
    1 Robert Greene: How to Master Anything and Achieve Greatness

    enJanuary 24, 2013
    Who is Robert Greene and what is his significance?
    What is the main theme of the 48 Laws of Power?
    How does hard work contribute to success according to the text?
    What examples illustrate the importance of apprenticeship in personal growth?
    Why is learning by doing emphasized in the text?

    • Mastering the principles of power and intelligenceStudying and mastering the principles of power and intelligence can lead to a superior level of resilience and the ability to overcome setbacks, ultimately enabling individuals to conquer the world.

      The importance of studying and mastering the principles of power and intelligence as key factors in achieving greatness. Robert Greene, an influential author and student of power, shares his research and experiences in interacting with powerful figures, leading him to write the 48 Laws of Power. Greene's work has been popular among entrepreneurs, celebrities, athletes, and artists, including 50 Cent, who he later collaborated with on a book. Greene's research led him to the discovery that these powerful individuals shared a unique quality in their minds, which he aimed to share with his readers as the ultimate secret to power. Greene spent six months getting to know 50 Cent and observing his strategies, ultimately leading to their collaboration on a book. The takeaway is that by studying and mastering the principles of power and intelligence, individuals can attain a superior level of intelligence and resilience, enabling them to overcome setbacks and ultimately conquer the world.

    • Awakening the latent power of masteryEveryone has the potential to master a craft and unlock their greatness through dedication, hard work, and the right attitude.

      The path to ultimate power and mastery over yourself and your craft is a learnable process, not a matter of luck or genetics. According to the author, this process involves awakening the latent power of mastery that exists within us all. This process has been followed by great masters throughout history, from apprenticeships to working with mentors. Age and past circumstances do not matter; the tool for mastery is already present in each of us. The key is to find something that appeals to us and use the right attitude to learn and master it. The author emphasizes that our mindset plays a crucial role in our ability to learn and master new skills. So, everyone holds the fortune of their own potential greatness in their hands, and it's up to us to shape it through dedication, hard work, and the right attitude.

    • Reconnecting with your passions and interestsEngage deeply with what excites you and craft a career path aligned with your interests for a fulfilling life.

      Discovering your calling and purpose in life involves both having a sense of direction and taking action. You can identify your interests and passions from a young age, but as you grow older, you may lose touch with them. To reconnect, it's essential to engage deeply with what excites you and craft a career path that aligns with your interests. The key to success is finding a balance between knowing who you are and taking the necessary steps to pursue your goals. Remember, the depth of your learning depends on your engagement with the subject matter, so stay excited and persistent in your journey. Many people, like the speaker, may take a winding path to discover their true calling, but as long as they have a sense of purpose and direction, they can eventually find fulfillment in their chosen field.

    • Learning essential skills through apprenticeshipsApprenticeships are crucial for personal growth and development, helping us learn essential skills like discipline, patience, observation, and political savvy. They're vital in today's competitive job market.

      The ideal apprenticeship, or submitting to reality, is a crucial part of personal growth and development. It's a period in life where we learn essential skills, such as discipline, patience, observation, and political savvy. Da Vinci and Freddie Roach are great examples of individuals who found their life's tasks through their apprenticeships. Da Vinci discovered his passion for nature and drawing, while Freddie Roach transitioned from being a boxer to a trainer. In the modern world, the apprenticeship is more important than ever, as the ability to accumulate various skills is key to navigating the competitive job market. The voice of reality tells us that this period of learning and growth is necessary for personal success and fulfillment. So, embrace the apprenticeship, accumulate skills, and prepare for the challenges of the real world.

    • Seeking a mentor for focused learning and growthAn intentional and focused apprenticeship or learning process, with the help of a mentor, can lead to long-term memory, creativity, and mastery of skills.

      Going through an intentional and focused apprenticeship or learning process is crucial for developing long-term memory, creativity, and mastery of skills. This can be seen in the examples of Albert Einstein and Paul Graham, who both spent decades deeply immersed in their respective fields before making groundbreaking discoveries or starting successful businesses. Having a mentor can significantly accelerate this process by providing guidance, support, and valuable insights. So, while there are no shortcuts in life, actively seeking out a mentor is one effective way to accelerate your learning and growth.

    • Finding the right mentor for personal growthChoose a mentor who aligns with your interests and character, provides valuable insights, shows the right path, offers constructive criticism, and offers support and compassion. Don't be intimidated, aim to surpass them.

      Finding the right mentor is crucial for personal growth and development. It's essential to choose someone who aligns with your interests and character, and whose experience and feedback can accelerate your learning. A mentor provides valuable insights, shows you the right path, and offers constructive criticism. While it's important to have a tough mentor, ensure they also provide support and compassion. Don't be intimidated by potential mentors, even those in powerful positions, as they may be looking for proteges. Remember, your goal is to surpass your mentor, not become a slavish disciple. Examples of successful individuals who found the right mentors include Michael Faraday, who rose from poverty to become a renowned scientist, and Caesar Rodriguez, a fighter pilot who was pushed to excel by a tough mentor.

    • Mastering Social Intelligence: An Art Form for Personal and Professional GrowthSocial intelligence, including empathy, intuition, and being socially aware, is crucial for building relationships and navigating social situations. It's not just about charm or manipulation, but also about character and delivering quality work.

      Social intelligence plays a crucial role in mastering various aspects of life, including personal and professional growth. The ability to read people and understand human nature is essential for building meaningful relationships and navigating social situations. Social intelligence is not just about charm or manipulation, but also about empathy, intuition, and being socially aware. It's an art form that, when mastered, can make a significant impact on one's life. However, it's important to remember that social intelligence should not overshadow the importance of developing skills and delivering quality work. Ultimately, a combination of social intelligence and a strong character, including conscientiousness and a deep care for the quality of one's work, leads to true mastery. Examples of individuals who have mastered social intelligence include Michael Faraday, who found a mentor in Humphrey Davy, and Benjamin Franklin, who was brilliant at blending in and adapting to different social situations.

    • Awakening Creativity and Intuition in MasteryTo master a field, put in the required hours, learn from a mentor, and assert yourself to awaken creativity and intuition through rigorous discipline and knowledge.

      Social intelligence and creativity are crucial elements in the journey towards mastery, but they are not the only things that matter. After putting in the required 10,000 hours and learning from a mentor, one reaches a point where the mind becomes full of knowledge, and creativity is awakened. However, it's essential to assert oneself and let go of conventional ways of thinking to create something new. Intuition, a high-level form of this, comes from rigorous discipline and knowledge in a particular field. The world we live in is complex, and mastering a field requires an intense apprenticeship, turning it into an internalized part of our nervous system. Examples of such masters include Darwin, who revolutionized science with his theory of evolution, and Mozart, who created new genres of music after years of learning.

    • Rising through the ranks with hard work and dedicationSuccess comes from hard work, dedication, and being a skilled problem-solver, not just natural talent or academic achievements.

      Hard work, dedication, and a strong work ethic can lead to success, even for those who don't possess natural skills or talent. The story of this fighter pilot, who rose through the ranks despite being a slow learner, illustrates this idea perfectly. He may not have been a "golden boy," but his intense practice and discipline allowed him to outshine those who were initially considered more promising. This anecdote serves as a reminder that the world is not a reality show, and success is not about glitz and glamour. Instead, it's about being a solid, skilled problem-solver and workman or workwoman. For young people, it's essential to find their passion and pursue it with determination, even if it means stepping outside of traditional academic paths. As Robert Greene advises, learning by doing and being willing to fail are crucial components of personal growth and career success.

    • Passion and learning trump money in career choicesFind a career driven by passion and learning, be content with less money early, seek mentors in your field, and value being needed and disciplined over being liked.

      Passion and learning are more important than money when choosing a career. The examples given, from historical figures like Freddie Roach and Paul Graham to modern-day individuals, all emphasized the importance of deep interest and curiosity in a field, even if it meant starting with less money. The speakers also highlighted the value of developing the skill of being content with less money early in life. Additionally, being needed for one's skills and being disciplined and conscientious were seen as more important than being liked in the work world. To find a mentor, it's essential to consider the specific field and potentially seek out free internships or opportunities to learn from experienced individuals, even if they don't initially pay off financially.

    • Never too late to pursue passions and find mentorsApproach overworked mentors, make partial career transitions, and leverage life experiences to live a deeply satisfying life

      No matter what age or stage of life you're at, it's never too late to pursue your passions and seek out mentors to help guide you. Look for individuals who are overworked and in need of an apprentice, and approach them with the intention of helping them share their skills and knowledge. If you're stuck in a lucrative but unfulfilling career, consider making a partial transition into your desired field, building on the skills you've already acquired. And for those in their 50s and beyond, leverage your life experiences to find unique and interesting ways to combine your passions and expertise. Remember, the greatest masters have accumulated both mastery and wisdom over the years, making them invaluable assets. Don't let fear or pride hold you back – make the break now and embrace the fulfillment that comes from living a deeply satisfying life.

    • Learning a skill at a young age leads to future success and happinessExploring activities that challenge and excite us deeply can lead to a fulfilling and meaningful life through the process of learning and practicing a skill.

      Encouraging young people to learn a skill at an early age is crucial for their future success and happiness. This lesson, learned through the pleasure of mastering something, can be applied to various aspects of life and can lead to a fulfilling career. The process of learning and practicing a skill, even if it seems difficult or uninteresting at first, can lead to a cycle of accelerated returns, where the practice becomes more pleasurable and the individual becomes more proficient. This can ultimately lead to great achievements, as seen in the examples of Mozart and Tiger Woods. To discover one's life's purpose or task, it's important to explore activities that present a challenge and excite us deeply, as these are the things that we are most likely to learn and retain. By focusing on our primal interests and curiosities, we can find a path to a fulfilling and meaningful life.

    • Finding Passion and Overcoming ChallengesStay true to your passions, develop skills, use life experiences in your art, and don't seek external validation.

      Passion and determination can turn life's challenges into opportunities for growth and success. The speaker shared his excitement for articles about animals, dinosaurs, and ancient humans, emphasizing the importance of finding things that excite us. He also discussed why Steve Jobs, a key figure in technology and design, was not included in his book due to logistical reasons. The speaker encouraged a 24-year-old conviction felon, currently working as a telemarketer with a high school education, to pursue his dream of making music and inspiring others. He advised the individual to focus on developing skills, incorporating life experiences into his art, and not worrying about external validation. The speaker's words emphasized the importance of staying true to one's passions and using life's challenges as fuel for growth.

    • The Power of Passion and Adventure in Pursuing GreatnessIdentify your passion, stay motivated, and seek mentors to learn and grow, defying stereotypes and expectations.

      The story of Charles Darwin serves as an inspiring example of how a love for a subject and a sense of adventure can lead to great mastery, despite initial perceptions or obstacles. Robert Greene emphasizes that everyone, regardless of ethnicity or background, has the potential to become brilliant by staying motivated and disciplined in their pursuits. Greene also shared insights from his experiences working with individuals like 50 Cent and Jay Z, who defied stereotypes by being highly disciplined and dedicated to their crafts. To approach someone as a mentor, Greene suggests identifying their work and expressing genuine interest and admiration for it, while also being clear about what you hope to learn from them.

    • Lessons from Michael Faraday's Indirect Approach to Gaining a Mentor's AttentionProduce exceptional work to attract attention, focus on interests and develop skills, understand normal barriers, and prioritize essential skills for children's success

      Being proactive and showcasing exceptional work can attract the attention of potential mentors or opportunities. Michael Faraday's indirect approach to gaining the attention of his mentor by producing exceptional work is a valuable lesson. For those looking to make an impression, it's essential to find something that excites and engages them, as our inherent laziness can be tamed by focusing on our interests and developing skills. Additionally, understanding that everyone experiences boredom and impatience at times is a normal part of life, but with determination and a clear sense of purpose, one can overcome these barriers. Regarding parenting, ensuring children develop essential skills such as critical thinking, effective communication, and emotional intelligence from a young age can set them up for success in the future.

    • Identify and nurture children's unique talentsEncourage children to pursue interests, provide opportunities, practice deliberately, read inspiring books, and embrace challenges to develop skills and mastery.

      Every child is born a natural genius, and it's crucial to identify and nurture their unique inclinations. Parents and educators should encourage children to pursue their interests and provide opportunities for them to develop skills in those areas. Deliberate practice, or focusing on improving weaknesses rather than just strengthening strengths, is essential for mastering any skill. Reading inspirational and life-changing books, such as those by Machiavelli, Schopenhauer, and Jim Rohn, can provide valuable wisdom and guidance. Additionally, embracing challenges and practicing through pain can lead to greater confidence and mastery.

    • Understanding Manipulation in Human BehaviorRecognize the subtle ways we use manipulation daily, be aware of motivations, and navigate complex relationships

      Manipulation is a natural part of human behavior, and it's not necessarily a negative thing. Robert Greene, author of "The 48 Laws of Power," encourages people to expand their understanding of manipulation and recognize the subtle ways we use it in our daily lives. From tailoring our words to please others to impressing someone on a date, these are low-level forms of manipulation that we all engage in. Greene emphasizes that it's important to be aware of human nature and not be naive to others' intentions. However, if manipulative tactics don't align with your character, it's okay to avoid them. The key is to aim for mastery in your personal and professional life, and not be intimidated by the idea of striving for greatness. Overall, Greene's message encourages us to be aware of our own motivations and the motivations of others, and to use that awareness to navigate the complexities of human relationships.

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    For more Greatness text PODCAST to +1 (614) 350-3960

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    For more information go to www.lewishowes.com/1665

    For more Greatness text PODCAST to +1 (614) 350-3960

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    For more information go to www.lewishowes.com/1664

    For more Greatness text PODCAST to +1 (614) 350-3960

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    SUMMIT OF GREATNESS IS DAYS AWAY! Have you gotten your tickets yet? Get them before they sell out at lewishowes.com/tickets.

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    • The importance of self-love and acceptance in achieving true success
    • Rachel's approach to connecting directly with God/universal love for guidance

    For more information go to www.lewishowes.com/1663

    For more Greatness text PODCAST to +1 (614) 350-3960

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    The School of Greatness
    enSeptember 04, 2024

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    Marlon Wayans Opens Up on Battling Depression (“I Broke Down & Cried On Stage”)

    SUMMIT OF GREATNESS IS UNDER 2 WEEKS AWAY! Have you gotten your tickets yet? Get them before they sell out at lewishowes.com/tickets

    Get ready for an inspiring and heartfelt conversation with the multi-talented Marlon Wayans! In this episode, we dive deep into Marlon's journey as a comedian, actor, and producer, exploring how he's evolved both personally and professionally over his 30-year career. Marlon opens up about his spiritual growth, the impact of losing his parents, and his mission to bring healing through laughter. From his ambitious goals in stand-up to his thoughts on success and failure, Marlon's insights will leave you motivated to embrace your own path to greatness. Don't miss this powerful episode that combines humor, wisdom, and raw emotion!

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    • How losing his parents has shaped Marlon's perspective on life and his art
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    • Marlon's approach to overcoming fear and embracing new challenges
    • The power of trusting in your journey and viewing greatness as a ongoing process

    For more information go to www.lewishowes.com/1662

    For more Greatness text PODCAST to +1 (614) 350-3960

    More SOG episodes we think you’ll love:

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    The School of Greatness
    enSeptember 02, 2024

    Esther Perel: The #1 MYTH That Leads to BREAK-UPS - THIS Is The Secret to Making Your Relationship LAST

    Esther Perel: The #1 MYTH That Leads to BREAK-UPS - THIS Is The Secret to Making Your Relationship LAST

    Esther's event, "An Evening With Esther Perel" has LIMITED seats available! Get yours right here before they sell out: lewishowes.com/esther

    SUMMIT OF GREATNESS IS 2 WEEKS AWAY! Have you gotten your tickets yet? Get them before they sell out at lewishowes.com/tickets.

    I'm thrilled to welcome back the brilliant Esther Perel to the School of Greatness! With nearly four decades of experience as a therapist, Esther shares her profound insights on relationships in our ever-changing world. We dive deep into how the pandemic has affected partnerships, debunk common myths about love, and explore the delicate balance between togetherness and independence. Esther's wisdom on jealousy, desire, and the evolution of marriage is truly eye-opening. Whether you're single, dating, or in a long-term commitment, this conversation offers invaluable perspectives on creating and maintaining healthy relationships. Get ready for a masterclass in understanding the complexities of modern love and connection!

    In this episode you will learn

    • How disasters like the pandemic act as relationship accelerators
    • The myths of "the one and only" and unconditional love in relationships
    • The importance of balancing togetherness and separateness in partnerships
    • How to set yourself up for healthier relationships from the start
    • The role of jealousy in relationships and when it can be positive
    • The four main ways people feel most drawn to their partners
    • How economic independence changed the landscape of marriage and divorce
    • The value of involving your social circle when dating someone new

    Get Esther's new course, "Rekindling Desire", for 15% OFF between 9/17/24 and 12/13/24 with the promo code "HOWES15": https://lewishowes.com/esther-course

    For more information go to www.lewishowes.com/1661

    For more Greatness text PODCAST to +1 (614) 350-3960

    More SOG episodes we think you’ll love:

    Eckhart Tolle – https://link.chtbl.com/1463-pod

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    The School of Greatness
    enAugust 30, 2024

    David Goggins: “These 2 min 13 secs Changed My Life!” Do THIS When Life KNOCKS You Down!

    David Goggins: “These 2 min 13 secs Changed My Life!” Do THIS When Life KNOCKS You Down!

    SUMMIT OF GREATNESS 2 WEEKS AWAY! And David Goggins is speaking at the event! Tickets are going fast -- get them before they sell out at lewishowes.com/tickets.

    In this powerful episode, Lewis Howes sits down with David Goggins, retired Navy SEAL, ultra-marathon runner, and author of "Can't Hurt Me". Goggins shares his incredible journey from an abused and struggling child to becoming known as "the toughest man alive". With raw honesty, he discusses overcoming severe learning disabilities, racism, and obesity to push himself to extremes and unlock his full potential. Goggins offers hard-earned wisdom on building mental toughness, embracing discomfort, and refusing to quit. His intensity and no-excuses approach to life will leave you inspired to push past your own limits and tap into your hidden strength.

    In this episode you will learn

    • How facing your insecurities and weaknesses head-on is the key to building true confidence
    • Why choosing the harder path in life leads to permanent positive change
    • The power of daily discomfort in expanding your capabilities and mindset
    • How to build "mental armor" to face life's challenges through consistent hard work
    • Why reflection and appreciation for your journey is crucial for continued growth
    • The danger of becoming too comfortable and "civilized" in life

    For more information go to www.lewishowes.com/1660

    For more Greatness text PODCAST to +1 (614) 350-3960

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    The School of Greatness
    enAugust 28, 2024

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