
    10/5/23: Republican Speaker Civil War, Ukraine Aid Loses Steam, Pelosi Booted From Office, Terrible Jobs Numbers, Third Party Skyrockets, Michael Lewis Insane SBF Defense, Payday Lenders Wrecked, Big Three Losing Billions On EV, UAW Worker Demands

    enOctober 05, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • Discussions on social issues, fashion, intergenerational conversations, and politics dominate this week's podcastsNew and returning shows explore pressing topics like social issues, fashion, intergenerational conversations, and politics. Key figures like Steve Scalise, Jim Jordan, and Michael Lewis make headlines, while the Republican party faces fallout and a bad jobs report sparks interest in third parties.

      This week on podcasts TMI, Climbing in Heels, Across Generations, and Breaking Points, there are new and returning shows focusing on social issues, fashion, intergenerational conversations, and politics. Notable events include the speaker's race in Congress, with formidable bids from Steve Scalise and Jim Jordan. The Republican party is experiencing fallout from the failure to bail out Kevin McCarthy, and there's a bad jobs report, as well as growing interest in third parties. Additionally, Michael Lewis and Sam Bankman Fried are making headlines, and a UAW worker gives an update on their ongoing strike. Premium subscribers are supporting in-depth coverage, including a focus group about Biden and on-the-ground reporting efforts.

    • Race for Speaker of the House: Scalise, McCarthy, and a Dark HorseThe Speaker of the House race features Scalise, McCarthy, and Trump, with the outcome uncertain due to health concerns, past retention issues, and potential consensus picks.

      The race for the Speaker of the House of Representatives is heating up, with Steve Scalise and Kevin McCarthy being the frontrunners. Scalise, a long-time Republican leader, has been a key player in passing significant legislation and holding the administration accountable. However, his health issues and the demanding nature of the job make it a challenge. McCarthy, on the other hand, has faced retention issues in the past but has the support of some key figures in the Freedom Caucus. A dark horse candidate, former President Donald Trump, has also expressed interest in the role. The outcome of the race is uncertain, with the possibility of a consensus pick emerging if Scalise and McCarthy split the votes. Ultimately, the speaker's role is less about their personal ideology and more about what the caucus permits them to do.

    • Uncertainty Surrounds Speaker Election in New CongressThe Speaker election in the new Congress is uncertain with McCarthy's deals with Democrats and Trump's involvement not viable options. The race for number 2 position is also in flux, and meaningful legislative work is on hold due to the chaos.

      The ongoing battle for the Speaker of the House position in the new Congress is a complex and uncertain situation. McCarthy's efforts to secure the position through deals with Democrats or concessions to holdout Republicans have not been viable options. Trump, despite his potential strength as a negotiator, is not expected to take on the role. The race for the number 2 position, Republican Majority Leader, is also in flux between Steve Scalise, Tom Emmer, and Elise Stefanik. The vote for Speaker is scheduled for next Wednesday, but it's unlikely that a clear winner will emerge on that day. The ongoing chaos and uncertainty surrounding the Speaker election are preventing any meaningful legislative work from being done in the House.

    • Political Instability in House Threatens Ukraine AidThe narrow Republican margin and actions of dissident members like Matt Gaetz could delay or block promised aid to Ukraine, impacting foreign policy initiatives. Domestic issues like the border and crime are currently prioritized over Ukraine aid, adding to the uncertainty.

      The ongoing political instability in the U.S. House of Representatives, specifically the narrow Republican margin and the actions of dissident members like Matt Gaetz and potential expulsions, is causing uncertainty around the delivery of promised aid to Ukraine. This instability could also impact other domestic and foreign policy initiatives. While President Biden plans to give a major speech on the issue, past actions and statements from key figures like Jim Jordan indicate a lack of prioritization for Ukraine aid within the Republican leadership. The most pressing issues on Americans' minds are currently the border situation and crime, which could further complicate the situation for Ukraine. Overall, the political turmoil in the House is creating significant uncertainty and potential roadblocks for U.S. foreign policy commitments.

    • Political climate in GOP hinders new Ukraine aid packageThe Republican Party's current stance on Ukraine aid makes it unlikely for a significant new package to pass, requiring potential complex legislative maneuvers or bipartisan efforts.

      Despite some individual congressmembers' past support for Ukraine aid, the current political climate within the Republican Party makes it highly unlikely for a significant new aid package to pass through the House of Representatives, at least not with the current leadership. Kevin McCarthy, Steve Scalise, and Jim Jordan, who were discussed in the conversation, have voting records that suggest varying levels of support for Ukraine aid in the past. However, the Republican caucus as a whole is not in favor of more aid to Ukraine, which puts any potential speaker in a challenging position. The only potential way forward might be through complex legislative maneuvers or a bipartisan effort. Ultimately, the future of Ukraine aid in Congress depends on the evolving political dynamics within the Republican Party and the ability of its leaders to navigate these challenges.

    • President needs to clarify US plan for UkraineThe speaker urges the president to communicate a clear US plan for Ukraine and expresses disappointment with the lack of progress and focus on other threats.

      Despite the ongoing conflict in Ukraine and the various statements made by the president regarding US involvement, there is a general agreement that clear communication from the president about the US plan is necessary. The speaker expresses that they believe the president owes an explanation to the world and the American people about what the next steps are, as the previous plan of retaking territory and then potentially ending the conflict has not been successful. The speaker also emphasizes that presidential words matter and that the world watches for the president's explanations of their views on the conflict. Additionally, the speaker expresses their personal belief that the US should not continue to provide blank checks to Ukraine and should focus on other threats and securing the country's own interests. The speaker also mentions their disappointment with the recent government situation and the lack of drastic cuts to social safety net programs. Overall, the speaker emphasizes the importance of clear communication and reevaluating US priorities.

    • Republicans order Pelosi to vacate Capitol officeThe debate over Pelosi's office usage highlights the tradition-bound system for office assignments in Congress, with seniority and leadership roles playing a significant role in determining office size and location.

      The speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi, was ordered to vacate her office in the Capitol building by the new Republican leadership, prompting a debate over the traditional perks and privileges that come with leadership positions in Congress. Pelosi, who is currently in California for a funeral, may not be able to comply with the order in time. The offices in question, known as "hideaways," are located in the Capitol building and offer convenience for lawmakers who frequently need to be on the floor for votes. However, Pelosi's continued use of the office, despite no longer holding a leadership position, has been a point of contention among Republicans. The debate highlights the tradition and seniority-based system that governs office assignments in Congress, with freshman members typically receiving smaller, less desirable offices.

    • Republican Party's internal issues led to McCarthy's failed Speaker bidThe Democrats didn't rescue McCarthy due to lack of incentive, and his failure was mainly caused by intraparty conflicts and controversies within the Republican Party.

      The ongoing political drama surrounding Kevin McCarthy's failed attempt to secure the Speaker of the House position is primarily an intraparty issue within the Republican Party. The Democrats were not in a position to rescue McCarthy, as there was no deal on the table that would have incentivized them to do so. McCarthy's inability to make concessions and bring his caucus together, coupled with the ongoing investigations and controversies surrounding some Republican members, made it impossible for him to secure the votes needed to become Speaker. The blame game and finger-pointing between the parties may continue, but the reality is that the outcome of this situation was largely determined by the dynamics within the Republican Party.

    • Political instability and economic concernsNew Speaker faces complex negotiations and economic challenges, McCarthy's leadership weaknesses exacerbated the situation, and the economy's health adds to concerns for both parties

      The current political situation in the House of Representatives, with McCarthy's ouster and the ongoing debates over debt ceiling, government shutdown, and Ukraine aid, is complex and influenced by various factors. McCarthy's lack of strong ideological beliefs and focus on his leadership position and fundraising made him less effective in negotiating with Democrats. The new Speaker, whether a Democrat or a Republican, will face similar pressures and whims from their caucus. The Problem Solvers Caucus, known for solving problems for the rich, is in chaos over Democrats not rescuing McCarthy. Meanwhile, the latest jobs report from ADP shows a significant decrease in private payrolls and a 12th consecutive monthly decline in annual wage growth, adding to concerns about the economy's health and the Fed's interest rate hikes. These developments underscore the ongoing challenges facing both parties and the country as a whole.

    • Housing market instability causing concern for the economyMortgage demand at record low, interest rates rising, housing inventory limited, causing rents and prices to soar, potential economic ripple effects

      The current housing market is experiencing a significant squeeze due to low mortgage demand and a lack of new construction, leading to record-high rents and housing prices. This situation is causing concern for the overall economy, as the housing market's instability could ripple throughout other sectors. The mortgage demand has dropped to its lowest level since 1996, and interest rates are heading towards 8%, making it difficult for people to buy or sell homes. This reduced inventory, combined with high demand, is contributing to inflation, particularly in the rental market. New rental inventories are coming online, but they are not enough to alleviate the current housing shortage. Additionally, private equity firms are taking a step back from buying up entire neighborhoods, which could be a positive sign for the market. However, the high demand for housing and limited supply suggest that housing prices will likely continue to rise. Overall, the housing market's instability could have a significant impact on the economy, and it is essential to monitor the situation closely.

    • Record-high support for third parties due to economic uncertainty and political dissatisfactionAmidst economic challenges and political dissatisfaction, 63% of US adults believe a third major party is needed, with significant growth in Republican support

      The economic and political landscapes in the United States are facing significant challenges, leading to increasing support for third parties among Americans. The housing and commercial real estate markets are stagnant, and there are concerns about the impact of student loan debt payments and international economic instability. The labor market, which was previously seen as a positive, is easing up, and the unemployment rate is on the rise. This economic uncertainty, coupled with dissatisfaction with the two major political parties, has resulted in a record-high 63% of US adults agreeing that a third major party is needed. This increase is most notable among Republicans, with 58% now expressing support for a third party, up significantly from a year ago. This trend suggests that many Americans feel disconnected from the existing political system and are seeking alternative options.

    • Dissatisfaction with major parties leads to third-party interestYoung Democrats feel unheard, third-party options gain interest, but U.S. electoral system makes it difficult for third parties to succeed, RFK Junior could appeal to both sides, and the duopoly system remains a challenge for third-party candidates.

      The political landscape in the United States is marked by widespread dissatisfaction among voters, particularly young Democrats, who feel unheard and unrepresented by both major parties. This dissatisfaction has led to a significant number of people expressing interest in third-party options, with RFK Junior being a potential contender. However, the electoral system in the U.S. is designed to make third parties unviable, meaning that even a large number of people expressing interest in third-party candidates may not translate into significant votes. Additionally, RFK Junior's potential appeal to both Democrats and Republicans, particularly on issues like Ukraine and vaccines, could make him a significant threat to Trump in a duopoly system. Despite these realities, the American political system remains a duopoly, and third-party candidates continue to face the challenge of breaking through in a system that is stacked against them.

    • RFK Junior's potential presidency could impact Trump's re-electionRFK Junior's stance on vaccines and Kennedy name could draw votes from both parties, potentially hurting Trump more than Biden.

      RFK Junior's potential independent run for president could pose a significant threat to Trump's re-election bid, as evidenced by the widespread belief among MAGA influencers that RFK would siphon votes away from the Republican Party. This recognition stems from RFK's stance on issues like vaccines and his Kennedy name, which holds historical affection within the Democratic party. Despite the complexity of the situation, with some analysts suggesting RFK could draw support from both parties, the overall consensus among influencers is that he would hurt Trump more than Biden. Additionally, Michael Lewis's defense of Sam Bankman-Fried in his book and interviews has raised eyebrows, with some critics viewing it as a new low for the author.

    • The Complex Relationship Between Sam Bankman-Fried's Crypto Exchange and Hedge FundDespite claims of close ties, Alameda Research's crypto exchange was a profitable business on its own, while Bankman-Fried's hedge fund allegedly used its profits to stay afloat, blurring the lines between legitimate and illegal activities. The portrayal of Bankman-Fried in Michael Lewis' book has been criticized for its lack of objectivity and fairness.

      The distinction between Sam Bankman-Fried's crypto exchange business and his hedge fund business is an important one, despite some claims that they were closely related. The crypto exchange, Alameda Research, was a significant source of revenue and profits, generating over $1 billion in revenues and $400 million in profits in 2021 alone. It was a legitimate business that could have continued to thrive without the hedge fund. The alleged crime involving the hedge fund and its collapse makes little sense in this context. Furthermore, the parallels between Bankman-Fried's situation and that of Bernie Madoff are striking. Both men used money from one business to prop up another, allegedly legitimate business, while using the reputation of the latter to launder their own reputations. This financial engineering scheme required a constant influx of new money to keep it afloat. However, Michael Lewis' portrayal of Bankman-Fried in his book has been criticized for its lack of objectivity and fairness. Some have accused Lewis of treating Bankman-Fried with undue compassion and empathy, while portraying those around him in a negative light. Others have noted that the book reads like a puff piece for Bankman-Fried, and that it fails to provide a balanced and nuanced view of the situation. Overall, the book has been met with skepticism and disappointment from many in the crypto community, who feel that it does not provide an accurate or fair representation of the facts.

    • Michael Lewis' admiration for geniuses and heroes might lead to overlooking their flawsMichael Lewis' writing style can be captivating but may not always provide a balanced or critical perspective on individuals, particularly those considered geniuses or heroes.

      Michael Lewis' approach to writing about individuals, particularly those considered geniuses or heroes, can lead him to overlook their flaws and potentially exonerate them in the public eye. This was evident in his coverage of Sam Bankman-Fried before his downfall, where Lewis' admiration for SBF's quirks and brilliance prevented him from applying a critical lens. This issue is not unique to this instance, as seen in Lewis' hagiographic profile of Barack Obama. While Lewis' writing style can be captivating, it's crucial to remember that his portrayals might not always provide a balanced or critical perspective.

    • CFPB's Success in Protecting Consumers and Industry BacklashThe CFPB, which returns billions to consumers defrauded by banks and businesses, faces opposition from industries like payday lending over new rules aimed at preventing abusive practices.

      The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB), established to protect consumers from financial predators, has been successful in returning billions of dollars to consumers who have been defrauded by banks and big businesses. However, the agency, which is funded through the Federal Reserve and intentionally insulated from political pressure, is now under attack by powerful industries, specifically the payday lending industry, which is fighting new rules aimed at curbing their abusive practices. The CFPB's success in returning funds to consumers and its insulation from political pressure have made it a target for industry opponents. The industry's main issue with the new rules is that they prevent the piling on of new fees on loans, which contributes to ever-escalating loan balances and leaves consumers in deep debt. The CFPB's work to protect consumers from financial exploitation is a clear example of good versus evil, with the agency delivering billions back to consumers and the payday lending industry exploiting desperate people.

    • Implications of CFPB Funding Case for Other AgenciesThe Supreme Court's decision on the CFPB's funding structure could set a precedent for other agencies with similar funding mechanisms, potentially impacting their ability to function independently.

      The Supreme Court's consideration of the funding structure of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) could have far-reaching implications beyond just this specific agency. During oral arguments, some justices expressed skepticism towards payday lenders' arguments that the CFPB's funding mechanism is unconstitutional. Notably, conservative justices Amy Coney Barrett and Brett Kavanaugh questioned the payday lenders' interpretation of the appropriations clause. Their skepticism, along with support from some liberal justices, could potentially keep the CFPB alive. This case is significant because it could set a precedent for other agencies with similar funding structures. Additionally, the involvement of industry groups like the Coalition of Mortgage Bankers and the Home Builders and Realtors Associations adds an interesting twist to the case, as their interests align with those of consumers in this instance. Regarding Rivian, the electric vehicle manufacturer, its financial struggles highlight the challenges faced by new electric car companies in terms of production, supply, and pricing. Rivian's high production costs and significant losses could impact its ability to compete in the global market. Despite these challenges, it's crucial to support and encourage the growth of electric vehicle companies to reduce reliance on fossil fuels and address climate change.

    • Losses for Major Automakers in the EV MarketMajor automakers, including Ford, Stellantis, GM, and luxury brands, are facing significant financial losses due to upfront costs associated with starting EV production. Chinese manufacturer BYD is a major player in the global EV market, selling 431,000 vehicles in Q3 alone.

      The electric vehicle (EV) market is currently facing significant financial losses for major automakers, including Ford, Stellantis, GM, and even luxury brands like Lucid. Ford, for instance, reported a loss of nearly $60,000 per EV sold, totaling over $4.5 billion in losses this year. These losses are primarily due to upfront costs associated with starting up EV production within a major company. Tesla, which has a decade-long head start, was once also posting losses per vehicle but managed to turn a profit in 2018 and has since seen massive success. However, the competition is heating up, especially from Chinese manufacturers like BYD, which sold 431,000 electric vehicles worldwide in Q3, making it a major player outside of China. The US needs a significant investment and a coordinated effort to secure the supply chain and produce a decent, reliable, usable, and affordable electric vehicle for consumers, which goes beyond current tax credits. Jim Rowe, a veteran auto worker on strike with UAW Local 12 in Toledo, echoed these sentiments, emphasizing the need for a more substantial investment to ensure US competitiveness in the EV market.

    • UAW Strike in Toledo: Fight for Living WagesUAW workers in Toledo are on strike for a living wage, with support from the community and other unions. They're targeting profitable plants and negotiations are ongoing, focusing on wages and family support.

      The United Auto Workers (UAW) in Toledo are on strike due to wages that haven't kept up with inflation. In 2013, new hires were still being paid the same wage as in 2008, which is not a living wage. They're demanding a raise and are receiving support from the community and other unions. The UAW leadership has employed a strategic stand up strike, targeting moneymaking plants like Toledo Jeep. The negotiations are ongoing, with both sides willing to give some ground. The electric vehicle transition is a concern, but the primary focus is on securing a living wage for workers. Jim, a 40-year veteran of the industry, emphasized that the ability to support a family was much greater when he started working at Jeep in the 1980s. The current situation compelled him to join the strike.

    • Advocating for Workers' Rights and WagesEmphasizing the importance of standing up for workers' rights and wages, encouraging solidarity, and advocating for mental health support and accessible resources.

      The voices of workers, particularly those in industries like automobile manufacturing, continue to be an essential part of the conversation around business and labor. The interviewee in this discussion emphasized the importance of standing up for workers' rights and wages, even in the face of corporate changes and outside criticism. They expressed a desire for progress and fair compensation, and encouraged solidarity among workers and support from advocates like Jim Cramer. The conversation also highlighted the importance of mental health support and the accessibility of resources like online therapy. Overall, the discussion underscored the need for ongoing dialogue and action to address workers' needs and advocate for their rights.

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    6/25/24: AIPAC Spends $15 Million To Oust Bowman, Media Lies About Synagogue Protests, War Scholar Says Hamas Has Won

    Krystal and Saagar discuss AIPAC spends $15 million to defeat Bowman, media lies about synagogue protest, war scholar says Hamas has won.


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    Krystal and Saagar discuss Assange strikes deal for freedom, CNN cuts Trump spox live, presidential debate predictions, Ukraine uses US bombs on civilians, Macron faces brutal defeat, and CNN blocks BP from streaming debate. 


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    6/24/24: Biden Panics As Dems Boycott Bibi Speech, Biden Greenlights Hezbollah War, New Tapes Expose 9/11 Saudi Conspiracy

    6/24/24: Biden Panics As Dems Boycott Bibi Speech, Biden Greenlights Hezbollah War, New Tapes Expose 9/11 Saudi Conspiracy

    Krystal and Saagar discuss Biden panics as Dems boycott Bibi speech, Biden greenlights Lebanon invasion, new tapes expose Saudi 9/11 involvement. 


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    6/24/24: Trump Flips On Immigration, Trump VP Reveal, GenZ Rages At Boomer Economy, Corporate Greed Screws Americans

    6/24/24: Trump Flips On Immigration, Trump VP Reveal, GenZ Rages At Boomer Economy, Corporate Greed Screws Americans

    Krystal and Saagar discuss Trump flips on immigration green cards, Trump to reveal VP at debate, GenZ rages at boomer economic nightmare, and corporate greed screws Americans. 


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    6/20/24: Nvidea Surge Exposes DotCom Bubble, Putin North Korea Screw You To Biden, Zyn Online Sales Shutdown

    6/20/24: Nvidea Surge Exposes DotCom Bubble, Putin North Korea Screw You To Biden,  Zyn Online Sales Shutdown

    Krystal and Saagar discuss Nvidea surge exposes possible dotcom bust, Putin North Korea screw you to Biden, Zyn online sales shutdown. 


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    6/20/24: CNN Biden Age Cope, Hezbollah Threatens Massive War, Boeing Victim Goes Off On CEO, Biden Gaza Pier Crumbles

    6/20/24: CNN Biden Age Cope, Hezbollah Threatens Massive War, Boeing Victim Goes Off On CEO, Biden Gaza Pier Crumbles

    Krystal and Saagar discuss CNN blames fake videos for Biden age concern, Hezbollah threatens massive war, Boeing victim mom goes off on CEO, Biden Gaza pier crumbles.


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    6/19/24: Bibi Attacks Biden, Hezbollah Insane Drone Footage, Trump Punishes DeSantis Ally, Carville Says Trump Will Ditch Debate, Boeing Plane On Fire As CEO Grilled, Pentagon AntiVax Psyop

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    6/18/24: Biden Bets On Trump Criminal Label, Mass Deportation Polling, Biden Trump Debate Preview, Cartoonish New Jersey Corruption, Israel Knew Oct 7 Blueprint Weeks Before

    6/18/24: Biden Bets On Trump Criminal Label, Mass Deportation Polling, Biden Trump Debate Preview, Cartoonish New Jersey Corruption, Israel Knew Oct 7 Blueprint Weeks Before

    Krystal and Saagar discuss Biden betting on labelling Trump a criminal, Hillary floated as Kamala replacement, mass deportation popular in US, Biden Trump debate preview, cartoonish New Jersey corruption scandal, report shows Israel warned about Oct 7 weeks before, CNN pushes Oct 7 lies, Wells Fargo loses big on rent payment bilt, Trump stops attacking big business. 


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    We Need to Stop the Temperature From Rising If We Don't Want to Ice the CISO Role | A Black Hat Europe 2023 Event Coverage Conversation with Joe Sullivan

    Guest: Joe Sulllivan, CEO at Ukraine Friends [@UkraineFriends_]

    On Linkedin | https://www.linkedin.com/in/joesu11ivan/

    At Black Hat Europe | https://www.blackhat.com/eu-23/briefings/schedule/speakers.html#joe-sullivan-47056



    Sean Martin, Co-Founder at ITSPmagazine [@ITSPmagazine] and Host of Redefining CyberSecurity Podcast [@RedefiningCyber]

    On ITSPmagazine | https://www.itspmagazine.com/itspmagazine-podcast-radio-hosts/sean-martin

    Marco Ciappelli, Co-Founder at ITSPmagazine [@ITSPmagazine] and Host of Redefining Society Podcast

    On ITSPmagazine | https://www.itspmagazine.com/itspmagazine-podcast-radio-hosts/marco-ciappelli


    Episode Notes

    Most of the time, for these event coverage conversations, we get to connect with keynote speakers to learn more about the topic they plan to share at the event. During our conversation with Joe Sullivan, we did that ... and so, so much more.

    We talk about Joe's role in prosecuting cyber crime—and the ironic twist where he was charged and convicted as the former CISO at Uber. We touch on Tim Brown's situation with the SEC as a result of the SolarWinds Breach. And then Joe takes this conversation to the stratosphere to shed some light on the trends he is seeing, the rise in the pressure for the role and the rise in the temperature across the CISO community. He discusses the challenges the CISO role continues to face, and how the growing fear of personal liability as a result of the conflict between the public and private sectors could ultimately ice the role and make it ineffective. Joe wants to change this, is leveraging Black Hat, ITSPmagazine, and other outlets to do so. But he needs the community's help as well.

    Tune in to this (dare we say, approaching emotional) conversation to hear about Joe's journey and all the things he is doing to help keep the CISO role safe and successful. And, most importantly, how you—a security professional that cares about good winning over evil—can join yet another fight for good.

    About Joe's Keynote at Black Hat Europe 2023 in London, England—'My Lessons from the Uber Case': In a case closely watched and debated by security professionals globally, Joe Sullivan was convicted of two felonies related to a security incident at Uber that the company had labeled a coverup when it fired him. The decision reverberated throughout the security community, but still left many unanswered questions. Before the judge sentenced him, Sullivan committed that he would speak wherever possible about the need for a better model for collaboration between the private sector and government. The judge rejected the claims by the prosecutors and Uber that the use of an NDA during the investigation was a coverup, and sentenced Sullivan to probation only.

    Today, Sullivan mentors security leaders and consults on security best practices, in addition to serving as volunteer CEO of the nonprofit humanitarian relief organization Ukraine Friends. In a candid conversation, Sullivan will share the lessons he hopes security professionals all learn from his case, so that they, their team, and their company don't ever go through anything similar. He will also make suggestions for how the private sector and government can better collaborate and share other insights about the high-stakes pressures on security executives in an era of unrelenting breaches, ransomware, and automated attacks.



    My Lessons from the Uber Case: https://www.blackhat.com/eu-23/briefings/schedule/index.html#my-lessons-from-the-uber-case-36399

    Black Hat Executive Summit: https://www.blackhat.com/eu-23/executive-summit.html

    Learn more about Black Hat Europe 2023: https://www.blackhat.com/eu-23/


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