
    Podcast Summary

    • The early days of the podcast were raw and unpolishedSuccessful projects have humble beginnings and unexpected detours can lead to memorable moments

      The early days of the podcast were raw and unpolished, much like the first episode which was recorded in front of a laptop with a snow effect and no clear direction. The conversation meandered through various topics, from reminiscing about past experiences to discussing uncomfortable bodily functions. The hosts were just figuring it out as they went along, and some parts of the recording were even left on iTunes despite not being intended for public consumption. It's a reminder that even successful projects have humble beginnings and that sometimes, the most memorable moments come from the unexpected detours.

    • Friend's reluctance to acknowledge mother's sexuality due to societal pressuresSocietal norms and fear of being different can prevent individuals from acknowledging unconventional aspects of their personal lives, even when others are aware.

      Societal norms and fear of being different can prevent individuals from being open about their personal lives. This was illustrated in a conversation about a friend growing up with a lesbian mother. The friend was reluctant to come out due to societal pressures, despite everyone knowing about his mother's sexuality. The mother was described as unconventional, with big arms and wearing clothing associated with men. The friend's desire to be "normal" kept him from acknowledging his mother's sexuality for a long time. Additionally, the conversation touched upon the importance of normalizing audio in podcasting. Stitcher, a podcast platform, was discussed as a solution to this issue, as it normalizes audio levels. However, the best method for achieving this normalization was debated, with some suggesting using software post-production and others preferring live compression. The conversation also revealed the podcasts the speaker listens to, including Psychedelic Salon, which features old audio recordings, and his envy of the Adam Carolla show's setup. The speaker also shared his skepticism of certain radio shows and news sources, believing that they can be misleading and even dangerous. Overall, the conversation highlighted the importance of being true to oneself and the role of technology in enhancing the podcasting experience.

    • Leaving a High Population Area for Personal GrowthDespite the benefits of living in a large crowd, sometimes it's necessary to take risks and leave behind comfort zones to pursue personal goals and growth.

      While being in a large crowd or desirable area like Los Angeles can provide benefits such as access to fascinating people and opportunities, there may come a point when it becomes unnecessary and even limiting. The speaker expresses a desire to move to Denver to pursue a podcast and comedy scene, but acknowledges the challenges of leaving behind a high population area with a larger pool of potential romantic partners. He also reflects on how his priorities have shifted with new experiences, such as relationships, and how these shifts can impact personal goals like stand-up comedy. Ultimately, the speaker encourages a willingness to take risks and put in the effort to pursue one's passions, even if it means leaving comfort zones behind.

    • Stand-up comedy as a creative outlet and relaxationThe speaker sees stand-up comedy as a hobby, appreciating the thrill of performing but also finding joy in other activities. He encourages reassessing situations and shares a funny story, while discussing energy levels and productivity.

      The speaker views stand-up comedy as a creative outlet and a way to relax, rather than a career goal. He enjoys the experience of performing in front of large crowds, but also finds joy in other activities like painting. The speaker also emphasizes the importance of stepping back and reassessing situations in life, and shares a humorous story about forgetting to remove a condom while urinating. The conversation also touches on the topic of energy levels and productivity, with the speaker expressing feelings of laziness and a need for stimulation. However, he does not believe he has a medical condition like ADD and instead attributes his energy levels to a lack of physical activity.

    • Exploring Solutions for Boosting Energy and FocusThe speaker shares their struggles with feeling unproductive and restless, and discusses various methods they've tried, including coffee, Adderall, and a dance game, while acknowledging potential concerns and limitations of each approach.

      The speaker in this conversation expresses feeling unproductive and restless, leading them to consider various methods to boost their energy and focus. They mention trying coffee, Adderall, and even a dance game to help with these issues. However, they also express concerns about the long-term effects of some solutions, such as Adderall, and the limitations of others, like the dance game for certain types of activities. The conversation also touches on the importance of addressing underlying energy issues and considering physical activities as potential solutions. Ultimately, the speaker seems to be on a quest to find effective ways to improve their focus and productivity while minimizing potential negative side effects.

    • Virtual reality's challenge: realistic movementCreating a fully convincing virtual reality environment with realistic movement is complex. Strive for self-sufficiency and contribute to your community instead of relying on others.

      Virtual reality technology is a significant advancement in immersive experiences, but simulating natural movement in a believable way remains a challenge. The idea behind virtual reality is to provide a sense of freedom to explore and move around, but creating a fully convincing environment with realistic movement is complex. The speaker also shared his personal experiences and opinions about hippies and self-reliance. He expressed frustration with people who don't contribute to their communities and rely too heavily on others. The underlying message is that everyone should strive to be self-sufficient and contribute to their communities instead of relying on others for support. The speaker's perspective on hippies is colored by his encounters with those who he perceived as lazy and unproductive.

    • The Value of Self-Reliance and Personal ResponsibilityEmbrace self-reliance and personal responsibility for a fulfilling life. Contribute to the community and avoid relying on others. Value creativity and art, but be mindful of potential negative elements.

      Self-reliance and personal responsibility are essential for a fulfilling and productive life. The speaker expresses frustration with people who lack discipline and philosophy, and instead rely on others to take care of them. He believes that everyone should do their part and contribute to the community. The speaker also appreciates art and creativity, but expresses concern about the potential for a large gathering to attract unwanted elements. He prefers to attend events like Burning Man to experience the artistic end of things, rather than perform. Ultimately, the speaker values independence and personal growth, and encourages others to strive for the same.

    • Psychedelics and Performances Don't MixWhen under the influence of psychedelics, individuals may prefer to engage in experiences that align with their altered state, rather than attend structured shows or comedy acts, as the jokes and structured elements may stand out negatively.

      Performing a comedy act or putting on a show may not be effective or desirable when under the influence of psychedelic substances. The speaker in this conversation expresses that when on psychedelics, they would rather communicate with the "alien overlords" and engage in experiences that align with their psychedelic state, rather than attend structured shows or comedy acts. The speaker also mentions that the jokes and structured elements of a comedy show would stand out negatively when on psychedelics, and that they would prefer to hang out with like-minded individuals and go deep into their experiences. The speaker also shares an anecdote about a cannabis cup party they attended, where they became so deeply immersed in the experience that they were unable to drive home safely. Overall, the speaker values the freedom and depth of their psychedelic experiences and finds that traditional performances or shows do not align with that mindset.

    • Marijuana's effect on reality and perspectiveExcessive use of marijuana can create a detached feeling from reality, but events have a peaceful atmosphere. Marijuana can help relax and gain a new perspective, but individual reactions vary.

      Excessive use of marijuana can lead to a detached feeling from reality, where one may lose touch with the world around them. This was described as being trapped in a small room with a circular window, unable to move or interact with the world outside. Contrastingly, marijuana events are known for their friendly and peaceful atmosphere, where arguments and conflicts are rare. Another observation was about people's habits and how marijuana can help them relax and gain a fresh perspective. However, it's important to note that not everyone may react the same way to marijuana, and some may need guidance or encouragement to try it. Additionally, some individuals may face backlash or criticism for their use of marijuana, as was the case with Brian Whitaker and the podcast episode mentioned.

    • Understanding Jealousy and the Desire for Positive AttentionEmbrace individuality, focus on growth, and appreciate positive connections. Jealousy and the desire for attention are common, but recognizing and appreciating differences can lead to great personalities and successful careers.

      Jealousy and the desire for positive attention are common human emotions, even among children and adults. Joe Rogan shared his observations on how people can become jealous of others who seem to have more success or attention, and how this desire for love and acceptance drives the development of great personalities. He also emphasized the importance of recognizing and appreciating the differences between people and the unique qualities they bring to the table. In a professional context, Rogan shared how opportunities and connections can be crucial in launching a career, and how it's essential to focus on one's own work and growth rather than getting bogged down by comparisons to others. The podcast's upcoming milestone episode will feature some of Rogan's favorite guests, including Duncan, who brings an unique energy and chemistry to their conversations. Overall, Rogan's perspective highlights the importance of embracing our individuality, focusing on our own growth, and appreciating the positive energy and connections we make along the way.

    • Immerse in new experiences for personal growth and enjoymentNew experiences broaden horizons, deepen appreciation, offer personal growth, and provide enjoyment

      Experiences, whether it's through mushroom retreats, wine tastings, or cheese pairings, can broaden our horizons and deepen our appreciation for various artisanal products. Fear and judgment can hinder us from trying new things, but the knowledge and expertise of others can help us develop an acquired taste. These experiences can also provide a welcome escape from the daily grind and offer opportunities for personal growth and enjoyment. Whether it's the soothing sounds of a mushroom retreat or the beautiful scenery of a wine tasting in Northern California, immersing ourselves in new experiences can lead to a greater appreciation for the world around us.

    • Exploring California's rural areas: Ostrich farms and historic bed & breakfastsProtect yourself from the sun while enjoying California's rural areas to prevent skin cancer.

      California offers unique experiences beyond its urban areas, such as staying at historic bed and breakfasts and visiting ostrich farms. Ostriches, being the closest relatives to dinosaurs, provide a fascinating connection to prehistoric times. While enjoying these experiences, it's essential to protect yourself from the sun to prevent skin cancer. Ricky Schroeder, an outdoorsman and celebrity, learned this the hard way when he had a significant portion of his face removed due to skin cancer. So, while exploring California's rural areas, remember to apply sunscreen and stay safe.

    • Exploring taboo topics with humor and empathyThrough open-minded conversation, we can gain insights, challenge societal norms, and promote self-care and empathy.

      People's perspectives and experiences can vary greatly, even when discussing seemingly mundane or uncomfortable topics. The conversation touched on the appearance and potential dangers of mold, personal hygiene, and the normalization of certain taboo subjects in popular culture, such as pornography and anal sex. The speakers joked about these topics, but also shared personal experiences and insights, highlighting the importance of self-care and self-awareness. The discussion also raised questions about societal norms and the complexities of human behavior and motivation. Ultimately, the conversation underscored the importance of open-mindedness, empathy, and a sense of humor in navigating the complexities of life.

    • The Impact of the Internet on the Porn IndustryThe internet has made porn more accessible and decreased the value of content, making it challenging for porn stars to make substantial income and plan for the future.

      The porn industry has undergone significant changes due to the internet, leading to an increase in the number of porn stars but making it more challenging for them to make substantial income. The speaker recalls a time when porn was less accessible and more expensive, with producers making substantial profits. However, the internet changed the game, making porn readily available and decreasing the value of content. The speaker also expresses concern for the future of porn stars, as many lack a plan beyond their careers in porn. The speaker reflects on the surreal nature of porn, with women appearing enthusiastic and interested despite the men's inability to perform. The speaker questions the message being sent and wonders why the women in porn are always so eager and non-judgmental, even when the men struggle to get aroused. The speaker concludes by acknowledging the complexity of the issue and the need to consider the human aspect behind the industry.

    • Preferences for hard erections and diversity in sexual encountersPeople value hard erections for satisfying sexual experiences and are becoming more accepting of diversity in race and body types.

      People generally prefer a hard erection over a limp one during sexual encounters, as it leads to a more positive and satisfying experience for both parties involved. Additionally, there are societal and cultural factors that influence preferences and perceptions towards different races and body types in sexual contexts. These factors can lead to stereotypes and biases, but ultimately, people are becoming more open-minded and accepting of diversity as the world becomes more interconnected. The idea of a homogenous population is unlikely to last, as human history shows that interbreeding and cultural exchange have led to the creation of new and diverse populations throughout history.

    • The future of human evolution: Becoming like sci-fi aliensHuman evolution may lead us to overcome physical weaknesses, eliminate sexual reproduction, and harness unlimited energy. However, approach alien encounters with skepticism.

      The evolution of humans could potentially lead us to become more like the depictions of aliens often seen in science fiction. This evolution could involve overcoming physical weaknesses, eliminating sexual reproduction, and advancing technology to the point where we can create artificial bodies and harness unlimited energy sources. However, it's important to approach claims of alien encounters and abductions with skepticism, as some stories may be influenced by personal biases or even mental health issues. The key is to keep an open mind while also considering all possible explanations. Ultimately, the idea of humans evolving into beings like those depicted in science fiction is an intriguing concept that highlights the potential for technological and biological advancements in the future.

    • The Brain's Psychedelic DreamsDuring REM sleep, the brain produces psychedelic chemicals leading to bizarre dreams. It's important to consider natural explanations before attributing extraordinary experiences to external factors.

      Dreams, no matter how bizarre or realistic they may seem, are a natural result of the brain producing psychedelic chemicals during REM sleep. People often attribute extraordinary experiences during sleep to external factors like alien encounters or government experiments, but it's essential to consider the possibility that these experiences are a product of our own minds. The fascination with these experiences can lead individuals to question their reality and seek explanations beyond the ordinary. However, it's crucial to approach such claims with skepticism and consider alternative explanations, such as natural psychedelic experiences or pranks. Additionally, the technology available to governments and individuals today can easily explain many reported UFO sightings and encounters. It's essential to approach such claims with a critical and rational mindset, rather than jumping to conclusions based on emotions or desires for meaning.

    • From a fun project to a powerful platformStarted as a fun project, now a platform for reaching a larger audience and promoting various shows. Enjoy the freedom and control over their own show and audience.

      The podcast, which started as a fun and silly project, has evolved into a powerful platform for reaching a larger audience and promoting various shows. The speaker's past experiences with radio shows, where he was at the mercy of the DJs and their gimmicks, are no longer relevant now that they have their own radio station and fanbase. The speaker's dream of having guests on the podcast has already been surpassed, and he looks forward to interviewing Adam Curler in the coming week. Despite past experiences with difficult radio personalities, the speaker now enjoys the freedom and control they have over their own show and audience.

    • Authentic Communication and Staying True to OneselfJoe Rogan values substance and creativity over popularity, appreciates the writing process, and emphasizes staying true to oneself in communication.

      The power of communication lies not only in being liked or popular, but also in the depth and authenticity of the message being conveyed. Joe Rogan expressed his frustration with being criticized for not appearing on a local radio show years ago, emphasizing that he values substance and creativity over trying to please everyone. He also shared his appreciation for the writing of process, which allows for deeper consideration and self-expression. Rogan's conversation also touched on the importance of staying true to oneself and recognizing that the world is filled with diverse individuals, each with unique perspectives and talents. Additionally, he highlighted the challenges of crafting speeches for public figures, who often have to deliver multiple speeches daily. Overall, the audience gained insights into Rogan's thoughts on authentic communication, creativity, and the importance of staying true to oneself.

    • Leaders should write their own speeches for authentic connectionLeaders should create personal, self-written content to foster genuine connections with their audience, staying true to themselves in the process.

      Authenticity and personal connection matter, especially in leadership roles. The speaker expresses his disdain for the idea of having speeches written for leaders by others, feeling it's offensive and insincere. He believes leaders should write their own speeches and connect with their audience genuinely. The discussion also touches on the impact of technology on information dissemination and the importance of staying true to oneself, even in the face of criticism. The speaker's admiration for self-made content, like his own podcast or a seminar on a specific topic, highlights the power of sharing knowledge and expertise. The conversation also includes anecdotes about the demise of Flip video and Scott Adams' online controversy, adding context and entertainment value.

    • Speaker discusses Raoul Duke's use in 'Dunesbury' comic stripSpeaker finds 'Dunesbury' uninteresting, prefers classic comic strips and stand-up comedy for humor, and expresses concerns about excessive pornography consumption.

      The speaker found the use of Raoul Duke's character from Hunter S. Thompson's "Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas" in a comic strip called "Dunesbury" to be an interesting example of intellectual property co-opting. However, they found most of the comic strip uninteresting and compared it unfavorably to classic comic strips like "The Far Side" and "Calvin and Hobbes." The speaker also expressed frustration with poorly executed and nonsensical cartoons, preferring stand-up comedy for laughs. The conversation also touched on the ease of access to pornography today compared to the past and the potential impact of excessive pornography consumption.

    • A pivotal joke about necrophilia inspired a career in comedyEncountering deeply resonant humor can inspire personal growth and career choices, but ethical considerations must be addressed.

      The speaker's encounter with a disturbing joke about necrophilia and its connection to a comedian's act was a pivotal moment in his life, inspiring him to pursue a career in comedy. He shares this story to illustrate how humor can resonate deeply and leave a lasting impact. The speaker also expresses fascination with the topic of necrophilia and wonders about the motivations of those drawn to it, as well as the logistics of the act itself. However, he acknowledges the ethical concerns and finds the idea of disrespecting dead bodies to be deeply unsettling.

    • Exploring the Fascination with Cannibalism in MediaDiscovering the unusual connection between 'W-O-G-L-W-G-O-L' radio show's 70s countdown and cannibalism, and reflecting on the enduring appeal of 'Cannibal: The Musical' and the career transformations of actors like Jack from 'Lost'.

      Radio station W-O-G-L-W-G-O-L from Philly played an intriguing countdown show featuring diverse music from the 1970s, including songs about cannibalism like "Scooby Doo, Where Are You?" which was rumored to be about the Donner party. The discussion also touched upon the movie "Cannibal: The Musical" by Trey Parker and Matt Stone, and the strange fascination with cannibalism in history. Another topic that emerged was the transformation of actors' careers, using the example of Jack from the TV show "Lost," who went from being a hero to a junkie and a loser. The conversation ended with a reflection on the freedom of choosing what media to consume and not being tied down by it.

    • Joe Rogan's Worldwide Podcast PhenomenonJoe Rogan's podcast brings people together, thrives on fan engagement, and continues to grow despite challenges

      The Joe Rogan Podcast has evolved into a worldwide phenomenon, bringing together fans and guests from all over the world. Rogan appreciates the support of his listeners, whether it be through financial means or simply tuning in, as it allows him to continue promoting his shows and reaching a larger audience. The podcast has become its own entity, with a life of its own, and Rogan considers it one of his greatest accomplishments in his career. The positive energy and reactions from fans make it all worthwhile. Despite the challenges and unexpected twists, such as the revelation that a guest was actually a woman, the podcast continues to thrive and grow. It's not necessary for listeners to financially support the podcast, but their engagement and enthusiasm are invaluable to Rogan.

    • Exploring the Impact of Podcasts on Perspectives and Brain HealthPodcasts can positively impact perspectives and relationships. Prioritize brain health through proper nutrition, exercise, and supplements like 5HTP.

      The podcast discussed how it positively impacts people's perspectives on life and relationships. The creator expressed his happiness about the podcast's success and how it may not have existed if he hadn't returned from Colorado. They also discussed the importance of brain health and mentioned the benefits of certain nutrients for cognitive function. The creator shared his personal experiences with 5HTP and encouraged taking care of one's body through proper nutrition and exercise. He criticized those who overlook the importance of physical health and urged everyone to prioritize it. The podcast also mentioned upcoming guests, including Adam Corolla, and the creation of a new brain supplement called the Alpha Brainwave Neutropic formula.

    • A comedian's journey to better health with supplements and the struggle to quit smokingDespite recognizing the negative effects, the speaker continues to struggle with smoking addiction, but remains optimistic about making positive changes for his health.

      The speaker has found significant improvement in his health from taking 5-HTP and resveratrol supplements, but he continues to struggle with smoking despite recognizing the negative effects it has on his appearance and health. He acknowledges the addiction and the voice in the back of his head that keeps him from quitting, but also expresses a belief that it's never too late to make positive changes and heal the body, even after prolonged damage. The speaker also mentions his upcoming comedy shows and the popularity of fellow comedian Ari Shaffir.

    • Podcasting revolutionizes comedy for comedians like Ari ShafirComedians like Ari Shafir struggle to gain notoriety through traditional comedy sets and promotion, but podcasting provides a direct line to audiences and a path to building a following.

      Comedian Ari Shafir, despite his hilarious stand-up act, has yet to gain significant notoriety due to the challenges of showcasing his ruthlessly dirty humor in short comedy sets and his lack of proactive promotion through social media and a personal website. The podcasting industry, however, has provided an opportunity for comedians like Shafir to reach audiences directly and build a following, as evidenced by the success of podcasts like The Skeptic Tank on the DeathSquad Network. The speaker reflects on his own experiences, including shadowing a radio DJ as a kid and later working in the industry, and expresses gratitude for being part of the podcasting revolution.

    • The Surprising Popularity of PodcastsPodcasts have grown in popularity due to easy access to information and the ability to discover new content before others. Admiration for successful podcasts like Dig and its creator Kevin Rose contributes to their success.

      Podcasts, like Dig, have evolved significantly in popularity over the years. The speaker, who has been producing a podcast for over 100 episodes, was surprised by the large and dedicated fanbase that has formed around it. He attributes this to the ease of access to information and the ability for listeners to discover new content before others. The speaker also mentions Kevin Rose and Dig.com as sources for interesting stories and expresses his admiration for the podcast's growth and success. Despite the occasional distractions, such as phone calls, the speaker and his co-host have enjoyed the experience and look forward to continuing the podcast with upcoming guests.

    • Joe Rogan offers exclusive discount on sex toy for menJoe Rogan announces a 15% discount for his listeners on a top-rated male sex toy from the sponsor using the code 'Rogan' at joerogan.net.

      That Joe Rogan mentioned a special offer for his listeners from the flashlight sponsor. If you're interested, you can visit joerogan.net and click on the link located on the right-hand side. Use the code name "Rogan" to receive a 15% discount on the number one sex toy for men from the company. The toy is designed to provide an enjoyable experience. That's it for this episode, thank you for tuning in, and we'll be back soon. Remember, if you're in the market for this particular product, be sure to take advantage of the exclusive offer for Joe Rogan Podcast listeners. Happy exploring!

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    #710: Super Combo: Jamie Foxx and Maria Popova

    #710: Super Combo: Jamie Foxx and Maria Popova

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    Welcome to The Tim Ferriss Show, where it is my job to deconstruct world-class performers to tease out their routines, habits, et cetera that you can apply to your own life. 

    This time around, we have a very special edition with two hit interviews from the podcast’s back catalog. It features two incredible guests: Jamie Foxx and Maria Popova. 

    My goal is to introduce people to interviews they might have missed over the years and encourage them to enjoy household names but also sample lesser-known people I consider stars. You can think of this format as my personal, curated selection of the best of the last 10 years, or at least some of my favorites. 

    Jamie Foxx (@iamjamiefoxx) is an Academy Award-winning actor, a Grammy Award-winning musician, and a standup and improv comedian. He is one of the most consummate performers and entertainers that I have ever met. This conversation was voted Podcast of the Year in 2015.

    Maria Popova (@brainpicker) is the creator of The Marginalian (long ago named Brain Pickings), which is included in the Library of Congress’ permanent web archive of culturally valuable materials. The Marginalian is Maria’s one-woman labor of love—an inquiry into how to live and what it means to lead a good life. From Mark Twain to Oscar Wilde and everyone in between, Maria finds the hidden gems. She is prolific and consistent—The Marginalian was created on October 23, 2006, and it has been running strong for 17+ years. 

    What do you think of this format? Please let me know on Twitter—or X, as the cool kids say—by tagging @tferriss.

    Please enjoy!

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    For show notes and past guests on The Tim Ferriss Show, please visit tim.blog/podcast.

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    Past guests on The Tim Ferriss Show include Jerry SeinfeldHugh JackmanDr. Jane GoodallLeBron JamesKevin HartDoris Kearns GoodwinJamie FoxxMatthew McConaugheyEsther PerelElizabeth GilbertTerry CrewsSiaYuval Noah HarariMalcolm GladwellMadeleine AlbrightCheryl StrayedJim CollinsMary Karr, Maria PopovaSam HarrisMichael PhelpsBob IgerEdward NortonArnold SchwarzeneggerNeil StraussKen BurnsMaria SharapovaMarc AndreessenNeil GaimanNeil de Grasse TysonJocko WillinkDaniel EkKelly SlaterDr. Peter AttiaSeth GodinHoward MarksDr. Brené BrownEric SchmidtMichael LewisJoe GebbiaMichael PollanDr. Jordan PetersonVince VaughnBrian KoppelmanRamit SethiDax ShepardTony RobbinsJim DethmerDan HarrisRay DalioNaval RavikantVitalik ButerinElizabeth LesserAmanda PalmerKatie HaunSir Richard BransonChuck PalahniukArianna HuffingtonReid HoffmanBill BurrWhitney CummingsRick RubinDr. Vivek MurthyDarren AronofskyMargaret AtwoodMark ZuckerbergPeter ThielDr. Gabor MatéAnne LamottSarah SilvermanDr. Andrew Huberman, and many more.

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    #138 Julia Brandner über Humor und Kreativität

    #138 Julia Brandner über Humor und Kreativität

    Julia Brandner hat 34.000 Follower auf Instagram und gehört zu den wenigen Frauen in der österreichischen Comedy-Branche. Im Gespräch mit Tijen erzählt sie, woher sie die Inspiration für ihre Witze nimmt und was ihr gegen Kreativitätsflauten hilft. Sie spricht auch über Hasskommentare und wie sie damit umgeht. +++

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    Benny Blanco
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