
    CNN Host Cuts Trump Spokesperson's Mic, and Bombshell New Bryan Kohberger Reporting, with Howard Blum and Erick Erickson | Ep. 820

    enJune 25, 2024

    Podcast Summary

    • Idaho student murdersThe Idaho student murders case, ongoing for over 590 days without a trial date, underscores the significance of honoring the lives lost and seeking justice for the families involved, as shown in Howard Bloom's new book 'When the Night Comes Falling'.

      The case of the Idaho student murders, which has been ongoing for over 590 days without a trial date, highlights the importance of honoring the lives lost and the need for justice for the families involved. Best-selling author Howard Bloom, in his new book "When the Night Comes Falling: A Requiem for the Idaho Student Murders," does just that by shedding light on the lives of the victims and the challenges faced by their families in seeking closure. The book also explores the complex dynamics between the suspect and his father, showcasing the emotional turmoil and denial experienced by both parties. Overall, "When the Night Comes Falling" serves as a poignant reminder of the human impact of unsolved crimes and the hope for resolution.

    • Father's concerns about Brian's behaviorBrian's father had suspicions about his son's erratic behavior during a cross-country trip, but Brian believed he could keep his academic position despite his chauvinistic treatment of students and strict grading, ultimately leading to tragic events

      Brian Kohlberger's father had suspicions about his son's behavior before the quadruple murder of University of Idaho students. During a cross-country trip, the father's fears intensified when they were stopped by law enforcement multiple times. Brian, who was in trouble at his TA position due to his chauvinistic treatment of students and strict grading, believed he could still keep his job and continue his academic journey. Despite his father's concerns and the students' complaints, Brian was confident he could outsmart the authorities and maintain his position. His erratic behavior and dismissive attitude towards conflicting viewpoints were evident to those around him, adding to his growing sense of unease. Ultimately, Brian's inability to fit in and his belief in his own superiority led to a tortured state of mind, which may have contributed to the tragic events that unfolded.

    • Kohberger's Anger and AddictionBrian Kohberger's increasing aggression and inability to control his anger, fueled by his heroin addiction, led him to commit the murders of four students, possibly targeting one and accidentally killing the others.

      Brian Kohberger's downward spiral leading up to the murders of four students at the University of Idaho was marked by his increasing aggression and inability to control his anger, even towards his female students. Despite warnings from his department and growing internal turmoil, he continued to struggle with his demons until he finally succumbed and committed the crimes. Another intriguing theory presented in the book is that Kohberger may have targeted one victim, Maddie, and the other students were unintended victims. His actions were driven by obsessions and extremes, including his heroin addiction and desire to become a top criminologist. Ultimately, his internal battle of wills ended in tragedy.

    • Defense DoubtsThe absence of receipts for potentially incriminating items and inconsistent coroner reports may provide the defense with opportunities to raise doubts in the case against Brian Kohlberger

      Brian Kohlberger's feeling of being an outsider and constant rebukes from his peers pushed him into a manic state, leading him to commit a horrific crime spree, taking the lives of four young college students in a shockingly short amount of time. The coroner's reports with inconsistent descriptions of the victims' injuries could provide the defense with an opportunity to raise doubts about the case against Kohlberger. The investigation led by Kaylee's father, Steve Gonzalez, uncovered potential evidence such as the purchase of a work suit and a K-bar knife, but the absence of receipts for these items adds to the mystery and raises further questions. Despite the challenges, the prosecution will have to build a strong case against Kohlberger, leaving the defense with several avenues to pursue in raising doubts.

    • Idaho Student Murders InvestigationFamily members' involvement and suspicions, eyewitness account, DNA evidence, and genetic genealogy played crucial roles in identifying and arresting the suspect in the Idaho Student Murders case.

      The father of one of the victims in the Idaho student murders, Michael Colbert, was determined to find justice and vengeance for his daughter's death. He believed the suspect, Ryan Culverger, had been caught but was also seeking retribution. The father and other family members supported the Idaho law for a firing squad execution if the chemicals needed for a chemical execution couldn't be found. Dylan, an eyewitness, described a man matching Brian Kohlberger's description leaving the crime scene on the night of the murders. She was in a state of shock and couldn't react, only calling the police the next morning. Melissa, Brian Kohlberger's older sister, suspected him and spoke to her father about it. She noticed her brother's strange behavior, such as late-night kitchen activities and disposing of trash in a neighbor's bin. When she shared her suspicions with her father, he was unable to respond. Michael's DNA connected Brian to the crime scene, leading to his arrest. The use of genetic genealogy played a significant role in identifying Brian as a suspect. The book "When the Night Comes Falling: A Requiem for the Idaho Student Murders" by Howard Bloom provides more details on these events.

    • Presidential Debate OutcomeThe upcoming presidential debate between Trump and Biden could significantly impact the election, with one candidate potentially emerging as the clear winner or loser.

      The upcoming presidential debate between Donald Trump and Joe Biden, taking place in just two days, is highly anticipated due to the unpredictability of both candidates. While Biden's team is reportedly preparing extensively for the debate to address concerns about his age and ability to counterpunch, Trump is also preparing in his own way, focusing on policy and one-liners. The debate's outcome could significantly impact the election, with the potential for one candidate to emerge as the clear winner or loser. The stakes are high, and the debate is expected to be a crucial moment in the campaign season.

    • Impact of memorable moments in debatesMemorable moments in debates can be more impactful than policy exchanges. Instincts and showmanship can outweigh debate preparation, but candidates must follow rules to maintain fairness and respect. Media reaction can also influence public opinion.

      Memorable moments in debates can be more impactful than policy exchanges. Former President Obama's poor performance in the 2012 debate against Mitt Romney was turned around by his wife Michelle, who pointed out his weaknesses and motivated him to improve. Frank Luntz, a pollster, emphasizes the importance of a candidate having a moment that connects with voters, such as Trump's "you'd be in jail" line during the 2016 debate. Trump's ability to challenge authority and his opponents, along with the media's hostile reaction to him, has been a significant factor in his success in debates. Instincts and showmanship can often outweigh debate preparation, but it's essential for candidates to follow established rules to maintain a sense of fairness and respect for the audience. The media's reaction to a candidate can also influence public opinion, making it important for candidates to navigate their interactions with the media carefully.

    • Media composureMaintaining composure and dignity is crucial for media professionals during criticism, and being able to take sharp elbows without being overly sensitive is essential in the political arena.

      During a discussion about a controversial debate performance, it was criticized that a CNN moderator appeared timid and embarrassed herself, as well as embarrassing CNN. The moderator's criticism of past comments made by CNN anchors towards Donald Trump was seen as fair game, but her handling of the situation was perceived as weak and humiliating to her colleagues. The incident highlights the importance of maintaining composure and dignity in the face of criticism, especially for those in the media industry. Additionally, the incident showcases the importance of being able to take sharp elbows and not being overly sensitive to criticism, as it is a common occurrence in the political arena. The incident also shed light on the left's reaction to being challenged on their comments and how they often refuse to listen to opposing views.

    • MSNBC journalist bias, Democratic Party moderationMSNBC journalist's perceived bias towards President Biden criticized, Democratic Party more moderate than progressive wing, anti-Semitic rhetoric unlikely to be tolerated by voters, concern about overall godlessness in culture

      During a discussion on The Megan Kelly Show, Eric Erickson and Megan Kelly analyzed a tweet from MSNBC journalist Casey Hunt regarding President Joe Biden's honesty. Erickson criticized Hunt for her perceived lack of objectivity and bias towards Biden. Additionally, they discussed the likelihood of Jamal Bowman, a Democratic congressman, losing his seat due to his controversial statements and actions, particularly regarding his stance on Israel and the 9-11 attacks. Erickson argued that the Democratic Party as a whole is more moderate than the progressive wing represented by the squad, and that anti-Semitic rhetoric would not be tolerated by voters. He also expressed concern about the overall godlessness in culture and its impact on society, regardless of political alignment.

    • Spiritual crisis in AmericaThe loss of faith and connection to something higher in America has led to societal issues like despair, hopelessness, tribalism, and violence. Focusing on loving one's neighbor and God can bring joy and salvation, and individuals and communities should stand out and act differently from the culture around them to bring change.

      According to the perspective presented in the discussion, the root cause of many societal issues in America, transcending political parties, is a spiritual crisis. People have turned away from God and have sought fulfillment in material possessions, government, and celebrity, leading to despair, hopelessness, and a loss of perspective on the eternal. This loss of faith and connection to something higher has resulted in tribalism, violence, and a general sense of listlessness. The absence of an active belief in God and a focus on loving one's neighbor and God can bring joy and salvation, both in individual lives and communities. Additionally, the discussion touches on the need for individuals and communities to stand out and act differently from the culture around them, as well as the importance of diffusing power and returning to the principles of a smaller, less centralized government.

    • Community EngagementConservatives can make a difference by staying involved and fostering strong community connections, building new institutions and staying engaged in existing ones to prevent co-optation and maintain a conservative presence, and focusing on community and building relationships to restore faith in humanity and counteract feelings of hopelessness or despair.

      To counteract the left's power and influence, conservatives must build and engage with institutions in their communities, rather than abandoning them once they've been established. The absence of spirituality and increasing secularization in American society is a concern, but conservatives can make a difference by staying involved and fostering strong community connections. Building new institutions and staying engaged in existing ones can help prevent co-optation and maintain a conservative presence. Additionally, focusing on community and building relationships with neighbors can help restore faith in humanity and counteract feelings of hopelessness or despair. It's important to remember that change happens one person at a time, and it's essential to keep trying to find the divine in others, even in the face of disagreement. Eric Erickson's book, "You Shall Be As Gods," explores these ideas in more depth and provides insights into the rise of the Woke Gnostic Left and the importance of community engagement for conservatives.

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    Bannon- https://warroom.org/

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    The Megyn Kelly Show
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    Callahan- https://www.amazon.com/Ask-Not-Kennedys-Women-Destroyed/dp/0316276170/


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    Bolar- https://www.iwf.org/identity-crisis

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    The Megyn Kelly Show
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    Blum- https://www.harpercollins.com/products/when-the-night-comes-falling-howard-blum?variant=41292317949986

    Erickson- https://erickerickson.com/

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    The Megyn Kelly Show
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    The Megyn Kelly Show
    enJune 24, 2024

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    COLLUSION Keeping Him From Debate Stage? | Robert F. Kennedy Jr. x Megyn Kelly - The FULL Interview

    Full interview with Robert F. Kennedy Jr. - originally aired May 30.

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    The Megyn Kelly Show
    enJune 20, 2024