
    1 Cor. 6 Believers will judge the earth? God’s high standard of sexual morality.

    enAugust 26, 2024
    What role do believers play in judging the world?
    Why should disputes be resolved within the church community?
    How does the Holy Spirit support believers' lives?
    What constitutes a lifestyle that dishonors God?
    How can believers strive for holiness and repentance?

    Podcast Summary

    • Church disputes resolutionAs future rulers with Jesus, it's crucial for believers to resolve disputes within the church community instead of relying on secular courts, fostering unity and reflecting God's love.

      As believers in Jesus Christ, we are called saints and have the future responsibility of judging the world. Therefore, it is important for us to handle our disputes and conflicts within the church community, rather than resorting to secular courts. This is because we will one day rule under Jesus during the millennial reign and into eternity. As Paul asks in 1 Corinthians 6:1, if we will judge the world, why can't we handle the smallest matters among ourselves? This principle not only applies to disputes, but also to any issue that arises within the body of Christ. By working things out together, we can strengthen our unity and reflect the love and grace of God to the world.

    • Church DisputesAs believers, we should resolve disputes within the church community through brotherly love and honorable conflict resolution, rather than taking each other to court.

      As believers in Christ, we are called to resolve our disputes within the church community, rather than taking each other to court. Paul expresses his disappointment towards the Corinthians for their inability to do so, and emphasizes the importance of brotherly love and honorable conflict resolution. This aligns with the teachings in Matthew 18, where we are first encouraged to approach our brother with our grievances and seek godly counsel before involving external authorities. The failure to do so not only reflects poorly on the church, but also perpetuates a cycle of wronging and being wronged. Ultimately, our goal should be to live in harmony and love towards one another, reflecting the character of Christ.

    • Church rewards in RevelationBelievers who overcome in various churches in Revelation are promised significant rewards, including sitting on God's throne and authority over nations.

      In the Book of Revelation, believers who overcome in various churches are promised significant rewards. For instance, in the church of Philadelphia, believers who overcome will sit on God's throne. In the church of Thyatira, those who overcome and keep God's deeds until the end will be given authority over the nations. Furthermore, in Revelation chapter four, there is a heavenly scene depicting the rapture of the church, where 24 elders, representing the church, are seen seated around God's throne with golden crowns. These promises underscore the importance of faithfulness and perseverance in the face of challenges.

    • Believers ruling with ChristBelievers will one day rule and reign with Jesus Christ, emphasizing the importance of living righteously and avoiding unrighteous behavior for eternal reward.

      According to the Bible, believers in Jesus Christ will one day rule and reign with Him. This concept is not only mentioned in 1 Corinthians 6:2-3 but also in the book of Revelation. It's a reminder that our behavior as Christians matters, as those who live unrighteously will not inherit the kingdom of God (1 Corinthians 6:9). The idea of ruling with Christ is not just a theoretical concept but a practical one, as Jesus himself spoke of investing wisely while he was away (Matthew 25:14-30). Therefore, it's important for us to strive for righteousness in our lives and avoid unrighteous behavior. This is a consistent theme throughout the Scriptures and a reminder of the eternal reward that awaits us.

    • Sin and RepentanceThrough faith in Jesus, we're cleansed of past sins, given the Holy Spirit, and should leave old behaviors behind. Repentance is necessary when we fall back into sin.

      Through faith in Jesus Christ, we are cleansed of our past sins and given the Holy Spirit to help us live a righteous life. The list of sins mentioned in the text, such as sexual immorality, idolatry, theft, drunkenness, and greed, are examples of behaviors that should be left behind. If we as believers find ourselves falling back into these old habits, repentance is necessary. This means acknowledging our sin, asking for forgiveness, and seeking God's help to live in accordance with His will. The passage reminds us that we were once defined by our past sins, but through the power of Jesus' blood and the Holy Spirit, we can be transformed and live a new life.

    • God's forgiveness and repentanceGod forgives those who repent from their sins, but it's important to recognize and turn away from sinful patterns to live a life honoring God

      While God's love offers forgiveness to those who stumble and sin, it's important for believers to recognize and repent from their sinful patterns. Living a life of continued sexual immorality, adultery, homosexuality, drunkenness, or any other sin, without conviction or repentance, may raise questions about one's faith. These passages are not meant to exclude those who have repented and are currently striving for holiness. Rather, they caution against taking God's grace for granted and dishonoring Him through a lifestyle of sin. As believers, we are called to be washed clean, sanctified, and justified, growing in holiness and living in a way that honors God. It's sad to see how our culture has watered down God's teachings on sexual purity.

    • Sexual purityOur bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit and should be honored through sexual purity, avoiding immorality and activities that compromise our commitment to Christ.

      Our bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, and we should live in a way that honors this sacred union. The Bible encourages sexual purity and warns against being mastered by sexual desire or immorality. Instead, our bodies are meant for the Lord, and we are united with Him through faith in Jesus Christ. This union is so profound that His spirit resides within us. Therefore, we should not compromise this sacred bond by engaging in immoral behavior or engaging in activities that do not align with our commitment to Christ. Instead, we should strive to live lives that reflect our membership in God's family and our commitment to living in accordance with His will.

    • God's view on intimacyGod endorses sexual intimacy only within the marriage covenant between a husband and wife, desiring for us to honor and please Him through our actions.

      Our relationship with God is a deeply intimate one, and He desires for us to live our lives in a way that honors and pleases Him. We cannot hide our actions from Him, and He wants us to be united with Him, not with sin or those who are not our spouses. God's endorsement of sexual intimacy is reserved for the marriage covenant between a husband and wife, and we are called to be one spirit with the Lord, just as a husband and wife become one flesh. This level of intimacy is a sacred bond that should not be taken lightly or broken outside of the sanctity of marriage.

    • Sexual purity and moralityWe should honor God by living sexually pure lives as our bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit and have been bought with a price through Jesus' sacrifice.

      Our bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit and we should honor God by fleeing sexual immorality and living sexually pure lives. We've been forgiven through the heavy price paid by Jesus Christ, and it's not honoring to that sacrifice to live in sexual sin. Our bodies are not our own, but have been bought with a price, so we should glorify God in them. The high standard of sexual purity and morality is a reflection of God's unchanging nature. Just as a priest had to honor the tabernacle with their actions and attire, we too should honor God's presence within us by living righteously.

    • Holy Spirit, divine allyThe Holy Spirit's presence within us grants us the privilege of living a life worthy of God's love and support, and it comes with the responsibility to honor Him through sexual morality and intimacy with our spouses.

      As believers, we are not alone. The Holy Spirit dwells within us, making us one with God. This is a profound privilege, and it comes with a responsibility to live a life that honors Him. By acknowledging God's presence within us, we can draw strength to live sexually moral lives and enjoy intimacy with our spouses. It's important to remember that God paid a heavy price for this union through the sacrifice of Jesus Christ. By honoring God in our actions, we not only please Him but also recognize the constant presence and support of our divine ally. Let us strive to live lives worthy of this sacred bond and cherish the gift of the Holy Spirit within us.

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