
    zk rollup

    Explore " zk rollup" with insightful episodes like "S15 E19: Alexei Zamyatin on Build on Bitcoin and Layer 2s", "S15 E16: Paul Sztorc Talks Bitcoin Scaling, But Can't Say "Drivechains"", "Sandeep Nailwal: Polygon 2.0 - The New Value Layer of the Internet?", "Alex Gluchowski: zkSync - A new Era for EVM-compatible zk rollups" and "Zac Williamson & Joe Andrews: Aztec - Privacy-preserving, hybrid ZK rollup" from podcasts like ""Bitcoin Takeover Podcast", "Bitcoin Takeover Podcast", "Epicenter - Learn about Crypto, Blockchain, Ethereum, Bitcoin and Distributed Technologies", "Epicenter - Learn about Crypto, Blockchain, Ethereum, Bitcoin and Distributed Technologies" and "Epicenter - Learn about Crypto, Blockchain, Ethereum, Bitcoin and Distributed Technologies"" and more!

    Episodes (10)

    Sandeep Nailwal: Polygon 2.0 - The New Value Layer of the Internet?

    Sandeep Nailwal: Polygon 2.0 - The New Value Layer of the Internet?

    What started out as Matic Network, in 2017, and later rebranded to Polygon, in 2021, it is now facing another major milestone: Polygon 2.0. Apart from a tokenomics update, their plans include building an aggregation layer for every scaling solution that will settle on Ethereum. This will not only provide crucial rollup interoperability, but it will also further offload Ethereum by recursively combining multiple proofs into a single one.

    We were joined by Sandeep Nailwal, co-founder of Polygon, for a fascinating discussion on Polygon’s future revamp, their views on infrastructure decentralisation and interoperability.

    Topics covered in this episode:

    • Sandeep’s background and the vision behind Matic
    • Polygon 2.0
    • ZK rollup vs. Validium
    • Multi-purpose sharding
    • Tokenomics
    • Staking decentralisation
    • Interoperability
    • The multi-chain future outlook
    • Blockchain adoption and use cases

    Episode links:

    This episode is hosted by Meher Roy & Felix Lutsch. Show notes and listening options: epicenter.tv/509

    Alex Gluchowski: zkSync - A new Era for EVM-compatible zk rollups

    Alex Gluchowski: zkSync - A new Era for EVM-compatible zk rollups

    Ethereum scaling solutions often resort to tradeoffs, sacrificing security or decentralisation in favour of scalability. However, zk rollups hold the potential of increasing throughput, while also inheriting the layer 1’s security. This is achieved through zero knowledge validity proofs, which are published on Ethereum mainnet. The final hurdle remains the sequencer decentralisation. zkSync was designed around EVM-compatibility, offering custom scaling solutions through its hyperchain architecture.

    We were joined by Alex Gluchowski, co-founder & CEO of Matter Labs, to discuss the zk rollup landscape, its bottlenecks, and what makes zkSync stand apart as the most popular rollup.

    Topics covered in this episode:

    • High-level overview of zero knowledge proofs
    • ZK rollups
    • zkSync Era
    • ZK ecosystem taxonomy
    • Rollup performance: bottlenecks & tradeoffs
    • Bridging between zkSync hyperchains
    • Data availability. Validium vs. Volition
    • Governance & security layers
    • Sequencer decentralisation

    Episode links:

    This episode is hosted by Meher Roy & Felix Lutsch. Show notes and listening options: epicenter.tv/507

    Zac Williamson & Joe Andrews: Aztec - Privacy-preserving, hybrid ZK rollup

    Zac Williamson & Joe Andrews: Aztec - Privacy-preserving, hybrid ZK rollup

    In order to achieve true transaction privacy, it is not enough to encrypt or build ZK proofs for transaction bundles, as long as the underlying blockchain uses an account-based model. Aztec is building a ZKVM that superposes an UTXO model, so that balances are constantly updated as new, untraceable, log entries. The upcoming Aztec 3 aims to enable privacy-preserving smart contracts, using a hybrid, multi-layered rollup. This approach allows for both public and private smart contracts to be executed simultaneously.

    We were joined by Zac Williamson & Joe Andrews, to discuss the evolution of Aztec, from ZK Money to their upcoming privacy-preserving hybrid ZK rollup.

    Topics covered in this episode:

    • The evolution of Aztec, from ZK money to Aztec 3
    • How Aztec’s ZKVM ensures privacy for Ethereum transactions
    • The need for UTXO model for privacy-preserving encrypted databases
    • Interacting with public smart contracts in a private manner
    • Technical roadmap and challenges faced along the way
    • How Aztec differs from Mina protocol
    • Recursive proofs
    • Estimating gas
    • Main-net sequencer decentralisation
    • Goblin Plonk
    • The future of programmable privacy

    Episode links:

    This episode is hosted by Felix Lutsch. Show notes and listening options: epicenter.tv/499

    Tim Galebach: Uqbar – Smart Contracts on Urbit

    Tim Galebach: Uqbar – Smart Contracts on Urbit

    Building a truly decentralised, peer-to-peer network, based on a built-in identity system, limits the ecosystem’s interoperability with the outside world. Onboarding developers and users to Urbit was only the first hurdle. On-ramping crypto was a whole different & daunting task. Uqbar set out to build an execution layer on top of Urbit, enabling smart contracts, which would ultimately settle, via a ZK rollup, on Starknet.

    We were joined by Tim Galebach, founder of Uqbar, to discuss the different design choices involved, from Hoon programming DevEx to a hybrid ZK-optimistic rollup.

    Topics covered in this episode:

    • Tim’s background
    • Urbit explained
    • How Uqbar took shape
    • Integrating crypto in the Urbit stack
    • Hoon’s usability and DevEx
    • AI-enabled Uqbar
    • Uqbar interoperability
    • Rollup vs. L1 approach for Uqbar
    • Hybrid ZK-optimistic rollup
    • Getting from programming in Hoon to ZK proofs
    • Use cases for Uqbar & Urbit

    Episode links:

    This episode is hosted by Brian Fabian Crain & Meher Roy. Show notes and listening options: epicenter.tv/491

    Rozwiązania zero knowledge w warstwie 2 Ethereum - wywiad z Orestem Tarasiukiem ze Scroll

    Rozwiązania zero knowledge w warstwie 2 Ethereum - wywiad z Orestem Tarasiukiem ze Scroll

    W odcinku usłyszysz:

    • czemu Orest ma dystans do świata krypto
    • czym jest FOSS
    • gdzie Orest stracił pierwsze bitcoiny
    • czemu Orest wyszedł ze startupu, który współtworzył
    • do jakiej organizacji trafił wspólnik Oresta i jak to wpłyneło na jego zainteresowanie blockchainem
    • czemu Orest trafił do Scrolla
    • jak Scroll współpracuje z Ethereum Foundation
    • co robią bracia Oresta 😀
    • ile trwało zainstalowanie Firefoxa na Gentoo Linux 😀
    • jak wyglądało wejście Oresta do Scrolla
    • czy zero knowledge to nowy koncept
    • co zero knowledge proof ma wspólnego z zabawą w szukanie Wally’ego
    • jak działają rollupy i czym różnią się optymistyczne od zk
    • ile doktoratów mają niektórzy współpracownicy Oresta
    • jak Scoll różni się od innych zk rollupów
    • jakie jest prawdopodobieństwo, że uda się stworzyć to, co chce stworzyć Scroll
    • jakie są główne ryzyka, że Scroll jako startup się nie uda
    • główne zadania Oresta w Scroll
    • jaki jest model biznesowy Scrolla
    • ile rzędów wielkości większą przepustowość ma mieć Scroll od warstwy 1
    • czy jest jakaś współpraca pomiędzy twórcami różnych rollupów
    • do czego krypto powinno być użyteczne w społeczeństwie
    • czy krypto będzie ślepym zaułkiem technologii
    • i wieeeele więcej 😉

    Jeśli zainteresowało Cię to co robi Scroll, to sprawdź ich ogłoszenia o pracę: https://jobs.lever.co/ScrollFoundation
    Więcej informacji o Oreście, w tym linki do jego social mediów znajdziesz na stronie: https://tarasiuk.me/about-orest

    Pamiętaj aby wejść na stronę ppw3.pl i zapisać się do newslettera. Dzięki temu nie przegapisz kolejnych odcinków oraz dodatkowych materiałów. Dostaniesz też dostęp do podglądu naszego portfela ppw3.

    Miłego słuchania!

    Episode 234: zkEVM with Scroll’s Ye Zhang and Haichen Shen

    Episode 234: zkEVM with Scroll’s Ye Zhang and Haichen Shen
    In this week’s episode, Anna (https://twitter.com/annarrose) and Tarun (https://twitter.com/tarunchitra) chat with Ye Zhang and Haichen Shen, the founders of Scroll - a native zkEVM Layer 2 Solution for Ethereum. They cover the founding of Scroll, the problems they aim to solve with their native zkEVM layer 2 solution, why scaling Ethereum is important, the philosophy of their zkEVM, and how this differs from other proposals as well as potential use cases or products that could benefit from the system. They wrap up with an exploration of how DApps and products on top of such as zkEVM may interact with the mainchain and with other applications. Here are some links for this episode: * Scroll (https://scroll.io/) * Scroll Tech Github (https://github.com/scroll-tech) * Scroll Whitepaper (https://ethresear.ch/t/introducing-scroll-a-new-layer2-solution/9186) * Episode 194: zkEVM with Jordi and David from Polygon Hermez (https://zeroknowledge.fm/episode-194-zkevm-with-jordi-david-from-hermez/) * Andrew Miller at UIUC (https://soc1024.ece.illinois.edu/) * Ethereum Yellow Paper (https://ethereum.github.io/yellowpaper/paper.pdf) * Ethereum Design Decisions (https://vitalik.ca/general/2022/03/29/road.html) The ZK Podcast team is growing! We're looking to hire an additional content producer to join us. There's a job posting for this role over on the ZK Jobs Board. Learn more and apply here. (https://jobsboard.zeroknowledge.fm/job/154/content-producer/) Today’s episode is sponsored by Anoma (https://anoma.net/) Anoma is a suite of protocols that enable self-sovereign coordination. Their unique architecture facilitates efficiently the simplest forms of economic coordination such as two parties transferring an asset to each other. As well as more sophisticated ones like an asset agnostic bartering system involving multiple parties without direct “coincidence of wants”; or even more complex ones such as “N-party” collective commitments to solve multipolar traps – where any interaction can be performed with adjustable zero-knowledge privacy. Visit Anoma (https://anoma.net/) to learn more! If you like what we do: Find all our links here! @ZeroKnowledge | Linktree (https://linktr.ee/zeroknowledge) Subscribe to our podcast newsletter (https://zeroknowledge.substack.com) Follow us on Twitter @zeroknowledgefm (https://twitter.com/zeroknowledgefm) Join us on Telegram (https://zeroknowledge.fm/telegram) Catch us on Youtube (https://zeroknowledge.fm/) Head to the ZK Community Forum (https://community.zeroknowledge.fm/) Support our Gitcoin Grant (https://zeroknowledge.fm/gitcoin-grant-329-zkp-2)

    Warstwa 2 Ethereum (L2) - wywiad z Piotrem Szlachciakiem z L2BEAT

    Warstwa 2 Ethereum (L2) - wywiad z Piotrem Szlachciakiem z L2BEAT

    Z odcinka dowiesz się m.in.:

    • jak studia pomogły Piotrkowi w wejściu w świat krypto 😀
    • czym jest L2
    • dlaczego L2 jest tak ważne i tyle się o nim mówi
    • jakie sa typy rollup’ów
    • na jakim etapie budowy są projekty Warstwy 2
    • czym jest L2BEAT i jakie jest ich miejsce w ekosystemie L2 Ethereum
    • czemu bessa to dobry czas na budowanie dobrej technologii
    • jakie są dalsze plany L2BEAT
    • i wiele, wiele więcej!

    L2BEAT znajdziesz pod adresem: https://l2beat.com

    Pamiętaj, żeby wejść na stronę ppw3.pl i zasubskrybować newsletter! Dzięki temu nie przegapisz informacji o nowych odcinkach i dodatkowych materiałach!

    Miłego słuchania 😊

    Episode 219: Scaling Ethereum with Polygon's Mihailo Bjelic

    Episode 219: Scaling Ethereum with Polygon's Mihailo Bjelic
    This week, Anna (https://twitter.com/AnnaRRose) chats with Mihailo Bjelic (https://twitter.com/MihailoBjelic) one of the co-founders of Polygon. Mihailo takes us through the evolution of Polygon and how the promise of web3 has led them to betting big on ZK-focused technologies. We learn about their approach to the two main challenges within their mission to scaling Ethereum – security and data availability; and how their suite of products aims to tackle these. Lastly, we hear about what’s next on the Polygon roadmap to onboarding the first billion to Ethereum – for the products themselves and the ecosystem as a whole. Here are some links for the episode: * Episode 194: zkEVM with Jordi & David from Hermez (https://zeroknowledge.fm/episode-194-zkevm-with-jordi-david-from-hermez/) * Episode 210: The Road to STARKs and Miden with Bobbin Threadbare (https://zeroknowledge.fm/210-2/) * Polygon's scaling solutions (https://polygon.technology/) * The Data Availability Problem (https://blog.polygon.technology/the-data-availability-problem-6b74b619ffcc/) * The Polygon Thesis: Strategic Focus on ZK Technology as the Next Major Chapter for Polygon; $1B Treasury Allocation (https://blog.polygon.technology/the-polygon-thesis-strategic-focus-on-zk-technology-as-the-next-major-chapter-for-polygon-1b-treasury-allocation/) * ZKVerse: Polygon’s Zero Knowledge Strategy Explained (https://blog.polygon.technology/zkverse-polygons-zero-knowledge-strategy-explained/) If you’re looking to jump into ZK professionally – head over to the ZK Jobs Board to find openings from some of the top teams working in ZK: https://jobsboard.zeroknowledge.fm/ ZK Hack returns for a 2nd edition with ZK Hack Mini (https://www.zkhack.dev/mini) – kicking off on 1st March with a series of workshops and puzzle hacking competitions. Sign up for the first workshops (https://hopin.com/events/zk-hack-mini-1/) - on Winterfell and Miden happening on March 1st. Today’s episode is sponsored by Least Authority. Least Authority (https://leastauthority.com/) has been making advancements in the ZK space since 2013. This year, they will release the MoonMath Manual, a beginners guide to zk-SNARKs. The manual is designed to enable an audience with only minimal cryptography and programming experience to implement complex, real-world zk-building blocks. Least Authority has also published a whitepaper on Zero Knowledge Access Passes or ZKAPs. This privacy-enhancing technology enables users to access services without revealing personal information to the service provider. They are implementing ZKAPs in PrivateStorage, their soon to be released cloud storage service. To learn more about Least Authority and the upcoming MoonMath Manual visit leastauthority.com/moonmathmanual (https://leastauthority.com/moonmathmanual) If you like what we do: Follow us on Twitter - @zeroknowledgefm (https://twitter.com/zeroknowledgefm) Join us on Telegram (https://t.me/joinchat/TORo7aknkYNLHmCM) Catch us on Youtube (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCYWsYz5cKw4wZ9Mpe4kuM_g) Read up on the r/ZKPodcast subreddit (https://www.reddit.com/r/zkpodcast) Give us feedback! -https://forms.gle/iKMSrVtcAn6BByH6A Support our Gitcoin Grant (https://gitcoin.co/grants/329/zero-knowledge-podcast-2) Support us on the ZKPatreon (https://www.patreon.com/zeroknowledge) Donate through coinbase.commerce (https://commerce.coinbase.com/checkout/f1e56274-c92b-4a99-802f-50727d651b38)

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