
    #1 Mike Glover - Green Beret

    en-usDecember 20, 2019
    What qualities are important for a Special Forces operator?
    How did September 11, 2001, affect Mike Glover?
    What charitable efforts did Glover discuss on the show?
    What firearm does Glover recommend for personal defense?
    How does Glover define success in business?

    Podcast Summary

    • Former Green Beret Mike Glover discusses resilience, giving back, and antique collectingMike Glover, a former Green Beret, shares his experiences of staying focused during challenges, the importance of helping others, and his passion for antique collecting and off-grid living, while emphasizing the significance of resilience, generosity, and joy in life.

      Resilience and giving back are key qualities for someone aspiring to be a Special Forces operator. Mike Glover, a former green beret and guest on the Sean Ryan Show, shared his experiences and insights. He recalled the events of September 11, 2001, and how they impacted him. Despite the challenges he faced, including an assassination attempt in Yemen, he emphasized the importance of staying focused on the mission and helping others. Glover also shared his passion for antique collecting and off-grid living, which he has in common with the show's host. Additionally, he discussed his toy drive and charitable efforts, highlighting the importance of giving back to the community. Overall, Glover's story underscores the importance of staying strong, being generous, and finding joy in simple things.

    • Growing up in a military family with hardships and loveDespite facing poverty, separated parents, and long walks for groceries, the speaker's loving and disciplinary figures shaped him into a compassionate and resilient person.

      The speaker grew up in a military family with a mix of hardships and loving parents, shaping him into a compassionate and resilient person. He shared stories of his upbringing, which included living in Germany, experiencing poverty, and dealing with separated parents. Despite these challenges, he emphasized the importance of having loving and disciplinary figures in his life. The speaker also shared a small anecdote about receiving a gift during their conversation. Furthermore, the speaker's family history included a Confederate grandfather who was a general in the Civil War, adding to the military influence in his life. He also mentioned that he had to walk miles to get groceries and lived in a small mobile home as a teenager. Despite these hardships, he expressed gratitude for his parents and the impact they had on his emotional intelligence and resilience.

    • The power of determination and following dreamsDetermination and a clear goal can help individuals overcome adversity and change the course of their lives, as shown by the speaker's decision to join the army after being hit with a frosty at 16.

      Determination and a clear goal can help individuals overcome adversity and change the course of their lives. This was evident in the speaker's experience when, at the age of 16, he was hit with a Wendy's frosty by teenagers and decided to join the army at 17 as a result. He had always been fascinated with the military and had a strong desire to serve, and despite facing challenges like waking up early to take the bus or not having a mentor, he made it happen. His story illustrates the power of perseverance and the importance of following one's dreams, even when faced with obstacles. The speaker's experience also highlights the significant impact that early life experiences and interests can have on shaping one's future.

    • Staying focused on goals despite setbacksPerseverance and adaptability are crucial in overcoming unexpected challenges and achieving goals. Strong support systems can also play a significant role in maintaining determination.

      Determination and resilience can help overcome unexpected setbacks in life. The speaker shares his experience of being selected for the wrong Military Occupational Specialty (MOS) during basic training and missing out on his dream of joining Ranger Regiment. Despite the initial disappointment, he didn't give up and instead focused on his goals. He used his connections and worked hard to change his MOS and eventually made it to Ranger school. The experience taught him to stay focused on his objectives and not let temporary setbacks discourage him. He also emphasized the importance of having a strong support system, as his uncle's influence played a significant role in his determination to succeed. Overall, the speaker's story highlights the importance of perseverance and adaptability in the face of adversity.

    • Joining the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier guard training despite military culture pressureStaying true to goals and aspirations, even when faced with obstacles and setbacks, is crucial for success.

      Despite facing immense pressure to conform and give in to the military culture of partying and drinking, the speaker remained focused on his goals and eventually became one of the best in his field, even if it wasn't his initial dream. He joined the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier guard training, which turned out to be the hardest thing he had ever done, but he took it seriously and excelled. However, when the opportunity to pursue his dream of becoming a green beret and special operations soldier was taken away from him, he felt a deep sense of disappointment and ultimately decided to leave the military. This experience taught him the importance of staying true to his goals and aspirations, even when faced with obstacles and setbacks.

    • The speaker's instinct to fight and defend led him to rejoin the military post 9/11Men's biological makeup and experiences can drive them to defend and fight, leading to opportunities to make a difference and seek vengeance

      The speaker's instinct to fight and defend, rooted in his biological makeup and experiences as a young man, drove him to rejoin the military following the 9/11 attacks. Despite the emotional turmoil of the tragedy and the desire to be there, he felt a unique opportunity to make a difference and seek vengeance as a non-commissioned officer. The process to rejoin was challenging, involving going through MEPS and selection again, but his determination and middle-of-the-pack mentality helped him succeed. He wanted to be a gray man, not standing out for the wrong or right reasons. Despite not being the best runner, he intentionally slowed down during selection to blend in. The speaker's story highlights the strong desire in men to fight and defend, which he felt was a real and significant part of his character.

    • Confidence in physical abilities overcomes perceived obstaclesBuilding confidence through preparation and physical conditioning helps overcome perceived challenges. In unconventional situations, the ability to build trust and rapport is crucial.

      Confidence in one's physical abilities plays a crucial role in overcoming perceived obstacles. The speaker, a former Special Forces operator, shared how his fear of heights was not the real issue during an obstacle course challenge. Instead, it was his lack of confidence in his ability to carry his own weight that held him back. Once he built up his strength and physical conditioning, he had the confidence to face the challenge. For aspiring SF operators, the speaker emphasized the importance of being prepared and conditioned before selection, as it's an assessment of what one has done prior to the event. The pipeline for SF training includes various phases, with unconventional warfare being the favorite of the speaker. In this phase, Green Berets learn to build an entire army from a small team and gain the trust of local nationals. The process involves a deliberate and complex approach to building rapport, assessing, recruiting, and vetting potential members. Overall, the speaker's experience highlights the importance of confidence, preparation, and the ability to build trust and rapport in unconventional situations.

    • Importance of access and placement in foreign environments for FIDBeing part of a host nation force is crucial for successful FID as it provides necessary access and placement in a foreign environment.

      Foreign internal defense (FID) is not just about training, but also about access and placement in a foreign environment. This was evident during the Vietnam War when Green Berets trained Vietnamese forces, leading to the takeover by Ho Chi Minh. In the military, selection processes like SFAS and the Q course challenge recruits both physically and mentally. I faced my toughest challenge learning a new language, French, despite already knowing Korean. After completing the Q course, I joined Third Special Forces Group and was drawn to Second Battalion by their motto "we do bad things to bad people" and a display of a terrorist's leg taken from a successful operation. This experience taught me the importance of being part of a host nation force to strategically win victories.

    • New recruit's determination and resilience help him fit in with elite military unitNew recruits can make a positive impact on a team through hard work and determination, even when they go against cultural norms.

      Determination and resilience can help new recruits integrate into elite military units, even when they go against cultural norms. Staff Sergeant Mike Glover, a young and motivated recruit, approached a sergeant major with a request to join his battalion, despite not knowing anyone there. He emphasized his high-speed background and strong motivation to serve and go to war. Impressed, the sergeant major assigned him to Charlie company, which was about to deploy. Glover's ability to keep a low profile, work hard, and avoid distractions like alcohol helped him fit in with the team. Although some team members disapproved of his lifestyle choices, he remained focused on bettering himself and stayed true to his values. Despite the short time before deployment, the team didn't have much time to evaluate his fit, but his strong work ethic and resilience proved his worth. This story highlights the importance of determination, resilience, and staying true to one's values in the face of challenges and cultural norms. It also demonstrates that even as a new recruit, one can make a positive impact on a team through hard work and a strong work ethic.

    • A new soldier's unexpected challenge in AfghanistanEffective leadership requires quick decision-making and adaptability, especially in high-pressure situations with limited resources and untrained teams.

      During a soldier's first deployment to Afghanistan in 2005, he found himself in charge of a team of 10 SF guys and commanding a 144-man Afghan force, despite being a new guy and having no prior experience. He had to quickly assess and train the Afghan soldiers, who were largely uneducated and untrained, to be his first line of defense. The conditions were challenging, with limited resources and support, and the soldiers were often under attack. The experience highlighted the importance of adaptability, quick decision-making, and effective leadership in high-pressure situations.

    • Forming alliances with local forcesQuickly building rapport and trust with local elders and their teams can lead to effective and successful military operations. Maintaining these relationships is crucial for the success of future missions.

      Building strong relationships with local forces is crucial for successful military operations. The speaker shares his experience of quickly forming alliances with Afghan elders and their teams, which proved to be effective and impressive. Despite the short time frame and challenges, the speaker was able to establish rapport, vet and train the team, and even develop personal connections. The long-term impact of these relationships was significant, as the Afghans remained loyal and continued to ask about him years later. The speaker emphasizes the importance of continuity and maintaining these relationships for the success of future missions. Despite the challenges, the speaker's approach of respecting local culture and building rapport paid off, resulting in a successful partnership and a positive impact on the mission.

    • Challenges of combat deployments: external engagements and base defenseEffective communication, coordination, and adaptability are essential during combat deployments, where external engagements and base defense present unique challenges. Soldiers must be prepared for unpredictable situations and lack of modern equipment.

      Combat deployments involve a mix of base defense and missions outside the firebase, each presenting unique challenges. The speaker described significant engagements, including a helicopter crash and gunfights. Communication and coordination were crucial during these external engagements, as were basic tactics like using smoke and hand signals. Conditions were basic, with soldiers often lacking modern equipment like night vision goggles or uniforms. The speaker shared a lesson learned from his first deployment, where he was responsible for base defense and made mistakes during a rocket attack. The unpredictability and complexity of combat situations necessitated adaptability and quick thinking.

    • Assessing Situations and Adapting TacticsIn high-risk environments, continuously assess situations and adapt tactics to ensure safety and effectiveness. Don't assume doctrine is always the best approach.

      During combat deployments, it's crucial to assess the situation carefully and adapt tactics accordingly. A mistake made by the speaker was assuming that a tactic used in doctrine was the best approach in a specific situation. In this instance, putting troops on rooftops to defend against rocket attacks put their lives at risk. The right decision would have been to keep them inside bunkers and reinforce positions with armored vehicles. The speaker learned this lesson the hard way when a 107mm rocket hit the fuel point, nearly killing him and his team. After returning home, he pursued advanced training in CQB at Sephardic, a Special Forces school, to further enhance his skills and qualify for a commanders and extremist force. The importance of continuous learning and adapting to new situations cannot be overstated in high-risk environments.

    • Military Encounters and Learning from Elite War FightersTwo individuals from separate military operations met, shared lessons, and formed successful collaborations, reminding us of the interconnectedness and unpredictability of life.

      The world is smaller than we think, as two individuals who were part of separate military operations in the same region discovered. The speaker, who was part of Operation Red Wing, had a brief encounter with the SEALs and had a mixed experience with them. He started off with a negative impression but learned valuable lessons and had successful collaborations. The speaker went on to have multiple rotations in the SIF and later specialized in reconnaissance and sniping. The military experience was filled with both good and challenging moments, but ultimately, the speaker became a part of the most elite war-fighting unit in the world, the US Army Special Operations Command. Despite the individual accomplishments, the speaker remained humble and acknowledged that everyone else saw him as an elite war fighter. The shared experience of loss and the realization of the interconnectedness of their paths serves as a reminder of the complexity and unpredictability of life.

    • Personal growth and conflict in the Special Operations communityThe Special Operations community offers unique challenges and opportunities for personal growth, but can also lead to conflict and feelings of not belonging. Despite these challenges, the rewards and sense of pride in being part of an elite group can lead to significant career advancement.

      The Special Operations community is a challenging and elite environment where individuals can experience both personal growth and intense conflict. The speaker shared a personal experience of a personality conflict within the organization that led to anxiety and feelings of being out of place. However, he also emphasized the incredible opportunities and accomplishments that came from his time there, including promotions and the chance to start a new mission from scratch. Despite the challenges, the speaker expressed pride in being part of an exclusive group of highly skilled war fighters. The experience taught him valuable lessons and ultimately led to significant career advancement.

    • Military experience leads to desire for justice in Benghazi attacksDespite challenges, the speaker's military background and experience during the Benghazi attacks motivated him to pursue a career in serving and making a difference.

      The speaker's experience in the military included being present during the Benghazi attacks in 2012, which led him to feel a strong desire to help bring those responsible to justice. After leaving the military, he aimed to join the CIA as a paramilitary operations officer but was unable to do so due to circumstances beyond his control. Despite these challenges, he remained dedicated to his goals and eventually found a way to get involved in the field he was passionate about. The Benghazi attacks marked a turning point in his career and motivated him to continue serving and making a difference.

    • Joining the CIA for teamwork and effectivenessEven in elite organizations, effective teamwork and collaboration are essential for success. Openness to learning and adaptability are valuable traits.

      The speaker's initial desire to join the military or intelligence community was driven by a desire to be part of a well-organized and effective team, free from the perceived "bullshit" of civilian life. However, upon joining the CIA, he discovered that even in this elite environment, there were challenges and complexities that required adaptation and collaboration. Despite initial impressions of the high standards and impressive qualifications of his colleagues, he found that the best operators were those who were open to learning new tactics and working together as a team. Ultimately, the speaker came to appreciate the operational relevancy, good pay, and decent work-life balance of his CIA role, and found it to be one of the best experiences of his career.

    • The benefits of diverse experiences and staying focusedDiverse experiences, even if not aligned with personal beliefs, can be beneficial as long as effective and ethical. Staying focused on responsibilities and continuing to learn are key to success in military and civilian life.

      Having diverse experiences and tactics, even if they don't align with one's personal beliefs, can be beneficial as long as they are effective and ethical. The speaker, Mike Glover, shared his experience of transitioning from military service to civilian life while working as a contractor for the CIA and 19th Special Forces Group. He emphasized the importance of staying focused on responsibilities and avoiding distractions, even when faced with challenges and drama. Glover also highlighted the significance of gaining experience and continuing to learn, as evidenced by his extensive military career and multiple deployments. He ended the conversation by expressing pride in a trainee's dedication to joining the military and encouraged him to ask questions about the National Guard SF and contract work. Overall, the discussion emphasized the importance of perseverance, adaptability, and continuous learning in both military and civilian contexts.

    • Managing Missed Training in National Guard Special ForcesThough missing annual training in National Guard Special Forces can be managed, the transition out of military life can be a major challenge.

      While missing annual training in the National Guard Special Forces may not be ideal, it's often manageable with the cooperation of the right people and a proactive attitude. The speaker shared that he missed some training during his service, but was able to make up for it through additional schooling and details. He also emphasized that having a federal government position or job contractor provides security and that the guard cannot easily penalize individuals for missing training. However, the speaker also shared his personal experience with the transition out of military life, which he described as difficult and challenging, involving anxiety, sleep problems, and personal relationship issues. He emphasized the importance of understanding that one's role in special operations is to be an asset and to eliminate liabilities, and that when individuals view themselves as liabilities, it can lead to a dark place. Overall, while missing annual training in the National Guard Special Forces may be manageable, the transition out of military life can be a significant challenge.

    • Struggling with Depression and Adjusting to Civilian Life: A Veteran's StoryVeterans face unique challenges during their transition to civilian life, including depression and anxiety, which can be isolating and difficult to manage without support. Yoga and determination have been identified as helpful tools, but a process of reconditioning and understanding from society is necessary for successful adjustment.

      The struggle with depression and adjusting to civilian life after serving in special operations can be a daunting and isolating experience. One individual shared his experience of hitting rock bottom, feeling completely alone and without support. He attributed his survival to sheer determination and the discovery of yoga as a helpful tool in managing his anxiety and depression. The lack of understanding and empathy from others only added to the sense of isolation and frustration. It's important to recognize that veterans face unique challenges during their transition and that a process of reconditioning and support is necessary for successful adjustment to civilian life. Additionally, veterans may struggle with the realization that they are no longer invincible superheroes, but rather human beings with complex emotional needs. Society must be prepared to offer understanding, compassion, and resources to help veterans navigate this challenging time.

    • Navigating Civilian Life after Military ServiceVeterans may face challenges adjusting to civilian life, including feeling like an outsider and limited opportunities for personal growth. Consider alternative paths for personal growth and impact.

      Transitioning from a military career to civilian life can be challenging, and veterans may need to redefine their purpose and identity. The speaker, a former special operations member, shares his experience of feeling like an outsider in civilian society due to his military background and the toll it took on his personal life. He would not encourage his son to pursue a military career due to the sacrifices it demands and the limited opportunities for personal growth outside of the military. The speaker's newfound passion for modern survival and self-sufficiency has given him a sense of purpose and control in his civilian life. He encourages young people considering a military career to be aware of the realities and consider other options for personal growth and impact.

    • Focusing on psychology in survival and trainingUnderstanding psychology is essential for effective survival and training. Stay true to values, provide realistic methods, and cater to diverse customer profiles for success.

      Understanding psychology is crucial for survival and effective training in the tactical space. The speaker, who has a background in military and survival training, emphasizes the importance of focusing on the psychological aspects of survival and resiliency, rather than just skill sets. He also shares his approach to staying true to his values and audience, avoiding the temptation of popularity and unrealistic training methods. The speaker's success comes from his commitment to providing realistic, effective training, and attracting a dedicated following. He also highlights the importance of understanding the various customer profiles in the tactical training industry, from those seeking to protect their families to those with end-of-the-world fantasies. The speaker's unique perspective and approach to training has allowed him to stand out in the tactical space and build a successful business.

    • Staying true to values and hard workAuthenticity and hard work are essential for attracting the right people and building a successful business. Focus on long-term growth, create meaningful content, and avoid gimmicks.

      Authenticity and hard work are key to attracting the right people and building a successful business. The speaker emphasizes the importance of staying true to values, avoiding gimmicks, and focusing on long-term growth. He also emphasizes the importance of partnerships and creating meaningful content, whether through podcasts or books. The speaker's passion for his work and his focus on helping people survive and thrive are driving forces behind his business. He encourages others to stay authentic, focus on growth, and avoid getting distracted by materialistic desires or the desire for quick fame.

    • Prioritizing people over profitFocusing on people's needs and well-being can lead to business success and customer loyalty. Essential medical equipment and a reliable firearm like a Glock 19 are crucial for personal preparedness.

      Prioritizing people over profit can lead to business success. The speaker shares his personal experience of focusing on taking care of people instead of just focusing on the bottom line, which in turn led to customer loyalty and growth for his company. He also emphasizes the importance of personal defense and carrying essential medical equipment as priorities for those starting out in preparation. Additionally, he recommends a Glock 19 as a reliable starting firearm and stresses the importance of carrying a tourniquet for trauma situations. Overall, the speaker's message is that making a positive impact on people's lives should be the driving force behind both personal and business decisions.

    • Invest in a good bag for essentialsHaving the right bag and essentials can make a significant difference in survival and preparedness situations

      Having the right equipment and knowing how to carry it effectively is crucial for survival and preparedness. The bag you carry, whether it's a purse, a satchel, or a backpack, extends your capability to carry essential items. A well-equipped bag can include a survival kit, water purification tools, fire-starting materials, signaling devices, and communication equipment. It's important to consider your bag as an extension of your ability to provide for yourself and your loved ones in various situations. Whether it's in the wilderness or at home, having the right equipment and the capacity to carry it can make a significant difference. So, invest in a good bag and fill it with essentials to be prepared for any situation.

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    #124 Captain Brad Geary - Inside the Failed Investigation and Tragic Death of Kyle Mullen
    Brad Geary is a Navy Captain and Commanding Officer at Naval Special Warfare Basic Training Command. Geary boasts an incredible twenty four year career in NSW. Captain Geary has completed numerous deployments throughout the world while serving in leadership positions at SEAL Delivery Vehicle Team Two, SEAL Team Four, and Naval Special Warfare Tactical Development and Evaluation Squadron Three. Geary's career now hangs in the balance due to a Navy probe into the mysterious death of trainee and Seaman Kyle Mullen, who tragically lost his life during the infamous training period known as "Hell Week." The Navy investigation initially pinned blame on the training cadre, but as pressure from Congress and Geary's testimony grows, a different narrative is coming to light. Geary's attorney stated that "when all the key facts emerge, the Navy's improper actions will be exposed -- and it will be undeniable that Capt. Geary is being scapegoated as part of a larger scheme to cover up massive failures and abuses of power at the highest levels of the Navy." Shawn Ryan Show Sponsors: https://helixsleep.com/srs https://ziprecruiter.com/srs https://rocketmoney.com/shawn https://hillsdale.edu/srs https://ShawnLikesGold.com | 855-936-GOLD #goldcopartner Captain Brad Geary Links: LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/in/bradley-geary Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/bradleyandamy Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/amelia.grey.5 X - https://x.com/bradleydgeary YouTube - @Bradley-geary   Threads - @BradleyandAmy Reddit - u/bradgeary TruthSocial - @deanandgrey Stand With Warriors Foundation - https://secure.anedot.com/stand-with-warriors-action/swwa-donate Please leave us a review on Apple & Spotify Podcasts. Vigilance Elite/Shawn Ryan Links: Website | Patreon | TikTok | Instagram | Download Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices
    Shawn Ryan Show
    en-usAugust 05, 2024

    #123 Erik Prince - Breakdown of the Donald Trump Assassination Attempt

    #123 Erik Prince - Breakdown of the Donald Trump Assassination Attempt
    Erik Prince is an American entrepreneur, former U.S. Navy SEAL Officer and founder of the private military company Blackwater. Returning as a guest and fan favorite on SRS, Erik joins Shawn for an in-depth exploration of the recent assassination attempt on former President Donald J. Trump. Together, they delve into unresolved security and operational issues surrounding the tragic event, speculating on how the situation might evolve as new information emerges. Leveraging their backgrounds, Shawn and Erik offer distinctive perspectives rarely found in mainstream media coverage. Shawn Ryan Show Sponsors: https://lairdsuperfood.com - USE CODE "SRS" https://moinkbox.com/shawn https://meetfabric.com/shawn https://hillsdale.edu/srs https://bubsnaturals.com/shawn https://hexclad.com/srs | Find your forever cookware @hexclad and get 10% off #hexcladpartner https://ShawnLikesGold.com | 855-936-GOLD #goldcopartner Erik Prince Links: https://www.unplugged.com/shawnryan Please leave us a review on Apple & Spotify Podcasts. Vigilance Elite/Shawn Ryan Links: Website | Patreon | TikTok | Instagram | Download Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices
    Shawn Ryan Show
    en-usJuly 29, 2024

    #122 Edwin C. May - Psychics in Space, Dream Telepathy and Remote Viewing Saturn

    #122 Edwin C. May - Psychics in Space, Dream Telepathy and Remote Viewing Saturn
    Edwin C. May is an author and former Director of the CIA's secretive Stargate Project. Edwin, a nuclear physicist (Ph.D.) by trade, spent many years at Stanford Research Institute studying ESP (extrasensory perception) and psychokinesis. In 1985, May founded the Cognitive Sciences Laboratory, which would ultimately become the Stargate Program. May worked directly with former SRS guest Joe McMoneagle researching the remote viewing phenomenon. After the closure of the project, May founded The Laboratories for Fundamental Research, a multi-disciplinary research facility that studies psi phenomena via rigorous protocols and analyses techniques of modern science. Shawn Ryan Show Sponsors: https://lairdsuperfood.com - USE CODE "SRS" https://helixsleep.com/srs https://shopify.com/shawn https://trueclassictees.com/srs https://expressvpn.com/shawn https://hillsdale.edu/srs https://ShawnLikesGold.com | 855-936-GOLD #goldcopartner Edwin C. May Links: Books - https://www.lfr.org/book-store Amazon - https://www.amazon.com/stores/Edwin-C.-May/author/B00MLS5MWK Laboratories for Fundamental Research - https://www.lfr.org/lfr Please leave us a review on Apple & Spotify Podcasts. Vigilance Elite/Shawn Ryan Links: Website | Patreon | TikTok | Instagram | Download Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices
    Shawn Ryan Show
    en-usJuly 22, 2024

    #121 Cmdr. Ahmad Massoud - The Assassination that Changed the World

    #121 Cmdr. Ahmad Massoud - The Assassination that Changed the World
    Ahmad Massoud is the Commander of the National Resistance Front (NRF) of Afghanistan. Massoud is the son of the late anti-soviet and revolutionary commander, Ahmad Shah Massoud, and hails from the Province of Takhar in Northeast Afghanistan. After the assassination of his father in 2001, Ahmad and his family settled in the UK, where he completed his higher education and military training at the Sandhurst Military Academy. Ahmad received his bachelor’s degree in War Studies from Kings College London and his master’s degree in International Politics from City, University of London.  After completing his education, Ahmad returned to Afghanistan and started his political movement. Supporters of his father declared him as the successor of the late Ahmad Shah Massoud. Now, he continues to advocate for the freedom of his people, appearing in the media and garnering support from allied nations. His vision for the country is reminiscent of his father's–decentralized, multicultural, and modern. Massoud recently authored In the Name of my Father: Struggling for Freedom in Afghanistan. This memoir explores his aspirations for his nation’s future and his commitment to the values of liberty, justice, and human rights. SIGN THE PETITION - https://www.change.org/shawnryanshow Shawn Ryan Show Sponsors: https://lairdsuperfood.com - USE CODE "SRS" https://unplugged.com/shawnryan https://betterhelp.com/shawn https://mypatriotsupply.com https://hillsdale.edu/srs https://expressvpn.com/shawn https://blackbuffalo.com https://ShawnLikesGold.com | 855-936-GOLD #goldcopartner Commander Massoud Links: X - https://x.com/AhmadMassoud NRF X - https://x.com/nrfafg | https://x.com/alinazary Book - https://www.amazon.com/Name-Father-Struggling-Freedom-Afghanistan/dp/1645720969 | https://www.republicbookpublishers.com/product/in-the-name-of-my-father/ Please leave us a review on Apple & Spotify Podcasts. Vigilance Elite/Shawn Ryan Links: Website | Patreon | TikTok | Instagram | Download Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices
    Shawn Ryan Show
    en-usJuly 16, 2024

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    Show Notes
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