

    Explore "tiyana" with insightful episodes like "HMFNY!!! Three Necessities for 2024", "Sometimes Forgiveness Requires Delusion", "Born to Rise with Renee Poirier", "You HAVE To Be CRAZY... It's a Requirement" and "HAPPY NEW YEAR! This year is about to be HUGE for you!" from podcasts like ""The Fearless Fulfillment Podcast", "The Fearless Fulfillment Podcast", "The Fearless Fulfillment Podcast", "The Fearless Fulfillment Podcast" and "The Fearless Fulfillment Podcast"" and more!

    Episodes (47)

    HMFNY!!! Three Necessities for 2024

    HMFNY!!! Three Necessities for 2024

    Happy MF New YEAARRR!! A brand spanking new year for new adventures, new relationships, new goals and an opportunity to create an upgraded version of yourself! 

    In this episode, I give you three necessities that will completely transform your mindset going into 2024! It's so important that you always remember how incredibly capable you are and how valuable your energy is - especially when it's channeled in a productive way. Take your goals and overall wellness seriously this year and see how much your life changes in just 365 days!


    If you're looking for a way to challenge yourself this year I HIGHLY recommend joining me in trying the 75Hard Challenge. I lightly touch on this subject in this episode but below is the 75Hard Challenge in its entirety.

    For 75 days STRAIGHT you must:

    • Two 45min workouts daily (one indoor, one outdoor): it doesn't neccessarily need to be a hardcore HIIT workout or heavy lifting, it could be stretching, yoga, a walk... just something that helps your physical fitness
    • Drink one gallon of water daily
    • Read 10 pages of a non-fiction book daily
    • Follow a diet of your choice daily: you could cut out sugar, cut out carbs, be more intentional about your protein intake. Whatever diet aligns with your goals
    • Take a progress picture of yourself daily (I've opted for a progress pic whenever I can because I need the storage for my reels lol but definitely one in the beginning and one at the end)

    If you slip up within the 75day period you must start over. You could be at day 73 and you'd have to start over. Make sure you go into this challenge with the intention to better yourself, not punish. This is a challenge to prove that you're capable of discipline, consistency and MOST IMPORTANTLY keeping promises to yourself! 

    I LOVE YOU ALL! 2024 is OUR YEAR!

    Sometimes Forgiveness Requires Delusion

    Sometimes Forgiveness Requires Delusion

    Forgiveness can require delusion in certain situations. I used to be a very grudeful person and I didn't think anyone deserved my forgiveness, especially if they didn't even apologize for what they did to me. I I always had a hard time fully implementing/embodying the saying, "forgiveness is for you, not them."

    This concept was hard for me to grasp in the past because, to be completely honest, I was incredibly stubborn and I would hold onto the anger or resentment I felt for that particular person. External factors played such a big part in effecting my mood and decided whether I was happy, sad, mad or content. That's not fair to me and that's not fair to others who interacted me.

    Forgiveness and patientce allows you to constantly clean your slate throughout the day. With this tool that I share on this episode, you'll be able to have a great day, every single day, no matter what - simply because you said so! Taking your emotions in your own hands is so incredibly freeing amakes you a more pleasant person to be around. When you become a more pleasant person at the core of your being and radiate genuine authenticity, you’ll be shocked with what blessings and opportunities seem to just fall into your lap. That energy right there is POTENT and will make you an absolute magnet to attract the people, experiences and even career opportunities you’ve always wanted!

    Born to Rise with Renee Poirier

    Born to Rise with Renee Poirier

    Renee is a former D1 collegiate pitcher for the United States Military Academy - West Point. Throughout her time at Army, she was able to rack up athletic accolades, create genuine friendships and embodied qualities such as discipline, independence and integrity. Over the course of her life, Renee has transformed her view on what she considers to be “success.” In high school, she would’ve said that success is measured by the accomplishments one can write on their resumé, now her definition represents so much more than that. Renee has overcome and persevered through many trials and demonstrated her astonishing mental and emotional fortitude.


    Renee Poirier is one of the most inspirational people I’ve ever met and I know that her story will move you on the deepest level. She is a woman, a human being, who truly personifies the strength that lies within all of us, waiting to be called upon when we need it most. Renee teaches us that within our darkest moments, there will always bring an opportunity to discover or rediscover our divine purpose.


    Born to Rise is an anthology dedicated to telling the story of what it means to come home to ourselves. This book encompasses the stories of twenty-two extraordinary authors who show us all that we, too, are born to RISE!

    Purchase her book using either of the links below: 



    And follow her on Instagram @reneepoirier9

    You HAVE To Be CRAZY... It's a Requirement

    You HAVE To Be CRAZY... It's a Requirement

    Believing in something that's not there yet is NUTS! It's zany! But you have to be a little crazy to have a vision, to have a dream, to create your own dream reality!

    Not only do YOU have to be a little nuts, so does your inner circle! If you allow people who constantly weigh you down, make you feel like butt and constantly make you question your potential into your space... you'll never reach your goals. Their limiting beliefs they have for themselves are bound to rub off on you. 

    Tap into this episode and embrace your inner psycho, because that furocious belief in your dreams and most importantly YOURSELF will get you to where you want to be! 

    HAPPY NEW YEAR! This year is about to be HUGE for you!

    HAPPY NEW YEAR! This year is about to be HUGE for you!

    Resolutions are usually abandoned after the first couple weeks into the new year. In this episode I teach you how to create fulfilling, and most importantly, sustainable new year resolutions in order to create a life wilder than your wildest dreams. My new year resolution was/is to accomplish two intentional things a day. I used to be incredibly overwhelmed with the amount of projects/work I put on my plate, so much so that I would stress myself into a rut and wouldn’t be able to get anything done at all.


    This year, that all changes. Improving that 1% and moving the needle each and every day makes life worthwhile! You are more capable, more talented and more incredible than you could ever possibly understand. “You miss 100% of the shots you don’t take.” So, take your shots often and shoot with courage! This year, don’t just take advantage of every opportunity given to you - CREATE opportunities for yourself by taking inspired action!




    If you’ve been wanting to start a podcast but don’t know where to begin, create your podcast with LIBSYN! Libsyn is the absolute best podcast distribution site where you can upload your episodes, track your downloads, input shownotes and so much more. Use code “FEARLESS” at checkout and start changing lives!

    Closure is OVERRATED

    Closure is OVERRATED

    You heard me right! Gaining closure from *THAT* person is overrated. Closure in romantic relationships, friendships or situationships comes from within. It doesn't come from any external sources, it comes from YOU!

    In this episode, I share some major tea about my life and the reasoning behind why I've come to this conclusion (so buckle up for a nice little story time)! Closure is a super powerful gift, don't get me wrong, but I genuinely believe you are the ONLY person who can give yourself that gift. Closing the door on someone, especially when you may love this person, is incredibly difficult but necessary when it comes to your growth, your well-being and your own personal development journey!

    Press play and I'll give you four crucial steps you can take in order to free yourself from toxicity, and most importantly, FIND yourself again! You are deserving of everything GREAT in this life and I'm here to remind you of that. 


    Creating Balance with Dr. Joy Ostroff

    Creating Balance with Dr. Joy Ostroff

    You’re going to NEED to press play! Dr. Diana Joy Ostroff has racked up 33 years of expertise in the naturopathic medicine field and has helped thousands of patients build a solid connection between their mind, body and soul. Rather than chasing symptoms, she believes in identifying and treating the underlying condition which may be leading to their disease. Her goal for each of her clients’ health is to create balance, vitality and restore the bodies healing capabilities.


    Throughout the podcast episode we talk about the most common issue she’s seen in her clients, what her biggest “ah-ha” moment has been in her studies, what her favorite way to connect with herself is and SO MUCH MORE IT’S INSANE! The profound thoughts and advice she shares is something that has completely changed my outlook on life and I KNOW it’ll resonate with you too!


    Want to take the first step in discovering and uncovering your fullest and highest self? It’s just one click away!


    You can connect with Dr. Joy through her website: naturalhealinghawaii.com

    Instagram: @drjoyostroff

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/naturalhealinghawaii/

    Email: drjoy@naturalhealinghawaii.com

    Mental Performance with Dr. Scotta Morton

    Mental Performance with Dr. Scotta Morton

    WOOOOOOO!!! Wow, if you folks could see the look on my face the whole time I was talking with Scotta, you would know what a special person she is! Dr. Scotta Morton helps people actualize and fully express their best selves, in and out of the performance environment. Scotta played Division I basketball in Montana where she was first introduced to the world of mental performance and quicky realized her calling.


    In our society today, we are conditioned to believe that our worth is defined by things outside of us – including outcomes/results and approval from others. Her goal is to help people realize that their identity is found in who they BECOME during their pursuit of their best selves rather than external accomplishments and accolades.


    Throughout the episode there are a TON of mindblow moments, but one of the biggest was her philosophy when it comes to mental performance… “Mental performance coaching is not a “fix it” model, it’s a “BUILD IT” model. Scotta is committed to building personal resources and skills within her clients now, so they don’t have to fix it later.


    Dr. Morton founded Go For It Coaching, LLC with the intention to enhance mindset, motivation, focus and resiliency. Her team creates a safe space for clients to identify who they are, what they stand for, the stuff that gets in their way, and ultimately, discover what they long for in their relationship with what they do. So what are you waiting for?? Press play!!


    You can connect with Scotta through her website: goforitmpc.com

    Instagram: @goforitmpc

    Twitter: @Scotta_Lyn

    S&S: Don't be Afraid to Let Go!

    S&S: Don't be Afraid to Let Go!

    We resist change even if it's what's best for us. We love to stay in our comfort zone because change means embracing the unknown - and the unknown is fricken SCARY! Even if our comfort zone is filled with hurt, trauma, toxic relationships and unfulfillment - we'd rather stay there because we're familiar with that terrain. We know what to expect. 

    Change requires faith. Change takes courage. Change requires trusting your intuition and taking aligned action. Creating your dream life requires you to accept the fact that the only constant in life IS change! 

    I love you, I believe in you and I'm excited for this next step of your life!

    If you've been wanting to create a podcast of your own, use my code "FEARLESS" when you register your podcast with Libsyn and embrace the change that'll get you to where you want to be!

    How to Become Besties with your Intuition

    How to Become Besties with your Intuition

    The more our gut feeling is ignored the quietter it'll get - and we don't fricken want that! 

    In this episode, I give you a few ways in which you can start to strengthen your connection with your intuition. Our intuition is not only the key to us becoming our most aligned and fulfilled versions of ourselves, it's also important for our safety!

    The only person who will be around for your entire life, from start to finish, is YOU! If we continue to supress and ignore parts of ourselves, we'll never become fully whole. Thus meaning that no matter how many connections and relationships we form with our fellow human beings, we will always have a deep feeling of lonliness.  

    So take this time now to be present, breathe and listen to what comes from within.

    S&S: Stepping Back to Move Forward

    S&S: Stepping Back to Move Forward

    Another insallment of my "Short and Sweet" episode series! This episode gives a solid explanation as to why you are the embodiment of an arrow tattoo!

    Taking a step back to address and assess your current circumstances allows you to evaluate the life you're living and determine if the activities, career path or relationships you're a part of are in alignment with the most current you!

    Allowing yourself the space to take a breath and become introspective is one of the best ways to make sure you're taking productive steps towards creating your dream reality!

    "Power Dynamics" in Relationships

    "Power Dynamics" in Relationships

    "Who wears the pants in the relationship?" ... EW!

    In my personal opinion, relationships should be PARTNERships. Each partner should have an EQUAL amount of "power" when participating in a loving and bountiful relationship. In this podcast episode, I break down what I believe safe and healthy partnerships should be built upon and how my ideal partnership would operate!

    Slight heads up: I talk a little bit about religion in this episode. But it's not anything bad or too intense. Just my personal beliefs and my thoughts on the influence organized religion has on relationships.

    S&S: Why Millennials Seem to Leave Relationships So Quickly

    S&S: Why Millennials Seem to Leave Relationships So Quickly

    Now officially introducing a series entitled S&S AKA "Short and Sweet" episodes! This one wasn't as short as I wanted it to be, but it's fine! 

    This episode is all about why I think there is such a huge generational difference between Millennials and Generation X when it comes to relationships. I recently saw a tiktok talking about how love is "dead" and the younger generation doesn't understand how to endure the "ups and downs" a relationship brings. 

    I believe our Millennial generation is more intune with their emotions and because of that, they don't put up with the same BS Generation X endured. If something is not serving you, no matter what the situation may be or no matter what generation you're a part of, know that YOU have the strength and the choice to leave! 

    You are allowed to embrace your emotions. You're allowed to embody and uphold healthy boundaries. And above all else, you DESERVE to live a life of alignment with a partner you choose to be with! 

    Love you!

    "It's Lonely at the Top"

    "It's Lonely at the Top"

    I stumbled over my words more than a few times throughout this episode because I was SOOOO passionate about each and every word that left my mouth!

    The expression, "It's lonely at the top" can be viewed in a couple different ways but in this episode I give you Tiyana's take. The top is lonely at first, but when you operate from a place of authenticity, love, acceptance and gratitude, you start to attract the people and opportunities you deserve in this life! 

    You may lose people along the way, but know that as long as you keep a pure heart and continue to evolve into the person you want to become.. that's all that matters! 

    You are capable. You are worthy. You are supported and you are destined for INCREDIBLE things! 

    The Power of Now

    The Power of Now

    Every single decision we make has the potential to radically change our lives! Whether that change is positive or negative is totally up to US! 

    No matter what our current circumstances, there is an opportunity every day, every minute, every SECOND to change things around. We are such powerful beings and we must remember that we are co-creators of the life we've always desired!

    So, what are you waiting for? Trust yourself and understand that you're dream life is just ONE decision away!

    Trust vs. Respect

    Trust vs. Respect

    I think we can all agree that trust and respect are EXTREMELY important when it comes to interacting with the world around us. Both virtues play key roles in building positive relationships but I believe that they should be approached in competely different ways. 

    When it comes to trust, I've embodied the statement, "guilty until proven innocent." This meaning that your deep, core level trust shouldn't be handed out willy nilly - it should be given to those who earn it. I'm not saying that we should be skeptical or suspicious of every single person we meet (because that's toxic and exhausting). But I AM saying that we should value our trust and do our best to ensure that whoever we give it to has our best interest in mind. 

    In regards to respect, I believe it should be given to each person we come into contact with! If we were to all have very surface-level mutual respect for one another, we could essentially ensure that "Karen" incidents never happen again! Trust and respect are the key components in creating a world that we can all be proud of while furthering our progress towards an empathetic society. 


    When It Rains It Pours

    When It Rains It Pours

    I stutter about 50 times in this episode because of how excited I was to talk to you folks! My mouth truly could not keep up with my brain. 

    "When it rains it pours" is a commonly used expression that means that misfortunes or difficult times tend to follow each other and arrive at the same time. When it "pours" in life, the hardships we face can begin to create this incredibly overwhelming compound effect that can make us feel helpless and vulnerable. In this episode, I give you eight ways in which you can put up "umbrellas" that'll help to weather the storm and make tough times feel bearable. 

    When it pours in life, don't wait til you're soaked from head to toe to put up your umbrella. Once it starts to drizzle, start to take preventative steps in order to embrace and assess the storm you're in! Every storm has a lesson and the faster we learn that lesson, the faster the rain stops...


    Deep Diving with Kamalani Dung

    Deep Diving with Kamalani Dung

    It’s happening people! My first guest EVER and it’s with the one and only Kamalani Dung. Kama is a professional softball player, born and raised on the island of 'Oahu in the town of Makaha. Keeping the faith in who you are and what you stand for will ALWAYS yield astounding results and Kama is a true example of that. Kama and I have been soul sisters for the past 16-17 years now and even I learned a few new things about her throughout our conversation!

    Within this episode, you’ll be able to see a side of Kama that can't be found on Google and goes beyond the game of softball. Her story has, and continues to, inspire people around the nation and my hope is that you will find words of wisdom that you can apply to your current life circumstances. So… let’s dive in!

    You can find Kamalani on:

    Instagram: @kama.dung or @kama_training

    Business Instagram: @islandinfluencemedia

    Email: kamalanidung@gmail.com

    Caught in a Never-Ending Loop?

    Caught in a Never-Ending Loop?

    Ever wonder why you feel like you’re stuck in a never-ending cycle of toxic relationships? It’s because you are COMFORTABLE being in toxic relationships. Your comfort zone revolves around toxicity. When you finally meet someone who doesn’t play games, makes you feel wanted, treats you with respect and has a SLIVER of emotional intelligence… it feels like a foreign concept. Making conscience decisions to step outside of our comfort zone in all aspects of our lives will put us that much closer to living a life that’s in true alignment to what we want and who we REALLY want to attract!

    It's Okay to Not Know...

    It's Okay to Not Know...

    It's OKAY to not know what you want to do with your life right now. It's OKAY to not know what you're passionate about. It's OKAY to not know which path you want to take at this current moment. Being in this phase of your life can be scary, but I promise you, the answers you've been looking for can be found when you connect with your inner child! Your inner child holds the key to discovering your passions, rediscovering your love of life and addressing your childhood trauma! So let's meet them, shall we?


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