
    About this Episode

    Struggling to balance creativity and business? Kathleen is here to help.

    In this weekly podcast, Kathleen shares her practical, no-nonsense business advice for floral designers, florists, and flower farmers. So they can level up their thinking, master their marketing + make more money.

    It's time to bust through the secrecy and find out what really matters when it comes to building a flower business.

    Whether you're brand new to the industry or a seasoned vet, the skills Kathleen teaches in this podcast are invaluable to every florist!

    Not a floral designer but still looking for useful insights as a creative business owner and entrepreneur? You're in the right place. If you're a photographer, cake maker, interior designer, graphic designer, stylist, or someone in between, this podcast is for you too!


    🎉 Get access to all the templates, tools + coaching you need to build a successful flower business inside our monthly membership: https://littlebirdbloom.com.au/flower-boss-academy/

    🌸 Looking for our upcoming workshop schedule? Jump over here: https://littlebirdbloom.com.au/workshops/

    🏆 Need 1:1 Support? Check out our Virtual VIP Day for Creatives: https://littlebirdbloom.com.au/vip-day


    💖 Check our free workshop here: http://forflorists.com/freecourse


    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/littlebirdbloom/
    Youtube: youtube.com/littlebirdbloom
    TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@littlebirdbloom
    Website: https://littlebirdbloom.com/

    Recent Episodes from Thrive Podcast for Florists

    Navigating rejection...it's not what you think 😎

    Navigating rejection...it's not what you think 😎

    If you've been a florist for a hot minute, you know what rejection feels like. It's that customer who says "no" because you're too expensive, or that bride who ghosts you after pouring your heart and soul into their proposal.

    In this episode I'll teach you a simple concept that changed my understanding of what it means to be rejected forever.

    Here is the link to the book The Success Principles by Jack Canfield: https://amzn.to/3v2OhcH

    Decoding the language of money 🤑

    Decoding the language of money 🤑

    Get ready for a money makeover! In this episode, we dive into the financial side of floral design, demystifying crucial terms so can elevate your business profitability. Say goodbye to financial uncertainty and embrace the language of growth instead. 🥰

    Helpful links from the podcast:

    Pricing with Confidence for Florists – https://forflorists.com/product/pricing-with-confidence/

    YouTube Video: Growing a Profitable Flower Business – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M58G5IRMFXs

    How (and why) to set a 90-day goal 🫣

    How (and why) to set a 90-day goal 🫣

    I run my business — and live my life in fact — in 90 day increments. 🤗

    And the first thing I do at the start of each 90 day stretch is set my goal. I have found this simple exercise to be the most important thing I do over the course of any three months and I share how I do this with you in this podcast.

    And if you want to check out my most favourite planning tools + templates, here's a link to my Goal-Getter Bundle:  https://forflorists.com/shop/goal-getter-bundle/

    Thrive Podcast for Florists
    enFebruary 27, 2024

    Finding clarity around your vision 🔍

    Finding clarity around your vision 🔍

    This is the journey I'm on and I know many of you are as well. I purposely say "finding" because getting clear on the vision for your business (and life) is a process...a series of steps that don't all happen at once.

    Instead, I'll share with you five super-practical steps to take that will help you decide what you want and how to get it. 🥰

    Thrive Podcast for Florists
    enFebruary 20, 2024

    Should I buy that flower business 🤔

    Should I buy that flower business 🤔

    It's a question I get asked a lot and maybe one you've considered yourself: I'm thinking about buying an existing flower business — how do I know it's the right thing to do?

    Today I share the most important questions to ask when you're considering buying a flower business.

    Thrive Podcast for Florists
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    Believing it's possible 🤩

    Believing it's possible 🤩

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    Thrive Podcast for Florists
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    My 3 most favourite time management hacks 🤗

    My 3 most favourite time management hacks 🤗

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    But, there are three hacks that I've collected over the years that have become my go-to tools for getting shi*t done. Join me today and I'll take you through each of them.

    Thrive Podcast for Florists
    enJanuary 30, 2024

    How to win the Price War 🥇

    How to win the Price War 🥇

    It's tempting to believe that the way to woo customers is to fight the Price War and offer products at the cheapest prices you possibly can. I know I did...and I can tell you from experience it does not work 😂

    Instead, listen in to this episode and I'll share a different way to approach, and win, the Price War.

    Thrive Podcast for Florists
    enJanuary 23, 2024

    How to be profitable this Valentine's Day 💘

    How to be profitable this Valentine's Day 💘

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    So listen in and I'll share my four best pieces of advice on how to be profitable during this unique floristry event.

    Thrive Podcast for Florists
    enJanuary 16, 2024

    Where are all the good customers? 🧐

    Where are all the good customers? 🧐

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