
    10/24/23: US Attacked In Syria, Top Generals Aiding Gaza Invasion, Hostage Family Demands Ceasefire, Tucker Says WW3 Imminent, Trump Says Only Jesus Can Win Speaker Vote, CIA Behind Nordstream, Off Duty Pilot Attempts To Crash Plane, And MORE!

    enOctober 24, 2023
    What recent threats have American forces faced in the Middle East?
    How is the Pentagon responding to attacks in Syria?
    What tactic are Democrats considering for the Speaker of the House vote?
    What support is the US military providing to Israel in Gaza?
    What are the implications of the Democratic 'taking a walk' strategy?

    Podcast Summary

    • Ongoing threats against American forces in Middle East, hijacking attempts in USThe Pentagon anticipates increased threats against troops in the Middle East and has taken steps to ensure their safety. Meanwhile, there have been attempts at hijacking in the US, highlighting security concerns domestically.

      There are ongoing threats against American forces in the Middle East, with the latest attack involving drones at the Al Tanf base in Syria. The Pentagon expects significant escalation and has taken necessary measures to protect troops. Elsewhere, there have been attempts at hijacking in the US, including an incident involving an off-duty pilot trying to take control of a plane. In other news, Kroger offers quality products at affordable prices, Purdue Global provides education for working adults, and the new natural hybrid mattress from Leesa and West Elm is made from natural materials and supports a greener tomorrow. Finally, Breaking Points is seeking premium subs to expand coverage and upgrade the studio.

    • Tensions in Middle East escalating, US preparing for larger conflictThe Middle East is experiencing heightened tensions, with multiple attacks on US assets and personnel. The US is preparing for a larger conflict and increasing its military presence in the region, potentially leading to a wider war.

      The ongoing tensions in the Middle East between various groups and nations, including the Houthis in Yemen, Iran, Israel, and the United States, are leading to a potentially significant escalation of conflict. This is evident in multiple attacks on American service members and assets in the region, with the latest involving drones targeting US ships. The US is preparing for a larger conflict and has requested Israel to delay a ground invasion into Gaza to allow for the completion of these preparations. This delay increases the number of potential targets for Iranian-backed militias, given the US's extensive presence in the region. The US is sending additional troops and assets to deter further conflict and protect its interests, resulting in a significant buildup of forces. This situation could lead to a wider regional war, with potentially devastating consequences.

    • US military actions in Middle East: A never-ending cycle of conflictDespite the potential for civilian casualties and international backlash, the US continues to focus on military deterrence rather than diplomacy to prevent conflict with Iran, highlighting the futility of this approach and the need for a more effective solution.

      The ongoing conflict between Israel and Iran, as well as the involvement of the United States, raises questions about the rationality of military actions and the potential consequences. Kirby's comments suggest a lack of belief in the US' ability to prevent conflict and a focus on deterrence through intimidation, rather than actual prevention. The potential for civilian casualties and the reaction from other countries in the region make a large-scale war seemingly impossible. The use of military force, such as air campaigns, may not accomplish the desired military objectives and could lead to a humanitarian crisis. A more effective approach could be diplomacy and negotiation to prevent further escalation. The metaphor of "mowing the lawn" highlights the futility of this approach, as the conflict will continue to persist regardless of military action.

    • US military advising Israel's Gaza operationsThe US military is providing support and guidance to Israel during its operations in Gaza, recognizing the complexities and potential for high civilian casualties, while acknowledging the unique challenges posed by local population support for Hamas.

      The US military is actively involved in advising and supporting Israel's military operations in Gaza. This includes providing information, context, and operational planning assistance from senior US military officials like Lieutenant General James Glynn. The relevance of this involvement is significant due to the complexities and challenges of the conflict, including the presence of civilian support for Hamas and the potential for high civilian casualties. The US military's past experiences in similar situations, such as the Battle of Mosul and Ramadi, underscore the potential for a protracted and costly conflict, even with superior military capabilities. The support of the local population for Hamas adds a unique dynamic to the situation, making it important for the US to provide guidance and resources to Israel while also recognizing the complex realities on the ground.

    • Challenges of military action in GazaThe human toll, political support, and long-term implications are significant challenges for Israel and the US in military action in Gaza, echoing past conflicts like Vietnam and World War II island battles.

      The situation in Gaza, with its extensive tunnel network and the long-term commitment required for a successful ground invasion, presents significant challenges for Israel and the United States. This is not a new scenario - it echoes the challenges faced in urban combat during the Vietnam War and the island battles of World War II. The human toll, both in terms of casualties and long-term health implications, is a crucial consideration. The political support needed from both Israeli and American populations, as well as potential backlash from the Arab world, is another significant factor. The Pentagon's pessimism about Israel's capacity to hold territories beyond leveling buildings underscores the complexity of this conflict. It's essential to understand the implications of military action in Gaza, not just for the short term, but for the years to come.

    • Release of two Israeli hostages by HamasTwo elderly Israeli hostages released, but many more remain captive, including those with dual citizenship. Ceasefire negotiations may depend on their release.

      The release of two Israeli hostages by Hamas is a positive development, but it does not signify an end to the hostage crisis. President Biden has publicly expressed his desire for a hostage release as a prerequisite for any ceasefire negotiations. The two elderly women, who were peace activists and humanitarians, were released due to their age and were recovering. However, dozens more hostages, including those with dual citizenship and pure Israeli citizenship, remain captive. The kibbutz where the women were abducted is populated by left-leaning Israelis who have been critical of the current Israeli government. The Israeli right has attacked the families of hostages for calling for a ceasefire and some hostages have been criticized for their behavior towards their captors. The situation remains complex and uncertain, with the number of hostages and their conditions remaining unknown.

    • Israeli hostages used as strategic tool by HamasHamas uses hostages to delay military actions, creating a moral dilemma and potential harm to innocent people.

      The situation in Israel regarding the hostages being held by Hamas is a complex political issue with deep emotional implications for the families involved and the Israeli population as a whole. The release of hostages can be used as a strategic tool by Hamas to delay or halt military actions, such as a ground invasion. The Israeli army is reportedly concerned that further hostage releases could lead to political considerations delaying or halting the invasion. Hamas' strategy of taking hostages, including civilians, is diabolical and aimed at creating a moral dilemma, potentially resulting in the death of innocent people during military operations. The international community, including the United States, is engaged in diplomatic efforts to secure the release of all hostages, not just those with dual citizenship. The domestic political conversation in the United States is also evolving, with some questioning the objectives and potential consequences of the invasion.

    • The complexities of destroying HamasDestroying Hamas physically is challenging due to urban complexity, potential collateral damage, hostage situations, and political considerations.

      The destruction of Hamas, as discussed, is not a simple task. For policymakers and military leaders, it's not just about eliminating Hamas in their minds, but also in the physical world, which comes with significant risks and challenges. The urban environment in Gaza is complex and unpredictable, making it difficult to negotiate and target enemies precisely. The notion of a war with zero collateral damage is unrealistic. The Israeli and American soldiers are trained to survive and will respond with force when in doubt. The hostage situation and potential execution of civilians are concerns, and the political echelon's decision to authorize a ground invasion is crucial. The Israeli government, even with one of the most right-wing administrations in history, is taking a pause before making such a consequential decision. The military is prepared, but the political will to execute a ground invasion may not be there. The more people ask about the objective and plan, the harder it becomes for Israel to carry out the military incursion. The US military's involvement and questioning add to the pressure. The failure of previous counteroffensives in similar situations, as seen in Ukraine, highlights the challenges ahead.

    • Israel-Hamas Conflict: Complex Situation with Uncertain ConsequencesThe Israel-Hamas conflict has resulted in a significant loss of life and destruction, with no clear endgame in sight. The Arab world closely follows the situation, and potential for widespread, unverified footage could lead to global outcry.

      The ongoing conflict between Israel and Hamas in Gaza has led to a significant loss of life and destruction, with reported casualties exceeding 1,500 in Israel and over 5,000 in Gaza. The situation is complex, with various factions in Israel and Hamas having different strategies and end goals. Some in Israel's most right-wing faction believe that eliminating Hamas and clearing out Gaza is the solution, but this approach lacks a clear endgame and could lead to further instability in the region. The Arab world is closely following the situation, with social media platforms like Twitter, WhatsApp, and Telegram serving as primary sources of information. The scenes of destruction and chaos are reminiscent of conflicts in Syria and other war-torn areas, and the potential for widespread, unverified footage of the conflict could lead to a global outcry. The situation is far from over, and the long-term consequences remain uncertain.

    • Middle East conflict and US political scene interconnectedThe Middle East conflict and US political scene are interconnected as the outcome of the US Speaker of the House race could impact the Israeli platoon's actions in the region and vice versa.

      The ongoing conflict in the Middle East, as depicted in the video, is a complex and dangerous situation that the world cannot ignore. The potential for wider war is a real concern, and the Israeli platoon's assault on the scene is just one small part of the larger conflict. Meanwhile, in the US political scene, the fight for the Speaker of the House position continues, with Tom Emmer being a likely contender due to his strong relationships with various Republican groups. However, his opponents, including those aligned with Donald Trump, are campaigning against him as a "never Trump" candidate. Emmer's certification of the election results and his generally establishment voting record are being used against him. The outcome of the secret vote among House Republicans today will determine if Emmer becomes the Speaker designate and if he can secure the necessary votes to assume the role on the floor. Additionally, there is a possibility that Democrats may not attend the vote, which could give Emmer a majority. Overall, the Middle East conflict and the US political scene are two interconnected issues that are impacting each other in significant ways.

    • Democrats Consider 'Taking a Walk' to Lower House Speaker Vote ThresholdSome Democrats may not vote during the House Speaker vote, potentially lowering the threshold for a majority and enabling negotiations with more agreeable Republican candidates.

      In the ongoing power struggle for the Speaker of the House position, some Democrats are considering taking a tactic called "taking a walk" during the vote, which would lower the threshold for a Democratic majority. This means that if enough Democrats decide to not vote, the number of votes needed for a majority decreases. For instance, if six Democrats take a walk, the threshold comes down by three, requiring only 214 votes instead of 217. This strategy could potentially be used to negotiate with Republican candidates, such as Tom Emmer, who might be more agreeable to certain Democratic demands, like funding the government and bringing aid bills to the floor. However, the success of this strategy depends on the privacy and reliability of these negotiations. The ongoing debate and uncertainty surrounding the Speaker vote, with various factions and potential deals, is expected to continue until a clear winner emerges. The vote is scheduled for 9 AM, but the outcome remains uncertain.

    • US involvement in Ukraine's war against RussiaThe US provides training, funding, and advanced technology to Ukrainian operatives for assassinations and pipeline bombings against Russia.

      The United States has been heavily involved in supporting Ukraine's intelligence services and military operations against Russia, with the CIA reportedly providing training, funding, and advanced surveillance systems to Ukrainian operatives. This involvement includes the formation and equipping of Ukrainian teams believed to be responsible for assassinations and the bombing of the Nord Stream pipeline. The extent of America's financial and operational backing of Ukraine's war against Russia is shocking, with the US funding and guiding the entire conflict while Ukrainian lives are at stake. Despite this, the average person on the street may not be aware of the true extent of US involvement in the Ukrainian conflict.

    • Ukraine's Slow Advance: Historical Implications and US Weapons CrisisThe Ukrainian counter-offensive against Russian forces is underperforming historically, with slow progress and no air support. The US is facing a weapons stockpile crisis, raising concerns about its ability to defend its interests.

      The ongoing conflict in Ukraine and the counter-offensive against Russian forces is historically underperforming when compared to similar combined arms offensives from the last century, with no air power involved. According to a graphic from CSIS, the Ukrainian troops are advancing at a rate of just 90 meters per day, which is significantly less than the rates of advance during major battles in the past, such as the Battle of the Somme during World War 1. This slow progress has significant historical implications, with previous wars resulting in massive loss of life and generations of PTSD for survivors. Additionally, the US is currently facing a weapons stockpile crisis, with the White House admitting that supplies are running low, despite proposing a $70 billion funding increase for Israel and Ukraine. This raises concerns about the US' ability to defend its own interests with depleted stockpiles.

    • Military aid and diplomacyProviding military aid to smaller countries against larger adversaries comes with risks and the importance of diplomacy cannot be overlooked. Security protocols are crucial to prevent potential dangers even in routine situations.

      The decision to provide military aid to Ukraine and Israel, despite having significant stockpiles of their own, raises questions about the potential consequences of military interventions and the importance of diplomacy. Elon Musk's comments during a Twitter Space discussion highlighted the futility of smaller armies charging larger ones with superior defenses, and the humanitarian and civilizational risks of continued conflict. An incident involving an off-duty Alaskan Airlines pilot attempting to shut off the engines of a flight while riding in the jump seat of the cockpit serves as a reminder of the importance of security protocols and the potential dangers that can arise even in seemingly routine situations. Overall, these discussions underscore the need for thoughtful consideration and caution in foreign policy decisions and everyday life.

    • Pilot attempts to shut off engines mid-flight, charged with attempted murderA pilot on an Alaskan Airlines flight from Everett to San Francisco attempted to shut off the engines, leading to 83 counts of attempted murder and reckless endangerment charges. The motive behind the incident remains unclear, but raises concerns about pilot mental health and airline security.

      A pilot, Joe Joseph Emerson, attempted to shut off the engines mid-flight on an Alaskan Airlines plane from Everett to San Francisco. The incident was described as calm by air traffic control, but passengers were unaware of the situation unfolding. Emerson, who was scheduled to be on the flight crew, was charged with 83 counts of attempted murder, 83 counts of reckless endangerment, and one felony count of endangering an aircraft. The motive behind the incident remains unclear, but Emerson reportedly stated "I'm not right" before the incident. The situation is a reminder of the potential risks involved in air travel and the importance of airline security. The incident also raises questions about pilot mental health and the measures taken to ensure the safety of passengers.

    • A masterpiece with multiple stories - tragedy, true crime, and human emotionThe uncomfortable yet brilliant portrayal of the Osage Indians' suffering and Lily Glass's incredible performance make 'Killers of the Flower Moon' a must-see true crime masterpiece.

      The movie "Killers of the Flower Moon" is a long but worthwhile watch. Despite its lengthy runtime, the film is a masterpiece that tells multiple stories - a horrific tragedy of the Osage Indians, a true crime story, and a human story with elements of romance and evil. The film's uncomfortable yet brilliant portrayal of the Osage people's suffering and the lead actress Lily Glass's incredible performance make it a must-see. The movie has already earned significant demand and box office success, and it's a reminder of the harsh realities and injustices faced by certain communities in history. Overall, "Killers of the Flower Moon" is a must-watch for anyone who appreciates great filmmaking and storytelling.

    • A True Crime Story and Love Letter to the Osage NationThe discovery of oil on Osage land led to immense wealth and violent efforts to displace them, revealing the dark history of the Osage Nation in Oklahoma and their resilience.

      "Killers of the Flower Moon: The Osage Murders and the Birth of the FBI" by David Grann is a captivating and essential read that exposes the dark history of the Osage Nation in Oklahoma during the late 1800s and early 1900s. The discovery of oil on Osage land led to immense wealth for some, but also violent efforts to displace them from their oil-rich lands. The book, which was a New York Times bestseller, is not just a true crime story but a love story that showcases the humanity and inhumanity of the situation. Martin Scorsese's film adaptation, which delves into the discrimination and exploitation faced by the Osage people, boasts top-tier performances from actors like Leonardo DiCaprio, Robert De Niro, and Jesse Plemons. The film and book both highlight the immense injustice done to the Osage people and their resilience in holding onto their identity despite the challenges they faced.

    • A Casual Fan's Enjoyable Taylor Swift Concert ExperienceThe Taylor Swift Eras Tour was an exciting and infectious experience for the speaker, inspiring her to attend future concerts and encouraging parents to introduce their children to live music.

      The Taylor Swift Eras Tour was an enjoyable experience for the speaker, despite being a casual fan. The energy and excitement from the young fans made the show worthwhile, even if some parts seemed long for those not actively participating. The speaker also mentioned that the experience made her wish she had attended the concert instead of just watching the live stream. Additionally, she encouraged parents, especially those with young daughters, to consider attending if their children are Swift fans. The show was infectious and had something for everyone, even if some parts dragged for the speaker.

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    Listen now to the full first episodes of Master Plan (https://link.chtbl.com/sIXXlFys?sid=BreakingPoints), and subscribe wherever you get your podcasts. Subscribe to their Premium feed to hear episodes early and exclusive bonus content. 

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