

    Explore "tuktuk" with insightful episodes like "Restoring the James Bond Vehicles with the Ian Fleming Foundation", "EP92(後記)【柬埔寨後記╳╳18禁╳╳】東南亞的按摩業有什麼「特殊服務」?小林老師現身說法!!|柬埔寨最好吃的餐廳為何??讓小林老師連續三天報到!!", "EP92(完)【康軒社會xLife~生活誌】西哈努克港早期有哪些「爆富神話」?如何成為「炒房天堂」?|西哈努克港的幻滅如何讓詐騙業者重操舊業?", "EP92(三)【康軒社會xLife~生活誌】書裡寫的都是真的!!柬埔寨多見原始的高腳屋、一條溝廁所??|玩吳哥窟最好的方式為何?腳踏車、嘟嘟車、Uber、熱氣球??|柬埔寨一帶一路示範區—西哈努特港" and "EP92(二)【康軒社會xLife~生活誌】柬埔寨也有集中營??紅色高棉時期的血淚|柬埔寨必買!?小林老師因此被帶入海關小房間??" from podcasts like ""Cracking the Code of Spy Movies!", "Life~生活誌", "Life~生活誌", "Life~生活誌" and "Life~生活誌"" and more!

    Episodes (11)

    Restoring the James Bond Vehicles with the Ian Fleming Foundation

    Restoring the James Bond Vehicles with the Ian Fleming Foundation

    What would it be like to help work on and restore the actual James Bond vehicles used in the movies long before they go the public exhibits and shows, like Bond in Motion?   Well, we were invited to a work weekend to do exactly that!


    Dan and Tom recently were privileged to attend the Ian Fleming Foundation work weekend. This is one of the times that the Foundation spends working on its inventory, restoring the vehicles, and having a great time telling James Bond stories. It was a blast!

    We’ll take you backstage and let you hear about how they get these vehicles and what they have to do to restore them so we can all see them in exhibits like Bond in Motion.


    One of the vehicles we discuss is Goldfinger’s plane.  This is a huge and fascinating restoration job.
    Steve Targosz discusses this massive project. Another one was one of the Kenworth trucks from LICENCE TO KILL.  Colin Clark walks us through this one. These are two that they are still restoring so you wouldn’t have seen them in a museum yet.

    But, we also saw some vehicles that have been restored that we saw.  Leonard Johnson discusses getting
    and restoring the fire engine from A VIEW TO A KILL. Colin Clark walks us through getting the plane Sanchez escapes in from LICENCE TO KILL and what shape it is in.

    Plus, we talk about, Zao’s green Jaguar from DIE ANOTHER DAY, the helicopter from FROM RUSSIA WITH
    and lots more!

    We’ve included audio clips in this episode from the people who make this happen.


    We will be releasing a video version of this episode on our YouTube Channel, Cracking the Code of Spy
    on June 30, 2023, so you see the videos and vehicles.

    You can check out all of our podcast episodes on your favorite podcast app or on our
    . Our channel name is CRACKING THE CODE OF SPY MOVIES.

    Ideas/Comments? Info@spymovienavigator.com

    Website Episode Page: https://bit.ly/Restoring-James-Bond-Vehicles



    參考書目:喬‧布林克里, 傑‧馬瑟(2014),《柬埔寨:被詛咒的國度》,譯者:楊芩雯,聯經出版社。 這集我們會談到: 1.東南亞色情產業的進行模式為何?小林老師現身說法! 2.柬埔寨路邊攤販超美味!各地的夜市超級熱鬧!! 3.東南亞當地特有的炸昆蟲:炸蜈蚣的味道如何?? 4.小林老師推薦:柬埔寨最好吃的餐廳為何?? 5.東南亞速食餐廳特有:各式醬料專區!! 6.小林老師提醒:東南亞旅行需要注意哪些事情? 7.小林老師坐夜班車從柬埔寨到泰國花了多長時間? 8.為何柬埔寨政府不願意承認詐騙猖獗的事情?? 9.洪森政權上台後有哪些正、反相關評價? 【背景介紹】 柬埔寨目前是世界上最低度開發國家之一,該國經濟的四大支柱為旅遊業、加工業(製衣業)、建築業和農業。作為一個新興發展國家,柬埔寨的經濟發展相對比較緩慢,近年來,隨著柬埔寨大力推動旅遊業,已取得有效的成績,在旅遊景點的部分,柬埔寨北部的暹粒市近郊有舉世聞名的世界遺產吳哥窟。在中部的金邊有大量的佛教寺廟,西部有東南亞最大的淡水湖洞里薩湖可搭船遊覽湖面上的水上人家,南部的西哈努克市可享受陽光與海灘……。 請贊助我一杯咖啡,感謝您的贊助,讓我們能走得更遠、更久💕 →https://pay.soundon.fm/podcasts/f7e7e438-ba35-4962-85bb-8747fdea113b 【主持人】Joe、Anna、Fana ※追蹤、訂閱《Life~生活誌》 IG:lifejournal_podcast 業務合作:redstong@msn.com 各大平台節目連結:https://linktr.ee/life_podcast


    ※※本集節目感謝康軒文教事業贊助播出※※ 參考書目:喬‧布林克里, 傑‧馬瑟(2014),《柬埔寨:被詛咒的國度》,譯者:楊芩雯,聯經出版社。 這集我們會談到: 1.近期臺灣人常遇到的柬埔寨詐騙案為何種型態? 2.大家對柬埔寨「網路」的想像為何?實際現況如何? 3.柬埔寨詐騙猖獗與西港的神話破滅有何關聯? 4.西港初期有何「爆富神話」?如何成為「炒房天堂」? 5.西港的炒房話術有哪些?與實際狀況有何不符? 6.2019年為西港網路博弈的終結,造成何種結果? 7.為何東南亞各地充斥著未完工的工程及「爛尾樓」? 8.網路博弈產業相關探討:從事相關產業的道德問題 9.賭博為何使人沉迷?原因為哪三個字?? 10.東南亞按摩超便宜!!與臺灣價差有多大?? 【背景介紹】 西哈努克港,以已故柬埔寨老國王的名字命名的西哈努克港是柬埔寨西南部西哈努克省的一個港口城市,也是這個國家唯一的深水港。這裡曾經因為擁有漂亮的原始沙灘、廉價美食以及令人放鬆的環境而深受西方遊客的青睞,目前西哈努克有大量的中國飯店及旅館,也是中國人最為密集的地方之一…….。 請贊助我一杯咖啡,感謝您的贊助,讓我們能走得更遠、更久💕 →https://pay.soundon.fm/podcasts/f7e7e438-ba35-4962-85bb-8747fdea113b 【主持人】Joe、Anna、Fana ※追蹤、訂閱《Life~生活誌》 IG:lifejournal_podcast 業務合作:redstong@msn.com 各大平台節目連結:https://linktr.ee/life_podcast


    ※※本集節目感謝康軒文教事業贊助播出※※ 參考書目:喬‧布林克里, 傑‧馬瑟(2014),《柬埔寨:被詛咒的國度》,譯者:楊芩雯,聯經出版社。 這集我們會談到: 1.柬埔寨高腳屋現今仍維持著何種原始生活?? 2.柬埔寨至今的廁所設備為何種樣貌?有何影響? 3.《柬埔寨:被詛咒的國度》書中描述至今柬國仍有哪些傳染病? 4.小林老師剛到東南亞就被計程車司機「明搶」?? 5.東南亞自助之旅超便宜,最貴的花費為何? 6.吳哥窟的推薦玩法?腳踏車?嘟嘟車?Uber? 7.最新玩法:搭熱氣球從高空俯瞰吳哥王朝!! 8.各大旅遊景點為何都有在內部遊走的熱心人士? 9.柬埔寨的一帶一路示範區:西哈努克港有哪些優惠措施? 10.洪森政府為了促進經濟,在西港開放何種產業? 【背景介紹】 《柬埔寨:被詛咒的國度》,作者為紐約時報資深記者,其訪談多方決策要角、爬梳大量新聞報導和調查報告資料,運用豐富且深入的報導,勾勒出柬埔寨的真實面貌。包括生存在這片貧瘠土地上的人民,以及導致今日困境的深厚歷史根源….。 吳哥窟,是小吳哥城內的主要神廟建築群,位於柬埔寨暹粒省暹粒市北5.5公里。吳哥窟是吳哥古都中保存得最完好的的聖殿,以建築宏偉與浮雕細緻聞名於世,是世界上最大的神廟….。 請贊助我一杯咖啡,感謝您的贊助,讓我們能走得更遠、更久💕 →https://pay.soundon.fm/podcasts/f7e7e438-ba35-4962-85bb-8747fdea113b 【主持人】Joe、Anna、Fana ※追蹤、訂閱《Life~生活誌》 IG:lifejournal_podcast 業務合作:redstong@msn.com 各大平台節目連結:https://linktr.ee/life_podcast


    ※※本集節目感謝康軒文教事業贊助播出※※ 參考書目:喬‧布林克里, 傑‧馬瑟(2014),《柬埔寨:被詛咒的國度》,譯者:楊芩雯,聯經出版社。 這集我們會談到: 1.小林老師竟然解鎖了被帶進海關小房間的成就?? 2.柬埔寨當地人非常友善—貼心的柬埔寨慶生會! 3.物價便宜的柬埔寨:百元的冷氣泳池民宿!! 4.除了都市之外,其他人們大多住傳統高腳屋? 5.洞里薩湖的豐饒如何養成當地人樂天知命的性格? 6.柬埔寨也有「集中營」?紅色高棉時期的血淚 7.柬埔寨有何複雜的歷史背景與政治局勢?? 8.為何柬埔寨洪森政權如此親中?有何淵源? 9.柬埔寨推薦購買什麼??各大運動用品超便宜? 【背景介紹】 《柬埔寨:被詛咒的國度》,作者為紐約時報資深記者,其訪談多方決策要角、爬梳大量新聞報導和調查報告資料,運用豐富且深入的報導,勾勒出柬埔寨的真實面貌。包括生存在這片貧瘠土地上的人民,以及導致今日困境的深厚歷史根源….。 請贊助我一杯咖啡,感謝您的贊助,讓我們能走得更遠、更久💕 →https://pay.soundon.fm/podcasts/f7e7e438-ba35-4962-85bb-8747fdea113b 【主持人】Joe、Anna、Fana ※追蹤、訂閱《Life~生活誌》 IG:lifejournal_podcast 業務合作:redstong@msn.com 各大平台節目連結:https://linktr.ee/life_podcast


    ※※本集節目感謝康軒文教事業贊助播出※※ 參考書目:喬‧布林克里, 傑‧馬瑟(2014),《柬埔寨:被詛咒的國度》,譯者:楊芩雯,聯經出版社。 這集我們會談到: 1.Fana的朋友也到柬埔寨從事詐騙??結果如何? 2.柬埔寨為何從觀光勝地變成現在的詐騙天堂? 3.特別來賓:小林老師分享柬埔寨自助旅行 4.小林老師如何從越南胡志明市進入柬埔寨金邊? 5.小林老師親身經歷:柬埔寨不到10%有柏油路,路況如何? 6.柬埔寨的嘟嘟車(TukTuk)風情、中文溝通沒問題!! 7.在柬埔寨的觀光區常見到怎樣的場景呢? 8.柬埔寨的教育普及率為何?醫學院錄取分數竟然只要?? 9.柬埔寨的小費文化、收賄文化盛行?實際狀況為何? 10.柬埔寨警察收賄橫行?有何經典的案例? 【背景介紹】 《柬埔寨:被詛咒的國度》,作者為紐約時報資深記者,其訪談多方決策要角、爬梳大量新聞報導和調查報告資料,運用豐富且深入的報導,勾勒出柬埔寨的真實面貌。包括生存在這片貧瘠土地上的人民,以及導致今日困境的深厚歷史根源….。 請贊助我一杯咖啡,感謝您的贊助,讓我們能走得更遠、更久💕 →https://pay.soundon.fm/podcasts/f7e7e438-ba35-4962-85bb-8747fdea113b 【主持人】Joe、Anna、Fana ※追蹤、訂閱《Life~生活誌》 IG:lifejournal_podcast 業務合作:redstong@msn.com 各大平台節目連結:https://linktr.ee/life_podcast

    Our Ostuni Tuk Tuk Tour

    Our Ostuni Tuk Tuk Tour

    For the launch of season 3 we’re in a safe pair of hands as we ride with Ostuni’s top and most satisfying Tuk Tuk tour guide, David 5-Star ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ from Golapa, Ape Calessino Ostuni.

    We learn some fascinating facts about Puglia’s città  bianca. Why the old town is built as it is, what the different color doors mean, and why some of those doors are so small (and it’s nothing to do with southern Italians being shorter than average).

    The episode is recorded live as we go on tour around the old town with our favorite Tuk Tuk driver.

    We paid for our tour and we also gave David 5-Star a big tip to show our appreciation for looking after us.

    Be sure to take the tour when you visit Ostuni, it really is educational. Go Golapa and ask for David 5-Star as your guide (be sure to let him know you listened to the podcast). 

    Golapa Ape Calessino facebook page has detail of their services.

    Check out our blog for fuller detail on our David 5-Star Tuk Tuk tour experience.


    Northern Thailand...on a Tuk Tuk!

    Northern Thailand...on a Tuk Tuk!

    Bruce Haxton had been travelling and living in Thailand for many years after having run tourism businesses in the region for well over a decade, when he happened upon the idea of talking his Thai friend into lending him his Tuk Tuk so Bruce could get out and explore more of Thailand.  What happened next, literally changed his life.  Bruce enjoyed such a positive experience, whereby his interactions with the locals were heightened every time he turned up to a new village in his Tuk Tuk.

    When he returned from this trip, he was so overawed with the experience, he decided to set up a new company so that others could experience Northern Thailand in a more authentic way just as he had done.

    I caught up with Bruce to find out more about Northern Thailand and why it’s best experienced from a Tuk Tuk in the Low Season…

    Episode 10 - Justin Herman, Emerging Citizen Technology program office lead for GSA's Technology Transformation Services

    Episode 10 - Justin Herman, Emerging Citizen Technology program office lead for GSA's Technology Transformation Services

    This episode features Justin Herman, lead of the Emerging Citizen Technology program office for GSA's Technology Transformation Services. Herman talks about his transition from public affairs officer in the Air Force to social technologist, his passion for GSA's emerging tech missions, and how the arrival of the internet at his high school in a small town in New Hampshire led him to developing the school's first website and ultimately predicting the rise of social technologies. Plus, hear about Herman's recent 3,500 kilometer tuk-tuk race in India that he started and finished solo.


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