

    Explore "停火" with insightful episodes like "穆斯林齋戒月開始!以哈仍未達共識停火!不理拜登紅線?納坦雅胡堅持摧毀哈瑪斯!(2024/03/11)", "以色列續攻擊加薩!哈瑪斯要求全面停火!美中大國博弈!外交、經濟、科技 繼續對抗!(2023/12/27)", "烏考慮再徵兵五十萬人!俄願對話 但捍衛國家利益!各國促第二輪停火!以哈各有前提 難達共識?(2023/12/20)", "俄烏、以哈戰爭讓拜登政權鬆動中?美中拉攏東南亞誰技高一籌?ft. 雷倩、郭正亮【風向龍鳳配】20231208" and "以哈延長停火!以稱將恢復作戰!美籲保護加薩平民!協議中止!兩韓緊張升溫!俄烏僵持!美與北約重申挺烏!(2023/11/29)" from podcasts like ""有話好說", "有話好說", "有話好說", "風向龍鳳配" and "有話好說"" and more!

    Episodes (24)


    👤來賓: 李登科(政大外交系兼任教授) 翁明賢(淡江大學國際事務與戰略所榮譽教授) 王順文(文化大學政治系教授) 💬 週一到週四晚間 8 點,也歡迎到 FB YT 收看直播,參與線上討論,有空一起來聊聊! 更多新聞與資訊請上👇 ▎有話好說官網|http://talk.news.pts.org.tw/ ▎公視新聞網 | http://news.pts.org.tw/ 📢關注議題,開啟對話 💪陪我們繼續做不一樣的論壇節目~ ▎訂閱《有話好說》|https://bit.ly/34xc9Vh ▎按讚有話 FB|https://www.facebook.com/PTStalks/ ▎追蹤有話 IG |https://www.instagram.com/pts.talk/ ▎有話,用聽的|https://link.chtbl.com/ptstalk #PTStalk#有話好說#論壇節目#張志雄 #PTS#PTSNEWS#公視新聞#公共電視#公視

    以色列續攻擊加薩!哈瑪斯要求全面停火!美中大國博弈!外交、經濟、科技 繼續對抗!(2023/12/27)

    以色列續攻擊加薩!哈瑪斯要求全面停火!美中大國博弈!外交、經濟、科技 繼續對抗!(2023/12/27)
    👤來賓 陳世民(台大政治系副教授 ) 許智翔(國防安全院中共政軍所助理研究員) 林穎佑(淡大國際事務與戰略所助理教授) 💬 週一到週四晚間 8 點,也歡迎到 FB YT 收看直播,參與線上討論,有空一起來聊聊! ___ 更多新聞與資訊請上👇 ▎有話好說官網|http://talk.news.pts.org.tw/ ▎公視新聞網 | http://news.pts.org.tw/ 📢關注議題,開啟對話 💪陪我們繼續做不一樣的論壇節目~ ▎訂閱《有話好說》|https://bit.ly/34xc9Vh ▎按讚有話 FB|https://www.facebook.com/PTStalks/ ▎追蹤有話 IG |https://www.instagram.com/pts.talk/ ▎有話,用聽的|https://link.chtbl.com/ptstalk

    烏考慮再徵兵五十萬人!俄願對話 但捍衛國家利益!各國促第二輪停火!以哈各有前提 難達共識?(2023/12/20)

    烏考慮再徵兵五十萬人!俄願對話 但捍衛國家利益!各國促第二輪停火!以哈各有前提 難達共識?(2023/12/20)
    👤來賓 翁明賢(淡江大學國際事務與戰略所榮譽教授) 嚴震生(政大國關中心研究員) 沈明室(國防安全研究院國家安全所所長) 💬 週一到週四晚間 8 點,也歡迎到 FB 收看直播,參與線上討論,有空一起來聊聊! ___ 更多新聞與資訊請上👇 ▎有話好說官網|http://talk.news.pts.org.tw/ ▎公視新聞網 | http://news.pts.org.tw/ 📢關注議題,開啟對話 💪陪我們繼續做不一樣的論壇節目~ ▎訂閱《有話好說》|https://bit.ly/34xc9Vh ▎按讚有話 FB|https://www.facebook.com/PTStalks/ ▎追蹤有話 IG |https://www.instagram.com/pts.talk/ ▎有話,用聽的|https://link.chtbl.com/ptstalk

    俄烏、以哈戰爭讓拜登政權鬆動中?美中拉攏東南亞誰技高一籌?ft. 雷倩、郭正亮【風向龍鳳配】20231208

    俄烏、以哈戰爭讓拜登政權鬆動中?美中拉攏東南亞誰技高一籌?ft. 雷倩、郭正亮【風向龍鳳配】20231208
    來賓:前立法委員 #郭正亮 、前立法委員 #雷倩 本日主題: 1. 普丁穩了拜登急了!澤倫斯基墜神壇了?烏俄戰爭能終止? 2. 習近平會見歐盟領導人 中國對歐盟政策會有大讓步? 3. 美國外交雜誌:印太聯盟歷來最穩固 中國希望誰是2024美國總統? 📣 風向龍鳳配:https://tw.tv.yahoo.com/wtn-dragonphoenix/ 💪 好節目需要你的持續支持:https://bit.ly/474Whbd


    以哈延長停火!以稱將恢復作戰!美籲保護加薩平民! 協議中止!兩韓緊張升溫!俄烏僵持!美與北約重申挺烏! 👤來賓 嚴震生(政大國關中心研究員) 林文程(中山大學中國與亞太區域所特聘教授) 鄭欽模(淡江大學外交與國際關係學系副教授 ) 💬 週一到週四晚間 8 點,也歡迎到 FB 收看直播,參與線上討論,有空一起來聊聊! ___ 更多新聞與資訊請上👇 ▎有話好說官網|http://talk.news.pts.org.tw/ ▎公視新聞網 | http://news.pts.org.tw/ 📢關注議題,開啟對話 💪陪我們繼續做不一樣的論壇節目~ ▎訂閱《有話好說》|https://bit.ly/34xc9Vh ▎按讚有話 FB|https://www.facebook.com/PTStalks/ ▎追蹤有話 IG |https://www.instagram.com/pts.talk/ ▎有話,用聽的|https://link.chtbl.com/ptstalk #PTStalk #有話好說#論壇節目#張志雄 #PTS#PTSNEWS#公視新聞#公共電視#公視


    👤來賓 沈明室(國防安全研究院國家安全所所長) 丁樹範(政大國際事務學院名譽教授 ) 林穎佑(淡大國際事務與戰略所助理教授 ) 💬 週一到週四晚間 8 點,也歡迎到 FB 收看直播,參與線上討論,有空一起來聊聊! ___ 更多新聞與資訊請上👇 ▎有話好說官網|http://talk.news.pts.org.tw/ ▎公視新聞網 | http://news.pts.org.tw/ 📢關注議題,開啟對話 💪陪我們繼續做不一樣的論壇節目~ ▎訂閱《有話好說》|https://bit.ly/34xc9Vh ▎按讚有話 FB|https://www.facebook.com/PTStalks/ ▎追蹤有話 IG |https://www.instagram.com/pts.talk/ ▎有話,用聽的|https://link.chtbl.com/ptstalk #PTStalk #有話好說#論壇節目#張志雄 #PTS#PTSNEWS#公視新聞#公共電視#公視


    本次新聞要點: ●西門町爆流血衝突 臭豆腐攤商持「鐵夾」攻擊遊客 ●桃機Skytrax評比掉69名 豬瘟攔檢站被指禍首 ●中國網紅迪化街"買1包牛軋糖要1千" 網轟貴 ●旅日注意"類大麻軟糖" 台人吃了嘔吐抽搐 ●以色列內閣表決通過 休戰4天換取釋放人質 更多新聞內容,歡迎前往 https://news.cts.com.tw 瀏覽收看。

    APEC拜習會後美中關係春暖花開?郭正亮這點分析「拜登怕了」 ft.郭正亮、賴岳謙【風向龍鳳配】20231117

    APEC拜習會後美中關係春暖花開?郭正亮這點分析「拜登怕了」 ft.郭正亮、賴岳謙【風向龍鳳配】20231117
    來賓:前立法委員 郭正亮、資深政治評論員 賴岳謙 本日主題: 1. 拜習會後美中關係春暖花開?拜登:習近平仍是獨裁者 2. 拜習會後APEC晚宴重商雲集 習近平:中國準備做美國的夥伴與朋友 3. 聯合國決議要求延長加薩人道救援 拜登:以色列占領加薩是重大錯誤 📣 風向龍鳳配:https://tw.tv.yahoo.com/wtn-dragonphoenix/ 💪 好節目需要你的持續支持:https://bit.ly/474Whbd

    北京接任聯合國安理會主席 以哈戰爭停火露曙光?ft.蔡正元、賴岳謙【風向龍鳳配】20231103

    北京接任聯合國安理會主席 以哈戰爭停火露曙光?ft.蔡正元、賴岳謙【風向龍鳳配】20231103
    來賓:前立法委員 #蔡正元、資深政治評論員 #賴岳謙 本日主題: 1. 北京接任聯合國安理會主席 以哈戰爭停火露曙光? 2. 白宮發言人證實11月舊金山拜習會 台灣問題是重中之重? 3. 中亞礦產能源成抗中新亮點?日本邀中亞五國外長參加G7外長會議 📣 風向龍鳳配:https://tw.tv.yahoo.com/wtn-dragonphoenix/ 💪 好節目需要你的持續支持:https://bit.ly/474Whbd


    本次新聞要點: ●查扣黃金飆漲6千萬 桃園分署拍賣30條金塊 ●男酒駕違規被攔停 女友人車內急換位 警當場戳破 ●驚!國道"飛來斧頭" 4個月新車砸凹駕駛嚇壞 ●以軍地面戰救回遭俘女兵 以總理暗示"拒絕停火" ●全國百家姓排行! "陳姓"仍奪冠 "林.黃.張"常見姓氏 更多新聞內容,歡迎前往 https://news.cts.com.tw 瀏覽收看。

    【2023/10/27 國際新聞】哈瑪斯釋放人質3大動機 FBI分析都是精心策劃/社群平台疑似封鎖親巴勒斯坦內容 馬來西亞政府提出警告

    【2023/10/27 國際新聞】哈瑪斯釋放人質3大動機 FBI分析都是精心策劃/社群平台疑似封鎖親巴勒斯坦內容 馬來西亞政府提出警告
    本日新聞重點: 📌社群平台疑似封鎖親巴勒斯坦內容 馬來西亞政府提出警告 📌加薩走廊超過7000人死亡 巴勒斯坦呼籲以色列停止報復 📌疫情後收入惡化 泰國學童教育不平等情況加深 📌日本福島核電廠軟管脫落 輻射液體噴濺5名作業員 2人送醫 📌哈瑪斯釋放人質3大動機 FBI分析都是精心策劃 🎤製作播報:林沛婕 🎬監製編審:陳采妍 🎈如果喜歡我們,可以關注我們的IG: https://bit.ly/Instagram_TheTaiwanTimes 💰也可以請我們喝杯咖啡: https://bit.ly/support_TheTaiwanTimes 願世界看見台灣,願台灣走入世界

    【2023/4/21 國際新聞】美中對抗再升級!拜登將簽令「禁美企投資中國」! / 蘇丹內亂至少釀330人死 武裝團體同意停火3天

    【2023/4/21 國際新聞】美中對抗再升級!拜登將簽令「禁美企投資中國」! / 蘇丹內亂至少釀330人死 武裝團體同意停火3天
    本日新聞重點: 📌美中對抗再升級!拜登將簽令「禁美企投資中國」! 📌蘇丹內亂至少釀330人死 武裝團體同意停火3天 📌多倫多機場爆黃金盜竊案!4.5億黃金憑空消失! 📌孟加拉溫度飆升至42.8°C 成58年來最熱氣溫! 📌聯合國:印度人口將成為世界第一人口大國 🎤製作播報:陳佳苑 🎬監製編審:陳采妍 🎈如果喜歡我們,可以關注我們的IG: https://bit.ly/Instagram_TheTaiwanTimes 💰也可以請我們喝杯咖啡: https://bit.ly/support_TheTaiwanTimes 願世界看見台灣,願台灣走入世界

    政發生EP751| 連兵都徵不到? 不想打仗 俄羅斯5徵兵處遭人民縱火 企圖阻止普丁動員 普丁搞到天怒人怨 連大女兒都想趁機落跑了| 鄭知道了

    政發生EP751| 連兵都徵不到? 不想打仗 俄羅斯5徵兵處遭人民縱火 企圖阻止普丁動員 普丁搞到天怒人怨 連大女兒都想趁機落跑了| 鄭知道了
    連兵都徵不到? 不想打仗 俄羅斯5徵兵處遭人民縱火 企圖阻止普丁動員 普丁搞到天怒人怨 連大女兒都想趁機落跑了 │王偊菁 主持│【周末版鄭知道 PART1】20220424│三立iNEWS https://youtu.be/adf-JC8nPyg 【google PODCAST】https://ppt.cc/fCcXTx 【APPLE PODCAST】https://ppt.cc/fJhTLx 【Spotify PODCAST】https://ppt.cc/f3t6jx 【SoundOn】https://sndn.link/TALKSHOW

    波蘭挺烏真情在|自由民主不妥協|#斯坦 #矢板明夫 #汪浩|@華視三國演議|20220403

    波蘭挺烏真情在|自由民主不妥協|#斯坦 #矢板明夫 #汪浩|@華視三國演議|20220403
    台灣女婿斯坦帶領台灣媒體, 挺進他的祖國波蘭, 前往烏克蘭邊界實地探訪俄烏戰爭引發的人道危機, 見證波蘭人民敞懷接納烏克蘭難民的真性情. 斯坦強調, 波蘭是東歐較早民主化的國家, 面對俄羅斯這個核武巨嬰, 他們對烏克蘭的處境, 感受是極為強烈的. 加上兩國歷史文化淵源深厚, 早在2014年俄羅斯閃電併吞克里米亞, 波蘭就曾收容了上百萬烏克蘭難民. 斯坦也指出, 北約是共同防衛體制, 不會彼此侵略, 成員國有糾紛, 也是透過和平機制力求化解, 不像俄羅斯對待同一防衛組織的盟友如哈薩克等國家, 總是出兵鎮壓維穩, 甚至扶植傀儡政權, 削弱民主體制. 如今這場師出無名的俄烏戰爭, 更是草菅人命, 不但荼毒烏克蘭生靈, 還有上萬不知為何而戰的俄軍, 也淪為砲灰. 精彩內容,請鎖定@華視三國演議! #俄烏戰爭 #難民 #北約東擴 #普丁 電視播出時間 📺華視主頻12頻道 首播 週一、二 06:00 📡華視新聞資訊台52頻道 首播 週六、週日21:00 重播 週日、週一02:00 📱YouTube三國演議頻道 週六日 晚間09:00 首映 請鎖定 @華視三國演議 專屬YT頻道: https://pse.is/cts3scompany_YT 粉絲專頁: https://www.facebook.com/cts3scompany APPLE Podcast: https://pse.is/3Talks_AP Google Podcast: https://pse.is/3Talks_GP


    【2022/04/01國際新聞】 .俄羅斯退一步?馬利波設立人道走廊 .俄軍遭輻射汙染 歐洲陷入核災危險! .睽違九年!曼谷重啟民選市長 .泰國疫情創新高 簡化入境仍照常 .貝克漢15億房屋遭竊 困境中捐款給烏克蘭 🎤製作播報:劉子筠 🎬監製編審:陳羿如、洪于媗 本集資料來源:appledaily、CNA、ETTODAY、LTN、SET、thaiheadlines、UDN 本集音樂來源:https://youtu.be/bjuCLLqlGcs 🎈如果喜歡我們,可以關注我們的IG:https://www.instagram.com/thetaiwantimes_tw/?hl=zh-tw 💰也可以請我們喝杯咖啡 https://pay.soundon.fm/podcasts/2d7f1c9e-52c7-4814-a0f9-baa35e338904 願世界看見台灣,願台灣走入世界


    【2022/03/11國際新聞】 .三方會談無結果 傳第四輪談判將展開 .UNIQLO改變態度 加入制裁行列 .南韓尹錫悅勝利!上任挑戰即將來臨 .印尼火山又怒了! 253位民眾逃離家園 .越南不再是防疫模範生了 單日染疫破六位數! 🎤製作播報:劉子筠 🎬監製編審:陳羿如、洪于媗 本集資料來源:Appledaily、Chinatimes、CNA、ETTODAY、Ntdtv、RTI、SETN、UDN 本集音樂來源:https://youtu.be/bjuCLLqlGcs 🎈如果喜歡我們,可以關注我們的IG:https://www.instagram.com/thetaiwantimes_tw/?hl=zh-tw 💰也可以請我們喝杯咖啡 https://pay.soundon.fm/podcasts/2d7f1c9e-52c7-4814-a0f9-baa35e338904 願世界看見台灣,願台灣走入世界


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    【中天全球現場】0128 宏國女總會賴清德 盼台宏維持邦誼 不屑它國"小圈子"陸外交:中俄高度共識

    【中天全球現場】0128 宏國女總會賴清德 盼台宏維持邦誼 不屑它國"小圈子"陸外交:中俄高度共識
    🔊台灣-宏都拉斯 副總統賴清德擔任特使,率團赴友邦宏都拉斯,參加新任總統卡蕬楚就職典禮,過境美國洛杉磯停留24小時,專機6小時的飛行後,在當地時間26日(台北時間27日)抵達,並與卡蕬楚會面。賴清德轉達蔡英文總統,希望雙方加強合作,卡蕬楚則希望未來繼續維持邦誼。除了駐宏國大使、還有宏都拉斯外交部派人迎接之外,宏都拉斯副總統李薇拉,及外交次長巴拉翁納,也親自到機場迎接。 《路透》報導,賴清德原定率特使團,與卡蕬楚舉行雙邊會談,並捐贈防疫物資,中間一度臨時取消,最後仍進行一場約7分鐘的會面,賴清德並代表蔡總統呈遞特使國書。賴清德告訴卡蕬楚,蔡總統特別強調,卡蕬楚是宏都拉斯共和國第一位女總統,蔡總統是中華民國台灣第一位女總統,未來一定要加強合作,促進兩國邦誼。卡蕬楚則表示,宏國人民始終感激台灣長期的支持與幫助。對於卡蕬楚一度臨時取消會見特使團。 🔊宏都拉斯 卡蕬楚今天宣誓就職,成為宏國首位女總統,副總統賴清德、美國副總統賀錦麗出席典禮。路透社報導,卡蕬楚在丈夫、前總統賽拉亞、和子女陪伴下,在一座露天足球場宣誓就職,現場支持者興奮歡呼。 🔊美國-宏都拉斯 美國副總統賀錦麗稍早在推特寫道:「美國與宏都拉斯的關係很重要。」她並提到將和卡蕬楚會談,「討論深化彼此在多項議題上的合作」。 對於賀錦麗出席今天典禮,其實很值得注意,因為一般美國這類代表團,只會派低階官員率領,出動到副總統層級,顯示拜登的重視。 路透社報導,美國官員希望與卡蕬楚合作,共同遏制來自中美洲的非法移民,同時鞏固台灣既有的國際支持。有學者表示,賀錦麗到訪,形同替卡斯楚打了一劑強心針。學者認為,賀錦麗此行使美國有機會針對「移民以及維繫宏國與台灣的邦誼」等問題,採取符合美國利益的行動。 🔊立陶宛 立陶宛總統瑙塞達,呼籲各部會首長,解決「駐立陶宛台灣代表處」名稱問題,以降低立陶宛與中國之間的緊張態勢。 駐立陶宛台灣代表處,去年11月18日在首都"維爾紐斯"揭牌成立。北京以代表處名稱使用「台灣」一詞、「損害中國國家主權和領土完整」為由,持續對立陶宛外交及經貿強力施壓,要求歐洲企業將立陶宛自供應鏈排除。 瑙塞達接受"立陶宛國家廣播電台"、訪問時表示:「對立陶宛語、英語還有中文來說,『台灣代表處』名稱的含意並不相同,所以至少讓我們解決,那些顯而易見的事情。」 他說:「我認為這是再自然不過的事了,不管我們想的,是哪一個機構…如果它的名稱在不同語言中有所差異,就會引發完全不必要的問題和緊張情勢。所以至少在這件事上,我認為我們能,非常清楚地達成共識。」 瑙塞達說:「當然,我們需要採取歐盟層次行動阻止、大陸對立陶宛施壓,但現在正對部分立陶宛企業造成實質上損失,這是我們無法容忍的。」 路透社日前報導,為緩和對中關係緊張,立陶宛外交部長藍斯柏吉斯,上周曾提案變更「台灣代表處」的中文名稱,使其能如實反映英文名稱Taiwanese的字面意涵「台灣人」,不過藍斯柏吉斯隔天已經重申,沒有變更台灣代表處名稱的意圖與計畫,他強調「之前就說過了」。 🔊俄羅斯-烏克蘭 俄羅斯近期在烏克蘭邊界附近集結大軍,西方擔心俄國準備入侵,揚言採取制裁行動回應。克里姆林宮則針對北約組織東擴議題,向美國等西方國家,提出一系列要求。 德國、法國、俄羅斯和烏克蘭昨天在法國巴黎召開所謂「諾曼第」模式會談,俄烏同意、烏克蘭東部衝突,維持停戰,2月再進行下一輪談判。克里姆林宮發言人佩斯科夫形容,當前歐洲緊張情勢,令人想起冷戰。他說,細查美國如何回應俄方廣泛的安全要求,需要一些時間。佩斯科夫表示,繼續對話符合俄美雙方利益,但美方和北約,對於俄羅斯主要要求的談論令人無法接受,使得樂觀的空間有限。不過,俄方不會急於下結論。 烏克蘭外長庫列巴,則表示,巴黎會談「沒有改變什麼,這是壞消息」。 「令人遺憾的是,俄羅斯的最大要求,是由烏克蘭、與烏克蘭東部兩個地區的、俄國代理勢力直接談判,而非直接與俄國協商。這不可能,這是原則問題。」不過庫列巴也表示:「好消息是,各方談判代表,同意2週後在德國柏林會面,意味著俄羅斯未來2週,可能會繼續進行外交協商。」一起來聽他的最新回應 (烏國外長SB) 🔊烏克蘭 在德國與法國斡旋下,俄羅斯與烏克蘭,在巴黎會談中同意、烏東地區「無條件」停火,並將在兩週後,在德國柏林進行新一論討論,意味俄方至少在未來兩週不會入侵烏克蘭。 美國副國務卿雪蔓則指出,即將登場的北京冬奧,可能影響俄羅斯入侵烏克蘭的時機,因為大陸國家主席習近平應不樂見這兩件事情同時發生。雪蔓強調,目前仍不確定俄國,是否已做出入侵烏國的決定,但種種跡象顯示,普丁在二月中之前,都有動武的可能。日前也有媒體披露,大陸曾向俄方表示,希望俄國在北京冬奧期間,不要入侵烏克蘭,但大陸外交部發言人趙立堅,已經對此否認。另一方面,俄羅斯外長拉夫羅夫則提到,俄中全面戰略夥伴的關係 是21世紀中各國的典範,對此,趙立堅也回應,對兩國關係的積極表態表示讚賞 更多完整新聞請看 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lu_BJKxqGnk 全球大視野主持人林嘉源強力推薦 【全球大視野】頻道 https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCiwt1aanVMoPYUt_CQYCPQg 中天聽友 優惠看這裡: 重要新聞不漏接 聰明消費快點購 全球大視野聽眾專屬優惠,#超殺折扣 就是要幫您省荷包 挺又正買起來:Jvita全能蜂膠濃萃膠囊超值優惠👉 http://cti.news/AT075k 快點購👉http://cti.news/AN001c 快點購【PP波瑟楓妮】"懶人"塑崩褲👉 https://reurl.cc/Nr6MAe Jvita】全能蜂膠濃萃膠囊、商品專區👉http://cti.news/AA062c 中天文創商品專區(多款設計帆布袋、系列馬克杯)👉http://cti.news/AA044c 👉成為中天會員,幫助我們成長!

    2021.05.22 國際新聞導讀-以巴昨天正式停火、雙方各自宣稱勝利、耶路撒冷聖殿山示威抗議衝突繼續、美國新任駐以色列大使出爐、美國民主黨參議員稱以色列政府偏離美國中東政策

    2021.05.22 國際新聞導讀-以巴昨天正式停火、雙方各自宣稱勝利、耶路撒冷聖殿山示威抗議衝突繼續、美國新任駐以色列大使出爐、美國民主黨參議員稱以色列政府偏離美國中東政策
    2021.05.22 國際新聞導讀-以巴昨天正式停火、雙方各自宣稱勝利、耶路撒冷聖殿山示威抗議衝突繼續、美國新任駐以色列大使出爐、美國民主黨參議員稱以色列政府偏離美國中東政策 以色列宣布與哈馬斯無條件停火,結束加沙戰鬥 11天后,以色列與哈馬斯的戰爭因埃及調停的脆弱停火而告一段落。 作者:托瓦·拉扎羅夫(TOVAH LAZAROFF),拉哈夫·哈科夫(LAHAV HARKOV),哈達莎·布倫納 2021年5月21日14:09 2021年5月21日,在以色列-哈馬斯休戰之後,以色列女孩從以色列的公共防空洞走出家門時,帶著她的財產。 (照片來源:RONEN ZVULUN / REUTERS) 以色列安全內閣星期四晚投票接受 停火,因為以色列南部和加沙仍然發火。 總理府發表聲明說,安全內閣一致同意“相互無條件”停止敵對行動。 從加沙向以色列南部發射的一連串火箭彈,據報導以色列國防軍繼續對加沙地帶的目標進行罷工,直到停火為止,但是自從周五早晨凌晨2點開始停火以來,天空一直很安靜。 埃及總統阿卜杜勒·法塔赫·西西(Abdel Fattah al-Sisi)感謝美國總統喬·拜登(Joe Biden)在埃及促成以色列與哈馬斯之間達成停火方面所發揮的作用。 他補充說,雙方都認為必須通過外交解決當事方之間的衝突。 但是,總理本傑明·內塔尼亞胡(Benjamin Netanyahu)確實通知了以色列國防軍,以應對哈馬斯不響應埃及的停火提議的情況。 新希望黨領導人吉迪恩·薩亞爾對無條件停火表示失望,他在推特上說,令人尷尬的是,內塔尼亞胡憑藉世界上最好的情報和空軍,設法從哈馬斯撤出了“無條件停火”。 一位哈馬斯官員向路透社證實,停火將是“相互和同時的”。 儘管根據安全內閣的說法,停火將是無條件的,但哈馬斯高級官員烏薩馬·哈姆丹表示,他已獲得調解員的保證,“佔領將撤離謝赫·賈拉和阿克薩,”以色列媒體報導。 以色列消息人士反駁了哈姆丹的說法,稱這完全是錯誤的,停火實際上是無條件的。 關於停火協議,國防部長本尼·甘茨說:“實地將決定戰役的繼續”,這意味著以色列將遵守“安靜而安靜的原則”。甘茨補充說:“國防機構繼續準備保護以色列公民。” 甘茨還與美國國防部長勞埃德·奧斯丁(Lloyd Austin)進行了交談,並向他介紹了安理會內閣決定及其批准的停火之後的最新事態發展。甘茨感謝奧斯丁和拜登對美國的支持,並表示希望停火能夠得到兌現。 在以色列安全內閣在深夜會議上辯論恢復平靜的細節時,國際頂級特使們為結束戰爭進行了熱烈的工作。 拜登在當晚早些時候與艾爾·西西(Al-Sisi)談到了停火努力,而美國副總統卡馬拉(Kamala Harris)與約旦國王阿卜杜拉(Abdullah)進行了交談。 據《簡訊》報導,以色列國家安全顧問梅爾·本·沙巴特(Meir Ben-Shabbat)收到了埃及人提出的恢復平靜的建議。在哈馬斯向耶路撒冷發射火箭升級緊張局勢之後的11天,埃及與聯合國及其他國家正在休戰。 白宮新聞秘書詹·普薩基(Jen Psaki)在華盛頓對記者說:“我們已經看到有可能達成停火的報導。” “這顯然令人鼓舞。我們認為,以色列人已經實現了他們計劃實現的重要軍事目標,這涉及到保護其人民和應對來自哈馬斯的數千次火箭襲擊。因此,在某種程度上,這就是為什麼我們認為他們有能力開始縮減他們的業務。” 美國駐聯合國大使琳達·托馬斯·格林菲爾德在聯大特別會議上說,美國正在努力獲得信任,並且“在未來的幾小時和幾天內,我們將繼續不懈地爭取和平。” 美國負責以色列和巴勒斯坦事務的副部長助理哈迪·阿姆(Hady Amr)仍在實地推進這些努力。 一位外交消息人士告訴《耶路撒冷》雜誌,聯合國中東和平進程特別協調員托·溫尼斯蘭德星期四在卡塔爾多哈進行了正式訪問,這是聯合國為加沙和以色列恢復平靜所做的努力的一部分。發布。“聯合國正在與所有有關方面積極合作,以降低當地局勢的惡化。” 一位外交消息人士說,哈馬斯領導人伊斯梅爾·哈尼耶和哈立德·馬沙爾都駐紮在卡塔爾,哈尼耶會見了溫尼蘭。 聯合國秘書長安東尼奧·古特雷斯對聯合國大會表示,溫尼蘭德“在該地區內部進行了廣泛的外交努力,包括與埃及,約旦和卡塔爾以及國際社會的主要夥伴,以鼓勵各方制止暴力。我們正在與包括哈馬斯在內的衝突各方直接接觸,以努力結束敵對行動。” 古特雷斯的發言人斯蒂芬·杜哈里克(Stephan Dujarric)說,古特雷斯還與阿拉伯部長舉行了會議,討論當前局勢。 在拜登和內塔尼亞胡之間的周三電話會議上,美國總統表示,他“預計停火之路將大幅升級。” 內塔尼亞胡告訴拜登,行動將一直持續到以色列公民安全為止,並在隨後的公開聲明中重申了這一立場。 但是在星期四,內塔尼亞胡的聲明中沒有時間問題,因為它更多地關注了本週早些時候在以色列上空擊落的武裝無人機的伊朗起源。 由於預期以色列國防軍和哈馬斯的槍擊事件將會消亡,巴勒斯坦權力機構在聯合國與以色列的外交鬥爭愈演愈烈。 聯合國大會還於週四舉行會議,討論了這一問題,許多發言者將巴勒斯坦人描繪成一個侵略性以色列的受害者。 巴勒斯坦權力機構外交大臣馬爾基(Riyad al-Malki)指責以色列犯有戰爭罪,馬爾基(Malki)講話期間,以色列聯合國和美國大使吉拉德·埃爾丹(Gilad Erdan)出庭。 古特雷斯喊出了哈馬斯和以色列國防軍,說他們都犯了戰爭罪。 “很遺憾,在今天的辯論中,我們沒有看到捍衛為聯合國製定的目標的辯護,而是對哈馬斯憲章的冷漠,哈馬斯的憲章像納粹分子一樣致力於猶太人的種族滅絕,”埃爾丹說。“我們看到了試圖在以色列,尋求和平並遵守國際法的民主國家與具有類似於ISIS意識形態的謀殺恐怖組織之間製造假道德對等,不道德對等的企圖,該組織正在實施兩次戰爭罪向以色列平民開槍,同時將武器藏在巴勒斯坦平民身後,將其用作人類的盾牌。” 古特雷斯說,以色列國防軍和哈馬斯都襲擊了無辜平民。 “即使戰爭都有規則,”古特雷斯說。“首先,必須保護平民。濫殺濫傷以及對平民和平民財產的襲擊均違反了戰爭法。對軍事目標的襲擊也是如此,這些襲擊導致平民喪生和平民傷亡過多。” 儘管許多聯合國會員國猶豫不決地提到哈馬斯或其火箭,古特雷斯卻表示反對。 他敦促“哈馬斯和其他激進組織停止從人口稠密的平民社區向以色列的平民集中地濫發火箭彈和迫擊砲,這也明顯違反了國際人道主義法。人口稠密的平民地區不得用於軍事目的。 “我敦促以色列當局遵守關於武裝衝突的法律,包括按比例使用武力。我呼籲他們在軍事行動中施加最大的克制。不能為殺害無辜平民辯解。沒有任何理由,包括反恐或自衛,要求衝突當事方放棄其根據國際人道主義法承擔的義務。” 古特雷斯對以色列國防軍轟炸加沙媒體辦公室表示質疑,以色列國防軍在塔樓還說,以色列國防軍還建有哈馬斯情報基地;當人道主義物資通過時,哈馬斯砲擊以色列過境點進入加沙地帶。 古特雷斯說,他對“受害者和他們的親人”表示敬意。他進一步說明了加沙對巴勒斯坦人的傷害,他說:“以色列國防軍對加沙的持續空襲和砲擊對他深感震驚。” 他說,他特別沮喪,因為有報導稱“一個家庭的九名成員在沙蒂難民營中被殺。如果人間有地獄,那就是今天加沙兒童的生活。” Israel announces unconditional ceasefire with Hamas, ending Gaza combat After 11 days, Israel's war with Hamas comes to an end in a fragile ceasefire mediated by Egypt. By TOVAH LAZAROFF, LAHAV HARKOV, HADASSAH BRENNER MAY 21, 2021 14:09 An Israeli girl carries her belongings as she walks out from a public bomb shelter back home, following Israel-Hamas truce, in Ashkelon, Israel May 21, 2021. (photo credit: RONEN ZVULUN/REUTERS) Advertisement The Israeli security cabinet voted to accept a ceasefire late Thursday as the Israeli South and Gaza remain inflamed. The security cabinet unanimously agreed to a "mutual and unconditional" cessation of hostilities, according to a statement from the Prime Minister's Office. A barrage of rockets fired from Gaza into southern Israel and reported IDF strikes on targets in the Gaza Strip continued leading up to the ceasefire, however skies have remained quiet since the ceasefire began at 2 a.m. on Friday morning. Egyptian President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi thanked US President Joe Biden for his role in the success of the Egyptian brokered ceasefire between Israel and Hamas. He added that both see the urgency in managing the conflict between the parties through diplomacy. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu did however inform the IDF to prepare for a scenario in which Hamas did not respond to Egypt's ceasefire offer. New Hope Party leader Gideon Sa'ar expressed his disappointment at the unconditional ceasefire, tweeting that it was embarrassing that, with the best intelligence and air force in the world, Netanyahu managed to extract from Hamas an "unconditional ceasefire." A Hamas official confirmed to Reuters that the ceasefire would be "mutual and simultaneous." Though, according to the security cabinet the ceasefire will be unconditional, Senior Hamas official Osama Hamdan said he had received guarantees from the mediators that, "The occupation will remove its hand from Sheikh Jarrah and al-Aqsa," Israeli media reported. Israeli sources refuted Hamdan's claim, saying it was completely false and the ceasefire is in fact unconditional, Kan News responded. Regarding the ceasefire agreement, Defense Minister Benny Gantz said the, "reality on the ground will determine the continuation of the campaign," implying that Israel will be keeping with the principle of "quiet would be met by quiet." Gantz added that "the defense establishment continues its readiness to protect Israeli citizens." Gantz also spoke with US Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin and updated him on the latest developments following the Security Council cabinet decision, and the ceasefire it approved. Gantz thanked Austin and Biden for the United States' support and expressed his hope that the ceasefire will be honored. Top international envoys had worked feverishly to end the war while Israel’s security cabinet debated the details of a restoration of calm in a late-night meeting. Biden spoke with al-Sisi earlier in the evening about the ceasefire efforts, while US Vice President Kamala Harris talked with Jordan's King Abdullah. According to Kan News, Israel’s National Security adviser, Meir Ben-Shabbat, received a proposal from the Egyptians for a restoration of calm. Egypt along with the UN and others were working on a truce 11 days after Hamas escalated tensions by launching rockets at Jerusalem. “We have seen reports of a move toward a potential ceasefire,” White House press secretary Jen Psaki told reporters in Washington. “That’s clearly encouraging. We believe the Israelis have achieved significant military objectives that they laid out to achieve, in relation to protecting their people and to responding to the thousands of rocket attacks from Hamas. So that’s why, in part, we feel they’re in a position to start winding their operation down.” Linda Thomas-Greenfield, US ambassador to the United Nations, told a special General Assembly meeting that the US was working to attain a trust, and that “in the hours and days ahead, we will continue to relentlessly push for peace.” US Deputy Assistant Secretary for Israel and Palestinian Affairs, Hady Amr, remained on the ground to advance those efforts. United Nations Special Coordinator for the Middle East Peace Process Tor Wennesland was in Doha, Qatar, on Thursday, “on an official visit as part of the United Nations’ intensified efforts to restore calm in Gaza and Israel,” a diplomatic source told The Jerusalem Post. “The UN is actively engaged with all the relevant parties in order to de-escalate the situation on the ground.” Hamas leaders Ismail Haniyeh and Khaled Mashaal are based in Qatar, and Haniyeh met with Wennesland, a diplomatic source said. UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres told the UNGA that Wennesland had “undertaken extensive diplomatic efforts within the region, including with Egypt, Jordan and Qatar and with key partners in the international community, to encourage all sides to halt the violence. We are engaging directly with the parties to the conflict, including Hamas, in our efforts to secure an end to hostilities.” Guterres also held a meeting with Arab ministers to discuss the current situation, according to his spokesperson Stephan Dujarric. During a Wednesday phone call between Biden and Netanyahu, the US president said he “expected a significant de-escalation on the path to a ceasefire.” Netanyahu told Biden that the operation will continue until Israeli citizens are secure, and repeated that line in subsequent public statements. But on Thursday, the matter of timing was absent from Netanyahu’s statements, as it focused more on the Iranian origin of an armed drone shot down over Israel earlier this week. As IDF and Hamas firing was expected to die down, the Palestinian Authority’s diplomatic battles against Israel at the United Nations heated up. The UN General Assembly also met on Thursday to discuss the issue, with many of the speakers portraying the Palestinians as victims of an aggressive Israel. Palestinian Authority Foreign Minister Riyad al-Malki accused Israel of war crimes, with Gilad Erdan, Israel’s UN and US ambassador, walking out during Malki’s speech. Guterres called out both Hamas and the IDF, saying that both had committed war crimes. “Sadly, in today’s debate, we are not seeing a defense of the goals laid out for the UN, but rather an indifference to Hamas’s charter, which, like the Nazis, is committed to the genocide of the Jewish People,” Erdan said. “We see an attempt to create a false moral equivalence, an immoral equivalence, between Israel, a democracy that seeks peace and abides by international law, and a murderous terrorist organization with an ideology similar to ISIS, that is carrying out the double war crime of firing at Israeli civilians while hiding its weapons behind Palestinian civilians, using them as human shields.” Guterres said that both the IDF and Hamas had attacked innocent civilians. “Even wars have rules,” Guterres said. “First and foremost, civilians must be protected. Indiscriminate attacks, and attacks against civilians and civilian property, are violations of the laws of war. So are attacks against military objectives that cause disproportionate loss of civilian life and injury to civilians.” While many UN members have hesitated to mention Hamas or its rockets, Guterres spoke out against both. He urged “Hamas and other militant groups to stop the indiscriminate launching of rockets and mortars from highly populated civilian neighborhoods into civilian population centers in Israel, also in clear violation of international humanitarian law. Densely populated civilian areas must not be used for military purposes. “I urge the Israeli authorities to abide by the laws governing armed conflict, including the proportionate use of force. I call on them to exercise maximum restraint in the conduct of military operations. It’s impossible to excuse the killing of innocent civilians. There is no justification, including counterterrorism or self-defense, for the abdication by the parties to the conflict of their obligations under international humanitarian law.” Guterres took issue with IDF bombing of media offices in Gaza – in a tower block the IDF said also housed a Hamas intelligence base – and Hamas shelling of the Israeli crossings into the Strip when humanitarian goods were passing through. Guterres said that his heart went out to the “victims and their loved ones.” He expanded on the harm done to the Palestinians in Gaza, stating that he was “deeply shocked by the continued air and artillery bombardment by the IDF in Gaza.” He was upset in particular, he said, by reports that “nine members of one family were killed in al-Shati refugee camp. If there is a hell on earth, it is the lives of children in Gaza today.” 漢莎航空,奧地利航空和瑞士航空將於週日續簽飛往以色列的航班 據第12頻道報導,在加沙,漢莎航空公司,奧地利航空公司和瑞士航空公司因火箭彈射擊而停止運營後,它們都宣布將在周日更新飛往以色列的航班。 Lufthansa, Austrian and Swiss airlines to renew flights to Israel on Sunday After halting operations due to rocket fire from Gaza, Lufthansa, Austrian and Swiss airlines all announce that they will be renewing flights to Israel on Sunday, Channel 12 reports. 美國航空公司在停火後恢復飛往以色列的航班 通過AP 2013年8月3日在本古里安國際機場的聯合航空公司航班的視圖。(Moshe Shai / FLASH90) 美國聯合航空,達美航空和美國航空表示,在以色列和哈馬斯同意停火後,他們將恢復飛往特拉維夫的航班,其中包括向本古里安國際機場發射火箭彈。 達美航空計劃從上周初週五開始運營從紐約到特拉維夫的首趟航班,並在周日進行首趟回程航班。達美航空發言人摩根·杜蘭特(Morgan Durrant)說,達美航空將“密切監視安全局勢,並將在必要時對我們的航班時間表進行調整。” 聯合航空還表示,預計將於週五晚恢復服務,航班將從新澤西州的紐瓦克飛往特拉維夫。一位女發言人說,該航空公司計劃在周末恢復從芝加哥和舊金山的航班。美聯航於5月12日停止了從美國所有三個城市飛往以色列的航班。 美國航空表示,計劃週一重啟紐約-特拉維夫的航班。 以色列與巴勒斯坦激進組織哈馬斯之間的休戰似乎在星期五舉行,此前為期11天的戰爭導致250多人喪生,其中多數是巴勒斯坦人。 ** US airlines resuming flights to Israel after ceasefire** By AP View of a United Airlines flight at Ben Gurion International Airport on August 3, 2013. (Moshe Shai/FLASH90) United, Delta and American say they are resuming flights to Tel Aviv after Israel and Hamas agreed to a ceasefire in violence that had included rockets fired toward Ben Gurion International Airport. Delta Air Lines plans to operate its first flight from New York to Tel Aviv since early last week on Friday night, with the first return trip on Sunday. Delta will “closely monitor the security situation and will make adjustments to our flight schedules as necessary,” spokesman Morgan Durrant says. United Airlines also says it expects to resume service Friday night, with a flight from Newark, New Jersey, to Tel Aviv. A spokeswoman said the airline plans to also resume flights from Chicago and San Francisco over the weekend. United halted flights from all three US cities to Israel on May 12. American Airlines said it plans to restart New York-Tel Aviv flights on Monday. The truce between Israel and the Palestinian militant group Hamas appeared to be holding Friday, after an 11-day war that left more than 250 people dead, mostly Palestinians. 競爭者韋克斯勒(Wexler)通知他已經退出競選活動後,托馬斯·尼德斯(Thomas Nides)鎖定了以色列特使的角色– ToI告訴 由雅各布馬吉德 美國管理和資源副國務卿托馬斯·尼德斯(Thomas Nides)在2012年6月的美國國際開發署會議上發表講話。(屏幕截圖/ YouTube) 在競選中的另一位競爭者,前國會議員羅伯特·韋克斯勒(Robert Wexler)今天下午被總統的國會盟友通知他不會被選為總統之後,前國務院官員托馬斯·尼德斯幾乎可以肯定是拜登政府的下任駐以色列大使。 ,一位美國前官員告訴《以色列時報》。 一位熟悉此事的消息人士還證實,韋克斯勒已被告知該工作不是他的工作。 尼德斯被認為是該職位最初的最愛,但韋克斯勒在最近幾週得到了幾位議員的支持,這些議員代表他拜登了國會議員,包括國會議員泰德·德奇和參議員伯尼·桑德斯。 尼德斯(Nides)與國務卿安東尼·布林肯(Antony Blinken)和前總統巴拉克·奧巴馬(Barak Obama)有著密切的聯繫。 羅伯特·韋克斯勒(Robert Wexler)在2012年(由中東研究所提供) 他和韋克斯勒都熟悉以巴衝突。韋克斯勒尤為如此,因為他目前擔任華盛頓聖丹尼爾·亞伯拉罕中東和平中心的負責人。 尼德斯(Nides)曾擔任奧巴馬政府負責管理和資源的副國務卿,後來成為摩根士丹利(Morgan Stanley)的董事總經理。 Nides於1961年出生於明尼蘇達州德盧斯的一個猶太家庭,是一位銀行高管,如果真的被選中,它將為政府和私營部門帶來經驗。 他是摩根士丹利(Morgan Stanley)的常務董事兼副董事長,曾在瑞士信貸(Credit Suisse)和博雅公關(Burson-Marsteller)等多家金融機構任職。 ** Thomas Nides a lock for Israel envoy role after contender Wexler notified he’s out of running — ToI told** By JACOB MAGID Deputy US Secretary of State for Management and Resources Thomas Nides speaks at a USAID conference in June 2012. (Screen capture/YouTube) Former State Department official Thomas Nides is all but certain to be the Biden administration’s next ambassador to Israel after the other contender in the running, former congressman Robert Wexler, was notified by a congressional ally of the president this afternoon that he would not be the pick, an ex-US official tells The Times of Israel. A source familiar with the matter also confirmed that Wexler had been notified that the job would not be his. Nides had been seen as the initial favorite for the position, but Wexler enjoyed a jolt of support in recent weeks from several lawmakers who reached out to Biden on his behalf, including Congressman Ted Deutch and Senator Bernie Sanders. Nides, for his part, has close ties with Secretary of State Antony Blinken and former president Barak Obama. Robert Wexler in 2012 (Courtesy of the Middle East Institute) Both he and Wexler have familiarity with the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Wexler particularly so, as he is currently serving as the head of the S. Daniel Abraham Center for Middle East Peace in Washington. Nides served as deputy secretary of state for management and resources in the Obama administration before becoming a managing director at Morgan Stanley. Born in 1961 to a Jewish family in Duluth, Minnesota, Nides is a banking executive and if indeed picked, would bring both government and private-sector experience to the post. He is the managing director and vice chairman of Morgan Stanley and has served in multiple financial institutions, including Credit Suisse and Burson-Marsteller. 約旦人集會,燃燒以色列國旗以慶祝加沙“抵抗運動的勝利” 通過法新社 2021年5月21日,約旦穆斯林兄弟會的支持者參加在Sweimeh村的抗議活動,以表達他們對巴勒斯坦人的聲援並慶祝停火。(照片由Khalil MAZRAAWI /法新社拍攝) 在猶太國家與巴勒斯坦武裝團體之間停火之後,成千上萬的人在約旦示威,慶祝對以色列的“抵抗勝利”。 據法新社記者稱,為回應穆斯林兄弟會的呼籲,大約有10,000人聚集在與以色列佔領的西岸接壤的邊界附近的Sweimeh地區。 示威者高舉標語,上面寫著:“耶路撒冷是勝利的象徵”,“祝賀抵抗運動的勝利”和“加沙的韌性導致了勝利”。 示威者高舉約旦和巴勒斯坦國旗,高呼“死於以色列”,並“以橄欖枝換取槍支。” 在西岸邊界附近地區的卡拉梅,另有數千名示威者,許多穿著約旦和巴勒斯坦keffiyeh圍巾的年輕人焚燒以色列國旗,高喊反對和平協議的口號。 Karameh是1968年戰鬥的地點-在1967年以色列擊敗阿拉伯國家之後數月-巴勒斯坦戰鬥人員和約旦軍隊士兵聯合打擊以色列軍隊,這在整個阿拉伯世界都是像徵性的。 在首都,週五祈禱後,超過1,000名抗議者從安曼市中心的侯賽尼大清真寺出發。 ** Jordanians rally, burn Israeli flags to celebrate Gaza ‘victory of the resistance’** By AFP Supporters of Jordan's Muslim Brotherhood take part in a protest in the village of Sweimeh on May 21, 2021, to express their solidarity with Palestinians and to celebrate the ceasefire. (Photo by Khalil MAZRAAWI / AFP) Thousands of people demonstrate in Jordan to celebrate the “victory of the resistance” against Israel, after a ceasefire between the Jewish state and Palestinian armed groups. Responding to a call by the Muslim Brotherhood, some 10,000 people, according to AFP journalists, gathered in the Sweimeh region near the border with the Israeli-occupied West Bank. Demonstrators carried banners reading: “Jerusalem is the symbol of victory,” “congratulations on the victory of the resistance” and “the resilience of Gaza led to victory.” Demonstrators carry Jordanian and Palestinian flags and chanted “death to Israel” and “let’s trade the olive branch for the gun.” In Karameh, an area near the West Bank border, another few thousand demonstrators, many youths dressed in Jordanian and Palestinian keffiyeh scarves burned Israeli flags and chanted slogans against the peace deal. Karameh is the site of a 1968 battle — fought a few months after the defeat of Arab states by Israel in 1967 — between a combined force of Palestinian fighters and Jordanian army soldiers against Israeli troops, and is symbolic across the Arab world. In the capital, over 1,000 protesters set off on a march from the Al-Husseini Grand Mosque in central Amman after Friday prayers. 民主黨參議員:如果我們更批評以色列,那是因為他們的政治,而不是我們的政治 由雅各布馬吉德 康涅狄格州民主黨美國參議員克里斯·墨菲(Chris Murphy),2018年7月25日在華盛頓國會山參議院外交關係委員會舉行。(美聯社照片/蘇珊·沃爾什(Susan Walsh)) 拜登盟友民主黨參議員克里斯·墨菲(Chris Murphy)反對他的政黨向以色列左派運動的日益增長的言論。 “聽NPR談論民主黨如何向以色列“轉移”。如此疲倦,懶惰。民主黨人相信兩國製的未來。一直有。如果我們對以色列的批評更多,那是因為他們的政治動了,而不是我們的政治。”他在推特上寫道。 的確,絕大多數民主黨議員支持以巴衝突的兩國解決方案,但越來越少的少數派避免了支持該提議,例如頗受歡迎的進步民主人士“小隊”中的一些成員。 墨菲(Murphy)是美國參議院對外關係小組委員會的主席,該小組委員會涉及近東,南亞,中亞和反恐。 ** Democratic senator: If we’re more critical of Israel, it’s because of their politics, not ours** By JACOB MAGID Democratic US Senator Chris Murphy of Connecticut at the Senate Foreign Relations Committee on Capitol Hill in Washington, July 25, 2018. (AP Photo/Susan Walsh) Democratic Senator Chris Murphy, a Biden-ally, pushes back against the growing narrative that his party is moving to the left on Israel. “Listening to NPR talking about how the Democratic Party is ‘shifting’ on Israel. Such a tired, lazy take. Democrats believe in a two-state future. Always have. If we’re more critical of Israel, it’s bc their politics have moved, not ours,” he tweets. Indeed the vast majority of Democratic lawmakers back a two-state solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, but a growing handful have avoided backing the proposal, such as some of the members of the popular “Squad” of progressive Democrats. Murphy is the chairman of the US Senate Foreign Relations Subcommittee on Near East, South Asia, Central Asia, and Counterterrorism. 26名巴勒斯坦人因在耶路撒冷投擲石塊而被捕與警察發生衝突 執法人員說,警方今天在東耶路撒冷發生衝突時逮捕了26名巴勒斯坦人,原因是他們投擲石塊。 26 Palestinians arrested for stone throwing in Jerusalem clashes with police Police have arrested 26 Palestinians for stone throwing during clashes in East Jerusalem today, law enforcement says. Hundreds march with Hamas flags in E. Jerusalem neighborhood, clash with police Hundreds of Palestinian protesters marched with Hamas flags through the Jabal Mukaber neighborhood of East Jerusalem, police say. They threw stones and shot fireworks at police, who were forced to use means riot-dispersal measures and arrested two suspects for assaulting officers. 伊朗的哈梅內伊說以色列“被迫接受失敗” 通過法新社 檔案:最高領導人阿亞圖拉·阿里·哈梅內伊(Ayatollah Ali Khamenei)為2021年3月20日星期六在伊朗德黑蘭舉行的伊朗新年(即諾魯孜節)致辭(伊朗最高領導人辦公室通過美聯社) 伊朗最高領導人阿亞圖拉·阿里·哈梅內伊(Ayatollah Ali Khamenei)說,在猶太國家和加沙武裝分子之間停火之後,巴勒斯坦武裝團體“迫使以色列接受失敗”。 他在官方網站上的一份聲明中說:“我感謝親愛的,全能的上帝給巴勒斯坦戰鬥人員的勝利和榮譽。” “犯罪的延續和停火都是(以色列的)部分失敗。他們被迫接受失敗,”他補充說,並指出以色列“對巴勒斯坦的統一崛起無能為力”。 他補充說:“加沙武裝團體對巴勒斯坦青年的準備和權力的表現”將使巴勒斯坦一天比一天強大,而掠奪敵人則變得更加軟弱和卑鄙。” ** Iran’s Khamenei says Israel ‘forced to accept defeat’** By AFP File: Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei delivers a message for the Iranian New Year, or Nowruz, in Tehran, Iran, Saturday, March 20, 2021 (Office of the Iranian Supreme Leader via AP) Iran’s supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei says Israel was “forced to accept defeat” by Palestinian armed groups, after a ceasefire between the Jewish state and militants in Gaza. “I thank dear and almighty God for the victory and honor bestowed upon Palestinian fighters,” he says in a statement on his official website. “The continuation of crimes and the ceasefire were both (part of Israel’s) defeat. They were forced to accept defeat,” he adds, noting that Israel was “powerless against the unified rise of Palestine.” “The readiness of the Palestinian youth and the show of power” by armed groups in Gaza “will make Palestine more powerful by the day and the usurping enemy weaker and more despicable,” he adds. 伊朗讚揚停火後巴勒斯坦人的“歷史性勝利” 通過法新社 以色列外交部讚揚巴勒斯坦人的“歷史性勝利”,並在以色列與加沙武裝團體之間的停火生效後重申了德黑蘭的支持。 “祝賀我們的巴勒斯坦姐妹兄弟們取得歷史性勝利。您的抵抗迫使侵略者撤退,”發言人賽義德·哈蒂布扎德(Saeed Khatibzadeh)在推特上說。 經過11天的戰鬥,以色列與哈馬斯,控制加沙地帶的伊斯蘭運動以及該地區其他武裝團體之間的停火似乎在星期五舉行。 “將舉行公民投票。到那時為止,PROUD會支持您的正義抵抗。” Khatibzadeh補充道。 伊朗官員此前曾表示,由“巴勒斯坦的穆斯林,基督教和猶太居民以及巴勒斯坦難民”組成的全民公決,將構成解決以色列-巴勒斯坦衝突的辦法。 ** Iran praises Palestinians’ ‘historic victory’ after ceasefire** By AFP Iran’s foreign ministry praises Palestinians’ “historic victory” and reaffirmed Tehran’s support after a ceasefire between Israel and armed groups in Gaza took effect. “Congratulations to our Palestinian sisters and brothers for the historic victory. Your resistance forced the aggressor to retreat,” spokesman Saeed Khatibzadeh says on Twitter, in Iran’s first official reaction to the truce. The ceasefire between Israel and Hamas, the Islamist movement that controls the Gaza Strip, and other armed groups in the enclave appeared to be holding Friday, after 11 days of fighting. “Referendum will be held. Till then, PROUD to support your just resistance,” Khatibzadeh adds. Iranian officials have previously said that a referendum with the participation of “Muslim, Christian and Jewish residents of Palestine as well as Palestinian refugees” on a system of government would constitute a solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. 伊朗革命衛隊推出“加沙”無人機以向巴勒斯坦人致敬 通過法新社 以色列革命衛隊的官方網站報導說,伊朗革命衛隊在以色列和巴勒斯坦恐怖組織在沿海飛地的停火生效數小時後,推出了一種新的戰鬥無人機,以向巴勒斯坦人表示敬意。 衛隊司令侯賽因·薩拉米少將在揭幕儀式上說,這架無人機被稱為“對那些今天在(加沙)反對猶太復國主義者的入侵和侵略的人的永恆榮譽”。 他補充說,該無人機能夠攜帶13枚炸彈,同時以每小時350公里(200 mph)的速度在35,000英尺的高度飛行20小時。 伊斯蘭共和國不承認以色列,自1979年革命以來,支持巴勒斯坦事業一直是伊朗外交政策的支柱。 薩拉米(Salami)週三稱讚“新巴勒斯坦的誕生……與導彈作戰”,並說以色列現在“破碎,沮喪和沮喪”。 衛隊聖戰軍司令伊斯梅爾·卡尼(Ismail Qaani)本週早些時候在與伊斯蘭派系官員的電話中重申了德黑蘭對巴勒斯坦人反對以色列的支持。 根據Sepah News的報導,薩拉米(Salami)還推出了一種名為“ Quds”(耶路撒冷)的新型雷達系統,該系統可以“檢測500公里(310英里)半徑內的隱形飛機,並迅速進行設置和移動。” 該網站顯示了防空系統的升級版本,該系統於2019年在據稱侵犯伊朗領空後在霍爾木茲海峽擊落了一架美國全球鷹無人機。 薩拉米說,新版本可以發射“先進的短程導彈並與巡航導彈(導彈),無人機,直升機和飛機炸彈等近距離威脅進行對抗”。 ** Iran Guards unveil ‘Gaza’ drone in tribute to Palestinians** By AFP Iran’s Revolutionary Guards unveil a new combat drone dubbed “Gaza” in a tribute to the Palestinians, the force’s official website reported, hours after a ceasefire between Israel and Palestinian terror groups in the coastal enclave took effect. The drone was named as “an eternal honor for those who today in (Gaza) stand against the Zionists’ invasion and aggression,” Guards commander Major General Hossein Salami said at the unveiling event, quoted by Sepah News. The drone is capable of carrying 13 bombs while flying at over 35,000 feet at a speed of almost 350 kilometers per hour (200 mph) for 20 hours, he added. The Islamic republic does not recognize Israel, and supporting the Palestinian cause has been a pillar of Iran’s foreign policy since the country’s 1979 revolution. Salami had on Wednesday hailed “the birth of a new Palestine… fighting with missiles” and said Israel was now “broken, frustrated and downcast.” 阿巴斯對布林肯講話,要求結束“以色列侵略E.耶路撒冷,西岸 由亞倫BOXERMAN 美國國務卿安東尼·布林肯(Antony Blinken)在2021年5月18日在冰島雷克雅未克的哈帕音樂廳舉行的新聞發布會上講話(Saul Loeb / Pool圖片來自AP) 阿巴斯高級顧問說,巴勒斯坦權力機構主席馬哈茂德·阿巴斯和美國國務卿安東尼·布林肯今天在電話中講話。 “巴勒斯坦總統強調必須停止以色列對耶路撒冷和西岸以及加沙地帶的侵略,停止定居者的襲擊和加沙地帶的重建,”推特高級官員侯賽因·謝赫(Hussein al-Sheikh)表示。 據謝赫說,阿巴斯對布林肯說:“一個結束佔領的全面政治進程必須從現在開始。” Abbas speaks to Blinken, demands end to ‘Israeli aggression in E. Jerusalem, W. Bank By AARON BOXERMAN US Secretary of State Antony Blinken speaks during a press conference at the Harpa Concert Hall in Reykjavik, Iceland, May 18, 2021 (Saul Loeb/Pool Photo via AP) Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas and United States Secretary of State Anthony Blinken spoke on the phone today, a senior Abbas adviser says. “The president stressed the necessity of stopping Israeli aggression in Jerusalem and the West Bank, as well as the Gaza Strip, stopping settler attacks and the reconstruction of Gaza,” tweets senior PA official Hussein al-Sheikh. According to al-Sheikh, Abbas told Blinken that “a comprehensive political process which ends the occupation must begin now.” · 以色列安全機構稱承認以色列國防軍對哈馬斯造成的破壞少於最初的想法 2021年5月19日,以色列士兵在沿著與巴勒斯坦飛地接壤的加沙地帶砲擊時,將Merkava坦克對準射擊地點(傑克·古埃茲/法新社) 在今天早上的停火之後,以色列安全機構的高級成員告訴哈雷斯,哈馬斯對哈馬斯火箭武庫的打擊沒有最初想像的那麼有害。 但是,他們告訴報紙說,這次行動仍然阻止了哈馬斯,哈馬斯今天在與以色列的邊界上部署了戰鬥機,以確保那裡沒有人違反停火。 在行動之前,以色列情報部門評估認為,哈馬斯不想打破幾個月來一直在邊界上保持的平靜。但是,現在的安全官員認為,巴勒斯坦權力機構主席馬哈茂德·阿巴斯決定取消即將舉行的議會選舉,東耶路撒冷謝赫·賈拉(Sheikh Jarrah)居民對巴勒斯坦家庭的迫在眉睫的驅逐以及警察對那里和大馬士革門的示威者的鎮壓綜合起來耶路撒冷舊城的聖殿山帶領哈馬斯行動。 安全官員告訴哈雷斯(Haaretz),在“牆衛士行動”期間,以色列國防軍襲擊了哈馬斯約40%的火箭發射器,但發現很難擊中其他地點,特別是由於缺乏情報。 官員們補充說,即使經過最近一輪戰鬥,哈馬斯仍保持了向以色列發射大量火箭彈的能力。 行動期間,向以色列發射了約4,360枚火箭彈和迫擊砲彈,其中約有3,400枚進入以色列。 Israeli security establishment said to recognize IDF damage to Hamas was less than initially thought Israeli soldiers direct Merkava tanks to firing positions during shelling towards the Gaza Strip, along the border with the Palestinian enclave on May 19, 2021 (JACK GUEZ / AFP) Following this morning’s ceasefire, senior members of Israel’s security establishment tell Haaretz that its strikes on Hamas’s rocket arsenal were less damaging than originally thought. However, they tell the paper that the operation still deterred Hamas, which deployed fighters across the border with Israel today to ensure that no one there violates the ceasefire. While prior to the operation, the Israeli intelligence assessment was that Hamas would not want to break the calm that had been holding on the border for several months. However, now security officials believe that the combination of Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas’s decision to cancel the upcoming parliamentary elections, the looming evictions of Palestinian families from the East Jerusalem neighborhood of Sheikh Jarrah, and police crackdown on protesters there and at the, Damascus Gate and the Temple Mount in Jerusalem’s Old City, led Hamas to act. During Operation Guardian of the Walls, the IDF attacked roughly 40 percent of Hamas’s rocket launchers, but found it difficult to hit other sites, particularly due to a lack of intelligence, the security officials tell Haaretz. The officials add that Hamas has maintained its ability to fire large quantities of rockets at Israel, even after the latest round of fighting. Roughly 4,360 rockets and mortar shells were fired at Israel during the operation, about 3,400 of which crossed into Israel. 聯合國兒童基金會向加沙提供人道主義援助車隊,包括1萬枚COVID疫苗 聯合國兒童基金會緊急兒童基金會說,它組織了一個由12個集裝箱的醫療物資組成的車隊,今天進入加沙。 這批貨物包括一個容器的急救箱,兩個容器的2,000個三倍血袋,生理鹽水,一個容器的滅火器,兩個容器的抗生素和其他感染控製藥物以及10,000劑量的Sinopharm COVID-19疫苗。 聯合國兒童基金會盧西亞·艾爾米(Lucia Elmi)表示:“我們非常感激加沙地帶的停火協議於今天凌晨2點生效,因為那裡的人員傷亡人數巨大。” “這將使家庭有急需的喘息機會,並允許向加沙地帶提供急需的人道主義援助和人員。” 阿克薩抗議者高喊反對法塔赫支持的耶路撒冷穆斯林 由亞倫BOXERMAN 在社交媒體上的視頻中,可以看到數百名巴勒斯坦人在阿克薩清真寺內的耶路撒冷大穆夫提·穆罕默德·侯賽因在試圖進行週五佈道時在高呼。 侯賽因的角色是由哈馬斯的主要競爭對手法塔赫領導的巴勒斯坦權力機構贊助的。 可以聽到他們在侯賽因高呼“我們是穆罕默德·迪夫的人”,以支持哈馬斯的軍事聯隊領導人。 主計長報告:以色列必須加強食品工業的競爭 與世界其他市場相比,以色列的食品市場過於集中。 由ZEV STUB 2021年5月21日14:11 耶路撒冷塔爾皮奧特附近的一家超市。如果在生菜架子上發現手機,該怎麼辦? (照片來源:MARC ISRAEL SELLEM) 廣告 根據星期二發布的《國家審計長報告》,以色列競爭管理局必須採取更多措施,消除食品行業競爭壁壘並降低生活成本。 報告說,與世界其他市場相比,以色列的食品市場過於集中。最大的10個食品供應商合計佔整個食品工業和消費產品部門的54%。它說,其中四個在食品工業的幾個類別中所佔份額超過10%,例如肉,牛奶和魚。但是,超過20年沒有任何球員被宣佈為壟斷者。 報告說,衛生部的國家食品進口控製程序繁瑣冗長。在2016年“玉米片改革”後,進口商的監管負擔成本每年平均猛增55,000新謝克爾,這是為了增加糧食進口,這一過程延長了60至90天。 報告稱,與此同時,贏得配​​額的重要進口商中,很大一部分也是國內大型生產商或零售商。 此外,2016-2020年的關稅削減和免稅額度的開放大部分沒有傳遞給消費者。報告稱,例如,葡萄乾免稅配額於2018年5月開放,導致其價格僅下降2.2%。 農業部處理植物進口申請(包括風險評估程序)的時間平均為兩年,在許多情況下約為四年。長時間的延誤阻礙了新水果的進口以及新國家認可的水果的進口,導致缺乏競爭,導致水果價格上漲。 報告說,例如,以色列的菠蘿價格平均是國外價格的六倍。 READ MORE 在超級市場中,2019年,全國共有810家大型商店,其中近四分之一(194)的市場份額超過30%,其中一半以上(53%)的市場份額超過30%。 50%。 但是,消費者保護局每年對每個大型零售商平均僅進行一次或兩次檢查,不足以有效地控制零售商發布的信息的可靠性。 這導致更高的消費者價格。2017年,就購買力而言,以色列非酒精類食品和飲料類別的價格相對於經合組織國家高37%,相對於歐盟國家高51%。 報告稱,以色列用於食品的支出是所有家庭支出中的第三大支出,為1,320億新謝克爾,約佔2018年總支出的18.5%。 《國家審計署報告》建議,除其他外,競爭管理局應努力消除食品行業競爭壁壘並降低生活成本,例如查明壟斷企業和集團企業,並採取適當行動。 此外,主管機關必須繼續採取行動,促進平行進口,審查替代品,並製定適當的措施,與直接進口商一起採取行動。 報告建議,與此同時,財政和經濟部必須進行定期檢查,以確保他們為降低生活成本而採取的行動能夠實現其目的,並研究將向消費者推出降低關稅的方式。 Comptroller report: Israel must increase competition in food industry Israel's food market is over-concentrated in comparison with other markets around the world. By ZEV STUB MAY 21, 2021 14:11 A supermarket in Jerusalem’s Talpiot neighborhood. What would you do if you found a cellphone on a lettuce shelf? (photo credit: MARC ISRAEL SELLEM) Advertisement The Israel Competition Authority must take more steps to remove barriers to competition in the food industry and lower the cost of living, according to the State Comptroller’s Report released on Tuesday. Israel’s food market is overconcentrated compared with other markets around the world, the report said. The 10 largest food suppliers hold a combined share of about 54% of the entire food industry and consumer-products sector. Four of them have shares of more than 10% in several categories in the food industry, such as meat, milk and fish, it said. However, no player has been declared a monopoly in more than 20 years. The Health Ministry’s National Food Service control procedure for importing food is cumbersome and lengthy, the report said. The costs of the regulatory burden for importers skyrocketed by an average NIS 55,000 per year following the 2016 “cornflakes reform,” which was intended to increase food imports, and the process became 60 to 90 days longer. Meanwhile, a major proportion of the significant importers who have won quotas are also large domestic producers or retailers, the report said. In addition, tariff reductions and the opening of duty-free quotas in the years 2016-2020 have mostly not been passed on to the consumer. For example, the opening of a duty-free quota for raisins in May 2018 resulted in a decrease of only 2.2% in their price, the report said. The period of time for the Agriculture Ministry to process a request for plant imports, including for the risk assessment procedure, lasts an average of two years, or in many cases, about four years. This prolonged delay blocks the import of new fruits and of recognized fruits from new countries, resulting in a lack of competition that leads to higher fruit prices. For example, the price of pineapple in Israel is six times higher on average than its price abroad, the report said. Latest articles from Jpost Top Articles READ MORE What's next for Israel in the Gaza Strip?‑ opinion Among supermarkets, in 2019, there were 810 large stores around the country, of which almost a fourth (194) had a market share of more than 30%, with more than half of those (53%) having a market share of more than 50%. However, the Consumer Protection Authority conducts an average of only one or two inspections per year per large retailer, not enough for it to effectively control the reliability of the information that retailers publish. That leads to higher consumer prices. In 2017, prices in Israel in the nonalcoholic food and beverage category, in terms of purchasing power, were 37% higher relative to OECD countries and 51% relative to EU countries. Spending on food in Israel is the third largest of all household expenditures, at NIS 132 billion, comprising about 18.5% of total expenditures in 2018, the report said. The State Comptroller’s Report recommended, among other things, that the Competition Authority work to remove barriers to competition in the food industry and lower the cost of living, such as identifying monopolies and conglomerates, and take appropriate action. In addition, the authority must continue to act to promote parallel imports, examine alternatives and formulate appropriate measures for action with direct importers. Meanwhile, the Finance and Economy ministries must conduct periodic checks to ensure that the actions they have taken to reduce the cost of living are achieving their purpose and to examine ways in which the reduction of tariffs for consumers will be rolled out, the report recommended. 在與哈馬斯的下一輪談判中,以色列國防軍需要重點關注火箭,而不是隧道 在過去的兩周里,以色列軍方以數以千計的彈藥襲擊了以哈曼斯和巴勒斯坦伊斯蘭聖戰組織為目標的大約1,500個目標,這是一次主要的空中戰役。 通過ANNA AHRONHEIM 2021年5月21日17:32 2015年4月23日,在西岸市拉馬拉的比爾齊特大學舉行的慶祝學生會選舉獲勝的集會上,支持哈馬斯的巴勒斯坦學生站在模擬哈馬斯火箭旁邊。 (圖片來源:路透社/ MOHAMAD TOROKMAN) 儘管在為期11天的“圍牆衛士行動”中實現了許多目標,但以色列軍方還是希望獲得更大的成功,以成功地摧毀屬於哈馬斯的遠程導彈。 在過去的兩周里,以色列軍方以數以千計的彈藥襲擊了以哈曼斯和巴勒斯坦伊斯蘭聖戰組織為目標的大約1,500個目標,這是一次主要的空中戰役。 以色列國防軍說,根據過去幾年制定的計劃,軍方能夠摧毀哈馬斯的地下隧道網絡等戰略資產,並在短時間內撤離高級特工。 堅持行動是防禦性的,軍方決定從一開始就表現出侵略性,並與至少20名計劃對以色列進行突襲的哈馬斯特工一起襲擊了兩條隧道。 在近兩週的戰鬥中,以色列國防軍在加沙城,汗·尤尼斯和里馬爾的多次罷工中摧毀了哈馬斯100多公里的隧道網絡。擊中他們的隧道網,這些隧道網全都建在居民區之下,這對該團的通訊,指揮和控制以及向以色列發射火箭彈的能力都產生了影響。 軍方還暗殺了哈馬斯或巴勒斯坦伊斯蘭聖戰組織的25名高級官員和200名特工,以色列國防軍通常會為更大的行動而保存這一舉動。但是,在行動中發揮了重要作用的軍方和新貝特內部安全機構都認為時機成熟。 在擬定的計劃中,有一些特定的人想要撤離,因為這會對團隊的能力產生重大影響,其中包括穆罕默德·迪夫(Mohammed Deif),他曾兩次成為目標,但每次都能生存。 “我們在競選期間竭盡所能,以確保那些不應該活著的人不會活著,” IDF發言人Brig.-Gen說道。希代·齊伯曼(Hidai Zilberman)週五對記者說。 儘管齊爾伯曼說,軍方也嚴重破壞了哈馬斯開發和生產銷毀武器的車間和研究中心的能力,其中一些是為了升級武器而設計的,但以色列國防軍希望在銷毀其軍火庫方面取得更大的成功。 由於以色列和埃及對沿海飛地的封鎖,大多數(如果不是全部)火箭彈和迫擊砲都是本地生產的。 行動的最後幾天,以色列國防軍集中力量消滅了該集團的火箭發射能力,針對火箭及其發射器進行了約570次空襲。其中,有340次打擊針對了火箭發射基礎設施,例如發射坑,230枚地對地火箭和70枚多管火箭筒。另有35枚打擊目標迫擊砲。 但是,這兩個小組總共擁有大約14,000枚火箭彈-遠程和短程。在這11天的過程中,向以色列發射了4,360枚火箭彈和迫擊砲,其中680枚降落在加沙地帶內,另有280枚落入海中。 以色列國防軍知道,在今後與加沙地帶的恐怖組織發生任何衝突的情況下,火箭將繼續對以色列的家園構成重大威脅。因為即使有鐵穹導彈防禦系統,也有一些火箭彈確實襲擊了以色列,並造成了致命的後果。 IDF needs to focus on rockets, not tunnels, in the next round with Hamas A mainly air campaign, some 1,500 targets belonging to Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad were struck by the Israeli military over the past two weeks with thousands of munitions. By ANNA AHRONHEIM MAY 21, 2021 17:32 Palestinian students supporting Hamas stand next to mock Hamas rockets during a rally celebrating their winning of the student council election at Birzeit University in the West Bank city of Ramallah April 23, 2015. (photo credit: REUTERS/MOHAMAD TOROKMAN) Despite achieving many of its goals during the 11 day Operation Guardian of the Walls, the Israeli military would have liked to have seen more success in taking out the long-range missiles belonging to Hamas. A mainly air campaign, some 1,500 targets belonging to Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad were struck by the Israeli military over the past two weeks with thousands of munitions. The IDF says that with plans that were built over the past few years, the military was able to destroy strategic assets like Hamas’s underground tunnel network and take out senior operatives within a short amount of time. Maintaining that the operation was defensive, the military decided to be aggressive from the start and hit two tunnels with at least 20 Hamas operatives who were planning a raid against Israel. Over the close to two weeks of fighting, the IDF destroyed over 100 km of Hamas’s tunnel network during multiple strikes in Gaza City, Khan Younis and Rimal. Hitting their tunnel network, all built under residential areas, had an effect on the group’s communications, command and control as well as ability to fire rockets towards Israel. The military also assassinated 25 senior officials and some 200 operatives belonging to Hamas or Palestinian Islamic Jihad, a move that the IDF would have usually saved for a bigger operation. But, both the military and Shin Bet internal security agency-which played a big role in the operation- thought the time was right. In the plans that had been drawn up were specific individuals who they wanted to take out as it would have a big effect on the group’s capabilities, including Mohammed Deif who was targeted twice but managed to survive each time. “We did everything possible during the campaign to make sure that people who should not be alive will not stay alive,” IDF Spokesperson Brig.-Gen. Hidai Zilberman told reporters on Friday. Though Zilberman said that the military also severely damaged Hamas’s ability to develop and produce weapons-destroying workshops and research centers, some of which were designed to upgrade their weaponry- the IDF would have liked to have had more success in destroying their arsenal. Due to the blockade imposed on the coastal enclave by both Israel and Egypt, the majority, if not all, of the rockets and mortars are locally produced. The last few days of the operation, the IDF focused on destroying the groups’ rocket launching abilities, with some 570 airstrikes targeting rockets and their launchers. Of that, 340 strikes targeted rocket launching infrastructure such as launch pits and 230 ground-to-ground rockets and 70 multi-barrel rocket launchers. Another 35 strikes target mortars. But, the two groups combined have around 14,000 rockets – both long-range and short. Over the course of the 11 days, over 4,360 rockets and mortars were fired towards Israel with 680 landing inside the Gaza Strip and another 280 fell in the sea. The IDF knows that in any future conflict with the terror groups in the Strip that the rockets will continue to be a major threat to the Israeli homefront. Because even with the Iron Dome missile defense system, some rockets do strike Israel and with deadly results.

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