
    1/18/22: Red Wave, GOP War, Testing Plan, Oathkeepers, Djokovic Ban, Kamala Trainwreck, Mask Wars, Nina Turner, & More!

    enJanuary 18, 2022

    Podcast Summary

    • Online Education, Affordable Theme Park Tickets, and Budget-Friendly Wireless ServicePurdue Global offers online education for career advancement, Undercover Tourist provides Disney World tickets at child prices, and Consumer Cellular offers wireless service with reliable coverage at a lower cost.

      Purdue Global, an online university backed by Purdue University, offers a respected education for adults looking to advance in their careers. Meanwhile, Undercover Tourist provides affordable theme park tickets for adults at child prices for a magical Disney World experience. Consumer Cellular offers wireless service with the same reliable coverage as leading carriers at a lower cost. Breaking Points, an independent media outlet, needs viewer support to continue their mission of reducing hate and corruption. Democrats had a significant advantage in party identification at the beginning of the year, but this has since shifted, and Republicans now hold a 5-point edge. Notable events include the ongoing GOP civil war between Trump and DeSantis, the availability of free COVID-19 tests online, and the deportation of tennis star Novak Djokovic from Australia.

    • Democratic Party's Fortunes Decline: 7-Point Drop in Generic Ballot, 7-Point Increase in Republican IDThe Biden presidency's lack of action on key issues like health care, jobs, and the economy has led to a 7-point drop in Democratic support and a 7-point increase in Republican identification. Younger voters are particularly disillusioned, emphasizing the importance of addressing their concerns on health care and climate change to win back support.

      The Democratic Party's fortunes have significantly declined since President Joe Biden took office, as indicated by a 7-point drop in the generic ballot and a 7-point increase in Republican identification. This shift is not due to Democrats losing voters who became independents, but rather those voters switching parties. The stunning reversal in public opinion could have serious implications for the midterm elections, as another analysis suggests grim prospects for Democrats on that front as well. A CBS News/YouGov poll further illustrates the public's frustration and disappointment with the Biden presidency and their perception that Democrats are not focusing on the issues that matter most to them. The number one issue for voters, according to the Economist/YouGov survey, is health care, followed closely by jobs and the economy. The lack of action on these and other key concerns has left many voters feeling ignored and disillusioned with the current administration. The biggest swing in disapproval has been among younger people, which highlights the importance of addressing their concerns on health care and climate change to win back support.

    • Disconnect between public and Biden administrationYoung voters' support for Biden wanes due to inaction on key issues, lack of transparency, and failure to deliver on promises, particularly in healthcare and climate change

      President Biden's lack of action on key issues, such as supply chain disruptions and high gas prices, has led to a disconnect between the public and his administration. This disconnect, combined with a perceived lack of effort and transparency, has resulted in a significant loss of support among younger voters who once strongly approved of his presidency. The administration's failure to deliver on promises, especially in areas like healthcare and climate change, has left many feeling disappointed and frustrated. Instead of trying to pass large, comprehensive bills, the focus should be on addressing individual issues and putting pressure on those standing in the way of reforms. The public wants to see effort and relevance to their lives, even if not every issue is fully resolved.

    • Political Landscape in Disarray: Midterm Elections and Key IssuesThe midterm elections are bringing uncertainty and potential for significant changes in Washington, with the Republicans poised for gains and the Democrats facing challenges to justify their continued power. Key issues like healthcare and climate crisis are being overlooked amidst the political chaos.

      The political landscape in Washington is in disarray, with the president facing criticism from both parties and struggling to pass legislation. The Republicans are poised for historic gains in the House of Representatives, potentially even a once-in-a-century majority, due to their advantage in district lines and the current political climate. The Democrats, who have emphasized the importance of their control in addressing existential issues like democracy and climate crisis, face a difficult case for justifying their continued power if they are unable to pass significant legislation. The approval of COVID-19 tests by insurance companies and the reimbursement system for tests have also been a source of confusion and frustration for many people. Overall, the political situation in Washington is causing nuisance and dissatisfaction for a large portion of the population, and the lack of focus on key issues is leading to a sense of failure from various perspectives.

    • Trump-DeSantis Relationship Sours Over 2024 Primary SpeculationTrump publicly criticized DeSantis for not revealing his vaccination status and refused to back him in the 2024 primary, while DeSantis criticized Trump's handling of the pandemic and lockdowns. Anonymous sources close to Trump fueled speculation about a potential primary challenge, but it's unlikely DeSantis could take on Trump given his popularity.

      The relationship between former President Trump and Florida Governor Ron DeSantis has turned sour, with Trump publicly criticizing DeSantis for not declaring whether he will run against him in the 2024 Republican primary. This criticism came after DeSantis refused to disclose his vaccination status during an interview, which Trump labeled as "gutless." DeSantis responded by criticizing the Trump administration's handling of the COVID-19 pandemic and the lockdowns. The tension between the two escalated when anonymous sources close to Trump leaked stories to the media, fueling speculation about a potential primary challenge. Despite some belief that DeSantis could win the Republican base, it is unlikely that he would be able to take on Trump in a primary given the former president's continued popularity among the party.

    • DeSantis' Criticism of Trump in GOP Primary RaceDeSantis' stance on COVID-19 lockdowns and vaccine boosters could challenge him in the Republican primary race against Trump. His high staff turnover and lack of a solid political operation hinder his chances of building a strong base of donors and voters.

      Ron DeSantis' criticism towards Donald Trump on issues like COVID-19 lockdowns and vaccine boosters could be a challenging position for him in the potential Republican primary race. DeSantis, who went further with lockdown measures in Florida than Trump did, may find it difficult to maintain this stance while facing Trump's instincts for going on the offensive. Additionally, Trump's popularity among Republican voters, particularly the elderly constituents, and his strong hold on the party, make it a significant challenge for DeSantis to gain support over him. Furthermore, DeSantis' high staff turnover and lack of a solid political operation could hinder his chances of building a strong base of donors and voters. Overall, it seems that DeSantis would benefit from addressing his potential primary opponent directly and focusing on building a more substantial political operation to challenge Trump's dominance in the party.

    • Trump's Loyalty and COVID-19 PoliticsDespite differing views on COVID-19 policies, Trump's loyalty to his supporters remains a major factor in GOP politics. Meanwhile, the Biden admin's COVID testing distribution faces criticism for complexity and slow turnaround, with other countries offering more accessible solutions.

      Loyalty to former President Trump remains a significant factor in Republican politics, with Trump himself showing little concern for issues like lockdowns or COVID testing as long as individuals demonstrate fealty to him. This was highlighted in the discussion about Elise Stefanik, who despite her stance on various issues that don't align with traditional Republican values, has earned Trump's support due to her public displays of loyalty. Meanwhile, the Biden administration's approach to COVID testing distribution has been criticized for its complexity and slow turnaround time, leaving many Americans uncertain about when they'll receive tests and frustrated with the process. The contrast between the US and other countries' testing systems, which offer more accessible and straightforward solutions, further underscores the perceived failure of the current administration's approach. Additionally, the evidence suggests that omicron, while still spreading, is likely to be milder than previous COVID-19 strains, offering some hope amidst the ongoing pandemic.

    • Encouraging signs of improvement from omicron variantDespite hospital strains, omicron cases and test positivity rates are decreasing globally, symptoms are milder, and booster shots and natural immunity are helping. ICUs typically operate at 60-65% capacity, indicating a potential turning point in the pandemic.

      The omicron variant of COVID-19 has brought encouraging signs of improvement, with cases and test positivity rates trending downward not just in New York City but also in other northeastern states and around the world. The symptoms of those hospitalized with omicron have been milder than in previous waves, and there hasn't been a significant increase in deaths. However, hospitals are still facing strains due to the high number of cases and the need for additional resources for those infected with omicron. Despite these challenges, the availability of tests, natural immunity, and the effectiveness of booster shots are contributing to a potential turning point in the pandemic. As we look to the future, it's important to remember that ICUs normally operate at around 60-65% capacity, so the current strain on hospitals should be put into perspective. Overall, the signs point to an off ramp from the omicron wave, and we can begin to look forward to a return to normalcy.

    • The Omicron variant evolves and political charges against the Oath KeepersThe Omicron variant is becoming less deadly but more infectious, potentially merging with the common cold within a few years. The first high-level charges against the Oath Keepers militia group for seditious conspiracy were filed, but proving such a charge can be difficult.

      The Omicron variant of COVID-19 is becoming less deadly but more infectious, and it's predicted that it may merge with the common cold and become a part of the seasonal flu within a few years. Meanwhile, in the political sphere, the investigation into the January 6th Capitol attack saw the first high-level charges against the leader of the Oath Keepers militia group, Stuart Rhodes, for seditious conspiracy. However, proving such a charge can be difficult as it requires showing agreement among individuals to use force to overthrow government authority or delay the execution of a US law. The Oath Keepers, who were charged, claimed they were there to protect conservative celebrities, but at least four of them have cooperated with the government and admitted to intending to obstruct the electoral college vote certification. Despite their plans, it's clear from the indictment that they were not close to effectuating a coup and spent months preparing with weapons and tactical gear but did not bring them into DC.

    • Capitol rioters' actions didn't match their pre-event discussionsThe Capitol rioters' actions fell short of a genuine attempt to overthrow the government, and their inflammatory words may be protected under the First Amendment, making sedition charges difficult to prove.

      The Capitol rioters' actions on the day did not match the intensity and organization portrayed in their pre-event discussions. Despite their violent rhetoric and preparations, they primarily stormed the Capitol, caused chaos, and then left to celebrate at places like Olive Garden. The sedition charge against them is difficult to prove, as their words, though inflammatory, may be protected under the First Amendment. The government may have felt pressured to bring more serious charges against the rioters to appease critics. Ultimately, their actions fell short of a genuine attempt to overthrow the government. The indictment, while providing insight into their planning, should be taken with a grain of salt as it is the government's version of events.

    • Prosecuting sedition charges historically challengingClear and concrete evidence essential for successful prosecution of complex charges, as seen in sedition cases and Novak Djokovic's detention.

      The prosecution of individuals involved in the Capitol riot on sedition charges is historically challenging due to the high burden of proof. The last successful conviction of sedition conspiracy was in 1995 against the blind Sheikh, and even in cases with more serious plots, the charges have not been proven. Novak Djokovic's situation with the Australian Open and COVID-19 vaccine regulations serves as an interesting contrast. Djokovic, a tennis great, believed he had an exemption to enter Australia due to his previous COVID-19 infection and natural immunity. However, his detention and the subsequent legal back-and-forth demonstrate the importance of clear communication and understanding of regulations, even in the face of personal beliefs or circumstances. Ultimately, the cases highlight the significance of clear and concrete evidence for the successful prosecution of complex charges.

    • Australian Government's Decision on Novak Djokovic Sparks Controversy Over Natural Immunity and Vaccine PoliciesThe Australian government's decision to deport Novak Djokovic and ban him for three years due to his unvaccinated status and past COVID-19 infection sparks controversy over natural immunity and vaccine policies, with some arguing it sets a dangerous precedent and undermines fairness in sports.

      The Australian government's decision to deport Novak Djokovic and ban him from entering the country for three years due to his unvaccinated status and past COVID-19 infection has sparked controversy over the science behind natural immunity and the implications of such a strict policy. Djokovic's application was denied based on his alleged lies about his travel history and his stance against vaccines, which the Australian government claimed could encourage anti-vaccine sentiment. However, some argue that the decision sets a dangerous precedent and diminishes Australia's standing on the world stage. The tennis star may also face restrictions in competing in other tournaments, such as the French Open. While some support the government's right to control its borders, others believe that the policy is not based on sound science and undermines the fairness of competitive sports. Ultimately, the situation highlights the complex and politically charged nature of COVID-19 policies and the ongoing debate over individual freedoms and public health.

    • Australian Open: Djokovic Denied Entry, Nadal Poised to SucceedNovak Djokovic was denied entry into Australia due to his unvaccinated status, casting a shadow on the Australian Open. Rafael Nadal, now unvaccinated, could potentially surpass Djokovic in the all-time greats rankings.

      The Australian Open tennis tournament is making headlines for reasons beyond the court, as Novak Djokovic was denied entry into the country due to his COVID-19 vaccination status. Rafael Nadal, who recently returned from injury, is now in a position to potentially surpass Djokovic in the all-time greats rankings, but the controversy surrounding Djokovic's exclusion casts a shadow on the tournament. Djokovic expressed his disappointment with the court's ruling and plans to cooperate with authorities. Meanwhile, Vice President Kamala Harris is attempting to revamp her public image with longer interviews and a renewed focus on policy, but her performance in a recent interview left much to be desired, with confusing answers and a call to use Google to find COVID tests. The Australian Open controversy and Harris' interview mishap highlight the ongoing challenges and complexities surrounding the COVID-19 pandemic and its impact on various aspects of life.

    • Vice President Harris' handling of rapid test distribution issue reflects larger issues within the Democratic PartyDespite her focus on personal advancement and identity politics, Vice President Harris' failure to effectively distribute rapid tests highlights the Democratic Party's lack of core values and principles, prioritizing their own advancement over the needs of the American people.

      Vice President Kamala Harris' handling of the rapid test distribution issue, along with her past actions and beliefs, reflects the larger issues of corruption, incompetence, and lack of governing principles within the Democratic Party. Harris' focus on personal advancement and identity politics, coupled with her reliance on excuses for failures, is emblematic of the party's Machiavellian machine politics. Her campaign decisions were driven by personal gains rather than a genuine desire to improve the lives of the American people or a commitment to policy. The Democratic Party, as a whole, lacks a core set of values and principles, focusing instead on their own advancement and the manipulation of public opinion through identity politics.

    • Kamala Harris's lack of concern for policy during campaignDespite her lack of understanding of policy implications during her campaign, Kamala Harris cosponsored Medicare for All and the Biden administration is now threatening to withhold funding from states over mask mandates in schools, despite limited evidence of their effectiveness.

      During the campaign, Kamala Harris's lack of concern for policy was evident when she cosponsored Bernie Sanders' Medicare for All bill without fully understanding its implications. This raises questions about her readiness to lead, especially considering her rejection by voters during the primaries. Meanwhile, the Biden administration's stance on masks in schools, based on questionable data, has become a contentious issue. Despite evidence suggesting that masks in schools have little impact and cloth masks offer limited protection, the administration is threatening to withhold funding from states that resist mask mandates. This situation highlights the government's unwillingness to admit past mistakes and the ongoing debate surrounding children's education and safety during the pandemic.

    • Debate over COVID policies and mask mandates in schoolsCritics urge stronger stance on COVID policies, voting rights, and filibuster reform, emphasizing the power of the vote to effect change.

      The debate over COVID policies, particularly mask mandates in schools, has become a contentious issue, with some arguing that personal choice should be prioritized over scientific consensus. Jen Psaki and Sagar were critical of Glenn Youngkin's stance against mask mandates, while Nina Turner urged President Biden to take a stronger stance on issues like voting rights and filibuster reform. Turner also expressed frustration with senators who are blocking progress on these issues, and called on Biden to be more assertive in pushing for change. Overall, the discussion highlighted the importance of using the power of the vote to effect change in the political landscape.

    • Push for Progressive Agenda Despite Low Approval RatingProgressives should continue advocating for issues like student debt, prescription drug costs, and voting rights, even with Biden's low approval rating, as it benefits everyday people and has long-term societal impacts.

      Despite President Biden's low approval rating, the progressive movement should continue to push for their agenda, focusing on issues that benefit everyday people, such as canceling student debt, driving down prescription drug costs, and expanding voting rights. The progressives in Congress need to be more assertive in advocating for their causes and not compromise on key issues, even if it means taking an adversarial approach towards Democratic leadership. The importance of their fight lies in lifting the burden of the poor, working poor, and barely middle class, and addressing issues that have long-term impacts on society. The progressive movement should not give up, but instead, keep pushing for change and hold the administration accountable to its promises.

    • Staying true to progressive valuesThe progressive caucus in Congress should not let external pressure or media sway them from fighting for their beliefs, as they have the power to make a difference and inspire change, even with consequences.

      The progressive caucus in the United States Congress, specifically the "Squad" members, need to remember their unique values and reasons for being in power as they navigate the political landscape. They should not allow external pressure or mainstream media to sway them from fighting for what they believe is just and right for humanity. The progressive caucus, being the largest in Congress, has the power to hold up the agenda on the stronger end, rather than just opposing. They should not let senators Manchin and Sinema have all the fun. If they stand strong for their beliefs, they can make a difference and inspire change, even if there are consequences. The American people need someone to fight for them, and the progressive caucus has the opportunity to do just that. Remember, standing up for justice is worth taking a risk for. Stay true to your values and continue the fight.

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