
    #021 - Susanna Halonen - The Happyologist; What Science Says Makes Life Happier

    enJuly 17, 2018
    Who is Susannah Hallinan and what is her role?
    What practices does Susannah suggest for increasing happiness?
    How long should one journal according to Susannah Hallinan?
    What analogy does Susannah use to emphasize self-care importance?
    What is the focus of the book "Happiness Is Here"?

    Podcast Summary

    • Using a journal for daily happiness practiceDaily journaling for just 3 minutes each morning and evening with provided prompts can significantly improve your happiness and satisfaction with life

      We all have the potential to increase our happiness through simple practices, and Susannah Hallinan, also known as the world's first happyologist, suggests using a journal as a powerful tool. As a positive psychology specialist, Susannah has dedicated her life to helping people live happier and more fulfilling lives. She encourages using a journal, such as the 6 Minute Diaries, for just three minutes each morning and evening, with provided prompts for reflection. This simple habit can lead to significant improvements in our baseline level of satisfaction and happiness. Susannah's mission to make the world a happier place includes various methods, from one-on-one coaching to workshops, keynote talks, online courses, and books. Her work, although not mainstream, has gained significant demand due to its growing importance and her expertise in the field. Susannah's academic background in positive psychology further strengthens her ability to share research-backed knowledge and help individuals enhance their happiness.

    • Happiness is a daily choice, 90% is within our controlFocus on gratitude and the present moment to find happiness, while continuing personal growth and setting goals

      While only about 10% of our happiness comes from external factors, such as our job or environment, the remaining 90% is within our control. This is why happiness is not a destination but a daily choice. It's important to learn to embrace our mindset and perspective, practice gratitude, and appreciate the present moment, while still striving for personal growth and setting goals. This concept is known as hedonic adaptation, where we quickly adapt to new circumstances and seek out the next source of happiness. However, it's possible to find a balance between being content with what we have and continuing to grow and evolve. By focusing on gratitude and the present moment, we can still pursue our goals without constantly chasing after the next source of happiness.

    • Finding Balance between Short-Term Pleasures and Long-Term PurposePractice daily gratitude through a journal to shift perspective and increase happiness, focusing on both short-term pleasures and long-term purpose

      True happiness comes from finding a balance between experiencing short-term pleasures and long-term purpose. This balance can be challenging to maintain, as some people may fear that focusing on gratitude and contentment will hinder their growth and progress towards their goals. However, practicing gratitude daily through specific and detailed reflections can help shift one's perspective and increase overall happiness. By focusing on both hedonic and eudaimonic elements of happiness, individuals can experience a more fulfilling and sustainable sense of joy and fulfillment in their lives. To begin implementing this concept, start by making gratitude a daily habit through a gratitude journal, where you write down three specific things you're grateful for each day. By consistently focusing on the positives and practicing gratitude, you'll begin to notice a shift in your mindset and an increase in overall happiness.

    • Cultivating a mindset of awe, wonder, and gratitude for happinessPracticing daily gratitude leads to increased creativity, productivity, focus, and effective stress management. Identify common denominators and patterns in sources of joy and meaning through gratitude journaling.

      Cultivating a mindset of awe, wonder, and gratitude can serve as the foundation for exploring and understanding both hedonic and eudaimonic happiness. Gratitude, in particular, can lead to numerous benefits, such as increased creativity, productivity, focus, and effective stress management. By practicing gratitude daily, one can start to identify common denominators and patterns in what brings them joy and a sense of meaning. Habits, such as journaling, can also play a significant role in fostering gratitude and overall happiness. The key is to look for opportunities to be grateful for, even in less than ideal circumstances, and to flip negative situations into positive ones. Start by focusing on three things you're grateful for each evening, and after a few weeks, begin exploring the deeper questions of what brings you joy and meaning in life.

    • Understanding why we do what we do and recognizing the significance of daily actionsSmall actions and answering why questions can build confidence, fulfillment, and contribute to a larger sense of purpose and happiness

      Finding meaning and purpose in life doesn't require solving massive humanitarian causes or curing diseases. Instead, it's about understanding why we do what we do and recognizing the outcomes and significance of our daily actions. Starting small, like cleaning up your room or asking why you're doing a particular task, can help build a sense of meaning and purpose without being overwhelmed by the big question of life's purpose. Additionally, there's a positive interplay between confidence and happiness. The more confident we feel, the happier we tend to be, and vice versa. By taking small steps and answering tiny why questions, we can build a sense of confidence and fulfillment that fuels us to take on even more challenges. So remember, every small step counts and can contribute to the larger fortress of purpose and happiness in our lives.

    • Self-love and authenticity fuel happinessSurround yourself with supportive friends, recognize achievements, and live authentically to build happiness and fulfillment

      Having a strong sense of self-love, self-compassion, and confidence allows us to connect with our values, truth, and build a life that aligns with who we are. This authenticity fuels happiness and fulfillment. Jordan Peterson's Rule #1, "Tell the Truth," and Rule #3, "Act so that you can tell the truth," echo this idea. When we lack confidence, it's essential to surround ourselves with supportive friends who can help us recognize our achievements and remind us of our value. Even when we struggle to see it ourselves, we can dig deeper and find examples of our successes and positive contributions. These reminders can help us build on our strengths and continue to live authentically.

    • Practicing gratitude and self-reflection can reveal patterns and align actions with values for a more fulfilling life.Gratitude journaling and self-reflection help identify activities that align with values and bring fulfillment. Developing resilience through a growth mindset allows individuals to navigate challenges as opportunities for growth.

      Practicing gratitude and self-reflection can help individuals understand what truly brings them fulfillment and happiness. Gratitude journaling reveals patterns that may contrast with how time and energy are spent during the day. By continuously checking in with oneself, values, and actions, individuals can identify if certain activities align with their current values and fuel their fulfillment. Additionally, developing resilience through a growth mindset can help individuals navigate setbacks and challenges as opportunities for growth and evolution. The combination of gratitude, self-reflection, and resilience can lead to a more fulfilling and dynamic life.

    • Reflecting on growth and learning opportunitiesReflect weekly on your accomplishments, learnings, and beautiful moments to boost positive emotions and a sense of fulfillment. View setbacks as opportunities for growth, not threats.

      Developing a growth mindset is crucial for building resilience and facing life's challenges. Instead of seeing obstacles as threats, view them as opportunities for growth and learning. Reflecting on past setbacks and failures can also help us appreciate the growth and learning that came from those experiences. To practice this, consider taking time at the end of each week to reflect on what you're proud of, what you've learned, and a beautiful moment from that week. This practice can help boost positive emotions and a sense of fulfillment. While unhappiness and making people happy are related, they are not the same thing. The former often refers to a state of sickness or lack, while the latter implies a state of well-being and contentment. By focusing on growth and learning, we can move towards a more positive and fulfilling life.

    • Approaching mental health improvement holisticallyFocus on physical activities, positive psychology, and a holistic approach for effective mental health improvement

      When it comes to improving mental health, it's important to approach it with care and consideration, especially for those diagnosed with clinical depression. Reflection and journaling may not be beneficial in such cases, and instead, focusing on physical activities like moving, breathing, smiling, and hugging can help improve mood. Positive psychology, which focuses on moving from a stable base to a happier place, can be effective when individuals believe they have the capability to improve their mental state. The concept of improving mental health is a spectrum, and individuals need to be taken through different stages, starting with simple activities and gradually progressing to more advanced techniques. The body and mind are interconnected, and taking care of the body through healthy exercise, rest, and nutrition can contribute to a positive mindset. Additionally, there are various physical exercises, such as power poses, that can help shift the mindset towards positivity. Overall, the key is to approach mental health improvement with a holistic perspective, considering both physical and mental well-being.

    • Smiling and a Healthy Lifestyle Boost HappinessSmiling releases feel-good hormones, is contagious, and essential for positive connections. A healthy diet, exercise, gratitude journaling, adequate sleep, and proper nutrition support optimal brain function and emotional well-being.

      Simple actions like smiling and maintaining a healthy diet and lifestyle can significantly impact our mood and overall happiness. Smiling, even if it's a fake one, triggers a chemical reaction in the body that releases dopamine and other feel-good hormones, making us feel better and want to smile more. Additionally, smiling is contagious, creating positive connections with others. A healthy diet is essential as the body needs proper nutrients to function optimally. When we don't get the necessary nutrients, our body goes into a state of stress, affecting our brain power and ability to manage thoughts and emotions. Exercise, gratitude journaling, and adequate sleep are also crucial components of a happy and healthy lifestyle. Sleep is particularly important as it's the only time our bodies can recover and regenerate. By focusing on these simple yet impactful actions, we can improve our mood, increase positive energy, and build meaningful connections.

    • The Importance of Quality Sleep for Brain Function and Overall Well-BeingGetting 7-9 hours of consistent sleep each night is crucial for brain health and productivity, while exposure to natural light and maintaining a regular schedule can enhance sleep quality and mood.

      Getting enough quality sleep is essential for optimal brain function and overall well-being. During sleep, the brain creates new neural pathways and forms new neurons, allowing us to learn and remember information effectively. Ideally, adults should aim for 7-9 hours of sleep per night, and maintain a consistent sleep schedule to help regulate the body's natural rhythms. Exposure to natural light during the day and avoiding disruptions to the circadian rhythm can also improve sleep quality and mood. It's important to be kind to ourselves and recognize the demands on our energy and time, allowing for adequate rest and relaxation to maintain a healthy, happy, and productive life. Sleep is not a luxury, but a necessity, and neglecting it can lead to decreased mood, productivity, and overall health.

    • Self-care is crucial for personal growth and helping othersPrioritize reflection and self-care for increased capacity to give and a more fulfilling life

      Self-care is essential for both personal growth and the ability to help others. The analogy of putting on an oxygen mask on a plane before helping others applies here. Neglecting self-care reduces one's capacity to give and can lead to a life filled with busyness, which may be mistaken for purpose. Instead, it's crucial to prioritize reflection and finding meaning in life, even if it means taking a minute each day for meditation or self-reflection. The book "Happiness Is Here" by the speaker offers a 30-day guide to joy and fulfillment, sharing personal experiences and transformational tips from changing a pessimistic mindset to finding happiness.

    • Exploring the many facets of happinessPractice daily self-care, gratitude, optimism, and nurture relationships for lasting happiness.

      The author's happiness book covers various aspects of happiness, from understanding its definition to practicing daily tips for cultivating it. The book debunks common happiness myths and emphasizes the importance of self-connection, gratitude, optimism, and meaningful relationships. It also encourages letting go of toxic relationships and focusing on nurturing oneself through body care, reflection, and intuition. The book is structured into 30 short chapters, each with a daily practice tip. Overall, the author's expertise in happiness, both academically and personally, makes her a trusted guide for anyone seeking to bring more happiness into their lives.

    • The Power of Intuition for Personal Growth and HappinessIntuition is a powerful tool for personal growth and finding happiness. Reconnecting with intuition and implementing practical strategies can lead to meaningful and fulfilling lives.

      Intuition, though difficult to define scientifically, plays a significant role in guiding us towards our truth and helping us understand what is meaningful to us. Reconnecting with our intuition can help us pursue what truly matters in life. Susanna Halonen, also known as The Hapiologist, emphasizes the importance of intuition and shares her experiences and insights in her book "Happiness Is Here." Susanna believes that the prescriptive nature of the book, with its clear takeaways and practical strategies, is particularly valuable. She also offers coaching, online courses, workshops, and talks for those interested in exploring happiness further. To connect with Susanna and learn more about her work, visit her website hapiologists.co.uk or find her on social media as @thehapiologist. In conclusion, intuition is a powerful tool for personal growth and finding happiness. Though it may be challenging to define scientifically, its impact on our lives is undeniable. By reconnecting with our intuition and implementing practical strategies, we can live more meaningful and fulfilling lives.

    • Managing Time Effectively: Setting Clear Goals and Prioritizing TasksFocus on what truly matters, learn to say 'no' to distractions, reflect and learn continuously, and prioritize self-care for a productive and fulfilling life.

      Importance of setting clear goals and prioritizing tasks based on values. Susanna shared her personal experience and offered practical advice on how to manage time effectively and reduce stress. She emphasized the importance of focusing on what truly matters and learning to say "no" to distractions. Another key takeaway is the power of reflection and continuous learning. Susanna encouraged listeners to regularly assess their progress and adjust their strategies as needed. Lastly, she emphasized the importance of self-care and taking care of one's mental and physical health. Overall, the discussion provided valuable insights and practical tips for living a more productive and fulfilling life.

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    #825 - Macken Murphy - The New Science Of Why Men & Women Cheat

    #825 - Macken Murphy - The New Science Of Why Men & Women Cheat
    Macken Murphy is an evolutionary biologist at the University of Melbourne, a writer and a podcaster. Why do people cheat? Is it just the allure of novelty? Dissatisfaction in their current relationship? Fear of being left? Retaliation for their partner cheating? Macken's brand new study gives so many fascinating answers to these questions. Expect to learn what the evolutionary drivers are behind men's and women's infidelity, what this new science says about the Dual Mating and Mate Switching hypotheses, the top 3 reasons for why men and women both cheat, whether cheating is heritable, if there is such a thing as one and done cheating, the most common behaviours of somebody who is being unfaithful and much more… Sponsors: See discounts for all the products I use and recommend: https://chriswillx.com/deals Get $350 off the Pod 4 Ultra at https://eightsleep.com/modernwisdom (use code MODERNWISDOM) Get a 20% discount & free shipping on your Lawnmower 5.0 at https://manscaped.com/modernwisdom (use code MODERNWISDOM) Sign up for a one-dollar-per-month trial period from Shopify at https://shopify.com/modernwisdom (automatically applied at checkout) Extra Stuff: Get my free reading list of 100 books to read before you die: https://chriswillx.com/books Try my productivity energy drink Neutonic: https://neutonic.com/modernwisdom Episodes You Might Enjoy: #577 - David Goggins - This Is How To Master Your Life: https://tinyurl.com/43hv6y59 #712 - Dr Jordan Peterson - How To Destroy Your Negative Beliefs: https://tinyurl.com/2rtz7avf #700 - Dr Andrew Huberman - The Secret Tools To Hack Your Brain: https://tinyurl.com/3ccn5vkp - Get In Touch: Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/chriswillx Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/chriswillx YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/modernwisdompodcast Email: https://chriswillx.com/contact - Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
    Modern Wisdom
    enAugust 15, 2024

    #824 - Ross Edgley - 317 Miles: Breaking The Longest Non-Stop Swim Record

    #824 - Ross Edgley - 317 Miles: Breaking The Longest Non-Stop Swim Record
    Ross Edgley is an endurance athlete and an author. Ross just broke the world record for the world's longest non-stop river swim. It took over 2 days with no sleep, no stopping or touching land. He's also swum around the entire UK and competed head to head with sharks. Time to find out how his mind, body and preparation works. Expect to learn how Ross prepares for an endurance event, how you go to the bathroom when you're locked in a wetsuit, what 50 hours of sleep deprivation whilst exercising feels like, Ross' diet and daily routine, the scientific mindset of resilience, strategies to push yourself to your absolute limit and much more... Sponsors: See discounts for all the products I use and recommend: https://chriswillx.com/deals Get a 20% discount on Nomatic’s amazing luggage at https://nomatic.com/modernwisdom (use code MW20) Get Magic Spoon's brand-new Protein-packed Treats in your nearest grocery store Get up to 37% discount on the best supplements from Momentous at https://livemomentous.com/modernwisdom (automatically applied at checkout) Get 5 Free Travel Packs, Free Liquid Vitamin D and more from AG1 at https://drinkag1.com/modernwisdom (automatically applied at checkout)  Extra Stuff: Get my free reading list of 100 books to read before you die: https://chriswillx.com/books Try my productivity energy drink Neutonic: https://neutonic.com/modernwisdom Episodes You Might Enjoy: #577 - David Goggins - This Is How To Master Your Life: https://tinyurl.com/43hv6y59 #712 - Dr Jordan Peterson - How To Destroy Your Negative Beliefs: https://tinyurl.com/2rtz7avf #700 - Dr Andrew Huberman - The Secret Tools To Hack Your Brain: https://tinyurl.com/3ccn5vkp - Get In Touch: Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/chriswillx Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/chriswillx YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/modernwisdompodcast Email: https://chriswillx.com/contact - Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
    Modern Wisdom
    enAugust 12, 2024

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    If you're interested in working with Kristin as an Executive coach, visit her website, https://www.kristintaylorconsulting.com/

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    SUBSCRIBE to our YouTube channel!
    SUBSCRIBE to How I Made It Through on Apple Podcasts!

    If you're interested in working with Kristin as an Executive coach, visit her website, https://www.kristintaylorconsulting.com/

    Be sure to check out EIQ Media Group's latest podcast series, The Mentor Files. Join host Monica Royer, Founder and CEO of Monica + Andy as she chats with leaders across the fields of entrepreneurship, parenthood, health, lifestyle, and more. This season, we're digging deeper than ever before to learn the story behind their stories. SUBSCRIBE on Apple Podcasts.

    EP 60 6 swift & easy 3-min techniques to enhance health

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    00:10 - Finding opportunities for health
    06:59 - Swift techniques for health
    23:03 - Breathing for nervous system
    28:58 - Improving balance and posture
    39:39 - Enhancing senses for mindfulness

    Life Nuggets-031

    Life Nuggets-031

    When was the last time you reflected on the best piece of advice you ever received? Have you passed it along to others? Well, you’re in for a treat today as guests from various walks of life share their best pieces of advice with us.  Who knows what might happen as a result! 

    Visit the Episode Webpage to hear the newest song as mentioned on the show.


    Why is it important to tell God stories? There are so many reasons but Jesus explained it best when He was asked about using so many parables. He said, “I tell stories, to create readiness, to nudge people toward receptive insight.” (That’s taken from Matthew 13 Message version). I’ve experienced God’s amazing work in my life through Jesus Christ and I’m passionate about others experiencing this joy and peace as well! ~Mark


    You can hear today’s featured song at GGSSPodcast.com or on your favorite streaming platform. You can buy a CD at https://markalewinemusic.com/cd-everything 


    Are you looking for a unique gift for someone who’s special AND hard to buy for? Over the years I have enjoyed writing a variety of custom songs such as theme songs and songs that celebrate or commemorate. I have written for businesses, non-profits, individuals, events and occasions. I'm excited to take these experiences and make this special type of gift more readily available. Click here to learn more>>>


    I’d like you to join the Friends Group! You’ll be one of the first to hear brand new songs, have access to a private page on our website with bonus content and share the journey with Cindy and I more closely than those who know us on social media only.  You’ll receive 2-4 emails a month, as well as freebies and discounts in the store. Ready to join us?


    If so, join our Friends Group in a private Facebook Group where we can freely talk Jesus-music, God-stories, fun and faith journeys! Click here to request access.

    As always, thanks for listening! See you next week. Peace ~Mark