

    Explore "voicebot" with insightful episodes like "#26 - Katya Lainé - Chatbots, callbots, voicebots : Vers une IA plus interactive", "Teletech : Le centre de contact omnicanal entre intelligence artificielle et humain | Vincent Placer, CEO de Teletech", "CTO'z #65 Marie Terrier, CTO @Yelda- "Agilité d’entreprise - de l’Inde aux voicebots"", "#4 Jurgen Van Maele von AudioCodes" and "2596 Attrezzi - Dicio: Riconoscimento vocale offline e calcoli vocali per Android" from podcasts like ""Les Carnets de l'IA", "L'invité de CEO Radio", "CTO'z", "Telefonbot sei Dank" and "Caffe 2.0"" and more!

    Episodes (32)

    #26 - Katya Lainé - Chatbots, callbots, voicebots : Vers une IA plus interactive

    #26 - Katya Lainé - Chatbots, callbots, voicebots : Vers une IA plus interactive

    Katya Lainé, cofondatrice et CEO de la start-up TalkR, apporte un éclairage sur le rôle des IA interactives pour fluidifier la relation client.

    TalkR conçoit des assistants virtuels pour les entreprises. « On a cherché à automatiser la manière dont le client peut contacter une entreprise sans restreindre les possibilités d’interaction, avec des outils omnicanaux », explique Katya. Une démarche pensée dès le départ en no-code pour rendre la gestion de l’outil accessible à n’importe quel utilisateur qui ne serait pas développeur.

    L’assistant virtuel peut prendre la forme d’un callbot capable de traiter la demande d’un appel entrant, ou même planifier des appels sortants automatisés. « L’assistant que nous avons développé pour TotalEnergies émet des appels sortants auprès des clients pour valider l’horaire de livraison de fuel la veille pour le lendemain. Il est également entrainé pour répondre aux questions des clients et peut reprogrammer automatiquement la livraison en cas d’annulation. » Ce service libère jusqu’à 2 heures de travail par jour aux collaborateurs sur les tâches les moins stimulantes.

    À chaque usage son bot : 

    • Les chatbots répondent aux utilisateurs sur les canaux digitaux : réseaux sociaux, sites internet, applications, RCS (Rich Communication Services)…
    • Les callbots sont conçus pour répondre de façon automatisée à la demande d’un client par téléphone.
    • Les voicebots s’appuient quant à eux sur tous les autres canaux sans télécom et intègrent l’IoT dans le parcours client.

    « Au-delà de l’aspect technologique, l’IA fait évoluer en profondeur les processus des organisations. », résume Katya.

    Bonne écoute !
    Les Carnets de l’IA est un podcast produit par la Cité de l’IA.

    Merci à Katya Lainé pour sa participation. 

    Teletech : Le centre de contact omnicanal entre intelligence artificielle et humain | Vincent Placer, CEO de Teletech

    Teletech : Le centre de contact omnicanal entre intelligence artificielle et humain | Vincent Placer, CEO de Teletech

    Vincent Placer, Directeur Général de Teletech, nous décrit son parcours et son entreprise. Teletech propose un service B to B pour développer et gérer la relation client des entreprises par des centres dotés d’un outil peu commun : l’intelligence artificielle. Développé par la marque, l’outils pourrait répondre à nos questions et gérer nos demandes.   

    CTO'z #65 Marie Terrier, CTO @Yelda- "Agilité d’entreprise - de l’Inde aux voicebots"

    CTO'z #65 Marie Terrier, CTO @Yelda- "Agilité d’entreprise - de l’Inde aux voicebots"

    Podcastarama :

    Avis des auditeurs :⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

    Avis de la presse :⭐⭐⭐⭐  


    Attention, dans cet épisode, on voyage ! Marie passe des entretiens chez KRDS, une société qui s’est construite et s’est fortement développée autour des applications Facebook. Elle pense ne pas être complètement à la hauteur en entretien sur du dév et paf, elle est recrutée et part… en INDE pour développer les app avec les équipes indiennes !


    C’est un choc de culture qu’elle appréhende vite :

    •  Pourquoi le «non» est quasi inexistant en Inde ?
    •  Pourquoi très peu de questions sont posées ?
    •  Pourquoi une fois par an quelqu’un vient bénir tous les objets dans le bureau ?
    • Pourquoi aller en scooter au travail tout en sachant qu’il va toujours se passer un truc de malade sur le trajet ?

     Marie a analysé et répondu à toutes ces questions et bien d’autres. Au fil des mois, elle a réussi à faire évoluer la mentalité des équipes et à faire comprendre que poser une question était positif et n’était pas pris comme une remise en question de la légitimité de la hiérarchie. Elle a aidé à fluidifier les échanges entre les équipes et est devenue rapidement Lead Tech volant.


    Après quelques années en Inde, c’est le retour progressif et l’opportunité Yelda se présente à elle. Les associés de KRDS ont une vision, ils sentent un “momentum” autour des chatbots et de l’IA. Ils veulent sauter sur l’occasion et monter une nouvelle boîte sur cette vague-là.

    • Pourquoi accepte t-elle le poste ?
    • Pourquoi refuse t-elle d'être associé alors qu’on lui propose ?
    • Pourquoi ont-ils du pivoter 2 fois de modèle ?
    • Pourquoi ce qui faisait leur spécificité, le « voice first » chatbot, n’a pas pris dans un premier temps ?
    • Comment fait-on pour développer un produit sur lequel on ne peut s’appuyer sur aucune documentation, aucune bonne pratique parce que le voicebot c’est tout nouveau ?
    • Comment gère-t-on l’imprévu avec la « Voix » ?

    Vous découvrirez dans cet épisode une jeune CTO qui l’a été encore plus jeune, qui n’a pas peur de l’échec, qui fonce, qui va de l’avant et qui kiffe ce qu’elle fait et ça se sent !


    🙏 Merci à 

    Mathilde Ducrocq pour son aide à la réalisation de ce podcast

    #4 Jurgen Van Maele von AudioCodes

    #4 Jurgen Van Maele von AudioCodes
    In dieser Episode spricht Raphael mit Jurgen Van Maele, Solution Director, EMEA bei AudioCodes, der Schnittstelle zwischen Chatbots und der weiten Welt der Telefonie. Besonders sprechen wir über die SaaS Lösung von AudioCodes namens VoiceAI Connect, für das man sich kostenlos anmelden kann und einfach mal ausprobieren kann wie der Bot so am Telefon klingt. Anbinden kann mal unter anderem die Bot-Tools von Amazon, Microsoft, Kore.ai und Google.

    2596 Attrezzi - Dicio: Riconoscimento vocale offline e calcoli vocali per Android

    2596 Attrezzi - Dicio: Riconoscimento vocale offline e calcoli vocali per Android

    Alla fiera di arte contemporanea di Parma, Art luxury Gallery presenterà la prima crypto opera al mondo firmata Cupydo e Sara Arnaout e lo farà attraverso una scultura digitalizzata che grazie all'ausilio della tecnologia NFC unita al Coesionismo permetterà un dialogo armonico tra arte tradizionale e arte digitale certificata NFT.
    Vi aspettiamo al padiglione 7 stand n. 103 dove tutti i visitatori potranno interagire con essa.
    1,2 e 7,8,9 ottobre 2022 a Parma

    Nel video:
    Cupydo Art & Sara Arnaout present art performance: WELCOME TO COHESIONISM NFT


    Somme lunghissime. Trascriverle fa sbagliare. Una app, ancora immatura, per Android illumina su quello che potremo fare presto.
    Ottima realizzazione, richiede ancora molti step per diventare un utile strumento di produttività.
    Ad oggi permette di consultare il Meteo, cercare sul web, cercare i testi delle canzoni, aprire app, fare calcoli lunghi, telefonare e usare un timer.
    Non è espandibile dall'utente ma parte molto bene.
    La apri e parli. Stop. Nessun automatismo.
    "Chiamo ufficio"
    "Devo chiamare Giulio ?"
    "va bene, non chiamo nessuno"

    A volte funziona benissimo, altre volte riesce comunque a trovare tramite somiglianza, non esattezza.
    Caffe 2.0
    itOctober 07, 2022

    Alexa Live 2022 Recap Show with Firstenburg, Tucker, and Schwartz - Voicebot Podcast Ep 265

    Alexa Live 2022 Recap Show with Firstenburg, Tucker, and Schwartz - Voicebot Podcast Ep 265

    The Amazon Alexa Live event for 2022 introduced a couple of dozen new features for developers, new revenue-sharing agreements, and is ushering in a new era of simultaneous voice assistants. 

    The Two Voice Devs, Allen Firstenberg (Google Assistant GDE) and Mark Tucker (Alexa Champion), along with Voicebot's Eric Schwartz and Bret Kinsella break down the announcements and sort through the type of impacts we can expect. 

    #71 Chatbots - virtuelle Helfer im Alltag

    #71 Chatbots - virtuelle Helfer im Alltag
    Chatbots begegnen uns inzwischen immer öfter im Alltag und dennoch nehmen wir die technologischen Entwicklungen rund um die virtuellen Assistenten kaum wahr. Dabei ist das Thema aktueller denn je. Denn der demografische Wandel und der damit einhergehende Mangel an Arbeitskräften machen Robotisierung und Automatisierung von Dienstleistungen unumgänglich. Timo und Michael sprechen in dieser Episode über die verschiedene Arten und Funktionsweisen von Chatbots, deren Vorteile und mögliche zukünftige Entwicklungen. Außerdem ordnen die beiden Siri und Alex in der Welt der Chatbots ein.

    Voice Year in Review 2021 The Consumer Edition - Voicebot Podcast 240

    Voice Year in Review 2021 The Consumer Edition - Voicebot Podcast 240

    This is the U.S. edition and the Consumer edition of our two-part year in review episodes. We discuss the industry globally from a U.S. perspective with three guests that include:

    Chithra Durgam - Founder Blue Check Skill which helps bring celebrities and brands onto Amazon Alexa and also is a practicing dentist.

    Todd Mozer - CEO of Sensory, a company he founded in 1994. The company has been adding voice AI features to consumer products for over 25 years and can be found in billions of devices.

    Eric Schwartz - Head Writer Voicebot.ai and the author of many of the stories we discuss today. 

    Folge 21 - Voicebots – der Einsatz als Kundenkanal

    Folge 21 - Voicebots – der Einsatz als Kundenkanal
    Wir haben alle mal bei einem Call Center angerufen – wir kennen teilweise die Warteschleifen, da alle Leitungen belegt sind. Können aber Voicebots dort Hilfe leisten ? Ist es möglich, dass ein Voicebot uns versteht und helfen kann ? Hans-Joachim Belz (www.anstrengungslos.de), der früher als technischer Berater und Usability Experte tätig war und nun als Produkt Owner eines Voice AI Teams sowie Conversational Designer aktiv ist klärt auf. Er gibt einen Einblick in die Herausforderungen die eine „Conversation“ mit sich bringt und beschreibt den aktuellen Status von Voicebots. Wenn Ihr Themen habt, die Ihr gern in einem Podcast beleuchtet haben möchtet, sendet eine Email an podcast@takstsoft.com. Viel Spaß beim Reinhören und bis zum nächsten Mal! Euer Taktsoft Campus Podcast Team

    Le podcast et la recherche vocale : quels enjeux pour les entreprises ?

    Le podcast et la recherche vocale : quels enjeux pour les entreprises ?

    Bienvenue dans une nouvelle ère, celle du conversationnel où la voix est de plus en plus présente dans notre quotidien. On le constate bien sûr avec le succès des podcasts, mais aussi depuis l’arrivée des assistants vocaux comme Siri, Google Home, Alexa...

    👉 Dans cet épisode, nous cherchons à mieux comprendre l'univers du vocal. Quel en est l’impact sur le brand content et le référencement ? Et quels sont les prochains enjeux pour les entreprises ? 

    👉 Xavier Fisselier, spécialiste de la recherche vocale et co-fondateur d'hellomybot.io et Yannick Socquet, expert SEO/SEA et co-fondateur de l'agence Brioude Internet répondent à nos questions. 

    💬 Retrouvons-nous sur notre page Linkedin "Part de Voix" pour échanger sur l'épisode : 

    🚀 Et merci de mettre 5 étoiles et un commentaire sur Apple Podcast pour encourager notre travail !

    Les tips à retenir :

    > Vos contenus doivent être qualitatifs, qu’ils soient écrits ou oraux.

    > Accéder à la Position zéro repose tout d’abord sur un bon référencement naturel en respectant les pratiques SEO classiques :

    • L’identification des key words,
    • La structuration de vos contenus,
    • La technicité de vos propos
    • La longueur des contenus de 800-1000 mots
    • Un travail de netlinking et de maillage interne pour augmenter la popularité de votre page
    • La rédaction d’un blog et d’une FAQ en identifiant les questions les plus posées par les internautes dans votre secteur d’activité

    Une fois ce travail effectué, vous pouvez penser à la création d’un voice bot pour aider les internautes à vous trouver à partir de assistants vocaux et bientôt de tous les objets connectés qui vont prendre leur place dans nos maisons. 

    L'arrivée de la publicité vocale, c’est pour bientôt et si vous êtes un e-commerce, intéressez-vous au référencement local et vocal, où vous avez une place à prendre ! 

    Crédits : 

    Part de voix - Idée originale de Cindy Aunay - Agence Stratégie Podcast (https://www.strategie-podcast.fr) 

    Générique & Musique : Création originale du studio Le Son de l'Encre (https://lesondelencre.fr)

    Mastering : Benjamin ROA - Station Woosh (https://stationwoosh.fr)

    Réalisation Cindy Aunay - Fondatrice de l'Agence Stratégie Podcast 

    Enregistré à distance entre Marseille, Barcelone et Lyon.

    SPOS #779 - Bret Kinsella On The State of Smart Audio, Clubhouse, Podcasting And Beyond

    SPOS #779 - Bret Kinsella On The State of Smart Audio, Clubhouse, Podcasting And Beyond

    Welcome to episode #779 of Six Pixels of Separation.

    Here it is: Six Pixels of Separation - Episode #779 - Host: Mitch Joel. You never know who you are going to meet and become friends with online. Going back to the early days of Amazon’s Alexa, Google Home, Siri and beyond, the idea of apps (or skills, as they are called) for these interactive audio platforms has always interested me (so much so, that I was an investor in a voice skills company, and became interested in running it for a short period of time). At the forefront of this space (and other audio platforms and technologies) is Bret Kinsella. Bret is founder, CEO, and research director of Voicebot.ai. He was named commentator of the year by the Alexa Conference in 2019 and is widely cited in media and academic research as an authority on voice assistants and AI. He is also the host of the Voicebot Podcast and editor of the Voice Insider newsletter. I reached out to him several times back when I was investing in the space, but he was too busy to connect. Then, through the power of Clubhouse, we met and became fast friends. Our world continues to evolve. Smart audio, podcasting, bots, and more are becoming a powerful tool for businesses smart enough to understand the potential, opportunity and inevitability of it all. Enjoy the conversation...

    Amazon Product Launch Event Hot Takes with CNET, Voicebrew, and USA Today - Voicebot Podcast Ep 170

    Amazon Product Launch Event Hot Takes with CNET, Voicebrew, and USA Today - Voicebot Podcast Ep 170
    Today's episode is all about Amazon's big 2020 product launch event. We break down what was announced, what will be successful, and what it says about Amazon's product strategy. 
    First up today you will hear my conversation with Ben Fox Rubin of CNET. He covers Amazon exclusively and joins me for the second year in a row. Next, we have my interview with Katherine Prescott of VoiceBrew, the most popular newsletter for Alexa users. 
    Then, I throw down again with Jefferson Graham of USA Today. He was on our extra episode 169 which offered a preview of the event. We call out whether his, and my, predictions were right, and what consumers are really going to adopt among the new device offerings. 
    I wrap up with Eric Schwartz, the head writer for Voicebot.ai. He has some interesting insights into services Amazon is pushing to keep people connected.

    2019 Voice Year in Review with Jargon, Voxly, and Voicebot - Voicebot Podcast Ep 128

    2019 Voice Year in Review with Jargon, Voxly, and Voicebot - Voicebot Podcast Ep 128

    2019 started out with unbounded optimism around voice technology with rapid smart speaker adoption and Google announcing over 1 billion devices supported the Assistant. It continued with Microsoft pulling Cortana from consumer use case and Samsung adding new capabilities to Bixby while Amazon and Google rapidly expanded features. Then, we had the negative stories about contractors listening to voice assistant conversations and threats of new security vulnerabilities for smart speakers. The year is concluding with new products and continued robust sales of everything with a voice assistant. Milkana Brace, CEO of Jargon, Ravi Lal, CEO of Voxly Digital, and Eric Schwartz of Voicebot.ai join host Bret Kinsella breaking down the stories from 2019 and discussing what mattered and what didn't over the past year. 

    Voice Search | References to Podcasts, Articles and Glossary of Terms

    Voice Search | References to Podcasts, Articles and Glossary of Terms

    Transitioning with your customer in the digital realm before it’s too late – businesses, prepare for voice search

    by @vickiemaris
    #teachinspireconnect #agiledigitalbiz

    Agile Digital Business Episode 12 featuring news, references and commentary about the voice platform and voice search


    From the Resources Handout prepared for a conference session talk in June 2019; revised for a talk in September 2019


    Articles and blog posts on voice search

    Voice Search is Coming. Is Your Business Ready?
    How voice search will revolutionize your business – Article in Inc.


    Why Tech Giants Are So Desperate to Provide Your Voice Assistant

    An HBR article by Bret Kinsella about why Amazon, Google, Microsoft and others are investing in voice technology. “Voice assistants represent the third UI and technology platform shift of the past three decades, following the web in the 1990s and smartphones about 10 years ago…The shift to voice doesn’t require any training. Users simply ‘speak’ as they do naturally.”

    Voice Search Statistics, Facts and Trends 2019 for Online Marketers

    “Voice search and SEO is not the next big thing; it is today’s big thing.” In this blog post by Bradley Shaw, learn more about voice search predictions and data, from voice accuracy to audiobook data to uses of searches prior to a visit to a local business.


    Hey Google, Alexa, Siri and Higher Ed

    Impact on how we deliver, search for and market higher education. An article in Higher Ed by Ray Schroeder, Dec. 12, 2018


    The holidays ushered in a smart speaker explosion starring Amazon’s Alexa and Google’s Assistant: Smart speaker sales grew 78 percent in 2018.

    Rani Molla wrote this blog post on Vox on Jan. 8, 2019 to review the statistics surrounding the explosive growth of smart speakers in the market.  https://www.vox.com/2019/1/8/18173696/amazon-alexa-google-assistant-smart-speaker-sales-npr

     Foursquare wants to know how creepy you think its new “Hypertrending” feature is

    The above is the title of a blog post on 9To5Mac from March 10, 2019. It addresses the approach taken by the Foursquare app company to test how readers feel about the app’s ability to heat mat the locations of people at restaurants and other businesses in Austin, Texas. https://9to5mac.com/2019/03/10/foursquare-hypertrending-feature

    Who’s listening when you talk to your Google Assistant?

    This is an article in Wired in July 2019 that covers the topic of “who is listening to your conversations” from your Google Home Assistant. Google has made a statement about its process of having contractors review .2 percent of the recorded conversations. They say the data is not associated with an individual user of the assistant when it is being reviewed. To read more: https://www.wired.com/story/whos-listening-talk-google-assistant/


    Alexa FAQs

    For instructions about the commands to use when talking to Alexa on a Smart Speaker, and its many capabilities, visit this FAQ page in Amazon. https://amzn.to/2ZAnQFS

    To review your voice recordings in the Alexa app:



    Google Voice Search FAQs

    For instructions on how to manage your Google Voice and Audio Activity, visit the “Data and personalization” link in the left-hand navigation of your Google Account.



    Marketing Rebellion: The Most Human Company Wins by Mark W. Schaefer – I read this book in Spring 2019, and took copious notes. Mark was the closing keynote at Social Media Marketing World conference in 2019. I recommend that every marketer and every business leader who has a marketing leader reporting to them should read this book. We are in a different marketing environment today than even just a few years ago. Years of marketing experience in business (or academia) and old methods for buying and placing digital advertising, and ways of engaging with customers are causing customers to block ads and/or to seek education and entertainment that is ad-free. If you aren’t already changing your plans currently to align with the new marketing revolution, this book will cause you to re-think what you’ve been doing in your marketing efforts.


    Podcast Episodes

    Book Marketing: Voice Search For Authors With Miral Sattar – The Creative Penn Podcast
    Joanna Penn, author and podcast host, interviews Miral Sattar about the steps you can take in 2019 to help voice-activated assistants find your book upon request. In this episode, they touch on a variety of subjects from updating meta data on your web pages so that the snippets are answering the questions that people are asking in their attempts to find your books, to the importance of the audiobook format, to the differences between on-screen searches that are typed in a search engine such as Google, to asking a voice-activated assistant for a result.

    9 Ways That Artificial Intelligence (AI) Will Disrupt Authors and the Publishing Industry

    You don’t have to be a book author to benefit from this episode of The Creative Penn Podcast. Joanna Penn tracks through a list she has created that indicates we’re on the cusp of disruptions for authors and the publishing industry. Penn runs a multi-six-figure business as an independent author and speaker. She is published in 86 countries. Her energy and enthusiasm about AI is contagious. The insights she shares as she outlines the ways that authors and the publishing industry could be effected can provide ideas for your own business plan for the future.

    Understanding Voice Search and the Future of SEO
    For interesting insights in to how voice is changing the “search” industry and what we might need to be expecting as businesses of the future, take a listen to this episode of Skill Up podcast. This is another episode that I’ve played more than once so that I could take notes on my second time through. Epsiode 7: https://www.hubspot.com/podcasts/skill-up/s01/e07-voice-search-future-seo


    Measuring Position Zero’s Impact on Your Business – Searchmetrics Podcast, Episode 7

    This is a discussion on the difference between rich snippets and featured snippets. There is no process for submitting for featured snippets. Are you optimizing your content? Are you formatting your content in a way that it can answer a specific question? https://blog.searchmetrics.com/us/podcast-voices-of-search-rich-and-featured-snippets/


    Businesses – Prepare for Voice Search – Agile Digital Business podcast

    You may have heard of voice search, or use of voice-activated assistants such as Alexa which is the assistant for the Amazon Echo smart speaker. There is also the Google Home Assistant or Microsoft’s Cortana, Apple’s Siri, and others. As people gravitate towards voice for search, it has brought about a marketing niche that is often referred to as voice search marketing. Voice has been referred to as the next big thing. The data is showing that it IS the big thing we need to be preparing for in business and marketing of our products and services. Vickie Maris, host of Agile Digital Business podcast, discusses trends and definitions related to “voice,” in Episode 10 of the show. Season 2 of the podcast is focused on voice and voice first searches, and how businesses can prepare for the platform. Find all episodes at the blog: https://vickiemaris2.libsyn.com


    For a look at the research available about voice, and to learn more about the technical side of the platform, I highly recommend viewing the website and the white papers available from Bret Kinsella and the team at Voicebot. Bret is also the host of the Voicebot podcast. Take a listen to an episode and visit the website. You won’t regret it. https://voicebot.ai/author/bret/


    Reminder about the homework assignment for taking steps to update your website for "voice." It is available for download at my Patreon account, https://patreon.com/vickiemaris



    Sample of recent tweets around the hashtags: #voiceactivatedsearch and #voicesearch

    SEMrush - @SEMrush  - Sept. 10, 2019
    #VoiceSearch started off as a hit-or-miss concept. It’s now a hugely popular way of helping us go about our daily lives. @himanshurauthan uncovers 7 strategies of how you can optimize your site to return more answers from voice searches.*

    Audeliss Search - @AudelissPeople – June 17, 2019  
    Voice-activated systems are a $49 billion market. Now @Google is using #AI to make #voice recognition work for #people with #disabilities: (link: https://buff.ly/2FaQjKr) buff.ly/2FaQjKr @Forbes #inclusion

    AIMC Biz Solutions @aimcbizolution – June 14, 2019 
    As of 2019, 20% of all Google searches are voice-activated – a number that’s expected to leap to 50% as early as 2020. Voice search is here to stay. It’s growing – and businesses who don’t embrace it now are going to be left scrambling in the very near future.


    Webinar Replays

    Podcasting in the Age of Voice Webinar – Aug. 26, 2019

    Pragmatic and WIT Lingo hosted an webinar with several guests that provides interesting insights to the “voice” scene in Q3 2019. https://youtu.be/C2uY1dGRIZE

    Glossary of Terms 

    AI – Artificial Intelligence
    Sample tweet from @Capgemini (Intelligent Automation Platform) about AI: Explore how #AI based insights enable wealth and #AssetManagement firms to leverage the strengths of the advisors, uncover areas of improvement and promote best practices.

    CCPA – California Consumer Protection Act
    Starts Jan. 1, 2020 - https://ccpa.jebbit.com/

    “By its terms, the CCPA protects the private information of California residents even when they’re outside the state. This means that, if you sell anything to or market anything to or gather any data on California residents, you’re subject to the CCPA’s provisions and need to be ready.” Kerry O’Shea Gorgone (guest post on the Grow blog by Mark Schaefer)

    Flash Briefing –
    A Flash Briefing is a term related to Amazon Skills for Alexa-assisted devices. It’s a short (10 minutes or less) news update that Alexa can read or play.

    GDPR – General Data Protection Regulation
    Enforced May 25, 2018
    In statements on the EU GDPR website it says that the GDPR is “designed to harmonize data privacy laws across Europe and to protect and empower all EU citizens’ data, and reshape the way organizations across the region approach data privacy.”


    Intent – The meaning of whatever a user has verbalized to a voice-activated assistant.


    Machine Learning –
    It’s an offshoot of artificial intelligence. Machine learning makes assumptions that machines can learn from data. As patterns are determined, decisions get made with little or no human involvement.

    Position Zero – The top search result in a screen-based, keyword search in a search engine such as Google. It’s above the ads; it’s above the snippets. It’s the position used in voice search.

    Screen Search – A screen search is the type of Internet searching that was previously thought of as traditional. It involves typing of questions, key words or phrases in a search engine such as Google or Bing. A method of typing and a screen are involved. The search results are displayed in multiples per page.

    SEM – Search engine marketing

    SEO – Search engine optimization

    SERP – Search engine results page*

    Skill (Amazon), Action (Google), Capsule (Bixby for Samsung) – Amazon calls these “voice-driven capabilities” that can run on their respective platforms. Google calls these Actions. For Bixby, they are capsules. Consider the Amazon Alexa Skill for an example. I’ve created an Alexa Skill for my podcast, Agile Digital Business, to make it easy for Amazon device users to ask Alexa to play my Flash Briefing for the podcast. The Alexa Skill can be found on search in the Amazon Skill store. If a user knows the name of the Skill they are looking for, they can request it of the assistant by saying, “Enable [name of Skill].” For the podcast, I set the Alexa Skill up with the blue print provided for a Flash Briefing. It saved me from having to code, and it enables a user to search in their Alexa app for the specific Skill to add to their Flash Briefing.*

    Smart Speaker – A smart speaker is also known as a voice-activated assistant, and several other terms. Examples include the Echo by Amazon (assistant is Alexa) or the Home by Google.

    Sonic Branding – Phrases such as “tone of the copy,” “find your voice,” and “it should sound like our brand,” have a literal meaning in this era of voice search. Sonic branding is what your brand sounds like as it is responding, verbally, to your customers.*

    Utterance – This is the term used to describe the vocalizations a user has with a voice-activated assistant.

    Voice – Any interaction that allows you to control a computer program using natural speech.

    Voice Commerce – Transactions for goods and services conducted via voice search and commands given to the assistant in the smart speaker. Users can connect their accounts such as Amazon.

    Voice First – The phrase, voice first, refers to the first in a string of searches, starting with a voice search, that a user conducts. They may go to a screen search after getting an initial response from an assistant.

    Voice Search – A voice search is a question asked by a person talking to their digital assistant (voice-activated speaker or voice-activated assistant) such as Siri or Alexa. The assistant uses meta data to return one result that best aligns with the question that was asked.

    Voice User Interface (VUI) – This is an interface that allows a person using voice for search to interact with a device when there isn’t a screen involved.

    BIO – Vickie Maris

    Voice first, voice platforms and preparing content so that it is more discoverable in voice search are topics that have the focus of Vickie Maris, author, speaker, digital marketer and idea coach. Vickie is the host and producer of Agile Digital Business. Season 2 is devoted to the fast-moving adoption of smart speakers and uses of voice-activated assistants in a variety of forms. Through her podcast and conference talks, she helps business owners and marketers plan their transition of content for improved discoverability in voice search.

    Vickie has also studied and taught social media marketing and engagement, and development of online learning experiences in scalable business models for executive education units. Her career spans over 30 years in industry and academia.

    At the university, she is responsible for the sales, marketing and evolution of non-degree programs for business people in leadership, supervision, and business analytics. She has also held roles in marketing and business development in the fields of agriculture and engineering at Purdue University where she led a team that developed and marketed online certifications in Lean Six Sigma and project management. The online courses attracted over 1,400 business professionals per year.

    Vickie has served as a communications director for a non-profit and as an account manager for an advertising and public relations firm. She holds her Black Belt in Lean Six Sigma. Her degrees from Purdue include a B.S. degree in Agricultural Communications and MS Ed in Learning Design and Technology.

    Vickie is a published author and a recording artist. Her books, podcasts and music can be found in Amazon, Apple Podcasts, Apple Music, Google Podcasts, iHeart Radio, Spotify, Pandora and other digital locations. She and her co-writer/musician husband, Scott Greeson, reside on their farm with their llamas, Connemara pony, and cat, Frank.

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    To find the resources that I mention in my conference sessions, search on #teachinspireconnect and/or #agiledigitalbiz. You’re invited to connect with me in LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/in/vickiemaris; emails = vmaris@nd.edu or vickiemaris@gmail.com


    * Indicates a content reference that was added after this document was audio recorded as part of Episode 12 of Agile Digital Business podcast. If you’d prefer to listen to my recommendations about these resources, plus my added commentary, check out Episode 12 of the podcast. The episodes of the podcast are available here: https://vickiemaris2.libsyn.com

    Amy Stapleton, Dave Kemp, and Pete Haas Discuss First 100 Episodes - Voicebot Podcast Ep 105

    Amy Stapleton, Dave Kemp, and Pete Haas Discuss First 100 Episodes - Voicebot Podcast Ep 105

    There have been so many rich insights offered by Voicebot Podcast guests that I wanted to figure out a simple way to unlock a few of those nuggets in case you missed the episodes. I also wanted to hear some discussion among dedicated and erudite listeners about what was said by past guests and what they thought mattered most.

    With 100 episodes to choose from, we narrowed it down by asking listeners to let me know their favorite episodes and why. Our panelists also weighed in and by my count, we discussed at least 23 episodes. Amy Stapleton of Tellables, Pete Haas from Conversation Curve, and Dave Kemp from Oaktree join me on the 100 episode retrospective. What a long, fruitful trip it’s been. Hear comments about episodes that included Adam Cheyer, Ron Croen, Cathy Pearl, Dave Isbitski, Lisa Falkson, Karen Kaushansky, Vijay Balasubramanian, Brad Abrams, and many more. 

    Voice UX Best Practices with Emerson Sklar of Applause - Voicebot Podcast Ep 66

    Voice UX Best Practices with Emerson Sklar of Applause - Voicebot Podcast Ep 66

    Voicebot recently published the Voice UX Best Practices eBook. It is a 45-page masterclass in Voice UX that includes over 100 tips and recommendations from 17 industry experts gathered through dozens of hours of interviews. In this week's interview, I play audio clip highlights from some earlier podcasts and Emerson Sklar from Applause and I discuss the expert commentary and where it fits into the eBook. Featured experts include Ahmed Bouzid (Witlingo), Lisa Falkson (Amazon), Karen Kaushansky (Robot Future), Jan König (Jovo), Shane Mac (Assist), Tim McElreath (Discovery Communications), Cathy Pearl (Google & Author, Designing Voice User Interfaces),  Mark Webster (Sayspring / Adobe). You can download the full eBook at voicebot.ai/reports. 

    Doug Schumacher Founder of Arrovox and the Voice Marketing Podcast - Voicebot Podcast Ep 63

    Doug Schumacher Founder of Arrovox and the Voice Marketing Podcast - Voicebot Podcast Ep 63

    Doug Schumacher is likely known to Voicebot listeners as either the host of the VoiceMarketing Podcast or creator of the satirical Homie & Lexy Podcast. He is the founder of Arrovox, a digital creative firm with a speciality that includes voice and marketing. During his career he has worked with clients ranging from Sony Pictures and EA Games to Pepsi and Mattel. Doug started his career as a writer at DDB Needham, TBWA/Chiat/Day and BBDO. He is a graduate of the University of Illinois. We discuss his early career learning the Attention, Interest, Desire and Action (AIDA) framework, how to write ad copy and his work in radio, digital and social media advertising. It's Advertising Week and what better time to talk about voice marketing.  

    Omar Tawakol CEO of Voicera on Creating a Conversations Inbox - Voicebot Podcast Ep 61

    Omar Tawakol CEO of Voicera on Creating a Conversations Inbox  - Voicebot Podcast Ep 61

    Omar Tawakol is CEO and co-founder of Voicera which he says is creating a conversations inbox and system of record for meetings. The core solution is automated meeting transcription that also generates meeting notes with a highlights summary. Omar goes into detail about how the Ensemble service applies multiple speech recognition engines to address the meeting transcription challenge before applying AI to extract highlights. He earned a Masters degree in computer science from Stanford and engineering degree from MIT. This week's interview goes deep into enterprise voice applications for productivity and even covers the idea of compounding network effects associated with a combination of a data advantage and AI that continually improves.

    Adam Marchick CEO of Alpine AI Discusses Headspace Acquisition - Voicebot Podcast 60

    Adam Marchick CEO of Alpine AI Discusses Headspace Acquisition - Voicebot Podcast 60

    Adam Marchick sat down to discuss his journey with Voice Labs and Alpine AI and the recent acquisition by Headspace. He breaks down the three phases of Voice Labs + Alpine (analytics, ad monetization, discovery) and why Headspace wanted to bring the company in house. We also go into Adam's experience in engineering and VC, how his internship at Facebook influences his approach to marketing, and how his previous company, Kahuna, influenced the approach he took wth Voice Labs. Adam earned both Computer Science and MBA degrees at Stanford. 

    Nick Schwab of Invoked Apps Talks Alexa Skill Product Strategy - Voicebot Podcast Ep 58

    Nick Schwab of Invoked Apps Talks Alexa Skill Product Strategy - Voicebot Podcast Ep 58

    Nick Schwab founded Invoked apps after building his first three Alexa skills in 2016. Within six months he had more sounds and was streaming 1 TB of data per day. Fifteen months later he has 41 sound skills plus a couple of games on both Alexa and Google Assistant that collectively generate 18 TB of streaming data each day. Invoked Apps also has the distinction of publishing the Alexa skill with the most user reviews, Ambient Sounds: Thunderstorm Sounds. That skill has over 13,700 user reviews at an average rating of 4.9 stars. 

    In the interview, Nick discusses the product strategy behind single invocation skills and aggregation skills and how he has had to take a different approach on Google Assistant. He also discusses his experience in 2017 with Alexa skill cross promotion and advertising and the current Amazon developer rewards program. There is a lot to learn about the state of Alexa skills today and how the system works differently on Amazon and Google. You will definitely learn a lot.