

    Explore "unesco" with insightful episodes like "Ana Girardot, sous le signe de la famille", "AT#883 - Germany Road Trip to 9 UNESCO Cities", "Cannes obtient la reconnaissance internationale UNESCO "Tsunami Ready"", "Second Global Forum on the Ethics of Artificial Intelligence" and "#53 Guila Clara Kessous Artiste de l'UNESCO pour la paix "l'action c'est l'efficacité d'une finalité"" from podcasts like ""Beau Geste", "Amateur Traveler Travel Podcast", "Radio Monaco - Le Club", "Sunday Extra - Separate stories podcast" and "Elles Agissent"" and more!

    Episodes (100)

    AT#883 - Germany Road Trip to 9 UNESCO Cities

    AT#883 - Germany Road Trip to 9 UNESCO Cities

    Hear about a German road trip to 9 UNESCO Cities as the Amateur Traveler talks to Renee Hannes from dreamplanexperience.com about her exploration of the land of her ancestors.


    Renee says, "I just returned from living in Berlin for 3 months. So had an opportunity to make a little bit of a longer trip and was there with my husband and dog and lived in Berlin and I had a good chance to be able to see the city and lots of other places around it. I had this long list of places on my to-do list. I think like most travelers, I become very quickly overwhelmed with how many places I wanted to see. So I thought why not think about what are those places that are worthy of a visit?"

    "That's where I came upon thinking about it from a UNESCO perspective and UNESCO sites are always worthy places to visit special places to visit in terms of the history and the moments in history that they help create and shape the architecture that usually is pretty spectacular to be able to see from, nature and the landscapes that we want to protect and then also it gives us really good insights into the culture. So after I had that long list, I went back and thought, what is close to Berlin? And that's how I was able to stumble on these 9 destinations."

    City 1: Berlin

    • UNESCO Site:
      • Museum Island: Spend the first day exploring Museum Island, home to five world-class museums. Delve into history, art, and archaeology at the Altes Museum, Neues Museum, Alte Nationalgalerie, Bode Museum, and the famous Pergamon Museum (when it reopens).

    City 2: Potsdam (Day Trip from Berlin)

    • UNESCO Site:
      • Sans Souci Palace and Park: Explore the stunning Sans Souci Palace, a masterpiece of Rococo architecture, surrounded by beautiful gardens, fountains, and other palaces.
    • Optional Activities:
      • Visit the Dutch Quarter and the historic center of Potsdam.

    City 3: Wittenberg (Short Train Ride from Berlin)

    • UNESCO Site:
      • Martin Luther's 95 Theses Site: Visit the place where Martin Luther nailed his 95 Theses to the door, sparking the Protestant Reformation.
    • City Exploration:
      • Wander through the charming streets of Wittenberg's Old Town.
      • If possible, visit the city in June for the Luther Wedding celebration.

    City 4: Quedlinburg

    • UNESCO Site:
      • Old Town with Half-Timbered Houses: Immerse yourself in the enchanting medieval atmosphere of Quedlinburg's Old Town, characterized by over 1300 half-timbered houses.
    • Activities:
      • Climb to the top of the hill for panoramic views of the town from the castle.
      • Explore the Quedlinburg Cathedral and the Culture Church.
      • Visit museums showcasing the town's history and heritage.

    City 5: Goslar (Day Trip from Quedlinburg)

    • UNESCO Sites:
      • Imperial Palace (Kaiserpfalz): Discover the grandeur of the Imperial Palace overlooking Goslar.
    • Optional Activities:
      • Take a guided tour of the Rammelsberg mine, gaining insights into a thousand years of mining history.
      • Explore the old town with its half-timbered houses and churches.
      • Take a ride on a train through the Harz Mountains on the Harz Railway.

    City 6: Hamburg

    • Highlights:
      • Warehouse District (Speicherstadt): Explore the UNESCO-listed Speicherstadt, Hamburg's historic warehouse district. Marvel at the red brick buildings lining the canals, reminiscent of the city's trading past.
      • Hamburg City Center: Stroll through the city center, enjoy the vibrant atmosphere, and visit landmarks like St. Michael's Church and the Rathaus (City Hall).

    City 7: Lubeck (Day Trip from Hamburg)

    • UNESCO Site:
      • Holstentor Gate: Visit the iconic Holstentor Gate, the entrance to Lubeck's Old Town, representing the city's historical significance as a trading hub.
      • Exploring Beyond Main Streets: Wander off the main streets to discover elegant homes reflecting the wealth of medieval merchants. Explore St. Mary's Church and other architectural gems.
      • Marzipan Delights: Visit the Niederegger marzipan shop to indulge in marzipan treats and learn about the city's marzipan-making history.

    Cities 8 and 9: Wismar and Stralsund

    • UNESCO Sites:
      • Wismar: Explore the charming town of Wismar on the Baltic Sea, known for its fortified walls, historic market square, and lively harbor atmosphere.
      • Stralsund: Visit Stralsund, another Baltic Sea gem, with a large public square featuring diverse architectural styles. Explore St. Nicholas Church and enjoy seafood at the harbor.

    Return to Berlin

    A 9-city UNESCO road trip through Germany offers a blend of historical exploration, architectural marvels, and scenic beauty.

    Cannes obtient la reconnaissance internationale UNESCO "Tsunami Ready"

    Cannes obtient la reconnaissance internationale UNESCO "Tsunami Ready"

    Cannes a reçu la reconnaissance internationale "Tsunami Ready" de l'UNESCO, une première en France métropolitaine et en Méditerranée. Cette distinction a été décernée à la Mairie de Cannes en reconnaissance des efforts de la municipalité cannoise pour prévenir le risque de tsunami dont la mise en place de systèmes d’alertes, l’organisation de tests grandeur nature ou encore l’installation d’une signalétique d’évacuation d’urgence. Yannick Ferrand, directeur des risques majeurs à la mairie de Cannes est au micro de Jean-Christophe Sanchez.

    #53 Guila Clara Kessous Artiste de l'UNESCO pour la paix "l'action c'est l'efficacité d'une finalité"

    #53 Guila Clara Kessous Artiste de l'UNESCO pour la paix "l'action c'est l'efficacité d'une finalité"

    Dans cet épisode, je reçois Guila Clara Kessous, artiste de l'UNESCO pour la paix, coach de dirigeants d'entreprise, universitaire, actrice et metteuse en scène française. Elle est également l'auteure du livre "Le grand livre de la psychologie positive" aux Editions Eyrolles.

    Guila Clara Kessous nous partage sa vision de la vie comme une action et un mouvement.

    Elle nous dévoile les techniques théâtrales de la guérison qu'elle déploie, basées sur une réappropriation de son corps par le détour théâtral, le jeu de rôle et l'acceptation de la mise en scène de soi.

    Nous abordons également des sujets tels que le coaching auprès de grands dirigeants et le rôle d'artiste de l'UNESCO pour la paix. Guila Clara Kessous nous livre un conseil pépite pour vivre pleinement l'écoute de cet épisode : l'intelligence émotionnelle.

    Quelques extraits de l'épisode :

    "Savoir se préserver c'est la raison première d'un coaching "

    "On se soigne par rapport à ce que l'on fait"

    "On a chacun cette capacité de Flow"

    "Avoir conscience de cet moment unique que l'on est en train de vivre"

    "écouter plus pour comprendre que pour répondre"

    On parle dans cet épisode de:

    Coaching auprès de grand dirigeant

    Son rôle d'artiste de l'UNESCO pour la paix

    Un conseil pépite pour vivre pleinement l'écoute de cet épisode

    D'intelligence émotionnelle

    L'action, pour elle c'est l'efficacité de la finalité d'une prise de décision ce qui suppose donc de faire !

    Références de l'épisode :

    Comment dire non: Savoir refuser sans offenser : Ury, William

    #ellesagissent #ellesagissentlive #emilieberthet #ellesagissentpodcast #femmesinpirantes #Féminisme #phrasedujours #inspiration #Inspiration #phrasedujour #penseespositives #développementpersonnel #mood #penseedujour #Podcast #Engagement #bienêtre #podcastlife #podcaster #UNESCO #unesco #actrice #realisatrice #réalisatrice #réalisatrices


    Ein Hoch auf die Falten! Die Juppenwerkstatt Riefensberg

    Ein Hoch auf die Falten! Die Juppenwerkstatt Riefensberg
    Falten stehen im Bregenzerwald hoch im Kurs. Jedenfalls die Falten der wunderschönen Tracht der Bregenzerwälderinnen - der Juppe. Denn um die 500 Mal wird der tiefschwarze Leinenstoff in Falten gelegt, bevor aus ihm eine der ältesten, elegantesten und schönsten Trachten im Alpenraum entsteht. Was diesen Plisseestoff so besonders macht, dass seine Herstellung sogar zum immateriellen UNESCO Kulturerbe zählt, erzählen Brigitte Nenning und Maria Rose Steurer-Lang aus der Juppenwerkstatt in Riefensberg.

    Living for a Better Ocean: The High Seas Treaty and the Next Steps

    Living for a Better Ocean: The High Seas Treaty and the Next Steps

    In this episode of the How to Protect the Ocean podcast, host Andrew Lewin discusses the progress and next steps for the High Seas Treaty. He highlights the significance of the treaty being signed by over 80 countries and emphasizes the need for more countries to join. The episode explores what comes next in the process of getting the high seas protected and emphasizes the importance of collective action for a better ocean.

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    In this episode, the host encourages listeners to actively participate by leaving a voice message and sharing the episode to raise awareness and foster optimism for the ocean. The host expresses a genuine desire to hear the voices of the listeners and urges them to spread the episode among their colleagues, family, and friends. Emphasizing the importance of optimism and hope for the ocean, the host highlights the significance of spreading awareness as a means to inspire others and contribute to the protection of the high seas.

    The episode underscores the crucial role of understanding the genetics of the ocean, species, habitats, and ecosystems in effectively safeguarding them. The host emphasizes the indispensability of genetic resources and the need to gather information about the genetics of the ocean. This information is vital for conducting impact assessments and monitoring the effectiveness of Marine Protected Areas (MPAs). The host stresses the importance of identifying what requires protection and the continuous monitoring necessary to assess the efficacy of MPAs and impact assessments. Additionally, the episode underscores the significance of genetic biodiversity and genetic materials in preserving overall biodiversity and the planet. The host highlights the necessity of a fit-for-purpose ocean observing system to support the Biodiversity Beyond National Jurisdiction (BBNJ) agreement, which aims to protect biodiversity beyond countries' exclusive economic zones. The host expresses optimism and hope that by safeguarding the ocean and its genetic resources, a positive impact can be made, ensuring the sustainability of marine ecosystems.

    Furthermore, the host discusses the signing of the high seas treaty, a significant achievement in early 2023. While over 80 countries have signed the treaty, the host emphasizes the need for more countries to join. The treaty's purpose is to protect the high seas, referring to the ocean beyond each country's exclusive economic zone (EEZ). The host underscores the importance of safeguarding the high seas due to the current lack of sufficient management, oversight, and enforcement in this area.

    A key component of the high seas treaty is the establishment of marine protected areas (MPAs). These designated boundaries within the ocean aim to prevent extractive activities such as oil and gas extraction, deep-sea mining, and fishing, providing protection to marine ecosystems and biodiversity. The host emphasizes the necessity of increasing the number of MPAs in the high seas to ensure the conservation and sustainable use of marine resources.

    The episode also highlights the need for environmental impact assessments (EIAs) in the high seas. EIAs are conducted to evaluate the potential environmental impacts of proposed projects or activities. The host points out the lack of impact assessments on larger projects in the high seas, which have been carried out without proper barriers or management. The high seas treaty seeks to address this issue by promoting the implementation of impact assessments to ensure the sustainable development of the high seas.

    Additionally, the host underscores the importance of genetic resources in the high seas. Genetic resources refer to the genetic material of marine organisms that can be utilized for scientific research and the development of new drugs. The host emphasizes the need for more genetic resources in the high seas and suggests that the high seas treaty can facilitate access to and sharing of these resources for the advancement of science and conservation efforts.

    Overall, the episode highlights the signing of the high seas treaty as a significant step towards protecting the high seas. However, the host emphasizes the need for further action in terms of establishing more protected areas, conducting impact assessments, enforcing regulations, and accessing genetic resources. These actions are crucial for ensuring the long-term sustainability and conservation of the high seas.

    #3: Mit Petra Reski für ein nachhaltiges Venedig

    #3: Mit Petra Reski für ein nachhaltiges Venedig
    Die preisgekrönte Autorin und Journalistin Petra Reski gehört zu den bekanntesten Deutschen in Venedig. Vor mehr als 30 Jahren verliebte sie sich in einen Venezianer, kurz darauf zog sie zu ihm in die Lagunenstadt. Was das Leben in Venedig für Petra Reski bedeutet, hat sie in ihrem Buch „Als ich einmal in den Canal Grande fiel“ beschrieben. Venedig ist seitdem nicht nur ihr Zuhause, sondern auch eines der wichtigsten Themen ihrer Sachbücher sowie grandioses Setting ihrer Romane. In Bürgerinitiativen und Projekten kämpft sie für das Überleben der einzigartigen Kulturstadt – aktuell für die Petition der Venezianer, die Stadt auf die Liste der UNESCO Weltkulturerbe zu setzen: https://www.change.org/p/salviamo-venezia-ed-i-suoi-abitanti Die Autorin, die inzwischen auch die italienische Staatsbürgerschaft erhalten hat, engagiert sich seit Jahren gegen die „touristische Monokultur“, von der nur wenige profitieren und für den Erhalt der Lagune als Biotop. Leider werde diese inzwischen als Infrastruktur und wie eine Autobahn genutzt. So verkehren auch – entgegen der Vorstellung vieler – weiterhin Kreuzfahrtschiffe aller Größen in Venedig, hinzukommen Tanker und Containerschiffe sowie unzählige Motorboote. Und das auf viel zu schmalen Kanälen. Die Wasser- und Luftverschmutzung gefährde natürlich auch die historische Bausubstanz. Ein weiteres Anliegen der Venezianerin ist es, darüber zu informieren, wie schädlich der Tagestourismus für die Lagunenstadt ist. Oft reisen die Besucher nur für wenige Stunden in die Stadt, verstopfen dafür die Wasserwege, dabei fehlt ihnen die Zeit für Museums- oder Restaurantbesuche. Ebenso führt auch die exzessive Nutzung von Ferienwohnungen für einen kurzen Aufenthalt zum Aussterben der Stadt, die nach offiziellen Zahlen pro Jahr 1000 Einwohner verliert. Inzwischen gibt es in Venedig mehr Touristenbetten als Einwohner. Ich bin gerne zu Gast bei ... Osteria Vino Vino https://www.vinovinowinebar.com/ Das sollte man sich einmal gönnen: Einen Ruderkurs bei Row Venice; gegründet von der Rennruderin Elena Almansi. Hier kann man mit den Frauen ihrer Gruppe Row Venice die venezianische Art im Stehen zu rudern erlernen: https://rowvenice.org Mein Seelenort in der Lagune: Das Gefühl für Venedig vom Boot aus ... Newsletter und Projekte: Reskis Republik – Newsletter: https://steadyhq.com/de/petrareski/about Hier können Abonnenten Ehrenvenezianer werden! Petra Reskis Homepage: www.petrareski.com We are here Venice (Schutz der Lagune). Die von der Umweltberaterin Jane Da Mosto gegründete NGO will Bewusstsein für die Bedrohungen der Zukunft Venedigs und seiner Lagune schaffen sowie Lösungen aufzeigen: https://www.weareherevenice.org Gruppo 25Aprile: Die unter den zahlreichen NGO in Venedig größte und erfolgreichste Bürgerinitiative zur Verteidigung der Rechte der Venezianer: https://gruppo25aprile.org Ocio: Venezianische NGO, die sich der Wohnungsfrage (und gegen Multis wie Airbnb) widmet – die für Venedig eine Frage des Überlebens ist: https://ocio-venezia.it Italia Nostra Venezia: Die venezianische Niederlassung des italienischen Kulturschutzbundes ist eine gemeinnützige Non-Profit-Organisation, die sich dem Schutz der Kulturgüter und der Umwelt verschrieben hat: https://www.italianostravenezia.org Grazie mille an alle Hörerinnen und Hörer! Wir freuen uns weiter über alle Empfehlungen, Likes, Abos und Euer Feedback: birgit@studiovenezia.de Der Podcast ist eine Produktion von www.studiovenezia.de

    104 - Elisa Salvi: Fassana ad honorem | presentazione

    104 - Elisa Salvi: Fassana ad honorem | presentazione
    Questo episodio è offerto da QUOTA.

    Nell’intervista che potrai ascoltare da questa settimana, Elisa ti farà viaggiare nella storia della Val di Fassa. Analizzerà momenti storici diversi, dimostrando come le popolazioni locali hanno saputo adattarsi al mercato mantenendo intatte culture e tradizioni. Persino la lingua ladina, tipica di queste vallate, non è stata adombrata dalla modernità. Concludo questa presentazione sottolineando ed evidenziando la professionalità di Elisa, una Fassana ad honorem che - seppur nata lontano - ha saputo farsi adottare e guidare dalla comunità ladina in territori che, per definizione, non sono semplici. Le montagne hanno bisogno di queste voci e di queste competenze, come tutti noi. Dovremmo lasciarci guidare da una comunicazione come quella di Elisa: strutturata, colta e consapevole. Per affrontare il futuro, non bisogna opporsi al cambiamento. Ma anzi, è necessario accoglierlo non dimenticando il passato.

    Contatto mail: andataeritorno.podcast@gmail.com

    Sito e blog: https://www.dolomitidasogno.it

    Music by Epidemic Sound

    Newsletter: https://andataeritornopodcast.substack.com/

    Extra - le voci dei rifugi e una cagnolina

    Extra - le voci dei rifugi e una cagnolina
    Sabato sono stato in compagnia di un'amica e di una cagnolina.
    Siamo saliti in montagna a sgranchire gambe e zampe.
    Abbiamo ascoltato di come, a volte, il turismo in quota sia prepotente.
    Abbiamo visto, come molto spesso accade, bottiglie e rifiuti anche in località "poco battute".
    Mi domando perché?

    Un abbraccio,

    Contatto mail: andataeritorno.podcast@gmail.com

    Music by Epidemic Sound

    Newsletter: https://andataeritornopodcast.substack.com/

    Kaufmann und Kaiser

    Kaufmann und Kaiser
    Der eine hat das Geld, der andere hat den Titel. Ohne Jakob Fugger wäre die Geschichte von Maximilian I. vermutlich ganz anders verlaufen. Was die beiden verbindet und wie es dem Augsburger Kaufmann gelungen ist, Karriere zu machen? Das hört Ihr in dieser Folge.

    EP10 - Aquileia Città Frontiera - VIVA Tita Brusin! - 1976 d.C.

    EP10 - Aquileia Città Frontiera - VIVA Tita Brusin! - 1976 d.C.
    Aquileia Città Frontiera
    Episodio 10 - VIVA Tita Brusin! - 1976 d.C.

    Il potere di imperatori, re, duchi, patriarchi, ora ha lasciato il posto al potere della cultura, delle parole, dell’arte. Archeologi, storici, narratori danno una nuova vita e una nuova prospettiva ad Aquileia, aperta alla scoperta di viaggiatori da tutto il mondo. Giovanni Battista Brusin, Bruna Forlati Tamaro, Luisa Bertacchi, e molti altri studiano e raccontano nell’ultimo secolo un luogo simbolico della storia d’Europa, capitale di emozione e bellezza, dal 1998 patrimonio dell’Unesco.

    85 - Le guardie della Schiara: presentazione della serie

    85 - Le guardie della Schiara: presentazione della serie
    Ho sempre pensato che con le parole si potessero creare dei mondi. E ci credo ancora, anzi ne sono pienamente convinto. Le parole hanno però una marcia in più, soprattutto quando - a parlare - sono gli abitanti di quei mondi. Le montagne insegnano che “per guadagnarsi qualcosa, bisogna fare fatica”. Una rivisitazione del classicissimo “prima il dovere, poi il piacere”. Perché gli abitanti dei mondi che siamo andati a intervistare non sono a portata di mano.

    Contatto mail: andataeritorno.podcast@gmail.com

    Music by Epidemic Sound

    Newsletter: https://andataeritornopodcast.substack.com/

    UNESCO Chief says US Plans to Rejoin in JulyÂ

    UNESCO Chief says US Plans to Rejoin in JulyÂ
    The United Nation’s cultural and scientific agency UNESCO has announced that the United States plans to rejoin – and pay more than $600m in back dues – after a decade-long dispute sparked by the organisation’s move to include Palestine as a member.
    UNESCO Director-General Audrey Azoulay informed ambassadors of the member states of the US decision in a special meeting.
    US officials say the decision to return was motivated by concerns that China is filling the gap left by the US in UNESCO policymaking, notably in setting standards for artificial intelligence and technology education around the world.
    US Deputy Secretary of State for Management and Resources Richard Verma submitted a letter last week to Azoulay formalising the plan.

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