

    Explore "threshing" with insightful episodes like "Flashcast: 11-11-11", "Flashcast: #Occupy.World", ""Water Birthing"", "The Fall-Part 2: "Exile"" and "The Fall-Part 1" from podcasts like ""Threshing Floor Radio", "Threshing Floor Radio", "Threshing Floor Radio", "Threshing Floor Radio" and "Threshing Floor Radio"" and more!

    Episodes (47)

    Flashcast: 11-11-11

    Flashcast: 11-11-11

    Flashcast from the Threshing Floor-Randy Maugans

    "The heavens and the earth will be rolled up in your presence. And one who lives from the Living One will not see death." Does not Jesus say, "Whoever finds himself is superior to the world?"-Gospel of Thomas #111

    We move through the shift in stages...the numbers roll by, constructs of man's consciousness in 3-D space-time. The meaning of numbers is persistent in our consciousness, and mark passages...it is WE who give them meaning. Everything that CAN be shaken is to fall...so that which is eternal can STAND. Riffing through the numbers gives a context. The backdrop is daily events that stream by us as reminders of what is occurring...like the events at Penn State University...where the Satanic pedophiles were exposed and the power system of PRIDE, VANITY, and personal ACHIEVEMENT take precedence over the INNOCENTS...where do WE FIND OURSELVES in the continuum? The TEST is in the details of life.

    Music: "Victory Dance"-My Morning Jacket 

    Flashcast: #Occupy.World

    Flashcast: #Occupy.World

    Flashcast from The Threshing Floor-Randy Maugans: #Occupy.World

    "And he called his ten servants, and delivered them ten pounds, and said unto them, Occupy till I come."-Luke 19:13

    Occupy Wall Street...the children of Gordon Gekko can't pay their college loans...america goes 3rd world...the psychotronic shuffle...da dooh dooh do! Sit around watching FOOOTBall---yaaay! Kvectching about the past...your cold, dead religion..and you heads up your ass...but OCCUPY is spiritual...it's about WHO you are and what you will pay up front to be a contender...there is a final tally at the end of the game...can you afford it?

    "Water Birthing"

    "Water Birthing"

    Flashcast from The Threshing Floor - Randy Maugans: "Water Birthing"

    A 5-15 minute blast of spiritual insight and sharing:

    Babies born under water...the connection to the mother via umbilical cord delievers oxygen...water babies don't drown, their lungs are deflated.  John 3:5 and a missing piece of information:

     "Except a man be born of water and of the Spirit, he cannot enter into the kingdom of God."

    Being born of the Spirit, which is the Mother, we are attached to the life force of God. As we remain attached, our new life force gives us the spiritual "oxygen"...water and spirit are ONE...it's a metaphor:

    Water=wisdom, protection, peace, safety, nourishment, comfort (the Comforter)

     Our first birth is through Mother Eve, the second is through Mother Spirit in the water of the spirit. If we disconnect, we then move in our own power and lose the protection and the wisdom, we become "lunch" for spiritual predators...the connection of the MOTHER is crucial in connecting to Yeshua and the Father.

     When we are birthed in water, we also become "birthers"...male or female, we are moved into spiritual propagation---there is no male or female in the spirit:

    John 7:38 He that believeth on me, as the scripture hath said, out of his belly shall flow rivers of living water.

     The word for "belly" here is   koilia,  (koy-lee'-ah) - the abdomen; by implication, the matrix; figuratively, the heart:--belly, womb.

    A meditation to reconnect...


    The Fall-Part 2: "Exile"

    The Fall-Part 2: "Exile"

    The Threshing Floor Radio Show-October 15, 2011-Randy Maugans 

    "And God commanded him to dwell there in a cave in a rock--the Cave of Treasures below the garden.BUT when our father Adam, and Eve, went out of the garden, they trod the ground on their feet, not knowing they were treading." -First Book of Adam and Eve

    Part two concludes the Genesis 3 narrative and examines the actual components of what is called "the fall". Who are the Adamites? What is represented in the sequence...judgments or consequences?...the Shining Ones vs. the Divine DNA. Order of judgment; the three components of the actual descent: consciousness, DNA, and dimensional reality. Why this event did not occur on the present Earth, and what comprises the actual "edenic" existence of the race. The exit from Eden.

    Links: Show Transcripts and Notes-PDF (Click to download)

    The Fall-Part 1

    The Fall-Part 1

    The Threshing Floor Radio Show-September 23, 2011-Randy Maugans

    "Who told thee that thou wast naked?" -Genesis 3:11

    The first of a two part study on what is called "The Fall".

    We unravel the state of the spiritual identity of man and woman, and the development---or de-evolvment---of man’s consciousness; and how the two are very much connected. What does Genesis actually tell us…and how do we assimilate what appears to be a fable, a tale, a mythological account far removed from our modern context and understandings?

    The symbolisms of the Genesis account awaited this time when we better grasp the mysteries of genetics, physics, and the order of the universe, for the original creation was very much a Creative God's divine plan to propagate the orders of the heavens into a creature made just "a little lower than the angels". Who would ascend to join the ranks of creative beings in the multiverse...but something went wrong...a SPLIT occurred. A split in the consciousness of the "Adam", a disruption of the divine order, and the Earth and it's balance were horribly disrupted.

    What occurred is beyond a simple partaking of a "fruit". What occurred threatened the order of the Earth, the  cosmos and required a PLAN...all of it wrapped in the riddle of "The Fall".

    Show Transcripts and Notes-PDF
     (Click to download)
    The Supreme History (Genesis)-PDF-The Chronicle Project - http://www.thechronicleproject.org/ (Click to download)


    "The Return To Innocence" - Enigma
    "After The Fall"- October Project


    The Battle Within

    The Battle Within

    The Threshing Floor Radio Show-September 5, 2011-Randy Maugans

    "Those who say they will die first and then rise are in error. If they do not first receive the resurrection while they live, when they die they will receive nothing." - The Gospel of Phillip

    We've not been taught this by religion...the dying to self, the killing of the "I", which is the false self of the ego-driven matrix.  We came here naked, knowing we were not part of this world system, but we 'unlearn' that and become invested in the physical world...the world which is intertwined with the spiritual world. Unless we fight to get back, to journey toward the Creator, we continue in the darkness, stumbling and falling.

    Once we decide to take the road back, a great war begins...the "I" now knows it will perish. Everything connected to this world is self-preserving...it is Darwinist...it is locked in the zero point game of the physical realm. The "I" will not give up easily---and THAT is the battle within.


    "Watchmen To Warriors-The Battle Within"

    "The Ground Beneath Them"


    "The Ghost On The Canvas" - Glenn Campbell
    "Burning Bridges" - Mr. Mister

    The Second Axial Age with Joseph Lumpkin

    The Second Axial Age with Joseph Lumpkin

    The Threshing Floor Radio Show-August 27, 2011-Randy Maugans with Dr. Joseph Lumpkin
    Fifth Estate Publishing

    "A person cannot approach the divine by reaching beyond the human. To become human, is what this individual person, has been created for." -Martin Buber

    Dr. Joseph Lumpkin joins us for an encompassing discussion about the ongoing redefinition of religious thought and practices. Dovetailing off the Sacred Feminine and Forbidden Books, he looks back at a pivotal period, and asks if we may, in fact, be  seeing a new period of rapid transition in spirituality.

    The Axial Age" is a period of time between approximately 800 BCE to 200 BCE (some say 100CE in order to include Christianity).
    In this period of time all major religions began. It is as if the human consciousness was awakened all over the world at the same time. We went from idolatry and ritual to a mystical experience aimed at direct communication with God.

    The question is why?  What happened to us on a world wide scale that effected our human souls? This "shift" in religious thought produced:

    Hinduism (development of the Upanishads)
    Daoism (Lao Tze)
    Mystery cults of Mediterranean region

    More intriguing...we appear to have entered yet another age when religion is now fading...humanity is transitioning away from institutions, rigid dogma, and external forms, and moving toward the personal revelation of Deity. Just as axial man passed through a change in consciousness, and moved away from tribalism, polytheism, and ritual sacrifice; we are now experiencing an acceleration towards awareness of the wholeness of creation: of a God who is "in" us; of a quantum reality that connects the dots and bridges the distance between Deity and humanity---and human and human...away from "us and them" and towards "I and thou."


    A brief overview of the "Axial Age" by Dr. Adel Elsaie, from: "History of Truth, The Truth about God and Religions"

    Julian Jaynes-The Origin of Consciousness in the Bicameral Mind- While Jayne's work is now somewhat outdated, in view of the more recent research into hemispheric neurological function, and the understanding that the "mind" is not a localized brain function as per David Bohm's "Hologreaphic Universe" model, Alain Aspect's Non-locality Principle, and Benjamin Libet's work on brain function and cosciousness;  however, Jaynes' work is useful in seeing the trends of human consciousness evolution in the axial age.

    Martin Buber-Wikipedia entry
     - The spiritual relationship of "I and thou"
    Jim Ryun Breaks the human barrier for the mile - A metaphor of a "forerunner"

    Music: "Jesus On the Barricades" - Agents Of Mercy

    “The Sacred Feminine: Searching for the Hidden Face of God” - The new book by Joseph Lumpkin 

    Fifth Estate Publishing offers books on religion & theology, philosophy, martial arts, poetry, biographies, and fiction.  http://fifthestatepub.com/

    Joseph Lumpkin on Amazon

    Spirit Behind Words

    Spirit Behind Words

    The Threshing Floor Radio Show-August 23, 2011-Randy Maugans

    Jesus said, "Have you found the beginning, then, that you are looking for the end? You see, the end will be where the beginning is. Congratulations to the one who stands at the beginning: that one will know the end and will not taste death." –The Gospel of Thomas

    Communication…Mis-communication…even Dis-communication…these are all perils of this human need to verbally transmit and exchange ideas, thoughts, even spiritual information. But language is limited…words are, effectively, written or verbal symbols; and require a certain level of interpretation. Words contain codes, and require de-coding…what occurs many times, are “mis-fires” of the spirit BEHIND the words.

    "But the natural man receives not the things of the Spirit of God: for they are foolishness unto him: neither can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned. 15 But he that is spiritual judges all things, yet he himself is judged of no man."
    -1 Corinthians 2:14

    This is something rarely discussed…how we TRANSCEND language…or more properly, how we invoke a more accurate communication by the SPIRIT, as opposed to the precise (or imprecise) applications of a language, vocabulary, and inflective speaking…what happens when language fails…when words are imprecise, or misunderstood…HOW do we communicate in subtleties that go beyond common understanding?

    There are five keys in this study that will begin to take you beyond "mere" words...into the arena of the prophets, where images, symbols, metaphors, and analogies go beyond literalism, beyond the jargon of religion...beyond the monkey brain...where images and thoughts stream as powerful conductors of spiritually charged en-lightenment. There is paradox...there is complexity...and there is simplicity. For those who are knowing, no words are required; for those are unaware...no words are possible. We already KNOW what we need…we are not so much explorers, as re-discoverers of WHO WE ARE.  We are eternal…we WERE before the forming of the worlds…our ends are, as our beginnings foretold…

    Wayne Masden, Real Time News-U.S. influence on anti_government activists
    CIA investment firm, In-Q-Tel website

    "More Than Words" - Extreme
    "Lord Is It Mine" - Supertramp




    The Threshing Floor Radio Show-August 15, 2011-Randy Maugans

    "Know what is in front of your face, and what is hidden from you will be disclosed to you. For there is nothing hidden that will not be revealed. [And there is nothing buried that will not be raised.]" -Jesus The Christ, The Gospel of Thomas

    The glut of so-called "Bible Prophets"---on radio. TV. and the internet---feed us on the darkness of the times. They generate fear and dark images, and use demagoguery to persuade, rather than possessing a genuine ability to uplift and inspire VISION. The inner walk is where you begin to tap the energetics  of Spirit. Focus is all about seeing from the single eye,and harnessing the power of directed attention.

    focus-a : a center of activity, attraction, or attention  *the focus of the meeting was drug abuse* b : a point of concentration

    Current events, "news", the latest conspiracy theories...survivalists and revivalists...all distractions to keep you from ever seeing the BIG PICTURE, and even more, YOUR POWER to project the Kingdom of God, which is light, into the darkness of this age. Prophets, so-called, never teach you how to SEE; they do not tell you the big truths about what Jesusintended us to do. A false prophet is not one who has failed predictions, it is one who leads you astray from clear vision and the convergence of energy which was placed WITHIN you. The FOCUS is not of fear and apathy, it is of purpose and power...by faith, and the inner knowing of the STILL.

    "And the planet sits waiting
    For this man to appear
    who will solve all our problems
    And make everything clear
    'Cause we are all prisoners
    Of apathy and fear
    And we've lost the way back home." 
    -Kevin Gilbert, "The Way Back Home

    Related Shows:

    The Inner Work - The Threshing Floor Radio Show-February 13, 2011 -  A Rescuer came to show us the escape plan back home, but we looked for Him in all the places He told us He would not be..Our spirituality has been externalized into books, doctrines, and ritual at the expense of our own authentic contact with the Living God, who is not in the outer court of man and religion.

    Prayer Sessions-"In the Still" - Threshing Floor Radio Show-"The Prayer Sessions"-Randy Maugans-  Prayer is not a ritual ...It is not a “service”...It is a communion with Source...Prayer is our natural state, one we lost in the “fall"...The Still is the place of meeting, the environment of spiritual interface with Spirit

    "The  Way Back Home" - Kevin Gilbert
    "Wonder" - Jack Savoretti

    The Deep End

    The Deep End

    The Threshing Floor Radio Show-August 8, 2011-Randy Maugans

    "And I will give thee the treasures of darkness, and hidden riches of secret places, that thou mayest know that I, the LORD, which call thee by thy name, am the God of Israel." -Isaiah 45:3

    This gets pretty personal...naked, and transparent...it's about a personal connection, and NOT the consensus of social and religious control. It is about losing our control and KNOWING that God will be there.

    In one way or another we will all be forced into the deep end. Our religion and our social conditioning will break down…our senses will melt…we will experience utter hopelessness and we will reach the ends of our OWN understanding. Religion, and religious thought is meaningless to God. He requires no degrees, He seeks no man’s approval…He saves those Whom He saves, for no reason other than HE IS…the Great I AM. We can dwell in the creases of our own knowledge…we can operate like automatons in the rat race world of man…or we can joyously surrender to the NOW…and like children dare to run towards the pool…and DIVE into the deep end.


    "Dying To Live"-Poets Of The Fall
    "Deep End"-School Of Fish


    Open Hearted

    Open Hearted

    The Threshing Floor Radio Show-July 27, 2011-Randy Maugans

    “Faith receives, but love gives. No one can receive without faith. No one can love without giving. Believe and you shall receive. Love and you shall give. If you give without love, you shall receive NOTHING. Whoever has not received the Lord continues to be a Hebrew.” -The Gospel of Phillip

    A lesson in becoming open to the work of the Spirit begins when we learn the 'circuitry' for spiritual power...not power as the world system and its religious structures have wielded, but the power exemplified by the Messiah.

    The true nature of the Christ's promise of "greater things than these you will do" (John 14:12) was deliberately obscured by the "fathers" of the church system under Constantine, and the later Roman orders, to prevent believers from ever obtaining to their true standing.

    True power is not found in the religious structures , the educational systems, or the workings of the Satanic world government and economic institutions. It is not in the ways of  the cults of witchcraft, secret societies; the inner circles of the religious orders, the Rosicrucians, Illuminati, Freemasons, or New Age religions.

    True power is in the realm of the heart...the OPEN HEART...the heart that is healed and then heals others. The "system" is collapsing...THEIR power is limited by their darkened minds and the crumbling control grid of the matrix.  We examine the true heirs of the power of the Christ, and the prophetic formula given in Isaiah 60:

    "Arise, shine; for thy light is come, and the glory of the LORD is risen upon thee. 2 For, behold, the darkness shall cover the earth, and gross darkness the people: but the LORD shall arise upon thee, and his glory shall be seen upon thee." (Isaiah 60:1,2)

    The vision of the prophets is opening, and the promises of Christ are true; the false religion of the matrix can no longer contain them...this is the time of the shift...the first shall be last, and the last first---and the secret is OPEN HEARTEDNESS.

    Transcript-TF-Open Hearted-PDF


    All “authorized” scriptures in this show are quoted from the King James Version Bible.

    Scripture’s from the "unauthorized" books are from:  “The Gnostic  Scriptures-History, Theology, and the Sacred Feminine” by Joseph B. Lumpkin, 2006-Published by Fifth  Estate Publishing.


    Head and Heart- The Threshing Floor Radio Show-September 18, 2010-Randy Maugans

    The Shift-The Threshing Floor Radio Show-November 17, 2010-Randy Maugans


    "Dr. Faith"-Christopher Cross
    "A Scarcity Of Miracles"-Jakszyk, Fripp & Collins (A King Crimson Projekt)


    In Search of the Sacred Feminine with Joseph Lumpkin

    In Search of the Sacred Feminine with Joseph Lumpkin

    Threshing Floor TV-07-16-2011-Randy Maugans with Dr. Joseph B. Lumpkin-Video/Audio Podcast

    Download this video (Right click and "Save As")

    "But they were grieved. They wept greatly, saying, How shall we go to the Gentiles and preach the gospel of the Kingdom of the Son of Man? If they did not spare Him, how will they spare us?Then Mary stood up, greeted them all, and said to her brethren, Do not weep and do not grieve nor be irresolute, for His grace will be entirely with you and will protect you. But rather, let us praise His greatness, for He has prepared us and made us into Men.When Mary said this, she turned their hearts to the Good, and they began to discuss the words of the Savior." -The Gospel According to Mary Magdalene (The Gospel of Mary)

    The NEW book mentioned in the video is:  "The Sacred Feminine: Searching for the Hidden Face of God"


    Writer/publisher and ancient texts researcher, Dr. Joseph Lumpkin returns for a candid talk on the Sacred Feminine.

    Historic roots, including Hebrew polytheism, the feminine spirit of Wisdom, Sophia, Shekinah, and the Ruach...insights into the male-dominated church systems, and the re-balancing of our spiritual relationship with God.

    Fifth Estate Publishing

    Joseph Lumpkin on Amazon

     TFTV on YouTube


    In Search of the Sacred Feminine with Joseph Lumpkin from Randy Maugans on Vimeo.

    The System: Hard Copy vs. Spiritual Discernment

    The System: Hard Copy vs. Spiritual Discernment

    The Threshing Floor Radio Show-July 4, 2011-Randy Maugans

    Wherein we seek to dispel the myths of “sola scriptura”, the “purified seven times” King James Bible-only adherents, and the perversity of cut-and-paste theology.

    The bludgeon used to compel BELIEF in a HARD COPY system..."God is able to preserve His Word"...is explored and exposed. We don't need to tear down the Bible, we need to reframe it in the context of its origins---and more so, understand the absolute DISHONESTY with which it is wielded by the mind control dupes who parrot the "company line."

    It is time to begin critically thinking..it is time to get past the mind control structures of religion, and to STOP the brutal legalism of the dying SYSTEM of this age. Legalism fails where true Spirit enters, and for so many, they have had to make horrible choices about WHAT to believe, and by what "authority" they are compelled to do so. Ultimately, "authority" equals FEAR...fear of losing salvation, fear of deception, and the fear of men...even the scriptures will answer these fears with assurance, but you need one thing to attain: SPIRITUAL AUTHORITY.



    “Broken Wings” Mr. Mister


    Spiritual Things

    Spiritual Things

    The Threshing Floor Radio Show-June 23, 2011-Randy Maugans

    "But the natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God: for they are foolishness unto him: neither can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned." -1 Corinthians 2:14


    Forged in the fires of divisions and strife...now it becomes an insurrection. Endless clamoring and useless posturing...Internet Christianity and all the other group gropes...the churches reborn with a spirit of contention, dogma, and accusation...the "loop" of condemnation...by the measure you judge, you shall so be judged.

    This is a warning, an exhortation, and a comfort...IF you can discern. HOW you hear, will determine WHAT you hear.

    "The spiritual will live by the things of the Spirit...the carnal will require milk, and will not find it." -A word in prayer, June 19, 2011

    Closing music:  "One Big Family"-Temple Cloud

    The Quickening

    The Quickening

    The Threshing Floor Radio Show-June 12, 2011-Randy Maugans

    "But with the righteous He will make peace.
    And will protect the elect, And mercy shall be upon them.
    And they shall all belong to God, And they shall be prospered, And they shall all be blessed. And He will help them all, And light shall appear unto them, And He will make peace with them". -Enoch I, The Book of Watchers

    Understanding the times we are entering, and why there is much turmoil, uncertainty, sorrow, and division...it leads us directly into changes that are just ahead.

    The Quickening:

    Quicken-1 a : to make alive : REVIVE b : to cause to be enlivened : STIMULATE
    2 archaic a : KINDLE b : to cause to burn more intensely.
    3 : to make more rapid : HASTEN, ACCELERATE
    2 : to come to life; especially : to enter into a phase of active growth and development.

    What is mistakenly called the "rapture", and what is actually portrayed in the scriptures...we have been living in two worlds all along..."treasure hidden in a field."

    Why prophetic time lines fail, and will fail...the maps are altered...how we are changed and when...the dangers your churches and your Bibles never warned you about.

    Threshing Floor Radio-06112011-The Quickening -Transcript/Notes-PDF


    "The Day Is Coming" - My Morning Jacket
    "Journey's End" - Donna Burke (The Last Remnant Original Soundtrack


    The Chronicle Project

    The Chronicle Project

    Threshing Floor TV-June 8, 2011-Randy Maugans with Chris and Michelle Tyreman of the Chronicle Project

     This is a special edition TFTV video presentation. The audio is from the video interview, which is available below and at our YouTube site, Threshing Floor TV

    "I, ruler of all supreme, to manifest..." - The Decrees, verse 2 (Exodus 20)

    the chronicleproject.org

    The Chronicle Project is a discovery...a "recovery"...borne out of four years of research that began with a simple thought: what IF the ancient Hebrew texts that comprise the Old Testament scriptures had been altered? What if the existing Bibles, used by both Hebrew and Gentile believers, did not represent the original thoughts and intents of the Creator? What if the "rules" for translating the Hebrew manuscripts---with the volumes of lexical rules and arcane linguistic mechanics---were simply a wall between a Loving God and His children?

    This Canadian team of eight researchers...Hebrew believers in the Messiah, Yeshua, began a journey into restoring not just the words, but the very heart of God. In a series of stunning insights, they began to understand that the ancient Hebrew language of 22 letters, could be grasped by children; that these "letters" were, in fact, "glyphs"---pictograms that could be intuitively understood as the natural expression of movements that are "human." Would this not be more like a Father speaking with His children?

    For thousands of years the "doctors" of religion and language have held captive the understanding of the historical scriptures and their intent. Theological systems and priesthoods  have used the scriptures...THEIR interpretations...to keep the people in bondage and darkness for the purpose of obscuring the truth about the Creator, the creation, and the majesty of His Divine Love for us. What we now can see is the "big picture"...the books are opening up. And the picture is one of incredible freedom and truth...NOT the guilt and legalism that permeates ALL the modern religious expressions.

    Christians and Jews, alike...and even those who have no faith in God...can view these texts and decide for themselves the TRUTH about the Creator God and His Messiah, without the priests, without the linguists, and without the trappings of academia. So simple that even a child can understand them...YOU decide!

    YouTube Videos:

    Threshing Floor TV

    Zombie Apocalypse

    Zombie Apocalypse

    The Threshing Floor Radio Show-May 20, 2011-Randy Maugans-"Pre-Rapture Edition"

    “By faith Noah, being warned of God of things not seen as yet, moved with fear, prepared an ark to the saving of his house; by the which he condemned the world, and became heir of the righteousness which is by faith.” -Hebrews 11:7


    "Bible Prophecy" goes big time, as the fear mongers play this rapture gambit one more time. Even the CDC jumps into the act with a massive ad campaign designed to capitalize on the Harold Camping predictions of a global disaster and the "rapture of the Church"...yaaaayy! Are they gone, yet?


    Rogue Planet Deathwave...New Madrid Fault...ET Saviors...MAD WORLD! The real danger is the total discredit of genuine warnings---by inspired prophets and seers---NOT the number-crunching, monkey-brain Bible chewing preachers. This is the Illuminati move to totally DISCREDIT Christians...and the true WORD of God.

    We need to know WHO we are and HOW to hear...we need to begin accessing the Gifts of the Spirit and discard the worn methods that produce false predictions and dishonor to the Father and the Christ. The lines are drawn...hang on to the old information: you're dead meat!

    Actually, this show focuses more on some current data that's coming out on Revelation, the 144,000, and Genesis...from a fresh perspective. It's NOT what you think...

    "Mad World" -Gary Jule
    "Universe Acceptable"-Ash Ganley


    Zombie Apocalypse

    “Forbidden Books” with Joseph Lumpkin

    “Forbidden Books” with Joseph Lumpkin

    Threshing Floor TV-Randy Maugans with Dr. Joseph B. Lumpkin-Video/Audio Podcast

    Download the audio podcast

    Author, researcher, and publisher,Dr. Joseph Lumpkindiscusses the history and theology of so-called "forbidden", "lost", and rejected books of Judaism and Christianity.  Other subjects include the Sacred Feminine, polytheistic roots, compilation of the Biblical canon and the doctrine of "Biblical" Christianity vs. personal faith and revelation, the underground church in China---where they have no Bibles, doctrines, or church structure; "heresy" vs. "orthodoxy"---and HOW the religion called Christianity forcefully overtook the inner, spiritual walk of the early believers.

    Fifth Estate Publising

    Joseph Lumpkin on Amazon

    "Spiritual Abuse"

    "Spiritual Abuse"

    The Threshing Floor Radio Show-May 9, 2011-Randy Maugans

    Jesus said, "Those who seek should not stop seeking until they find. When they find, they will be disturbed. When they are disturbed, they will marvel, and will reign over all. [And after they have reigned they will rest.]" -The Gospel of Thomas, Secret Sayings


    Sometimes God just shows us things when we are least looking...lessons learned on the road of life get played out as a message HE wants us to know. This one is about spiritual abuse...how we all get slapped around the ears by the very people we trust and love, and how we overcome that to be stronger, more sure; and by forgiving, become truly lovers of not only each other...but of HIM.

    Understand that not everyone will travel this road with us...our maps are broken, and the road has changed, but inside us is the new map..."the spiritual GPS"...to get us to the other side of this life.

    Music: "There Was A Little Boy" - Toy Matinee


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