
    Truth About Kamala Harris's Rise and Relationships, and Gender Identity Reality, with Charlie Spiering and Billboard Chris | Ep. 705

    enJanuary 18, 2024

    Podcast Summary

    • Boosted by influential relationship with Willie BrownLeveraging personal background and strategic relationships, Kamala Harris rose to become the second highest office holder in the US

      Kamala Harris' political career was significantly boosted by her relationship with powerful politician Willie Brown. This relationship gave her access to influential people and resources in California politics, helping her launch her social and political career. Harris leveraged her identity as a black and Indian woman in progressive circles, where her background gave her extra value. Her parents, who were academics and members of the Afro American Club in Berkeley, had Marxist ideologies that influenced Harris' own political beliefs. Despite her centrist campaigning, her intellectual underpinnings were rooted in progressive and even Marxist ideologies. Harris' ascension to the second highest office in the United States is a testament to the power of strategic relationships and identity politics in American politics.

    • Kamala Harris' Changing Stance on CrimeThroughout her political career, Kamala Harris' stance on crime evolved, facing criticism for past decisions and attempting to soften her image, ultimately hindering her presidential campaign.

      Kamala Harris' stance on crime evolved throughout her political career. During her tenure as San Francisco DA, she faced criticism for her decision not to seek the death penalty in the murder of two police officers, leading to a public confrontation with Mayor Dianne Feinstein. Later, when Harris ran for president, she attempted to disavow her past tough-on-crime stance and present a softer image. Despite her ambitious goal of becoming a Democratic "superhero" and a potential presidential candidate, her controversial actions and personal attacks against Joe Biden during the primaries hindered her campaign. Ultimately, Harris' political journey showcases the complexity of her criminal justice record and her ability to adapt to changing political climates.

    • Identity politics driving tension between Biden and HarrisDespite a frosty relationship and Harris being sidelined, Biden is unlikely to replace her on the ticket due to identity politics considerations.

      The relationship between President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris appears to be more about identity politics than a genuine partnership. During their campaign, they tried to sell the idea of a close working relationship, but once in the White House, Harris was largely sidelined and given secondary roles. She was kept masked during public events and was not given the opportunity to lead on key issues like immigration. The frosty relationship between Harris and First Lady Jill Biden also seems to have contributed to the lack of camaraderie between the two women. Despite these challenges, Biden is unlikely to remove Harris from the ticket for his reelection bid, as it would be seen as a mistake and could anger the constituencies he sought to support by choosing her in the first place.

    • Kamala Harris's Approval Ratings and CriticismsVice President Kamala Harris faces low approval ratings and criticism for rehearsed public speaking, lack of personal moments, and struggles with complex sentences. Despite potential reelection of Biden, she may not have to run again for presidency.

      Kamala Harris's approval ratings are low, with a 33% approval rating and 57% disapproval in the latest USA Today Suffolk University poll. Her performance in public speaking events, such as on The View, has been criticized for being rehearsed and lacking personal moments. If Joe Biden wins reelection, there's a possibility that Harris could become the next president without having to run for election again. Despite her experience as vice president, she has been criticized for sounding unintelligent and struggling with long sentences and dependent clauses. Harris has been praised in the left-wing press for her confidence, but her campaign has been criticized for not attacking Donald Trump enough. In a seemingly simple question during a Zoom event with Marvel stars, Harris gave a rambling response, highlighting her struggle to stay on script and communicate effectively.

    • Favorite platitude and lackluster ideasDespite using a favorite platitude, this individual struggles to provide insightful ideas and fails to connect with audiences due to simplistic explanations and delivery.

      The individual discussed in this conversation consistently uses a favorite platitude, "unburdened by what has been," despite not having insightful or profound ideas to offer. She often compares herself to a superhero and lacks the ability to answer complex questions with respect for her audience's intelligence. Her speeches, even with the help of speechwriters, often fall flat due to her delivery and simplistic explanations. The examples provided include her attempts to explain geopolitical issues and her lack of understanding of basic concepts. Ultimately, her inability to connect with her audience and deliver dynamic speeches is a significant hindrance to her effectiveness as a public figure.

    • Authentic communication requires understanding audience's experienceEffective communication involves authenticity, empathy, and connection. Insincere attempts to connect can damage approval ratings.

      Effective communication and connection with audiences requires authenticity and understanding of the audience's experience. The example given was of a political figure who, despite extensive media training, struggled to connect with people and instead came across as insincere and condescending. This issue was highlighted during a recent interaction with a college basketball team, where she attempted to explain the experience of being a player to them. However, her approach was perceived as patronizing and insulting. In contrast, figures like Oprah Winfrey were able to inspire and connect with audiences through authentic and profound expressions of emotion and experience. The attempt by the struggling political figure to emulate Oprah's style came across as inauthentic and insincere, further damaging her already low approval ratings. Authentic communication and connection require a deep understanding of the audience's perspective and a willingness to engage with them on their level, rather than talking down to them or attempting to manipulate their emotions with simplistic and insincere language.

    • Kamala Harris's Personal Story CriticizedCritics question Kamala Harris's authenticity and sincerity due to inconsistencies in her personal story and her reputation for political opportunism.

      Kamala Harris has been criticized for taking liberties with her personal story, particularly regarding an anecdote about attending a civil rights protest as a young child. The story has been called into question due to inconsistencies in her retelling of the event. Harris's penchant for self-aggrandizement and her elite upbringing have also been topics of criticism. Despite her strong stance on issues related to race, her authenticity and sincerity have been questioned by some. The inconsistencies in her story and her reputation for political opportunism have led some to view her as insincere or disingenuous.

    • Biden chose Harris as racial spokespersonBiden selected Harris to address past racial insensitivity, but her lack of clear messaging raises concerns

      Vice President Kamala Harris was chosen by the Biden team to be a racial spokesperson due to Biden's past racial insensitivity. During the 2020 presidential campaign, advisors convinced Biden to select a black woman vice president to help appeal to Democrats and erase Biden's past racial gaffes. Harris's role is to make issues about race and highlight the racism of the Republicans. This was evident during the George Floyd protests when Biden promised to select a woman vice president, but it became clear that he needed to choose a black woman to win over enough voters. Harris's lack of clear messaging and repetition of vague statements during interviews reminds some critics of a Miss Teen USA contestant from 2006 who struggled to answer a geography question. The comparison highlights Harris's need for media training and clear messaging to effectively communicate her role in the Biden administration.

    • Vice President Harris's Leadership Challenges and CriticismsDespite facing challenges in leading her team and criticisms for demanding specific requirements, Vice President Harris continues to advocate for her beliefs and spread awareness on various issues.

      Vice President Kamala Harris has faced significant challenges in leading her team, as evidenced by a high turnover rate and reports of her demanding specific requirements, such as using a certain pen. This has raised concerns about her ability to effectively lead the country if she were to become president, particularly since her cabinet would primarily consist of appointees made by Joe Biden. Additionally, Chris Elston, also known as Billboard Chris, has gained notoriety for speaking out against gender insanity and the harms of radical new pushes, traveling North America to spread awareness on these issues.

    • Focusing on the importance of addressing biological sex in politicsRepublicans should reclaim the language and focus on the facts to ensure a clear message, as addressing biological sex is a widely supported issue among Republican voters, centrists, and even some moderate Democrats.

      The debate surrounding Republican voters' lack of resonance with Ron DeSantis should not be attributed to his stance on trans issues. This perspective is rejected, as these voters are Republican moderates, and DeSantis's stance on this issue is commendable as it addresses the sterilization of children. The GOP should focus on this issue, as it has broad support from Republican voters, centrists, and even some moderate Democrats. Furthermore, using the term "gender" to describe this issue is problematic, as it has been co-opted by the left to mean something other than biological sex. Instead, it is essential to reclaim the language and focus on the fact that there are two sexes and no genders. This perspective also encourages the rejection of gender ideology and the confusion it causes for children. Ultimately, it is crucial to clarify language and focus on the facts to ensure a clear and effective message.

    • The Medicalization of Gender Issues: A Controversial TrendThe speaker argues for a thoughtful and nuanced approach to understanding and addressing gender issues, emphasizing the importance of prioritizing children's well-being and autonomy over radical agendas.

      The current trend of identifying and treating gender issues as a mental health concern has evolved into a widespread and controversial issue. Some argue that it has gone beyond helping those with genuine mental health conditions and has become a radical fad. The speaker expresses concern that this issue is being fostered and even encouraged, leading to the medicalization of children who may not need it. To engage in productive conversations about this topic, the speaker suggests using the Socratic method of asking questions to create cognitive dissonance and encourage critical thinking. By finding common ground and building on agreed-upon statements, it may be possible to plant seeds of doubt and ultimately lead people to question the narrative being pushed. The speaker also criticizes the use of terminology that is misleading and contradictory to the reality of the situation. They argue that these procedures are not "gender affirming care" but rather forms of child abuse, and that the long-term consequences are not well understood. In essence, the speaker calls for a more thoughtful and nuanced approach to understanding and addressing gender issues, one that prioritizes the well-being and autonomy of children above the agendas of those pushing for these controversial procedures.

    • Possible Risks and Controversies of Puberty BlockersPuberty blockers may halt bone density growth, cause cognitive decline, and have potential long-term risks, but evidence is limited, and critics argue against their use due to psychological harm and interference with natural development.

      The use of puberty blockers, as some claim, is a harmless pause for children to explore their gender identity, is a controversial and complex issue. The discussion suggests that these blockers can prevent the development of secondary sex characteristics, halt bone density growth, and potentially cause cognitive decline. Anecdotal evidence includes cases of osteoporosis and spinal fractures in girls who have been on these drugs for several years. Small studies indicate possible IQ point loss, and research with sheep shows cognitive decline. Critics argue that this intervention goes against nature and may be psychologically damaging, implying that children are being taught they're born wrong. The argument that children will kill themselves if they don't transition is also challenged as a manipulative and coercive lie. It's essential to consider the long-term consequences and potential risks associated with these drugs, as well as the lack of concrete evidence supporting their benefits.

    • Societal Pressure and Gender Transition for Children on Autism SpectrumThe use of puberty blockers on children, particularly those with autism or trauma backgrounds, requires careful consideration due to potential irreversible consequences and lack of conclusive evidence on reversibility.

      The use of puberty blockers on children, particularly those with autism or other trauma backgrounds, is a complex issue with potential irreversible consequences. The speaker shares her personal experience of growing up as a tomboy and the societal pressure to conform to gender norms. She then discusses the statistics from the Tavistock gender clinic, which reveals that a significant number of children seeking gender transition are on the autism spectrum and have experienced trauma. The speaker raises concerns about the long-term effects of puberty blockers, including the potential loss of sexual function, and the lack of evidence that these changes are fully reversible. She also mentions instances where children are being prescribed these drugs despite not fully understanding the implications. Overall, the speaker argues that more research and consideration is needed before making irreversible decisions for children experiencing gender dysphoria.

    • Long-term consequences of gender transition procedures for minorsIrreversible sterility, extensive surgeries, and lifelong hormone dependence are potential outcomes of gender transition procedures for minors. Regret and depression are common among those who undergo these procedures, highlighting the importance of careful consideration before making a decision.

      The use of puberty blockers and cross-sex hormones in minors for gender transitioning comes with irreversible consequences, including sterility and the need for extensive surgeries. These procedures involve the removal of genital tissue and the use of tissue from other parts of the body to create a vagina or hide a penis. Once these procedures are initiated, they cannot be reversed, and the individuals are left with a lifelong dependence on hormone replacement therapy and an inability to have children. Furthermore, many individuals who undergo these procedures later experience regret and depression, particularly when they realize the limitations and consequences of their decisions. The transgender community and medical professionals admit these facts, making it essential for parents to consider the long-term implications before making such a decision for their child.

    • Transgender community and self-policingCritics argue that intense focus on gender identity in the transgender community can distract from addressing underlying issues like trauma and mental health concerns. Approach discussions with care and encourage questioning and critical thinking.

      The transgender community, as some critics argue, can resemble a cult due to the intense pressure and self-policing that individuals face to conform to gender identities. Critics argue that this focus on gender identity can distract from addressing underlying issues such as trauma and mental health concerns. It's important to approach these discussions with care and to encourage questioning and critical thinking. Additionally, concerns have been raised about the use of puberty blockers for minors, with some arguing that they cannot fully consent to such treatments. The debate around transgender issues is complex and multifaceted, and it's crucial to consider a range of perspectives and evidence. Ultimately, the focus should be on supporting individuals' overall well-being and addressing any underlying issues they may be facing.

    • A father's love and determination against harmful ideologyOne person's courage and love for their children can inspire change and lead to legal action against harmful gender ideologies.

      A father, inspired by his love for his daughters and concern for the state of gender identity issues, took a stand against what he perceived as harmful ideology and child abuse. Despite facing numerous challenges, including censorship and physical attacks, he continued to spread awareness and educate others through conversations and social media. His actions inspired others to join the cause and take legal action. The father's determination and optimism serve as a reminder that individual actions, no matter how small, can lead to significant change.

    • Legal action making an impact on harmful gender clinic practicesLegal action, including former medical professionals and athletes, is effectively challenging harmful gender clinic practices and policies, leading to legislative changes and increased accountability and transparency in medical practices.

      Legal action is making a significant impact in stopping the harmful practices of gender clinics and challenging questionable policies, such as those of the American Academy of Pediatrics. The involvement of former medical professionals and athletes, like the law firm Campbell Miller Payne, has brought attention to these issues and sparked legislative changes in various states. These changes include extended statutes of limitations for medical malpractice lawsuits, which have led to the closure of some gender clinics due to liability concerns. The importance of legal action is highlighted, as it appears to be an effective way to address these issues when legislative action may not be sufficient. Additionally, the discussion underscores the need for transparency and accountability in medical practices and policies, particularly when dealing with vulnerable populations like children.

    • Labeling a girl as 'him' or 'he' is harmful and unsupportedCountries have stopped this practice, yet some push it under kindness. It's harmful, unsupported, and a form of child abuse. Join the fight against it through local meetings and organizations.

      Labeling a girl as "he" or "him" can be psychologically harmful and is a form of abuse. This issue, often pushed by white women under the guise of kindness and agreement, is not supported by the majority of the population or scientific evidence. Countries like England, Finland, Sweden, Denmark, and Norway have stopped this practice through systematic reviews and found no evidence to support it. The American Academy of Pediatrics, despite conducting a review, has yet to make a definitive statement. It's crucial for parents and concerned individuals to get involved, attend local meetings, and support organizations like Moms for Liberty. Don't be overwhelmed, start by taking small steps and joining the fight against this child abuse. For more information and resources, visit Protect Kids CA or BillboardChris.com.

    • Parents' commitment to protect kidsParents remain steadfast in defending their children, valuing accurate info & like-minded allies.

      Parents are deeply committed to protecting their children and will not be swayed by political agendas. This was evident in a conversation between two individuals on a podcast, where they expressed their determination to stand up for their kids despite efforts from the left to interfere. They praised a specific individual, Chris, for providing accurate information and advocating for their cause. The importance of trustworthy sources and factual information was emphasized, as was the appreciation for like-minded individuals in the fight. The conversation also previewed an upcoming episode of the podcast featuring legal experts discussing unusual cases. Overall, the message conveyed was one of unity, determination, and the importance of truth in the face of adversity.

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    The Megyn Kelly Show
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    The Megyn Kelly Show
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    Postman During the Pandemic & Election w/ Delmar

    Postman During the Pandemic & Election w/ Delmar
    Delmar returns to the podcast to give us his experience of being a postman during the pandemic and the election. We talk about Trump, politics, Biden winning, Louis DeJoy, and so much more! Follow Delmar here: Twitch.com/dizzho Listen to Delmar's podcast here: https://open.spotify.com/show/7qwBSp66rJ2fPSoQctEiJF Music by KarpaBeats Follow That's Dope Entertainment on social media! Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/thatsdopeentertainment Twitter: https://twitter.com/ThatsDopeEnt Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thatsdopeentertainment/ Podcast Page: https://www.instagram.com/thatsdopeentertainment/ Old episode (1) Biden (2) Corona handling by Trump (4) Trump supporter convert (7) Fixing the system (10) Grateful to Trump for (13) Refreshing the political system (14) Kamala (18) Was Trump Cool? (21) Flagrant 2 Kim Kardashian (24) AOC (29) Decriminalized Drugs (30) Fort Worth Turned Blue (31) Being a Postman during the Pandemic (33) Louis DeJoy (35) Christmas Season mailing (39) Good things Donald Glover, Atlanta, Community (42) Xbox vs PlayStation (45) Thanksgiving (47) Christmas movies, Die Hard, Tokyo Godfathers, Static Shock, Star Wars (49)