

    Explore "tomboy" with insightful episodes like "S6EP13 ☆兩週年回顧特輯〖下〗Feat.澎大海 // 做節目是為了向泰勒絲致敬?中年危機、容貌焦慮、太陽幾宮、開運玄學天赦日、大S汪小菲張蘭的愛恨情仇", "S6EP12 ☆兩週年回顧特輯〖中〗Feat.澎大海 // 動漫與韓樂的交流來Queencard一下、喝手搖肚子痛到錄不下去、抱怨系列、戲劇討論(人選之人、魷魚遊戲、黑暗榮耀)、星座爆料", "S6EP08 ♫給KPOP麻瓜的音樂筆記〖下〗 // “阿嬤昆卡”Queencard熱潮即將席捲全球!EXID(Up&Down)、NewJeans(Hype Boy、Attention、Ditto)、(G)I-DLE(LATATA、TOMBOY、Nxde)", "TOMBOY - o que significa esta palavra? #reviewaicm" and "UNITEDcast #613 - Nossa TOMBOY FAVORITA (Tomo-cha wa onnanoko)" from podcasts like ""有病嗎", "有病嗎", "有病嗎", "Aprenda Inglês com música" and "UNITEDcast"" and more!

    Episodes (100)

    S6EP13 ☆兩週年回顧特輯〖下〗Feat.澎大海 // 做節目是為了向泰勒絲致敬?中年危機、容貌焦慮、太陽幾宮、開運玄學天赦日、大S汪小菲張蘭的愛恨情仇

    S6EP13 ☆兩週年回顧特輯〖下〗Feat.澎大海 // 做節目是為了向泰勒絲致敬?中年危機、容貌焦慮、太陽幾宮、開運玄學天赦日、大S汪小菲張蘭的愛恨情仇
    超級充實的兩週年回顧終於結束啦! 歡迎舊雨新知一起來溫故知新一下XD 也希望大家留言給我們,徵集主題中!希望我們聊什麼呢? ☆五味子做節目的初衷竟然是為了抱怨前任? ☆中年危機的第一名症頭是? ☆想要錄成音樂節目,卻總是唱不出來? ☆路路通這麼在意別人到底是因為長相還是太陽五宮? ☆五味子是黑玫瑰?其實是玄學大師? ☆節目幾季到底怎麼決定? ☆澎大海即將成為長駐來賓?沒有主題就找她啦! ☆天赦日很重要好不好! ☆路路通學張蘭真的超好笑,一定要去聽2022大事回顧那一集! 🎶 有病嗎'Podcast_FunnyTown' 第六季・更好聽 聲浪界的落山風 X 收假夜的心瑜伽 時事休閒一把罩 X 娛樂笑料雙向道 ☑ 一鍵光臨有病嗎多重宇宙:https://funnytown.soci.vip/

    S6EP12 ☆兩週年回顧特輯〖中〗Feat.澎大海 // 動漫與韓樂的交流來Queencard一下、喝手搖肚子痛到錄不下去、抱怨系列、戲劇討論(人選之人、魷魚遊戲、黑暗榮耀)、星座爆料

    S6EP12 ☆兩週年回顧特輯〖中〗Feat.澎大海 // 動漫與韓樂的交流來Queencard一下、喝手搖肚子痛到錄不下去、抱怨系列、戲劇討論(人選之人、魷魚遊戲、黑暗榮耀)、星座爆料
    兩週年的回顧竟然可以這麼好笑?? 而且還錄到欲罷不能,原地錄成三集?? 資深老粉和路人粉和新粉各種粉,都一起跟我們來回顧吧! ☆兩位主持人最珍愛的一集是?五味子竟然最愛動漫? ☆節目紅到海外,還被喬妹注意? ☆來聽韓樂麻瓜路路通開口唱Queencard ☆五味子錄音時常恍神,都問一些沒有建設性的問題來填充? ☆錄音前喝到某手搖的促進腸胃蠕動系飲料,導致度痛到無法錄音? ☆抱怨系列有沒有真的讓周邊的朋友來抱怨? ☆討論戲劇系列都是趕著流量末班車? ☆五味子大學時期竟然唱歌跳舞都是相當亮眼的明日之星? ☆星座爆料那一集為什麼獨漏兩個星座沒聊? 🎶 有病嗎'Podcast_FunnyTown' 第六季・更好聽 聲浪界的落山風 X 收假夜的心瑜伽 時事休閒一把罩 X 娛樂笑料雙向道 ☑ 一鍵光臨有病嗎多重宇宙:https://funnytown.soci.vip/

    S6EP08 ♫給KPOP麻瓜的音樂筆記〖下〗 // “阿嬤昆卡”Queencard熱潮即將席捲全球!EXID(Up&Down)、NewJeans(Hype Boy、Attention、Ditto)、(G)I-DLE(LATATA、TOMBOY、Nxde)

    S6EP08 ♫給KPOP麻瓜的音樂筆記〖下〗 // “阿嬤昆卡”Queencard熱潮即將席捲全球!EXID(Up&Down)、NewJeans(Hype Boy、Attention、Ditto)、(G)I-DLE(LATATA、TOMBOY、Nxde)
    上集聽完有沒有一起入坑韓樂了呢大家? 這集要介紹更多五味子私藏的好團好歌喔! ♫ EXID(Up&Down) ♫ NewJeans(Hype Boy、Attention、Ditto) ♫ (G)I-DLE(LATATA、TOMBOY、Nxde) 🎶 有病嗎'Podcast_FunnyTown' 第六季・更好聽 聲浪界的落山風 X 收假夜的心瑜伽 時事休閒一把罩 X 娛樂笑料雙向道 ☑ 一鍵光臨有病嗎多重宇宙:https://funnytown.soci.vip/

    UNITEDcast #613 - Nossa TOMBOY FAVORITA (Tomo-cha wa onnanoko)

    UNITEDcast #613 - Nossa TOMBOY FAVORITA (Tomo-cha wa onnanoko)
    Olá pessoas do UNITEDcast, no episódio dessa semana nossos podcasters comentaram sobre a tomboy mais fofa e romantica de todas! Vem curtir ela com a gente!
    Participantes: Ana, Rafa, Kurt, Eric, Wagner.
    Edição: Ana Paula
    Recrutamento da United: Aqui!



    – Mande seu Email:

    Email: podcast@animeunited.com.br

    – Apoie o UNITEDcast:

    Manda um PIX!!: podcast@animeunited.com.br
    Seja um FODEROSO do nosso Apoia-se: https://apoia.se/unitedcast
    Assista ao vivo no nosso Canal do Youtube!
    Compre na AMAZON pelo Nosso Link: https://amzn.to/2WjH5kM

    – Assine o UNITEDcast:

    Spotify: Segue a gente por lá!
    iTunes: Adiciona a gente lá!
    Google Podcasts: Assine Agora!

    – Links do Episódio:

    Twitch do DS: https://twitch.tv/dsunited
    Canal da Ana: https://www.youtube.com/c/CulturaAnime
    Grupo do Kurt https://www.facebook.com/groups/actionsecomics2

    – Nos Siga:

    Twitter do DS: https://twitter.com/odaltonsilveira
    Instagram do DS: https://www.instagram.com/odaltonsilveira/
    Fabebook da United: https://www.facebook.com/animeunitedoficial
    Twitter da United: https://twitter.com/animeunitedBR
    Instagram da United: https://www.instagram.com/animeunitedbr/

    Thomas Meinecke als Mystikerin

    Thomas Meinecke als Mystikerin
    Der 1955 in Hamburg geborene Musiker und DJ wurde in der zweiten Hälfte der 1980er-Jahre auch als Schriftsteller bekannt. Neben seiner Band FSK, die er seit 40 Jahren mit seiner Ehefrau Michaela Melián und anderen Freunden hat, wurde er mit seinem Buch Tomboy (Suhrkmap) berühmt. In dem 1998 bei Suhrkamp erschienenen Buch hat er seine frühe Judith Butler Lektüre verschriftlicht. Kein Wunder, dass einer seiner Lieblingstexte „Gender Trouble“ von der Philosophin Judith Butler ist. Es ist 1991 auf deutsch unter dem Titel „Das Unbehagen der Geschlechter“ bei Suhrkamp erschienen. Und Mascha Jacobs hat ein paar Jahre später ihre Magisterarbeit über das gleiche Buch geschrieben. Das zweite von Thomas Meinecke mitgebracht Buch ist „Forschungsbericht“ von Hubert Fichte (Fischer 1989), ein Band von Fichtes „Geschichte der Empfindlichkeit“. Seine Interessen und Themen seiner Texte sind sehr breit gestreut: von der Mystik, zu Mae West, über Camp zu Anaïs Nin zu Drag Queens und Lookalikes. Genug Gesprächsstoff also für die beiden Ex-Kolleg*innen beim Zündfunk des Bayerischen Rundfunk. Sie sprechen über experimentelles Schreiben, öffentliches Sprechen, Wiederholungen, den magischen Charakter der Sprache, Bündnisse, nicht-männliches Schreiben, fanatisches Lesen, unsere Popsozialisationen, Hingabe, die Lust und Qualen des Nichtverstehens, Theorietraining mit Jean-Luc Nancy und seine Schule der Zärtlichkeit, Mediävistik. Über nicht geschlossene, nicht-männliche postmoderne Autorensubjekte und Schreibweisen in der Vormoderne, Dominoeffekt und Kettenreaktionen, campe und marginalisierte Leseweisen. Das Lesen zwischen den Zeilen, Pastiche, Parodie, Mitschriften, Palimpseste, Pop, Begehren, Vogueing, Realness, Fag Stags, Nicht-Authentisches, unakademische, hochelaborierte Szenarien und Exotismus. Es geht in einem wilden Ritt um Überschreibungen, ethnopoetologische Mitschriften, das Abtasten der Wirklichkeit und des Nicht-Authentischen und Drag Queens „als ambulante Archive von Fraulichkeit“.

    #56【週末聽歌】我生來赤裸,低俗的是你!(G)-IDLE《Nxde》歌詞有看沒懂?先聽聽田小娟的創作理念吧!(ft. GIGI)

    #56【週末聽歌】我生來赤裸,低俗的是你!(G)-IDLE《Nxde》歌詞有看沒懂?先聽聽田小娟的創作理念吧!(ft. GIGI)
    【節目大綱】 0:39~ 開錄前的遲到插曲 7:05~ 團體介紹?你是怎麼知道他們的? 11:32~ 歌詞看不懂是我韓文退步還是中文退步?原來歌曲想要表達的是這個意思? 15:23~ 歌名取名原來有這一層的用意? 22:01~ 公平是什麼?你認為社會上的不平等是什麼? 30:10~ 結語 - 🔗【(G)-IDLE - Nxde YouTube 官方音源】https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fCO7f0SmrDc - 雖然不常用但還是會努力更新的IG帳號是@jenmoriii。

    finger bang stretch

    finger bang stretch

    yacht rock

    being at peace with your life choices/making amends for the rest of it

    sometimes you just have to make out with your mic a little

    Thanks for spending time with us this humid Monday (in San Diego). We appreciate your time and if you have anything you'd like to tell us, hit us up on social @queer_maintenance on IG and TikTok. If you want to bring it back old school and send us an email, Jess will gladly respond! (queermaintenance@gmail.com)


    Jess (@jess_culpepper) & AJ (@askajanything)

    finger bang stretch

    finger bang stretch

    yacht rock

    being at peace with your life choices/making amends for the rest of it

    sometimes you just have to make out with your mic a little

    Thanks for spending time with us this humid Monday (in San Diego). We appreciate your time and if you have anything you'd like to tell us, hit us up on social @queer_maintenance on IG and TikTok. If you want to bring it back old school and send us an email, Jess will gladly respond! (queermaintenance@gmail.com)


    Jess (@jess_culpepper) & AJ (@askajanything)

    just let it all out

    just let it all out

    the joys of being a woman when everyone thinks you're a man

    queer parenting and donors and half-siblings, oh my!

    when to move in with your partner

    Appreciate you spending some QT with us this week; again we had so much to talk about and we hope that you were able to follow along at home. If you enjoyed this one, click on 5-stars and maybe drop a comment if you have 30 seconds. If you hated it, try another!

    Send in questions and we'll read and answer them on the cast at some point. Email us at queermaintenance@gmail.com or shoot us a DM on IG/TikTok @queer_maintenance. 


    Jess (@jess_culpepper) & AJ (@askajanything)

    just let it all out

    just let it all out

    the joys of being a woman when everyone thinks you're a man

    queer parenting and donors and half-siblings, oh my!

    when to move in with your partner

    Appreciate you spending some QT with us this week; again we had so much to talk about and we hope that you were able to follow along at home. If you enjoyed this one, click on 5-stars and maybe drop a comment if you have 30 seconds. If you hated it, try another!

    Send in questions and we'll read and answer them on the cast at some point. Email us at queermaintenance@gmail.com or shoot us a DM on IG/TikTok @queer_maintenance. 


    Jess (@jess_culpepper) & AJ (@askajanything)

    it's not mine, it's yours

    it's not mine, it's yours

    showing up for your person even if it's not your bag, baby

    how your love language is only half the equation

    the prodigal son (praa-duh-gl)

    You're amazing for spending some time listening to this episode. If you feel so inclined, help us get to more ear-holes by giving us 5 stars and maybe leaving a sweet sweet comment. 

    Find us on social @queer_maintenance on IG and TikTok. 


    Jess (@jess_culpepper) & AJ (@askajanything)

    it's not mine, it's yours

    it's not mine, it's yours

    showing up for your person even if it's not your bag, baby

    how your love language is only half the equation

    the prodigal son (praa-duh-gl)

    You're amazing for spending some time listening to this episode. If you feel so inclined, help us get to more ear-holes by giving us 5 stars and maybe leaving a sweet sweet comment. 

    Find us on social @queer_maintenance on IG and TikTok. 


    Jess (@jess_culpepper) & AJ (@askajanything)

    interrupting calf

    interrupting calf

    sneaky sneaky codependency

    your partner should be a place for you to land softly

    tell your SO if you really don't like doing something they enjoy... don't get stuck doing it for years until one day you finally pop! If you hate baseball, tell them :)

    Thanks so much for listening to this episode. If you liked it, consider giving us 5 stars and dropping a quick comment. If you didn't get anything out of it, try another if you're feeling fancy. 

    Hit us up on social @queer_maintenance on IG and TikTok!


    Jess (@jess_culpepper) & AJ (@askajanything)

    interrupting calf

    interrupting calf

    sneaky sneaky codependency

    your partner should be a place for you to land softly

    tell your SO if you really don't like doing something they enjoy... don't get stuck doing it for years until one day you finally pop! If you hate baseball, tell them :)

    Thanks so much for listening to this episode. If you liked it, consider giving us 5 stars and dropping a quick comment. If you didn't get anything out of it, try another if you're feeling fancy. 

    Hit us up on social @queer_maintenance on IG and TikTok!


    Jess (@jess_culpepper) & AJ (@askajanything)

    brain fog

    brain fog

    I tried as hard as I could to make some sense in this episode but my sick brain was having trouble, so apologies. This is real life so I hope you still enjoy. I'm already feeling better as I upload this so next week should be right as rain. 

    Thanks to my super rad co-host, AJ, for helping to bear the load on this one. 

    If you didn't like this episode because I was sick, find another one and try again :) 

    Find us on social @queer_maintenance on IG and TikTok


    Jess (@jess_culpepper) & AJ (@askajanything)


    brain fog

    brain fog

    I tried as hard as I could to make some sense in this episode but my sick brain was having trouble, so apologies. This is real life so I hope you still enjoy. I'm already feeling better as I upload this so next week should be right as rain. 

    Thanks to my super rad co-host, AJ, for helping to bear the load on this one. 

    If you didn't like this episode because I was sick, find another one and try again :) 

    Find us on social @queer_maintenance on IG and TikTok


    Jess (@jess_culpepper) & AJ (@askajanything)



    咩編第一次出場好緊張(o´艸`) 大家還有聽過什麼超荒謬的分辨方法嗎? 歡迎私訊ig分享呦~ - IG → https://www.instagram.com/heroine_instagram/ 官網→https://www.heroinetw.com/ 總部→ 台中市北屯區文心路四段934號6樓之2 時間→ 9:00-17:00(全年無休) 客服→ 0908-681-233 Line@→@ime3296c (要加@唷) English Service→ @heroine_binder -

    女同志dirty talk大揭密!!

    女同志dirty talk大揭密!!
    女同志都會說甚麼dirty talk呢? 讓yoyo跟獅編帶你了解女同志的床上情話吧! - IG→https://www.instagram.com/heroine_instagram/ - 官網→https://www.heroinetw.com/ 總部→ 台中市北屯區文心路四段934號6樓之2 時間→ 9:00-17:00(全年無休) 客服→ 0908-681-233 Line@→@ime3296c (要加@唷) English Service→ @heroine_binder -