

    Explore "winton" with insightful episodes like "Nicholas Winton, le "Schindler britannique"", "「如果你欠他一條命,請起立」——他拯救600人卻被遺忘半世紀,最後才發現許多人都在等待一個機會感謝他", "Baby Farmer: the story of Minnie Dean", "Episode 105: Ferrodraco" and "Von Norderney bis Westaustralien" from podcasts like ""S'informer avec Inter", "海獅說---生活裡的小世界史", "Black Sheep", "Palaeocast" and "Long Story Short - Der Buch-Podcast mit Karla Paul und Günter Keil"" and more!

    Episodes (9)


    在我寫這麼多歷史故事裡,這真的是我看過最感人的一幕 . 故事的主人翁叫尼可拉斯・溫頓(Nicholas Winton),是一名英國股票交易員 在二戰爆發前夕,當年30歲的溫頓與他的同伴 冒著被納粹發現的風險,將669名猶太孩童從捷克斯洛伐克救到英國 . 在布拉格車站的月台上,那些猶太父母即將與孩子永別 這些父母知道,這也許是他們一生中最後一次看見自己的孩子。 在那之後,自己唯一的骨肉將會前往遙遠的地方、住在另外一個家庭裡、也許還會開口叫另一對陌生夫妻「爸媽」。 但這些孩子會獲得一個幸福、安全的人生,而等待這些猶太父母的命運則是集中營、是毒氣室。 . 火車緩緩開動了。 Hans Fieldsend當年才年僅7歲。他看母親從手腕上摘下手錶,從火車窗外遞給了他,口中喃喃的說道:「記得我們、記得我們。」 . 一直到戰爭爆發後,溫頓與他的同伴才停止了營救任務。 然而在戰爭結束後40年,世人幾乎都不知道溫頓的事蹟 直到BBC節目《這就是生活》(that's life)知道了這件事,他們邀請了溫頓、還有當年被拯救的孩子們前來攝影棚 最後,主持人說:「現場還有誰欠尼可拉斯・溫頓一條命的?請站起來。」 . 在一陣輕微的聲響後,溫頓後面所有的人 全都站了起來。 他們全都是因為溫頓與同伴的善行,才得以扭轉命運。 . 我非常珍視這段故事,希望在這人性特輯的最後 能讓大家看見人性的一絲光明,祝大家週末愉快啦~ . 喜歡這裡的話,就請餵海獅一條沙丁魚吧~~ 也在下面留言給我,我們一起讓這個節目長長久久 https://pay.soundon.fm/podcasts/c4a52812-95c4-46aa-bef6-6a72a71ab810

    Baby Farmer: the story of Minnie Dean

    Baby Farmer: the story of Minnie Dean
    Minnie Dean must rank as one of New Zealand's most infamous figures. The only woman to be judicially executed in New Zealand history. For years she was portrayed as a cold-blooded killer who murdered babies for cash. More recently, attitudes towards Minnie have shifted, but she's still a controversial and complex figure. Black Sheep dives into the story of the baby farmer of Winton.

    Episode 105: Ferrodraco

    Episode 105: Ferrodraco

    Australia has many fossils from all ages, including several dinosaurs known exclusively from this time and place. However, they are not well known for their pterosaur fossils, having only a handful of specimens, and up to now just two named species from this large continent. Last month, the most complete pterosaur from Australia was described, a new species called Ferrodraco lentoni.

    At the Society of Vertebrate Paleontology in Brisbane, Australia, we were able to sit down with Adele Pentland, lead author on the study published in Scientific Reports, to talk about this exciting new find. Adele is a PhD student at Swinburne University of Technology in Australia, and Research Associate at the Australian Age of Dinosaurs Natural History Museum.

    Von Norderney bis Westaustralien

    Von Norderney bis Westaustralien
    Während sich Karla auf Norderney durchpusten lässt, begibt sich Günter ins unwirtliche Outback Westaustraliens. Mit dabei: Ihre Lieblingstitel von Meike Werkmeister (mit Interview), Tim Winton, Susan Sontag & Jonathan Cott, sowie die Graphic Novels von Riad Sattouf. Unsere allgemeinen Datenschutzrichtlinien finden Sie unter https://art19.com/privacy. Die Datenschutzrichtlinien für Kalifornien sind unter https://art19.com/privacy#do-not-sell-my-info abrufbar.

    Best of TTU – Un-Learning & The Legacy of AHL

    Best of TTU – Un-Learning & The Legacy of AHL

    It has been said that: 'The biggest room of all, is the room for improvement', and one thing that is clear to see in the amazing careers of today’s guests, is the continued hunger for learning in the quest for an improved investment process. This is something that has led to an unprecedented success for this trio.  Today, I share the last key insights from my conversation with Michael Adam, David Harding and Marty Lueck, also known as the founders of AHL.  In this clip, we don’t just discuss the importance of learning... but also how you must un-learn certain things in order to move forward. Not least of these, is what the three of them wish the legacy of AHL will be.

    So, sit back and relax and enjoy these truly unique takeaways from my conversation with Michael, David and Marty and if you would like to listen to the full conversation, and I hope you do, just go to Top Traders Round Table Episode 13.



    In today’s lesson, entitled“The Winton Children,you will listen to a passage about a remarkable Englishman named Nicholas Winton who is often called “Britain’s Schindler.” When the Second World War broke out, Winton masterminded an operation that rescued 669 Jewish children from almost certain death. (There were a couple of “Japanese Schindlers,” too, by the way.  Do you know who they were?) Listen carefully to the passage and then answer the questions that follow.  It’s always a good idea to take notes as you listen, but remember: don’t let your note-taking distract you from your listening. 

    The correct answers will follow immediately after the closing jingle, so stay tuned.  Answers are also available on the KA Wordcast website as a separate track.   You can also download the lesson in PDF format and keep it for your reference.    And be sure to listen to the Key Vocabulary bonus track.   This will improve your understanding of the passage itself and give you a bigger, better active vocabulary.


    LA 108: Weird Skinny Burger King-Eating "Veggie"

    LA 108: Weird Skinny Burger King-Eating "Veggie"

    Alex and Rob cast an irreverent eye over local news from their respective home towns.


    Listeners can submit stories from their local area to:lapodcast.net@gmail.com 


    Stories this week include:

    • Tesco introduces mandatory chocoloate bar identification training.
    • Tests reveal that mystery object found in loaf of bread to be 15th century Papal ring.
    • Gnomes held in police custody on firearms charge.
    • Environmentalist attempts to recycle disused JCB digger.

    Also revealed: We discuss the bread product compensation scale...