

    Explore " trotsky" with insightful episodes like "The Russian Civil War - A People's Perspective", "Ep 265 Marxism Revisited, Beacon or Burden", "L'HISTOIRE DE LA RUSSIE DANS LA GOUVERNANCE MONDIALE AVEC PIERRE HILLARD", "The Moscow Show Trials" and "Episode 369 - The Casey Commentary (Steps to Overturn a Republic)" from podcasts like ""Russian Rulers History Podcast", "RevolutionZ", "GÉOPOLITIQUE PROFONDE (www.geopolitique-profonde.com)", "Russian Rulers History Podcast" and "The Sean Casey Show"" and more!

    Episodes (26)



    Pierre Hillard vient de publier son dernier ouvrage intitulé :
    "Les permanences de la géopolitique et de la mystique russes des Romanov à Vladimir Poutine " .

    Un livre surprenant qui étudie, selon notre invité, les grandes étapes politiques et spirituelles de la Russie avec leurs conséquences géopolitiques.

    Souvent présentée comme un contre-modèle, la Russie, selon Pierre Hillard, ne déroge pourtant pas à la règle quant à la volonté de finalisation d’un modèle de gouvernance mondiale.

    Présentation de l’ouvrage :

    « Cet ouvrage aurait pu aussi s’intituler L’Histoire de la Russie dans la gouvernance mondiale.

    En effet, l’objectif de ce livre est de présenter les caractéristiques propres à la Russie ainsi que les contrastes flagrants animant les élites dirigeantes de ce pays cherchant à synthétiser tout et son contraire. Les informations apportées dans cet ouvrage surprendront plus d’une fois le lecteur.
    Il découvrira qu’une mystique accompagne également l’histoire de la Russie (même durant sa période communiste) semblable à une mission à remplir, une vision universelle de l’humanité.
    Ainsi, nous rappelons ici les grandes étapes politiques et spirituelles de la Russie avec leurs conséquences géopolitiques, de l’émergence de la Moscovie en passant par les Romanov, traversant la période soviétique, pour ensuite examiner et explorer les coulisses propres à la politique du Kremlin de Boris Eltsine à Vladimir Poutine.

    Mettant à jour un messianisme d’un genre particulier associant l’Église orthodoxe et le pouvoir politique russe se manifestant au cours des siècles, nous démontrons également pourquoi cette vision universaliste, défendant apparemment des valeurs traditionnelles, attrayantes et maléfiquement séductrices, est littéralement la marque de fabrique de la Russie poutinienne.
    Ce messianisme propre à la Russie entre – inévitablement – en concurrence avec le messianisme anglo-saxon mais il est saisissant de constater que ces deux mondes, apparemment opposés, élaborent pourtant des concepts communs, dignes de 1984 de George Orwell.

    Des rivalités monétaires, énergétiques, politiques et géopolitiques déchirent ces milieux oligarchiques quant au type d’organisation à mettre en place pour finaliser la gouvernance mondiale sur fond de combat entre différents types de messianismes, tous nourris par la magie du chaos.
    Et la Russie, souvent présentée comme un contre-modèle, ne déroge pourtant pas à la règle. La preuve donc, par son histoire et ses permanences… »


    The Soviet Ordeal Ep. 4 Stalin and the New Religion of Socialism

    The Soviet Ordeal Ep. 4 Stalin and the New Religion of Socialism

    They say nature abhors a vacuum. By the late 1920's everything remotely traditional in Russian culture had been all but atomized. Churches had been dynamited, clergy were either dead, imprisoned or so marginalized that they were no longer relevant. A whole way of life had abruptly ended. But what now? The Soviets were not afraid to tell you how to act in public or even what to think in private. Under the draconian Article 58 of the legal code even your private feelings could make you a criminal. But was this justified? Was it moral? Of course it was. It was "science." Lenin had taken the writings of Marx and Engels and turned them into an all encompassing regimen for how society was to function all the way down to the thoughts of the smallest child. It was called "scientific socialism" and to even doubt this doctrine as infallible truth could make one into a dangerous heretic worthy of denunciation, arrest, imprisonment or death. But attempts to impliment socialism during Revolution and Civil War had proven to be noting short of a national self immolation for the Russian people. By 1920 the regime was teetering on the abyss. Cannibalism was widespread. Reluctantly, Lenin decided to allow elements of capitalism to exist in order to save the state from complete implosion.... and it worked. The Soviet Union was saved and everyone lived happily ever after..... Lol... not quite. Lenin's successor, Joseph Stalin would impliment a plan to end this deal with the devil of capitalism an impose socialism by force from above. Millions of peasants would die but the worker's paradise would be just around the  corner. Was it the right thing to do? Of course it was. It was "science." You believe in "science" don't you?    

    Understanding the Moscow Trials- Part 2(1920-1925)

    Understanding the Moscow Trials- Part 2(1920-1925)

    To fully understand the Moscow Trials of the 1930's, we have to take our study back further. On part 2 of this series we look at the Bolshevik party's history from 1920-1925. 

    You can also view this show on YouTube. 


    -"History of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union(B)" 

    -"Trotsky: Sword of the Revolution 1919-1923" -Tony Cliff https://www.marxists.org/archive/cliff/works/1990/trotsky2/11-warcomm.html#p5 

    -"The Workers Opposition" -Alexandra Kollontai https://www.marxists.org/archive/kollonta/1921/workers-opposition/index.htm 

    -"The Trade Unions, the Present Situation and Trotsky's Mistakes" -Lenin https://www.marxists.org/archive/lenin/works/1920/dec/30.htm 

    -"10th Party Congress" https://www.marxists.org/archive/lenin/works/1921/10thcong/index.htm

     -"To Purge the Party" -Lenin https://www.marxists.org/archive/lenin/works/1921/sep/20.htm 

    -"Thirteenth Conference of the RCP(B)" -Stalin https://www.marxists.org/reference/archive/stalin/works/1924/01/16.htm 

    Will America Be a Communist Country? | Dasha Pruett, Who Grew Up In Moscow, Russia In the 70s, Has Some Insights

    Will America Be a Communist Country? | Dasha Pruett, Who Grew Up In Moscow, Russia In the 70s, Has Some Insights

    Is America on the road to becoming a communist country? 

    If so, what can American patriots - who believe in a constitutional republic, freedom, and liberty - do to stop it? 

    Dasha Pruett recently ran for Congress in Pennsylvania's 5th congressional district.

    She was born in Moscow, Russia, in 1970 and came to the United States with her family in 1980.

    Dasha shares her experience growing up in communism and draws stunning parallels to what is happening now in America.

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    Episode 13 - Better Than Sex

    Episode 13 - Better Than Sex

    We're joining TikTok, drinking Coca Cola, impersonating Hunter S. Thompson, re-watching Gladiator, newly-watching Trotsky, and rapping about some heavy stuff! We're even talking about "The Pornogrification of History." It's Better Than Sex! Dane also shares some fascinating facts from the lectures he's been listening to on The History of Ancient Rome in the ridiculously info-taining way that only he can.

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    The Russian Revolution #8 - In One Country

    The Russian Revolution #8 - In One Country

    Peasant uprisings break out throughout revolutionary Russia, forcing the Communist Party to acknowledge their excesses during civil war. The Kronstadt revolt forces communists to weigh the legitimate grievances of the sailors against the real threat of SR-White Russian resurgence. Emergency measures are taken to ensure the survival of the regime, deepening the bureaucratization of an already centralized state. As the war approaches its final phase and Lenin attempts to decentralize political power, Russian chauvinists prepare to seize the revolutionary movement.

    The Movements is a leftist history and politics podcast. Transcripts may be requested for accessibility reasons by e-mailing movementspod@gmail.com. Find us on facebook and twitter @movementspod and support the show by donating at patreon.com/movementspod

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    The Russian Revolution #5 - Red October

    The Russian Revolution #5 - Red October

    Dual power is falling apart. After the uprising of the July Days and the disastrous Kerensky offensive, the Provisional Government looks to the military for help against the Soviet. The new Prime Minister Kerensky appoints a right-wing general as Commander-in-Chief and enters negotiations for an alliance against the left. Talks break down, and the masses are armed in response to a right-wing threat. Kerensky’s popularity plummets and the Bolsheviks begin to win majorities in Soviets and labor organizations throughout the Empire.  The masses punish the moderate parties for their collaboration with the bourgeoisie and the shouts for “All Power to the Soviets” grows louder and louder. As the Provisional Government appears poised for collapse, Lenin returns and urges an immediate insurrection.

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    The Russian Revolution #2 - Reform, Or...

    The Russian Revolution #2 - Reform, Or...
    The first Russian Revolution has failed. The Tsar dissolves the Duma at will and refuses to make concessions to the liberal parties of the Duma. The socialists are driven underground, imprisoned or exiled in large numbers. As the Social Democratic Parties of Europe grow in power and influence. Mensheviks and Bolsheviks look to their comrades for support and example, particularly the Social Democratic Party of Germany. Meanwhile, the prospect of world war looms in the background, threatening to destroy the world as they knew it. Features a special message from Lynn Perkins of The History of the Ottoman Empire podcast. Transcripts may be requested for accessibility reasons by e-mailing movementspod@gmail.com. Find us on facebook and twitter @movementspod and support the show by donating at https://www.patreon.com/movementspodSupport the show

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    The Russian Revolution #1 - The Spark

    The Russian Revolution #1 - The Spark
    The Russian Empire is a century behind the rest of Europe. Serfdom is abolished, but the free peasantry is forced to pay exorbitant prices to their former lords for inferior land. New classes of the industrial working class and middle class liberals pose a threat to the absolute monarchy of the Tsar. Jews and other ethnicities are suffering and organizing under the "Prison of Nations". Decades of political tensions and crises lead to first Russian Revolution of 1905, kicking off the most important revolutionary processes of the 20th century.Support the show

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