
    10: Why We Suffer and How to Manage It | Deep Dive

    en-usFebruary 28, 2018
    What did Jen and Gabriel do to alleviate suffering?
    How can focusing on root causes improve relationships?
    What is anticipatory suffering as described in the text?
    How does acceptance of pain help reduce suffering?
    What role do our thoughts play in creating suffering?

    Podcast Summary

    • Addressing the sources of sufferingFocus on the root causes of suffering and take proactive steps to address them, rather than reacting to the symptoms.

      Instead of focusing on the symptoms of suffering, we should address the sources. Jen and Gabriel shared their experiences of turning their homes into Airbnbs as a way to alleviate suffering by bringing in extra income and sharing their space with others. This action not only provides financial benefits but also allows for the creation of meaningful connections with guests. Similarly, in relationships, focusing on the root causes of suffering, rather than the symptoms, can lead to healthier and more fulfilling experiences. The Commercial Break podcast also emphasizes the importance of taking action and finding joy in the absurdities of life, rather than dwelling on potential sources of suffering. Overall, the key takeaway is to focus on the sources of suffering and take proactive steps to address them, rather than simply reacting to the symptoms.

    • Understanding the difference between pain and sufferingRecognizing mental and emotional reactions to pain can help us better cope with suffering. Three surprising ways to cope include focusing on gratitude, practicing acceptance, and finding meaning in suffering.

      Suffering is not just about the physical pain we experience, but also how we interpret and respond to it. The speaker, Jordan, has learned this lesson during a period of instability and uncertainty in his life, and he believes that understanding the difference between pain and suffering can help us better cope with difficult situations. In this deep dive, Jordan and his guest, Gabriel Mizrahi, will discuss three surprising ways to cope with suffering based on Jordan's experiences. They will also touch on the spectrum of suffering, which ranges from minor inconvenience to profound loss, and the importance of recognizing the mental and emotional reactions we have to pain.

    • Understanding the architecture of sufferingRecognizing pain and wanting to escape it are normal, but adding thoughts of guilt and self-blame can intensify suffering, making it harder to alleviate

      Suffering is a natural response to adversity, but our reaction to it can intensify the pain. The initial thoughts of recognizing pain and wanting to escape it are normal. However, the additional thought of feeling we shouldn't be suffering in the first place can add an extra layer of distress. This thought can lead to guilt and self-blame, making the suffering experience even more unbearable. Understanding this architecture of suffering can help us be more compassionate towards ourselves and others, allowing us to alleviate the suffering sooner.

    • Recognizing and Separating Meta Suffering from Physical PainRecognize that thoughts about suffering are separate from the original pain and within our control to let go of, allowing us to manage suffering more effectively.

      Suffering is a natural part of life, but it's the thoughts we have about our suffering that can make it worse. This meta suffering, as some call it, is the swirling toilet of emotions that can lead us into a downward spiral of guilt, self-pity, and entitlement. It's important to recognize that these thoughts are separate from the original source of the pain and are within our control to let go of. By acknowledging and separating the two, we can make our suffering more manageable and easier to handle. It's not about minimizing or dismissing our feelings, but rather recognizing that the thoughts we have about our suffering can add an unnecessary layer of distress. By focusing on the actual source of our pain and letting go of the meta suffering, we can gain a clearer perspective and move forward with more ease.

    • Accepting and acknowledging painRecognizing both the physical pain and the desire to avoid it can help reduce overall suffering. Accept pain as it arises and separate it from negative thoughts to live more peacefully.

      Recognizing the two layers of suffering - the actual pain and the desire to avoid it - can help us reduce overall suffering. Franz Kafka, an absurdist writer, wisely noted that trying to avoid all pain may actually cause more suffering. Suffering is a natural part of life, and attempting to hold it back may only intensify it. Instead, accepting and acknowledging pain as it arises, while separating it from the belief that we shouldn't feel it, can help alleviate suffering. Our brains are naturally adept at contemplating pain, but consciously avoiding the meta suffering - the suffering caused by our thoughts and beliefs about the pain - can lead to a more peaceful existence.

    • The Brain's Ability to Time Travel: A Blessing and a CurseBeing able to learn from past mistakes and anticipate future challenges is a valuable skill, but excessive worrying and anticipatory suffering can lead to unnecessary distress. Awareness and balance are key to avoiding excessive mental exercise that can consume us.

      Our brains have the incredible ability to time travel, allowing us to learn from past mistakes and anticipate future challenges. However, this faculty can also lead to unnecessary suffering as we worry about potential pain before it even happens. This anticipatory suffering can be even more distressing than the actual experience, as it keeps us focused on the future and can consume us completely. It's essential to recognize this pattern and find ways to manage our worries, as even the most rational among us can be affected. Normal forward-thinking activities, such as planning for a birthday gift or a promotion, can easily tip over into excessive worrying and suffering. It's crucial to be aware of this tendency and strive for balance, lest we end up suffering long before we need to. Our brains love to game out scenarios, but it's essential to ensure this mental exercise doesn't drive us crazy.

    • Reducing unnecessary suffering from future worriesRecognize future worries as thoughts, not realities, focus on present, take practical steps, and identify root causes to reduce suffering

      We often cause ourselves unnecessary suffering by worrying excessively about potential future events that may never come to pass. This type of suffering, which is focused on the future, can be avoided by recognizing it for what it is - a thought, not a reality. Instead of obsessing over these imagined scenarios, we should focus on the present and take practical steps to address any issues as they arise. As the speaker noted, this not only reduces suffering but also improves focus and productivity. Another important strategy for dealing with suffering is to identify and address its root causes, rather than just managing its symptoms. This can be challenging because our own suffering can be intriguing and easier to dwell on than taking action to alleviate it. However, by understanding and addressing the underlying causes, we can make meaningful progress towards finding relief.

    • People cling to their unhappiness, even when improvement is possibleThe Declaration of Independence acknowledges that people can become attached to their suffering, preventing them from taking action to improve their situation. Instead, focus on the root causes of your pain to move towards happiness.

      People tend to cling to their unhappiness rather than taking action to improve their situation, even when doing so would be beneficial. This idea, which is both profound and relatable, was included in the Declaration of Independence by its framers. They recognized that people's attachment to their suffering can prevent them from taking necessary action to address the root causes of their pain. This principle holds true today, as it's easy to fall into the trap of complaining about our problems instead of taking steps to solve them. Sometimes, we may even find comfort in our suffering, as it can bring us attention and sympathy from others. However, the Declaration of Independence reminds us that it's important to acknowledge our pain and then focus on the sources of that pain so we can address it and move towards happiness.

    • Our founders drew inspiration from ancient spiritual truthsDespite hardships, we have the power to choose how we respond and find meaning in our suffering, leading to growth and learning

      Our founding fathers, despite being old white men, were deep thinkers who may have drawn inspiration from ancient spiritual truths. This idea, while not new, is profound in the context of building a country. However, suffering is not always a choice, and not all suffering can be alleviated. It's important to acknowledge that some experiences, such as the loss of a loved one, are not trivial and cannot be "fixed." But, when it comes to the everyday struggles we face, we do have the power to choose how we respond to them. Engaging with our suffering in a productive and self-aware way can lead to growth and learning, even if the suffering itself remains. It's not about denying the pain, but rather finding meaning in it.

    • Accepting the reality of sufferingSuffering is inevitable, but we can control how we respond to it by investigating the underlying reasons and using it as an opportunity for growth and empathy.

      Suffering is an inevitable part of life, and it's essential to face it in a healthy and productive way. We cannot control when or how we suffer, but we can control how we respond to it. It's important to distinguish between the sources and symptoms of suffering. While we may need to focus on the symptoms during the initial stages of a significant loss, such as the death of a loved one, we can eventually investigate the underlying reasons for our pain and use it as an opportunity for growth. The experience of suffering can increase our empathy and compassion, making us better equipped to understand and support others. As the rabbi's story illustrates, suffering can lead to profound personal development and even professional growth. Ultimately, the best approach is to accept that suffering will come our way and prepare ourselves to deal with it in a healthy and productive manner.

    • Channel emotions into actionSeeking support and pushing through challenges can lead to personal growth and meaningful creation.

      Seeking support from loved ones and continuing to work through challenges can be more fulfilling and productive than wallowing in self-pity. The speaker shares his personal experience of receiving pushback from his team and loved ones to keep producing content despite facing difficulties. This advice, though initially perceived as callous, ultimately proved to be the most caring and effective way to move forward. By channeling emotions into action, one can not only create something meaningful but also overcome suffering. This insight is based on the speaker's own experience and the research conducted for the show.

    • Embrace support, but don't let it define your healing journeyAllow suffering, but don't let it consume you. Seek support, but take action to move forward.

      Allowing yourself to experience suffering is a natural part of life, but it's essential to ensure that it doesn't take over your life. The key to moving forward and avoiding being consumed by suffering is through action. Surrounding yourself with people who support you and encourage you to keep moving forward can be invaluable. While sympathy and compassion are important, sometimes tough love and practical advice are what's needed to help you get back on track. Remember, you're here now, and focusing on the present moment can help you grow and change. The people in your life may want to comfort you, but ultimately, it's up to you to decide how you want to cope with your suffering. Seek out the advice of those who will help you move forward and not let yourself be defined by your suffering. And sometimes, you may need the support of a village to get through the toughest of times. So, embrace the support of others, but don't let them dictate your path to healing. Instead, use their advice as a tool to help you take action and move forward.

    • Recognizing the need for tough loveSuffering is natural, but don't let it define you. Tough love can help break free from prolonged suffering and move towards a happier life.

      Sometimes, even when we're going through tough times and want support from those around us, we may need a push to move forward. This "tough love" approach can be difficult to administer and receive, but it can help us break free from prolonged suffering and make progress towards a happier and healthier life. It's important to remember that suffering is a natural part of life, but we shouldn't let it define us or prevent us from taking action. If you're on the receiving end of tough love, try to see it as a sign that someone believes in your potential and is willing to help you grow. And if you're the one giving tough love, do so with care and compassion, recognizing that the person you're helping may not be ready to hear it right away. Overall, the conversation emphasizes the importance of recognizing when it's time to move past suffering and take action towards positive change.

    • Engage with Jordan on social media and explore show notesApply the knowledge gained from the Jordan Harbinger Show to live a better life by engaging with Jordan on social media, checking out show notes, and leaving reviews to spread the word. Caesars Palace and Consumers Energy offers also available.

      The Jordan Harbinger Show offers valuable insights and resources, and it's important to apply what you learn to improve your life. Jordan encourages listeners to engage with him on social media, find show notes on his website, and leave reviews to help spread the word. He also promotes various offers from Caesars Palace online casino and Consumers Energy's smart thermostat program. Remember, the key is to learn and apply the knowledge gained from the show to live a better life. Stay tuned for more exciting episodes. #JordanHarbingerShow #SelfImprovement #CaesarsPalace #ConsumersEnergy

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    And in case you didn't already know it, Jordan Harbinger (@JordanHarbinger) and Gabriel Mizrahi (@GabeMizrahi) banter and take your comments and questions for Feedback Friday right here every week! If you want us to answer your question, register your feedback, or tell your story on one of our upcoming weekly Feedback Friday episodes, drop us a line at friday@jordanharbinger.com. Now let's dive in!

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    • Have any questions, comments, or stories you'd like to share with us? Drop us a line at friday@jordanharbinger.com!
    • Connect with Jordan on Twitter at @JordanHarbinger and Instagram at @jordanharbinger.
    • Connect with Gabriel on Twitter at @GabeMizrahi and Instagram...

    1048: Shaun Attwood | From Raves to Riches to Ruin Part Two

    1048: Shaun Attwood | From Raves to Riches to Ruin Part Two

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    What We Discuss:

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    • The complex and dangerous social dynamics within prison, including racial segregation, gang politics, and the constant threat of violence.
    • The psychological impact of long-term incarceration, including the difficulty of reintegrating into society and the lasting trauma experienced by both inmates and their families.
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    • The power of personal transformation and education, as demonstrated by Shaun's journey from drug kingpin to advocate for prison reform. His story shows that even in the darkest circumstances, individuals can find ways to grow, learn, and ultimately use their experiences to make a positive impact on society.
    • And much more — be sure to check out part one of this conversation here if you haven't already!

    Full show notes and resources can be found here: jordanharbinger.com/1048

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    1047: Shaun Attwood | From Raves to Riches to Ruin Part One

    1047: Shaun Attwood | From Raves to Riches to Ruin Part One

    Raves, riches, and ruin: Former ecstasy kingpin Shaun Attwood exposes the dangerous world of drug trafficking and its violent criminal connections. [Pt 1/2]

    What We Discuss:

    • Shaun Attwood, a former stockbroker turned drug dealer, recounts his journey from the UK to Arizona, where he became involved in the rave scene and eventually established a large ecstasy distribution network.
    • Shaun's story involves interactions with dangerous individuals, including members of the Mexican Mafia and associates of former show guest Sammy "The Bull" Gravano, highlighting the violent and unpredictable nature of the drug trade.
    • The narrative illustrates the gradual escalation of criminal activities and the blurring of moral boundaries as Shaun became more deeply entrenched in the drug world.
    • Shaun describes the intense paranoia and constant threat of violence that accompanied his lifestyle, demonstrating the high personal cost of his choices.
    • Despite the dark nature of the story, Shaun's experiences offer valuable insights into the dangers of drug abuse and the importance of making positive life choices. His journey towards redemption, which will be further explored in part two later this week, serves as a powerful reminder that it's never too late to change course and seek a better path in life.
    • And much more — be sure to tune in to part two of this conversation here later this week!

    Full show notes and resources can be found here: jordanharbinger.com/1047

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    This Episode Is Brought To You By Our Fine Sponsors: jordanharbinger.com/deals

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    1046: Hydrotherapy | Skeptical Sunday

    1046: Hydrotherapy | Skeptical Sunday

    Ice plunges, hot soaks, and eight glasses a day: Jessica Wynn splashes cold water on hydrotherapy myths and explores potential benefits on Skeptical Sunday!

    On This Week's Skeptical Sunday, We Discuss:

    • Hydrotherapy, which includes various uses of water for health purposes, lacks substantial scientific evidence for many of its claimed benefits, especially for generally healthy individuals.
    • The popular belief that we need to drink eight glasses of water a day is a myth perpetuated by beverage companies. Our bodies are well-equipped to signal thirst when we need hydration.
    • Extreme temperature changes in hydrotherapy, such as alternating between hot and cold water, can be dangerous and potentially lead to fainting, heart problems, or drowning.
    • Many of the alleged benefits of hydrotherapy, such as improved circulation or muscle recovery, can often be achieved through other, potentially safer methods like exercise or breathing techniques.
    • Hydrotherapy does show promise in specific medical contexts, such as pain management for fibromyalgia, easing labor during childbirth, and assisting with certain rehabilitation exercises. If you're interested in exploring hydrotherapy for health reasons, consult with a medical professional to determine if it's appropriate for your individual needs and how to practice it safely.
    • Connect with Jordan on Twitter, Instagram, and YouTube. If you have something you'd like us to tackle here on Skeptical Sunday, drop Jordan a line at jordan@jordanharbinger.com and let him know!
    • Connect with Jessica Wynn.

    Full show notes and resources can be found here: jordanharbinger.com/1046

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    This Episode Is Brought To You By Our Fine Sponsors: jordanharbinger.com/deals

    Sign up for Six-Minute Networking — our free networking and relationship development mini course — at jordanharbinger.com/course!

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    1045: Helping Pal Who Paid Cost for Offing His Boss | Feedback Friday

    1045: Helping Pal Who Paid Cost for Offing His Boss | Feedback Friday

    We all joke about offing the boss. Your friend actually did. He'll soon leave prison, but you're unsure how to receive him. Welcome to Feedback Friday!

    And in case you didn't already know it, Jordan Harbinger (@JordanHarbinger) and Gabriel Mizrahi (@GabeMizrahi) banter and take your comments and questions for Feedback Friday right here every week! If you want us to answer your question, register your feedback, or tell your story on one of our upcoming weekly Feedback Friday episodes, drop us a line at friday@jordanharbinger.com. Now let's dive in!

    On This Week's Feedback Friday, We Discuss:

    • We've all fantasized about offing the boss, but your friend actually did it. Now he's done his time in prison and is returning home. How do you help him rejoin society without ignoring the gravity of his crime?
    • You opened a bakery with your partner, but the building owner across the street turned your parking spaces into a dumpster area, including rotting fish from a sushi restaurant. Your attempts to resolve the issue have been unsuccessful. How can you save your business from this smelly situation?
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    • Recommendation of the Week: iPhone users should consider changing default camera settings for optimal high-res photos. Here's how — with more tips here! 
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    • Have any questions, comments, or stories you'd like to share with us? Drop us a line at friday@jordanharbinger.com!
    • Connect with Jordan on Twitter at @JordanHarbinger and Instagram at @jordanharbinger.
    • Connect with Gabriel on Twitter at @GabeMizrahi and Instagram @gabrielmizrahi.

    Full show notes and resources can be found here: jordanharbinger.com/1045

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    1044: Dan Harris | From Breaking News to Breaking Habits

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    What We Discuss:

    • Dan Harris shares his experience as a war correspondent and his struggle with anxiety and drug use that culminated in a panic attack on live television.
    • The intense and often toxic work environment in network news, particularly during Dan's early career at ABC News.
    • Dan's journey from cocaine addiction to discovering meditation and mindfulness as tools for managing stress and anxiety.
    • The concept of "Papañca" (mental proliferation) and how it contributes to unnecessary suffering through overthinking and projection.
    • Happiness is a learnable skill. Through various practices like meditation, therapy, exercise, and mindfulness, we can train our minds to be more resilient, peaceful, and content. As Dan emphasizes, we're not stuck with our current traits as if they're unalterable factory settings — they are trainable skills that we can improve upon throughout our lives.
    • And much more...

    Full show notes and resources can be found here: jordanharbinger.com/1044

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    And if you're still game to support us, please leave a review here — even one sentence helps! Consider including your Twitter handle so we can thank you personally!

    This Episode Is Brought To You By Our Fine Sponsors: jordanharbinger.com/deals

    Sign up for Six-Minute Networking — our free networking and relationship development mini course — at jordanharbinger.com/course!

    Subscribe to our once-a-week Wee Bit Wiser newsletter today and start filling your Wednesdays with wisdom!

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    1043: Andrew Gold | Unveiling the Psychology of Secrets

    1043: Andrew Gold | Unveiling the Psychology of Secrets

    Are secrets a burden or social glue? Psychology of Secrets author Andrew Gold delves into the evolutionary roots and modern impacts of hiding information.

    What We Discuss with Andrew Gold:

    • Keeping secrets can be physically and emotionally painful for humans. This evolved as a mechanism to encourage social cohesion and information sharing within tribal communities.
    • There's a difference between secrets and privacy. What is considered a secret versus private information often depends on societal norms and can change over time.
    • Technology is making it increasingly difficult to keep secrets, with devices like smartwatches and phones potentially revealing information we'd rather keep hidden.
    • Virtue signaling and victim signaling are common behaviors, especially on social media, where people may pretend to hold certain beliefs or experiences for status or attention.
    • Sharing appropriate secrets can increase intimacy and strengthen relationships. By thoughtfully opening up to others, we can build deeper connections and foster trust, leading to more meaningful interactions and a stronger support network.
    • And much more...

    Full show notes and resources can be found here: jordanharbinger.com/1043

    If you love listening to this show as much as we love making it, would you please peruse and reply to our Membership Survey here?

    And if you're still game to support us, please leave a review here — even one sentence helps! Consider including your Twitter handle so we can thank you personally!

    This Episode Is Brought To You By Our Fine Sponsors: jordanharbinger.com/deals

    Sign up for Six-Minute Networking — our free networking and relationship development mini course — at jordanharbinger.com/course!

    Subscribe to our once-a-week Wee Bit Wiser newsletter today and start filling your Wednesdays with wisdom!

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    1042: Sex Trafficking | Skeptical Sunday

    1042: Sex Trafficking | Skeptical Sunday

    Is sex trafficking really a global crisis or just an overblown conspiracy theory? Andrew Gold reveals truths and misconceptions on this Skeptical Sunday.

    Welcome to Skeptical Sunday, a special edition of The Jordan Harbinger Show where Jordan and a guest break down a topic that you may have never thought about, open things up, and debunk common misconceptions. This time around, we’re joined by On the Edge host Andrew Gold!

    On This Week's Skeptical Sunday, We Discuss:

    • Sex trafficking knows no borders, and the United States stands out as a particularly active region for this crime. It victimizes individuals regardless of age — notably, more than a fourth of those trafficked are minors.
    • The scale of sex trafficking is difficult to determine accurately, with estimates varying widely. This uncertainty stems from the underground nature of the crime and challenges in data collection.
    • Sex trafficking victims often suffer severe physical and mental health consequences, including STIs, injuries, PTSD, anxiety, depression, and substance abuse issues. The average lifespan of women in prostitution is tragically short at around 34 years.
    • The issue of sex trafficking is frequently politicized and weaponized, sometimes exaggerated for political gain. However, it remains a serious problem that ruins thousands of lives through organized crime networks and individual traffickers.
    • Education and awareness are key tools in combating sex trafficking. By learning about the issue, discussing it openly, and spreading accurate information, we can help inform potential victims about the dangers and contribute to prevention efforts. Everyone can play a role in this by staying informed and sharing knowledge with others.
    • Connect with Jordan on Twitter, Instagram, and YouTube. If you have something you'd like us to tackle here on Skeptical Sunday, drop Jordan a line at jordan@jordanharbinger.com and let him know!
    • Connect with Andrew Gold on Twitter and Instagram, and check out On the Edge with Andrew Gold here or wherever you enjoy listening to fine podcasts!

    Like this show? Please leave us a review here — even one sentence helps! Consider leaving your Twitter handle so we can thank you personally!

    Full show notes and resources can be found here: jordanharbinger.com/1042

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    1041: Groped In Your Sleep, Betrayal Runs Deep | Feedback Friday

    1041: Groped In Your Sleep, Betrayal Runs Deep | Feedback Friday

    Students you aided became assailants, and now you deal with trauma and sleepless nights. Can you ever trust or rest easy again? Welcome to Feedback Friday!

    And in case you didn't already know it, Jordan Harbinger (@JordanHarbinger) and Gabriel Mizrahi (@GabeMizrahi) banter and take your comments and questions for Feedback Friday right here every week! If you want us to answer your question, register your feedback, or tell your story on one of our upcoming weekly Feedback Friday episodes, drop us a line at friday@jordanharbinger.com. Now let's dive in!

    On This Week's Feedback Friday:

    • After a disturbing incident with two students you mentored, you're grappling with unexpected trauma and insomnia. How can you rebuild your sense of safety and trust? [Thanks to clinical psychologist Dr. Erin Margolis for helping us with this one!]
    • You've leveraged your networking skills to secure two six-figure director-level jobs simultaneously, but you're unsure about disclosing this to one employer. What's your strategy for maintaining integrity while maximizing this opportunity?
    • You've discovered that your friend's cousin's boyfriend, who isn't a licensed dentist, is running an illegal dental practice serving undocumented immigrants. Should you expose him or let him continue helping those in need?
    • In the middle of building a life together, your once-loving husband suddenly asked for a divorce, and you later discovered he was having an affair. Now you're struggling to trust again and wondering if there are any good people left. How will you heal and open yourself to love?
    • Recommendation of the Week: Flipping Out
    • You lost your sister to cancer and realized your mother is a covert narcissist who neglected your dying sibling. Now you're distanced from your family but still hurting. How will you process this grief and move forward?
    • Have any questions, comments, or stories you'd like to share with us? Drop us a line at friday@jordanharbinger.com!
    • Connect with Jordan on Twitter at @JordanHarbinger and Instagram at @jordanharbinger.
    • Connect with Gabriel on Twitter at @GabeMizrahi and Instagram @gabrielmizrahi

    Full show notes and resources can be found here: jordanharbinger.com/1041

    If you love listening to this show as much as we love making it, would you please peruse and reply to our Membership Survey here?


    1040: Tareena Shakil | An ISIS Recruit's Journey and Escape Part Two

    1040: Tareena Shakil | An ISIS Recruit's Journey and Escape Part Two

    How does ISIS radicalize Westerners? Here, Tareena Shakil, who joined and escaped the group, reveals the manipulation behind her own recruitment. [Pt. 2/2 — find part 1 here!]

    What We Discuss:

    • Tareena Shakil, a British woman, ran away to join ISIS in Syria in 2014 after experiencing domestic abuse and being radicalized online.
    • While in Syria, Tareena realized ISIS was not what she expected and decided to escape across the border to Turkey with her young son.
    • Tareena was arrested upon return to the UK and served three years in prison for joining ISIS. She was the first British woman to be imprisoned for joining the group.
    • Tareena went through a deradicalization program in prison, which she found helpful in understanding how she has been groomed and radicalized.
    • Tareena now works to raise awareness about online radicalization and grooming, showing that it's possible to learn from past mistakes and use one's experiences to prevent others from falling into similar traps. Her story demonstrates the importance of critical thinking and seeking support when feeling vulnerable.
    • And much more — be sure to tune in to part one of this conversation here!

    Full show notes and resources can be found here: jordanharbinger.com/1040

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    • Have any questions, comments, or stories you’d like to share with us? Drop us a line at friday@jordanharbinger.com!
    • Connect with Jordan on Twitter at @JordanHarbinger and Instagram at @jordanharbinger.
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