

    Explore "unleavened" with insightful episodes like "Quarreling - The Sin Lists of Paul - Part 1", "The Great Spiritual Harvest Pictured By Pentecost", "Christ the Head of the 7 Churches of Revelation", "Leave The Sin That So Easily Entangles" and "Mary Magdalene - First to See Jesus Raised From the Dead" from podcasts like ""UCG Raleigh", "UCG Raleigh", "UCG Raleigh", "UCG Raleigh" and "UCG Raleigh"" and more!

    Episodes (47)

    Quarreling - The Sin Lists of Paul - Part 1

    Quarreling - The Sin Lists of Paul - Part 1

    Intro Paul’s Sin Lists

    Digital media company Buzzfeed made a billion dollar business out of click-bait headlines  like “10 things you must do now if you want to…” or “7 Reasons You Shouldn’t…”. People love lists! You’ll even find lists in the bible [ex. the Women’s discussion group is going over the “7 things God hates”].

    The apostle Paul is known for providing interesting lists of spiritual virtues and vices commonly known as “the sin lists”. There are 8 of them. Your bible contains other such lists but I’m limiting myself to these 8.

    I have compiled the 40+ sins or vices on these lists and categorized them in 5 basic groups: Sexual, Bad Temper, Greed, Quarreling, Speech. Each list contains vices from multiple categories. Sometimes, the way Paul groups and orders them shows a cause and effect relationship [this, leads to this].

    SPS: today, I would like to address the sins and vices from Paul’s lists by category. Limiting myself to the category of quarreling: strife, self-ambition, sedition, heresy, conceits, and tumults. Note: I will be spending more time on words mentioned multiple time in the bible than I will on words only mentioned once.

    The multiple and different word in the category reveal different facets of this problematic behavior. Such as; what do we tend to quarrel about,  what motivates quarreling, what are the outcomes of quarreling, and how do we confront it. So, let’s begin:

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    The Great Spiritual Harvest Pictured By Pentecost

    The Great Spiritual Harvest Pictured By Pentecost

    The biblical holy days are presented to us as 3 seasons of harvest, two grain harvests in spring and early summer, then a produce harvest in the fall. The first festival season is Passover and Unleavened Bread, the second is the Feast of Weeks, the final is the Festival of Tabernacles.

    The United Church of God teaches that the second grain harvest… the harvest of wheat which happens at the same time as the festival of Pentecost … is a picture of the great spiritual harvest taking place NOW. The sowing and reaping of this harvest is the current work of the Church, placed upon us by the Father and Jesus Christ.

    The 7 holy days give us God's timeline for bringing humanity into eternity… a timeline that spans thousands of years... At this present moment we are in the phase of the great spiritual harvest, the harvest of the first-fruits. So let's go through what the bible has to say about the great spiritual harvest pictured by the Feast of Pentecost.

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    Christ the Head of the 7 Churches of Revelation

    Christ the Head of the 7 Churches of Revelation

    Christ as Head of the 7 Churches of Revelation

    Revelation chapters 2 & 3 contain messages written for and sent to the 7 Churches: Ephesus, Smyrna, Pergamos, Thyatira, Sardis, Philadelphia, and Laodicea.

    Each receives its own short, personalized message from the head of the Church, the resurrected Jesus Christ.

    Each message follows a pattern of noting their accomplishments, their faults or shortcomings, their trials, and they are reminded of the glorious outcome for those who overcome and persevere.

    At the start of each message He mentions one or two things about Himself which relate to His role as head of the Church. This serves to remind them that what the messenger brings to them is actually from Him

    Most of these attributes of Christ are mentioned in Revelation 1:10-20. These verses serve as an introduction to the letters written to the churches and in certain cases adds some insight to what the symbols mean.

    SPS: Let’s look into these attributes of the risen Christ and consider how they relate to His present role as the living head of the Church… actively working within His Church!

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    Leave The Sin That So Easily Entangles

    Leave The Sin That So Easily Entangles

    Leaving Sin

    Just as Israel was commanded by God to march boldly out of Egypt… you have been told [and are being reminded today] to come out of sin. Sin is violations of God holy perfect commandments… but beyond actions and trespasses, sin is also a way of thinking and acting that has no positive future.

     It has no future because through sin you have become separated from God… and separated from the tree of life… cut off from the potential of entering eternal existence. So, you need to get back into a right relation to God… but that means you have to leave some things behind.

    MATT651 - Very Significant Holiday Planning

    MATT651 - Very Significant Holiday Planning

    MATTHEW 26:17

    On this podcast we pick books of the Bible and work through them from beginning to end, bit by bit every day.

    This show exists because of listener support. If you’d like to consider supporting, you can learn more at thetmbh.com/support or check out the Patreon support page at patreon.com/thetmbhpodcast

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    Music written and performed by Jeff Foote.

    Passing Over The Passover (Sermon Archives) I Corinthians 5:7

    Passing Over The Passover (Sermon Archives) I Corinthians 5:7

    1 Corinthians 5 (KJV 1900)

    5 It is reported commonly that there is fornication among you, and such fornication as is not so much as named among the Gentiles, that one should have his father’s wife. 2 And ye are puffed up, and have not rather mourned, that he that hath done this deed might be taken away from among you. 3 For I verily, as absent in body, but present in spirit, have judged already, as though I were present, concerning him that hath so done this deed, 4 In the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, when ye are gathered together, and my spirit, with the power of our Lord Jesus Christ, 5 To deliver such an one unto Satan for the destruction of the flesh, that the spirit may be saved in the day of the Lord Jesus. 6 Your glorying is not good. Know ye not that a little leaven leaveneth the whole lump? 7 Purge out therefore the old leaven, that ye may be a new lump, as ye are unleavened. For even Christ our passover is sacrificed for us: 8 Therefore let us keep the feast, not with old leaven, neither with the leaven of malice and wickedness; but with the unleavened bread of sincerity and truth.

    9 I wrote unto you in an epistle not to company with fornicators: 10 Yet not altogether with the fornicators of this world, or with the covetous, or extortioners, or with idolaters; for then must ye needs go out of the world. 11 But now I have written unto you not to keep company, if any man that is called a brother be a fornicator, or covetous, or an idolater, or a railer, or a drunkard, or an extortioner; with such an one no not to eat. 12 For what have I to do to judge them also that are without? do not ye judge them that are within? 13 But them that are without God judgeth. Therefore put away from among yourselves that wicked person.

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    Parashah Points: Bo - Common Passover Questions

    Parashah Points: Bo - Common Passover Questions
    In this week’s Parashah Point on the Torah Portion, Bo, we look at the commandment found in Exodus 12 for Israel to observe this feast every year. We briefly examine the idea of us slaughtering a lamb today and the circumcision requirement for those who observe the Father’s appointed times.
    119 Audio Streaming
    en-usJanuary 31, 2020

    Ep 966 – Deuteronomy 16:1-8

    Ep 966 – Deuteronomy 16:1-8

    Forgetfulness. We all suffer from it at one time or another. But for the people of Israel, forgetting God was going to be a constant problem. And Moses knew that it would be. So, in Deuteronomy 16:1-8, we have recorded his words warning the Israelites to never forget all that God had done for them. And the way they were to keep all His mighty acts seared into their memory was by keeping the various feasts and festivals He had prescribed for them. From the Passover to the Feast of Unleavened Bread, God had provided a host of annual commemorative ceremonies designed to keep the memory of God’s goodness alive and well. While God had great things in store for the people of Israel as they prepared to enter the Promised Land, He also wanted them to never let all His past deeds on their behalf fade from their memories. Remembering was going to be a great way of reminding the Israelites to keep trusting.

    Purging your House of Leaven - Paul M. Williams

    Purging your House of Leaven - Paul M. Williams

    Exodus 12:15-20

    Spiritually, what sort of year has 2014 been for you?  Have you grown in spiritual maturity?  Have you deepened and maintained spiritual disciplines?  Have you been the spiritual shepherds of you home?  If the answer is an honest no, then it is more than likely that leaven has made its way into your home and has begun its corrupting influence in your life, the lives of your family and the life of the Church!!  In the New Testament, leaven is a symbol of sin.  Due to the powerful property changing properties of leaven the Scripture warns believers of the dangers of allowing sin to go unchecked in their lives and the need to purge it out from their midst.

    As we close out this year, an exhortation is given in earnest, calling every Christian to make a diligent search for any traces of leaven, beginning first in their own life, with the end purpose in view of purging their house of leaven!!  May God give us the grace to heed and to act upon what we hear in this message!!

    Double Portion Inheritance: Did Messiah Eat the Passover the Night Before He Died? Part 2 (04/03/2014)

    Double Portion Inheritance: Did Messiah Eat the Passover the Night Before He Died? Part 2 (04/03/2014)
    In this episode, Maria continues her study on this “age-old” question that has eluded many for centuries concerning “Did Messiah eat the real Passover or was it a Last Supper?” This week, Maria addresses the question “Did Messiah and his disciples leave the house against the commandment in Exodus 12:22?” Maria expounds on the real meaning of “Communion” in 1st Corinthians 10:16. What was it that we were supposed to be doing in remembrance of Messiah? Was it “Holy Communion” or was it a true “Passover Meal?” To see the answer to these questions and more, see the entire study that Maria did on this topic at her blog entitled: “Did Messiah Eat the Passover the Night Before He Died?” http://doubleportioninheritance.blogspot.com/2012/04/messiah-ate-real-passover-night-before.html

    Double Portion Inheritance: Did Messiah Eat the Passover the Night Before He Died? Part 1 (03/27/2014)

    Double Portion Inheritance: Did Messiah Eat the Passover the Night Before He Died? Part 1 (03/27/2014)
    In this episode, Maria explains that this “age-old” controversy is easily solved once we understand that the commandment to kill the lamb “in the evening” on the 14th day of the 1st month of Abib/Nisan reads in Hebrew “between the two evenings” (beyn ha’ereb). Maria also shares some historical evidence that there were two evenings for slaughtering lambs (just after the 13th of Abib & just before the 15th of Abib) in the days of our Messiah’s earthly ministry, and this was obviously “by design” so that our Messiah would be killed for “Both Houses of Yisra’el.”  On the night of the 13th (going into the 14th of Abib), he ate the Passover Meal with the House of Yahuwdah (Judah). But by the following evening (between 12 noon and 3:00 p.m.) he actually became the Passover as well as the Red Heifer for those who were “outside” of the covenant. This is why he actually went “outside the city limits” of Jerusalem to be killed as the Red Heifer (Numbers 19). To see the entire study that Maria did on this topic, see the blog entitled: “Did Messiah Eat the Passover the Night Before He Died?” http://doubleportioninheritance.blogspot.com/2012/04/messiah-ate-real-passover-night-before.html

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