

    Explore "wisgop" with insightful episodes like "What Is Brian Schimming going to do about John Fandrich having Billie Johnson escorted out a Green County GOP monthly breakfast meeting", "The Democrats will use Brian a swimming (LoL) being on the radio to their advantage", "Brian A Schimming only Wanted the Job to Because the RNC is Coming to Milwaukee", "Will There be an Wisconsin RED WAVE?: We Sweep, or We Fail, It’s in Your Hands" and "🛑Explicit Content🛑Adapt or Die we are voting out the old republicans then we hit the GOP" from podcasts like ""APEX Featuring Ian C Jordan", "APEX Featuring Ian C Jordan", "APEX Featuring Ian C Jordan", "APEX Featuring Ian C Jordan" and "APEX Featuring Ian C Jordan"" and more!

    Episodes (5)

    What Is Brian Schimming going to do about John Fandrich having Billie Johnson escorted out a Green County GOP monthly breakfast meeting

    What Is Brian Schimming going to do about John Fandrich having Billie Johnson escorted out a Green County GOP monthly breakfast meeting
    Condemnation of the Behavior Shown by the Green County Chairman on Saturday, May 13, 2023
    We condemn the show of disrespect towards CD2 Chairman-elect, Billie Johnson, who it should be noted, won with an overwhelming 68% of the vote. Mr. Johnson has a decades-long record of support and volunteerism in the Republican Party.

    This morning Mr. Johnson drove down to Green County to attend the Green County GOP monthly breakfast meeting in Monroe. He undertook this important step to hear more from CD2 members and listen to their concerns after a contentious caucus. He quietly stood in line and was next to pay $10 for his breakfast at the American Legion. Before he could pay, he was escorted out of the building by the Green County Chairman, John Fandrich, and a local law enforcement officer.

    Mr. Fandrich told Mr. Johnson that if he didn't leave, that most of the Green County members would leave the meeting. Coerced by Mr. Fandrich and the law enforcement officer, Mr. Johnson left as he came, quietly and peacefully.

    This incident is a violation of Mr. Johnson's constitutional rights and is a despicable display of power and pettiness to rule with an iron fist. Mr. Fandrich has always been welcome to events across other counties in CD2 as are all members of the Green County Republican Party.

    He would never be asked to leave one of our meetings, let alone be escorted out by law enforcement. Furthermore, in the past Mr. Fandrich has made open invitations to RPDC members to attend Green County events.
    Some of our members are on the GCRP mailing list and get regular invitations to their events. Are they no longer welcome?

    Coercing the CD2 Chair-elect is not an acceptable precedent to set. None of us want to live in a country where we cancel and silence those we disagree with. We therefore condemn the attempt to cancel Billie Johnson. This follows a pattern of repeated behavior by Mr. Fandrich to damage CD2 in the final days of his term of Vice Chair. It should also be noted that Mr. Fandrich only received 35% of the vote in his bid for reelection.

    The actions taken by Mr. Fandrich today destroys party unity, which will be essential for success in upcoming elections. His consistent retaliation against members of his own party would be better directed at Democrats. Historically, we have seen far better transitions of power than Mr. Fandrich is facilitating. He has set a new low standard of behavior for an elected GOP party leader.

    We demand an apology, in writing. from Green County Chairman Mr. Fandrich to CD2 Chair-elect Mr. Johnson.
    Republican Party of Dane County Executive Board
    Chairman Brandon Maly
    Congressional District 2
    Secretary Kimberly Smith
    Treasurer Scott Frostman
    Republican Party of Sauk County
    Chairman Jerry Helmer
    Republican Party of lowa County
    Chairman Bill Neal
    Republican Party of Lafayette County
    Chairman Dave Certa

    The Democrats will use Brian a swimming (LoL) being on the radio to their advantage

    The Democrats will use Brian a swimming (LoL) being on the radio to their advantage
    From NewsUndone.com

    After another losing statewide election in Wisconsin, it seems that the WISGOP should change its slogan to ‘Celebrate Mediocrity’ to keep things honest. The Republican Party of Wisconsin has been spiraling since Reince Priebus left as Chairman to take over the RNC in 2011; only now, it seems, we have hit the iceberg dead on and are taking on water, big time.

    Even with recent changes, the party shows that ABSOLUTELY NOTHING HAS CHANGED. This should be no surprise since Brian Schimming, the new WISGOP Chairman, comes from the Madison ‘swamp’ and was anointed with little to no input from Republicans statewide. Why should anyone expect results to be different? Here we go again!

    Will There be an Wisconsin RED WAVE?: We Sweep, or We Fail, It’s in Your Hands

    Will There be an Wisconsin RED WAVE?: We Sweep, or We Fail, It’s in Your Hands
    I know the idea of the ‘most important election of our lifetime’ has almost become a cliche in the world of political elections. Only now, EVERY election has become the most important in our lifetime.

    In the past, a Republican could lose to a Democrat and it was safe to say that we had time to regroup and get them ‘next time.’ Only now, the Democrats have sold their souls to the EXTREME LEFT-WING of their party.

    This is no longer the party of JFK. Heck, it’s not even the party of Bill Clinton. When the Democrats win, IT’S EXISTENTIAL, and each election cycle brings us closer to the proverbial cliff.

    Mandela Barnes, Tony Evers, Josh Kaul, Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, Kamala Harris, and Joe Biden are ALL agents of CHAOS. They are nothing but different heads of the same Left-wing extremist Hydra. We must remove the whole monster because just like the mythological creature, you remove one head, and two grow back.

    We certainly have our work cut out for us. Nationally WE MUST follow through with that ‘Red Wave’ that looks to be forming across the country.

    Republicans must reclaim the House of Representatives from the claws of Nancy Pelosi and the ‘Squad.’ The Democrat House majority isn’t just liberal. They are dangerous. The notion of ‘blue dog’ moderate Democrats is long gone. These people are the ‘crazy, unhinged, left!’

    Even more importantly, we need to reclaim the Senate from the clutches of that Whiney, spoiled, Child, Chuck Schumer, and his nearly incoherent and incessantly cackling partner in crime, Kamala Harris.

    The GOP needs to retain Wisconsin and Pennsylvania and then win either Nevada, Arizona, or Georgia to take the majority. As of today, all three Democrat seats lean toward the Republican candidates. Oh, and our ‘long-shot’ candidates in New Hampshire and the state of Washington are tied with their Democrat incumbent opponents. The GOP could end up with 53 US Senate seats next week.

    Seriously though, at least Joe Biden has the excuse of impending dementia for his incoherence; what is Kamala’s excuse? But, I digress.

    The Senate is also responsible for Judicial confirmations, we have the chance to protect the Judicial firewall that Trump gave us. On top of that, we cannot allow Police De-funder Mandella Barnes, to become the first “Squad’ member in the United States Senate. Yes, Mandela Barnes makes AOC look competent. He has literally accomplished NOTHING in his life.

    Winning also allows Republicans to have serious hearings about Hunter Biden’s corruption; Fauci’s true role in the Wuhan lab and get to the bottom of what is going on at the board after they impeach Mayorkis. Oh, and they may finally get some straight answers from Chris Wray and the FBI on their overt political bias.

    That being said, the Senate and House races are only part of the equation. Even if we retake both houses, Joe Biden can still do plenty of damage through Executive order. And God forbid, if he quits and extremist Kamala takes the reins, we will need a state level barrier to protect us from their Federal overreach.

    Removing the Left-wing extremist from the Attorney General’s office is imperative

    The ultra-woke extremist Attorney General, Josh Kaul has been dangerous to our rights since the beginning. Everything from ignoring rights during COVID to calling parents “Domestic Terrorists,’ who were attending School Board meetings and voicing disgust with extremely racist and hyper-sexualized school curricula around the state. He has also done NOTHING regarding Voter Integrity and ILLEGAL activities of WEC and others during the 2020 election.

    Eric Toney has a solid track record of prosecuting crime and applying the rule of law. He understands that, as Attorney General, you must enforce ALL laws, not just the ones you agree with. More importantly, Eric Toney has successfully prosecuted voter integrity claims. This is Huge.

    It’s been nearly four years since we had a competent Attorney General, and it shows. KEEP SWEEPING!

    The path for the RED WAVE MUST go through the Governor’s Mansion

    Nobody has been worse for Wisconsin than Governor Tony Evers. Evers literally and deliberately DESTROYED THE WISCONSIN ECONOMY. Already a complete train wreck, in 2020 he immediately used constitutional Emergency Powers to shut down nearly the entire state in order to scuttle our economy.

    He alone determined who was ‘essential’ and was allowed to engage in commerce. He also shut down schools and enforced a draconian ‘mask’ mandate for all of us, but especially our kids.

    He wouldn’t even allow people to engage in Constitutionally protected freedom of Religion by shutting down churches. At a time when people needed it the most. All this under the guise of ‘good intentions.’ Why? To get ‘Evil Bad Orange Man.’ We suffered because of political posturing.

    Let’s not forget that it was not until the State Supreme Court stepped in and reminded Evers that he was not a dictator, did the draconian measures begin to wain. Evers should have known better, but he and his ‘WOKE’ extremist political puppet masters don’t care what you think.

    In fact, Evers cares so little for the people of Wisconsin, that he has only literally been campaigning for two or so weeks. That’s right, Wisconsin is NOT WORTH HIS TIME OR EFFORT. Maybe that’s why 63% of voters on the most recent Marquette Law School poll say the state is seriously off on the WRONG TRACK. That’s a 10% increase since September and one of the highest ever recorded by Marquette.

    As I have said before, it’s time for us to elect a hero in order to retire the zero. It’s time for Tim Michels to be swept into the Governor’s office so that together, we can work to undo the damage that EVERS has saddled us with.

    Tim Michels is the ideal candidate, at precisely the right moment, to get Wisconsin back on the path to prosperity. Coupled with his impressive Military experience, Tim’s long track record of business success is EXACTLY WHAT WISCONSIN NEEDS to save us from the incompetent Evers trainwreck.

    Just imagine what Wisconsin can do with Tim’s experience at the helm. Gone will be the days of Madison overreach.

    Tim will handle real issues, like giving power back to parents regarding their children through the ‘Parent Bill of Rights’ and Universal School Choice. He will work with cities to give them the resources to tackle the out-of-control crime problem. Tim will use his business experience to streamline government in order to help cut costs at home to help with inflation.

    There is a clear contrast between Michels and Evers, and Michels is beginning to shine as a candidate. On top of this, having a competent Governor will help protect Wisconsin citizens from Joe Biden’s extreme Federal overreach. This is imperative.

    Unfortunately, there are those who feel they need to ‘prove a point’ out of ‘principle.’

    I have said before, what good are ‘principles’ if you do not have the power to do anything about it? We have seen this before and it fails each time. Yes, I have ‘taken stands’ before and what good did it do? In 1992 I voted for Ross Perot, because of ‘principles’ and we were stuck with Bill Clinton. Luckily I grew up and learned from my mistakes.

    We have people who are refusing to support Ron Johnson because he said he would not run again. Well, too bad! It is more important to keep this seat and not risk the Democrats gaining existential power. It was imperative that he ran.

    There are others who are still upset about the August primary battles for Governor and Attorney General. Well, that was August, and it is now it’s November. That’s what primaries are for, sometimes we lose and sometimes we win, then we MUST support the winner, lest you give the other side power because of a childish temper tantrum.

    That mentality almost gave us Hillary Clinton in 2016 and likely gave us Joe Biden. As I have said before, you can surely feel like you are being ‘principled’, but what good are ‘principles’ when you are standing in a soup line? And that’s where we are headed with the likes of the Barnes/Evers team.

    There is no write-in candidate or 3rd party candidate for Governor. And leaving any line on your ballot blank is killing any chance of getting any of the changes you wish to affect. We get NOTHING with Barnes, Evers, and Kaul…NOTHING!

    🛑Explicit Content🛑Adapt or Die we are voting out the old republicans then we hit the GOP

    🛑Explicit Content🛑Adapt or Die we are voting out the old republicans then we hit the GOP
    I’m on 32nd and Morgan and the black dude has a Tim Michels sign. Tim is transcending for being Tim , that goes beyond him being a Republican. When I was young, you being a white Republican you lost most people. I was taught to listen to what someone is saying.

    I’m in a mood so I’m going to be candid. Those who pay attention to my work know my resume. I’ve had soft people tell me I shouldn’t associate with these Republicans. At the end of the day I’m a street dude off of 28th and Center, from a family whose business was __________. With that being said until you see your friends murder other friends, you and I are not the same.

    So I embrace the hate, even though, after I called-out people doing half-reporting and reporting falsehoods on Tim, these same people put up my back tax information. I was homeless at one point and I had issues paying the back taxes. I set up a weekly payment plan and I’m cutting into the debt. Just like thousands of other everyday people have had to do over the years. But, I press on.

    Because of some of these half-truths, Tim is a magnet and a lightning rod. But why? People keep saying they don’t know his stances? That’s odd because Mark Belling does. That’s odd because Dan O’Donnell does. That’s odd because my mentor Jay Weber does.

    Just go to his website and literally everything is there for all to see.

    Here, let me help you out, this is from his website. Read his positions for yourself:

    His Economic Blue Print

    Compete with neighboring states by reducing corporate and individual income taxes to attract and retain more talent in Wisconsin.

    Increase American energy production and distribution to provide low cost and reliable energy for families and businesses all across the state.

    Eliminate the personal property tax.

    Recruit out-of-state veterans to join the Wisconsin workforce by improving VA hospitals and providing businesses with hiring incentives.

    Leverage our water and work ethic to make Wisconsin the premier manufacturing hub for the military defense industry.

    Overhaul and streamline the state’s occupational licensing laws to eliminate barriers that prevent people from starting and expanding their businesses.

    Incentivize students to pursue education in, and invest in training for, high-demand fields such as healthcare, engineering, and technology and remain in the state after graduation.

    Expedite access to high-speed broadband in rural communities so that all areas of Wisconsin can participate in the digital economy.

    Increase opportunities for K-12 students to participate in hands-on internships, youth apprenticeships, and programs such as Dual Enrollment.

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