
    10/19/21: Colin Powell, Union Activity, Amazon Scandal, Politico Sale, CNN Confronted, China Dependency, Biden Silence, John Deere Workers, and More!

    enOctober 19, 2021

    Podcast Summary

    • Balancing Technology and Life, Healthy Indoor Air, and Media PolarizationFind a balance with technology, prioritize healthy indoor air, support independent media, and respect workers' rights

      It's important to find a balance with technology and take breaks to improve other aspects of life. US Cellular encourages putting down smartphones for five minutes, while proper ventilation is essential for maintaining healthy indoor air. Consumer Cellular offers affordable wireless service, and independent media outlet Breaking Points invites support to continue providing unbiased content. The media's handling of Colin Powell's death showcased the culture war's polarization, with some trying to make it a vaccination issue or a virtue signaling opportunity. Meanwhile, unions at John Deere and Starbucks are fighting for workers' rights, and Amazon and Jeff Bezos face potential criminal referrals. Media brand Politico now requires employees to be loyal to political causes, and there's an intriguing moment on CNN between Brian Stelter and Barry Weiss.

    • Political debates over Colin Powell's legacy and vaccine mandatesDespite Colin Powell's death, it's essential to remember accurate and respectful remembrance, and not distort legacies for political gain.

      The passing of Colin Powell, a highly respected public figure and former Secretary of State, sparked intense political debates, with some using his death as an opportunity to discuss vaccine mandates and his legacy. Unfortunately, these discussions often veered off course, with some using anecdotes and misinformation to support their arguments. Powell, who was an immigrant from Jamaica and had a long and distinguished military and political career, was diagnosed with blood cancer, making him vulnerable to severe complications from COVID-19. Instead of focusing on the importance of vaccinations for protecting individuals with compromised immune systems, some used Powell's death to fuel political agendas. This behavior was evident on various news outlets, including Fox News, where his legacy was whitewashed and used to further political narratives. It's crucial to remember that public figures, especially those with significant impact, deserve accurate and respectful remembrance, and their legacies should not be distorted for political gain.

    • The importance of an accurate public record for public figuresPublic figures' actions, especially those with significant power, should have an accurate public record to ensure accountability and transparency, impacting the country and the world.

      Public figures with immense power, especially those involved in major policy decisions and wars, should have an accurate public record of their actions. The discussion highlighted the case of Colin Powell, who played a significant role in the Iraq War, and the lack of accountability for the lies and consequences of that war. Powell's reputation was used to sell the war to the American people and Congress, leading to disastrous results. Even in death, his legacy is being filtered through the culture war lens, with some focusing on vaccines and others on his role in the Iraq War. The importance of an accurate public record extends beyond personal feelings and should include the impact of one's actions on the country and the world.

    • Colin Powell's Role in Iraq War's False IntelligenceColin Powell, despite doubts, supported Iraq war with false intel, causing a disastrous conflict and lives lost

      Colin Powell, despite being a man of integrity and having the power to prevent it, chose to support the invasion of Iraq based on faulty intelligence, ultimately becoming instrumental in pushing the US into a disastrous and unnecessary conflict. Powell's speech to the UN, which presented evidence of Iraq's supposed biological weapons factories, was later found to be based on false information. Despite his doubts and reservations, Powell failed to speak out against the war and instead acquiesced to preserve his reputation. The consequences of his decision were significant, as the Iraq war lasted for years without public support and resulted in countless lives lost and billions spent. Powell's actions serve as a reminder of the importance of speaking truth to power and the potential consequences of careerist ambition.

    • The Consequences of Groupthink in Foreign Policy and Unionization EffortsGroupthink in foreign policy led to the Iraq war, causing significant loss of life and resources. In unionization efforts, companies use tactics to make the process more challenging, emphasizing the importance of critical evaluation and accurate understanding.

      The foreign policy establishment's groupthink mentality, including figures like Colin Powell, led to the disastrous Iraq war. Powell, despite being an inspiration for many, ultimately endorsed a lie that resulted in significant loss of life and resources, as well as negative consequences for international relations and domestic politics. In the present day, companies like Starbucks use various tactics to prevent unionization, making the process more challenging for workers. The Buffalo Starbucks stores aiming to be the first unionized in the country face intimidation through the presence of additional managers and corporate executives, as well as the flooding of new workers into the stores. These actions make organizing more difficult and time-consuming. The consequences of the Iraq war and the tactics used by companies to prevent unionization serve as reminders of the importance of critical evaluation and accurate understanding of historical events and current situations.

    • Starbucks and Unionization: Intimidation, Manipulation, and Legal ImplicationsStarbucks uses intimidation, manipulation, and additional workers to prevent unionization, despite potential legal implications. Media coverage of labor disputes is biased towards political stories, allowing corporations to suppress unionization efforts.

      Large corporations like Starbucks are using questionable tactics to prevent their employees from unionizing, despite potential legal implications. These efforts include intimidation, manipulation, and bringing in additional workers to skew election results. This is particularly notable in the service industry where high turnover rates make long-term success for unions more challenging. The situation is particularly striking when contrasted with the national focus on other issues, such as January 6th, and the media's apparent lack of attention to the growing trend of workers demanding better wages and conditions. The class bias in media coverage is evident, with stories about labor disputes receiving less attention than those with a more political angle. Starbucks, as a wealthy corporation, is using its resources to suppress unionization efforts, which could lead to a domino effect if successful. The media's focus on other topics underscores the need for greater awareness and coverage of labor issues.

    • Workers unite despite media narrative of divisionWorkers from diverse backgrounds and beliefs join forces to fight for better wages and conditions, but face opposition from corporations using intimidation tactics to prevent unionization, as seen in the ongoing strikes at John Deere and efforts at Starbucks and Dollar General.

      Despite the media narrative of division and hate, workers from different backgrounds and political beliefs are coming together in solidarity to fight for better wages and working conditions. This was evident in the ongoing strikes at John Deere and the unionization efforts at Starbucks and Dollar General. However, these workers face significant opposition from corporations, who use illegal intimidation tactics to prevent unionization. The case of Dollar General, which pays the lowest wages in retail and has been accused of understaffing and ignoring complaints of harassment, is particularly egregious. The company's predatory business model thrives during economic hard times, making it crucial to monitor and address these labor issues.

    • Amazon under investigation for potentially misleading testimony and anti-competitive behaviorCongress investigates Amazon for alleged use of third-party seller data to prioritize own products, potentially disadvantaging others, and Amazon denies the accusations, but internal documents and a letter from representatives requesting evidence suggest otherwise, with potential consequences including a criminal investigation by the DOJ.

      Amazon, the largest retailer in the country, is under investigation by members of Congress for potentially misleading testimony about using data from third-party sellers to create and prioritize their own products in search results. This allegedly anti-competitive behavior, which Amazon denies, has disadvantaged other sellers on the platform. The issue is particularly problematic because Amazon acts as both the marketplace and the retailer, giving it significant market power. The revelation came from internal documents obtained by Reuters and a letter from a bipartisan group of representatives to Amazon, requesting exculpatory evidence to corroborate their sworn testimony. If found guilty, this could result in a criminal investigation by the Department of Justice.

    • Amazon's Data Advantage and Unionization ConcernsAmazon's use of third-party data for business decisions raises concerns about worker rights and potential unionization, while its size and market power impact millions, emphasizing the importance of worker representation through unions.

      Amazon's dominance in the marketplace goes beyond just being a large employer, it also involves the use of extensive third-party data to make business decisions, often leading to accusations of copying products from other companies. This data advantage, combined with Amazon's size and market power, raises concerns about worker rights and the potential for unionization. Despite this, Amazon executives, including Jeff Bezos, have consistently denied knowledge of these practices. The company's size and influence mean that decisions around wages, working conditions, and labor practices have a significant impact on millions of people, highlighting the need for workers to have a direct say in their employment conditions through collective action like unions.

    • Politico's sale to Axel Springer raises concerns about potential bias and loyalty pledgesThe sale of Politico to German publisher Axel Springer, known for requiring loyalty pledges, raises concerns about potential bias in reporting and the importance of transparency and ethical practices in journalism.

      The sale of Politico, a major DC news outlet, to German publisher Axel Springer, raises concerns about potential bias and loyalty pledges for employees. Politico, known as the "Tiger Beat on the Potomac," is influential in setting the agenda for Washington DC's power players. Axel Springer, which already owns Insider and Business Insider, requires its German employees to sign a pledge supporting Israel, a united Europe, and a free market economy, among other things. The head of Axel Springer criticized biased partisan journalism in America, despite these requirements. This inconsistency and the potential for bias in Politico's reporting is a significant concern. Additionally, an internal investigation at Axel Springer uncovered allegations of a executive sleeping with junior women and promoting them before terminating or demoting them. This pattern of behavior was not disclosed until after Ben Smith's New York Times column revealed the information. The sale of Politico to Axel Springer and these internal issues highlight the importance of transparency and ethical practices in journalism.

    • Foreign influence on American media and potential suppression of diverse viewpointsThe media landscape in the US is under scrutiny for biases and foreign influence, raising concerns about the suppression of diverse viewpoints and the hypocrisy of those who criticize censorship

      The media landscape in the United States is facing criticism for its biases and the control exerted by certain powerful entities. The case of a German media company and its requirements for loyalty to specific political viewpoints has sparked debate. This situation raises concerns about the implications of foreign influence on American media and the potential suppression of diverse viewpoints. The hypocrisy of those who criticize censorship and bias but overlook it when aligned with their own beliefs has also been highlighted. The increasing intolerance towards open discussions on various topics, such as the lab leak theory or differences between men and women, has been identified as a sign that the world is going mad. It's crucial to acknowledge these issues and encourage open dialogue to ensure a balanced and informed media landscape.

    • Complexities of censorship and its impact on individuals and societyCriticizing selective coverage and blind spots in censorship, emphasizing the importance of addressing root causes, recognizing impact on working-class individuals, and considering all perspectives.

      The discussion highlights the complex and multifaceted nature of censorship and its impact on individuals and society. The speakers acknowledge that touching on controversial topics can lead to reputational damage and self-censorship, but they also criticize selective coverage and blind spots, particularly when it comes to issues like censorship of unionization efforts or Republican-passed anti-protest laws. They argue that focusing solely on cancel culture through a partisan lens overlooks the broader issue of censorship and lack of free speech. While it may be satisfying to criticize specific instances of censorship, it's essential to address the root causes and consider all perspectives. The speakers also emphasize the importance of recognizing the impact of censorship on working-class individuals and fighting for their rights.

    • Censorship and deplatforming on social media: A threat to democratic principlesRecognizing the threat of censorship to democratic principles and independent voices is essential, regardless of political affiliations. Policies and incentives shape economic dependencies, and understanding this is crucial in addressing the risks of globalization and Chinese dependence.

      The issue of censorship and deplatforming on social media has become a contentious issue, with both the left and right fighting for control over what can be said in the public sphere. It's essential to recognize that this is a threat to democratic principles and the ability for independent voices to rise. To make progress, it's necessary to look beyond partisan lines and acknowledge that censorship affects people with various political views. Furthermore, the COVID-19 pandemic presented an opportunity for national reinvention, but the culture war took over, leading to increased dependency on China for goods and supplies. This dependency has grown despite the pandemic exposing the risks of globalization and Chinese dependence. It's crucial to understand that policies and incentives play a significant role in shaping economic dependencies.

    • Political decisions and consumerism culture leave US dependent on ChinaPolitical decisions hollowed out US manufacturing, consumerism culture increased dependence, strikes highlight need for union power to combat corporate greed, Biden yet to intervene in labor disputes, citizens must demand change and prioritize citizenship over consumerism.

      The combination of political decisions, such as the GOP tax bill and the US allowing China into the WTO, hollowed out the US manufacturing sector, leaving the country dependent on China for goods. The pandemic then increased demand for consumer spending, further increasing US reliance on China. Political leaders, including Biden and Trump, have failed to reduce this dependence, and consumerism culture has perpetuated the issue. The ongoing strikes by workers across various industries highlight the need for union power to combat corporate greed and the decline of unions as a critical threat to America's democracy. Despite Biden's campaign promises to be the most pro-union president, he has yet to intervene in ongoing labor disputes. The US economy and supply chain face potential impacts from these strikes, but the government remains silent on the issue. It's crucial for citizens to demand change and prioritize citizenship over consumerism to transform the US economy.

    • Criticism of Biden's Support for Ongoing Labor StrikesThe Biden administration faces criticism for not doing enough to support ongoing labor strikes, with the PRO Act, a significant labor reform, fading from public debate, leaving workers without essential support during their struggles.

      The current administration, led by President Biden, has been criticized for not doing enough to support ongoing labor strikes, despite labeling themselves as the most pro-union in history. The strikes, which include those at Kellogg's and John Deere, have gained significant attention due to the labor movement's resurgence and the growing power dynamic between labor and management. The expiration of pandemic support measures, such as COBRA subsidies, has left striking workers without health insurance, adding to their financial struggles. The PRO Act, initially proposed as a significant labor reform, has vanished from public debate. Biden's lack of advocacy for the workers and minimal media coverage of the strikes has put pressure on companies involved and raised concerns among workers about the administration's commitment to labor rights. The labor movement's moment of leverage and the public's support for workers present an opportunity for Biden to make a difference by advocating for the PRO Act and showing solidarity with the striking workers.

    • UAW Strike at John Deere: Fairness and Retirement BenefitsUAW members are on strike due to a perceived unfair agreement, with concerns over lower wages for new hires, elimination of defined pensions, and unequal distribution of profits.

      The United Auto Workers (UAW) union members at John Deere are on strike due to what they perceive as an unfair tentative agreement. This agreement would maintain a lower wage for new hires and eliminate defined pensions, turning retirement benefits into a Wall Street investment. The union members feel that their retirement benefits should not be subjected to market speculation. The strike also stems from the company's record profits, which have led to a significant pay increase for the CEO and a dividend hike for shareholders. The union members argue that the wealth should be distributed more evenly among the workforce. The solidarity within the community has been overwhelming, with businesses and even farmers showing support for the striking workers. The strike could potentially impact John Deere's production, as there is a strong demand for agriculture implements in the current market. The union is seeking political support and has received visits from politicians and candidates.

    • Bernie Sanders Shows Solidarity with UAW Local 74 StrikersBernie Sanders supports UAW Local 74 strikers with actions like providing pizza and creating videos, inspiring unity among diverse groups during the strike.

      During the UAW local 74 strike, there has been an inspiring display of solidarity among people from various political backgrounds and ideologies. Bernie Sanders reached out to the union and showed support through actions like providing pizza for picketers and helping create videos. The union's unity in the face of division is a rare example in the media and a testament to the power of coming together to fight for a common cause. If you'd like to support the UAW local 74 strikers, you can donate to their strike fund or join them on the picket line at the John Deere facility. Additionally, the United Auto Workers for Democracy, a group focused on union reform, has started a GoFundMe campaign to support the strike.

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      Mental health support is essential for everyone, and it should be accessible and convenient. BetterHelp offers online therapy that fits into your schedule, making it a flexible and affordable alternative to in-person therapy. With BetterHelp, you'll be matched with a licensed therapist who is tailored to your needs. Visit betterhelp.com to learn more about how this service can make a positive impact on your mental wellbeing. Online therapy with BetterHelp provides access to professional help when and where you need it, making mental health support more accessible and inclusive for everyone.

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    The Life and Career of Colin Powell

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    Love listening to New York Times podcasts? Help us test a new audio product in beta and give us your thoughts to shape what it becomes. Visit nytimes.com/audio to join the beta.

    Sign up here to get The Daily in your inbox each morning. And for an exclusive look at how the biggest stories on our show come together, subscribe to our newsletter

    Background reading: 

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