

    Explore "yam" with insightful episodes like "EP68 | 佛腳 Buddha feet", "EP67 | 蟑螂、壁虎、蜘蛛、蟲 Cockroach, gecko, spider, insects...", "EP66 | 默契 mòqì", "EP65 | 靈感 Inspiration" and "EP64 | 風格 Style" from podcasts like ""Learn real-life Taiwanese Mandarin 聽播客學中文 ", "Learn real-life Taiwanese Mandarin 聽播客學中文 ", "Learn real-life Taiwanese Mandarin 聽播客學中文 ", "Learn real-life Taiwanese Mandarin 聽播客學中文 " and "Learn real-life Taiwanese Mandarin 聽播客學中文 "" and more!

    Episodes (100)

    EP68 | 佛腳 Buddha feet

    EP68 | 佛腳 Buddha feet
    為什麼我們要抱佛的腳呢? Why we are hugging a Buddha's feet? 來聽聽我們解釋中文裡神奇的比喻吧! We will explain some of the mystical Chinese metaphor in this episode! . . . 🔸Transcript & lesson: https://linktr.ee/ttmctw 🔸Support our work: https://ko-fi.com/ttmctw 🔸Instagram: @ttmctw ✉️ talktalkmandarinchinese@gmail.com music by audionautix.com

    EP67 | 蟑螂、壁虎、蜘蛛、蟲 Cockroach, gecko, spider, insects...

    EP67 | 蟑螂、壁虎、蜘蛛、蟲 Cockroach, gecko, spider, insects...
    這集我們聊聊台灣家裡常見的小生物們~😆 In this episode, we talk about some common little living creatures in Taiwanese homes. . . . 🔸Transcript & lesson: https://linktr.ee/ttmctw 🔸Support our work: https://ko-fi.com/ttmctw 🔸Instagram: @ttmctw ✉️ talktalkmandarinchinese@gmail.com music by audionautix.com

    EP66 | 默契 mòqì

    EP66 | 默契 mòqì
    "默契"在英文裡好像沒有一個相對的詞可以詮釋… Is it ''chemistry"? Or "mind meld" a better translation to mòqì? In English we don't find a relevant word that can completely interpret what 默契 is. 那在你的母語裡有嗎? How about in your language? 來聽聽我們用中文解釋到底什麼是"默契"吧! Listen to this episode and let us know do you find a relevant word in other languages! . . . 🔸Transcript: https://linktr.ee/ttmctw 🔸Support our work: https://ko-fi.com/ttmctw 🔸Instagram: @ttmctw ✉️ talktalkmandarinchinese@gmail.com music by audionautix.com

    EP63 | 欸批批 APP

    EP63 | 欸批批 APP
    你最常用的手機App是哪一個呢? Which mobile App do you use the most? 最近台灣人都在用那些App呢? And which Apps people are using a lot recently in Taiwan? 這集我們聊聊手機App和對生活的觀察吧~ In this episode: Apps and the observation of life from using them! . . . 🔸Transcript: https://linktr.ee/ttmctw 🔸Support our work: https://ko-fi.com/ttmctw 🔸Instagram: @ttmctw ✉️ talktalkmandarinchinese@gmail.com music by audionautix.com

    EP61 | 養小孩 Parenting

    EP61 | 養小孩 Parenting
    是年紀到了嗎? Finally arriving the age of having kids? 身邊的朋友都開始有小孩了呢~ So many of my friends are starting to have babies. 這集就由沒小孩的我們來聊聊養小孩這回事吧! In this episode, let's talk about raising children! (by 2 single persons😆) . . . 🔸Transcript: https://linktr.ee/ttmctw 🔸Support our work: https://ko-fi.com/ttmctw 🔸Instagram: @ttmctw ✉️ talktalkmandarinchinese@gmail.com music by audionautix.com

    EP59 | 熟 shóu

    EP59 | 熟 shóu
    欸!59集了! Hey! It's episode 59!! 你跟我們"熟了"嗎? Do you know us well already? 來聽聽"熟"在中文裡到底有多少種用法吧! Let's find out how many different ways we can use "shóu" in Mandarin! . . . 🔸Transcript: https://linktr.ee/ttmctw 🔸Support our work: https://ko-fi.com/ttmctw 🔸Instagram: @ttmctw ✉️ talktalkmandarinchinese@gmail.com music by audionautix.com

    backup chat_14 是說我們對Youtube...

    backup chat_14 是說我們對Youtube...
    簡單總結 *當我們到達某個階段,小萱就要開直播了~ (咦 小唐最近才開始沉迷追蹤影片 原來小萱的除了是重度Youtube使用者之外 還是個Youtube早期大前輩!? 然後發揮2人跳痛的聊天模式 我們從Youtube到FACEBOOK到無名小站到天空部落到蕃薯藤到奇摩家族到痞客邦 這些SNS平台,早期有早期的好處 小唐居然跟日本藝人OOO加過對方好友!? (想知道是誰就快進去聽阿) 然後在發布的前一天 居然連 Kis-My-Ft2 都開台了阿~~~~~~~ (傑尼斯終於面對世代的巨浪阿) * * * * * * 找我們 * * * * * * FB 、IG :Chat_Story0923 YT:聊天記錄 * * * * * * Johnny's Gaming Room 、LEOの遊び場【山田涼介】 、 ジャにのちゃんねる SixTONES 、 Snow Man 、 なにわ男子 、 ジャニーズJr.チャンネル

    EP58 | 回公司上班 Back to the office

    EP58 | 回公司上班 Back to the office
    疫情過後大家都回到辦公室了嗎? In the post pandemic era, have you finally go back to the office? 不過在台灣的我們回不回公司上班只是個人選擇,不是因為疫情啦!😆 But as we are in Taiwan, office job is just a personal choice not really an option which is effected by covid. 不論如何,這集跟我們一起聊聊商業中文吧! Anyhow, pick up some business related Mandarin with us in this episode! . . . 🔸Transcript: https://linktr.ee/ttmctw 🔸Support our work: https://ko-fi.com/ttmctw 🔸Instagram: @ttmctw ✉️ talktalkmandarinchinese@gmail.com music by audionautix.com

    Meditation: Mantra YAM - Anahata

    Meditation: Mantra YAM - Anahata

    Das Mantra ist eine von vielen Techniken, um in die Meditation zu kommen. Ein Mantra besteht aus einem Satz, einem kurzen Gebet, einer Silbe oder einem Wort.

    Das wohl bekannteste Mantra ist das Om. Das Mantra für das Chakra Anahata ist YAM und es wird wie Rang ausgesprochen.

    Die Mantrameditation YAM hilft dir dein Herzchakra zu aktivieren.

    Meine Buchempfehlung für dich:

    Meditation für Skeptiker - Ulrich Ott

    Spiritualität für Skeptiker - Ulrich Ott

    Werde übernatürlich - Joe Dispenza

    Psychologie des Kundalini Yoga - C.G. Jung

    Das Geheimnis der 11 Chakras - Master Choa Kok Sui

    Der Energiekörper des Menschen - Cindy Dale


    Wenn du mehr über Meditation lernen möchtest oder eine persönliche Meditationsstunde buchen möchtest, schau auf meiner Website vorbei https://achimludwig.com/


    Explosion Mind Meditation on Social Media

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/explosionmindmeditation/
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/explosionmindmeditation/


    EP55 | 雞飯 Chicken Rice

    EP55 | 雞飯 Chicken Rice
    聽到"海南雞飯"你會想到哪裡呢? Where do you think of when your hear "Hainanese chicken rice"? 這集我們跟著雞飯學中文吧! Let's travel to chicken rice and practice Chinese in this episode! . . . 🔸Transcript: https://linktr.ee/ttmctw 🔸Support our work: https://ko-fi.com/ttmctw 🔸Instagram: @ttmctw ✉️ talktalkmandarinchinese@gmail.com music by audionautix.com

    EP54 | 冥想 Meditation

    EP54 | 冥想 Meditation
    你有冥想的習慣嗎? Do you have the habit of meditating? 每天花一點點時間來冥想,真的對忙碌的生活很有幫助呢! A little bit of time every day to meditate really helping us to relax in our busy routine! 跟我們一起深呼吸,聽聽中文的冥想指引吧~ Let's try the guided meditation in Mandarin and just breathe! . . . 🔸Transcript: https://linktr.ee/ttmctw 🔸Support our work: https://ko-fi.com/ttmctw 🔸Instagram: @ttmctw ✉️ talktalkmandarinchinese@gmail.com music by audionautix.com

    EP53 | 寵物 Pet

    EP53 | 寵物 Pet
    好想養狗狗啊~~ 🐶 Aww we really want to have doggos!! 想養又不能養的時候怎麼辦呢? But what can we do when it's not possible? 這集來聽聽一些跟寵物有關係的中文吧! Listen to this episode about pets! . . . 🔸Transcript: https://linktr.ee/ttmctw 🔸Support our work: https://ko-fi.com/ttmctw 🔸Instagram: @ttmctw ✉️ talktalkmandarinchinese@gmail.com music by audionautix.com

    EP52 | 咖啡 Coffee

    EP52 | 咖啡 Coffee
    喝咖啡有這麼多種選擇~ ☕️ So much options when we have a cup of coffee. 你會用中文說你喜歡什麼樣的咖啡了嗎?🤔 Do you know how do describe the coffee that you like in Mandarin already? 今天我們就來「喝咖啡,聊是非」吧! In this episode, let's chat and learn some words about coffee. . . . 🔸Transcript: https://linktr.ee/ttmctw 🔸Support our work: https://ko-fi.com/ttmctw 🔸Instagram: @ttmctw ✉️ talktalkmandarinchinese@gmail.com music by audionautix.com

    EP51 | 恐怖情人 Abusive Relationship

    EP51 | 恐怖情人 Abusive Relationship
    恐怖情人 kǒngbù qíngrén, the literal translation is a "horrific lover" 😱 And yes, a "kǒngbù qíngrén" brings you an abusive relationship! 沒錯!一個恐怖情人帶來的就是一段虐待關係呀~~~ 這種時候,快逃啊! When you meet a 恐怖情人… RRRRRUN! . . . 🔸Transcript: https://linktr.ee/ttmctw 🔸Support our work: https://ko-fi.com/ttmctw 🔸Instagram: @ttmctw ✉️ talktalkmandarinchinese@gmail.com music by audionautix.com

    EP50 | 上癮 Addicted

    EP50 | 上癮 Addicted
    50集了!! The 50th episode of TTMC!!! 我們的節目你聽上癮了沒? Have you got hooked on to our show yet? 😻 這集就來聊聊癮頭吧~ Let's talk about addiction today. . . . 🔸Transcript: https://linktr.ee/ttmctw 🔸Support our work: https://ko-fi.com/ttmctw 🔸Instagram: @ttmctw ✉️ talktalkmandarinchinese@gmail.com music by audionautix.com

    EP49 | 討厭的食物 Food we can't stand

    EP49 | 討厭的食物 Food we can't stand
    台灣常見的食物裡有什麼是我們不喜歡的呢? What's our least favorite Taiwanese food? 還有農曆過年我們的最愛是什麼呢? And what is the one delicious Lunar New Year food that we both can resist? 在這個易胖的節日,我們來聊聊食物吧! In this weight-gaining holiday season, let's talk about food! . . . 🔸Transcript: https://linktr.ee/ttmctw 🔸Support our work: https://ko-fi.com/ttmctw 🔸Instagram: @ttmctw ✉️ talktalkmandarinchinese@gmail.com music by audionautix.com