
    Foreign Funding Bills & Title IX Expansion | 4.22.24

    enApril 22, 2024

    Podcast Summary

    • House passes $95 billion foreign aid package with bipartisan supportThe House passed a $95 billion foreign aid package, including funding for Ukraine, Israel, Middle East humanitarian aid, and Indo Pacific, specifically Taiwan. The legislation faced criticism over changes to Title 9 and tragic deaths caused by illegal immigrants.

      Despite intense debates, the House passed a $95 billion foreign aid package with bipartisan support. The package included funding for Ukraine, Israel, and humanitarian aid in the Middle East, as well as for the Indo Pacific, specifically Taiwan. The legislation came after months of deliberation and was broken up into four separate portions for voting. Meanwhile, the Biden administration faced criticism over changes to Title 9, adding transgenderism and other LGBT identities to its sex discrimination rules, and over a series of tragic deaths caused by illegal immigrants. It's a complex political landscape with significant implications.

    • Republicans Divided on Aid for Ukraine, Speaker Johnson Changes StanceDespite deep divisions, Republicans and Democrats passed an aid package for Ukraine. Johnson changed his stance after receiving secret intel reports and pushed it through, arguing it would prevent wider conflict. Some Republicans disagreed, believing aid should go to domestic issues.

      Despite deep divisions among Republicans, the aid package for Ukraine was ultimately passed, with the majority of Democrats and a significant number of Republicans supporting it. This reversal came after Speaker Johnson changed his stance following secret intelligence reports, and Democrats took the lead in pushing the bill through. The debate surrounding the vote drew comparisons between Putin and Hitler, and those in favor argued that stopping Russian aggression in Ukraine would prevent a wider conflict. However, some Republicans disagreed, believing the money should be spent on domestic issues and that the war in Ukraine is not America's business. Ultimately, Johnson was able to secure enough Republican support without border funding, but the issue remains contentious.

    • Political blowback from recent spending bill and Title 9 policiesHardline conservatives criticize Pelosi for passing spending bill with Iran sanctions and TikTok measures, while Biden's Title 9 policies spark controversy over gender identity definition and potential implications for girls' sports and scholarships.

      The recent passing of a massive spending bill in the House of Representatives, which includes new sanctions for Iran, funding for Ukraine, and measures targeting TikTok, has resulted in significant political blowback from some Republican lawmakers and voters. Despite bipartisan support, hardline conservatives have accused Speaker Nancy Pelosi of being out of touch with GOP voters, and some have even indicated they will move to remove her from her position. Meanwhile, the Biden administration's new Title 9 policies, which redefine sex discrimination to include gender identity, have sparked outrage and controversy, with potential implications for girls' sports and scholarships. These developments highlight the deepening divisions within both parties on key issues.

    • New Biden administration policies on gender identity and sex characteristics impact educationThe Biden administration's new policies prohibit discrimination against students based on gender identity, allowing them to use women's facilities and compete in women's sports, while also removing accused students' right to cross-examine accusers in sexual assault claims, sparking controversy and concerns over states' rights and free speech.

      The new Biden administration policies on gender identity and sex characteristics have significant implications for education, particularly in the areas of sports and sexual assault claims on campus. The rules prohibit discrimination against students identifying as a different gender, allowing them to compete in women's sports and use women's restrooms and locker rooms. This directly conflicts with state laws in over two dozen states. The rules also ban harassment based on gender identity, potentially requiring schools to use preferred pronouns. In the realm of sexual assault claims, the new rules remove the right for accused students to cross-examine their accusers or witnesses. These changes have sparked controversy and concerns regarding the potential infringement on states' rights and free speech.

    • New Biden rules on campus sexual assault investigations sparks debates over due process and victim protectionBiden's new rules for campus sexual assault investigations have been criticized as 'kangaroo courts', allowing a single bureaucrat to determine guilt, while debates continue over due process rights and victim protection. Legal challenges have been filed, and the Supreme Court's response is uncertain.

      The Biden administration's new rules regarding campus investigations of sexual assault and harassment have sparked heated debates over due process rights and protection of victims. These policies, which allow a single college bureaucrat to determine guilt, have been criticized as "kangaroo courts." The rules, set to take effect on August 1st, have already been challenged in court by legal groups, and it remains uncertain how the Supreme Court will respond. Meanwhile, in Congress, there is growing frustration over deadly incidents involving illegal immigrants, with Republicans pressing Homeland Security Secretary Alejardo Mayorkas on the issue. The House recently passed a billion dollars in foreign aid for Ukraine, Taiwan, and Israel, but has yet to address border security concerns at home.

    • Instances of illegal immigrants committing crimes despite being releasedDespite detainers, some illegal immigrants have committed crimes, secured jobs, and been released, while American citizens face high unemployment rates. This has led to concerns about justice and public safety.

      There have been numerous instances of illegal immigrants committing crimes in the US, securing jobs, and being released despite detainers, while American citizens face high unemployment rates. For instance, a man who committed a crime against a child received a work permit, and later committed another heinous crime. Similarly, a US senator's senior adviser was killed by an 18-year-old illegal immigrant who had been released on recognizance after entering the country illegally. ICE agents have arrested several illegal immigrants, including child rapists and suspected MS-13 gang members, who were released despite detainers. The administration's response to these situations has been criticized, as it has ignored ICE detainers in some cases, leading to concerns about justice and public safety.

    • Border situation remains complex and uncertainDespite Biden's efforts to secure the border, litigation and high border patrol encounters persist, making the situation complex and uncertain.

      Despite Biden's hints at securing the border through executive action, the Department of Justice is currently engaged in litigation with Texas over border policing, and illegal crossings have dropped but border patrol encounters remain high. Meanwhile, Sage Steel, a guest on the show, shared her excitement about the launch of her new show, the Sage Steel Show, and expressed her gratitude for MorningWire's news coverage. Overall, the border situation remains complex and uncertain, and the impact of potential executive actions remains to be seen.

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    Episode Notes

    Most of the time, for these event coverage conversations, we get to connect with keynote speakers to learn more about the topic they plan to share at the event. During our conversation with Joe Sullivan, we did that ... and so, so much more.

    We talk about Joe's role in prosecuting cyber crime—and the ironic twist where he was charged and convicted as the former CISO at Uber. We touch on Tim Brown's situation with the SEC as a result of the SolarWinds Breach. And then Joe takes this conversation to the stratosphere to shed some light on the trends he is seeing, the rise in the pressure for the role and the rise in the temperature across the CISO community. He discusses the challenges the CISO role continues to face, and how the growing fear of personal liability as a result of the conflict between the public and private sectors could ultimately ice the role and make it ineffective. Joe wants to change this, is leveraging Black Hat, ITSPmagazine, and other outlets to do so. But he needs the community's help as well.

    Tune in to this (dare we say, approaching emotional) conversation to hear about Joe's journey and all the things he is doing to help keep the CISO role safe and successful. And, most importantly, how you—a security professional that cares about good winning over evil—can join yet another fight for good.

    About Joe's Keynote at Black Hat Europe 2023 in London, England—'My Lessons from the Uber Case': In a case closely watched and debated by security professionals globally, Joe Sullivan was convicted of two felonies related to a security incident at Uber that the company had labeled a coverup when it fired him. The decision reverberated throughout the security community, but still left many unanswered questions. Before the judge sentenced him, Sullivan committed that he would speak wherever possible about the need for a better model for collaboration between the private sector and government. The judge rejected the claims by the prosecutors and Uber that the use of an NDA during the investigation was a coverup, and sentenced Sullivan to probation only.

    Today, Sullivan mentors security leaders and consults on security best practices, in addition to serving as volunteer CEO of the nonprofit humanitarian relief organization Ukraine Friends. In a candid conversation, Sullivan will share the lessons he hopes security professionals all learn from his case, so that they, their team, and their company don't ever go through anything similar. He will also make suggestions for how the private sector and government can better collaborate and share other insights about the high-stakes pressures on security executives in an era of unrelenting breaches, ransomware, and automated attacks.



    My Lessons from the Uber Case: https://www.blackhat.com/eu-23/briefings/schedule/index.html#my-lessons-from-the-uber-case-36399

    Black Hat Executive Summit: https://www.blackhat.com/eu-23/executive-summit.html

    Learn more about Black Hat Europe 2023: https://www.blackhat.com/eu-23/


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