
    Mini Show #29: Hollywood Culture, Fox News Coverage, Labor Organizing, Online Censorship, Supply Chains & More!

    enApril 02, 2022

    Podcast Summary

    • Emerging Voices and Perspectives in MediaPersonal stories and inspiring messages continue to shape media, with podcasts and Hollywood recognizing the importance of climate issues and promoting change

      Important voices and perspectives continue to emerge in various media formats, from podcasts to Hollywood. Tamika D. Mallory and Radhie Davlukia's "A Really Good Cry" and Rachel Zoe's "Climbing in Heels" showcase personal stories and inspire listeners. Meanwhile, David Sirota's Oscar nomination for "Don't Look Up" highlights the growing recognition of climate issues in mainstream media. Despite setbacks, these creators and thought leaders remain committed to pushing for change and creating a better world. Listeners and supporters can join the movement by engaging with their content and contributing to initiatives that promote progress.

    • Addressing the climate crisis in the entertainment industryThe entertainment industry needs to prioritize addressing the climate crisis with meaningful content, rather than being consumed by celebrity culture and distractions.

      The entertainment industry, including media outlets, has a significant responsibility to address pressing issues like the climate crisis in a meaningful way, rather than getting consumed by celebrity culture and distractions. The reaction to the Oscars, where a fight between two celebrities overshadowed the potential discussion on critical global issues, highlights this issue. The movie "Don't Look Up" demonstrated that there is an audience for thoughtful, profound, and relevant content about the climate crisis, but it requires the willingness and effort from the industry to create and promote it. Instead of relying on sensationalism and easy-to-digest content, the industry needs to rise to the challenge and make the climate crisis as compelling as other stories, ultimately shaping the narrative and informing the public.

    • Limited range of perspectives in Hollywood storiesHollywood's focus on conservative values and avoidance of uncomfortable issues limits the range of perspectives and narratives for audiences, with a lack of representation for stories that challenge the status quo on issues like unions, labor, and corruption.

      The entertainment industry, particularly in Hollywood, tends to tell stories that reflect conservative values and avoid tackling uncomfortable issues in the here and now. This trend, which has deepened since the 1980s, is a problem because it limits the range of perspectives and narratives that audiences are exposed to. While there have been some recent efforts to tell stories about corporate villains, there is still a lack of representation for stories that challenge the status quo on issues like unions, labor, and corruption. The focus on diversity and identity is important, but it's not enough. We need more stories that critically engage with the political and economic systems that shape our world. The success of movies like "The Trial of the Chicago 7" and "The Lorax" shows that there is an audience for these stories. It's up to creatives to continue pushing boundaries and telling stories that matter.

    • Senator Rick Scott's Controversial Tax PlanSenator Rick Scott's tax plan proposes taxing poor Americans and sunsetting social programs, drawing criticism from both parties for its political risks and potential harm to low-income Americans.

      Senator Rick Scott of Florida has proposed a controversial tax plan during the midterm elections, which includes taxing poor Americans and sunsetting social programs. This plan has been met with criticism from both Democrats and some Republicans, who view it as politically detrimental. The plan's proponents argue that it's unfair that poor people don't pay income taxes, but critics point out that low-income Americans are already disproportionately audited and bear other taxes. The proposal has drawn comparisons to past Republican talking points about makers and takers, and some argue that it could harm the GOP's electoral prospects. Even Fox News has expressed skepticism about the plan, highlighting the political risks for the Republican Party.

    • Politicians risk alienating electorate with radical changes to social safety net programsPoliticians pushing for privatization or limiting entitlements risk being seen as out of touch, while unity and determination are key to successful union organizing

      Politicians like Rick Scott, who propose radical changes to social safety net programs, risk alienating a large portion of the electorate. The American people have consistently rejected attempts to privatize or limit entitlements, and politicians who push for such changes risk being seen as out of touch. Mitt Romney's past comments about taxes and entitlements were widely criticized, and Trump's tax cuts were politically savvy in comparison. The ongoing debate about infrastructure and research shows the importance of these programs to the public. In the union organizing context, solidarity and class consciousness are crucial for successful campaigns. Daisy Pitkin's book, "On the Line," offers a firsthand account of the challenges and triumphs of organizing industrial laundry workers in Phoenix, Arizona, and highlights the importance of unity and determination in the face of adversity.

    • Labor laws hinder union formation for everyday AmericansLabor laws make unionizing difficult, corporations prolong the process, essential workers face dangerous conditions, and there's a resurgence of union organizing despite these challenges

      Labor laws in the US make it extremely challenging for everyday Americans to form unions, even when a majority of workers desire one. The process is deliberately prolonged by corporations, especially wealthy ones, to stifle momentum and union organizing. Workers in industrial laundries, like Alma and her colleagues in Phoenix, face dangerous and low-paid work, handling hazardous materials and operating heavy machinery. Their labor is essential to our daily lives, yet often goes unnoticed or undervalued. The book Daisy wrote aims to bring attention to these hidden realities and the challenges of unionization, providing context for current labor news and inspiring solidarity with workers. Despite these obstacles, there's a resurgence of union organizing in various industries, from Amazon to Starbucks. Understanding this context can help us appreciate the significance of these efforts and the importance of labor rights for all.

    • Starbucks Workers' Unionization: A Grassroots MovementThe Starbucks workers' unionization campaign is a grassroots, worker-led movement that is difficult for the company to quash due to its organic growth and the democratization of organizing skills among college-educated workers.

      The Starbucks workers' unionization campaign is an inspiring example of organic, worker-led growth that has gained momentum across the country, despite historical challenges in the labor movement. The campaign's success can be attributed to its grassroots nature, which makes it difficult for the company to quash through union-busting efforts. Additionally, the fact that Starbucks workers are more likely to be college-educated has led to the democratization of organizing skills, allowing workers to drive their own campaigns and potentially replicate this success in other industries. Overall, the Starbucks campaign represents a turning point in the labor movement, demonstrating the power of organic growth and the importance of teaching organizing skills to all workers.

    • Focusing on corporate tax rates overlooks individual tax loopholesWealthy individuals often pay lower effective tax rates due to loopholes, while average Americans pay more through payroll and Medicare taxes

      While the debate on Fox News focused on corporate tax rates and potential wealth taxes, it's important to remember that many wealthy individuals pay a disproportionately small percentage of their income in taxes due to loopholes and creative financing methods. These individuals often pay a lower effective tax rate than the average American, who may not pay federal income taxes but pays significant taxes through payroll and Medicare contributions. Understanding the complexities of the tax system and addressing these loopholes could lead to a fairer tax system for all.

    • Wealthy Americans vs. Fair TaxationWealthy Americans benefit from tax policies, while the poor are disproportionately burdened and audited. Republicans prioritize tax cuts for the wealthy, despite opposition from a majority of Americans, leading to a cycle of rejection messages and unpopular policies.

      The wealthiest Americans have a tax system that allows them to minimize their tax liability, while the poor are disproportionately burdened and audited at higher rates. Despite some Republicans expressing the need for fair taxation, their party continues to prioritize tax cuts for the wealthy, which is met with strong opposition from a majority of Americans. This cyclical pattern of policy, where Republicans win elections based on rejection messages and then implement unpopular economic policies, is a long-standing trend in American politics. The next election could bring a change, but the commitment to this ideology ensures that the cycle will likely continue. It's important to remember that small business owners, while facing their own challenges, should advocate for policies that benefit the overall population.

    • Small businesses feel disadvantaged by corporate welfare, but censorship of independent voices is a greater threat to free speech.Small businesses face challenges due to corporate welfare, but the censorship of independent voices on platforms like YouTube and Substack poses a significant threat to free speech and diverse thought.

      Small business owners often feel disadvantaged by the corporate welfare system, which allows large corporations to access tax loopholes and legal resources that smaller businesses cannot. This rhetoric of "anti-government" sentiment can lead people to overlook the fact that they are actually subsidizing the success of the wealthy and powerful. Meanwhile, censorship on platforms like YouTube and Substack is a growing threat to free speech, particularly for journalists and thinkers who challenge official narratives. Chris Hedges, a Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist, recently had his entire catalog of interviews deleted from YouTube without explanation, including discussions on topics unrelated to Russia. The censorship of independent voices is a dangerous trend that threatens the diversity of thought and the ability to challenge official lies.

    • Censorship of journalists threatens historical understandingCensorship of Pulitzer-prize winning journalists like Chris Hedges and Abby Martin from digital media poses a risk for collective memory and democratic principles, while potential market manipulation through large stock sales raises concerns for transparency and accountability.

      The censorship of journalists, as seen with the cases of Chris Hedges and Abby Martin, is a threat to collective memory and historical understanding. Their removal from digital media, despite their Pulitzer-prize winning work and challenges to power, is a step towards historical amnesia and a lack of confidence in democratic principles. Meanwhile, the Wall Street Journal report reveals that large stock sales, which are supposed to be secret, often result in share prices dropping beforehand, indicating potential market manipulation. These issues highlight the importance of transparency and accountability in both media and finance.

    • Large shareholders tipping off favored clients before block tradesMorgan Stanley, a major Wall Street player, under investigation for allowing favored clients to front-run block trades, resulting in stock price drops and harming sellers, violating securities laws.

      There is a suspected illegal practice on Wall Street where large shareholders, often pension funds, tip off favored clients before executing large block trades, allowing these clients to front-run the trades and profit at the expense of the sellers. This results in a drop in stock prices before the trades execute, benefiting the favored clients and harming the sellers. The Wall Street Journal found that Morgan Stanley, a major player in block trading, had the worst record of all the banks in this regard, with stocks underperforming the market leading up to their block trades. The Department of Justice is currently investigating Morgan Stanley, and one of its senior executives has been put on leave. This practice, which involves insider information and manipulation of stock prices, is a form of cheating and a clear violation of securities laws. It's a reminder that access to inside information and the ability to trade on it is a valuable commodity on Wall Street, and it's not just a fictional concept from movies or books. It's a serious issue that has been happening for decades and needs to be addressed.

    • Manipulation in Financial Markets and MediaInsider trading and spreading of false information in financial markets can lead to instability, while truthful reporting is crucial in media to maintain trust and fairness.

      The financial markets can be manipulated by individuals with insider information, leading to an unfair advantage and potential market instability. The discussion also touched upon the case of Chris Wallace leaving Fox News and his criticisms of the network. He expressed discomfort with the network's programming and the spreading of conspiracy theories following the 2020 election. This highlights the importance of truth and factual reporting in the media landscape. The markets and media industries must be held accountable for their actions and maintain transparency to ensure fairness and trust.

    • Fox News' biased reporting historyDespite Chris Wallace's departure, Fox News has a long-standing record of biased reporting, spreading misinformation, and promoting extreme views, often targeting Democrats and liberal policies

      Fox News and its journalists, including Chris Wallace, have a long history of biased and partisan reporting, which predates the January 6th events. Critics may applaud Wallace's decision to leave Fox News due to the January 6th coverage, but it's important to remember that Fox News has a history of spreading misinformation and promoting extreme views, often attacking Democrats and liberal policies. The idea that Fox News was once fair and balanced is a misconception. The moral meter of DC journalists often misfires, focusing on small issues while overlooking larger systemic problems. The bar for acceptance into liberal media is set incredibly low, requiring only a criticism of Trump and the January 6th events. This history of biased reporting should be considered when evaluating Chris Wallace's departure from Fox News.

    • Media platforms manipulating numbers to revive struggling programmingMedia companies face ethical dilemmas in boosting viewership numbers, while supply chain disruptions can lead to economic consequences in our globalized economy

      Chris Wallace's new show on CNN Plus, which has faced criticism for its lackluster content and low viewership, is an example of a struggling media platform trying to revive failing programming by potentially manipulating numbers. The discussion also touched upon the importance of supply chains in our globalized economy and how disruptions can lead to inflation and other economic consequences. In essence, the conversation highlighted the complexities of modern supply chains and the potential vulnerabilities that come with relying on long, intricate networks for consumer goods. Additionally, it underscored the challenges faced by media companies in the streaming era and the ethical dilemmas that come with boosting viewership numbers.

    • Reevaluating Globalized Supply ChainsCompanies are shifting towards more resilient and robust supply chains, involving multiple factories and carrying more inventory, due to geopolitical risks and disruptions. Governments are also playing a role through industrial policies and subsidies.

      The globalized supply chain model, which has been the norm for the past 50 years, is being reevaluated due to various geopolitical risks and disruptions. Companies are now recognizing the need for more resilient and robust supply chains, which may involve having multiple factories in different regions and carrying more inventory. This shift goes against the previous orthodoxies of cost reduction through consolidation and just-in-time manufacturing. Governments also have a role to play in this transition through industrial policies and subsidies to support key industries. The recent passing of the CHIPS Act in the US is an example of this trend. Globalization is not over, but companies and governments are recognizing the need for a more flexible and resilient approach to supply chains.

    • Bringing manufacturing back: nearshoring and reshoringGovernments and industries are exploring ways to bring back manufacturing, particularly in key sectors, due to decreasing capacity in US and other countries. This trend, called nearshoring/reshoring, creates opportunities in countries like Mexico, Canada, and SE Asia, but a tight labor market poses a challenge for US companies.

      Due to the decreasing manufacturing capacity in the US and other countries, governments and industries are exploring ways to bring back manufacturing, particularly in key sectors like microchip manufacturing and raw material extraction, as a matter of national security and economic self-sufficiency. This trend, known as nearshoring or reshoring, is expected to create opportunities in countries like Mexico, Canada, and Southeast Asia, which have been successful in maintaining geopolitical neutrality. However, the tight labor market poses a challenge for companies looking to bring manufacturing back to the US, as they compete with other employers offering higher wages and incentives. The supply web, a term used to describe the complex network of suppliers and factories, is becoming increasingly important as companies seek to minimize disruptions by sourcing from multiple locations. This shift towards a more interconnected and resilient supply web is a response to the increasing volatility and uncertainty in global trade and geopolitical relations.

    • Global economy and supply chains shiftingAdapt to new circumstances, spread out production, and keep key resources on hand to mitigate negative impacts of global supply chain changes.

      We are experiencing a fundamental shift in the global economy and supply chains, and the old normal of low-cost, easily accessible goods from around the world is no longer a certainty. The events of the past few years, including the China trade war, COVID-19 pandemic, and geopolitical tensions, have highlighted the need for greater resilience and diversification in supply chains. While it may not be possible to completely eliminate the pain and challenges associated with these changes, efforts to spread out production, keep key resources on hand, and adapt to new circumstances can help mitigate some of the negative impacts. The documentary "Chain Reaction" and the book "Arriving Today" offer valuable insights into this complex issue and provide a visual and empathetic understanding of the people and processes involved in global supply chains.

    • Women using podcasts to inspire, entertain, and educateRachel Zoe's 'Climbing in Heels', Tamika D. Mallory's 'TMI', and Radi DeBlukhia's 'A Really Good Cry' are inspiring listeners with stories of extraordinary women, social and civil rights discussions, and emotional conversations, respectively.

      These influential women are using their platforms to inspire, entertain, and educate listeners through their new podcasts. Rachel Zoe's "Climbing in Heels" focuses on the stories of extraordinary women, bringing a weekly dose of glamour, inspiration, and fun. Tamika D. Mallory and her co-hosts on "TMI" discuss social and civil rights issues, pop culture, and politics, aiming to push the culture forward and make the world a better place. Radi DeBlukhia invites listeners to join her in "A Really Good Cry," where they'll talk with friends, admired figures, and authors whose works have deeply impacted her, emphasizing the importance of acknowledging and embracing emotions. Overall, these women are using their podcasts to share their passions, experiences, and perspectives, offering valuable insights and inspiration to their audiences. Listen to "Climbing in Heels" every Friday, "TMI" every Wednesday, and "A Really Good Cry" whenever you'd like, on various podcast platforms including the Iheartradio app and Apple Podcasts.

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    How the American Families Plan will impact your clients {PFP Section}

    How the American Families Plan will impact your clients {PFP Section}

    Guest:  Bob Keebler, CPA/PFS

    On Wednesday, April 28th, President Biden gave his first congressional address. As part of his plan for the nation, he proposed a long term capital gain rate of 39.6% for households with income over 1 million, restoration of the top marginal tax rate of 39.6% for those earning over $400,000, and elimination of the step up in basis at death. Given the forward momentum for forced recognition of capital gains at death, this episode of the PFP Section podcast covers client scenarios and all the details we know at this point so that you can have initial discussions with clients on what may be ahead.

    Access resources related to this podcast: Note: If you’re using a podcast app that does not hyperlink to the resources, visit http://pfplanning.libsyn.com/ to access show notes with direct links.

    This episode is brought to you by the AICPA’s Personal Financial Planning Section, the premier provider of information, tools, advocacy and guidance for professionals who specialize in providing tax, estate, retirement, risk management and investment planning advice. Also, by the CPA/PFS credential program, which allows CPAs to demonstrate competence and confidence in providing these services to their clients. Visit us online at www.aicpa.org/pfp to join our community, gain access to valuable member-only benefits or learn about our PFP certificate program.

    Subscribe to the PFP Podcast channel at Libsyn to find all the latest episodes or search “AICPA Personal Financial Planning” on your favorite podcast app.