
    1 Hour On Why it's so Important to be Contextual on Social Media | Throwback 4Ds 2018

    enMarch 05, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • Cost savings drives solar adoption in rural areasTo market solar energy effectively in rural areas, focus on cost savings. When expanding to urban markets, tailor messaging to investment aspect and tax credits, but be aware of price competition.

      Price plays a significant role in marketing solar energy systems in rural areas where cost savings is a major concern. The speaker, who runs a solar energy company, shared that in smaller markets, the majority of their customers are rural and the primary driver for them is cost savings. However, as they try to expand into urban neighborhoods and towns, they face challenges in breaking into these markets due to low solar adoption and the need to craft a new marketing message. They have tried to appeal to a different demographic by focusing on the investment aspect and tax credits, but the messaging needs to be tailored to each audience. The speaker also mentioned that when competing on price, there's a limited window of opportunity as larger companies with deeper pockets can undercut prices. The company has used a variety of video ads on Facebook to reach customers and educate them about solar energy, and they have done the same for the higher-end demographic, but with different messages for each audience.

    • Creating Effective Marketing Campaigns: Understanding Your Audience and Tailoring ContentFocus on creating high-quality, targeted content that resonates with your unique audience to build stronger connections and drive better results.

      Creating effective marketing campaigns requires a deep understanding of your target audience and tailoring your content to their specific demographics, psychographics, and interests. This means producing a large volume of content in various formats, such as written word, audio, and video, and using that content to evoke emotional responses from your audience. Gary Vaynerchuk emphasized the importance of this approach, sharing his own success story with the "Gary Vee Content Model" and encouraging marketers to invest more in targeted ads rather than spreading their budget too thin. He also highlighted the importance of considering subtleties within demographics and avoiding broad generalizations. Additionally, Vaynerchuk suggested having 4-8,000 pieces of content and targeting specific demographics with custom creative pillars to maximize conversions and reach the right audience. The goal is to create content that resonates with your audience in perpetuity, ensuring that it never stops working for you. Overall, the key takeaway is to focus on creating high-quality, targeted content that speaks to the unique needs and interests of your audience, rather than casting a wide net and hoping for the best. By investing in this approach, you'll be able to build stronger connections with your audience and ultimately drive better results for your business.

    • Maintaining Company Culture as it GrowsIdentify and address individuals hindering progress, align key team members with company goals, and adapt to market shifts through new business models and partnerships.

      Maintaining a strong company culture as it grows requires a focus on the core values and the behavior of the original team members. The speaker emphasized that it's natural to lose personal connections with employees as the company expands, but it's crucial to identify and address any individuals who hinder progress or prioritize their own interests over the company's. Additionally, the speaker suggested considering new business models and partnerships to adapt to market shifts and stay competitive. In the context of the discussion, the speaker shared their experience of growing their agency and the challenges they faced in preserving the company culture as it scaled. They highlighted the importance of keeping the most influential team members aligned with the company's goals and eliminating those who don't support the organization's vision. They also acknowledged the need to adapt to changing market conditions and consider new business models to stay competitive. The speaker provided valuable insights into the importance of maintaining a strong company culture and the strategies for doing so as a company grows.

    • Invest in building a strong retail brandRetailers should focus on creating and marketing their own unique brand to differentiate themselves, build a loyal customer base, and control the entire customer experience.

      In today's market, it's essential to focus on building a strong brand, especially for retailers selling other brands. The internet has evolved, and while utility and SEO were once the primary concerns, branding is now crucial. Retailers need to quadruple down on their own brand to stand out and compete with direct-to-consumer strategies. Creating and marketing a unique, own-label brand can help retailers build a loyal customer base and increase their market share. This strategy not only allows retailers to differentiate themselves but also provides an opportunity to control the entire customer experience. So, invest in building a strong brand, create unique products under that brand, and market them effectively to attract and retain customers.

    • Dominating a niche through specialization and masteryUnderstand customer needs, capitalize on scarcity, build trust through transparency and communication, and expand gradually.

      Successful businesses, like one in the heavy equipment industry, dominate their niche by specializing and mastering their market. They begin by understanding the unique demands of their customers and the scarcity of their product offerings. For instance, in Mexico, concrete pumps are in high demand but not locally manufactured. The business started selling these pumps by advertising on Mercado Libre, Mexico's version of eBay, and expanding their platform with a website. They also established relationships with dealers, taking their old equipment in exchange for financing towards new purchases. Now, the business owner aims to expand by selling equipment they don't currently have, building trust with customers through transparency and communication. Customers can contact the business via phone and, if interested, fly in to inspect the equipment. Building trust is essential, and it's achieved through consistency, reliability, and transparency. The business owner emphasizes the importance of making the first 50 transactions as smooth and trustworthy as possible, and gradually expanding the business model.

    • Demonstrating good faith and over-delivering for first customers builds trustInvesting in initial customers builds trust and reduces risk in business relationships, leading to stronger partnerships and a stronger brand.

      Building trust and reducing risk in business relationships can be achieved by demonstrating good faith and over-delivering for the first customers, even if it means incurring initial financial losses. This approach aligns your interests with your partners and creates examples for others to trust you. Additionally, effective marketing strategies on platforms like Facebook involve creating targeted content for specific demographics instead of casting a broad net. By understanding your audience and focusing on building a strong brand, you can transition from being a QVC-style sales company to a Game of Thrones-level media enterprise.

    • Focus on product page content, cater to different subcultures, use Facebook ads, understand intent and political sensitivitiesTo effectively market ecommerce products, focus on product page content, cater to various audience demographics and subcultures, use Facebook ads for cost-effective reach, and understand the intent behind marketing strategies and potential political sensitivities.

      While deeply integrating media content into an ecommerce website can be effective, it can also get convoluted. The speaker suggests focusing on product page level content plays rather than landing page level content. Heritage is a significant factor in the market for kilts, and creating content catering to different subcultures and demographics is essential. The speaker also recommends using ads on Facebook instead of relying on organic reach due to its underpricing. Additionally, the speaker emphasizes the importance of understanding the intent behind marketing strategies and being aware of potential political sensitivities. Overall, the key takeaway is to approach ecommerce marketing with a clear understanding of the audience, intent, and the most effective channels for reaching and engaging them.

    • Considering the sustainability of relying on employees for personal brandingPersonal branding can be effective, but consider the talent pool, opportunity cost, and risks of relying on employees before making it your primary marketing strategy.

      Building a personal brand can be an effective marketing strategy, but it's important to consider the size and quality of your talent pool, as well as the opportunity cost of your time. The speaker initially found success by being the face of their brand, but realized that leaving their team behind wasn't sustainable. They considered leveraging schools to hire top graduates, but questioned whether their vulnerability in relying on employees was worth the risk. The speaker also discussed the importance of understanding employees' incentives and developing marketing strategies that align with your brand. While personal branding has become popular on platforms like Instagram, it's not the right answer for every business. Ultimately, it's crucial to consider the unique circumstances of your industry and business model before making a decision.

    • Hire individuals passionate about being on cameraFocus on hiring people who are enthusiastic about creating content for your brand, rather than trying to persuade specialists to join the team.

      Persuading specialists to join a content creation team may not be effective if they're not enthusiastic about it. Instead, it's crucial to hire individuals who are passionate about being on camera and align with the brand's promise. Gary Vaynerchuk emphasized this approach, stating that people can't be forced into doing things they don't want to do and wasting energy on attempting to change their minds is counterproductive. Instead, create a clear recording environment upfront and let potential candidates decide if they want to be part of the team based on meritocracy. VaynerMedia is currently undergoing this transition, and individuals who don't agree with the new direction can be offered alternative opportunities. Ultimately, it's essential to recognize that not everyone's skills will transfer to new situations and that's okay.

    • Maximizing Business Growth with Social Media AdsFind a skilled professional to manage social media ads, choose the right industry and platform, trust and eliminate ego, and produce valuable resources for B2B companies.

      Running ads on social media platforms like Facebook and Instagram is crucial for business growth, even if it's not your personal preference. It's important to find a skilled professional to manage these ads effectively. The industry and platform you choose can impact the success of your ads, with LinkedIn offering a more professional and qualitative feedback environment. Transitioning from entrepreneurship to executive roles requires trust, eliminating ego, and being willing to make tough decisions like firing when necessary. Content for B2B companies often falls short and is sales-driven, so focus on producing valuable resources and measuring engagement to reach your target audience effectively.

    • Adapting to each platform's rules for successful marketingUnderstanding the unique rules of each social media platform and focusing on effective channels can lead to successful marketing efforts

      Scaling a business and building a brand are not mutually exclusive. However, it's essential to understand the rules of each platform and adapt accordingly. The speaker, a consulting company owner, realized he had been playing under outdated rules when he started posting on LinkedIn in a more authentic way. This led to significant engagement and reach. LinkedIn's targeted advertising capabilities also make it an attractive option for B2B businesses. Regarding social media platforms, it's crucial to focus on the most effective channels for your business rather than trying to win on every platform. For instance, Instagram's low costs make it worth exploring for pre-roll YouTube ads based on Google search queries. In summary, focusing on the obvious opportunities and adapting to each platform's unique rules can lead to successful marketing efforts.

    • Creating resonating content for B2B marketingUnderstand audience intent, use human truths and relatable content, experiment with various formats, stay adaptable to trends and platforms.

      Understanding your audience's intent and creating content that resonates with their needs and interests, whether it's video or text-based, is crucial for success in B2B marketing. Human truths and relatable content, especially in the form of videos, can create a strong connection and generate business. However, it's essential not to rely solely on one type of content and to continue experimenting and diversifying your approach. In the future, HR dynamics and addressing vulnerabilities within sales teams are expected to be significant trends in B2B marketing. Additionally, audio content, such as podcasts, can provide an opportunity for creating engaging and shareable content. Ultimately, being adaptable and open to new trends and platforms is key to staying ahead in the ever-evolving marketing landscape.

    • Leveraging Social Media for In-Person Events in B2B IndustryUsing Facebook and LinkedIn to create in-person events for B2B businesses can generate valuable insights, revenue, and networking opportunities. Authentic and personalized video invitations are key to generating interest.

      Using social media platforms like Facebook and LinkedIn to create in-person events can be highly effective for businesses, particularly those in the B2B industry with higher ticket prices. The speaker, who runs an events-based company in the dance industry, shared his success story of hosting dinner events for dance studio owners, using authentic video invitations to generate interest and gather valuable insights from attendees. The cost of running Facebook ads and hosting the event can be offset by the potential revenue gained from the captive audience. The speaker emphasized the importance of creating authentic and personalized content for these invitations, and the power of using social media to bring together a community and provide valuable insights and networking opportunities.

    • Hosting events as a business strategyHosting events can boost popularity, build relationships, and establish thought leadership. Tailor events to unique strengths, use keyword targeting, and create resonating content for optimal results.

      Hosting events or curating experiences in a B2B or high ticket B2C environment can significantly increase your cool factor and networking opportunities. This concept is akin to the high school student whose parents were often away, who became popular by hosting the parties. In a business context, hosting events allows you to bring people together, build relationships, and establish yourself as a thought leader in your industry. It's important to tailor your events to your unique strengths and interests, whether that's tennis, rodeo, or industry-specific topics. Additionally, consider using keyword targeting to attract the right audience and make the most of your time and resources. Another important takeaway is the importance of contextual content in marketing. With unlimited content available, it's crucial to create content that resonates with your target audience. This can mean using popular songs, stories, or other forms of content that are less likely to be taken down by social media platforms. Ultimately, becoming a marketer who understands content at scale and targets their audience effectively can lead to significant growth and success.

    • Understanding Priorities and Metrics in Content Marketing for SaaS in FinanceSuccess in content marketing for SaaS in finance depends on aligning goals and metrics with business objectives, whether it's conversions, brand building, or other priorities. Flexibility and adaptation are crucial as priorities change over time.

      Success in content marketing for SaaS products in the finance industry, or any industry for that matter, is not solely determined by quick conversions or sales. Instead, it's essential to consider the specific goals and metrics for each business. For some, like Nick and Brad, brand building and engagement might be the priority, while for others, quick sales might be the focus. It's crucial to understand the time frame and metrics that align with your objectives. Additionally, it's important to remember that priorities and goals can change over time, so it's essential to remain flexible and adapt to new circumstances. Ultimately, success in content marketing is about finding fulfillment and achieving the specific outcomes that matter most to your business. So, whether you're focused on conversions, brand building, or something else, keep in mind that the definition of winning can change, and it's okay to adjust your strategy accordingly. Remember to share your thoughts, questions, and feedback with Gary, and we'll see you in the next one.

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