
    you are here

    Explore " you are here" with insightful episodes like "#100 - Three Minute Thursday: Purpose and Pausing", "#95 - Three Minute Thursday: Success for Wellbeing", "#93 - Three Minute Thursday: Partnering with the World Happiness Fest", "#90 - Three Minute Thursday: Self-Worth Video Premier" and "#87 - Three Minute Thursday: Deathbed Speech - Steve Jobs" from podcasts like ""The Calm & Free Podcast with Pooja Mottl", "The Calm & Free Podcast with Pooja Mottl", "The Calm & Free Podcast with Pooja Mottl", "The Calm & Free Podcast with Pooja Mottl" and "The Calm & Free Podcast with Pooja Mottl"" and more!

    Episodes (9)

    #100 - Three Minute Thursday: Purpose and Pausing

    #100 - Three Minute Thursday: Purpose and Pausing

    Welcome to our weekly segment, "Three Minute Thursday"  where host Pooja Mottl highlights a piece of wisdom she has come across from her own readings, or shares an inspirational anecdote or insight that can help you lead a more calm and rooted life.


    "The purpose of life is a life of purpose” concludes author Robbin Sharma (Monk Who Sold His Ferrari). But what is your purpose? If you don’t know, you’re no alone. Most people fly through life existing but never living, going through the motions, doing what they think they’re supposed to be doing but never really taking the time to figure out if that aligns with what truly energizes and fulfills them.

    If you want to know one thing about your purpose, its about being selfless. Living and doing things that go beyond your individual gain. 

    But to get to the heart of your unique purpose, you’ll have to put in the effort. You’ll have to take time out life to find it. And one thing that helps is silence. Often, when we get rid of the noise, the conversations, the technology, and all the stimulations of the material world, our mind calms down just enough for it to reveal to us what it is that we’re here on this planet for. What is it that our talents and capabilities are meant to work on? What is it that energizes us, uplifts us and fills us with joy? Often times, we can’t get these answers if we keep ourselves on the treadmill of life and reaching for distractions. What we need to do is find quiet. Make that time for quiet and it will help you find your purpose. Put it in your calendar if you need to. Turn off your phone – shut down your computer – sit alone with your thoughts. Calm your mind and give it the space it needs to reveal to you what it is that you’re here to selflessly do. 


    If you want to read more of my essays on living calm and free, please sign up to my newsletter by following me on LinkedIn or signing up to at our new website at calmandfreepodcast.com. Please share this episode with someone you love.


    Website: https://www.calmandfreepodcast.com/

    For more from Host Pooja Mottl:  www.PoojaMottl.com

    Podcast Producer: www.Go-ToProductions.com

    Twitter: @PoojaMottl

    Instagram: @TheCalmandFreePodcast and @PoojaMottl  

    LinkedIn: @PoojaMottl


    Special Thanks

    Kris Kosach of the TPR Podcast for lending her VO for our Podcast Intro.

    Jessica Panian for her help with our graphic design. 

    Sufi Kaur for managing and designing our social graphics.


    #95 - Three Minute Thursday: Success for Wellbeing

    #95 - Three Minute Thursday: Success for Wellbeing

    Welcome to our weekly segment, "Three Minute Thursday"  where host Pooja Mottl highlights a piece of wisdom she has come across from her own readings, or shares an inspirational anecdote or insight that can help you lead a more calm and rooted life.


    In a fast-changing world, news about success runs rampant. It seems society wants to sell us it's own version of success and the fact is, most of us have bought into it.

    If you’re connected to the internet, news about people achieving great wealth, respect or fame, grab your attention in the form of posts, tweets, headlines, and alerts. This kind of sensational success is more alluring and seemingly more accessible, than ever before in human history. 

    From unicorn founders to voyages into space, stories about success mesmerize us and seduce us into wanting it, and the herd mentality justifies this narrative and keeps it alive.

    There’s nothing wrong with working hard for financial freedom and recognition from our peers – but what we’ve collectively done as a society…is taken success to a dangerous level in the context of our mental wellbeing.

    Dangerous, because when we make the end game all about success – the fortune, the notoriety, the achievements - we make the biggest sacrifice: we give up our peace of mind.

    See, when we’re driven by the promise that success will make our lives better, as the news and our culture want us to believe, we stop feeling grateful for what we have right now, a scientifically proven way to make our minds unhappy.

    And in the competitive race for success, we feel inadequate until me make it, insignificant if we never do, and unsatisfied when we arrive, because hitting one benchmark only begins the chase for yet another.

    To counter these emotions, we numb ourselves with food, with drugs, with shopping, with alcohol, with social media and by the dopamine hit that comes from just the idea that success can happen to me… if I just keep plugging away. 

    So today I’d like to offer you this advice with love and compassion – I want you to ask yourself: is my definition of success bringing me peace of mind at the end of my day? Does it give me energy or does it take it from me? 

    Does my definition of success help me sleep well at night? Does it make me the best colleague I can be? The best parent I can be? 

    These are the questions you must ask yourself to ensure a calm mind, which by the way, is the foundation necessary to unleash the genius within you.

    In the coming days, I will be releasing a full length video to expand on the process I use, personally, to define success in a way that brings me inner peace. It has been inspired by the likes of legendary coach John Wooden, the work of essayist and philosopher Ralph Waldo Emerson and the philosophy inherent in the Bhagavad Gita, the storied ancient Indian poem imbibed with time-honored wisdom . It will be both at my YouTube channel and on my social media channels. I truly hope these messages resonate with you and can add real value to your life.


    If you want to read more of my essays on living calm and free, please sign up to my newsletter by following me on LinkedIn or signing up to at our new website at calmandfreepodcast.com. Please share this episode with someone you love.


    Website: https://www.calmandfreepodcast.com/

    For more from Host Pooja Mottl:  www.PoojaMottl.com

    Podcast Producer: www.Go-ToProductions.com

    Twitter: @PoojaMottl

    Instagram: @TheCalmandFreePodcast and @PoojaMottl  

    LinkedIn: @PoojaMottl


    Special Thanks

    Kris Kosach of the TPR Podcast for lending her VO for our Podcast Intro.

    Jessica Panian for her help with our graphic design. 

    Sufi Kaur for managing and designing our social graphics.


    #93 - Three Minute Thursday: Partnering with the World Happiness Fest

    #93 - Three Minute Thursday: Partnering with the World Happiness Fest

    Welcome to our weekly segment, "Three Minute Thursday"  where host Pooja Mottl highlights a piece of wisdom she has come across from her own readings, or shares an inspirational anecdote or insight that can help you lead a more calm and rooted life.

    This week, learn all about the Calm & Free Podcast collaboration with the World Happiness Foundation, to bring you 3 special conversations for this year's World Happiness Festival. 

    To learn more about the WHF, visit their website


    If you want to read more of my essays on living calm and free, please sign up to my newsletter by following me on LinkedIn or signing up to at our new website at calmandfreepodcast.com. Please share this episode with someone you love.


    Website: https://www.calmandfreepodcast.com/

    For more from Host Pooja Mottl:  www.PoojaMottl.com

    Podcast Producer: www.Go-ToProductions.com

    Twitter: @PoojaMottl

    Instagram: @TheCalmandFreePodcast and @PoojaMottl  

    LinkedIn: @PoojaMottl


    Special Thanks

    Kris Kosach of the TPR Podcast for lending her VO for our Podcast Intro.

    Jessica Panian for her help with our graphic design. 

    Sufi Kaur for managing and designing our social graphics.


    #90 - Three Minute Thursday: Self-Worth Video Premier

    #90 - Three Minute Thursday: Self-Worth Video Premier

    Welcome to our weekly segment, "Three Minute Thursday"  where host Pooja Mottl highlights a piece of wisdom she has come across from her own readings, or shares an inspirational anecdote or insight that can help you lead a more calm and rooted life.

    If you enjoy these episodes, please text or email this episode to someone you love and subscribe.


    Last week we premiered a compelling storytelling video entitled Self-Worth you can check it out now by searching Pooja Mottl and Calm & Free Podcast on LinkedIn or YouTube.

    The essence of the message of this video is that in a world where we’re told to measure our worth by external benchmarks and accomplishments – like wealth and status – we end up on a never-ending, futile chase that leaves us burned out and discontented.

    As the chase continues, we get less connected and more cynical. More fearful, less trusting. Less joyful, more lonely. More diseased, less healthy. More anxious, less at peace. 

    But the fact is, we’re not different than we entered this world as tiny, beautiful babies – we’re no less loved, we’re no less valid. It’s just the norms of society that change the very way we think about ourselves as adults – and it’s a racket.

    Persian Poet Rumi so eloquently advised to: “Look inside yourself, everything that you want you already are.”

    We are already enough – we don’t need to overwork ourselves to burnout and needlessly compare and compete. We are worthy just as we are.

    I’ll leave you to contemplate on this most profound piece of wisdom and encourage you to watch the entire video on YouTube.

    I wonder what our world would be like if everyone - especially tech moguls, founders, investors and alike - took this message to heart and put a brake on the never-ending chase – would society be less polarized? Would we be individually and collectively happier and healthier?

    If you want to read more of my essays on living calm and free, please sign up to my newsletter by following me on LinkedIn or signing up to at our new website at calmandfreepodcast.com. Please share this episode with someone you love.


    Website: https://www.calmandfreepodcast.com/

    For more from Host Pooja Mottl:  www.PoojaMottl.com

    Podcast Producer: www.Go-ToProductions.com

    Twitter: @PoojaMottl

    Instagram: @TheCalmandFreePodcast and @PoojaMottl  

    LinkedIn: @PoojaMottl


    Special Thanks

    Kris Kosach of the TPR Podcast for lending her VO for our Podcast Intro.

    Jessica Panian for her help with our graphic design. 

    Sufi Kaur for managing and designing our social graphics.


    #87 - Three Minute Thursday: Deathbed Speech - Steve Jobs

    #87 - Three Minute Thursday: Deathbed Speech - Steve Jobs

    Welcome to "3 Minute Thursday"  where Pooja shares a weekly nugget of wisdom in just a few minutes.  If you enjoy these short episodes please text or email them to someone you love and subscribe!


    Today I wanted to share with you the last words of Steve Jobs prior to his death.  I hope they can help you, too, craft a more examined life.

    I reached the pinnacle of success in the business world. In some others’ eyes, my life is the epitome of success. However, aside from work, I have little joy. In the end, my wealth is only a fact of life that I am accustomed to. At this moment, lying on my bed and recalling my life, I realize that all the recognition and wealth that I took so much pride in have paled and become meaningless in the face of my death.

    Material things lost can be found or replaced. But there is one thing that can never be found when it’s lost – Life. Whichever stage in life you are in right now, with time, you will face the day when the curtain comes down.

    Treasure love for your family, love for your spouse, love for your friends. Treat yourself well and cherish others. As we grow older, and hopefully wiser, we realize that a $300 or a $30 watch both tell the same time. You will realize that your true inner happiness does not come from the material things of this world.

    Don’t educate your children to be rich. Educate them to be happy. So when they grow up they will know the value of things and not the price. Eat your food as your medicine, otherwise you have to eat medicine as your food.

    There is a big difference between a human being and being human. Only a few really understand it. You are loved when you are born. You will be loved when you die. In between, you have to manage! The six best doctors in the world are sunlight, rest, exercise, diet, self-confidence and friends. Maintain them in all stages and enjoy a healthy life.


    If you want to read more of my essays on living calm and free, please sign up to my newsletter by following me on LinkedIn or signing up to at our new website at calmandfreepodcast.com. Please share this episode with someone you love.


    If you want to read more of my essays on living calm and free, please sign up to my newsletter by following me on LinkedIn.


    For more from Host Pooja Mottl:  www.PoojaMottl.com

    Podcast Producer: www.Go-ToProductions.com

    Twitter: @PoojaMottl

    Instagram: @TheCalmandFreePodcast and @PoojaMottl  

    LinkedIn: @PoojaMottl

    Special Thanks

    Kris Kosach of the TPR Podcast for lending her VO for our Podcast Intro.

    Jessica Panian for her help with our graphic design. 

    Sufi Kaur for managing and designing our social graphics.


    #86 - Three Minute Thursday: Remembering Thich Nhat Hahn & the Power of Mindfulness

    #86 - Three Minute Thursday: Remembering Thich Nhat Hahn & the Power of Mindfulness

    Welcome to "3 Minute Thursday"  (#ThreeMinuteThursday) where Pooja shares a weekly nugget of wisdom in just a few minutes. 


    I’d like to honor and celebrate Thich Nhat Hanh, the Vietamese Buddhist monk who passed away last week.

    Many of you have been listening for a while, know that much of my work and my own inner shifts have been inspired by the work of Nhat Hanh (lovingly known as Thay).

    When I first got a hold of his tiny book, How to Relax, for under $10 dollars at my local bookstore, I had little clue what mindfulness was all about. I picked up the book only because it seemed like a "mindfulness for dummies" type book.

    But what I found inside the pages was beyond belief, and quiet literally changed my life. Thich Nhat Hanh was one of those special beings – a genius at not only mastering the teachings of the ancients for himself but mastering the art conveying these teachings to beginners. I encourage everyone to pick up this book and others:

    Peace is Every Step

    How to Relax

    You are Here

    Plum Village: https://plumvillage.org/about/thich-nhat-hanh/


    If you want to read more of my essays on living calm and free, please sign up to my newsletter by following me on LinkedIn.


    For more from Host Pooja Mottl:  www.PoojaMottl.com

    Podcast Producer: www.Go-ToProductions.com

    Twitter: @PoojaMottl

    Instagram: @TheCalmandFreePodcast and @PoojaMottl  

    LinkedIn: @PoojaMottl

    Special Thanks

    Kris Kosach of the TPR Podcast for lending her VO for our Podcast Intro.

    Jessica Panian for her help with our graphic design. 

    Sufi Kaur for managing and designing our social graphics.


    "Cultivating Erotic Energy from a Surprising Source"...The Cucking of Jack Murphy: An Erotic Reading by CosmicMarauder...(Christmas BONUS! Thank You to my PodFamily!)

    "Cultivating Erotic Energy from a Surprising Source"...The Cucking of Jack Murphy: An Erotic Reading by CosmicMarauder...(Christmas BONUS! Thank You to my PodFamily!)

    *NOTE: MUSIC BELONGS TO THE ARTIST AND IS NOT MY OWN. IT IS INTENDED FOR USE UNDER FAIR USE, NEWS, AND REACTION VIDEOS. * Join me for an erotic re-telling of Jack Murphy's spicey exploits from way back in 2015, where he attempted to justify sharing his wife with other men as an ultimate ALPHA experience...read by yours truly with a super sexy soundtrack! Article from 2015 jackmurphylive.com via wayback machine.

    Buy Your "Gain of Function, RAND Life is Hard" Shirt! https://cosmicbazaar.threadless.com/

    Support the show

    Website with podcast embed player, news links, latest YouTube episodes, and Rumble links: https://cosmicmarauder33.wixsite.com/the-cosmic-show


    If you are not subscribed to the Rumble, you are missing more than HALF the show!

    Twitter: LastAnalogHero @freejerry88

    Support Buzzsprout+ here!: https://www.buzzsprout.com/1826246/supporters/new

    Check out my Locals for exclusive livestreams and podcasts!: https://thecosmicshow.locals.com/

    Hope is Eternal

    Jaime Taets, Keystone Group International

    Jaime Taets, Keystone Group International
    Jaime Taets, Keystone Group International (Minneapolis-St. Paul Business Radio, Episode 23) Jaime Taets, CEO and Founder of Keystone Group International, shared valuable insights into what is happening in the current business climate. For the first time ever, Jaime noted in this conversation with host John Ray, four generations are in the workforce, and she offered […] The post Jaime Taets, Keystone Group International appeared first on Business RadioX ®.

    Edit Extra: Andrea Miller on the Alchemy of Performance

    Edit Extra: Andrea Miller on the Alchemy of Performance

    A transcript of this episode is available here: https://thedanceedit.com/transcript-the-dance-edit-extra-andrea-miller/

    Links referenced in/relevant this episode:

    -More about The Dance Edit Extra: https://mailchi.mp/dancemedia.com/the-dance-edit-extra
    -Restart Stages at Lincoln Center's website, for "You Are Here" tickets and information: https://restartstages.org
    -More about "You Are Here": https://www.lincolncenter.org/lincoln-center-at-home/show/you-are-here-696
    -Gallim's website: https://www.gallim.org/


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