
    1 Corinthians 3 Build your life on the Rock.

    enAugust 22, 2024
    What did Paul emphasize to the Corinthian church?
    How should Christians view earthly leaders according to the text?
    What is the ultimate goal of following Jesus?
    How does discipleship differ from Jesus' time to now?
    What role do believers have as fellow workers in Christ?

    Podcast Summary

    • Focusing on the basics, living by the SpiritAs new or growing Christians, prioritize our relationship with God and strive to live according to the Spirit, focusing on Christ's teachings and growing spiritually.

      As new or growing Christians, it's important to focus on the basics of our faith and strive to live according to the Spirit, rather than the flesh. Paul, in 1 Corinthians 3, spoke to a divisive and carnal church, reminding them that they were not yet spiritually mature and needed to prioritize their relationship with God. He emphasized that they should not follow human leaders, but rather focus on following Christ and His teachings. Personal battles against the flesh are ongoing, but with dedication to God and His Word, our spiritual nature can grow stronger. Ultimately, our goal should be to honor God and be an example of His love and righteousness.

    • Serving God, not leadersInstead of focusing on specific teachers or leaders, we should prioritize following Jesus and serving Him, recognizing that all believers are God's fellow workers, and that He is the one who causes growth and gives rewards.

      Our focus should be on following Jesus and serving Him, rather than being fixated on specific teachers or leaders. We are all God's fellow workers, and our role is to help others become disciples of Jesus, not disciples of ourselves. God is the one who causes growth and gives rewards. We should serve Him with gratitude and purpose, knowing that our ultimate goal is to advance His kingdom. The nature of discipleship has changed since Jesus' time, and now we strive to make disciples of Jesus, not of ourselves. This concept is emphasized in the passage from 1 Corinthians 3:5-9.

    • Serving and following JesusFocus on serving and following Jesus, not creating a hierarchy of disciples. We are all part of the body of Christ, each with unique gifts, and should work together to build our lives on the foundation of Jesus and serve God.

      The focus of discipleship should be on following and serving Jesus, rather than creating a hierarchy of disciples. The New Testament emphasizes that we are all part of the body of Christ, each with unique gifts, and we should work together as fellow workers in God's kingdom. We are all responsible for building our lives on the foundation of Jesus Christ, and our works will be judged by God on the day of judgment, revealing the quality and lasting impact of our service to Him. This concept of discipleship is not about creating a chain of followers, but about working together as a unified body to serve and glorify God.

    • Good works and fruitAs temples of God's Holy Spirit, we should strive to produce good works and fruit for Jesus, recognizing the importance of faith and action in our spiritual lives.

      As believers, we are called to live meaningful and fruitful lives for Jesus, recognizing that we are temples of God's Holy Spirit. The passage in 1 Corinthians 3 emphasizes the importance of producing good works and fruit, as our faith in Jesus will be tested. Even if we make it to heaven by the skin of our teeth, it's better to have some work and fruit to offer to Jesus. We should strive to be devoted to Him and use our gifts to serve His kingdom. Additionally, we should remember that God dwells within us, making us temples of His Holy Spirit. It's a glorious privilege to have Jesus living inside of us, guiding our lives and helping us live spiritual lives. We must remember this daily and act accordingly.

    • Relationship with GodFocus on relationship with God, not worldly wisdom or pride, and embrace Bible wisdom. Seek unity in body of Christ and build lives upon foundation of Christ to glorify God.

      Learning from this discussion on 1 Corinthians 3 is that we should not let worldly wisdom or pride in ourselves or leaders distract us from our relationship with God. Instead, we should humbly embrace the wisdom and guidance found in the Bible, recognizing that God is the ultimate source of wisdom and that we belong to Him. Paul emphasizes the importance of unity in the body of Christ, reminding us that all believers have equal access to God and that our focus should be on Christ, rather than on human leaders or worldly achievements. We are all part of God's temple and should strive to build our lives upon the foundation of Christ. Ultimately, our goal should be to glorify God and trust in His plan for our lives.

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