

    Explore "tolerant" with insightful episodes like "#162 Die nackte Toleranz-Wahrheit", "Can we talk?", "Bei Anruf Frank: Was sind eure prägendsten WG-Erfahrungen?", "No Condemnation" and "Flower Power Garden Hour 157: Water-wise gardening & Irrigation, with Don Smith - Water Management Coordinator for the City of Folsom" from podcasts like ""Hinternhof", "Face Life’s Chaos", "Die Frage", "Grace and Peace Fellowship" and "Flower Power Garden Hour"" and more!

    Episodes (29)

    Bei Anruf Frank: Was sind eure prägendsten WG-Erfahrungen?

    Bei Anruf Frank: Was sind eure prägendsten WG-Erfahrungen?
    Von bis 20:48- 22:58 geht es um das Thema Suizid. Nachts singt jemand lauthals Gebete, man übt zusammen knutschen, teilt sich Handtücher oder aber wurde total getäuscht - das alles kann in WGs passieren. Ihr habt mit euren prägendsten WG-Erfahrungen bei mir im Studio angerufen. Egal, ob witziges Erlebnis, emotionaler, schöner, erschütternder oder sogar schrecklicher Moment - es ist alles dabei. Das ist nämlich eine ganz besondere Folge: Ich sitze wieder im Studio und warte, bis das Telefon klingelt, jemand von euch sich meldet und mir von seiner/ ihrer prägendsten WG-Erfahrung erzählt. Aber ich will nicht nur mit euch lachen, mich wundern oder leiden, sondern auch herausfinden: Wie verändern Wohngemeinschaften unser Leben und was nehmen wir mit aus dieser Zeit? Wenn ihr einen Themenvorschlag für die nächste Call-In Sendung habt oder eure Geschichte bei uns erzählen wollt, dann meldet euch doch gerne per Insta @diefrage_offiziell oder über Whatsapp unter der Nummer 0174/2745065. Zum Podcast "TABULARASA - weg mit Tabus" geht´s hier: https://www.ardaudiothek.de/sendung/tabularasa-weg-mit-tabus/10583287/

    Flower Power Garden Hour 157: Water-wise gardening & Irrigation, with Don Smith - Water Management Coordinator for the City of Folsom

    Flower Power Garden Hour 157:  Water-wise gardening & Irrigation, with Don Smith - Water Management Coordinator for the City of Folsom

    Water-wise gardening is more important than ever in the west, and part of this includes irrigating properly. Don Smith, Water Management Coordinator for the City of Folsom, joins me to discuss everything irrigation. He covers which sprinklers are best if you do have a lawn, how to lay out your drip irrigation for optimal coverage, and are “smart” controllers worth it? Plus, he reviews how to convert a PVC system to a drip system, and how to know how long to run your irrigation.

    More water conservation information can be found at:


    To ask questions for future shows, submit them at:

    Find Marlene over on YouTube, Instagram and Facebook

    How to Surrender to Your Emotions to Start Healing with Jeffrey Kerins on The Healers Café with Manon Bolliger

    How to Surrender to Your Emotions to Start Healing with Jeffrey Kerins on The Healers Café with Manon Bolliger

    In this episode of The Healers Café, Manon Bolliger (Deregistered naturopath with 30+ years of experience in health) speaks with Jeffrey Kerins to help people heal and find their joy again.

    For the transcript and full story go to: https://www.drmanonbolliger.com/Jeffrey-Kerins


    Highlights from today's episode include:

    Jeffrey Kerins

    I accepted what happened in my past, I started to surrender to all the feelings that was built up all the anger, the guilt, the shame, everything, like I really didn't label it, it was just letting the energy out. Then it started my mind wanting to replay. I realized, I never forgave it, and never forgave the people where I felt like I was a victim. I never forgave myself where I acted inappropriately or whatever. And, forgiveness is a very difficult thing for a lot of people, and especially myself, especially self-forgiveness. And people who can't forgive themselves carry around the two most toxic emotions I've ever seen in life, which is guilt and shame.

    Jeffrey Kerins

    The inner is the most important and a lot of people want to challenge me, “Well, I can forgive them, but I can't forget”, like well not forgetting is holding on to the pain because your mind needs that trigger. It needs the emotional charge that you're carrying in the subconscious which is our body in order do that. That's unhealthy.

    Jeffrey Kerins

    Yeah, crying is like the pot boiling over, you know, the pressure cookers now steaming. And then when the tears come, you think you're broken, you think you're losing in the race, I just need 10 minutes, just leave me alone. Don't look at me. I'm crying. You know, that's but when you surrender, and you're like surrendering, ceasing, all resistance to the way you feel for as long as you need to feel it. That's a journey, especially when you're working out trauma.



    Emotional Awareness coach. 

    A.S. L.E.F.T.

    Six words is all it takes to heal and let go of emotional trauma. Four if you’re savvy.

    – Facebook | Website | Instagram |  YouTube




    As a recently De-Registered board-certified naturopathic physician & in practice since 1992, I’ve seen an average of 150 patients per week and have helped people ranging from rural farmers in Nova Scotia to stressed out CEOs in Toronto to tri-athletes here in Vancouver.

    My resolve to educate, empower and engage people to take charge of their own health is evident in my best-selling books:  'What Patients Don’t Say if Doctors Don’t Ask: The Mindful Patient-Doctor Relationship' and 'A Healer in Every Household: Simple Solutions for Stress'.  I also teach BowenFirst™ Therapy through Bowen College and hold transformational workshops to achieve these goals.

    So, when I share with you that LISTENING to Your body is a game changer in the healing process, I am speaking from expertise and direct experience".

    Mission: A Healer in Every Household!

    For more great information to go to her weekly blog:  http://bowencollege.com/blog

    For tips on health & healing go to: https://www.drmanonbolliger.com/tips



    Manon's show is the #1 show for medical practitioners and holistic healers to have heart to heart conversations about their day to day lives.

    Follow on Social – Facebook | Instagram |  LinkedIn  |  YouTube  |  Twitter | Linktr.ee |

    * De-Registered, revoked & retired naturopathic physician after 30 years of practice in healthcare. Now resourceful & resolved to share with you all the tools to take care of your health & vitality!


    11-28-2021 Judges 19-20

    11-28-2021 Judges 19-20

    in Judges chapters 17-18 we see a decline in the nation of Israel as man-made religion grows now in chapters 19-20 we have a nation with no king and turning their backs on God. A town that became so tolerant it would not call out even the most heinous of acts. yet chose to defend those that committed them, leading to a civil war in which the men of Benjamin were defeated.




    Worship Services

    10:00 am : Sunday School – All Ages
    11:00 am : Sunday Service



    15998 Road 22, Dolores, CO 81323
    On the corner of Hwy. 491 and County Road S


    #40 enwoke Special mit Katharina Wohlrab

    #40 enwoke Special mit Katharina Wohlrab
    Das große enwoke Special mit Hostin und Vize-Miss Germany Katharina Wohlrab. „Was bedeutet eigentlich enwoke?“, „warum sind die Themen die enwoke behandelt so wichtig in unserer Gesellschaft?“ und „wie viel Arbeit steckt eigentlich hinter so eigenem großem Projekt?“. Diese und viele weitere Fragen beantwortet heute in der neuen Folge von #MissErfolg enwoke Hostin Katharina. enwoke ist das Format für alle, die sich als offen, interessiert, liberal und akzeptierend definieren - oder es noch werden wollen. Katharina spricht mit ihren 4 Gästinnen über Themen wie Mental Health, LGBTQIA+, Identitäten, Vielfalt und Toleranz. Doch wie genau der gesamte Prozess von enwoke aussah erfahrt ihr jetzt in der neuen Folge von #MissErfolg! Wir hoffen, dir hat diese Folge gefallen? Empfiehl sie weiter und teile sie gerne! #BePartOfTheMovement Wir veröffentlichen unseren Podcast alle 2 Wochen. Wir sprechen bei Miss Erfolg mit interessanten Frauen über ihre Erfolge, aber genauso auch über ihre Misserfolge. Hast du Anregungen oder Fragen? Dann schreib uns deine Ideen und Feedback gerne jederzeit via podcast@missgermany.de

    015 Water Wise Plants

    015 Water Wise Plants

    There is a whole world of plants that look amazing and put on a show of color under low water conditions.  Xeriscaping doesn't mean bland, desert-like color schemes.  Here are some great ideas for bedding plants that put on a show while still conserving water in the yard.

    Saturday LIVE YT Garden Chat 5-22-2021 Flowering Herbs - Uses and Faves

    Saturday LIVE YT Garden Chat 5-22-2021 Flowering Herbs - Uses and Faves

    On this episode, we answered YouTube audience members questions and talked about flowering herbs, their uses, and our favorites. We also discuss some other things, including what's blooming in certain audience members gardens, and our ongoing garden projects, and much more.

    If you want to catch us live at 9am every Saturday morning, you can go to our YouTube main channel page at youtube.com/spokengarden and look for our next scheduled live.

    So, here's our Live from May 22nd and we hope you enjoy it! Be sure to send us any of your garden questions to seanandallison@spokengarden.com


    All rights reserved for Spoken Garden.

    Black-eyed Susan Care: A Mini Plant Profile - DIY Garden Minute Ep.159

    Black-eyed Susan Care: A Mini Plant Profile - DIY Garden Minute Ep.159

    Today, I want to talk to you about caring for your Black-eyed Susan plants. 

    Black-eyed Susans are a wonderful mid-summer to early fall blooming plant with various colors to choose from to brighten up your garden! It's one of the easier plants to care for.

    Listen to hear our quick care tips to help them thrive in your garden this summer.

    Go to SpokenGarden.com/159 to see all the care information, along with tools and supplies to help you care for your Black-eyed Susans.

    Visit our Patreon page

    Watch our Quarantined Gardeners series on YouTube.

    More quick-tip garden topics at spokengarden.com.

    And, of course, subscribe!

    We'll see ya in the Garden!  

    All rights reserved for Spoken Garden. Music by The Lookers.

    EnviroHouse Interview with Janda Volkmer - Ep. 41

    EnviroHouse Interview with Janda Volkmer - Ep. 41

    On today's episode, you are going to learn about drought tolerant plants and how they can be incorporated into your landscape to be more sustainable, and much, much more! Allison and I interviewed Janda from EnviroHouse in late Summer earlier this year where we talked about drought tolerant plants along with examples of different materials, uses, approaches so your overall home footprint on your local environment is very low compared to normal homes.

         See ya in the garden! 

    Lawn Alternatives for your Drought-Tolerant Landscape - DIY GM Ep. 106

    Lawn Alternatives for your Drought-Tolerant Landscape - DIY GM Ep. 106

    On to today's topic, which is lawn alternatives for your drought-tolerant landscape.   

    But first, we have published our first three eBooks and you can find out more about them at spokengarden.com/shop/ . 

    With hotter, drier summers and other seasons becoming more normal, you need to think about alternatives to lawn.

    Listen to hear alternatives to convert your lawn into something more drought-tolerant, sustainable, and easier to maintain!

    Find other one-minute topics at spokengarden.com/podcast  

    Connect with us on Instagram or Pinterest

    And, find us on your favorite podcast platform and Alexa!

    Drought-Tolerant Perennials And How to Select Them For Your Garden! - Ep. 38

    Drought-Tolerant Perennials And How to Select Them For Your Garden! - Ep. 38

    On today's episode, we are going to continue to talk about tolerance plants, what general garden plants are drought tolerant, and how you can start to create your own drought tolerant landscape. I covered what drought-tolerance is in the previous episode, Episode 37. Today's episode is going to open the doors of your mind to a new way to logically and methodically create your own garden by a 4-step system. By the end of this episode, you will literally be able to create your own drought tolerant area or whole garden! It's sooo exciting for me to be able to share this with you because if you follow this 4-step system, you can't go wrong! Seriously! 

         See ya in the garden!

    What are Drought-Tolerant Plants and Their Benefits - Ep. 37

    What are Drought-Tolerant Plants and Their Benefits - Ep. 37

    On today's episode, you are going to learn what drought tolerant plants are, and how to use them for their benefits in your landscape. It's August and it's dry and hot outside. W5hat plants can tolerate drought conditions and still live or even thrive? Keep listening to find out! 


    We are here to help you feel less overwhelmed and make your garden maintenance easy to understand.  

    I'll talk more about and give you a longer list of drought-tolerant plants in podcast episode 38. 

         See ya in the garden!


    2019 Southwest Believers’ Convention: The Dangers of Entanglement With the World (2:00 p.m.)

    2019 Southwest Believers’ Convention: The Dangers of Entanglement With the World (2:00 p.m.)

    Are you unknowingly entangled with the world? Join Keith Moore at the 2019 Southwest Believers’ Convention as he shares the importance of staying away from the wrong places, the wrong people, and the wrong entertainment. Find out why being “inclusive” and “tolerant” is not of God and how to steer clear of the dangers of entanglement with the world.

    Keine Ginger, keine Tattoowierten, keine Nerds!

    Keine Ginger, keine Tattoowierten, keine Nerds!
    Alle fordern Toleranz, doch nirgends ist die Intoleranz so hoch wie in unserer Szene. Diese Mal wird es wirklich hitzig zwischen den Jungs. Es geht um das Thema Toleranz in der Szene. Wer kennt es nicht, man öffnet Grindr, schaut die Profile durch und schon steht dort: Keine Fetten, keine Opas, keine Asiaten, keine Schwarzen! Was der Unterschied zwischen Toleranz und Akzeptanz ist und wie viel die Jungs noch an sich selber arbeiten müssen, das könnt ihr in dieser Folge hören - und spüren.

    Drought Tolerant Perennials That Bloom All Summer! - DIY GM Ep. 97

    Drought Tolerant Perennials That Bloom All Summer! - DIY GM Ep. 97

    This is the DIY Garden Minute by Spoken Garden! Teaching you tips and tricks for your Garden in one minute! 

    Today's topic is drought tolerant perennials that bloom all summer!  

    Most gardeners are always looking and keeping their ears open for plants that can take less water or have a tolerance for drought. But what perennial plants flowering during the summer fit this bill? 

    Well, we have two plants for you that are definitely drought tolerant and are vibrant, profuse summer bloomers! 

    They are ... listen to hear about these great plants!

         See ya in the garden!


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