
    Podcast Summary

    • Testimonies of officers at January 6th Capitol attack hearingOfficers shared traumatic experiences during Jan 6th hearing, but some citizens deny or downplay the attacks, adding insult to injury.

      The first hearing of the bipartisan committee investigating the January 6th attack on the US Capitol was emotionally charged, with officers testifying about the violent assaults they faced from domestic terrorists. Their harrowing experiences were met with denial and downplaying from some citizens, including Republicans. One officer shared the racial epithets hurled at him during the attack, adding a layer of pain and indignity to the already traumatic event. The lack of acknowledgement and respect for the officers' experiences is disgraceful and infuriating, especially since these officers put their lives on the line to protect the country and its democratic processes. The continued dismissal of the events of January 6th as mere partisan politics is a concerning development.

    • Testimony connects Trump to Capitol riotsFormer President Trump's refusal to stop mob during Capitol attack directly implicates him, historical significance, continued threat of misinformation

      The testimony from Capitol Police officer Harry Dunn directly connects former President Trump to the riots at the Capitol, not just his role in inciting the mob, but also his refusal to tell the mob to go home during the attack. This testimony is important in understanding the historical significance of the events and the potential for future risks. However, given the current media ecosystem, it remains to be seen whether this testimony will reach and persuade those who need to see it the most. Despite this uncertainty, it's crucial to continue presenting the truth to the American people. The events of January 6, 2021, represent a significant moment in American history, and understanding their causes and consequences is essential. Additionally, the ongoing efforts to spread misinformation and the lack of pushback from some political figures pose a continued threat.

    • A divide between truth and political gainDespite the January 6th Capitol attack hearings, some prioritize political gain over truth and bipartisanship. Pelosi's decision to remove Republicans from the committee allowed for a more productive hearing, focusing on preventing future attacks.

      The January 6th Capitol attack hearings have shown a stark divide between those who prioritize truth and bipartisanship versus those who prioritize political gain and partisanship. Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi's decision to remove Republicans from the committee investigating the attack was met with criticism, but it allowed for a more productive and serious hearing. The absence of Trump supporters on the panel prevented it from devolving into a partisan circus, unlike previous investigations. The American people are left wanting answers to many unresolved questions, but the primary focus should be on ensuring such an event never happens again. It's crucial for political leaders to put the welfare of the country above political gain and work together for the greater good.

    • Understanding the White House's Role in the Capitol AttackRepublican leaders react differently to the Capitol attack hearings, the committee aims to uncover White House involvement, and the success depends on new information and public attention.

      The January 6th Capitol attack hearing has revealed various reactions from Republican leaders, ranging from admitting wrongdoing and acknowledging the seriousness of the situation, to deflecting blame and even downplaying the events. The committee is focusing on understanding what happened in the White House leading up to the attack, including who Trump was in contact with and what was said. They aim to use subpoena power to ensure they get answers and have called for testimony from Trump, Ivanka, Jared Kushner, and others involved. The hearings' success depends on the witnesses providing new information that captures media attention and moves the public discourse forward. The panel's future focus includes investigating the rioters' connections to Trump and those who funded and coordinated the "Stop the Steal" rally. The stakes are high, as the GOP's response to these hearings could impact the direction of the party and the country.

    • Bipartisan Infrastructure Bill Clears First Hurdle in SenateThe bipartisan infrastructure bill, worth $550 billion, has passed its first hurdle in the Senate with a significant bipartisan vote, marking a notable achievement for both parties and potentially paving the way for further cooperation on economic plans.

      The strategy of holding significant legislative news for dramatic effect appears to be at play during the ongoing infrastructure bill negotiations on Capitol Hill. The bipartisan infrastructure framework, worth $550 billion, has passed its initial hurdle with a 67-32 Senate vote, marking a notable achievement for both parties. Despite the political jargon and name changes, this deal is considered a significant victory, especially given the upcoming reconciliation bill. Even some Republican senators, including Mitch McConnell, have supported the deal, challenging conventional wisdom about their party's stance on bipartisan legislation. The infrastructure bill's passage could pave the way for further cooperation on economic plans, potentially upending expectations for partisan gridlock.

    • Political advantage for some GOP senators in infrastructure negotiationsSome GOP senators can present bipartisan image while opposing Dem overreach in infrastructure talks

      The ongoing negotiations between Democrats on the $3.5 trillion reconciliation bill and the bipartisan infrastructure deal have left some Republicans in a politically advantageous position. Some GOP senators, like Marco Rubio, have voted for the infrastructure deal but against the larger reconciliation bill, allowing them to present themselves as bipartisan collaborators while still opposing what they perceive as a Democratic overreach. The dynamic is similar to the one observed during the passing of the American Rescue Plan, where centrist Democrats like Joe Manchin and Kyrsten Sinema had to negotiate with progressives to reach a compromise. Sinema has signaled her support for starting the reconciliation process but not the top line number, potentially setting up another round of negotiations. Ultimately, the political calculus of both parties may dictate the outcome of these negotiations, with each side trying to position themselves favorably for the midterm elections.

    • Senators Sinema and Manchin's Role in Infrastructure Deal and Democratic BillSenators Sinema and Manchin, with different voter bases, played crucial roles in infrastructure deal negotiations and later focused on their state priorities in a Democratic bill. Progressives and Manchin/Sinema have leverage to get a deal done, and Biden urges vaccination and implements policies to incentivize and address barriers to vaccination.

      Senator Kyrsten Sinema played a key role in the bipartisan infrastructure deal negotiations and later cut back on spending in a Democratic reconciliation bill to focus on Arizona voter priorities. Joe Manchin and Sinema have different voter bases for potential reelections, and both need support from their respective voters. The progressives and Manchin/Sinema have leverage in getting a deal done, as they can potentially block it if an agreement isn't reached. In the COVID-19 context, President Biden is urging Americans to get vaccinated and implementing policies to incentivize and address barriers to vaccination. The federal government is mandating vaccinations or rigorous testing for federal employees and contractors, with testing and mitigation strategies serving as a bridge to vaccination. The ultimate goal is to ensure safe workplaces and reduce the risk of COVID-19 transmission.

    • CDC updates guidelines for COVID-19 responseCDC urges vaccination, indoor masking for all in high-transmission areas. Vaccinated individuals still risk infection and transmission. Emphasis on prevention to protect unvaccinated and high-risk individuals.

      The CDC's revised guidance on COVID-19 vaccinations and mitigation strategies is a response to the highly contagious Delta variant. The CDC is urging communities with high transmission rates to encourage vaccination and implement indoor masking for both vaccinated and unvaccinated individuals. For fully vaccinated individuals, while they are protected from severe illness and hospitalization, they still have a small risk of infection and transmission. The CDC's recommendations aim to keep everyone safe, especially those who are unvaccinated or at high risk. The guidance is subject to change as the science and data evolve. Overall, the importance of vaccination and mitigation strategies is emphasized to prevent further preventable tragedies.

    • Consider wearing masks in public indoor settings with unvaccinated individualsFully vaccinated individuals should assess their risk and wear masks in public indoor settings with unvaccinated individuals, especially those at higher risk, while kids' overall risk remains low.

      Fully vaccinated individuals should consider wearing masks in public indoor settings when in close contact with unvaccinated individuals, particularly those at higher risk for severe illness, such as young children and immunocompromised individuals. The CDC's updated guidance emphasizes the importance of individual assessment of risk and situation, as the data on the risk of vaccinated individuals transmitting the virus is still unclear. However, it's important to note that the overall risk of severe COVID infection, hospitalization, and death remains low for children. The guidance applies to public indoor settings where the vaccination status of others is uncertain. The situation has changed significantly since the start of the vaccination campaign, with over 160 million people vaccinated and substantial progress made in protecting the most vulnerable populations. Ultimately, the decision to wear a mask in public indoor settings is an individual one based on personal circumstances and risk assessment.

    • Approval process for COVID-19 vaccine for children under 12The approval process for the COVID-19 vaccine for children under 12 is ongoing, with full approval expected by middle of fall. Employers and individuals are watching closely, and it's crucial to share accurate data on safety and effectiveness to build confidence.

      The process for approving the COVID-19 vaccine for children under 12 involves the FDA, CDC, and independent advisers, and the timeline is not set by the administration. The clinical trials for this age group are ongoing, and it's expected that the process will go through, possibly resulting in approval by the middle of fall. Some people are waiting for full approval before getting vaccinated, and employers are also paying attention to this approval process. It's important to note that there has been no political interference in the process, and career professionals at the FDA understand the importance of getting it right. The focus should be on sharing accurate data about the vaccine's safety and effectiveness to help build confidence in those who are hesitant. The choice is between the virus or the vaccine, and the recommendation is to choose the vaccine.

    • Despite Trump's endorsement, not a guarantee of victoryTrump's endorsement holds weight in GOP, but it doesn't ensure success in special elections, as seen in recent Texas and Staten Island races

      While Donald Trump's endorsement still holds significant weight within the Republican Party, it may not guarantee victory, especially in low-turnout special elections. This was evident in the recent Texas 6th Congressional District race where Trump endorsed Susan Wright, but she lost to Jake Elzey. Despite Wright's attacks on her opponent for not being sufficiently pro-Trump, Elzey, who raised more money and had endorsements from prominent Republicans, still won. Trump downplayed the loss, but it's a notable development as it suggests that there may be cracks in his grip on the party. Additionally, in a Staten Island special election, Trump's candidate won, but only barely, indicating that while Trump's endorsement is powerful, it's not infallible. The Republican Party remains under Trump's influence, but winning the endorsement doesn't guarantee success in a primary.

    • The Influence of Former Presidents on American PoliticsFormer presidents Trump and Obama continue to shape the Republican and Democratic parties respectively, with endorsed candidates holding significant power and ongoing internal party conflicts reflecting broader ideological divides.

      The influence of former presidents, particularly Donald Trump, continues to shape American politics, with both the Republican and Democratic parties showing signs of this. In the Republican Party, candidates who have been endorsed by Trump continue to hold significant power, despite not receiving his official endorsement. Meanwhile, in the Democratic Party, the ongoing race in Ohio's 11th congressional district is a proxy war between progressive and more establishment wings, with Bernie Sanders and AOC endorsing Nina Turner, while Jim Clyburn and Hillary Clinton have endorsed Chantelle Brown. This race reflects the ongoing polarization within both parties and the influence of prominent political figures on the direction of the parties. Ultimately, the outcome of this race and others like it may impact the balance of power within the parties and their ability to pass legislation.

    • Race in Ohio's 11th Congressional District not just about ideologyIn Ohio's 11th Congressional District primary, Turner and Brown focus on attitude and relationships with voters, avoiding a progressivism vs moderation battle. In California, a close recall election against Newsom could result in a Republican governor, but poll reliability is a concern.

      The race between Nina Turner and Chantal Brown in the Democratic primary for Ohio's 11th Congressional District is not just about ideology, but more about attitude and relationships with voters. Both candidates are trying to avoid making it a proxy battle over progressivism versus moderation. Meanwhile, in California, the recall election against Governor Gavin Newsom could result in a Republican taking over, despite the state's Democratic registration advantage. A recent poll shows the recall is close, with 47% in favor and 50% opposed, and a large gap between likely and registered voters. The potential for a Republican governor in California is a concern for some, but the reliability of the poll should be considered.

    • California Recall Election: Urgent Call to ActionEncourage voting to prevent potential repeal of minimum wage, restriction of abortion access, and increase in gun rights in California. Vote 'no' on the first question and leave the second blank on September 14th or by mail from August 16th.

      The upcoming California gubernatorial recall election could result in the replacement of Governor Gavin Newsom with a Republican candidate, potentially leading to policies against progressive values such as repealing the minimum wage, restricting abortion access, and increasing gun rights. The outcome of this election heavily relies on voter turnout, particularly among Democratic voters. It's crucial for engaged individuals to encourage friends, family, and community members to vote by mail starting August 16th or in person on September 14th. The message is to vote "no" on the first question and leave the second question blank. This election holds significant implications for the future of California, and everyone's involvement is essential to prevent undesirable changes.

    • Voting against the recall of Governor Newsom is crucial for California and the nationCalifornians should vote to keep Newsom as governor, prevent a Republican takeover, and maintain Democratic control in the Senate. Encourage friends and family to vote and check registration status at votesaveamerica.com.

      Californians should vote against the recall of Governor Gavin Newsom in the upcoming election. This is important not only for the future of California's governorship but also for demonstrating Democratic voter turnout in the 2022 midterm elections. The potential consequences of a successful recall could include a Republican governor and the loss of the Senate seat held by Dianne Feinstein. It's crucial for Democrats and progressives to make their voices heard and consider participating in the primary process if they believe there's a better candidate. The speakers also emphasized the significance of encouraging friends and family to vote and reminded listeners to check their registration status at votesaveamerica.com. Overall, the message was to stay engaged and active in the political process to ensure the best possible outcomes for California and the nation.

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    For a closed-captioned version of this episode, click here. For a transcript of this episode, please email transcripts@crooked.com and include the name of the podcast.

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    How Democrats Can Win Latinos Back (Ep. 4)

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    enJune 23, 2024

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    Trump Loses It Over Fox News Poll

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    To pre-order Democracy or Else, out June 25th, visit www.crooked.com/books 


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    The Plan to Fight Trump's Second-Term Agenda

    The Plan to Fight Trump's Second-Term Agenda

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    For a closed-captioned version of this episode, click here. For a transcript of this episode, please email transcripts@crooked.com and include the name of the podcast.

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    Biden Campaign Unloads on Trump's Conviction

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    For a closed-captioned version of this episode, click here. For a transcript of this episode, please email transcripts@crooked.com and include the name of the podcast.

    Trump Returns to the Scene of the Crime

    Trump Returns to the Scene of the Crime

    Trump returns to the Capitol for the first time since January 6th and receives a hero’s welcome from House and Senate Republicans—where he calls Milwaukee a “horrible city,” refers to the Justice Department as “dirty bastards,” and complains about Taylor Swift not endorsing him. Meanwhile, the same Republicans attempting to overturn Trump’s conviction are instead trying to prosecute Attorney General Merrick Garland. Plus, SCOTUS affirms legal access to abortion medication, Biden takes voters’ cost of living concerns head on, and Trump tries to woo CEOs with more tax cuts.

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    For a closed-captioned version of this episode, click here. For a transcript of this episode, please email transcripts@crooked.com and include the name of the podcast.

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