plus he’s pretty impressive in a kayak. Yes, he’s a little stern and grumpy, but that just makes him more fun to tease—and makes it more satisfying when he quirks his lips in my direction.

    Even though my mind is spinning romantic fantasies, I’m not entirely sure how he feels. And I’m afraid that if anything happens between us, it’ll screw up the friendship between our staunchly anti-relationship mothers. Especially since they’ve been acting increasingly weird since we arrived—I will never forgive them for the S’mores Incident. I think they’re trying to sabotage my love life, and I’m starting to worry that I won’t make it through this bizarre summer vacation…

    About the Author
    Jackie Lau is a biracial, Asian-Canadian author specializing in contemporary romantic comedies in Toronto/Ontario. The main characters of her books are usually of Asian heritage and often include interracial couples. Jackie has a background in engineering and geophysics and has written many main characters who work in STEM.
    Follow her at JackieLauBooks.com #AsianRomCom Twitter/Instagram @JackieLauBooks

    The Unmatchmakers is available as an eBook and audiobook through Kobo and across our global storefronts.

    The title is available for Canadian readers under Kobo Plus, our all-you-can-read eBook subscription. It starts with a 30-day free trial, meaning that readers who haven’t started their subscription yet can begin their trial and read it for free (alongside hundreds of thousands of other eBooks). For those who are already Kobo Plus subscribers, this title is available in the catalog and ready to be read!

    In this ep, the Margos discuss:
    Lulu Wang’s story and the changes she made to film
    The Chinese tradition of family members keeping medical information secret
    The process of filming on location
    The cast: Awkwafina (Billi Wang,) Tzi Ma (Haiyan Wang,) Diana Lin (Lu Jian,) Zhao Shu-zhen (Nai Nai,) Lu Hong (playing herself,) Aoi Mizuhara (Aiko,) Zhang Jing (Yuping,) Li Xiang (Aunty Ling,) Yang Xuejian (Mr. Li,) and Jim Liu as Dr. Song.
    Clips used:
    The doctor explains in English what is happening to Nai Nai
    The Farewell trailer
    Billi wants to stay in China
    Billi and her mother talk about grief
    The different music at the wedding
    Music by Alex Weston

    Book Vs. Movie is part of the Frolic Podcast Network. Find more podcasts you will love Frolic.Media/podcasts

    Join our Patreon page to help support the show! https://www.patreon.com/bookversusmovie

    Book Vs. Movie podcast https://www.facebook.com/bookversusmovie/
    Twitter @bookversusmovie www.bookversusmovie.com
    Email us at bookversusmoviepodcast@gmail.com

    Margo D. @BrooklynFitChik www.brooklynfitchick.com brooklynfitchick@gmail.com
    Margo P. @ShesNachoMama https://coloniabook.weebly.com/

    Our logo was designed by Madeleine Gainey/Studio 39 Marketing Follow on Instagram @Studio39Marketing & @musicalmadeleine

    Black Diaspora: From Bermuda to Oceania

    Black Diaspora: From Bermuda to Oceania

    In our penultimate episode of Season 2, we travel to the North Atlantic island of #Burmuda. Join us as we explore #Blackness across the #Black Pacific and Oceania with our guest, Quito Swan.

    Hosted by: Sebabatso Manoeli-Lesame

    Guest: Quito Swan

    Special thanks to Laetitia Mbuli, Modupeola Oyebolu, Nigel Richard, Anna Luiza Braga, Daryl Hannah.

    Produced by: The Good People at Between Productions

    Website: MOYA

    3' grezzi Ep. 299 Serial!mp3

    3' grezzi Ep. 299 Serial!mp3
    La madre di tutti i podcast! Il podcast che tutti continuano a citare e a scoprire, come se non fosse successo più niente nel mondo del podcast da quel lontano 2014, quando - grazie ad una serie fortunata di circostanze (la app su Iphone e il gigante This American Life a coprire le spalle) Sarah Koenig e Julie Snyder crearono il podcast più di successo di sempre. Serial è il podcast che da allora tutti cercano di copiare, emulare, ridicolizzare, a partire dalla sigla. Però, a ripensarci oggi, quanto era bella l'attesa del nuovo episodio ogni giovedì mattina!


    Serial (l'originale) https://serialpodcast.org/season-one
    A Very Fatal Murder (una delle piu belle parodie) https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/a-very-fatal-murder/id1333714430

    Episode 40: Don't F@#k with Scorpios

    Episode 40: Don't F@#k with Scorpios

    Hank takes us on a hilarious &  wild philosophical journey- in a story of revenge, dog parks and the ins and outs of labor law.  Hear first hand about the literal trials and tribulations of his 4 years involved in filing and fighting in a class action lawsuit! See if it's really worth your time to "take down the man" and parent the world.

    Episode 39: Florida Man

    Episode 39: Florida Man

    Alena takes us to the magical land of Florida,  where you can microwave and microwave and hide drugs in your belly button.

    Jeanette helps you plan your next vacation to the world’s best dead fish tossing party at the Flora-bama Mullet Toss!

    Give us your topic ideas on Twitter!  Use the hashtag (pound sign) #superfluouspod.  If we choose your topic for a show, we will send you a special goodie!

    Podcast Music by Jeff Stovall: https://soundcloud.com/backhousetranscendental

    This is What I Get For Bringing My Mother to Burning Man

    This is What I Get For Bringing My Mother to Burning Man

    My mom decided to sell our home, and while it may not seem like a big deal to most, I FREAKED OUT.

    I knew it was bound to happen sometime. When covid hit, my mother was visiting Santa Fe, a place that had always made her heart feel full. The house, that we've spent 20 years in, was sitting, mostly empty, waiting for our triumphant return.

    My mom has been really careful about Covid, and I've only been able to see her twice in these last 6 months and this for me has been really super duper tough. I need my mother. I need her all the time. I need to hold her hand and wake up next to her and know that she's padding around the house at 6 am in her silk nightgown and Terry cloth robe, reading the paper and drinking decaf.

    This house of ours, was a new start. After my father was officially out of the picture, we had sold my childhood home and moved into this one together, to start a new chapter. This one was just one for the two of us, my siblings were long gone, and we turned this page together and I proceeded to make so many new fun memories and also sit with some really painful ones.

    This was our space, our place, and we navigated my teenager years and all the angst that comes with it there, together.

    I loved this house. I feel like the memories of it will grow softer with time but the feeling of always having a home never will.

    Thank you mom, for everything.


    Noah Lampert - Check out all his work at www.syncronicity.com

    Talking Heads - Burning Down the House

    My website: www.zoenightingale.com

    My Instagram:@drznightingale

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    S2: Episode 24: Everyday Autism Series - New Things

    S2: Episode 24: Everyday Autism Series - New Things

    Hello Friends - I wanted to start a series on Everyday Autism. My thoughts each day as I navigate this new normal. I am going to challenge myself to do a podcast a day until Paige goes back to the classroom. Raw everyday life, in real time. Join me as I document our lives. Thank you for the continued support, we are so grateful for each and everyone of you! On this episode: A day of usual. Picking up produce, online learning and allergies. 





    FB: @sautismmasterminds 

    IG: @autismmastermind

    Youtube: @AutismMastermind


    Introducing ICRC Spokesperson Marc Kilstein

    Introducing ICRC Spokesperson Marc Kilstein

    In this episode of Intercross the Podcast, Head of Communications Anna Nelson sits down with our newest team member, ICRC in Washington's Spokesperson Marc Kilstein. Anna and Marc talk about nerding out over radio, the importance and honor of storytelling, Marc's hopes for his new position and their (not-so-secret) dreams of being poached by This American Life's Ira Glass. Or at the very least, making him a dedicated Intercross the Podcast listener. Hosted by Anna Nelson.

    Episode 31 - United Debacle, Man eating Squirrels and ones who love golf and ice cream.mp3

    Episode 31 - United Debacle, Man eating Squirrels and ones who love golf and ice cream.mp3
    Biggun and Mojo are back in studio this episode. Our biased list of songs that have the best opening music. Biggun's wife calls in to tell us more about the terminator squirrel and "Blaine" the Pacifist Exterminator comes out to visit again. We go over some crazy headlines, call up the Fantasy Isle Ice Cream Shop to discuss "Putter" the squirrel. No guest this week but we discuss what we know about the United Airlines debacle. What is article 25 and 21? Stick around and find out. Website: www.southernfriedphilosophy.com Instagram and Twitter: @sfpradio Facebook: Southern Fried Philosophy You can now partner up with us @ www.patreon.com/sfpradio Check out on Facebook: Fantasy Isle Ice Cream Shop in Holden Beach North Carolina. Special Thanks to Mr. Martin for taking our interview. If you're not an organ donor, you should be. Check out episode 1 and Mojo's story of receiving a new Heart in March of 2017. #DonateLife

    Episode 27: The Drywall

    Episode 27: The Drywall

    We’re thrilled to unearth a classic story by legendary radio producer Scott Carrier, an inspiration for radio producers from Ira Glass to Jad Abumrad, which hasn’t been heard since it originally aired on All Things Considered in 1993.

    CREDITS “The Drywall” was produced by Scott Carrier. David Weinberg interviewed Carrier and Ira Glass for the Organist.

    Banner Image Credit: Paolo Trabattoni

    Episode 143: Dave Hill

    Episode 143: Dave Hill

    On today's show, I talk to comedian and musician Dave Hill. Dave got his start playing in indie rock bands in the 1990s, such as Sons of Elvis and Cobra Verde. While he still plays music today, his main focus is on writing, performing and hosting, dividing his time between Dave Hill's Podcasting Incident on Maximum Fun, The Dave Hill Explosion at UCB, The Goddamn Dave Hill Show on WFMU, contributing to This American Life, among many other projects. His first book, Tasteful Nudes, was published in 2012.

    Check out the website for Beginnings, subscribe on iTunes, follow me on Twitter!