
    1/3/22: Omicron News, Twitter Censorship, Corporate Profits, Minimum Wage, Maxwell Trial, Primary Biden, Covid Lies, Starbucks Workers, and More!

    enJanuary 03, 2022

    Podcast Summary

    • Embrace change and new opportunitiesRefresh home and wardrobe, transition careers, save money, stay informed, and seek out new knowledge and experiences

      It's never too early or too late to make changes and pursue new opportunities. Whether it's refreshing your home and wardrobe at dd's discounts, transitioning to a new career like Lisa Schneider plans to do with her dog rescue, or saving money on wireless service with Consumer Cellular, there are always ways to improve your life and financial situation. Additionally, it's important to stay informed and question policies that may seem unfair or discriminatory, such as New York City's plan to consider race when distributing life-saving COVID treatments. Stay engaged, stay curious, and don't hesitate to seek out new knowledge and experiences.

    • Prioritizing healthcare based on race during COVID-19 is problematic and unnecessaryFocus on individual risk factors instead of race for equitable and effective healthcare allocation during COVID-19

      It's problematic and unnecessary to prioritize healthcare based on race during the COVID-19 pandemic, as there is no solid scientific evidence that the virus affects people differently based on race. Instead, healthcare resources should be allocated to those most at risk, including the elderly, immunocompromised, and obese individuals. Using race as a proxy for socioeconomic status or other risk factors is not only inaccurate but also racist. It's essential to avoid conflating identity politics with healthcare and focus on evidence-based approaches to mitigate the impact of the pandemic. The debate over vaccine distribution during the early stages of the pandemic serves as an example of the potential dangers of prioritizing race over individual risk factors. It's crucial to remember that people from all racial backgrounds can be equally vulnerable to the virus and its complications, and focusing on risk factors rather than race is the most effective and equitable approach.

    • Federal government's failure to provide resources for COVID-19 response hinders local effortsThe federal government's lack of resources for COVID-19 response has forced local areas to adopt stricter measures and virtual learning, hindering a return to normal life.

      While it's important to avoid discrimination based on race, the same logic applies to COVID-19 policies, and local responses are necessary due to cultural and risk assessment differences. However, the federal government has failed to provide essential resources like tests, masks, and vaccines, making it difficult for local areas to effectively respond. The lack of a federal solution has resulted in a disorganized and inadequate response to the pandemic, which is a stark contrast to Biden's campaign promises. Despite the need for local control, the federal government still holds responsibility for providing the necessary infrastructure and resources for effective COVID-19 responses. The lack of these resources has forced many schools and communities to adopt virtual learning and stricter COVID-19 measures, making it difficult for people to return to normal life.

    • Media distorts COVID data leading to unnecessary panicDoctors admit some COVID guidelines not based on science, Omicron less severe than thought, kids more likely to 'die with COVID' than 'from COVID', high contagion rate makes vaccination crucial, omicron immunity offers good resistance to other variants, keep schools open and encourage vaccination to minimize disruption and risk

      While health officials like the CDC and Fauci admit that some COVID guidelines are not based on science but on public opinion, the media continues to fearmonger and distort the data, leading to unnecessary panic. For instance, a New York Times headline about a COVID case explosion in Puerto Rico failed to mention the low number of hospitalizations and deaths. Omicron, the new variant, is less severe than previously thought, with fewer hospitalizations and deaths. This is good news, but it's being overshadowed by fearful reporting. Doctors like Fauci now acknowledge that kids are more likely to "die with COVID" rather than "from COVID." Omicron's high contagion rate means that most people in the US have been exposed, making vaccination crucial. Despite the inevitable increase in hospitalizations and deaths, omicron's mildness offers hope for a quick end to the pandemic. Research also shows that omicron immunity provides good resistance to other variants, including Delta. The key is to keep schools open and encourage vaccination to minimize disruption and risk.

    • Universities in DC remain remote despite booster mandates, causing strain for studentsThe pandemic's impact on education and students' lives continues to evolve, with unequal application of platform policies adding to the complexity.

      The ongoing pandemic continues to disrupt education and life in unexpected ways, with universities in Washington DC remaining remote despite booster mandates, causing financial and emotional strain for students. Meanwhile, the suspension of Marjorie Taylor Greene's Twitter account for alleged COVID misinformation highlights the complexity of determining the truth in a world of limited character counts and selective information. Despite the controversy surrounding Greene's statements, some of which were objectively true, the larger issue lies in the unequal application of platform policies and the public's continued election of controversial figures. It's crucial to approach these issues with nuance and consideration for the larger context.

    • Policies addressing COVID-19 misinformation may lead to selective enforcement and censorshipSelective enforcement and censorship of speech can stifle open dialogue and undermine democratic principles, even when intended to combat misinformation.

      While certain policies and actions may be intended to address issues like COVID-19 misinformation, selective enforcement and censorship can create a dangerous environment for free speech and public discourse. The discussion highlighted the example of New York's race-based discrimination policy, which, despite being misleading, is still being applied selectively. Similarly, Twitter's COVID misinformation policy, which bans criticism of official regulations on efficacy grounds, risks creating a police state. These actions, when taken by those in positions of power, can stifle open dialogue and undermine the democratic principles of a free society. It's crucial to evaluate these claims and engage in transparent discussions to ensure that we're moving in a positive direction as a country.

    • Examining the Role of Corporate Profits and Market Power in Inflation60% of inflation increase is due to corporate profits, with large corporations raising prices by 50% or more, despite claims that monopolies and corporate profits are not the primary drivers of inflation

      The ongoing inflation crisis is a complex issue, and it's essential to look beyond simplistic explanations. Some voices, like Larry Summers, argue that monopolies and corporate profits are not driving inflation. However, data shows that corporate profits have significantly increased, leading to higher prices for consumers. Matt Stoller's analysis reveals that around 60% of the inflation increase is due to corporate profits, with large corporations raising prices by 50% or more. Contrary to Summers' claims, monopoly power has indeed increased, enabling corporations to use inflation as a cover to jack up prices. These findings challenge the narrative that inflation is solely due to external factors like supply chain disruptions or energy prices. It's crucial to examine the role of corporate profits and market power in the inflation crisis.

    • Corporations using inflation as an excuse to boost profitsGovernment inaction on root causes of inflation hurts consumers and small businesses, while corporations manipulate prices and profit.

      Corporations are using inflation as an excuse to increase their profits at the expense of consumers, while small businesses and workers are suffering the most from the supply chain crisis. The government's inability to effectively address the root causes of inflation and the focus on austerity measures instead of regulating corporate power contributes to the problem. The public's trust in the government to handle inflation is low, and the situation is becoming increasingly dire as people's purchasing power is decreasing despite some wage increases being outpaced by inflation. It's crucial to address the imbalance of power in favor of corporations and tackle both the supply chain issues and corporate price manipulation to mitigate the impact of inflation on consumers and small businesses.

    • Minimum Wage Increases in Multiple States and CitiesRecord number of areas raising minimum wage to $15/hour; 20 states yet to increase; pandemic impacts workforce decisions; 'blue collar great resignation' allows workers to seek higher wages

      While the federal minimum wage remains at $7.25 per hour, a record number of states and municipalities are increasing their minimum wages to meet or exceed $15 per hour. This includes 47 cities and counties, 11 California localities, and 10 new states. However, 20 states have not raised their minimum wages, leading to a complex job market recovery with high demand for workers but a lower number of willing workers due to various reasons such as retirement, caring for family, or burnout. The ongoing pandemic and its disruptions continue to impact people's decisions to return to work. Despite the challenges, the "blue collar great resignation" allows workers to quit and seek higher wages, offering a glimmer of hope for better compensation.

    • The pandemic and Maxwell trial impact on work and justice systemThe pandemic led to a shift in labor market demands and revelations of power dynamics, while the Maxwell trial brought attention to the need for systemic changes in the justice system.

      The pandemic has led to a significant reassessment of work and career choices for many people. Some have been forced into this due to layoffs or personal circumstances, while others have chosen to retire early. The labor market has seen a major shift, with workers demanding better wages and working conditions, leading to strikes and union drives. However, the trial of Ghislaine Maxwell, who was convicted on sex trafficking charges related to Jeffrey Epstein, failed to provide significant new information about Epstein or the powerful individuals associated with him. Despite the high-profile nature of the case, the trial focused narrowly on Maxwell and provided little insight into Epstein's lifestyle, financial connections, or potential blackmail. Overall, the pandemic and the Maxwell trial have highlighted the need for systemic changes in both the labor market and the justice system.

    • Media mishandling of Epstein case and lack of transparencyThe Epstein case involved numerous allegations of sexual assault and trafficking, but the media and legal system failed to provide transparency and accountability, raising concerns of a cover-up and leaving many questions unanswered.

      The Epstein case, which involved numerous allegations of sexual assault and trafficking, was mishandled at various levels, leading to a lack of transparency and accountability. The media, including the BBC and Fox News, failed to adequately disclose the backgrounds and conflicts of interest of their guests, such as Alan Dershowitz, who was involved in the case. Additionally, the Department of Justice dropped charges against two guards who were responsible for Epstein's alleged suicide, despite their admission to falsifying records. These events have raised concerns about a cover-up and have left many questions unanswered regarding the involvement of various individuals in Epstein's network. The trial itself did not provide much clarity on the circumstances surrounding Epstein's death or the extent of his criminal activities. Overall, the Epstein case highlights the importance of transparency and accountability in reporting and legal proceedings.

    • The success of a legal strategy is not guaranteedThe outcome of legal strategies and political challenges can be unpredictable, but the focus on specific issues and circumstances can impact the outcome.

      The success of a legal strategy, such as the one used against Ghislaine Maxwell, is not guaranteed and can vary greatly depending on the specific circumstances of the case. In the case of Maxwell, the narrow focus on accusers directly involved in the charges led to limited information being revealed. Meanwhile, in the political sphere, speculation about the 2024 presidential race is rampant, with potential challenges to President Biden emerging from both within and outside his party. While the odds of a successful primary challenge against an incumbent president are slim, some on the left are considering it due to Biden's unpopularity and perceived ineffectiveness. Regardless of the outcome, the political landscape is poised for significant change as the country grapples with pressing issues, including economic inequality and the ongoing pandemic.

    • Moneyed interests dominate government policies during Biden eraExcessive corporate influence led to business-friendly legislation during Biden's tenure, while some politicians engaged in insider trading, worsening public trust and climate crisis

      Moneyed interests have excessive influence over government, leading to policies that favor corporations over the broader social and climate agenda. This was evident during the Biden era, where only business-friendly legislation was passed. Meanwhile, some legislators have been involved in insider trading, such as Pelosi's large trades during the holiday season. The climate crisis continues to worsen, with record-breaking weather extremes. The democratic experiment is facing challenges, with increasing distrust and nihilism among the population. Establishment Democrats argue that any dissent within the party is an existential threat, but true democracy is the only hope for change. The COVID-19 response has also been criticized for failures and inconsistencies, leading to growing frustration and disregard for restrictions. People are tired of the elite's perceived manipulation and are demanding more transparency and accountability.

    • Reevaluating COVID-19 guidelines for societal functioningPublic health officials admit to reducing isolation periods and acknowledging natural immunity as part of a shift towards normalcy, but emphasize the importance of collective action to challenge elite consensus and bring about meaningful change.

      The COVID-19 guidelines are being reevaluated due to the overwhelming number of infections, and the need to balance public health with societal functioning. The speaker argues that the isolation period for positive cases is being reduced to allow people to return to society sooner, with appropriate safety measures. This admission from public health officials comes after over a year of controversy and criticism over the restrictions, which many argue were not grounded in science. The speaker also points out the issue of overcounting COVID-related hospitalizations, and the importance of acknowledging natural immunity. The speaker expresses hope that this admission marks a turning point towards normalcy, but also emphasizes the need for collective action to challenge elite consensus and bring about meaningful change.

    • Starbucks' Aggressive Response to Unionization EffortsStarbucks used various tactics to suppress unionization efforts, including sending over 100 corporate managers, using the emergency text alert system, and putting workers on final written warnings.

      Despite Starbucks' reputation as a progressive company, unionization efforts were met with intense opposition. Workers in Buffalo formed a committee to unionize in late August and quickly gained strong majorities in three stores. However, Starbucks responded by sending over 100 corporate managers, dubbed the "Starbucks SWAT team," to flood the stores and suppress conversations among employees. Tactics used included bringing in support managers to spy on workers, holding anti-union presentations, and using the emergency text alert system to urge employees to vote against the union. Workers also reported being put on final written warnings for minor offenses. Despite these challenges, the workers at Elmwood, one of the stores, successfully unionized and gained certification. This victory gave hope and clarity to workers at other stores still waiting for their election dates. Starbucks' aggressive response to unionization efforts underscores the significant barriers workers face when trying to unionize, even in companies that bill themselves as progressive.

    • Starbucks Workers in Buffalo Seek Community Support During Unionization EffortsStarbucks workers in Buffalo are focusing on negotiating a fair contract and urging Starbucks to recognize their union and engage in good faith negotiations. Customers and the community can support them by urging Starbucks to sign an agreement for equity and sustainability.

      The Starbucks workers in Buffalo, despite facing aggressive opposition from their employer, have seen overwhelming support from customers and the community during their unionization efforts. The workers are now focused on negotiating a fair contract that addresses economic issues, health and safety concerns, and equity and sustainability. They are asking Starbucks to recognize their union and engage in good faith negotiations. Customers and the community can support the workers by urging Starbucks to sign an agreement for equity and sustainability and recognizing the workers' right to organize. The workers are hoping for a scheduled election date soon and will continue to update the public on their progress.

    • Explore new ways to engage and make a differenceStay informed with The Economist's free trial, embark on educational adventures with Rhodes Scholar, and get involved in the election process.

      There are various ways to engage and make a difference, whether it's through labor organizing or staying informed. The Economist, with its 180-year history as a trusted news source, offers a solution to navigating the overwhelming information age with its free 1-month trial. Additionally, for those seeking new experiences and learning opportunities, Rhodes Scholar offers educational travel adventures for adults 50 and above in over 100 countries. And as the election year approaches, it's important to stay informed and get involved. So consider signing up for The Economist or planning your next adventure with Rhodes Scholar. And who knows, maybe you'll even discover your own California-like playground at visitcalifornia.com.

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    6/25/24: AIPAC Spends $15 Million To Oust Bowman, Media Lies About Synagogue Protests, War Scholar Says Hamas Has Won

    6/25/24: AIPAC Spends $15 Million To Oust Bowman, Media Lies About Synagogue Protests, War Scholar Says Hamas Has Won

    Krystal and Saagar discuss AIPAC spends $15 million to defeat Bowman, media lies about synagogue protest, war scholar says Hamas has won.


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    6/24/24: Biden Panics As Dems Boycott Bibi Speech, Biden Greenlights Hezbollah War, New Tapes Expose 9/11 Saudi Conspiracy

    6/24/24: Biden Panics As Dems Boycott Bibi Speech, Biden Greenlights Hezbollah War, New Tapes Expose 9/11 Saudi Conspiracy

    Krystal and Saagar discuss Biden panics as Dems boycott Bibi speech, Biden greenlights Lebanon invasion, new tapes expose Saudi 9/11 involvement. 


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